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By Rishi Cadambe

Nightmares ghosted upon me

Filled with regrets of the past
Vivid memories of my adolescent days
Haunting his lifeless eyes

A smile like the shining shimmering sun

Unfaltering and ceaseless
Embodiment of hope
Loved as perfect

His faults were all we saw

His feeble frail body
Unable to walk
His everlasting smile

Punches filled with guilt

Kicks stuffed with regret
Torments infused envy
Smiles filled with tears

That was the last smile we saw

When he began to fly
From the chimney pipe to the sidewalk crack
The smile had finally died

Asia Leeshawn Ferguson
By Rishi Cadambe
They laughed and giggled and shoved and pushed
Playfully through the day
Their expectation of the bewitching sensation
Would come to be betrayed

Tints of red at the end of their eyes

When they saw the glowing ride
Blurs of color mixed with dreams
Would lead to his demise

The rush of wind and something more

Scream enriched with joy
But as the hat flew off fate was set
Cursed by the Helen of Troy

“Don’t worry, I won’t be long”

As he set off to retrieve the jinxed gold
And like Pandora opening the forbidden box
Red ribbons of fate began to unfold

The last sound to come from his lips

Was as he pleaded to the gods
But punishment came striking down
Upon his severed crown

Splashes of red upon the green lawn

His life was like a game
String of fate made of silk cotton
Gone but never forgotten

Ode to Fencing
By Rishi Cadambe
Past ties to present
Years of relentless training
For this one moment
This one second

The fighters shake hands

A sign of gratitude
Dating back centuries

The masks are on

All you feel is the hostility
Signs of association

The umpire raises his hands

The controller of the match
Signaling for En garde stance
The suspense begins

Heartbeat increases a tenfold

Adrenaline rushes to your head
Senses alert for the slightest motion

He turns his palms southward

The sweat starts rolling from your hair
Blurring your eyes

But yet
You’re somewhat at peace
Knowing it’ll work out

The word is called out

The word that controls the outcome of the bout

A moment’s hesitation is fatal

You both rush at each other
Maintaining stature
The weight of the sabre only making you faster

The tip of the sword

Traveling faster than a bullet
First touch wins

For the fighters

Time has stopped
Reflexes in overdrive

You feel a tap on your shoulder

They feel it too
And the umpire lifts his hand

The bout is set

The built-up tension is gone
Your mind returns to reality

All hostility towards your opponent is gone

You shake hands again
Thanking them for a good bout

Then your return

Victorious or not
And train for years longer

Extended Metaphor:
Sin of Envy
By Rishi Cadambe
It was the manifestation of all my fears
It’s harrowing gaze
Penetrated my soul
As I drunk from the poisoned chalice
I was thrust into the
Fiery depths of hell
It’s relentless torture
Altered my very being

And yet, it was somewhat alleviating

I succumbed to the soothing sensation
Letting the raging rivers of red
Flow through my lifeless veins

It took advantage of me
Foreign thoughts flooded my mind
Inconceivable words fluttered out my lips
Actions that were not my own

I was just another victim

Hopelessly lost in its seductive lies
When I finally broke free of its encompassing grasp
I looked down to my sin stained hands

I wished to never experience it again

But when it came knocking on my door
I laughed and let it in knowing
I had nothing to lose

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