Tree Horoscope

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Apple tree (12/23 - 1/1) (6/25 - 7/4)


Apple tree persons are spiritually glowing. They don't limit anyone, and naturally believe in the good
things in mankind. They love harmony. If these people grow up in the right environment, you cannot find
any other tree, that is mentally as charismatic. Todays' hectic, cool and rather material society leaves less
and less space for this lovely tree. The apple-tree-person HAS to live with that. If they are not weighed
down by that, they are the light in the dark.

The strength of the apple-tree-born lies doubtlessly in their realistic, and at the same time sensitive way.
They see contrasts as polarities, and can bring the most extreme situations in a fruitful shape with their
wealth of ideas, and their creative talents. Their soft but at the same time clear behaviour gives peace
and security to their environment. Their motto is love.

The weakness of the apple-tree-born comes to light, if their strenghts are not recognized. If these people
shouldn't find a field of action for their strenghts, they run the risk not to find an outlet for their energies.
So they shut themselves off from what is really important - LOVE! The result is, that these lovely people
ossify, languish, become sarcastic and destructive.

Apple-tree-people need a partner, who realizes their mental variety, and supports them. Then they see
their own qualities in others as something positive, and then turn into really charismatic persons. Like no
other tree sign, they turn into men or women of many talents, who can carry love out into the world in all
its facets.

Melisse, St John's wort, Mint, Marigold, Cress, Valerian, Wormwood

Physical Weak spots:

Stomach, Intestine, Eyes, Psyche, Skin

Fir tree 7/5 - 7/14

1/2 - 1/11

Fir-tree-born are having a hard time, as they are constantly fighting with themselves. They think they can
feel too much coolness and injustice in their environment. Thus they are always busy with protecting their
soft mental core. But they are pretty robust and can take much more than they would admit. Once the fir
tree has found a clear aim in life, he or she can forget about the self-protection. Then powers are set free
that turn them into a man or a woman of many talents. Their real purpose. Kindness and openness are
their mental cornerstones.

The strength of the fir tree is its everlasting encounter with the inner and outer world. They trust their
feelings and their intuition and are therefore highly sensitized for the outward. As a surface root they can
literarily hear the gras grow. They are creative people, who mostly stand a bit aside of society, and thus
reflect it pretty well by their different way of thinking. It's their ambition to understand the world. In that
they are not demanding in regards to their environment.

Fir tree weakness is their deep vulnerability. Therefore they often seem to be hard and unapproachable.
If you break through this shell deliberately or on purpose, the fir can become unpredictable. Outbursts of
rage and toughness come to the surface...and then you'd better beware. But the true core of the fir is
kindness and softness.

Fir trees would be made for love, if they wouldn't always be concerned about their hard shell. They are
certainly no easy partners, as they sometimes are unpredictable in their feelings. Once they have a
tolerant and loving partner, who is down to earth and clearly structured, they reveal their longing for love
and security and show more of their soft inner core.

Valerian, St John's wort, Wormwood, Marigold, Fennel

Physical Weak spots:

Stomach, Intestine, Psyche, Heart, Circulation, Respiratory tract

Elm 7/15 - 7/25

1/12 - 1/24


Elm-born look at the world and see the things where other people turn a blind eye to; people who need
help. Regardless of themselves they always want to help. In the worst case this can even lead to self-
abandonment. Elms should therefore go easy on their energy, and should make sure not to lose touch
with themselves. As then this pronounced characteristic would easily end in itself and therefore become
senseless. The elm can give contents only to itself (and this in times when everybody is thinking only of
him- or herself) .

The strong side of the elm is its inborn optimism and joie de vivre. They don't revel in memories, don't
wait for the future, but love and live NOW. Their openness for everything makes them popular; and their
way of not distinguishing themselves gives others the freedom of not having to play a role. To get along
with their environment, elms like to take up responsibility and they are good at it. If these qualities are
appreciated, that gives a boost to the elm, and it will sparkle with joy, humor and positive-mindedness.

Elm weakness comes to light, when their strengths are not demanded. They cannot deal with hostility
and aggressions, as these realms are alien to them. Thus their possibilities to defend themselves are
limited. And they are easily to be used by unscrupulous people, as for elms the aspect of help is very
important. When insecure, the elm can come accross as rather arrogant, as it doesn't know how to
protect itself differently.

Loved elm-people are just fantastic. In love they find the safe harbour, where they don't run the risk of
being used or run over. Loving elms just do everything for their partner, and they gain. In love all
participants gain something, and something totally great develops, you can only experience with elms
who live in the present.

Juniper, Pimpernel, Camomile, Rosemary, St John's wort

Physical Weak spots:

Blood pressure, Eyes, Glands, Heart

Cypress 7/26 - 8/4

1/25 - 2/3


Cypress-people are different. And they want to be different. They loathe everything conventional,
ordinary. They are looking for the spiritual light, love the art and the unusual. They are very awake, and
see something special in everything, and can even open the eyes of others, to show them what they had
considered something normal already. Young cypresses are enthusiastic about everything. So if their
thirst for knowledge leads them to dark paths, they should be guided back to light. Other than that, these
trees don't need any restrictions, but LIBERTY!

The strength of the cypress is their realistic intellect, which makes them discover the world. They are
searching for independence, liberty and dispute. They don't know what boredom means. They are
creative, unconventional and have a lively and refreshing nature. They are seldom alone, but mostly in an
active exchange with other people, do discuss their ideas and questions. In addition, a good sense for
their inner life makes them somewhat mysterious.

The cypress-weakness lies definately in their tendency to being different. If they don't find a suitable
medium to express themselves, this tendency can turn into compulsion. But the cypress can't cope wtih
compulsions whether from the in- nor from the outside. The result is, that cypress-people can become
ironical and extremely sarcastic. And then they don't show consideration for anything. This, combined
with the fact, that no one ever knows how to judge them, a lot of people just stay away from them.

Cypress-people have a mysterious nature, and therefore have an attracting effect on others. Their
partners should be straight, strong persons, to whom the word tolerance is not alien. Cypresses need
people with whom they can have an exchange, and who are willing to take mental and emotional steep
turns. With a cypress at your side, love and life turns into a great adventure.

St John's wort, Fennel, Melisse, Rosemary, Wormwood

Physical Weak spots:

Nerves, Glands, Heart, Back, Veins

Poplar 2/4 - 2/8

8/5 - 8/13


It's in the nature of poplar-born, to grow towards the light determinedly. And that as fast as possible. They
are practical thinkers and don't rely so much on their intuition. A fast success supports this method . But
watch out: plants which shoot up too fast have a soft and and not very strong core. Especially with young
poplar-born it might be advisable, to have a moulding and controlling effect on them.

Poplar-tree-born are determined and ambitious.They let themselves be guided by their intellect and want
to understand everything. The world is one great challenge for them, which has to be explored. They love
the truth, and always want to expose appereance; they go straight to the core of things. Due to their
quick-wittedness they gain fast successes.

Poplars have a soft core, which has to be protected. Their own world of feelings is weird to them
sometimes, as they are distracted from their initially clearly set aims by their constant mood swings.
Poplars have to learn, to accept and get to know their world of feelings. Otherwise they run the risk, not
to recognize the subtleties, and to drown in the simple view of the world of EITHER/OR.

As far as their emotional world is concerned, poplars are very distrustful. Everything has to be considered
first, as they don't take anything for granted. With their own mental insecurity, they need a strong and
reliable partner. Once they found that, they will blossom in unexpected colors and their mental fickleness
lies behing them.

Marjoram, Dill, Fern, Mandrake, Valerian, Fennel

Physical Weak spots:

Soul, Skin, Lungs, Respiratory tract, Bronchial tubes

Cedar 8/14 - 8/23

29/9 - 2/18

Cedar-people are real personalities who pursue really big aims, sometimes rather extreme. It's either one
or the other way for them. They are glaring and fantastic personalities, who are in full bloom in a warm
climate. But if they get in contact with rejection, their self-conscience goes down quickly, but they won't
show it. Cedars don't know how to steer a middle course. You are either with them or against them

The strength of the cedar is definately their extremely natural personality. They were just endowed with
that from birth. Wherever they are, they are just in the centre of attention, without having to be in the
limelight. They are pretty demanding, and usually have good taste. That's why they are often to be found
in art jobs, or at least as art connoisseurs..

Cedar-born have a tendency just to ignore others, if they are not in the centre of their field of interest.
They can't deal with criticism, as they don't even know this expression; at least as far as their own person
is concerned. If unbridled, their self-centredness is not impressive but rather off-putting.

Cedar-born are simply number one. NO DOUBT ABOUT THAT! Hence they love to get the according
admiration from their partner. As they certainly can't tolerate any rivals, a strong partner would surely be a
challenge. But they actually need a partner, who likes to be pampered.

St John's wort, Rosemary, Pimpernell, Juniper, Bay leaf, Camomile

Physical Weak spots:

Muscles, Eyes, Backbone, Heart, Circulation

Pine tree 8/24 - 9/2

2/19 - 2/29


Pine-tree-born are simply reasonable. And they are really reasonable indeed. The pine tree can support
whatever makes sense. To build castles in the air is alien to them and a waste of time. There are much
more important things in life that have to be accomplished. With all that devotion to duty and utilitarianism
they should not forget, that you have to laugh sometimes, and that you can do things which don't
necessarily make sense, but can still be fun.

The strenght of the pine tree certainly is their objectivity. They are good at organizing, they put their life
on a solid basis, and do everything, to improve this fundament. They won't be put off their practical aims
by mental acrobatics; their actions are always based on clear and sound considerations. Therefore they
are mostly blessed with great success in their job.

The weakness of the pine tree lies in its pedantry. Jumps for joy are alien to them, so their life can be
rather colorless. Everything has to be well thought out, and while they do this, life sweeps past them. And
if a quick decision has to be made, the pines cannot follow, as this takes time to be considered.

Pine-tree-people need a lot of time and courting, before they are able to let go. What's love got to do with
reason? So your partner should be of a steady nature, and with good humor and joie de vivre also show
the other sides of life to the pine tree.

Valerian, Lavender, Dill, Fennel, Marjoram

Physical Weak spots:

Weak spots: Metabolism, Gall bladder, Intestine, Heart, Ears, Eyes
Willow tree 9/3 - 9/12
3/1 - 3/10

Willow-tree-people are very close to nature; and like the tree loves the water, the person has to be in a
constant flow as well. Willows love the challenge and their way of testing their own borders. Their self-
image is connected with their border experiences. They love harmony and quite often they gain their well-
being with luxury; although they are normally rather undemanding.

The strenght of the willow tree is their easy access to their inner world. They have an unequaled sense
for security and orientation. But they can still transfer the realizations to the outer world. Their toughness,
tolerance and philantrophy makes it easy for them to have professional success.

The weakness of the willow lies in their sensivity. Even if their bark seem to be robust, a sensitive person
is hiding behind. If a willow tree doesn't find a right field of action, they tend to flee from reality. Then they
seem pessimistic and sarcastic.

Willow-tree-people are sensitive and endearing partners. They don't dominate, but also don't tolerate
dominance from others. They are longing for harmony and equality, they want unison in their feelings.
With their simple and natural authority, they are a great support to weaker partners.

Valerian, St John's wort, Melisse, Cress, Sorrel

Physical Weak spots:

Back, Soul, Respiratory tract, Immune system, Legs

Lime 9/3 - 9/12

3/1 - 3/10


Lime-people are selfless. They constantly care about others and their difficulties and affairs. They are
great to look after someone and fantastic parents. As people of this tree are so sensitive and rather give
than take, they are not so much predestined for social, but more for creative jobs. It is advisable to make
clear to them at an early age already they have have to be economical with their energy.

The strength of the lime is their sensitive and delicate character. With their open way they are good at
responding to people, and they always raise a bit of hope in others. They always believe in and arouse
the good things in people.

The weakness of the lime is its softness. They don't manage to get their way in difficult situations. They
rather flee in their own inner world. Furthermore they run the risk, to get used by less sensitive people.
Even their exact way of thinking can protect them.

Limes literally blossom in their partnership, once they've found a partner, who understands their soul with
tolerance and liberty. Never could they bear a relationship, where the other is striving for dominance.

St John's wort, Valerian, Sorrel

Physical Weak spots:

Skin, Soul, Blood, Immune system, Feet, Legs
Oak tree 3/21

Only a single day a year is dedicated to the oak. The Celtics experienced the oak as an impressive,
strong and robust nature. People like this are found very rarely. Oaks need a lot of space to thrive. And
so do the people. They love personal freedom, generosity, guiding and leading. If you take away the
freedom of an oak-born, he or she will wither, and the powers will be mislead in aggression.
People born under the sign of the oak tree distinguish themselves by an enormous energy and a strong
character. Their interest is always aimed at NOW. They normally have a strong personality, which they
don't try to hide. Oak-tree-born like to be in the centre of attention, and try to avoid mediocrity. They love
liberty, and they have great ideas and know how to realize them.

Oak-tree-born hate not to be first-rate. They always have to be number one. If pushed in the background,
their qualities like positive energy could turn into exaggerated egoism and ruthlessness. They find it
difficult to deal with criticism. Their enormous self-esteem is easily hurt.

Oak-tree-born are passionate lovers. Their partners will have difficulties, if they want to be dominant. Oak
trees want to be courted and admired. If they are provoked, they can easily have emotional outbursts.

Camomile, St John's wort, Juniper, Bay leaf, Rosemary, Pimpernel

Physical weak spots:

Eyes, Heart, Knees, Backbone, Lungs

Hazelnut tree 3/22 - 3/31

9/24 - 10/3


Hazelnut tree-born are full of energy. This energy definately needs a goal; given that, these people really
can perform miracles. No challenge is too big for them. They act courageously. But if this pioneering spirit
doesn't have an inspiring effect, then the hazelnut- tree-born misses his or her aim of life. These aims
definately have to be sounded out.

People born under the hazelnut tree are fighters. They love unknown terrain, challenge; and once they've
found their field, they will be the pioneers, the trailblazer for the NEW. That is in a spiritual, mental, and
also in a physical aspect.

The weakness of the hazelnut-tree-born are their mislead strengths. If such a strong pioneering spirit
enters swampy terrain, it will be shaken by impatience and stubbornness. This will not go unnoticed. This
mislead energy shows in a distinct egoism, combined with carelessness and ruthlessness.

Careful, if you give a hazelnut tree reason to jealousy. Besides that, they are passionate people, who
admire impressive and steady partners. But if their partner has a tendency towards mediocrity, they lose
their interest in them pretty fast.

Rosemary, Mint, Coriander, Caper, Thistle

Physical Weak spots:

Cardiovascular, Kidneys, Skin, Liver, Gall bladder
Ash tree 5/25 - 6/3
11/22 - 12/01


Liberty, independence in body, mind and soul. That is what all ash-tree-born are longing for. They are
looking for the same qualities in others. They are completely unflappable, on the contrary - they are
looking for change and challenge. If ash-tree-born are limited, or they are missing a challenge, they tend
to act gruffy and very critical. They are the ideal leaders and not very subservient.

Ash-tree-born are true discoverers. They like to be in a permanent state of progress. They have a lot of
fantasy and enjoy even the imponderabilities in life, as there is always something new to be discovered.
There behavior is always very tolerant at this. They loathe injustice and they offer a lot of space. They
discover the world via their intellect.

The weakness of the ash tree shows openly, once you try to suppress their will for liberty. Then they'll
turn into fierce fighters. Their everlasting energy and thirst for knowledge would uncontrolably look for an
outlet in case of obstacles, which could be seen as aggression and unnatural superficiality.

Partner of the ash-tree-born have to be on a level with them. The ash tree is looking for exchange with its
constant discoveries, and cannot tolerate limiting commitments. Their energy needs support and not
hindrance. Whoever plans on spending an exciting life with an ash tree should follow the rules above.

Chervil, Gentian, Ginseng, Arnica, Sage

Physical Weak spots:

Circulation, Nerves, Back, Extremities

Maple tree 4/11/ - 4/20/

10/14/ - 10/23/


Liberty and generosity are the premise for the maple-tree-born. They should be given a lot of space in
early childhood years, so they can find out about their talents by their own experience. Too many
restrictions or even bans let their search for greatness wither. Maple-tree-persons have to feel the liberty

Maple-tree-born are true individualists. Everything common, the masses, the conservative and constraint
is sheer poison to them. They face life full of optimism, and are always looking for the unknown, the
unexplored. They never experience their thoughts and their knowledge as an intellectual possibility, but
they are part of it. That makes them such a genius.

The weakness of the maple-tree-born is the reverse of their strength. With their distinct individualism they
run the risk to become lonely, if they don't manage to create a field of understanding for themselves. The
constant search can turn them into restless and nervous people, if they didn't manage to find an aim in

The eternal search for something new can turn maple trees into difficult partners. But people, who always
add new aspects to the relationship, and don't try to limit the space of the maple tree, will have an
exciting time with a lot of fun.

Rosemary, Wormwood, Fennel, Blackthorn
Physical Weak spots:
Tendons, Respiratory tract, Glands, Eyes, Soul, Bones

Walnut tree 4/21 - 4/30

10/24 - 11/11


People born under the sign of the walnut tree are soul-natures. Their orientation in the world is mostly
lead by feelings and emotions. To be stable once they are grown-up, they should be spoken to with a
clear language as a child already, when emotional matters are concerned. Every type of mental lie is
unhealthy for the young souls. Walnut-tree-born are looking for support in clear, small communities.

The need for security of the walnut-tree-born makes them perform miracles, as far as creating a home is
concerned. They always decide for the preserving and long lasting. They love everything material, that
secures their existence; furthermore they have a strong sense for beauty, harmony, art and culture.

With their overriding need for security and their liking of continuity, walnut-tree-born can easily be seen as
inflexible and stubborn. Despite their need for harmony, they can become real fighters which are hard to
judge, once you disturb their security. Things that haven't been tried and tested are easily seen as a

Faithfulness... that is the character of the walnut-tree-born. They are very emotional, passionate and
understanding, if the soul basis of both is clear and understandable. They'd do anything for the family
and their closest friends. If the need for security of the walnut tree is satisfied, mental doors of
unexpected dimensions will open to him.

Peppermint, Burr, Woodruff, Thyme

Physical Weak spots:

Mouth, Gullet, Neck, Shoulders, Nose

Chestnut tree 5/15 - 5/24



Chestnut-born are helpers in the community. They can adjust to the most different situations, and want to
have a supportive effect. Once chestnut-born have found their ideal in life, they are a source of power.
They are, however, very devote, and rather prefer to take a back seat. Young chestnut-born should be
helped with critically finding their aim in life, and with supporting their self-conscience.

Without any doubt, the strength of chestnut-tree-born is their sense for high aims, which are valuable for
the community. Once such an aim is found, it rouses an unusual vigor and determination, without losing
sight of the well-being of the community. They are so flexible at it, that they like to throw old patterns and
habits over board, to get closer to their goal.

The weakness of the chestnut tree is a result of mislead strong points. If they pursue stubbornly a certain
goal, they can come accross as missionary and uncompromising. If their attitude is minor to their aim,
and they don't look left nor right, they might miss seeing the variety in life. An unstabel chestnut can
easily become devote and negate itself .

A chestnut would never build on fleeting feelings or sole sympathy. They need deep feelings and unison
with their partner. Once the chestnut has adjusted to the partner, unexpected worlds of feelings start
glowing, and faithfulness is a sure thing. But their constant straightness makes them difficult sometimes.

Wormwood, St John's wort, Caper, Coriander

Physical Weak spots:

Circulation, Genitals, Back, Metabolism, Soul, Lymph

Birch tree 6/24


Birch-tree-born are positively thinking persons. Even an inhospitable climate cannot change that. Birch
trees can generally grow everywhere, and give their surroundings a light and bright climate. As for their
positive basic attitude even heavy strokes of faith can't throw them off their tracks. This can possibly lead
to strong annoyances by sullen others, as they cannot deal with so much light. Birch trees have to live
with that.

Birch-tree-born are not afraid of complicated and difficult jobs. They do them. They always find a solution
and a practical possibility in difficult situations. They love the light, and they don't suffer from false
modesty. They are perfectly natural, disciplined, and their inborn charme makes them pleasant company.

Birch-tree-people have difficulties with overwhelming feelings. Emotions which they cannot control are
mysterious to them. If these people shouldn't feel understood in their qualities from their environment,
they can react melancholic; and if their qualities in knowledge are not asked for or not acknowledged, the
normally sunny disposition can turn into a cynic or know-it-all.

Birch trees are family people and absolutely faithful. With their strong dependence they sometimes don't
realize, when a relationship is over, and cling to it endlessly. They have to be led carefully towards boiling
and wild feelings. They prefer faithfulness, reliability and deep affection.

Rosemary, Wormwood, Camomile, Fennel, Blackthorn

Physical Weak spots:

Bones, Skin, Circulation, Shoulders, Knees

Beech tree 12/22


Beech-tree-born are bursting with energy, self-confident and rather conservative. They are endowed with
a natural dominance from birth on. They accept people with the same strength, but have difficulties with
sensitive natures. Beech-tree-born take up a lot of space, they pay no heed to weaker persons, as they
just don't take notice of them. Their strong sense for tradition and for the conservative makes it difficult for
them to deal with changes.

Beech-tree-born are real leaders, and they are not afraid to be in a leading position. There they act to the
well-being of all, they stand in for noble goals, which they can always achieve and put through. Even
under the most difficult circumstances can they create solid fundaments, and pursue their tasks with
determination and self-conscience.

Beech-tree-people are clear and lead by their intellect. Feelings and emotions which they can't control,
are mysterious to them and they feel that they can't cope. With their distinct sense for tradition and their
fear of changes, they run the risk of becoming stubborn and to exclude the opinion of others.
Beech-tree-people are devoted and faithful when love is concerned. They admire deep affection and
perseverance. In their relationship they want to be understood without many words. In love they discover
their heart, which they normally deny so often. The partner shouldn't have a problem with the natural
dominance of the beech tree, otherwise they could feel set back.

Rosemary, Wormwood, Fennel, Marigold, Blackthorn, Camomile, Arnica

Physical Weak spots:

Psyche, Circulation, Bones, Skin

Mountain ash 4/1 - 4/10

10/4 - 10/13


Mountain-ash-born are flexible people. They can be at home at the most different places in no time, and
make the best of every situation. They always try to live in harmony with their fellow human beings, and
to keep a balance. Their early thirst for knowledge should always be satisfied. When older, they are the
diplomats and wise people, who's advice should always be welcomed.

Mountain-ash-born are valuable members for the community. They are educated, cautious and they
respect others. Their strength lies in organizing and diplomacy. They are brilliant mediators, as they
always understand both sides.

Mountain-ash-born are always concerned about their balance. Therefore they find it difficult to make fast
decisions. Their everlasting carefulness can make them incapable of acting in fast situations. If they don't
find an environment for their talents, they will become afraid of conflicts and always step in the

Mountain-ash-people are lovely, sensitive and romantic natures. They are the perfect partner, if you don't
consider their sensivity as weakness. Their striving for harmony enriches the relationship, and nobody
has to be afraid to have to take a certain position in the community.

Peppermint, Woodruff, Sorrel, Rosemary

Physical Weak spots:

Circulation, Sense of balance, Soul, Skin, Kidneys

Yew tree 11/3 - 11/11


Yew-tree-persons are the eternal seekers between the worlds. They can sense the appereance in
everything, and thereafter look for the reality. That makes them enter extraordinary worlds of thought.
This ability makes them have an unconventional way of thinking, people who enrich the community with
new and outstanding ideas. The permanent change in mentally unlimited heights can also make them
feel disorientated in difficult situations. They need a helping hand here, which shows the yew tree the
way to earth.

The strength of the yew tree is doubtlessly their creativity. Always searching for the truth, the art or the
creative work is the best medium for them, to let their environment participate in their realisations. Their
ability to think abstractly but also razor-sharp, and to develop unconventional results, makes them an
enrichment for the community.
Yew-tree-persons cannot tolerate any authority besides them. Especially no know-it-alls. Only yew trees
can think the way they do. And on the eternal quest for the sense in life and the truth, they can
experience extreme highs and lows. Up one minute, down the next. Unsteady yew trees gloss their
sensivity over with aggression and sarcasm.

Yew-tree-people need a lot of people around them with a cheerful and humorous nature. Such people
can get the yew tree out of their dark world of thoughts, and let them participate in life. If the yew tree is
the introvert world, then the partner should be from the extrovert world. That brings a balance the yew
tree needs. Then they are the most adventurous partners you can think of.

St John's wort, Melisse, Valerian, Wormwood, Cress

Physical Weak spots:

Stomach, Intestine, Sinus, Chest, Nerves, Soul

Fig tree 6/14 - 6/23

12/12 - 12/21

Fig-tree-born are very emotional persons. Just like the trees they need a mild and modest climate. A
rough environment wouldn't give them any space to develop. Especially at a young age they need a lot of
warmth and care, so they can open up mentally, and develop securities. Once they've found their centre,
they are imaginative and creative people, who can have an innovative effect on their surroundings by
their thoughts and actions.

Fig-tree-born are artists. They are sensitive, creative and have a great feeling for atmospheres, moods
and changes. They hold the ability to differ between the fine mental perceptions of imagination,
inspiration and intuition. Once these peoople have found a clear aim in life, their thinking, feeling and
wanting is in fruitful harmony.

Fig-tree-persons are very ssensitive. In the same way as they experience their emotional highs, they also
sift through the painful depths of their soul. If these people don't find a clear aim, they have a tendency
towards a spiral of suffering. And because they often are so sensitive, they show a hard shell to the
outside to protect the soft core. They can easily be seen as mentally weak and unpredictable.

Fig-tree-people need a clear and steady partner, who can participate in their mental depth, without falling
into sympathy themselves. As soon as they've found such a person, and they trust someone, there's
nothing they can't do as far as love is concerned. So creative.

Valerian, Melisse, Cress, Caraway, Lettuce, St John's wort

Physical Weak spots:

Chest, Skin, Stomach, Nerves, Soul

Grove beech 6/4 -6/13

12/2.. - 12/11

The grove beech is also called ironwood. That's because of its enormous resistance . Hornbeam-persons
are very tough and rather indestructable. And that in a mental, spiritual and physical aspect. So one
shouldn't assume that these people are unfeeling. On the contrary - they are just stable. They are
absolutely reliable; and if everyone else turns away from you - hornbeam-born are real friends when you
need them.
Grove beech-born are people of action. They act, while others are still discussing. They are realists, and
they know their limits, they act on clear principles. They aim high, but they never get lost in the clouds.
Once the hornbeam has found a clear goal, it's solid as a rock.

Grove beech-people understand the laws of nature. Their thought and action is strongly marked by that.
They live their life with self-discipline, dilligence and order. Every kind of excess is alien to them and
gives them a feeling of unease. If a grove beech is kept prisoner of its own discipline to much, they act
strongly on the weaknesses of others. They turn sullen, bad-tempered and hard.

Due to their alignment, grove beech-born have a natural dominance. They were endowed with the role of
the protector from birth on. They honor and love their partner sincerely. Their partner should have a
diplomatic talent, and be very understanding. But be careful - the rather difficult character of the
hornbeam could lead the weakened partner involuntarily into passiveness.

Touch-me-not, St John's wort, Elder, Plantain, Camomile, Cress

Physical Weak spots:

Neck, Bones, Stomach, Sinus, Knees, Muscles

Olive tree 9/23


Only a single day is dedicated to the olive tree, the day of the equinox: 23rd of September. Olive-tree-
born are agents of the happy medium. They need more time to mature, which they fill with observation
and a thirst for knowledge. But finally they seem to grasp life with all its ups and downs. So nothing can
throw them off their tracks, as life is the way it is. Olive-tree-persons permanently try to structure their life
and keep it manageable. That makes them successful most of the time.

The strength of the olive tree is their clearness and rootedness. As for their immense resistance they
won't be put off their aims. They solve the most difficult problems always for the purpose of the
community, they always see things in their entirety.

The weakness of the olive tree is its mania for criticism. If they haven't understood what tolerance means
in early years, they have a tendency towards pedantry, and as they are so down to earth, and think so
expedient, you often miss joy and humor with them.

In love olive trees are 'late developers'. They need a long time to open up. And with their natural
dominance they certainly need someone at their side, who is balanced and can take a fair bit. They are
certainly not the most sensitive people, but they don't totally shut themselves off from this field either.
Provided... they trust someone.

Fern, Dill, Marjoram, Valerian

Physical Weak spots:

Heart, Ears, Gall bladder, Metabolism, Stomach, Intestine

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