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Kim Rafael R. Liat St.

Margaret of Antioch
Community Engagement G12- HUMSS
1. The boundary of a community is not so precise
I disagree on this statement because having a not so precise boundary
of a community is like having a no community at all, Like marrying
persons from another place where there could be extended relatives
elsewhere that is the time where boundaries of a community could be
2. The community is not merely a collection of houses and people
I agree in this statement, community is not only a collection of houses
and people but it also has an private and public institution such as
family, home, work, church, government etc.who are task to provide the
needs of the people in the community.

3. Today’s society as a whole has become more accepting of gays and lesbians
I agree in this statement, as we can see in our world today, People are
genuinely more positive toward gay and lesbian people than they were
because the attitude of the people of today is truly changing we become
more caring about the feelings of others and their freedom.

4. Engaging in homosexual behavior is a sin.

I agree, because according to the bible engaging in a homosexual
behavior is a sin, Romans 1:26-28 states that homosexual desire is not
proper and it is against the will of God that men is only for women and
women is only for men. It is clear that homosexuality is against the
commandment of God and anything that is against the commandment of
God can be called as a sin
5. With the advent of the internet and e-mail, newly constructed communities and being
I am in favor of this statement because technology is the main means of
communication. Technology can connect us even if we are near of far
from each other, with this community can easily grow and reach the
needs of the people.
Activity 2

Solution: here in our community, our surroundings are very polluted and can be
harmful to children, especially the air that is contaminated with different bacteria and viruses
that can be dangerous, sometimes it is caused by human selfishness and greediness we tend to
think what is only good for our selves not knowing the consequences it can bring to our future
generation, not knowing the violent effects it may cause to the environment and in our
community, my solution to these problems in our community is to make a law that will punish
this people who commit these grave offenses that may destroy the environment and may harm
the community, and to also provide personnel that can catch these law breakers, people who have
commitment to their work because we all know that we have laws to follow but we lack on
people who will implement the law, this is why it is easy for us to break laws.

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