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The story is of a husband-wife, the husband is educated, working in an office,

but her wife is illiterate one who fails to cope with an educated family. The
husband was forced to marry her because of parental pressure and
traditional culture of his family.
( Husband named as Aman and Wife named Shruti)

Scene I: (Morning time) One day, while getting ready for

Husband: (asked his wife for breakfast) Shruti please bring my breakfast.

Wife: bring his breakfast in her hand.

Husband: (insists) Get in a tray.

Wife: (misunderstood the tray for a train that he boards to travel to office)
thinking and was searching tray in the kitchen.

Husband: (irritatingly) shows her a tray and leaved for his office.

Scene 2 (Next morning)

Husband: Give my shoes.

Wife: Brings shoes on a tray.

Husband:(gets angry) shoes should be brought by hand only.

Scene 3: (3rd day- Saturday morning, Aman was reading

newspaper in balcony)
Husband: Please bring hanger (to hang his coat).

Wife: (standing still and thinking outside the balcony)

Husband: (panics) This is hanger. (leaves)

Scene 4: Next day morning
Husband: Bring a piece of bread.

Wife: (Brings by hanging on the hanger)

(Husband’s patience collapses, he decides to call a tutor for his wife to teach
her English)

Scene 5: (same day, Evening time at 5pm)

Husband: (took the phone, calls the English tutor) hello !!!

ramnath sir, how are you?

Teacher(Ramnath): Hello, Aman. I am fine. How are you?

Aman: All of your blessing sir.

Teacher: So , how you called up?

Aman: Sir, please teach English to my wife, I will give you the fee as you say.

Teacher: Ok !! will come from tomorrow

(Husband explains her wife that your English tutor will come and teach you
from next evening sharp at 5 pm, so be ready at that time, wife nods her
head without uttering a word)

Scene 6: (Next evening, bells rings at 5pm, Shruti opens the

Teacher (Ramnath): (asks shruti to pronounce) ‘A’ for Apple.

Shruti: ‘AAA’ ‘AAA’

Teacher (Ramnath): (fade up, then also asks shruti) Say ‘B’ for Ball

Shruti: ‘BAA’ ‘BAA’

(Now Ramnath gets irritated)

Teacher: (stressed on) BB.

(Shruti gets angry and she takes it as an attack on her modesty by the teacher
by calling her ‘BB’ several times as she knows ‘BB’ means “wife” in hindi)

Shruti: (hits hard by throwing the paper on him and orders him) Go out of my

(Evening time at 8pm, husband returns from office)

Husband:So how was your class today?

Wife: (narrates what happened)

Husband: (surprised and shocked)

The play ends.

Educate Girl Child.

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