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Tuberculosis (TB)

Aetiology Pathogenesis
 Mycobacterium tuberculosis (common)  MOT: droplet (coughing, sneezing, speaking) – suspended in
- Aerobic bacterium air for few hrs
- Acid fast bacilli (AFB): high content of myocolic acis,  Reach alveoli – activate monocytes & macrophages – some
long chain cross linked fatty acid macrophages manage to kill the bacteria, some replicate in
 M. bovis – via unpasteurized milk macrophages – rupture & release the bacillary content –
reseed in lung/ spread to regional LN – extrapulmonary
High Risk Groups lesion
 Close TB contact: infant, children <5 y/o
 Immunocompromised: DM, HIV infection, end staged
renal disease, malnutrition, use of immunosuppresant
 People living in overcrowded condition
 Health care workers
Primary Pulmonary TB (common in children) Extrapulmonary TB : common affect LN, pleura, genitourinary,
 Fever, occasionally pleuritic chest pain bone, joint, meninges, peritoneum, pericardium
 Transient hilar, paratracheal lymphadenopathy – when Tuberculous Lymphadenitis / LN TB
enlarged, compress bronchi – obstruction, airway  Painless swelling LN (scrofula): in posterior cervical &
wheezing supraclavicular site  matted mass w fistulous tract
 Erythema nodosum on leg [reddish, painful, tender draining caseous material [fine needle biopsy]
 Phylctenular conjunctivitis Pleural TB
 Exudate lesion – cessation – calcification – Ghon lesion  Collection of fluid in pleural space – hypersensitivity
(small calcified nodule) response to mycobacterial Ag
 Pleural effusion (penetration of bacilli into pleural space  Pleural effusion: fever, pleuritic chest pain, dyspnea ,
from adjacent subpleural focus) dullness on percussion, absence of breathing sound

Genitourinary TB – 10-15%
 Destructive lesion in kidney - Urinary frequency, dysuria,
nocturia, hematuria, flank/ abdominal pain
 Pelvic pain, menstrual abnormalities, infertility – common
in female
 Orchitis, prostatitis

Skeletal TB – 10%
 Weight bearing joint: spine 40%, hips 13%, kness 10%
 Pott’s disease/ tuberculos spondyloitis : involve >= 2
adjacent vertebral bodies
 Adult – lower thoracic, upper lumbar vertebrae
Secondary/ Reactivation TB (adult type)  Child – upper thoracic spine
 Reactivation of distant latent TB / recent infection  Advanced: collapse of vertebral bodies – kyphosis/ gibbus
 Localized to apical & posterior segment of upper lobe
Tuberculous Meningitis/ Tuberculoma
(high oxygen tension –favor aerobic bacteria growth) –
formation of cavity – liquefied necrotic content  Common in children, HIV patient
discharged into airways – bronchogenic spread – satellite  Headache, slight mental changes, irritability, confusion,
lesion within lungs – undergo cavitation – massive altered sensorium, neck rigidity
involvement of lobes cause cesating pneumonia – some  Common at base of brain, paresis of cranial nerve (ocular
pulmonary lesion b/c fibrotic by healing – permanent nerve), involve cerebral artery produce focal ischemia –
calcification – can be seen in X ray coma, hydrocephalus, intracranial hypertension

Gastrointestinal TB – 3.5%
 Involve terminal ileum, cecum
 Abdominal pain, swelling, obstruction, hematochezia,
palpable mass
 Cough 90% : non productive, limited to morning  Pericardial TB/ Tuberculous Pericarditis
purulent sputum, w blood streaking  hemoptysis  Common in HIV patient
(erosion of b/v in wall of cavity)  Dyspnea, dull retrosternal pain, pericardial friction rub
 Diurnal/ daytime fever 80% - intermittent, low grade
 Night sweat , weight loss Miliary/ Disseminated TB
 Anorexia, general malaise, weakness  Hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, lymphadenopathy
 Pleuritic chest pain: w subpleural parenchyma lesion/  Choroidal tubercle in eye examination
pleural disease
 Dyspnea
 Rhonchi/ crackles during inspiration, esp after coughing –
fluid accumulation in alveoli
Investigations Management
Pulmonary TB  Dosage of TB drug according to body weight of patient
 Chest X ray

 Sputum smear for acid fast bacilli ZH stain – in 30 min

 Mycobacterium culture & sensitivity – 2 months
 Nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT), PCR – 2 hrs
 Tuberculin skin test (TST): for latent TB infection +ve
Extrapulmonary TB
 Chest X ray
 u/s, CT scan, MRI – if other systems involved
 Body fluids, tissue samples for C&S

** Active TB should be rule out in all HIV patient

**100% curable disease – but may cause irreversible lung
damage, heal w fibrosis ** all drug cause: nausea, vomiting, rash
** hepatitis: isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide
 Trace close contact persion : family members, friends
 (DOT) Directly Observed Therapy – monitor daily patient for
taking drugs
 Vaccine: BCG

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