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Q3 a) The possible outcome might be win-lose situation this happens when an aggressive

negotiator has no interest in being fair and therefore the other party cannot respond or needs
to compromise. Here, Myra has agreed and committed to deliver thousand widget which is
difficult for her to deliver within delivery time, for delivering 1000 pieces she would be
required to spend extra money for hiring more workers. Thus her gross margin are going to
be comparatively less, but XYZ corporation has aggressively negotiated and made Myra
to comply with their requirement. Thus this deal was a lose situation for Myra and win
situation for XYZ corporation.
Q3b) the other possible outcome could have been of win-win situation if the XYZ corporate
would have agreed upon Myra’s request of delivering only 500 units. Which have been in the
favor of both XYZ corporate and Myra.
The possible negotiation between them could have been:

XYZ Corp. : As you recognize we actually like your work with our company you'll be able
to leverage our network for sales and exposure.

Myra : I am extremely excited to be working with you.

XYZ Corp. : Excellent ! You deliver 1000 units and once they sell ,you get 30% of the net
profit less fulfillment fees.
Myra : Well right now we just have 250 units at hand, is there any way to start with 250
rather than 1000? I have one proposal; I can make it work if I could make the deliver in three
lots 250units + 500units +250units (500units after 20 days followed by 250 units after 10
days each)
XYZ Corp : Yes we can consider that only if you agree to supply 1000 units every month
after 1 months from this time. This will give you some time to increase your production from
500 to 1000 units per month.
Myra : Okay, Thank you very much for accepting my proposal. This is win-win for both of

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