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GeneralBillingQuestions| chat

CHAT ID: F14F12E5-7B5B-4BFD-8D2A-197B9A6821EC

Problem : Transfer to Sales for new internet speeds
> My Issue: Transfer to Sales for new internet speeds
Mark Angelo > Hello JIM, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Mark Angelo. Please give me one moment
to review your information.
Mark Angelo > How are you doing today?
> Not good are you from the US?
Mark Angelo > I am sorry to hear that you are not doing good.
Mark Angelo > Yes, I've been since last night, sorry I forgot and asked you, it is still morning.
> It's Okay :)
Mark Angelo > I understand that you are interested to upgrade for internet speed.
> Yes I w as told by 10 people that new speeds are coming in on March 22nd
Mark Angelo > Are you interested in Blast speed?
Mark Angelo > Oh, I see you already have Extreme speed.
> Blast! is too slow
Mark Angelo > Let me please connect you to sales for more upgrade options. Will that be okay?
> Extreme 105 is not fast enough
Mark Angelo > I can connect you to check for much faster internet.
> w hy?
> they are gonna lie to me :(
> w hich state are you from?
Mark Angelo > No, they w ill not lie to you.
Mark Angelo > I cannot disclose.
Mark Angelo > Thank you.
Mark Angelo > I w ould be happy to get you in touch w ith the department that can further help you w ith your concern.Thank you for
contacting Comcast and have a w onderful day. Please stay connected to the chat w hile I transfer you to the right department.
> Trust me It's not the first time I w as lied to by them
Mark Angelo > Please w ait, w hile the problem is escalated to another analyst
> My Issue: Transfer to Sales for new internet speeds
> so your from overseas?
Bharat > Thank you for contacting Comcast live chat support. Please allow me a moment w hile I review your chat w ith the previous
representative so that I can help you in the best possible w ay.
> Are you from the states?
Bharat > I am not getting the meaning of 'States'.
> the US
Bharat > No.
Bharat > I am from India (Delhi).
> India? like everyone from Comcast
> people from India don't know much about Comcast
Bharat > As w e are from the sales department.
Bharat > I w ill assist you w ith your concern.
Bharat > No need to w orry about it.
> No, I should w orry about it
Bharat > Jim, as I understand you are interested to upgrade your internet speed. Am I correct?
> to Extreme 205
> please don't tell me you never heard of no "205" and do I mean "105"
Bharat > Jim, I do understand your point.
Bharat > We have Extreme 105 internet speed from here.
> No you don't understand at all.
> I said 205
Bharat > And for getting Extreme 205 speed, I w ould like to suggest you to call at our toll free number at 1-800-COMCAST (1800-934-
> have you heard of Extreme 205?
Bharat > Yes.
Bharat > I heard it.
> I'm not calling that number to speak to someone w ho never heard of it or tells me i'm lying
> Add it please :)
Bharat > I really understand that.
> No you don't understand
Bharat > How ever as w e do not have the codes to add Extreme 205 from here.
> you never w ill...
> w hy not?
> please ask for the codes
> I have the bootfile for it if you need it| chat 1/2
3/22/2014| chat
Bharat > Jim, I really understand your feeling.
Bharat > How ever right now , my hands are tight to w hat's available on the system.
> Please try
> your the only one w ho know s or heard of Extreme 205
> about Extreme 250?
Bharat > I really apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.
Bharat > Extreme 250 have the dow nload speed Upto 250 Mbps.
Bharat > And w e are really not authorize to add it in your account.
Bharat > Hence Please try to understand my limitations.
> w hy not?
Bharat > I am here to assist you w ith your request.
> w hy can't you add it?
Bharat > As you are our valued customer.
Bharat > Jim, as Extreme 250 internet speed is not available in your account.
> w hy not?
Bharat > Jim, as in near future w e w ill be able to get access for adding Extreme 205.
> can you try to manually add it Bharat :)
> no not good enough I need it now
> I need either Extreme 205 or 250
Bharat > My apologies.
> I guess i'mma have to Cancel Comcast
Bharat > This is something w e can not handle from here.
> yeah you and everyone else w ho doesn't w anna either.
Bharat > How ever you can get it by calling the above number.
Bharat > If you still w ould like to remove your service then its your w ish.
Bharat > I have provided you the correct information.
> no I cannot
> I tried calling that number and you know it
> you know damn w ell they can't do anything w hen I call that number they tell me to quite lying
> Comcast has and never w ill offer anything higher then 105 so don't lie again before I hang up
Bharat > Jim, as this is not the right department to add Extreme 250 from here.
Bharat > If you need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to chat w ith us (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a w eek).
Comcast also offers great FAQ and Help forums located at to help you solve many
issues on your ow n.
Bharat > Analyst has closed chat and left the room| chat 2/2

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