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1st Day – Hostel Acomodation & meeting

Visit Tirana city Guide & some supermakets – wine shops

2nd Day – Wineries in Tirana area

- Kantina “Bardha” (district of Vora, Marikaj village)

- Kantina “Lundra” (Lunder village, near Tirana)

- Kantina ‘’Vila Shehi’’ (Gjokaj village)

- Kantina “Enol” (Preza village, district of Vora)

3rd Day – Wineries in Durres area

- Kantina “Gustavo” – (Shijak, Durres)

- Kantina Kokomani (Eminas i vogel, Gjepalaj comune)
- Kantina vila Duka (Ishem valley)
- Kantina “Skenderbeu” (Rrushbull)

4th Day – Visit city of Kruja, old Bazzar & Castle of national hero “Skenderbeg”

5th Day - Visit ascient city of Berat (UNESCO)

- Castle & Onufri church & others..

- Kantina “COBO” (Ura Vajgurore district, Berat)
- Kantina “Nurellari” (Fushe-Peshtan village)
- Kantina “LUANI” (ish-lagja ushqimore,Berat)
- Kantina “ALPETA” (Rroshnik village)

6th Day - Tirana Night city & other activities by the possibility…

Kantina Nurellari ndodhet 10 km larg qytet muze te Beratit. Ju mund te shkoni atje me
transportin publike (autobuzat Berat-Polican/Skrapar) dhe udhetimi do zgjas rreth 20 minuta.
Stacioni qe do ndaloni eshte "Fushe-Peshtan". Pasi kaloni uren e vogel te fshatit Fushe-Peshtan
(aty ndodhet dhe logua e fshatit), kthehuni menjeher ne krah te djathte dhe ndiqni rrugen e
asflatuar qe te con ne qender te fshatit Fushe-Peshtan. Aty ndodhet dhe Kantina e Veres
Nurellari. Udhetimi ne kembe zgjat rreth 10 minuta duke shijuar njekohesisht pamjet e ketij
fshati piktoresk. Per cdo informacion me te hollesishem kontaktoni numrat e telefonit.

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