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I believe that the moment a child steps foot into your classroom you are given not only a

huge opportunity, but responsibility to ensure that child’s growth over the next 8-9 months. It
is my responsibility as their teacher to not only teach them but to aide in helping them to grow
mentally, but also socially and emotionally. When a student leaves my classroom, I want them
to feel proud of their accomplishments and fully prepared to take on the next year ahead of
them with confidence.

I believe the children are the future.

As a teacher you are grooming the next generation. You could be teaching a future doctor,
scientist, artist, teacher etc. Each child has massive potential is their skill is correctly harnessed.
My job as their teacher is to be able to adapt the way I teach so that I targets all the students in
my class to learn to the best of their ability.

I believe children need hands on learning experiences to be able to learn.

The best way for a child to learn it by experience. If we are learning about weather for example,
we should be going outside to chart cloud patterns and the weather for the day. They should be
able to visually see what we are learning in order to retain the knowledge. Most people don’t
learn how to change a tire by hearing it, they need to see it. Children operate the same way.
The more hands on learning you can give them, the more successful your teaching will be.

I believe children need a safe and caring classroom.

Children should not be afraid to speak their minds or let their voice be heard. When children
feel secure in an environment they will open up to freely express themselves without
judgement. If the classroom is safe and caring children will develop a sense of caring and
respect for those around them. This creates a healthy learning environment where children will

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