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Ann. For. Res.


DOI: 10.15287/afr.2016.755

An integrated airborne laser scanning approach to

forest management and cultural heritage issues: a
case study at Porolissum, Romania
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A. Roman, T.-M. Ursu, S. Farcaş, V.-A. Lazarescu, C.H. Opreanu

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Roman A., Ursu T.-M., Farcaş S., Lazarescu V.-A., Opreanu C.H., 2017. An
integrated airborne laser scanning approach to forest management and cultural her-
itage issues: a case study at Porolissum, Romania. Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_.

Abstract. This paper explores the opportunities that arise where forest eco-
system management and cultural heritage monuments protection converge.
The case study area for our analysis was the landscape surrounding the
Moigrad-Porolissum Archaeological site. We emphasize that an Airborne
Laser Scanning (ALS or LiDAR-Light Detection and Ranging) approach to
both forest management and cultural heritage conservation is an outstanding
tool, assisting policy-makers and conservationists in decision making for
integrated planning and management of the environment. LiDAR-derived
surface models enabled a synoptic, never-seen-before view of the ancient
Roman frontiers defensive systems while also revealing the present forest
road network. The thorough and accurate road inventory data are very use-
ful for updating and modifying forest base maps and registries and also for
identifying the priority sectors for archaeological discharge. The ability to
identify and determine optimal routes for forest management and to locate
previously unmapped ancient archaeological remains aids in reducing costs
and creating operational efficiencies as well as in complying with the legis-
lation and avoiding infringements. The potential of LiDAR to demonstrate
the long-term and comprehensive human impact on wooded areas is dis-
cussed. We identified a significant historical landscape change, consisting
of a deforestation period, spanning over more than 160 years, during the
Roman Period in Dacia (106-271 AD). The transdisciplinary analysis of the
LiDAR data provides the base for combining knowledge from archaeology,
forestry and environmental history in order to achieve a thorough analysis of
the landscape changes and history. In the “nature versus culture” dichotomy,
the landscape, outfield areas and forests are primarily perceived as nature,
while in reality they are often heavily marked by human impact. LiDAR of-
fers an efficient method for broadening our knowledge regarding the charac-
ter and extent of human interaction with landscapes – forested or otherwise.
Keywords forest ecosystem management, cultural heritage manage-
ment, landscape history, land use legacy, LiDAR, ancient Roman Period.

Authors. Anamaria Roman, Tudor-Mihai Ursu (, Sorina

Fărcaş - Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca, National Institute of Re-
search and Development for Biological Sciences, 48 Republicii Street, 400015
Cluj-Napoca, Romania; Vlad-Andrei Lăzărescu, Coriolan Horaţiu Opreanu -
Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

Institute of Archaeology and History of Art Cluj-Napoca, Romanian Academy,

12-14 Kogălniceanu Street, 400084 Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Manuscript received May 5th, 2016; revised December 29, 2016; accepted March
03, 2017; online first March 10, 2017.

Introduction woodland development during different histor-

ical periods are essential for future monitoring
Knowledge of the environmental history can programs that would prevent undesirable de-
guide policy-makers and conservationists velopments in areas of high cultural heritage
in their decision making for the integrated and/or environmental importance (Birks 2005,
planning and management of the landscape, Fraterrigo 2013).
comprising both forest and cultural heritage The uncertain geographical positioning of
resources (Foster et al. 2003, Chew 2008, the ancient archaeological vestiges in forested
Chauchard et al. 2013). The World Cultural areas hinders the authorities from elaborating
and Natural Heritage (WCNH) convention es- management and preservation plans for their
tablished an international instrument protect- protection. All ancient cultural heritage re-
ing both the cultural and natural heritage of ex- mains from Romania are legally protected by
ceptional global value. The convention stated default (Anonymous 2001a, b), and complying
that “natural heritage encompasses outstand- with the law is a great challenge for both land
ing physical, biological and geological for- owners and forest enterprises due to the lack
mations, habitats of threatened species, areas of proper inventories. The main threats for
with scientific conservation or aesthetic val- the unknown archaeological remains are the
ue”, whereas “the cultural heritage comprises mechanized operations like forest thinning,
monuments, groups of buildings, or sites with timber harvest and road building (Risbøl et al.
historical, aesthetic, archaeological, scientific, 2006).
ethnological or anthropological value” (UNE- A detailed cultural remains map is a great
SCO 1972, Articles 1 and 2 of the WCNH). tool for property owners and forest manag-
Also, at national level, landscape protection ers, helping them comply with the law, while
aims to preserve the representative features it also serves historical ecology by revealing
of a landscape whose patrimony value may be previous land use and its corresponding pres-
justified by its natural configuration and/or hu- ent legacies. Identifying the long-term effects
man activity (Anonymous 2000, Anonymous of historic land use on forests helps broaden
2001a, b, Anonymous 2002). our understanding of anthropogenic distur-
Anthropogenic and natural factors act to- bances and also pinpoints the factors which
gether and continuously alter the landscape, impact forest restoration (Foster et al. 2003).
involving not only the present forest resources Mapping historical land-use for large forested
but also the cultural heritage resources (Risbøl areas has mainly been conducted using aeri-
et al. 2015). In order to disentangle past hu- al photography, historical maps, old written
man activities and their enduring effects from documents and occasionally ground truthing
present impacts, it is important to map the cul- carried out by archaeologists. Unfortunately,
tural heritage and historical land uses and aqui- historical maps are only available for the Mod-
re a comprehensive perspective (Foster et al., ern time (e.g. after 1700-1800 AD) and it was
2003). This is a difficult task especially when most often assumed that, prior to this period,
the archaeological remains are buried beneath the so-called ancient forest patches had never
the thick forest soil layer. Moreover, data on been extensively used for human settlements

Roman et al. An integrated airborne laser scanning approach ...

(e.g. ancient cities), agriculture, forestry or in- al. 2012), advancing the science of geomor-
tensive military purposes (Foster et al. 2003, phology (Sofia et al. 2014), measuring volca-
Dambrine et al. 2007, Ritter 2011). no uplift (Whelley et al. 2014), glacier decline
Since for large South-Eastern European re- and snowpack (Abermann et al. 2010), and
gions, including Romania, the historical land- providing data for topographic mapping, to
use and abandonment processes are most often name just a few. Using the LiDAR point cloud
not documented, it is not possible to directly data, one can extract specific features, such as
explore how the legacies of past land uses are dimensions of underground ancient structures
reflected within the existing patterns of the or aboveground parameters of individual trees
modern forested landscape. LiDAR technolo- (Popescu et al. 2003, Popescu 2007, Edson &
gy (Light Detection and Ranging or ALS-Air- Wing 2011, Dalponte et al. 2014), and obtain
borne Laser Scanning) can help break this ecosystem level information such as forests
time barrier. This active remote sensing meth- biomass or carbon sequestration capacity (Lef-
od allows visualizing the ground topography sky et al. 2005, Popescu 2007, García et al.
over large areas even under the forest canopy 2010, Lee et al. 2013).
and reveals the legacies of historical land use. Since LiDAR is an interdisciplinary technol-
The use of LiDAR can also help researchers ogy, it can be used to raise awareness regard-
address several issues associated with these ing the social and cultural issues during forest
legacies and their reflection in present forest harvest planning, especially in areas rich and
canopy patterns (Hightower et al. 2014). At famous for cultural heritage vestiges. Con-
the Moigrad-Porolissum Archaeological site sidering the high cost of data acquisition, the
(Sălaj County, Romania) the LiDAR-derived most effective approach is to employ the data
visualization models enabled the detection of in as many usage domains as possible. How-
79 new, subsurface archaeological structures. ever, the transdisciplinary use of LiDAR data
The functional role of these structures, estab- available from a particular area has rarely been
lished according to the extant historical data, accomplished (Harpold et al. 2015). In addi-
allowed the comprehensive interpretation of tion to ancient structures mapping, LiDAR
the ancient landscape. The synergy of these provides accurate measurements of numerous
methods supported the hypothesis that the cur- forest inventory attributes at a level of detail
rently forested area was extensively deforest- that is unavailable to traditional forestry mea-
ed, for strategic purposes, during the Roman surements (Popescu & Wynne 2004, Wulder
period (Roman et al. 2017). et al. 2008, Unger et al. 2014), facilitates for-
LiDAR scanning employs pulses of light that est road network mapping (White et al. 2010,
are sent down in swaths. After hitting a reflec- Azizi et al. 2014), and the delineation of forest
tive surface they are reflected back to the sen- creeks and streams (Wulder et al. 2008, Ro-
sor, which records the time and intensity of re- man et al. 2015). The detailed forest road net-
turn for the reflected pulses and, by employing work map provides essential information for
a georeferencing system and GPS satellites, forestry practices such as forest management,
it represents the returns as points in three-di- fire protection, transport of forest products and
mensional space. They can be classified into prevention of smuggling, but also for travel,
first returns, reflected from the tree tops, inter- recreation and education (White et al. 2010,
mediate returns, from the leaves or branches, Abdi et al. 2012).
and last returns, reflected from the ground. Ae- The Moigrad-Porolissum Archaeological
rial laser scanning has many uses: measuring site, situated in a forested landscape, served
agricultural productivity (Saeys et al. 2009), as an example for the transdisciplinary anal-
distinguishing faint archaeological evidences ysis of LiDAR data for both cultural heritage
(Bennett 2012), forestry practices (Hyyppä et protection and forest management operations.
Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

This approach also made possible to detect the Romans due to its geographical position,
the traces of ancient human impact within the being the only passing canyon connecting the
present vegetation structure and to assess hab- north-western plains with the inner Transyl-
itat quality. The primary focus of this article is vanian Plateau. As a consequence, huge mil-
to explore how cultural heritage management itary defensive works were laid out in the area
and forestry practices may be best employed (Gudea 1988).
at the landscape level using the same LiDAR Today, the remains of the Limes consist of
dataset. This case study illustrates the integra- vestiges of defense walls, ditches, forts, for-
tion of forest heritage and forest ecosystem tresses, watchtowers, civilian settlements and
management, particularly regarding the spatial fortification structures, most of them being
distribution and mapping of the present forest hidden underground and a few rebuilt (Gudea
roads and of the ancient Roman military de- 1988, 1989, Opreanu et al. 2014). Within
fensive system from Porolissum. The outcome the study area, there are two archaeological
of this article is a set of maps that would al- sites that are already enlisted and protected
low the Romanian National Forest Authorities as historical monuments (Anonymous 2000,
to achieve efficient forest management while 2001b), being representative for the Roman
also complying with the existing European and and respectively for the Dacian Period (Fig. 1c
national heritage legislation. Since many road and 1d). The forested area (tree height ≥ 3 m;
segments, particularly the newly built ones, forest cover ≥ 50 %), digitized from the aerial
are not available in national maps, mapping photography taken in 2009, covers 579.35 ha
the forest road network is a priority for for- (Fig. 1c and 1d) and is managed by a private
est managers. The main question raised was: forest district, only a small part being under
in what way can LiDAR-derived data support state ownership.
both cultural and forest resources management Many of the ancient archaeological struc-
and planning? Specifically, we explored how tures were discovered in the grass-dominated
may the underground ancient archaeological landscape. They include some military struc-
remains be conserved and protected in the con- tures: the big fort at Pomet Hill and its inner
text of harvesting the forests growing above structure, the headquarters, and granaries; but
them by designing the present forest road net- also civilian habitation: several temples, the
work. amphitheater, and a few private houses (Gudea
1989, Tamba 2008, Bajusz 2011). These early
findings revealed most of the civilian settle-
Materials and methods ment and part of the military defense system at
Porolissum. However, the nearby Roman de-
Study area fensive system of the Dacian Province, locat-
ed in an almost entirely forested area, mostly
The study area (Fig. 1) covers 10 km² and by oak, hornbeam, and beech trees (Roman et
includes the Archaeological Complex of Po- al. 2014), remained primarily unexplored by
rolissum (Mirşid, Sălaj County, Romania) archaeologists until recently (Opreanu 1998,
- 47°11′49″N, 23°08′37″E, 504 m a.s.l. (Fig. Opreanu & Lăzărescu 2012).
1b), as part of the Roman Empire Frontier for- Starting in 2011, within the research project
tification system in the Dacia Province, also PoroLIMES (Opreanu & Lăzărescu 2012), the
called The Roman Empire Limes. The climate existing topographical information from the
is warm and temperate, the annual averages open grassland was centralized and all the pre-
being a temperature of 9.2°C and 647 mm of viously known archaeological structures were
precipitation. The area surrounding Porolis- mapped. The project also scheduled large scale
sum offered numerous strategic advantages for geophysical surveys and archaeological exca-
Roman et al. An integrated airborne laser scanning approach ...

Figure 1 (a) The study site at Moigrad-Porolissum and the frontiers of the ancient Roman Dacia; (b) The
LiDAR-research area and the derived digital terrain model; (c) The topographical map of the study
area and the protected historical monuments; (d) The aerial photography of the study area and the
protected historical monuments.

vations (Opreanu & Lăzărescu 2012, Opreanu D-EBMW/C207 helicopter, for a 10 km2 area,
et al. 2013a, b) and paleoenvironmental studies assumed to include significant ancient Roman
(Grindean et al. 2014). It also included map- Limes underground structures. LiDAR flight
ping of vegetation and topographical patterns and sensor parameters are given in Table 1.
in forested areas (Opreanu et al. 2014, Roman The study area was covered with a total of 17
et al. 2014, Roman et al. 2016) and mapping flight lines, overlapping 35-50%, thus achiev-
small watersheds and wetland features from ing over 150% coverage. The raw LiDAR
beneath the forest canopy. points were first classified into ground points
and vegetation points by the LiDAR data pro-
Data and analysis vider. The first filter was automatically applied
using macros for ground point classification in
The integrated approach to forest management the commercial software package TerraScan™
and cultural heritage matters was performed (Terrasolid, Ltd.). The classification routines
by employing the same LiDAR data for the and algorithms from this package employed
mapping of archaeological remains and forest the adaptive TIN filtering method described
roads. by Axelsson (2000). The absolute vertical ac-
As part of the project PoroLIMES, LiDAR curacy, obtained by comparing LiDAR and
data were collected by ArcTron GmbH, using a ground DGPS elevation points, was evaluated
Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

to be less than 0.3 m in flat terrain, respective- els are available in the literature (White et al.
ly less than 0.5 m in steep areas. The control 2010, Bennett 2012) while general technical
procedures during the LiDAR data processing specifications of each visualization model and
did not detect any position deviation outside the specific parameters used are presented in
of the targeted accuracy range (+/- 0.5 m). the next paragraph and in Table 2.
The filtered point cloud tiles of the vegetation All visualization models were created from
canopy (DSM – Digital Surface Model) and the same DTM in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI 2011), us-
the filtered point cloud tiles of the ground to- ing the Lidar DEM Visualization Toolbox.
pography (DTM) were delivered to us as sep- Hill-shading from Multiple Directions
arate ASCII xyz files, with X (longitude), Y (HM) is the most common process used to
(latitude) and Z (elevation) coordinate values. visualize LiDAR-derived DTMs in archae-
The average point spacing density of ground ological prospection. Shaded relief models
returns was 0.40 points per square meter. A 0.5 provide familiar views of the landscape but
m resolution DTM was generated from ground linear features that align with the direction of
points by employing the Topo-to-Raster tool illumination are not easily visible, requiring
in ArcGIS 10 (ESRI 2011). The applied in- the calculation and inspection of multiple il-
terpolation method is based on the ANUDEM lumination angles. This technique employs the
method (Hutchinson 1989). All subsequent elevation model (DTM) and calculates shade
analyses for archaeological and environmental for the specified solar direction (or azimuth)
features delineation were performed using the and altitude (height above the horizon), thus
same LiDAR-derived DTM. highlighting topographic features. We used
The interpretation of the LiDAR-derived 16 solar directions, which allowed for a fine
DTM was performed with techniques proven azimuth analysis and avoided the high auto-
to be effective for identification of linear ar- correlation that appears beyond this value. We
chaeological structures (underground walls, selected a sun angle value of 35 degrees since
turf walls, and ditches) and of trails in steep small values (5, 10) are recommended for flat
forested areas. For the identification of ancient terrain and higher values (45) for steep terrain
features and forest road networks that are rele- (Zakšek 2012), while the slope of our study
vant for silvicultural planning and operational area is moderately steep.
activities we employed two of the most com- These shaded relief models work poorly in
mon and appropriate DTM visualization mod- areas of substantial micro-topographic change,
els, Hill-shading from Multiple Directions and with deep shadows obscuring micro-topogra-
Slope. The details of these visualization mod- phy regardless of illumination direction (Davis

Table 1 Parameters of the LiDAR flight and instrument used in this paper
Parameter Performance
Sensor RIEGL LMS-Q560
Laser pulse frequency 240.000 Hz
Flying altitude 600 m above ground
Beam divergence ≤ 0.2 mrad = ≤ 20 cm
Scanning angle 60° (± 30º)

Table 2 The visualization models generated from the LiDAR data

Visualization Models Abbreviation Parameters
Number of direction: 16
Hill-Shading from multiple directions HM
Sun elevation angle 35º
Slope SP The method requires no parameter.
Roman et al. An integrated airborne laser scanning approach ...

2012). a Garmin GPSMap® 60s Global Positioning

Slope (S), aspect and curvature maps are System (GPS) and used to spatially locate the
commonly used for analyzing topographic features.
data in various geographic disciplines. Slope Also, the new archaeological remains dis-
mapping generates a raster where slope values covered in the forested area after digitizing ter-
are assigned for each grid cell. These values rain models derived from LiDAR data (Oprea-
are expressed in degrees of inclination from nu et al. 2014, Roman et al. 2017) have been
the horizontal. Slope analysis within a raster subsequently integrated in a single geodata-
DTM determines the maximum rate of eleva- base in order to visually asses the overlapping
tion change between each cell and the cells in areas.
its neighborhood. Slope degrees are saved to
a new raster set and visualized as a grey-scale
image. Although common for geographical ap- Results
plications, there has been limited application
of slope for the detection of micro-topographic Forest road mapping
change relating to archaeological or forest road
features, although course resolution aspect and The LiDAR-derived layers, HM and S models
slope terrain maps are well established in the (Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b) provide adequate feature
predictive modeling of site location (Davis visibility of both underground archaeological
2012). remains and aboveground forest road net-
The LiDAR-derived forest roads were man- works.
ually digitized in ArcMap 10 (ESRI 2011) During the digitization process, the slope
through visual analysis of the same HM and grid was drawn as a stretched grayscale im-
S raster images that were used for mapping age, low slopes being symbolized in white
the ancient cultural heritage remains. The road and steep ones in black, while the HM model
feature was digitized at a map scale ranging was displayed with a 60 % transparency on the
from 1:500 to 1:800. The digitized line was slope model. Trail features were easily recog-
smoothed applying the polynomial approxima- nized in the HM model when illuminated from
tion with the exponential kernel (PAEK) meth- the side. The road edges were distinct in the
od, by using the Smooth Line tool in ArcGIS. LiDAR-derived terrain models and enabled to
Small smoothing tolerance values retain more quickly (within 7 hours) and precisely digitize
of the original detail but increase the process- the position of the road centerline. The result-
ing time (ESRI 2011). A 10 m tolerance was ing manually digitized road network, with a
found to be suitable for smoothing the angu- total length of 72.5 km, is shown in Figure 3.
lar appearance of the manually digitized road The validation of the delineated forest road
line, while preserving the spatial detail of the features was performed in the first stage by
digitized line at the selected map scale. In or- visual comparison against the most detailed
der to ascertain whether the digitized road seg- available topographical maps. In the second
ments on the LiDAR-derived layers are road stage, the exported polyline shapefile with
features, we performed a visual comparison the forest roads was uploaded to a Garmin
against the most detailed available topographi- GPS Map® 60s device and used for the
cal maps of the study area (scale 1:25000) and ground-truthing of the digitized trail segments.
against aerial photographs (pixel size: 0.5 m), The ground-inspection enabled the complete
taken in 2009. Also, in situ ground-inspection in situ geographical position validation for the
was performed in specific areas. The polyline forest trail features of different lengths and
shapefile was exported as a keyhole markup morphological shapes, and ranging in width
language (.kml) file. This file was uploaded to from 1.5 to 2.5 m. The full length of the tar-
Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

Figure 2 The LiDAR-derived DTM visualization models: (a) Hill-shading from Multiple Directions (HM);
(b) Slope.

Figure 3 Road centerline digitized from LiDAR-derived HM model displayed with a 60 % transparency
on the slope model.

Roman et al. An integrated airborne laser scanning approach ...

get features was evident in the LiDAR-derived models (HM and S) for the LiDAR-derived
terrain models with 0.5 m resolution (Fig. 2a data enabled the detection of 198 forest trail
and Fig. 2b) starting from a scale of 1: 5000. segments and mapping the spatial distribution
By comparison, only 5.47% (3.97 km total of the underground archaeological remains.
length) of the road features could be digitized By visualizing the digitized layers on the same
from the available topographical map (Military map, the spatial overlap between some road
Topographic Directorate 1957, scale 1:25000). segments and the underground ancient re-
Also, because of the forest canopy, these trails mains becomes evident (Fig. 5). This pattern
are not visible from the 0.5 m color aerial pho- was confirmed in the field, where forest trails
tography at any scale (see also Fig 1d). As il- are overlaying or intersecting key elements of
lustrated in Fig. 4, the high spatial resolution the ancient Roman defensive system. As ob-
of the LiDAR-derived models (0.5 m) offers served in Fig. 5, in the center of the LiDAR
the capability of improving and updating the survey area, on the ridges, there is an over-
digital information existing in the forest ca- lap between two forest road segments (one
dastre by increasing the number and length of heading north and the other one heading east)
road features. and the ancient fortification structures, in this
case a 4.5 km long turf wall. Also, these two
Cultural heritage management and forest main forest roads are represented on the topo-
roads graphical map surveyed in 1894, and also on
the Historical Maps of the Habsburg Empire
The complementary use of two visualization (1769-1773:, suggesting

Figure 4 The road network digitized from the topographical map and from the LiDAR-derived Models
Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

more than 300 years usage of the ancient de- that during the Roman period in Dacia (106-
fensive walls as main forest roads. Moreover, 271 AD) at Moigrad-Porolissum, there was a
even nowadays, the fortification system of the different scenery. According to historical in-
Citera Hill Fort is used as a forest road. formation the landscape was urbanized, with
By integrating the spatial distribution data more than 10000 inhabitants and intense mil-
derived from the same LiDAR (forest roads itary activity (Paki 1988, Gudea 1989, Gudea
and underground archaeological monuments), 1996, Ardevan 1998, Tamba 2008, Bajusz
forest managers and landscape planners can 2011), which thoroughly altered the initial for-
achieve more efficient landscape planning and ests. The defense walls and ditches, watchtow-
management. The transdisciplinary LiDAR ers, forts and fortifications that were built stra-
approach allows detecting potential conflict tegically on the local relief (ridges) in this area
areas and identifying priority sectors for ar- also support the idea of massive deforestation
chaeological discharge. Mapping the cultural for better visibility, early warning and defense
heritage of the forested landscape enables to against barbarian attacks.
emphasize the historical land-uses and land-
scape changes within the study area (Fig. 6).
The position of the elements belonging to the Discussions
ancient Roman defensive system unveils some
of the environmental changes determined by Ancient land use history and its legacies re-
historical human activities in the landscape of flected in cultural and forest resources man-
that time. Thus, in contrast to the present forest agement were approached by combining mod-
dominance (at least since 1700 AD), it appears ern technology such as LiDAR with historical

Figure 5 Lidar-derived overlapping features: present forest road network and the ancient Roman
cultural heritage
Roman et al. An integrated airborne laser scanning approach ...

data concerning ancient human activity and in black), the low gradient road area, repre-
the subsequent landscape changes. sented in white, was well differentiated from
HM and S models are easy to generate from the steep adjacent road cuts, displayed in black
the digital terrain models and widely used in (Rieger et al. 1999). As expected, the length
many fields including geomorphology (Tarolli of the forest roads was significantly higher
2014), archaeology (Bennett 2012) and forest- using the LiDAR extracted layers, 72.5 km
ry (White et al. 2010). In our case these two vs. only 3.96 km mapped from the available
terrain models provided good feature visibility topographical maps of the study area (Figure
of both underground archaeological remains of 4). This represents a significant update of the
earthworks (through proxies such as soil and digital data available for this layer, which is
vegetation marks) (Bennett 2012, Opreanu et essential for harvest planning, particularly in
al. 2014) and aboveground forest road net- designing the access of mechanized equipment
works (Figure 5). into forest stands (White et al. 2010, Cullotta
Topography was relatively easy to detect et al. 2014).
from the HM raster model (Figure 2a). How- The availability of highly accurate forest
ever, features were easily identified only when road maps for the study area can assist for-
illuminated from the side, a shortcoming re- est managers in reaching coherence between
ported in many other studies (Štular 2011, original plans and actual field activities. In
Tarolli et al. 2012, Tarolli 2014). Thus, road addition to harvest planning and forest stand
features were well defined on one aspect but structure inventory, road maps can also be
difficult to distinguish on others. In this case, used for fighting forest fires and smuggling.
the slope model, whose shading is indepen- Other recent studies have also reported using
dent of aspect, was a valuable supplement, high-resolution LiDAR for accurately and effi-
and helped surpass the obstacles of interpret- ciently obtaining data on road position (White
ing numerous shaded relief models generated et al. 2010, Craven & Wing 2014). Using this
from different azimuths as previously reported technology, forest managers can reduce the ne-
(White et al. 2010). Since the slope grid was cessity for field-based investigations focused
rendered as a stretched grayscale image (with on this essential parameter, the obtained data
low slopes illustrated in white and steep slopes being also useful for many other forest inven-

Figure 6 3D display of the present forested area with the ancient underground defensive structures of the
Roman Empire Frontiers from Moigrad-Porolissum
Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

tory operations (Popescu et al. 2003, Unger et decrease in the pollen spectra during a time
al. 2014). span overlapping the Roman period (Grinde-
The LiDAR-derived road data and cultural an et al. 2014). It is thus considered that, in
heritage monuments map (Figure 5) address the 2nd century AD, the Roman frontiers area
the shortages of current databases, particularly from Porolissum was an open landscape with
in woodlands, and represent a helpful tool to intense military activities and huge defensive
evaluate forest cultural and social resources in structures, in contrast to the present forest hab-
order to support landscape planning and avoid itat dominance. The buried remains of these
infringements. The critical situation of cultural structures have generated anomalies in the
remains records in forests was also reported in soil matrix and in the topography, translating
other European landscapes (Štular 2011, Bol- into human generated vegetation patterns that
landsås et al. 2012). As emphasized in other remain visible through the millennia. While
countries rich in both archaeological artifacts these vegetation marks are well documented
and forest cover, such as Norway, these re- in grasslands and crop fields (Bennett et al.
mains are exposed to the threat of destruction 2014), the detection of these anomalies in oth-
before their discovery primarily because of er LiDAR-derived models, such as the Cano-
forestry practices (Risbøl et al. 2006). py Height Model, has rarely been approached
In this paper, we emphasized the importance before (Hightower et al. 2014, Roman et al.
of the transdisciplinary approach when em- 2014). These data can be translated into maps
ploying expensive technologies with multiple of historical land-use that are frequently un-
research applications at the landscape level. available (Dambrine et al. 2007). In addition
The same LiDAR-derived data that allowed to the generation of ancient land-use maps, we
the detection and geographical positioning also need to understand how forests are influ-
of archaeological remains in previous studies enced by particular land-use legacies in order
(Opreanu & Lăzărescu 2012, Opreanu et al. to envisage the consequences of anthropogen-
2014, Roman et al. 2014, Roman et al. 2016) ic disturbances and the relevant factors in for-
were also employed to explore beneath the est ecosystem restoration (Foster et al. 2003,
forest canopy and map forest roads. An over- Risbøl et al. 2015). Moreover, understanding
lapping between the current road network, an the historical dynamics of woodlands is essen-
essential layer for harvesting plans, and the tial for future monitoring programs aiming to
spatial distribution of the ancient Roman de- prevent unwanted developments in areas that
fensive system was identified on a length of are preserved for their cultural heritage and/or
more than 4.5 km. The strategical placement of natural importance (Zerbe 2004, Birks 2005,
ancient military structures on the ridges is in- Fraterrigo 2013).
dicative of deforestation employed by the an- Besides natural processes, human activities
cient Romans for the building and usage of the have also shaped the environment throughout
defensive structures. During the Roman peri- history, leaving traces now embedded in the
od, deforestation was a common practice for landscape. Understanding and emphasizing
economic purposes like wood exploitation and these values is of vital importance for the ac-
agriculture clearings (Chew 2008). Moreover, curate perception and optimal management
besides being mandatory for defensive purpos- of the environment (Mikusiński et al. 2013).
es, the deforestation event is also supported It appears that in the target area the landscape
by paleoenvironmental studies that indicate was subject to significant historical changes,
a large scale deforestation within this region consisting of a deforestation that lasted over
(Rosch & Fischer 2000, Tanţău et al. 2003, 160 years (during the Roman period in Dacia
Tanțău et al. 2006, Feurdean 2010, Tanţǎu et 106-271 AD). After the Roman withdrawal
al. 2014). Oak, beech, and hornbeam show a from Roman Dacia in AD 271, there is no evi-
Roman et al. An integrated airborne laser scanning approach ...

dence for the existence of a political authority Conclusions

capable of maintaining and organizing such a
complex type of defensive system until the be- In this transdisciplinary study involving plant
ginning of the Middle Ages. This supports the ecologists, archaeologists and a palaeoenvi-
idea that the defensive system was no longer in ronment expert, LiDAR data analysis pro-
use at least for this timespan. The only possible vided the base for combining the knowledge
re-use of parts of this system can be presumed from archaeology, forestry and environmental
for the pathway through the Ortelec valley, a history in order to achieve a thorough analysis
point named by the medieval documents Por- of the landscape changes and to better under-
ta Messesina (9th – 11th century AD) (Sălăgean stand the interacting processes that shaped its
2006). Hence, it seems that the landscape from evolution. Since buried legacies from ancient
Porolissum had repeatedly been subject to de- settlements, although widespread, are easily
forestation, abandonment and afforestation. overlooked especially in forest ecosystems,
Forest regeneration may have begun soon they are of particular interest to conservation-
after the Roman withdrawal, in 271 AD. It is ists and land managers as well as to scientists.
considered that after a severe but short dis- We emphasized the importance of historical
turbance a hardwood forest needs one or two records and archaeology in assessing and un-
generations of trees, ca. 275-300 years, to de- derstanding the landscape and the effects of
velop old-growth forest characteristics (Tyrell long-term human activities that often shaped
& Crow 1994, Schwarz et al. 2001). For long it. Employing LiDAR remote sensing data can
lasting impacts, such as the Roman defensive support the awareness of land-use legacies and
works at Porolissum, the time needed for thor- the achievement of a historical perspective,
ough forest regeneration is likely even longer. particularly when forest management plans
Therefore, in this area, it is probable that the must be updated. We emphasized the deficien-
forest reverted back to its old-growth state cies that may exist within the national cultural
within the interval 500-1000 AD. The oldest heritage record in forests and provides a pow-
available cartographic sources that display the erful argument for using the available LiDAR
forest cover and some of the current roads are data for correcting them while also providing
the Habsburg Empire Historical Maps from essential data layers for forest stand invento-
16th century AD. ries or resource harvesting planning. Thus,
The time period since the land has been al- LiDAR becomes a more cost-effective way
lowed to return to a relatively natural condi- to acquire comprehensive and detailed infor-
tion is one of the determining factors in the mation about human land-use in prehistoric
type and extent of persisting legacies (Foster and historic times and natural resource man-
et al. 2003, Ritter 2011). In European forests, agement and thereby to support a well-orga-
agricultural legacies have been revealed to en- nized landscape management and protection.
dure for millennia after the cessation of farm- Moreover, forestry practices become compat-
ing. For instance, some native species found ible with the cultural landscape conservation
in ancient forests were not present in the herb and the systematical integration of all natu-
layer of secondary forests that established over ral resources is achievable. Our results show
previous croplands (Dambrine et al. 2007). that the LiDAR-derived data available for an
Therefore, scientific knowledge regarding his- area may be efficiently employed in the fields
torical landscape change can assist different of archaeology, forestry and landscape ecolo-
authorities, including forest services, to better gy. This approach reveals historical evidence,
understand the range of choices for action and helps to plan the future actions and to predict
the consequences of those decisions. their consequences at ecosystem level for the

Ann. For. Res. 60(1): _-_, 2017 Research article

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