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Vincent William M.


Climate Change

One of the most serious problems in the contemporary world is climate change since it causes a lot of
environmental problems and that people should be aware of this environmental change. A video was
shown about climate change and how much it destroys the environment and its main reasons and how
we can keep the environment healthy from climate change.

At the start of the video, it can be seen how much machines the couple have that is commonly found
inside our homes. Examples of these include refrigerator, toaster, dishwasher. Although they can help in
your daily life, some of them releases harmful gases like carbon dioxide since they are electric-powered
and most power plants releases carbon footprint, which is sad and concerning.

Next, after the couple leaves their home, they kept the lights on and kept the machines running. This
is one of the reasons why the natural resources quickly runs out since they are not conserving energy
and waste energy instead. This feels sad since people should be more responsible.

The next scene shows the couple in their cars among with many other cars. This shows that there is
many cars and those cars emit carbon dioxide thus resulting global warming, which is scary since if this
continues, climate change continues.

In the next scene, many environmental changes can be seen which are loss of habitat due to
deforestation, melting of ice glaciers due to global warming, rising of sea level due to melting of ice
glaciers, illegal logging, etc. This feels both very sad and scary since some of these are causes of climate
change and some are effects.

Next scene shows one of the main reasons of climate change which is carbon dioxide. It shows the
emission of carbon dioxide of different vehicles which is a very big problem. What is worse is that people
seem to still enjoy despite of the harmful smoke their vehicles are emitting. This feels very sad since the
people does not care about the harm of carbon dioxide to the environment.

After that, the video again shows the major problems in the environment including the risk of losing
fish habitats, global warming, melting of ice glaciers, rising sea level, and loss of animal habitat. It is very
sad since again, these are major causes and effects of climate change.

Last but not least scene shows things that can be done in order to decrease the intensity of climate
change such as windmills to produce wind energy, solar panels to produce solar energy, using more eco-
friendly bulbs, greenhouses, hydroelectric power plants, geothermal power plants and more, thus
making this world to an environmentally friendly place. This scene gives happy feeling since this world is
now restored to a green place.

In conclusion, everyone must be concerned about the environment which is near to be destroyed as
the video shows it and that everyone must bring back the clean and green environment just as how God
created it. Although the environment is mostly unsafe now, there is still hope in restoring it, and that is
by eco-friendly actions and discipline.

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