Constantin Mihai Filip Carpathian Mountains (Munții Carpați)

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Constantin Mihai Filip

Carpathian Mountains(Munții Carpați)

 Location + location map (and its division)

The Carpathian Mountains (Muntii Carpati) are a range of mountains with an approximation
of 1500km long, being the third longest European mountain. On the second place is Urals
with 2500km long.
The Carpathians are usually found in three major sections: Western Carpathians, Eastern
Carpathians, and the Southern Carpathians.

Map 1 showing Carpathian Mountains; cross section of the Western Carpathians

Map 2 showing main divisions of the Carpathians.
1. Outer Western Carpathians
2. Inner Western Carpathians
3. Outer Eastern Carpathians
4. Inner Eastern Carpathians
5. Southern Carpathians
6. Western Romanian Carpathians
7. Transylvanian Plateau
8. Serbian Carpathians

 Landforms

Bâlea Lake is a glacial lake, located at an altitude of 2034m, in the Fagaras mountains(2nd picture). In
2006, the first ice hotel in Eastern Europe was built near Lake Bâlea. Also, here is a waterfall, called
the Balea waterfall (1st picture)
 Geology

The relief acquired its present appearance during the Quaternary, developing on a mosaic of rocks
(crystalline shales, volcanic rocks, magmatic rocks and sedimentary rocks).
As in the Alps, the Scandinavian Mountains or the Apennines, in the Carpathians there are
numerous areas with limestone or karst reliefs, relic glacial reliefs, a structural relief.

The biggest area of these mountains are made of metamorphic rock and granite. You can find
vulcanic rocks with their rocks less than 50 mil years.

 Landscape processes
Carpathian river basins are particularly susceptible to surface erosions . Balea Lake is a glacial lake (
formed in cirque ). Balea Lake was formed from a glacier that eroded the mountains and melted.

Relief shaping in the study area (Fagarasi mountains) is controlled by the orographic and climatic
features. However, the climate of the high and middle-height mountains is the main cause that
determines the mechanism, the intensity and the spatial distribution of the shaping processes.
 Vegetation
 Population (31.090 people around the region Fagaras)
 Transport

Transfagarasan highway (6400t TNT used)

Ways to get to Fagaras mountains (example trip), starting point Bucharest

 Human activities

Trail running:


 Hazards

Hazards such as : Floods and surface runoff, Avalanches, Landslides and debris flows, water
erosion or wind erosion.

- Landslides and debrit flows: an increase in frequency of slope deformations in mountainous,

as well as in hilly areas of the Carpathians. Their occurrence and effects closely correspond
with the intensity and amount of rainfall, especially in the flysch areas of the Outer

- Water erosion: Soil erosion represent significant for the land use and socio-economic

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