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Name: Jawad Abou Seif

Student Number: 19059394

Math Lesson Plan Analysis and Revision

102086 Designing Teaching & Learning

Assignment 2: QT Analysis Template

1 Intellectual quality
1.1 Deep knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Teacher reminded the students of the topic and linked it to their prior knowledge.
–5 -Teacher identified significant concepts in the syllabus.
-Teacher explained the functions related to the parabolic graphs, and introduced the
Concepts using interactive info graphs.

1.2 Deep understanding

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Students asked a lot of ‘what if’ questions, which highlights a deeper understanding of the
–5 lesson by exploring new ideas and concepts. The provided technological tool facilitated the
answering of the students questions.

1.3 Problematic knowledge

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -All knowledge presented in maths is and should be a fact, as maths only deals with factual
–5 information and is not related to social constructs.

1.4 Higher-order thinking

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -The online activity provided a chance for the students to try different values of the
–5 parameter ‘a’, however it did not give the students a chance to construct their own graphs or
to explore other popular and real life examples of parabolic graphs.

1.5 Metalanguage
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -The use of metalanguage in a Maths lesson is inevitable and necessary to identify and
–5 explain mathematical concepts. The teacher’s use of the words parabolic, functions, axis,
linear relations, non-linear relations, and equations is some of the metalanguage used in this
lesson plan.

1.6 Substantive communication

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -There is little time for substantive communication as explaining the concepts and the group
–5 work takes a lot of the lesson plan time.

Quality learning environment

2.1 Explicit quality criteria
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Detailed criteria and learning intention is explained at the beginning of the lesson and
–5 consolidated at the end of it, but there were no evidence that students are using the criteria
to examine the quality of their work.

2.2 Engagement
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -The students were highly engaged in the classroom and noted by the teacher in the video,
–5 by asking a lot of ‘what if’ questions.

2.3 High expectations

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Teacher expected students to understand the relationship between the variables after
–5 explaining of the concepts, which is one of the outcomes of the lesson.

2.4 Social support

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Teacher encouraged the students to answer and engage, by using supportive behaviour
–5 when students answer a certain question, and by the comment the teacher made in the video
that students are highly engaged in the classroom.

2.5 Students’ self-regulation

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Throughout the lesson, the teacher did not need to devote any time to discipline any
–5 student and the lesson proceeded without interruptions. Also, the online activity was
adequate and interactive which helped keep the students engaged in learning.

2.6 Student direction

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -The only student direction task was the group work on the online activity, otherwise the
–5 rest of the lesson plan is mostly direct instructions of what to do and how much time being
spent on doing it.

3 Significance
3.1 Background knowledge
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Since this is a stage 6 Maths lesson, it is expected that students has background knowledge
–5 of graphs, functions, linear equations, in order to be able to understand quadratic functions
and parabolic functions, and the teacher did remind the students of the topic they are about
to explore and linked it to their background knowledge. However, the background
knowledge of the student is unlikely to be an out-of-school knowledge regarding this
specific topic in maths.

3.2 Cultural knowledge

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -Students were highly engaged during the lesson and in the group activity which suggests
–5 that everyone was treated equally, whatever their background culture is.

3.3 Knowledge integration

1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -The teacher showed multiple integrations of knowledge, such as when he showed an
–5 example of how to obtain an equation of a straight line from a parabolic function, and
showed how the solution of a quadratic equation is represented in parabolic graphs.

3.4 Inclusivity
1–2–3–4 -Teacher mentioned in the video that all students are highly engaged in the classroom which
–5 allow the assumption of inclusivity of all students. The group activity provided the students
with an opportunity to examine the concepts on inclusion and exclusion themselves.

3.5 Connectedness
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 -There is no mention of how and what are the parabolic graphs used for in real life.
3.6 Narrative
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 - There is no use of narrative throughout the class, which is expected when you are
–5 explaining a mathematical concept.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

Identify the four NSW QT model elements you are targeting for improvement.

QT model
1) High Expectations. 2) Higher order thinking.
3) Student direction. 4) Connectedness.

Topic area: Using ICT in Maths

Stage of Learner: 6

Syllabus Pages: Maths Advanced

Date: N/A

Location Booked: N/A

Lesson Number: N/A
Time: 60 minutes

Total Number of students

Printing/preparation N/A

Students learn about
Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes
MA 11-8 uses appropriate technology to investigate, organize, model and interpret information in a range of contexts

Lesson assessment :

-Informal formative assessment,

-Presenting outcomes of the group work.
-Group exercise to assess the ability of students to understand different ways to solve quadratic equations.
Usage of words such as equation, axis, linear relationship, non-linear relationship, and parabola, are examples of
metalanguage used in this lesson.
Students are able to identify the axis of graph and is able to plot points on the graph.
Students are able to join in the discussion activity and justify graphs of non-linear relationship.
Through the online activity, students are able to change the value of ‘a’ in the equation to see the changes that happen to
the graph.

Life Skills outcomes

Interact with technology and integrate it to solve problems


Ability to use technology to help in understanding and solving Mathematical problems.

Ability to use technology in general.

Subject specific concepts: Parabolic graphs and functions.

Discipline specific skills: Ability to understand what is a function and how to represent it in a
Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge
as something that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order thinking and to communicate substantively about what
they are learning.
1.1 Deep knowledge
1.2 Deep understanding
1.3 Problematic knowledge
1.4 Higher-order thinking
1.5 Metalanguage
1.6 Substantive communication
Quality Learning Environment
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such
pedagogy sets high and explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students and among students.
2.1 Explicit quality criteria
2.2 Engagement
2.3 High Expectations
2.4 Social Support
2.5 Students’ self-regulation
2.6 Student direction
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’
prior knowledge and identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all cultural perspective.
3.1 Background knowledge
3.2 Cultural knowledge
3.3 Knowledge integration
3.4 Inclusivity
3.5 Connectedness
3.6 Narrative

How the quality teaching elements you have identified are achieved within the lesson.
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
High Expectation of students to be able to understand the relation between the variables in a
Expectations quadratic equation and to be able to solve different problems using these relations.
Higher order Using ICT, provide the students with an activity (like a mini game) where they are able to
thinking change variable in the quadratic equation to observe the changes to the graph immediately,
which prompts the students to think about different situation and to ask a lot of ‘what if’
questions and be able to answer them immediately .
Connectednes Proved a real life exercise such as shooting a cannon and observing its curve and answer
s different questions such as what is the highest point of the projectile.
Student Present the students with multiple real life examples and let them choose which one they
direction would like to work on, and give them the time they need to finish it. Doing that, provide
students with a choice to choose an activity and to choose how much they need to finish it.
Tim Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
e T/S
5  Settle students into the classroom Teacher: direct Teacher
 Mark the roll instruction
 Success criteria and learning intention explained
 Group students according to levels Student: follow

Resources: None
10 Direct Instructions: Teacher: Giving Teacher
 Welcome students and remind them of the topic instructions and
 Brief overview of ICT tools in Maths explanations.
 Ask questions in order to link the subject to the students’
background knowledge Student: Taking
 Present an example of a parabolic graph Notes.
 Using the example, introduce and define what is a parabola and
introduce and relate the quadratic equations to the parabola Resources: Assigned
 Use ICT tools (interactive infographic) to plot graphs. Textbook.
15 Group Work: Teacher: supervising Student
 At the end of the explanation, ask students to visit this website : Student: working in
parabola.php, groups
 Students will review the relations between the graph and the
equation by trying different values of the coefficients and see the Resources: the
effects on the graph website.
30 Discussion: Teacher: answering Teacher
 Teacher ask questions and discuss the answers with the students and asking questions and
Student: same as the

Resources: the
35 Group activity: Teacher: supervising Students
 Present multiple real life examples for the Students to choose from,
I will suppose that they chose this one, (all the examples will yield Student: working in
the same results). So students will visit this website: groups Resources: the
equation-graph.html website
 This is an example of a real life problems solved with quadratic
equations, and by varying the coefficients students will see the
relation between the equation and the graph
45 Peer sharing and questioning: Teacher: discussing Teacher
 Students will peer share and discuss ‘what if’ questions and
 Collaborate on proposed solutions to address maths problems Student: discussing Students
 Teacher leads a discussion to summarise and clarify any
misunderstandings, Resources: all of the
above mentioned
Direct instruction: Teacher: Instructing Teacher
 Teacher consolidation of the learning and success criteria
55 Student: Taking

Resources: all the

Class dismissed. Teacher:


What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this lesson?
I have learned that in order to explain a mathematics lesson the first thing you need
is to have deep knowledge about what you are going to explain. Also, the ability to use
technology will move up the pace of the lesson delivery to the students and will help the
students understand mathematical problems with ease. Moreover, I deduced that it is vital
to have a well-established lesson plan so I don’t lose track of what the lesson Is about and
to minimise the time spent on non-related things in order to maximise the students’
learning experience. However, designing this lesson plan has helped me realise the
potential I have and made me more confident about teaching one of the most essential
subjects students will learn.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

MA11-8 uses Informal questioning of students understanding as the
appropriate lesson progresses.
technology to
investigate, organize, Assessing the group work results.
model and interpret
information in a
range of contexts.

Other considerations
Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with the

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

2.1 content Ability to understand what is a quadratic equation and how to define
and teaching it, and the relation between the parabolic graphs and the quadratic
strategies of equations
the teaching
2.2 Content Defining quadratic equations and relating them to students’ previous
selection and knowledge (equation of a line for example) and sticking to the basics
organisation of the quadratic equations and not diving into the complex solutions
(complex numbers) as it requires a higher level of maths.
2.3 Curriculum, Ability to assess students’ understanding of the subject informally as
assessment the lesson progresses, and reviewing the group work of the students
and reporting in a professional way, according to the curriculum requirements.

2.6 Using ICT tools in delivering the lesson (Interactive infographics)

Information Group work using ICT tools in certain websites.
3.1 Establish Understand the relations between quadratic equations and their
Challenging graphs and the real life applications of quadratic equations
Learning Goals
3.2 Plan, Building the lesson plan on the previous knowledge of the students
Structure and and their level in maths to deliver a simple and interactive maths
sequence lesson introducing the quadratic equations.
3.3 Use Working on an example to better demonstrate and define the
teaching quadratic equations, and using a real life example to excite and
strategies enhance students’ understanding of the quadratic equations.
3.4 Select and The use of two websites (more than one website for the students to
use resources choose from in the case of the real life example) to further the
students’ understanding.
3.5 Use Giving the students two group work activities, discussing their findings
effective and questions, and leading class discussion and answering students’
classroom questions
4.1 Support Answering students’ questions while in the class discussion.
4.2 manage Managing the two group activities given to the students.
4.5 use ICT The two websites given to the students are reviewed and checked
safely, before giving them to students
and ethically
5.1 Assess Using informal assessing throughout the lesson and reviewing the
student group work results
5.2 Provide Answering students’ question in the class discussion
feedback to
students on
their learning

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated in this
lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS policy- Outline
the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?
As this is a maths lesson plan, it is highly unlikely that any risk issues will arise.
However, since we will be using ICT tools in the lesson, the main issue might be
the misuse of the technology, and in order to minimise that, the group activities
are separated by a 5 min discussion and the teacher will be regularly checking up
on the students and answering their questions.


In this revised and modified lesson plan I focus on four major modifications in order
to make the lesson plan more effective.
Starting with High Expectations, which is one of the basics of the quality learning
environment, it has been proven over the last few decades that teachers expectations
about their students’ learnings and achievements is a determining factor in how students
actually develop (Marjolijn & Marja van den, 2012), I found that the teacher in his original
lesson plan did not set satisfying high expectations of his students, as he only expected his
students to be able to figure out a relation between the quadratic equations and the
parabolic graphs. However, in my lesson plan, students are expected to not only
understand this relation but to use the relation to find different ways to answer questions
related to quadratic equations and parabolas. By setting this high expectation, the teacher
will be encouraged to as hi/her students more challenging questions, thus creating a
learning environment that contributes to the students’ academic development. Also, the
students will be motivated to ask more questions and to try more in the group activities.
This will give the students a clear view of what they are supposed to do in class and to
approach maths with confidence. Off course, setting these high expectations will require
the teacher to have deep knowledge of the subject he/she is teaching, as deep knowledge
is connected knowledge, enabling flexible thinking and problem-solving or doing of
mathematics (Adler et al., 2013). Which bring us to the second major modification which is
prompting Higher-Order Thinking.
By setting high expectations, students will start asking more questions, which in turn
will allow for more explanation for the concept being studied. Crocco et al. (2016)
concluded that their study offers tentative support to suggest that GBL is most effective
when used to foster higher-order thinking, such as application, analysis, and evaluation, and
by providing students with more than one example of quadratic equations and parabolas
using ICT tools as mini games, in which they can change the parameters of the quadratic
equation and see the results immediately, it will give the students an opportunity to view
the concept in different situations and they will be able to answer all their ‘what if’
questions immediately. Also, this will allow students to manipulate the information and the
ideas in different ways and will help students to combine the facts and the ideas to
generalise, explain and arrive at some conclusions.
Classen (2002) mentioned that one of the most important challenges a teacher can
face is to make the material he/she is teaching meaningful and relevant to students, which
brings us to the third major modification of the lesson plan. It is a difficult task when
teaching maths, since it is not always easy to show the relevance or practical application of
the math being taught. However, in this case (teaching quadratic functions and parabolas) it
is quite easy to connect it to real life examples. The second group activity given to the
students is an example of a real life event being addressed using quadratic equations.
Moreover, there is growing evidence in the literature that a high school curriculum that
included rich applied problem situations, students scored somewhat better than
comparison students on algebraic procedures and significantly better on con conceptual
and problem-solving tasks.
I noticed in the original lesson plan that there the lesson did not allow any student
direction, as the teacher was leading the discussions, and instructing the students directly
most of the time, even with the group activity he gave the students were following
instructions on what to do most of the time. Students did not have any other choice
regarding the activity or the time spent on the group activity. It has been found that a larger
difference in the higher Cognitive Level skills such as verify, justify, develop, and formulate
when more time was devoted to student Exploration
When teachers give students an opportunity to Explore the concepts prior to an
Explanation, no matter whether the teacher or the students provide the Explanation, the
students think more deeply about the content. So in order to make the lesson more student
direct, multiple choices of the real life example were presented to students to choose from,
giving them the opportunity to relate what they have learned to what excites them.

References (In APA)

-Adler, J., Hossain, S., Stevenson, M. et al. Mathematics for teaching and deep subject
knowledge: voices of Mathematics Enhancement Course students in England. J Math
Teacher Educ 17, 129–148 (2014).

-Crocco, F., Offenholley, K., & Hernandez, C. (2016). A Proof-of-Concept Study of Game-
Based Learning in Higher Education. Simulation & Gaming, 47(4), 403–422.

-Marshall, J., & Horton, R. (2011). The Relationship of Teacher-Facilitated, Inquiry-Based

Instruction to Student Higher-Order Thinking. School Science and Mathematics, 111(3), 93-

-Marjolijn Peltenburg & Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (2012) Teacher perceptions of the

mathematical potential of students in special education in the Netherlands, European
Journal of Special Needs Education, 27:3, 391-407, DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2012.701063

- Classen, M. (2002). Applying math to real life. School Libraries in Canada, 22(1), 30.

Retrieved from

-Part One: Connecting Mathematics with Work and Life." National Research Council.
1998. High School Mathematics at Work: Essays and Examples for the Education of All
Students. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/5777.
Resources Attached:
 The textbook assigned to the class.

URL web link to my learning portfolio:

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