Konversi Decimal To Degree-Minute-Second (DMS)

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Konversi Decimal to Degree-Minute-Second (DMS)

Latitude (Lintang) Longitude (Bujur)

Site Name Degree Minute Second Degree
Position (S/N)
(Derajat) (Menit) (Detik) (Derajat)
Asal 8 11 16 S 114
8 21 14.52 S 115
6 57 37.44 S 108

Konversi Degree-Minute-Second (DMS) to

Lat Lon Latitude

Dec Dec DD
-8.18778 114.931667 8
-8.35403 115.222672 8
-6.9604 108.2101 6
-6.95118 108.21314 6
Longitude (Bujur) Latitude Longitude
Minute Second Position
Decimal Decimal
(Menit) (Detik) (E/W)
55 54 E -8.187778 114.931667
13 21.62 E -8.354033 115.222672
12 36.36 E -6.9604 108.2101
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0

Latitude Longitude
MM SS Position DD MM SS Position
11 16.00 S 114 55 54.00 E
21 14.52 S 115 13 21.62 E
57 37.44 S 108 12 36.36 E
57 4.25 S 108 12 47.30 E
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W
0 0.00 N 0 0 0.00 W

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