2015 Legal Ethics and Judicial Ethics

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It is recommended that you should cover the

suggested answers then try to answer the questions. This

method would force you to recall the applicable law and
jurisprudence. Then compare your answer with the
suggested answers.
DO NOT MEMORIZE the suggested answers. Some
“DOMONDON’s CUT AND PASTE of the answers were purposely made to be lengthy in order
to serve as explanatory devices. This is so because you do
The BAR STAR NOTES” not have time anymore to refer back to your review
materials. If you still could not understand the concepts after
LEGAL AND JUDICIAL ETHICS reading these Notes, then refer to 90 Years of the Bar and
Beyond in Legal & Judicial Ethics (2015 ed.) by Prof.
VER. 2015.10.31
copyrighted 2015 Abelardo T. Domondon.

To facilitate the review the Notes are arranged in

Prepared by Prof. Abelardo T. Domondon1
accordance with coverage of the Bar Examination on Legal
and Judicial Ethics. The subjects that are in bold face and
How to use the Notes: These Notes in the form of underlined are the coverage of the Bar Examination. The
textual materials and representative review questions were actual bar questions may not be so arranged.
specially prepared by Prof. Domondon for the exclusive
use of Bar Candidates who attended his 2015 lectures These Notes are only indicative of the areas from
on Legal and Judicial Ethics, conducted by the University where Bar questions may be sourced. The questions shown
of the Philippines Law Center, and others he has personally in these Notes may or may not be as exactly worded in the
authorized. actual Bar questions.

The purpose of these Notes is to test the candidate’s The reader is advised to take note of the areas
ability to answer hypothetical Bar questions, that may be marked with BAR.
similar to previous Bar questions or which may be based on
the doctrines enunciated in selected cases decided by the If pressed for time, the reader should read only the
Supreme Court up to March 2015. items marked BAR. These areas represent 70% to 80% of
the areas that would probably be given in the 2015 Bar
The questions are representative of probable exams. The reader should merely browse the areas the
questions that may be asked in the November 2015 Bar unmarked areas because they represent only 20% to 30%
Examinations in Legal and Judicial Ethics. of the areas that may probably be given this year.
AB (Econ), BSC (Acctg), LLB, MA (Econ), LLM, DCL
(Cand.). Practicing Lawyer-CPA-Customs Broker and WARNING:
Management Consultant, Professor of Law and Pre-Bar
These materials are copyrighted and/or based on the affairs, whether in the practice of their profession or in
writer’s book 90 Years of the Bar and Beyond in Legal & their private affairs. This would assure the continued
Judicial Ethics (2015 ed.) and its future revisions. It is trust by the general public and the perpetuation of the
prohibited to reproduce any part of these Notes in any form law profession.
or any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying without the written permission of the author.
3. What are the sources of legal ethics ?
These materials are authorized for the use only of Bar
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Among the sources of
reviewees the author has personally authorized.
legal ethics are the:
Unauthorized users shall not be prosecuted but SHALL BE
a. Constitution, specifically Sec. 5 (5), Art. VII,
the power of the Supreme Court to promulgate rules
concerning pleading, practice and procedure, admission to
IN LIFE for stealing the intellectual property of the author.
the practice of law and Bar integration; Sec. 13, Art. VII on
the prohibition of the President and other executive officers
to practice law; Sec. 14, Art. VI, the prohibition for members
I. LEGAL ETHICS of Congress to personally appear in certain cases; Sec. 2,
Code of Professional Responsibility Art. IX-A the prohibition for members of the Constitutional
Commissions to practice law, and Sec. 8, Art. XI the
prohibition for the Ombudsman and his Deputies to practice
b. Rules of Court such as the provisions of
1. What do you understand by legal ethics ? Sec. 7, Rule 85 prohibiting lawyer who is an executor or
SUGGESTED ANSWER: It is that branch of moral administrator to charge the estate for legal services; Sec. 21
law which treats of the duties that an attorney-at-law owes to (B), Rule 130, the privileged communication rule prohibition
his client, to the court, to the bar, and to the public. (Adapted a lawyer to testify on matters communicated to the lawyer by
from Jessup)
his client; Rule 138, Attorneys and Admission to the Bar;
Rule 138-A, Law Student Practice; Rule 139, Disbarrment or
The highest moral and ethical standards in the law
suspension of Attorneys; and Rule 139-A, Integrated bar of
profession is important so that the general public would
the Philippines;
continue reposing their trust in lawyers and in the role they
c. Legislation like the provisions of the Civil
play in the efficient and speedy administration of justice.
Code of the Philippines specifically Article 1491(5)
This continued trust would in turn assure the
prohibiting lawyers from purchasing properties in litigation
continued existence of the law profession. and Article 2208 providing instances when attorney’s fees
may be awarded as damages even without stipulation; the
á2. What is the significance in the practice of provisions of the Revised Penal Code like Article 209
law of the maxim Non omne quod licet honestum est penalizing betrayal of trust by an attorney and Article
(Not everything that is legal is honorable) ? penalizing representation of conflicting interests by an
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The maxim posits that attorney; and Articles 203 and 222 of the Labor Code of the
the highest standard of morality should pervade the Philippines relative to attorney’s fees.
conduct of lawyers in their day to day conduct of their
d. Court decisions more specifically succession of acts of the same nature habitually or customarily
decisions of the Supreme Court interpreting rules of ethical holding one’s self to the public as a lawyer. When a respondent
conduct; (who is also a co-heir), appeared and represented not only
e. Canons of Professional Ethics; himself but his co-heirs, this is not isolated. This constitutes
“private practice” of the “law profession” as contemplated by law.
f. Code of Professional Responsibility;
(Ziga v. Judge Arejola, A.M. No. MTJ-99-1203, June 10, 2003)
g. Treatises, which are books containing formal Practice of law means any activity, in or out of court, which
and methodical exposition of the principles of ethics; and requires the application of law, legal procedure, knowledge,
h. Other sources such as interpretations of training and experience. To engage in the practice law is to
foreign courts or other tribunals of foreign ethical rules perform acts which are usually performed by members of the legal
adopted in the Philippines. profession. Generally, to practice law is to render any kind of
service which requires the use of legal knowledge or skill.
A. Practice of law (Rule 138) (Cayetano v. Monsod, 201 SCRA 210)
c. Publication of law books not practice of law where
they contain advice not intended to give specific advice to a
1. Concept
particular individual on a particular legal problem. (New York
County Lawyer’s Association v. Dacey, 21 N.Y. 2d 694)
ááá1. What constitute the practice of law ? d. Teaching law subjects not practice of law because the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: To constitute practice of law professor does not actually deal with clients whose rights are
law, the individual must customarily or habitually holds or may be the subject of legal controversies. (Minister of Justice
himself out to the public as a lawyer and demands Opinion No. 89, s. 1986)
compensation for any of the following services: e. Scrivening means filing the blanks in standard or
a. Giving legal advice or rendering any kind of stereotyped forms which involves pure clerical work without need
service that involves legal knowledge; for any legal interpretation. This is not considered as preparation
b. Appearance in court and conduct or of legal documents constituting practice of law.
litigation of cases in court;
c. Preparation of pleadings and other papers a) Privilege
incident to actions and special proceedings as well as the
drawing of deeds and other instruments of conveyancing. áá1. What is the nature of the practice of law ? Is
(People v. Villanueva, 121 Phil. 897) it a right or a privilege ? Explain briefly.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The practice of law is not
NOTES AND COMMENTS: a natural, constitutional nor a statutory or property right but a
a. Practice of law to fall within the prohibition of statute mere privilege bestowed by the State on those who show
has been interpreted as customarily or habitually holding one’s self that they possess and continue to possess the qualifications
out to the public, as a lawyer and demanding payment for such required by law for the conferment of such privilege.
services. (State v. Bryan, 4 S.E. 522, 98 N.C. 644, 647) The (Bolongalanta v. Castillo, 240 SCRA 310, 313)
appearance as counsel on one occasion is not conclusive as The practice of law is not a property right but a mere
determinative of engagement in the private practice of law. privilege, and as such it must bow to the inherent power of
b. Practice requires habituality. It consists in frequent or
the Supreme Court to exact compliance with the lawyer’s
customary action, a succession of acts of the same kind. In other
words, it is frequent habitual exercise. public responsibilities. But as a guardian of the legal
The private practice of law is more than an isolated court profession, the Supreme Court is constrained to balance the
appearance, for it consists in frequent or customary action, a concern that a suspension may lead to the lawyer’s financial
woes with the injury he caused to the very profession he has law without a license. (Aguirre v. Rana, B.M. No. 1036, June 10,
vowed to uphold with honesty and fairness. (Artueza v. 2003)
Atty.Maderazo, A.C. No. 4354, April 22, 2002) c. The practice of law is not a right but a privilege
bestowed by the State on those who show that they possess the
NOTES AND COMMENTS: qualifications required by law for the conferment of such privilege.
a. Practice of law a mere privilege. Everyone (St. Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty
should keep in mind that the practice of law is only a privilege. It is and Staff v. Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006)
definitely not a right. In order to enjoy this privilege, one must d. Private practice of law contemplates a succession of
show that he possesses, and continues to possess, the acts of the same nature habitually or customarily holding one’s self
qualifications required by law for the conferment of such privilege. to the public as a lawyer. (Lorenzana v. Fajardo, A. C. No. 5712,
One of those requirements is the observance of honesty and June 29, 2005 citing Office of the Court Administrator v. Ladaga,
candor. Candor in all their dealings is the very essence of a 350 SCRA 326, January 26, 2001) Practice is more than an
practitioner's honourable membership in the legal profession. isolated appearance for it consists in frequent or customary action,
Lawyers are required to act with the highest standard of a succession of acts of the same kind. (Lorenzana v. Fajardo,
truthfulness, fair play and nobility in the conduct of litigation and in supra)
their relations with their clients, the opposing parties, the other e. Privilege of membership in the bar is
counsels and the courts. They are bound by their oath to speak burdened with conditions. Membership in the bar is a privilege
the truth and to conduct themselves according to the best of their burdened by conditions. A lawyer has the privilege and right to
knowledge and discretion, and with fidelity to the courts and their practice law only during good behavior, and he can be deprived of
clients. [Philippine Association of Court Employees (PACE), etc., v. it for misconduct ascertained and declared by judgment of the
Alibutdan-Diaz, A.C. No. 10134, November 26, 2014 citing Sonic Steel court after opportunity to be heard has been afforded him. Without
Industries, Inc. v. Chua, AC No. 6942, July 17, 2013, 701 SCRA 340, 353] invading any constitutional privilege or right, an attorney’s right to
practice law may be resolved by a proceeding to suspend based
a. It is a special privilege bestowed only upon those on conduct rendering him unfit to hid a license or to exercise the
who are competent intellectually, academically and morally. A duties and responsibilities of an attorney. (St. Louis University
lawyer must at all times conduct himself, especially in his dealing Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty and Staff v. Dela
with his clients and the public at large, with honesty and integrity in Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006)
a manner beyond reproach. He must faithfully perform his duties “Membership in the legal profession is a special privilege
to society, to the bar, to the courts and to his clients. A violation of burdened with conditions. (Spouses Olbes v. Deciembre, AC –
the high standards of the legal profession subjects the lawyer to 5365, April 27, 2005 citing Leo v. Medel, 405 SCRA 228, July 1,
administrative sanctions by the Supreme Court which includes 2003 and various cases) It is bestowed upon individuals who are
suspension and disbarment. (Re: Adm. Case No. 44 of the RTC, not only learned in the law, but also known to possess good moral
Branch IV, Tagbilaran City, against Atty. Occena, A. C. No. 2841, character. A lawyer is an oath-bound servant of society whose
July 3, 2002) conduct is clearly circumscribed by inflexible norms of law and
b. The practice of law is limited to persons of good ethics, and whose primary duty is the advancement of the quest
moral character with special qualifications duly ascertained and for truth and justice, for which he [or she] has sworn to be a
certified. The exercise of this privilege presupposes possession of fearless crusader. (Ibid., citing Re: Administrative Case No. 44 of
integrity, legal knowledge, educational attainment, and even public the RTC, Br .IV, Tagbilaran City against Atty. Samiuel C. Occena;
trust since a lawyer is an officer of the court. 383 SCRA 636, 638, July 3, 2002, per curiam) Lawyers should
A bar candidate does not acquire the right to practice law act and comport themselves with honesty and integrity in a
simply by passing the bar examinations, The practice of law is a manner beyond reproach, in order to promote the public’s faith in
privilege that can be withheld even from one who has passed the the legal profession. (Ibid., citing Malecdan v. Pekas, 421 SCRA,
bar examinations, if the person seeking admission had practiced 7 January 26,2004 and other cases)
A high standard of excellence and ethics is expected and e. A lawyer may not solicit cases at law for the
required of members of the bar. (Ibid., citing Sanchez v. Somoso, purpose of gain, either personally or through paid agents or
412 SCRA 569 and other cases) Such conduct of nobility and brokers. (ROC, Rule 138, Sec. 27)
uprightness should remain with them, whether in their public or in
private lives, As officers of the court and keepers of the public’s
faith, they are burdened with the highest degree of social
a. In this day and age, members of the bar often
responsibility and are thus mandated to behave at all times in a
forget that the practice of law is a profession and not a business.
manner consistent with truth and honor. (Ibid., citing Sanchez v.
Lawyering is not primarily meant to be a money-making venture,
Somoso, supra; Sabayle v. Tandayag,158 SCRA 497, March 8,
and law advocacy is not a capital that necessarily yields profits.
The gaining of a livelihood is not a professional but a secondary
consideration., Duty to public service and to the administration of
2. What is the effect of the lawyer’s oath ? justice should be the primary consideration of lawyers, who must
SUGGESTED ANSWER: By taking the lawyer’s oath, subordinate their personal interests or what they owe to
an attorney becomes a guardian of truth and the rule of law, themselves. The practice of law is a noble calling in which
and an indispensable instrument in the fair and impartial emolument is a by-product, and the highest eminence may be
administration of justice. (Spouses Olbes v. Deciembre, AC – attained without making much money. (Burbe v. Atty. Magulata,
5365, April 27, 2005, citing Businos v. Atty. Ricafort, 347 Phil. 687; A.C. No. 99-634, June 10, 2002)
283 SCRA 407, December 22, 1997) b. Failure to pay the balance of attorney’s fees is not
sufficient to justify a lawyer’s failure to comply with his professional
b) Profession, not business obligation which does not depend for compliance with the payment
of lawyer’s fees. (Tan v. Lapak, G.R. No. 93707, January 23,
2001) This is so, because the law is a profession and not a
áá1. Why is law not a business but a profession business.
because ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: áá 2. Who are non-members of the Bar who may
a. It is pursued by persons of technical or appear in court to conduct their own litigation ? (Who
scientific training requiring years of study; are those who are not lawyers but are allowed limited
b. It is a calling which requires the passing of an practice in Philippine courts ?)
appropriate examination; SUGGESTED ANSWER:
c. A lawyer cannot, without violating the ethics a. A party litigant. Appearance by a party
of his profession, advertise his talents or skill as a merchant litigant for and in his own behalf is known as pro se practice
advertises his wares; or practice in propria persona. A party litigant may appear
d. A lawyer, being an officer of the court, like before any administrative or judicial body.
other officers takes his office cum onere (with burdens) so b. Any official or other person appointed or
the court can oblige the lawyer to serve without designated in accordance with law to appear for the
compensation as counsel de oficio for destitute clients, government of the Philippines shall have all the rights of a
without violating the constitutional prohibition against taking duly authorized member of the bar to appear in any case in
of property without just compensation or without due which said government has an interest, direct or indirect.
process of law. (5 Am. Jur. 354) (ROC, Rule 138, Sec. 33)
c. A non-lawyer agent or friend of a party
litigant may, in a Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Circuit Trial
Court or Metropolitan Trial Court, be appointed by a party detention. When a person indicted for an offense is arrested, he is
litigant to conduct his litigation (ROC, Rule 138, Sec. 34), deemed in actual restraint of liberty in jail so that he may be bound
whether in civil or criminal cases. (Cantimbuhan v. Cruz, Jr., 126 to answer for the commission of the offense. He may only be
SCRA 144, 145) released if it is so authorized by the court to be released on bond
d. In localities where members of the bar are not or on recognizance. (People v. Hon. Maceda, etc., et al., G.R.
available the court may appoint any person, resident of the Nos. 898591-96, January 24, 2000)
province and of good repute, probity and ability, to defend
the accused. (ROC, Rule 116, Sec. 7) ááá6. Are lawyers allowed to solicit clients and to
e. A law student who has successfully advertise ? Why ? (Is it ethical for lawyers to solicit or
completed his 3rd year of the regular four-year prescribed advertise ?)
law curriculum, enrolled in a recognized law school’s clinical SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, for the following
legal education program approved by the Supreme Court reasons:
(ROC, Rule 138-A, Sec. 1), under the direct supervision and a. Lawyering is a profession and not a business and
control of a member of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines lawyers are not merchants. While lawyers are entitled to
duly accredited by the law school; all pleadings and other make a living, that does not furnish an excuse for plain lust
documents must be signed by the supervising attorney for for material wealth. Law advocacy is not capital that yields
and in behalf of the legal clinic (Sec. 2, Ibid.), and that there profits. (Canlas v. Court of Appeals, et al., 164 SCRA 160)
must be physical presence of the supervising lawyer during b. With the present situation of our legal and judicial
the hearing. (Bar Matter No. 730) system, to allow the publication of advertisements would
f. Non-lawyers may appear before the National only serve to aggravate what is already a deteriorating
Labor Relations Commission or any Labor Arbiter if they public opinion of the legal profession whose integrity has
represent themselves; if they represent their organization or consistently been under attack lately by media and the
members thereof (Art. 222, Labor Code); if they are duly- community in general. (Ulep v. Legal Clinic, Inc., 223 SCRA
accredited members of any legal aid office recognized by 378)
the Department of Justice or the IBP in cases referred to by
the latter (Kanlaon Construction Enterprises, Co., Inc. v. áá 7. What are the rules that prohibit
NLRC, 279 SCRA 337); or if they are engaged in “law advertising by lawyers ?
student practice.” SUGGESTED ANSWER:
1) A lawyer in making known his legal services shall
NOTES AND COMMENTS: use only true honest, fair, dignified and objective information
áa. While an agent or friend of the party litigant may be or statement of facts. (Canon 3, Code of Professional
appointed by a party litigant to represent him in cases before the Responsibility)
MTC, it may not be prudent to do so, considering certain technical 2) In making a claim regarding his qualifications or
rules, such as the complaint failing to state a cause of action, legal services, a lawyer shall not use or permit the use of
verification for all pleadings under summary procedure, etc. any false, fraudulent, misleading, deceptive, undignified,
b. An arrested person who is under detention may self-laudatory or unfair statements. (Rule 3.01, Canon 3, Ibid.)
not practice law. All prisoners whether under preventive
3) It is unprofessional to solicit professional
detention or serving final sentence can not practice their
profession (including the law profession) nor engage in any employment by circulars, advertisements, through touters or
business or occupation, or hold office, elective or appointive, while by personal communications or interviews not warranted by
in detention. This is a necessary consequence of arrest and
personal relations. (1st sentence, Canon 27, Canons of SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The lawyer shall
Professional Ethics) not purchase any interest in the subject-matter of the
4) It is improper for a lawyer to permit his name to litigation which he is conducting. (Canon 10, CPE)
be published in a law list the conduct, management or DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
contents of which are calculated or likely to deceive or injure
a. The following persons cannot acquire by
the public of he profession, or to lower the dignity or
purchase, even at a public or judicial auction, either in
standing of the profession. (Canon 43, Ibid.)
person or through the mediation of another:
5) A lawyer shall not pay or give anything of value to
representatives of the mass media in anticipation of, or in
xxx xxx
return for, publicity to attract legal business. (Rule 3.04,
Canon 3, Code of Professional Responsibility)
b. The announcement in a newspaper that the
Justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of
lawyer will give free legal advice to indigents, is a form of
superior and inferior courts, and other officers and
self-praise hence subject to discipline. (In re: Tagorda, 53
Phil. 37) employees connected with the administration of justice, the
property rights in litigation or levied upon on execution
before the court within whose jurisdiction or territory they
áá 7. When are the instances where a lawyer may
exercise their respective functions; this prohibition includes
advertise without violating ethical rules ? What are the
the act of acquiring by assignment and shall apply to
exceptions to the no advertising rule ?
lawyers, with respect to the property and rights which may
be the object of any litigation in which they may take part by
a. The customary use of simple professional cards.
virtue of their profession. [Art. 1491 (5), Civil Code of the
(last sentence, Canon 27, Canons of Professional Ethics)
Philippines, emphasis supplied]
b. Publication in reputable law lists in a manner
b. The prohibition does not find application in a
consistent with the standards of conduct imposed by the
contract for a contingent fee provided that the transfer or
Canons of Professional Ethics of brief biographical and
assignment of the property in litigation takes effect only after
informative data is permissible. Such data must not be
the finality of a favorable assignment. (Biascan v. Atty. Lopez,
misleading. (last par., Canon 27, Ibid., paraphrasing A.C.No. 4650, August 14, 2003
supplied) The writer does not agree with this holding as it is
c. Where a lawyer is engaged in rendering clear that the contract for a contingency fee, in this case,
specialized legal service directly and only to other lawyers, a would constitute one of champerty.
brief dignified notice of that fact, couched in language A lawyer entered his appearance in a special
indicating that it is addressed to lawyers, inserted in legal proceeding case which included the property covered by
periodicals and like publications, when it will afford TCT 34127. Subsequently, the property was assigned to
convenient and beneficial information to lawyers desiring to the lawyer to cover his contingent fees. Despite his
obtain such service is not improper. (Canon 46, Ibid.) knowledge that the property is part of the estate, and that
the special proceedings was still pending, he had the
BAR 8. May a lawyer purchase any interest property registered in his name. He was suspended for six
in the subject-matter of the litigation he is (6) months considering that in prior cases involving violation
conducting ?
of Art. 1491, the respondents were suspended for the same not supersede or detract from the inherent regulatory
period. power of the courts. (Sharod v. Hartfield, 210 N.W. 2d. 275)
c. Assignment to a lawyer of a portion of the
property levied by the sheriff for the satisfaction of a 2. What values must a lawyer cultivate in
judgment in favor of his client does not violate the Civil Code order to uphold the nobility, protect the integrity,
prohibition on prohibited acquisition if the property was not
and enhance the prestige of the law profession ?
involved in the litigation handled by the lawyer. (Daroy v.
The prohibition does not find application in a contract a. Competence. The legal knowledge, skill,
for a contingent fee provided that the transfer or assignment thoroughness and preparation necessary for
of the property in litigation takes effect only after the finality representing a client in a specific case. It may be
of a favorable assignment. Biascan v. Atty. Lopez, A.C.No. defined as the educated ability of a lawyer to relate the
4650, August 14, 2003 The writer does not agree with this general body and philosophy of law into a specific legal
holding as it is clear that the contract for a contingency fee, problem.
in this case, would constitute one of champerty. b. Integrity. The ethical standards of the legal
profession which are vital because of the fiduciary
nature of the attorney-client relationship. (Lawline v.
BAR 9. Corporate practice of law is not American Bar Association, 956 F.2d 1378 [7th Cir.])
allowed because:
a. A lawyer is burdened with peculiar duties and 3. Are you in favor of abolishing the Bar
responsibilities which must be performed personally. Examinations ?
b. a lawyer takes an oath of office and being an SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Numerous
officer of the law may be subject to court discipline. criticisms on the supposed efficacy of the Bar
(Matter of Cooperative Law Co., 198 N.Y. 579) examinations in determining the technical capability of
a person to practice law have been advanced. Some
BAR 10. The continued use of the name of a of the questions given do not truly measure the entry
deceased partner is permissible provided that the level technical competence of the candidates. There is
firm indicates in all its communication that the firm no empirical study made to determine the relation
indicates in all its communications, that said partner is between the questions given and the desired skills to
deceased. (Rule 3.02, Canon 3, Code of Professional be measured.
Responsibility) Furthermore, the expenses for reviewing and
taking the Bar examinations (specially for provincial
2. Qualifications candidates), are so high that some deserving
candidates are discouraged from taking the Bar
1. The role of the legislature in regulating examinations.
the legal profession is merely to aid the judiciary COMMENTS: Despite all the criticism there are still
through statutory enactment. The legislature should no viable alternatives to replace the Bar examinations,
Further in-depth study should be undertaken to determine pre-bar review at U.S.T. and not at PLS as originally
the feasibility of various proposals. manifested.
The Supreme Court however noted its growing
4. If you are in favor of abolishing the Bar concern over the apparent laxity of law schools in the
Examinations, what alternatives would you conduct of their pre-bar review classes. Specifically, it has
suggest to replace the same ? been observed that the attendance of reviewees is not
closely monitored, such that some reviewees are able to
comply with the requisite minimal attendance. Enrollment
Among some of the alternatives to replace the and completion of pre-bar review course is an additional
examination process are: requirement under Rule 138 of the Rules of Court for those
a. Strengthening law education through a who failed the bar examinations for three (3) or more times.
revision of curricular offerings, faculty development, (Re: 1999 Bar Examinations Mark Anthony A. Purisima, B.M. Nos.
stricter monitoring of law school facilities, faculty and 979 & 986, December 10, 2002)
support services to weed out deficient law schools.
b. A uniform nationally administered and more 3. Appearance of non-lawyers
stringent law school entrance admission requirements.
c. A realistic court supervised apprenticeship a) Law student practice (Rule 138-A)
system which requires law student to undergo
apprenticeship both with the public and private sectors. b) Non-lawyers in courts
d. Transfer of supervision of law schools from
c) Non-lawyers in administrative
the Executive Department to the Judicial Department.
e. Strict implementation of the mandatory
continuing legal education. d) Proceedings where lawyers are
prohibited from appearing
5. What are the requisites for becoming an
attorney-at-law ?
a. Passing the bar examination; 4. Sanctions for practice or appearance without
b. Taking the lawyer’s oath administered by authority
the Supreme Court; and
c. Signing in the Roll of Attorneys. a) Lawyers without authority
Thus, a person who has passed the Bar and
took his oath is notyet a full-pledged lawyer, if he has b) Persons not lawyers
not signed in the Roll of Attorneys. (Aguirre v. Ranba, B.
M. No. 1036, June 10, 2003) BAR 4. What is the penalty to be imposed
DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASE upon a person who masquerades as a lawyer ?
A passer in the 1999 Bar Exams was finally allowed SUGGESTED ANSWER: Contempt of court, severe
to take his oath after it was proven that he actually took a censure and three (3) months imprisonment. Reason: The
highly fraudulent and highly improper conduct tended I impose upon myself this voluntary obligation
directly to impede, obstruct, degrade, and make a mockery without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion.
of the administration of justice. (Manangan v. Court of First So help me God.
Instance of Nueva Vizcaya, Branch 28, 189 SCRA 217)
If the impersonator was able to collect attorneys fees BAR 2. Duties of an attorney under the
on the representation that he is a lawyer, he may even be
charged with estafa.
Rules of Court: “It shall be the duty of an attorney:
a. To maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
5. Public officials and practice of law Philippines and to support the Constitution and obey
the laws of the Philippines;
a) Prohibition or disqualification of b. To observe and maintain the respect due to
former government attorneys the courts of justice and judicial officers;
c. To counsel or maintain such actions or
b) Public officials who cannot practice proceedings only as appear to him to be just, and such
law or with restrictions defenses only as he believes to be honestly debatable
under the law;
6. Lawyers authorized to represent the d. to employ, for the purposes of maintaining
government the causes confided to him, such means only as are
consistent with truth and honor, and never seek to
7. Lawyer’s oath mislead the judge or any judicial officer by an artifice or
false statement of fact or law;
***1. State in substance the lawyer’s oath of e. To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at
office. every peril to himself, to preserve the secrets of his
SUGGESTED ANSWER: I (name of lawyer) do client, and to accept no compensation in connection
solemnly swear that: with is client’s business except from him or with is
I will maintain allegiance to the Republic of the
knowledge and approval;
I will support its constitution and obey the laws as
f. To abstain from all offensive personality and
well as the legal orders of the duly constituted authorities to advance no fact prejudicial to the honor or reputation
therein; of a party or witness, unless required by the justice of
I will do no falsehood nor consent to the doing of any the cause with which he is charged;
in court; g. Not to encourage either the commencement
I will not wittingly nor willingly promote or sue any or the continuance of an action or proceeding, or delay
groundless, false or unlawful suit, or give aid nor consent to any man’s cause, for any corrupt motive or interest;
the same; h. Never to reject, for any consideration
I will delay no man for money or malice, and personal to himself, the cause of the defenseless or
Will conduct myself as a lawyer according to the best oppressed;
of my knowledge and discretion, with all good fidelity as well
to the courts as to my clients; and
i. In the defense of a person accused of a national or local government is accused of an
crime, by all fair and honorable means, regardless of offense committed in relation to his office;
his personal opinion as to the guilt of the accused, to 3) Not collect any fee for their
present every defense that the law permits, to the end appearance in administrative proceedings
that no person may be deprived of life or liberty, but by involving the local government unit of which he
due process or law.” (Sec. 20, Rule 138, Rules of Court) is an official; and
4) Not use property and personnel of the
BAR 3. A lawyer shall not after leaving the Government except when the sanggunian
government service accept engagement or member concerned is defending the interest of
employment in connection with any matter in which he the government. [Sec. 90 (b), Ibid.]
had intervened while in said service . (Rule 6.03, Canon 6,
Code of Professional Responsibility) Government lawyers prohibited to be
appointed as PLEB members. The prohibition against
BAR: 4. Retired members of the judiciary government officials and employees, whether elected or
receiving pensions from the government should not appointed, from concurrently holding any other office or
practice law. position in the government is worded as, ”Unless otherwise
allowed by law or by the primary functions of his position, no
appointive official shall hold any other office or employment
BAR 5. What are the disqualification’s of in the Government, or any subdivision, agency or
lawyers who are local government officials ? instrumentality thereof, including government-owned or
SUGGESTED ANSWER: controlled corporations or their subsidiaries.” [Sec .7 .Article
a. All governors, city and municipal mayors are IX-B, 1987 Philippine Constitution; Sec. 54 (3),Chapter 7, Title I
prohibited from practicing their profession other than (A), Book V of the Administrative Code of 1987 and Section 94 (a)
the exercise of their functions as local chief executives. of the Local Government Code of 1991]
[Sec. 90 (a), Rep. Act No. 7160, Local Government Code] Sec. 43 (c), Rep. Act No. 6975 which provides “(c)
Compensation. Membership in the PLEB is a civic duty.
b. Sanggunian members may practice their
However, PLEB members may be paid per diem as may be
professions except during session hours: provided that determined by the city or municipal council from city or
the sanggunian members who are also members of the municipal funds,” pertains only to the compensation of PLEB
Bar shall: members. It cannot be construed as an exception to the
1) Not appear as counsel before any Constitutional and statutory prohibition against dual or
court in any civil case wherein a local multiple appointments of appointive public employees.
government unit or any office, agency, or The respondent lawyer failed to establish that his
instrumentality of the government is the adverse primary functions as Legal Officer of the Manila Urban
party; Settlements Office allow his appointment as PLEB member,
2) Not appear as counsel in any criminal an exception to dual appointments prohibited by the
case wherein an officer or employee of the Constitution and the statures. Acceptance of the
appointment as PLEB member being contra leges is
likewise a violation of the Canon 1 of the Code of
Professional Responsibility, and the Attorney’s Oath.
(Lorenzana v. Fajardo, A. C. No. 5712, June 29, 2005) e) Participation in legal education
Government lawyers may be appointed as a
member of the Barangay’s Lupong Tagapamayapa. BAR 2. What is good moral character ?
Government officials and employees may sit as lupon or pangkat
When should a lawyer possess good moral
members. Sec. 406 (b) of the Local Government Code,
character ?
provides “xxx While in the performance of their duties, the
lupon or pangkat members, whether in public or private SUGGESTED ANSWER: Good moral character
employment, shall be deemed to be on official time, and is more than just the absence of bad character. Such
shall not suffer from any diminution in compensation or character expresses itself in the will to do the
allowance from said employment by reason thereof.” unpleasant thing if it is right and the resolve not to do
(Lorenzana v. Fajardo, A. C. No. 5712, June 29, 2005) the pleasant thing if is wrong. (Cordon v. Balicanta, A. C.
No. 2792, October 4, 2002)
B. Duties and responsibilities of a lawyer Good moral character is not only a condition
precedent to admission to the practice of law, it’s
1. TO SOCIETY continued possession is also essential for remaining in
the legal profession. This must be so because vast
BAR 1. Duties to the public (society): interests are committed to the lawyer’s care; he is the
a. Promote respect for the law; recipient of unbounded trust and confidence, he deals
b. Make his legal services available and with his client’s property, reputation, his life, his all .
known through acceptable means; (Cordon v. Balicanta, A. C. No. 2792, October 4, 2002)
c. Participate in development of the law; DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
d. Keep abreast of legal developments;
a. A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest,
e. If in government service to apply the canons
immoral or deceitful conduct. (Rule 1.01, CPR)
of the Code of Professional Responsibility in the
b. Public confidence in the law and lawyers in the
performance of his duties.
role of lawyers in the speedy and efficient administration of
justice is the foundation of the continued existence of the
law. Without this confidence the public would not consult
lawyers resulting to demise of the profession.
a) Respect for law and legal processes c. Requirement of good moral character. Time
and again, the Court has held that the practice of law is granted
b) Efficient and convenient legal services only to those of good moral character. The Bar maintains a high
standard of honesty and fair dealing. Thus, lawyers must conduct
c) True, honest, fair, dignified and themselves beyond reproach at all times, whether they are dealing
with their clients or the public at large, and a violation of the high
objective information on legal services moral standards of the legal profession justifies the imposition of
the appropriate penalty, including suspension and disbarment.
d) Participation in the improvement and [Philippine Association of Court Employees (PACE), etc., v. Alibutdan-
reforms in the legal system
Diaz, A.C. No. 10134, November 26, 2014 citing Ronquillo v. Cezar, 524 the Bar betrays their trust and confidence. (Re: Adm. Case
Phil. 311, 317 (2006)] No. 44 of the RTC, Branch IV,Tagbilaran City, against Atty.
It bears stressing that the respondent lawyer is a servant Occena, A.C.No. 2841, July 3, 2002)
of the law and belongs to that profession which society entrusts f. The Code of Professional Responsibility mandates
with the administration of law and the dispensation of justice. For
upon each lawyer, as his duty to society, the obligation to
this, he or she is an exemplar for others to emulate and should not
engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. obey the laws of the land and promote respect for the law
Necessarily, this Court has been exacting in its demand for and legal processes. Specifically he is forbidden to engage
integrity and good moral character from members of the Bar. They in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct. If the
are always expected to uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal practice of law is to remain an honorable profession and
profession and to refrain from any act or omission which might attain its basic ideal, those enrolled in its ranks should not
lessen the trust and confidence reposed by the public in the only master its tenets and principles, but should also, in their
fidelity, honesty, and integrity of this noble profession. [Philippine lives, accord continuing fidelity to the. thus, the requirement
Association of Court Employees (PACE), etc., supra citing Malhabour v. of good moral character is of much greater import, as far as
Sarmiento, 520 Phil. 529, 536 (2006)]
the general public is concerned, than the possession of legal
c. Thus, a lawyer who manifested the absence of
learning. Lawyers are expected to abide by the tenets of
good moral character was disbarred because he transferred
moral duty, not only upon admission to the Bar but also
properties which he held in trust for his client to a
throughout their legal career, in order to maintain one’s good
corporation which he controlled and fraudulently conveyed
standing in that exclusive and honored fraternity, Good
such corporate properties or mortgaged the same without
moral character is more than just the absence of bad
the appropriate authority coming from his client. (Cordon v.
Balicanta, A. C. No. 2792, October 4, 2002) character, Such character expresses itself in the will to do
d. The ethics of the legal profession rightly enjoin the unpleasant thing if it is right and the resolve not to do the
lawyers to act with the highest standards of truthfulness, fair pleasant thing if is wrong. This must be so because vast
play and nobility in the course of his practice of law. A interests are committed to his care; he is the recipient of
lawyer may be disciplined or suspended for any misconduct, unbounded trust and confidence, he deals with his client’s
whether in his professional or private capacity. Public property, reputation, his life, his all. (Cordon v. Balicanta, A. C.
No. 2797, October 4, 2002)
confidence in law and lawyers may be eroded by the
g. A lawyer was indefinitely suspended from the
irresponsible and improper conduct of a member of the Bar.
practice of law and directed to pay the complainant
Thus, every lawyer should act and comport himself in such a
P13,800.00. He was guilty of dishonesty because he did not
manner that would promote public confidence in the integrity
turn over the proceeds of sale of the complainant’s property.
of the legal profession. (Ong v. Atty. Unto, A.C. No. 2417,
February 6, 2002) Worse, with palpable bad faith, be compelled the
e. It is a time-honored principle that good moral complainant to go to court to recover the proceeds, and
character is not only a condition precedent to admission to despite his deliberate failure to pay he still appealed to the
the practice of law. Its continued possession is also Court of Appeals. Still bad faith attended this step because
essential for remaining in the legal profession. Integrity and he did not pay the docket fee despite notice. Not satisfied
moral character are important as part of a lawyer’s with his unjust and lawful acts he issued checks in payment
equipment in the practice of his profession, because it of his obligation, and in continued pursuit of a clearly
cannot be denied that the respect of litigants for the malicious plan not to pay the complaint, he closed the
profession is inexorably diminished whenever a member of account from which the checks were drawn. There was
deceit. He likewise abused the generosity of the Supreme
Court in granting him the three extensions he prayed for, by “The moral delinquency that affects the fitness of a member
failing to file his comment nor explaining why he did not do of the bar to continue as such includes conduct that
so. (Nunez v. Atty. Ricafort, A.C.No. 5054, May 29, 2002) outrages the generally accepted moral standards of the
h. A lawyer was ordered suspended from the community, conduct for instance which makes a mockery of
practice of law for six (6) months and to account for the the inviolable social institution of marriage.” (Cojuangco, Jr. v.
amount of P60,000.00 entrusted to him for gross dishonesty Palma, A.C. No.2474, June 30, 2005 citing Cordova v. Cordova,
and conduct unbecoming a lawyer. He deliberately Adm. Case No. 3249, November 29, 1989, 179 SCRA 680 )
misrepresented to the complainant that he was successful in
securing a restructuring of the complainant’s loan through Good moral character includes at least
his connection with a non-existing PNB legal assistant. The common honesty. Good moral character is an essential
loan was not restructured and the complainant’s collateral qualification for the privilege to enter into the practice of law.
was foreclosed. (Aquino v. Atty. Barcelona, A.C.No. 5688, April Good moral character includes at least common honesty.
19, 2002) Lawyers are ministers of truth. No moral qualification
i. A lawyer was disbarred because he transferred for bar membership is ore important than truthfulness. The
properties he held in trust for his client to a corporation rigorous ethics of the profession places a premium on
which he controlled, and fraudulently conveyed such honesty and condemns duplicitous behavior. Hence,
corporate properties or mortgaged the same without the lawyers must not mislead the court or allow it to be misled
appropriate authority. The court ruled that the properties so by any artifice. In al their dealings lawyers are expected to
conveyed by the lawyer to innocent third parties should still act in good faith.
be considered as the properties of the client and her Law is a noble profession and the privilege to practice
daughter. (Cordon v. Balicanta, A. C. No. 2797, October 4, 2002) it is bestowed only upon individuals who are competent
The writer believes that this is a pro hac vice view intellectually, academically and, equally, important, morally.
obtaining only in this particular case, and should not be Because, they are vanguards of the law and the legal
taken as a doctrinal ruling on the nullification of sales of real system, lawyers must at all times conduct themselves,
property to innocent third parties. especially in their dealings with their clients and the public at
j. A lawyer committed dishonesty and abused the large, with honesty and integrity in a manner beyond
confidence reposed upon him by his client when he did not reproach. (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006)
file the ejectment case despite receipt of the filing fee and
the receipt of the registry return card of his demand to Good moral character is a continuing
vacate. He was suspended for six (6) months with warning. requirement. Membership in the legal profession is a
It is to be noted that he also committed other violations. privilege demanding a high degree of moral character, not
(Garcia v. Atty. Manuel, A.C. No. 5811, January 20, 2003) only as a condition precedent to admission, but also as a
k. Good moral character is an essential qualification continuing requirement for the practice of law. (Soriano v. Dizon,
for the privilege to enter into the practice of law. It is equally A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006)
essential to observe this norm meticulously during the
continuance of the practice and the exercise of this privilege. Gross ignorance of the law. When the law is so
(Spouses Olbes v. Deciembre, AC – 5365, April 27, 2005, citing elementary, not to know it or to act as if one does not know
Vda. De Espino v. Presquito, 432 SCRA 609, June 28, 2004, and it constitutes gross ignorance of the law.
various cases) Implicit in a lawyer’s mandate to protect a client’s
interest to the best of his/her ability and with utmost
diligence is the duty to keep abreast of the law and legal unbecoming a lawyer and was suspended from the practice
developments, and participate in continuing legal education of law for five (5) months. (Ong v. Atty. Unti, A.C. No. 2417,
programs. Thus, in championing the interest of clients and February 6, 2002)
defending cases, a lawyer must not only be guided by the
strict standards imposed by the lawyer’s oath, but should BAR: 4. What is meant by ambulance
likewise espouse legally sound arguments for clients, lest chasing ? What rules prohibit the same ?
the latter’s cause be dismissed on a technical ground. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The unethical practice
Ignorance encompasses both substantive and procedural
of inducing personal injury victims to bring suits. the
laws. (Spouses Williams v. Enriquez, A.C. No.6353, February 27,
2006) practice of lawyers in frequenting hospitals and homes
of the injured in order to convince them to go to court.
BAR: 3. What is meant by barratry ? Are It is disreputable:
there any rules which penalize the same ? Explain a. to hunt up defects in titles or other causes of
briefly. action and information thereof in order to employed to
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The offense of frequently bring suit or collect judgment;
exciting and stirring up quarrels and suits, either at law or b. to breed litigation by seeking out those with
otherwise. (Bouvier) claims for personal injuries or those having any other
a. A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or grounds of action in order to secure them as clients; or
interest, encourage any suit or proceeding or delay any c. to pay or reward directly or indirectly, those
man’s cause. (Rule 1.03, Canon 1, Code of Professional who bring or influence the bringing of such cases to his
Responsibility) office;
b. A lawyer shall encourage his clients to avoid, end d. to remunerate policemen, court or prison
or settle a controversy if it will admit of a fair settlement.
(Rule 1.04, Ibid.)
officials, physicians, hospital attaches, or others who
c. It is unprofessional for a lawyer to volunteer may succeed under guise of giving disinterested
advice to bring law suits, except in rare instances where friendly advice, in influencing the criminal, the such and
ties of blood, relationship or trust makes it his duty to do so. the injured, the ignorant or others, to seek his
DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES: professional services. (Canon 28, Canons of Professional
a. A lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or Ethics)
interest encourage any suit or proceeding or delay any 5. Distinguish ambulance chasing from
man’s cause. (Rule 1.03,CPR) barratry.
b. A lawyer, among other acts, offered monetary SUGGESTED ANSWER:
rewards to anyone who could provide him any information a. Barratry refers to any action while ambulance
against the complainant just so he would have a leverage in chasing refers to personal injury cases;
his actions against the latter. This tactic is unethical and b. Barratry may refer to suits before judicial or
runs counter to the rules that a lawyer shall not, for corrupt non-judicial bodies while ambulance chasing refers to
motive or interest, encourage any suit of proceeding and he
cases brought before judicial fora.
shall not do any act designed primarily to solicit legal
business. The lawyer was found guilty of conduct ILUSTRATIVE CASE:
A lawyer was found guilty of conduct unbecoming a Reason: A lawyer is an officer of the court and
lawyer because he, among other acts, offered monetary takes his office cum onere (with burdens or duties), (5
reqards to anyone who could provide him with any Am. Jur. 354) among which is to assist in the speedy and
information against the complainant just so he would have a efficient administration of justice.
leverage in his actions against the latter. This tactic is
unethical and runs counter to the rules that a lawyer shall
not for corrupt motive or interest, encourage any suit or BAR 9. Are there any instances where a
proceeding and that he shall not do any act designed lawyer may ethically refuse appointment as
primarily to solicit legal business. (Ong v. Atty. Unti, A.C. No. counsel de officio or as amicus curiae of the cause
2417, February 8, 2002) of the defenseless or the oppressed ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, in the following
BAR 6. Who is a counsel de oficio ? cases:
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A counsel de officio is a. Where he is not in a position to carry out the
an attorney assigned by the court to render work effectively or competently;
professional aid free of charge to any party in a case, if b. He labors under a conflict of interest between
upon investigation it appears that the party is destitute him and the prospective client or between a present
and unable to employ an attorney, and the services of client and the prospective client. (Rule 14.03, Canon 14,
counsel are necessary to secure the ends of justice Code of Professional Responsibility)
and to protect the rights of the party. (Sec. 31, Rule 138, c. Serious and sufficient causes like the
Rules of Court) following:
1) The filing of the case would result in
BAR 7. Who is an amicus curiae ? multiple actions arising from the same cause.
(Rule 12.02, Canon 12, Code of Professional
SUGGESTED ANSWER: An amicus curiae is
an expert or authority in the law who upon the court’s 2) When the criminal charge to be filed is
invitation” for the assistance of the court, gives some unfounded and is presented merely to obtain an
information of some matter of law in regard to which improper advantage in any case or proceeding.
the court is doubtful or mistaken, such as a case not (Rule 19.01, Canon 19, Ibid.)
reported or which the judge has not seen or does not at 3) When it is apparent that the client
the moment, recollect.” (Bouvier) pursues an illegal or immoral course of conduct
in connection with the matter being presented to
BAR 8. May a lawyer reject appointment as the lawyer for representation. (par., a, Rule 22.01,
counsel de oficio or as amicus curiae ? Canon 22, Ibid.)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. It shall be the 4) When the client insists that the lawyer
duty of the attorney so assigned to render the required pursues conduct which is violative of the Code
service, unless he is excused therefrom by the court for of Professional Responsibility. (par. 2, Ibid.)
sufficient cause shown. (Sec. 31, Rule 138, Rules of Court) 5) When engaged as a collaborating
counsel and the lawyer’s inability to work with
co-counsel will not promote the best interest of service in the discharge of the their official tasks.
the client. (par., c, Ibid.) (Canon 6, Code of Professional Responsibility)
6) When the mental or physical condition
of the lawyer renders it difficult for him to carry 12. The misconduct of a lawyer-government
out the employment effectively. (par. d, Ibid.) official which would affect his qualifications as a lawyer
7) When the lawyer is elected or or would show moral delinquency is subject to
appointed to public office. (par.f, Ibid.) discipline as a member of the bar.
8) When the representation would,
directly or indirectly encroach upon the Government lawyer may practice law subject
professional employment of another lawyer. to permission. The practice of law by attorneys employed
(Rule 8.02, Canon 8, Ibid.) in the government, to fall within the prohibition of statutes
has been interpreted as customarily habitually holding one’s
BAR 10. May a counsel de oficio claim self out to the public, as a lawyer and demanding payment
for such services. (Lorenzana v. Fajardo, A. C. No. 5712, June
compensation for his services ? 29, 2005 citing People v. Simplicio Villanueva, 121 Phil. 894; 14
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. A claim for SCRA 109, May 27, 1965)
attorney’s fees is incompatible with the appointment of Written permission should be had from the chief as
a counsel de oficio, as the client is destitute. required by Section 12, Rule XVIII of the Revised Civil
Furthermore, performance of the duties as counsel de Service Rules that “(n)o officer or employee shall engage
oficio, is part of the duties of a lawyer as an officer of directly in any private business, vocation or profession or be
the court to assist in the speedy and efficient connected with any commercial, credit, agricultural or
administration of justice. industrial undertaking without a written permission from the
head of the Department.” (Lorenzana v. Fajardo, A. C. No.
5712, June 29, 2005
Payment for counsel de oficio. Subject to
availability of funds, as may be provided by law, the court
may, in its discretion, order an attorney employed as 2. TO THE LEGAL PROFESSION
counsel de oficio to be compensated in such sum as the
court may fix but shall not be less than P30.00 in any case,
nor more than the following amounts: BAR 1. What are the duties of a lawyer to the Bar ?
a. P50.00 in light offenses; SUGGESTED ANSWER:
b. P100.00 in less grave felonies; a. Uphold the integrity of the legal profession and
c. P200.00 in grave felonies other than capital support the IBP;
offenses; b. Be courteous, fair and frank to brother lawyers;
d. P500.00 in capital offenses. (Sec. 32, Rule 138, c. Not to assist in the unauthorized practice of law;
Rules of Court) d. Not to encroach upon the professional
employment of another lawyer
BAR 11. These canons (of professional
responsibility) shall apply to lawyers in government a) Integrated Bar of the Philippines (Rule
1973 through Rule of Court 139-A designated as the
(i) Membership and dues Integration Rule and constituted on May 4, 1973 into a body
corporate by the issuance of Presidential Decree No. 181.
b) Upholding the dignity and integrity of (Sec. 1, By-Laws of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines)
the profession
4. What are the fundamental purposes of the
c) Courtesy, fairness and candor towards Integrated Bar of the Philippines ?
professional colleagues SUGGESTED ANSWER:
a. To elevate the standards of the legal
d) No assistance in unauthorized practice profession;
of law b. Improve the administration of justice; and
c. Enable the bar to discharge its public
BAR 2. What is the duty of a lawyer who responsibilities more effectively. (Sec. 2, Rule 139-A,
has received information that his client has, in the Rules of Court)
course of the representation, perpetuated a fraud DOCTRINE:
upon a person or tribunal ? The other purposes of the Integrated Bar of the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: It shall be his duty to: Philippines are:
a. promptly call upon the client to rectify the a. Assist in the administration of justice;
b. Foster and maintain on the part of its members
same, and failing which he shall terminate the
high ideals of integrity, learning, professional competence,
relationship with such client. (Rule 19.02, Code of public service and conduct;
Professional Responsibility)
c. Safeguard the professional interests of its
b. If the client refuses to forego the advantage members;
thus unjustly gained, he should promptly inform the d. Cultivate among its members a spirit of cordiality
injured person or his counsel, so that they may take and brotherhood;
appropriate steps. (Canon 41, Canon of Professional Ethics) e. Provide a forum for the discussion of law,
c. The court shall also be informed of the jurisprudence, law reform, pleading, practice and procedure,
client’s misdeed. and he relation of the Bar to the Bench and to the public and
publish information relating thereto;
3. What is an integrated bar ? f. Encourage and foster legal education; and
SUGGESSTED ANSWER: An integrated bar is g. Promote a continuing program of legal research
an official state organization requiring membership and in substantive and adjective law, and make reports and
recommendations thereon. (Sec. 2, By-Laws of the Integrated
financial support of all attorneys as a condition
Bar of the Philippines)
precedent to the practice of law. (Bar Integration Center,
Supreme Court of the Philippines)
DOCTRINE: 5. Why is the rule on Bar Integration
The Integrated Bar of the Philippines is the constitutional ?
national organization of lawyers, created on January 16, DOCTRINE:
a. It is a valid exercise of police power. Practice of SUGGESTEDANSWER: A lawyer shall conduct
law is imbued with public interest and the holder of the himself with courtesy, fairness and candor toward his
privilege must submit to a degree of control for the common professional colleagues, and shall avoid harassing
good. (In re Edillon, 84 SCRA 554) tactics against opposing counsel. (Canon 8, CPR)
b. The Supreme Court was tasked by the A lawyer shall not, in his professional dealings,
constitution to promulgate rules which cover among others
use language which is abusive, offensive or otherwise
admission to the practice of law and the integration of the
Bar. improper. (Canon 8.02,CPR)
c. Bar integration is not violative of the freedom of DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
association. Integration does not make a lawyer a member a. Lawyers should treat their opposing counsels and
of a group of which he is not already a member. It does not other lawyers with courtesy, dignity and civility. A great part
compel a lawyer to associate with anyone. He is free to of their comfort, as well as of their success at the bar,
attend or no to attend meetings, or vote or refuse to vote in depends upon their relations with their professional
elections as he chooses. The only compulsion is the brethren. Since they deal constantly with each other, they
payment of annual dues. In order to further the State’s must treat be another with trust and respect. Any undue ill
legitimate interest in elevating the quality of professional feeling between clients should not influence counsels in their
legal services, the lawyer may be obliged to share in the conduct and demeanor toward watch other. Mutual
cost and expenses. bickering, unjustified recriminations and offensive behavior
among lawyers not only detract from the dignity of the legal
profession, but also constitute highly unprofessional conduct
6. Is a senior citizen who is engaged in
subject to disciplinary action.
“limited practice of law” exempted from payment The highest regard that can be bestowed on lawyers
of his IBP dues ? Explain. is the esteem of their professional brethren. this esteem
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. A senior citizen cannot be purchased, perfunctorily created, or gained by
engaged in limited practice of law is not exempted. artifice or contrivance. It is born of sharp contests and
This is so because a lawyer can engage in the practice thrives despite conflicting interests. it emanates solely from
of law only by paying his dues and it does not matter integrity, character, brains and skill in the honorable
that his practice is “limited.” While it is true that Rep. performance of professional duty. (Atty. Reyes v. Atty. Chiong,
Act No. 7432, grants senior citizens “exemption from Jr., A.C. No. 5148, July 1, 2003)
the payment of individual income taxes: provided, that b. As officers of the court, lawyers are mandated to
conduct themselves honorably, fairly and candidly toward
their annual taxable income does not exceed the
each other. Though a lawyer’s language may be forceful
poverty level as determined by the National Economic and emphatic, it should always be dignified and respectful,
and Development Authority (NEDA) for that year,” the befitting the dignity of the legal profession. Obviously,
exemption does not include payment of membership or complainant’s use of sarcasm in calling the three
association dues. (Santos, Jr. v. Atty. Llamas, A.C. No. 4749, respondent lawyers, “brilliant lawyers”, “legal supermen”,
January 20, 2000) and “sages” fell short of this mandate. It served no useful
purpose. The use of intemperate language and unkind
7. How should a lawyer conduct himself in ascriptions have no place in the dignity of judicial forum.
his dealings with his fellow lawyers ? Civility among members of the legal profession is a
treasured tradition that must be at no time be lost to it. Atty. Counsel’s authority to sign pleadings
de la Rosa v. Court of Appeals Justices Sabio, Jr., et al., A.M. personal to him and may not be delegated to
No. CA-03-35, July 24, 2003
unqualified persons. Counsel’s authority and duty to
c. Examples: sign a pleading are personal to him. He may not delegate it
1. A lawyer was fined P1,000.00 and reprimanded to just any person.
with a warning (his first offense), because of his failure to The preparation and signing of a pleading constitute
respect his fellow lawyer. He provoked the incident in legal work involving practice of law which is reserved
question shouting and hurling invectives at the complainant, exclusively for the members of the legal profession.
and a brother lawyer, and even attempted to lay hands on Counsel may delegate the signing of a pleading to another
the complainant. He had no right to demand from his brother lawyer but cannot do so in favor of one who is not.
lawyer why the case of a woman had not or could not be Moreover, a signature by agents of a lawyer amounts to
settled. (Alcantara v. Atty. Pefianco, A.C. No. 5398, December 3, signing by unqualified persons, something the law strongly
2. Respondent lawyer was the counsel for the
As a consequence the Supreme Court referred to the
respondent in an estafa case which was filed by the public
IBP for the commencement of disbarment proceedings
prosecutor because of the respondent’s failure to appear
against a lawyer who allowed an unqualified person to sign
during the preliminary investigation. Subsequently the
an answer to a complaint. (Republic, etc., v. Kenrick
respondent filed a civil case against the complaint, the
Development Corporation, G. R. No. 149576, August 8,
complainant’s lawyer and the public prosecutor.
Respondent was found guilty of violating Canon 8, and was
suspended for two (2) years. (Atty. Reyes v. Atty. Chiong, Jr.,
A lawyer, among other acts, offered monetary
A.C. No. 5148, July 1, 2003)
rewards to anyone who could provide him any information
against the complainant just so he would have a leverage in
Canon 1 is violated for failure to observe his actions against the latter. This tactic is unethical and
Section 2, Rule 13 of the Rules of Court which runs counter to the rules that a lawyer shall not, for corrupt
requires that the opposing counsel should be furnished motive or interest, encourage any suit of proceeding and he
copies of pleadings and motions. shall not do any act designed primarily to solicit legal
The purpose of the rule is to maintain a uniform business. The lawyer was found guilty of conduct
procedure calculated to place in competent hands the unbecoming a lawyer and was suspended from the practice
orderly prosecution of a party’s case. This rule is not mere of law for five (5) months. (Ong v. Atty. Unti, A.C. No. 2417,
technicality, but one founded on consideration of fair play. A February 6, 2002)
party engages an attorney of record precisely because it
does not feel competent to deal with the intricacies of law Lawyers should treat their opposing counsels and
and procedure. Furthermore, as the party directly served other lawyers with courtesy, dignity and civility. A great part
would have to communicate with its attorney and turn over of their comfort, as well as of their success at the bar,
to him the notice received, the net result would be to depends upon their relations with their professional
noticeably shorten the usable period for taking the proper brethren. Since they deal constantly with each other, they
steps required to protect the party’s interest. (Poon v. Sig- must treat be another with trust and respect. Any undue ill
Chua, A. C. No. 6549, September 22, 2006) feeling between clients should not influence counsels in their
conduct and demeanor toward watch other. Mutual and emphatic, it should always be dignified and respectful,
bickering, unjustified recriminations and offensive behavior befitting the dignity of the legal profession. The use of
among lawyers not only detract from the dignity of the legal intemperate language and unkind ascriptions have no place
profession, but also constitute highly unprofessional conduct in the dignity of judicial forum. Civility among members of
subject to disciplinary action. the legal profession is a treasured tradition that must be at
no time be lost to it. Atty. de la Rosa v. Court of Appeals
The highest regard that can be bestowed on lawyers Justices Sabio, Jr., et al., A.M. No. CA-03-35, July 24, 2003
is the esteem of their professional brethren. this esteem
cannot be purchased, perfunctorily created, or gained by 3. TO THE COURTS
artifice or contrivance. It is born of sharp contests and
thrives despite conflicting interests. it emanates solely from BAR: 1. What are the duties of lawyers to the
integrity, character, brains and skill in the honorable courts ?
performance of professional duty. Atty. Reyes v. Atty. Chiong, SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Jr., A.C. No. 5148, July 1, 2003 a. Candor, fairness and good faith;
b. Respect the court and judicial officers;
Lawyers should treat their opposing counsels and c. Assist in the speedy and efficient
other lawyers with courtesy, dignity and civility. A great part administration of justice;
of their comfort, as well as of their success at the bar, d. Not to influence the court or create an
depends upon their relations with their professional impression of being able to influence the court.
brethren. Since they deal constantly with each other, they Keyword: CRAI
must treat be another with trust and respect. Any undue ill
feeling between clients should not influence counsels in their a) Candor, fairness and good faith
conduct and demeanor toward watch other. Mutual
towards the courts
bickering, unjustified recriminations and offensive behavior
among lawyers not only detract from the dignity of the legal Illustrative case of not doing any falsehood
profession, but also constitute highly unprofessional conduct before the court by appearing without authority. The
subject to disciplinary action. respondent lawyer was presumed to have authority when he
The highest regard that can be bestowed on lawyers appeared in the proceedings before the DARAB. The
is the esteem of their professional brethren. this esteem records are unclear at what point his authority to appear for
cannot be purchased, perfunctorily created, or gained by the deeased was questioned. Neither is there any indication
artifice or contrivance. It is born of sharp contests and that the complainant in fact questioned his authority during
thrives despite conflicting interests. it emanates solely from the course of the proceedings. However, the respondent
integrity, character, brains and skill in the honorable lawyer knew that his client had already passed away at the
performance of professional duty. Atty. Reyes v. Atty. Chiong, time he filed the Motion for Issuance of Second Alias Writ of
Jr., A.C. No. 5148, July 1, 2003
Execution and Demolition. As an honest, prudent and
conscientious lawyer, he should have informed the Court of
his client’s passing and presented authority that he was
As officers of the court, lawyers are mandated to
retained by the client’s successors-in-interest and thus the
conduct themselves honorably, fairly and candidly toward
parties may have been substituted. [Villahermosa, Sr. v. Atty.
each other. Though a lawyer’s language may be forceful
Caracol, A.C. No. 7325, January 21, 2015 citing The Heirs of the Late F. a. shall not knowingly misquote or misrepresent
Nuguid Vda. de Haberer v. CA, et al., 192 Phil. 61 (1981)]
1) the contents of a paper,
The Supreme Court highlight the important role of an
attorney in our judicial system. Because of the particular 2) the language or the argument of
nature of an attorney’s function it is essential that they opposing counsel, or
should act with fairness, honesty and candor towards the 3) the text of a decision or authority, or
courts and his clients. Under Rule 10.01 of the Code of b. knowingly
Professional Responsibility: A lawyer shall not do any 1) cite as law a provision already
falsehood, nor consent to the doing of any in Court; nor shall rendered inoperative by repeal or amendment,
he mislead, or allow the Court to be misled by any artifice. or
This flows out from the lawyer's oath which each 2) assert as a fact that which has not
lawyer solemnly swears to uphold the law and court been proved. (Rule 10.02, Code of Professional
processes in the pursuit of justice. Thus, a lawyer must be responsibility)
more circumspect in his demeanor and attitude towards the
public in general as agents of the judicial system. The
respondent lawyer has been less than candid about his Strong public interest involved in requiring
representation. He has also used underhanded means to lawyers to behave in a manner consistent with
attain his purpose. The respondent lawyer’s blatant truth and honor. There is a strong public interest
disregard of his duties as a lawyer cannot be countenanced. involved in requiring lawyers who, as officers of the court,
In view of his actions of contravening his lawyer's oath and participate in the dispensation of justice to behave at all
in violation of Canons 8 and 10 and Rule 10.01 of the Code times in a manner consistent with truth and honor. The
of Professional Responsibility he was suspended from the common caricature that lawyers by and large do not feel
practice of law for a period of one year. (Villahermosa, Sr. v. compelled to speak the truth and to act honestly should not
supra) become a common reality. (Maligaya v. Doronilla, Jr., A. C. No.
6198, September 15, 2006)
b) Respect for courts and judicial officers
A lawyer signed a motion which contained scurrilous
c) Assistance in the speedy and efficient attack upon a judge as a result of a resolution he
promulgated. She admitted that she signed the motion upon
administration of justice
her husband’s request but she did not know the contents
beforehand. According to her, implicit is their trust in each
d) Reliance on merits of his cause and avoidance other that this happens all the time. Through the years she
of any impropriety which tends to influence or already lost count of the number of pleadings prepared by
gives the appearance of influence upon the courts one that is singed by the other. By her own admission, the
lawyer violated Section 3, Rule 7. This violation is an act of
BAR 2. What is encompassed in the duty falsehood before he courts, which in itself is a ground for
that, “A lawyer owes candor, fairness and good subjecting her to disciplinary action, independent of any
faith to the court”? (Canon 10, Code of Professional other ground arising from the motion she signed. (Larucom,
etc., v. Jacoba, et al., A. C. No. 5921, March 10, 2006)
BAR: 3. May a lawyer criticize a court because such statements are not fair criticisms of any
decision ? If a lawyer is not penalized for decision of the Court, but obviously are threats made
against it to force the Court to decide the issue in a
criticizing courts or their decisions, when should
particular manner, or risk earning the ire of the public. Such
such criticism be penalized ? What is the rationale statements show disrespect not only for the Court but also
behind the imposition of the penalty ? for the judicial system as a whole, and to promote distrust
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. It does not and undermine public confidence in the judiciary, by creating
follow that because a lawyer is an officer of the court, the impression that the Court cannot be trusted to resolve
that he cannot criticize courts or their decisions cases impartially and violate the right of the parties to have
What is penalized is not criticism .per se, but the their case tried fairly by an independent tribunal,
nature of the criticism and the manner it is carried out . uninfluenced by public clamor and other extraneous
(Zaldivar v. Sandiganbayan, et al., and its companion case, 166 influences. (In Re: Published alleged threats against members of
SCRA 316) the court in the Plunder Law Case hurled by Atty. Leonard de
False charges would tend necessarily to Vera, A.M.No. 01-12-03-SC, July 29, 2002)
undermine the confidence of the people in the honesty
and integrity of the members of the court and Unfounded accusations or allegations or
consequently lower, and degrade, the administration of words tending to embarrass the court or to bring it
justice. This would promote distrust in the into disrepute have no place in a pleading. Their
administration of justice (In re Sotto, 82 Phil. 595), thus employment serves no useful purpose. On the contrary,
they constitute direct contempt of court or contempt on
eroding the foundation upon which rests that bulwark
contempt in facie curiae and a violation of the lawyer’s oath
called judicial power to which those who are aggrieved and a transgression of the Code of Professional
turn to protection and relief. (Salcedo v. Hernandez, 61 Phil. Responsibility. (In Re: Letter dated 21 February 2005 of Atty.
724, 727-728) Instead of resorting to peaceful resolution Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-04-SC, July 22, 2005, disbarred in
of their disputes through the judicial system, people a resolution promulgated September 11,2006)
may seek recourse to violent methods. If a pleading containing derogatory, offensive and
DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASE: malicious statements is submitted in the same court or judge
a. Nature of criticism. All court criticism should in which the proceedings are pending, it is direct contempt,
be bona fide and should not spill over the walls of equivalent as it is to a misbehavior committed in the
presence of or so near a court or judge as to interrupt the
decency and propriety. Intemperate and unfair
administration of justice. Direct contempt is punishable
criticism is a gross violation of the duty of respect to summarily. [In Re: Letter dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel
courts. it is misconduct that subjects a lawyer to S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-04-SC, July 22, 2005, citing Ang v
disciplinary action. (In re Almacen, 31 SCRA at 580-581) .Castro, 136 SCRA 453 (1985)])
b. Illustration: A lawyer was found guilty of indirect
contempt of court and fined P20,000.00. His utterances Illustrative case. A lawyer was indefinitely
pressuring the Supreme Court to rule in favor of the suspended because he was found guilty of both contempt of
constitutionality of the Plunder Law or risk another series of court and violation of the Code of Professional
mass actions by the public cannot be construed as falling Responsibility amounting to gross misconduct as an officer
within the ambit of constitutionally respected speech, of the court and member of the Bar.
Frustrated with the unfavorable outcome of and in the respondent raised a step further the level of his obstinacy
manner by which the Supreme Court has resolved certain and defiance. In a clearly insulting tone reflecting a
cases filed by him, the lawyer wrote a letter addressed to remorseless and boorish persons, he states that he has
the Chief Justice copy furnished all the Associate Justices of from the start defied the suspension order meted him by the
the Supreme Court, the Court of Appeals, and the Office of Supreme Court and has continued with is professional
the Solicitor General, denouncing the Supreme Court, as practice as a lawyer both in the lower courts and before the
follows: Court. The Court’s patience has been stretched to the limit
“Mr. Chief Justice, I believe the manner the Court by the respondent’s arrogance and meted him the supreme
comported itself in the aforesaid case is totally execrable penalty. He has proven himself to be incorrigible. By his
and atrocious, entirely unworthy of the majesty and office of demeanor, as demonstrated by his penchant for addressing
the highest tribunal of the land. It is the action not of men of malicious letters and pleadings to this Court, the respondent
reason or those who believe in the rule of law, but rather of is unworthy to continue as an officer of the court.
bullies and tyrants from whom ‘might is right.’ I say, shame
on the High Court, for shoving down a hapless suitor’s throat Criticism of courts. A lawyer is entitled to voice his
a ruling, which from all appearances, it could not justify.” criticism within the context of the constitutional guarantee of
Called upon to show cause why he should not be freedom of speech which must be exercised responsibly. After all,
properly disciplined “for degrading, insulting and dishonoring every right carries with it the corresponding obligation. Freedom is
the Supreme court by using vile, offensive, intemperate and not freedom from responsibility, by freedom with responsibility.
Free expression, after all, must not be used as a vehicle to satisfy
contemptuous derogatory language against it,” the lawyer
one’s irrational obsession to demean, ridicule, degrade and even
responded with two more letters, arguing for the propriety of destroy the Supreme Court and its magistrates. [In Re: Letter
his action and practically lecturing the Court on his concepts dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-
of Legal and Judicial Ethics and Constitutional Law. The 04-SC, July 22, 2005., citing Ariosa v. Tamin, A.M. No.RTJ-92-
Court merely noted his two letters. 798, 344 SCRA 589 (2000)]
The two letters contained statements disparaging the The use of intemperate language and unkind inscription can
Court with intemperate, insulting, offensive and derogatory hardly be justified not can it have a place in the dignity of judicial
language, which included the following: forum. Civility among members of the legal profession is a
“Something has got to be seriously and terribly wrong treasured tradition that must at no time be lost to it. [In Re: Letter
with the country’s justice system..” “What is happening to dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-
04-SC, July 22, 2005 citing Alonte v. Savellano, et al., 350 Phil.
the justice system in this country, Mr. Chief Justice ?”
700; 287 SCRA 245 (1998)]
“I therefore deplore and condemn in the strongest A lawyer, as a citizen and as an officer of the court, is
term such strong-handed actuations as the Honorable Court entitled to criticize the rulings of the Supreme Court, to point out
has displayed. hey are as one might expect in a dictatorship where he feels the Court may have lapsed with error. But,
or authoritarian regime.” certainly, this does not give him the unbridled license to insult and
There were various communications the lawyer malign the Court and bring it to disrepute. Against such an
addressed to the Court which are of the same tenor. (In Re: assault, the Court is duty-bound “to act to preserve its honor and
Letter dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No. dignity. . .and to safeguard the morals and ethics of the legal
05-03-04-SC, July 22, 2005) profession.” (In Re: Letter dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel
The respondent lawyer was disbarred through a S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-04-SC, July 22, 2005 citing In Re:
resolution promulgated on September 11, 2006. In a Wenceslao Laureta, March 12, 1987, 148 SCRA 282)
manifestation and motion dated July 18, 2006, the
Duty of an attorney as an officer of the court. [Rondina, et al., v. Associate Justice Eloy R., Bello, Jr., etc., A.M.
An officer of the court has the duty to uphold the dignity and No.CA-05-43, July 8, 2005 (A.M.OCA I.P.I. No. 04-72-CA-J)citing
authority of the courts and to promote confidence in the fair Section 1, Rule 140 of the Rules of Court on the Discipline of
Judges of Regular and Special Courts and Justices of the Court of
administration of justice. [In Re: Letter dated 21 February 2005
Appeals and the Sandiganbayan, as amended by A. M. No. 01-8-
of Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-04-SC, July 22, 2005, In
10 SC, promulgated 11 September 2001]
re: Published Alleged Threats Against Members of the Court in the
Plunder Law Case Hurled by Atty. Leonard De Vera, A.M. No. 01-
12-03-SC, 385 SCRA 285 (2002 )] No less must this be and It is not proper to file a charge of misconduct
with greater reasons in the case of the court’s highest court, against a solitary member of a collegiate court for
the Supreme Court, as the last bulwark of justice and alleged misconduct arising from a collegial order
democracy. (Ibid.) or judgment. The judgment or order of a collegiate court,
The first duty of an attorney is not to his client, but to such as the Court of Appeals, whose members reach a
the administration of justice, to which his client’s success is collective judgment after due deliberation, cannot be the
wholly subordinate. His conduct ought to and must always subject of a charge of misconduct and unethical behavior
be scrupulously observant of law and ethics. (In Re: Letter against a single member of the appellate court. . [Rondina, et
dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503- al., v. Associate Justice Eloy R. Bello, Jr., etc., A.M. No.CA-05-43,
04-SC, July 22, 2005) The lawyer’s fidelity to his client must July 8, 2005 (A.M.OCA I.P.I. No. 04-72-CA-J] Thus, it was held
not be pursued at the expense of truth and orderly that a charge of violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
administration of justice, It must be done within the confines Practices Act on the ground that a collective decision is
of reason and common sense. (Ibid.) “unjust” cannot prosper (Ibid., citing In Re: Wenceslao Laureta,
12 March 1987, 148 SCRA 282), if proffered against a solitary
Criticism of courts. Well-recognized is the right of member.
a lawyer, both as an officer of the court and as a citizen, to
criticize in properly respectful terms and through legitimate 4. What is the duty of a lawyer if he is
channels the acts of courts and judges. unable to file pleadings and other documents,
Though a lawyer’s language may be forceful and despite extensions of time ?
emphatic, it should always be dignified and respectful SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer shall not,
befitting the dignity of the legal profession. The use of after obtaining extensions of time to file pleadings,
unnecessary language is proscribed in order to promote the memoranda or briefs, let the period lapse without
high esteem in the courts and trust in judicial administration.
submitting the same or offering an explanation for his
In maintaining the respect due to the courts, a lawyer is not
merely enjoined to use dignified language but also to pursue
failure to do so.
the client’s cause through fair and honest means. (Larucom, DOCTRINE AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASE:
etc., v. Jacoba, et al., A. C. No. 5921, March 10, 2006) a. Effect of failure to submit brief. Failure to
submit briefs may be fatal to a client’s cause. Upon appeal,
Complaint filed against a magistrate instituted the appellate court, not being in a position to hear first hand
the testimony of the parties, can only place great reliance on
by any person must be verified and duly supported by
the briefs and memoranda of the parties. (Sps. Galen, et al.,
affidavits of persons who have personal knowledge of the
v. Atty.Paguirigan, A.C.No. 558, March 7,2002)
facts alleged therein, or by documents substantiating such
allegations otherwise the complaint shall be dismissed. .
Failure to submit a brief to the appellate court within the help attain these objectives but should likewise avoid
reglementary period entails disciplinary action. Not only is it unethical and improper practices that impede, obstruct or
a dereliction of duty to his client but also to the court as well. prevent their realization, charged as he is with the primary
An attorney is bound to protect his client’s interest to task of assisting in the speedy and efficient administration of
the best of his ability and with utmost diligence. A failure to justice. (Prieto v. Corpuz, et al., A. C. No. 6517, December 6,
file brief for his client certainly constitutes inexcusable 2006)
negligence on his part. There is serious lapse in the duty A lawyer was adjudged in direct contempt of court
owed to the client as well as to the Court not to delay and ordered to pay a fine of Two Thousand Pesos
litigation and to aid in the speedy administration of justice. (P2,000.00) within ten (10) days from notice, or to suffer
Sps. Galen, et al., v. Atty. Paguirigan, A. C. No. 558, March 7, imprisonment of ten (10) days in case he fails to pay the
2002 fine.
Any extension granted is always counted from the He filed a Motion and Petition-In-Intervention based on
last day of the reglementary period or the last period of a spurious Supreme Court decision. Direct contempt, or
extension previously sought and/or granted. This rule is contempt in facie curiae, is misbehavior committed in the
important because unless the extension from the last day of presence of or so near a court or judge so as to obstruct or
the reglementary period or the day of last extension is interrupt the proceedings before the same, including
granted, this period would become inextendible. (Ramos v. disrespect toward the court, and can be punished summarily
Atty. Dajoyag, Jr., A.C. No. 5174, February 28, 2002) without hearing. It is conduct directed against or assailing
b. Illustrative cases: the authority or dignity of the court or a judge, or in the doing
1. A lawyer was subject to reprimand for simple of a forbidden act.
neglect because of his failure to seasonably appeal an Counsel’s actuations may even constitute a violation
NLRC decision, although he exerted efforts to obtain a of the lawyer’s oath. As an officer of the court his basic
reconsideration of a Supreme Court denial of the petition for duties include to observe and maintain the respect due to
certiorari involving the same case. (Ramos v. Atty. Dajoyag, the courts of justice and to judicial officers, to do no
Jr., A.C. No. 5174, February 28, 2002) falsehood nor consent to the doing of any in court, nor
2. A lawyer was suspended for six (6) months, mislead or allow the court to be misled by any artifice, and to
ordered to refund to his clients the sum of P10,000.00, and assist in the speedy and efficient administration of justice.
warned for his failure to submit the appellee’s brief. ( Sps. (Encinas, et al., v. National Bookstore, Inc. G.R. No. 162704, July
Galen, et al., v. Atty. Paguirigan, A. C. No. 558, March 7, 2002) 28, 2005)

Lawyers as officers of the court have a BAR: 5. May a lawyer properly comment
responsibility to assist in the proper administration before the media the merits of a case he is
of justice. They do no discharge this duty by filing handling presently pending before the courts or
frivolous petitions that only add to the workload of the administrative bodies ? Why?
A lawyer is part of the machinery in the administration
of justice. Like the court itself, he is an instrument to unethical to do so:
advance its ends – the speedy, efficient, impartial correct a. A lawyer shall not make public statements in
and inexpensive adjudication of cases and the prompt the media regarding a pending case tending to arouse
satisfaction of final judgments. A lawyer should not only
public opinion for or against a party . (Rules 13.02, Canon Forum shopping exists where the elements of litis
13, Code of Professional Responsibility) pendentia are present or where a final judgment in one case
b. Newspaper publications by a lawyer to will amount to res judicata in another. Thus, the following
pending or anticipated litigation may interfere with a fair requisites should concur:
trial in the courts and otherwise prejudice the due a) identity of parties, or at least such parties s
administration of justice. Generally, they are to be represent the same interests in both actions,
b) identity of rights asserted and relief prayed for
condemned. (1st sentence, Canon 20, Canons of Professional
Ethics) the relief being founded on the same facts, and
c) the identity of the two preceding particulars is
c. Indirect advertisements for professional
such that any judgment rendered in the other action will,
employment such as furnishing or inspiring newspaper regardless of which party is successful, amount to res
comments or procuring his photograph to be published judicata in the action under consideration. (Lim v. Montano,
in connection with causes in which the lawyer has been A. C. No. 5653, February 27, 2006)
or is engaged or concerning the manner of their
conduct, the magnitude of the interest involved, the The principle of forum shopping should apply
importance of the lawyer’s position, and all other like by analogy to a case involving the principle of law
self-laudation, offend the traditions and lower the tome of the case. While the Court has held that forum shopping
of our profession and are reprehensible. (2nd sentence, exists only where the elements of litis pendentia are present
Canon 27, Ibid.) or where a final judgment in one case will amount to res
judicata in another, it must be recalled that the doctrines of
6. “A lawyer shall exert every effort and law of the case and res judicata are founded on a public
consider it his duty to assist in the speedy and policy against reopening that which has previously been
efficient administration of justice.” (Canon 12, Code of decided. Both doctrines share he policy consideration of
Professional Responsibility) putting an end to litigation. (Spouses Aguilar v. The Manila
Banking Corporation, G. R. No. 157911, September 19, 2006)
Forum shopping. The essence of forum shopping
is the filing of multiple suits involving the same parties for Permutation of forum shopping is filing
the same cause of action, either simultaneously or various motions for inhibition to seek friendly
successively, for the purpose of obtaining a favorable branch. Through the motions for inhibition of the presiding
judgment, judges and the assignment of the case to different branches
It exists when, as a result of an adverse opinion in one of the same court, petitioners sought to obtain from one
forum, a party seeks a favorable opinion in another, or when branch a ruling more favorable than the ruling of another
he institutes two or more actions or proceedings grounded branch. They deliberately sought a friendly branch of the
on the same cause to increase the chances of obtaining a same court to grant them the relief that they wanted, despite
favorable decision. the finality of the resolution of one branch on the matter.
An important factor in determining its existence is the This is a permutation of forum shopping. It trifles with
vexation caused to the courts and the parties-litigants by the the courts, abuses their processes, degrades the
filing of similar cases to claim substantially the same reliefs. administration of justice, and congests court dockets. Be it
remembered that the grave evil sought to be avoided by the
rules against forum shopping is the rendition by two 8. “A lawyer shall not file multiple actions arising
competent tribunals of two separate, and contradictory from the same cause.” (Rule 12.02, Code of Professional
decisions. Unscrupulous party-litigants, taking advantage of Responsibility)
a variety of competent tribunals, may repeatedly try their
luck in several different fora until a favorable result is BAR: 9. Instances of forum shopping:
reached. This would make a complete mockery of the judicial
system. . (Spouses Aguilar v. The Manila Banking Corporation,
a. Whenever as a result of an adverse opinion
G. R. No. 157911, September 19, 2006) in one forum, or it may be added, in anticipation
thereof, a party seeks a favorable opinion in another
Lawyer subject to disciplinary penalty if he forum through means other than by appeal or certiorari,
resorts to forum shopping. A lawyer owes fidelity to the raising identical causes of action, subject matter, and
cause of his client but not at the expense of truth and the issues. (Ligon v. Court of Appeals, et al., G. R. No. 127683,
administration of justice. The filing of multiple petitions August 7, 1998)
constitutes abuse of the Court’s processes and improper b. When the elements of litis pendentia are
conduct that tends to impede, obstruct and degrade the present or where a final judgment in one case will
administration of justice and will be punished for contempt of amount to res judicata in the other case. (Ibid.)
court. c. When a party attempts to have his action
Needless to state, the lawyer who files such multiple tried in a particular court or jurisdiction where he feels
and repetitious petitions (which obviously delays the
he will receive the most favorable judgment or verdict.
execution of a final and executory judgment) subjects
(First Philippine International Bank, etc. v. Court of Appeals, et al.,
himself to disciplinary action for incompetence (for not
252 SCRA 259)
knowing any better) or for willful violation of his duties as an
attorney to act with all good fidelity to the courts, and to d. Filing a second suit in a court without
maintain only such actions as appear to him to be just and jurisdiction. (New Pangasinan Review, Inc. v. NLRC, 196
are consistent with truth and honor. The filing of another SCRA 55)
action concerning the same subject matter, in violation of e. Filing an action in court while the same cause
the doctrine of res judicata, runs contrary to Canon 12 of of action is still pending in an administrative
the Code of Professional Responsibility, which requires a proceeding. (Earth Minerals Exploration, Inc. v. Macaraig, 194
lawyer to exert every effort and consider it his duty to assist SCRA 1)
in the speedy and efficient administration of justice. (Lim v. f. When counsel omits to disclose the pendency
Montano, A. C. No. 5653, February 27, 2006) of an appeal, in filing a certiorari case. (Collado v.
Hernando, 181 SCRA 639)
BAR: 7. Forum shopping exists when two or
more actions involve the same transactions, essential BAR: 10. Forum shopping may result to
facts, and circumstances, and raise identical causes of dismissal, upon motion, of the second suit on the
action, subject matter and issues. (Ligon v. Court of ground:
Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 127683, August 7, 1998) a. That there is another action pending between
the same parties for the same cause [Sec. 1 (e), Rule 16,
Rules of Court]; or
b. That the cause of action is barred by a prior
judgment. [Sec. 1 (f), Ibid.] BAR: 14. “A lawyer shall rely upon the
merits of his cause and refrain from any
The mere filing of several cases based on the same impropriety which tends to influence, or gives the
incident does not necessarily constitute forum appearance of influencing the court.” (Canon 13,
shopping. (Paz v. Sanchez, A. C. No. 6125, September 19, Code of Professional Responsibility)
Illustrative case: Although both cases are related
because Dizon’s property is involved, the relief prayed for
BAR: 15. “A lawyer shall not extend
are different. In the DARAB case, Dizon prayed for the extraordinary attention or hospitality to, nor seek
cancellation of TCT No. 420127-R in the name of the opportunity for cultivating familiarity with Judges.” (Rule
complainant and his partners. In the RTC case, Dizon’s 13.01, Code of Professional Responsibility) Thus, a lawyer
widow prayed for the cancellation of TCT No. 483629-R in should not make a judge his compadre.
the name of Sycamore. Respondent cannot be held liable
for forum shopping. (Paz v. Sanchez, A. C. No. 6125, New associate is under the supervision of
September 19, 2006) more senior lawyers. It is a common practice in a law
firm that when it hires a new associate, his or her work is
ordinarily reviewed by the more senior associates of the
BAR 11. Willful and deliberate forum firm. If the supervising lawyers were not remiss in their duty
shopping shall be ground for summary dismissal with to follow up the status of the case they should have known
prejudice and shall constitute direct contempt, as well of the neglect. Simply put, the law firm itself was guilty of
as a cause for administrative sanctions. (last sentence, 2nd inexcusable neglect. (Trust International Paper Corporation v.
par., Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules of Court) Pelaez, G. R. No. 164871, August 22, 2006)
In a 2005 case, the Supreme Court ruled that supervising
lawyers are responsible for their associates. Principals
BAR: 12. Failure to comply with the should closely monitor the activities of their associates to
certification against forum shopping shall not be make sure that the same is in consonance with the Code of
curable by mere amendment of the complaint or other Professional Ethics. Otherwise, they shall be subject to
initiatory pleading but shall be cause for the dismissal discipline.
of the case without prejudice, unless otherwise Partners and practitioners who hold supervisory
provided, upon motion and after hearing. (1st sentence, capacities are legally responsible to exert ordinary diligence
2nd par., Sec. 5, rule 7, Rules of Court) in apprising themselves of the comings and goings of the
cases handled by the persons over which they are
13. The submission of a false certification or exercising supervisory authority and in exerting necessary
non-compliance with any of the undertaking therein efforts to foreclose the occurrence of violations of the Code
of Professional Responsibility of persons under their charge.
shall constitute indirect contempt of court, without
Nonetheless, the liability of the supervising lawyer in this
prejudice to the corresponding administrative and regard is by no means equivalent to that of the recalcitrant
criminal actions. (2nd sentence, 2nd par., Sec. 5, Rule 7, Rules lawyer. The actual degree of control and supervision
of Court)
exercised by said supervising lawyer varies, inter alia, 2. Lawyers were held administratively liable for
according to office practice, or the length of experience and the conduct of their employees in failing to time file
competence of the lawyer supervised. Such factors can be pleadings. [Solatan v. Inocentes and Camano, A. C. No. 6504,
taken into account in ascertaining the proper penalty. August 9, 2005, citing Adaza v. Barinaga, 192 Phil. 198; 104
Certainly, a lawyer charged with the supervision of a SCRA 684 (1981)])
fledgling attorney prone to rookie mistakes should bear 3. Partners in a law firm were admonished for
greater responsibility for the culpable acts of the underling the contemptuous language in a pleading submitted to court
than one satisfied enough with the work and professional despite, and even due to, the fact that the pleadings were
ethic of the associate so as to leave the latter mostly to not passed upon by any of the partners of the office.
his/her own devises. (Solatan v. Inocentes and Camano, A. C. Partners are duty bound to provide for efficacious control of
No. 6504, August 9, 2005) court pleadings and other court papers that carry their
Law practitioners are acutely aware of the names or the name of the law firm. (Rheem of the Philippines,
responsibilities that are naturally taken on by partners and Inc. et al., v. Zoilo R. Ferrer, et al., G. R. L-22979, 26 June 1967,
supervisory lawyers over the lawyers and non-lawyers of the 20 SCRA 441 cited in Solatan v. Inocentes and Camano, A. C. No.
law office. (Ibid.) 6504, August 9, 2005)
The Supreme Court said that it is not unaware of the
custom of practitioners in a law firm of assigning cases and 4. TO THE CLIENTS
even entire client accounts to associates or other partners
with limited supervision, if at all. However, let it not be said BAR: 1. What are the duties of a lawyer to the
that law firm practitioners are given a free hand to assign client ?
cases to seasoned attorneys and thereafter conveniently SUGGESTED ANSWER:
forget about the case. To do so would be a disservice to the a. Not to refuse his services to the needy and
profession, the integrity and advancement of which this oppressed;
Court must jealously protect. (Ibid.) b. Observe candor, fairness and loyalty in all his
Thus, the senior lawyers were held liable in the dealings and transactions with his clients;
following instances: c. Hold in trust all moneys and properties of his
1. A senior lawyer was administratively liable by client that may come into his possession;
virtue of his associate’s unethical acts. His failure to d. Owe fidelity to the cause of his client and be
exercise certain responsibilities over matters under the mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in him;
charge of his law firm is a blameworthy shortcoming. The e. Serve his client with competence and diligence;
term “command responsibility” principle does not abide f. Represent his client with zeal within the bounds of
solely to the special meaning within the circle of men in the law;
uniform in the military. It controls the very circumstance in g. Charge only fair and reasonable fees;
which the senior lawyer found himself. h. Preserve the confidence and secrets of his client
The senior lawyer was admonished to monitor more even after the attorney-client relation is terminated;
closely the activities of his associates to make sure that the i. Withdraw his services only for good cause and
same are in consonance with the Code of Professional upon notice appropriate in the circumstances.
Responsibility with the warning that repetition of the same or
similar omission will be dealt with more severely . (Solatan v. CREATION OF LAWYER-CLIENT RELATIONSHIP
Inocentes and Camano, A. C. No. 6504, August 9, 2005)
2. A lawyer client relationship is by mere advocate for every person who may wish to become his
consultation. (Spouses Rabanal, et al., v. Atty. Tugade, A.C. client. He has the right to decline employment. (Dalisay v.
No. 1372, June 27, 2002; Burbe v. Atty. Magulta, A.C. No. 99-634, Mauricio, Jr., A. C. No. 5655, January 23, 2006, denial of motion
June 10, 2002) for reconsideration)

3. A lawyer client contract may be express or Acceptance of money from a client

implied without need of a written contract. (Spouses establishes an attorney-client relationship . Once a
Rabanal, et al., v. Atty. Tugade, A.C. No. 1372, June 27, 2002; lawyer accepts money from a client, an attorney-client
Burbe v. Atty. Magulta, A.C. No. 99-634, June 10, 2002) relationship is established, giving rise to the duty of fidelity to
the client’s cause. From then on, he is expected to be
4. Likewise a lawyer-client relationship exists mindful of the trist and confidence reposed in him. He must
serve the client with competence and diligence, and
notwithstanding the close personal relationship
champion the latter’s cause with wholehearted diligence.
between the lawyer and the client, neither is the (Dalisay v. Mauricio, Jr., A. C. No. 5655, January 23, 2006, denial
relationship negated by an absence of payment of of motion for reconsideration)
professional fees. (Spouses Rabanal, et al., v. Atty. Tugade,
A.C. No. 1372, June 27, 2002; Burbe v. Atty. Magulta, A.C. No. Duty of a lawyer who accepts an
99-634, June 10, 2002) engagement. After accepting an engagement, his duty is,
first and foremost, to enter his appearance. This despite the
5. Retainer is the act of a client by which he fact that the case was already submitted for decision.
engages an attorney to manage a cause, either by Where there is a failure to enter his appearance, the lawyer
prosecuting it, when he is the plaintiff, or defending it should return the client’s money. Surely, he cannot expect
when he is the defendant. (Bouvier) to be paid for doing nothing. (Dalisay v. Mauricio, Jr., A. C. No.
6. A retaining fee preliminary fee given to an 5655, January 23, 2006)
attorney to secure his future services, and induce him
to act for the client. (Hilado v. David, 84 Phil. 579) When duty commences. The authority of a
lawyer begins with his or her retainer. It gives rise to a
The retaining fee is only for the purpose of relationship between and attorney and a client that is highly
reserving the service of a lawyer, another fee is to be fiduciary in nature and of a very delicate, exacting and
paid for actual representation. confidential character, requiring a high degree of fidelity and
good faith.
7. A special retainer is a contract of If much is demanded from an attorney, it is because
employment between a client and attorney for the the entrusted privilege to practice law carries with it the
particular case or service only. After the termination of correlative duties not only to the client but also to the court,
the case or the rendition of the service, the retainership to the bar, and to the public. A lawyer who performs his
is likewise ended. duty with diligence and candor not only protects the interest
of his client, he also serves the ends of justice, does honor
Lawyer not obliged to accept engagement. It is to the bar, and helps maintain the respect of the community
axiomatic that no lawyer is obliged to act either as adviser or to the legal profession. Indeed, law is an exacting goddess
demanding of her notaries not only intellectual but also
moral discipline. (Dalisay v. Mauricio, Jr., A. C. No. 5655, BAR: 8. Does the representation of a de
January 23, 2006)
parte counsel end when the decision is rendered
Lawyer must first file his entry of appearance in the lower court ?
before filing any pleading. A lawyer was required to SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. An attorney who
explain why he should not be proceeded administratively for appears de parte in a case before a lower court shall
filing pleadings without first entering his appearance. be presumed to continue representing his client on
(Spouses Regalado, et al, v. Regalado, et al., G. R. No. 134154, appeal, unless he files a formal petition withdrawing his
February 29, 2006) appearance in the appellate court. (Sec. 22, Rule 138,
Rules of Court)
Filing of a notice of appearance by a second
lawyer is not presumption of termination of the first 9. May a lawyer refuse to represent an
lawyer. There is no question that a party may have two or accused whom he personally believes to be
more lawyers working in collaboration in a given litigation. guilty ? Up to what extent should a lawyer
However, a substitution should not be presumed from a represent a guilty party ?
mere filing of a notice of appearance of a new lawyer. The SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. Lacking the
fact that a second attorney enters his appearance for the shield of innocence the accused must be protected with
same party does not necessarily raised the presumption that
the armor of the constitution to protect his rights.
the authority of the first attorney has been withdrawn.
(Elbina v. Ceniza, et al., G. R. No. 154019, August 10, 2006) In the defense of a person accused of a crime,
by all fair and honorable means, regardless of the
Legal formalities for dismissal of counsel lawyer’s personal opinion as to the guilt of the accused,
should be followed. There is an absolute need to to present every defense that the law permits, to the
observe legal formalities before a counsel of record may be end that no person may be deprived of life or liberty,
considered relieved of his responsibilities. The withdrawal but by due process of law. (Sec. 20, Rule 138, Rules of
for dismissal of counsel must be made in a formal petition Court)
filed in the case. The representation of the first counsel of
record is presumed to continue until a formal notice to the BAR: 10. A lawyer may refuse a civil case
contrary is filed with the court. (Elbina v. Ceniza, et al., G. R. No.
154019, August 10, 2006)
where he cannot put up a valid or meritorious
defense because:
The client’s death terminates the attorney- a. The lawyer’s signature in the pleading
client relationship. The settled rule is that attorney-client constitutes a certification that there is good cause to
relationship is terminated upon the client’s death. A dead support it and that it is not interposed for delay.
client has no personality and cannot be represented by an b. It is the layer’s duty to counsel or maintain
attorney. Thus any pleading filed and verified by the client’s such actions or proceedings only as appear to him to
counsel is a mere scrap of paper because the lawyer no be just and such defenses only as he believes as to be
longer has the authority to represent his dead client. (Borlongan honestly debatable under the law.
v. Buenaventura, et al., G. R. No. 167234, February 27, 2006)
BAR: 11. Duty of a defense counsel when May 26, 2005 citing In re Williams, 57 Ill, 2d 63 (1974), citing
People v. Gerold ,265 Ill. 448 (1914)] With full disclosure of the
the client desires to plead guilty is to fully acquaint facts of the case by the client to his attorney, adequate legal
himself with the facts and circumstances surrounding representation will result in the ascertainment and enforcement of
the case to be enabled to advise the client of the rights, or the prosecution or defense of the client’s cause.
consequences of the plea of guilty, see to it that the (Mercado, supra)
proper procedure is observed, present evidence so that
Factors to establish the privilege: Dean Wigmore
the precise degree of his client’s culpability is
cites the factors essential to establish the existence of the
established and to see to it that only the proper penalty privilege, viz.: “(1) Where legal advise of any kind is sought (2)
is imposed. He must also insure that there is no room from a professional legal adviser in his capacity as such, (3) the
for doubt that there was a mistake or misunderstanding communication relating that purpose, (4) made in confidence (5)
as to the nature of the charges to which his client has by the client, (6) are at his instance permanently protected (7)
from disclosure by himself or by the legal advisor, (8) except the
pleaded guilty.
protection be waived.” [Mercado v. Vitriolo, Adm. Case No. 5108,
May 26, 2005 citing 8 J. Wigmore, Evidence Sec. 2292
a) Availability of service without discrimination (McNaughten rev. 1961)]
In summary:.
(i) Services regardless of a person’s status 1. There exists an attorney-client
relationship, or a prospective attorney-client
(ii) Services as counsel de officio relationship, and it is by reason of this relationship that
the client made the communication. Matters disclosed by a
prospective client to a lawyer are protected by the rule on
(iii) Valid grounds for refusal privileged communication even f the prospective client does not
thereafter retain the lawyer or the latter declines the employment.
(Mercado v. Vitriolo, Adm. Case No. 5108, May 26, 2005 citing
b) Candor, fairness and loyalty to clients Agpalo, Legal; and Judicial Ethics, 2002 ed.,pp.186-187 citing
Comments of IBO Committee that drafted the Code, p. 81)
On the other hand, a communication from a (prospective)
(i) Confidentiality rule
client to a lawyer for some purpose other than on account of the
(prospective) attorney-client relation is not privileged. Example
(ii) Privileged communications was where the client and his wife leased to their attorney an
agricultural land for a period of ten years. The clients gave the
Attorney-client privilege, Under the attorney-client privilege, lawyer a list of creditors to whom a portion of the rentals should be
an attorney is to keep inviolate his client’s secrets or confidences paid. A disclosure by the lawyer of the list to parties whose interest
and not to abuse them. Thus, the duty of a lawyer to preserve his are adverse to that of the client would partake more of a private
client’s secrets and confidence outlasts the termination of the and civil wrong than of a breach of the fidelity owing from a lawyer
attorney client relationship, and continue even after the client’s to his client. (Ibid., citing Pfleider v. Palanca, Adm. Case No. 927,
death. It is the glory of the legal profession that its fidelity to its September 28, 1970, 35 SCRA 75)
client can be depended, and that a man may safely go to a lawyer 2. The client made the communication in
and converse with him upon his rights or supposed rights in a confidence. The mere relation of attorney and client does not
litigation with absolute assurance that the lawyer’s tongue is tied raise presumptions of confidentiality. [Mercado v. Vitriolo, Adm.
from ever disclosing it. (Mercado v. Vitriolo, Adm. Case No. 5108, Case No. 5108, May 26, 2005 citing Hitpold v. Stern, 82 A2d 123,
26 ALR2d 852 (1951)] The client must intend the communication crime is not included within the confidences which a
to be confidential. [Ibid., citing Uy Chico v. Union Life Assurance lawyer is bound to respect. (5th sentence, Canon 37,
Society, 29 Phil. 163, 165 (1915)]
Canons of Professional Ethics)
A confidential communication refers to information
transmitted by voluntary act of disclosure between attorney and DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
client in confidence and by means which, so far as the client is a. The duty of confidentiality or privileged
aware, discloses the information to no third person other than one communication applies only to verbal revelations and
reasonably necessary for the transmission of the information or does not protect incriminating documents or physical
the accomplishment of the purpose for which it was given. [Ibid., evidence turned over to the lawyer by the client. Reason:
citing Brown v. Saint Paul City R. Co., 62 NW2d 688, 44 ALR 535 As a officer of the court, a “lawyer shall exert every effort
(1954)] and consider it his duty to assist in the speedy and efficient
Thus, a compromise agreement prepared by a lawyer administration of justice.” (Canon 12, Code of Professional
pursuant to the instruction of his client and delivered to the
Responsibility) Furthermore, “A lawyer owes candor, fairness
opposing party [Ibid., citing Uy Chico v. Union Life Assurance
Society, 29 Phil. 163, 165 (1915)], an offer and counter-offer for and good faith to the court.” (Canon 10. Ibid.)
settlement [Ibid., citing Hitpold v. Stern, 82 A2d 123, 26 ALR2d b. The duty of confidentiality includes not
852 (1951)], or a document given by a client to his counsel not in divulging the client’s name where a strong probability
his professional capacity (Ibid., citing Pfleider v. Palanca, Adm. exists that revealing the client’s name would implicate that
Case No. 927, September 28, 1970, 35 SCRA 75), are not client in the very activity for which he sought the client’s
privileged communications, the element of confidentiality not being advise. (Regala v. Sandiganbayan, 262 SCRA 122)
present. c. Lawyer-client privilege communication rule.
3. The legal advice must be sought from the An attorney cannot, without the consent of his client, be
attorney in his professional capacity. The communication examined as to any communication made by the client to
made by a client to his attorney must not be intended for mere him, or his advice given thereto in the course of, or with a
information, but for the purpose of seeking legal advice from his view to, professional employment, nor can an attorney’s
attorney as to his rights or obligations. The communication must
secretary, stenographer, or clerk be examined, without the
have been transmitted by a client to his attorney for the purpose of
seeking legal advice. (Mercado v. Vitriolo, Adm. Case No. 5108, consent of the client and his employer, concerning any fact
May 26, 2005 citing Agpalo, Legal; and Judicial Ethics, 2002 the knowledge of which has been acquired in such capacity.
ed.,pp.260-261) [Sec. 24 (b), Rule 130, Rules of Court]
If the client seeks an accounting service [Ibid., U.S. v.
Kovel, 296 F2d 918 (1961), or business or personal assistance (iii) Conflict of interest
[Ibid., citing Radiant Burners, Inc, v. American Gas Association,
320 F2d 314 (1963)] and not legal advice, the privilege does not BAR: 1. What is meant by a lawyer
attach to a communication disclosed for such purpose. (Ibid.)
representing conflicting interests ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer represents
BAR: 4. What type of information divulged by the
conflicting interests when, in behalf of one client, it is
client to a lawyer in the course of engagement may
his duty to content for that which duty to another client
properly fall under protected information which a
requires him to oppose. (Canon 6, Canons of Professional
lawyer could not reveal ? Ethics)
and, the announced intention of a client to commit a
a. Meaning of conflict of interest. There is conflict 2. A lawyer was suspended for six (6) months
of interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent interests of because while he was acting as counsel for the complainant
two or more opposing parties. The test is “whether or not in he prepared a defendant’s answer to the amended
behalf of one client, it is the lawyer’s duty to fight for an complaint. Artezuela v. Atty. Maderazo, A. C. No. 4354, April 22,
issue or claim, but it is his duty to oppose it for the other 2002
client. In brief, if he argues for one client, this argument will 3. A lawyer was admonished with warning because
be opposed by him when he argues for the other client. the law firm of which he was the Managing Partner, was the
(Hornilla, et al., v. Atty. Salunat, A.C. No. 5804, July 1, 2003) retained counsel of the complainant corporation, yet he
Rule against representation of conflicting appeared as counsel of record of the respondent Board of
interest. Based on the established facts, it is indubitable Directors. Hornilla, et al., v. Atty. Salunat, A.C. No. 5804, July 1,
that respondent transgressed Rule 15.03 of Canon 15 of the 2003
Code of Professional Responsibility. It provides: Rule 15.03 Illustration of violation of the conflict of interest rule.
-A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by Lawyers are expected not only to keep inviolate the client's
confidence, but also to avoid the appearance of treachery and
written consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure
double-dealing for only then can litigants be encouraged to entrust
of the facts. "A lawyer may not, without being guilty of their secrets to their lawyers, which is of paramount importance in
professional misconduct, act as counsel for a person whose the administration of justice. [Quiambao v. Atty. Bamba, 505 Phil.
interest conflicts with that of his present or former client." 126, 133 (2005) cited in Daging v. Atty. Davis, A.C No. 9395,
(Daging v. Davis, A.C No. 9395, November 12, 2014 citing Nuique v. November 12, 2014] Respondent argues that while complainant is
Sedillo, A. C. No. 9906, July 29, 2013, 702 SCRA 317, 325) a client of his Law office, her case is actually handled only by his
b. To be guilty of representing conflicting partner. He was not privy to any transaction between his partner
interests, a counsel-of-record of one party need not also be and complainant and has no knowledge of any information or legal
counsel-of-record of the adverse party. It is enough that the matter complainant entrusted or confided to his law partner. He
counsel of one party had a hand in the preparation of the thus inveigles that he could not have taken advantage of an
pleading of the other party, claiming adverse and conflicting information obtained by his law firm by virtue of the Retainer
interests with that of his original client. To require that he Agreement. It was once held that a lawyer who takes up the cause
also be counsel-or-record of the adverse party would punish of the adversary of the party who has engaged the services of his
only the most obvious form of deceit and reward, with law firm brings the law profession into public disrepute and
suspicion and undermines the integrity of justice. [Hilado v. David,
impunity, the highest form of disloyalty. (Artezuela v.
84 Phil. 569, 579 (1949). reiterated in Gonzales v. Atty.
Atty.Maderazo, A.C. No. 4354, April 22, 2002)
Cabucana, Jr., 515 Phil. 296, 306 (2006) both cited in Daging,
c. Examples of representation of conflicting supra] Thus, respondent's argument that he never took
interests. advantage of any information acquired by his law firm in the
1. A lawyer was found guilty of violating the rule on course of its professional dealings with the complainant, even
non-representation of conflicting interests when he assuming it to be true, is of no moment. Undeniably aware of the
undertook to represent certain defendants in indirect fact that complainant is a client of his law firm, respondent should
contempt proceedings involving a forcible entry case have immediately informed both the complainant and her
brought by the complainants who were his former clients in opponent that he, as well as the other members of his law firm,
the same forcible entry case. He was meted a suspension cannot represent any of them in their legal tussle; otherwise, they
of six (6) months. Abragan, et al., v. Atty. Rodriguez, A.C.No. would be representing conflicting interests and violate the Code of
4346, April 3, 2002 Professional Responsibility. Indeed, respondent could have simply
advised both complainant and her opponent to instead engage the
services of another lawyer. The lawyer was penalized. (Daging, where the opposing parties are present clients in the same
supra) action or in an unrelated action.
d. Representation of conflicting interests is a It is of no moment that the lawyer would not be called
felony. The protection to the client is such that, upon to contend for one client that which the lawyer has to
representation of conflicting interests is a felony under the oppose for the other client, or that there would be no
2nd par., of Art. 209, of the Revised Penal Code which occasion to use the confidential information acquired from
provides that In addition to the proper administrative action, one to the disadvantage of the other as the two actions are
the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum period, or wholly unrelated.
a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both shall be It is enough that the opposing parties in one case, one
imposed upon any attorney-at-law or solicitor (procurador of whom would lose the suit, are present clients and the
judicial) who, having undertaken the defense of a client or nature or conditions of the lawyer’s respective retainers with
having received confidential information from said client in a each of them would affect the performance of the duty of
case, shall undertake the defense of the opposing party in undivided fidelity to both clients. (Gonzales v. Cabucana, Jr.,
the same case, without the consent of the first client. A. C. No. 6836, January 23, 2006)

Meaning of conflict of interest. There is conflict Requirement for fidelity. The fidelity lawyers owe
of interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent interests of their clients is traditionally characterized as “undivided.”
two or more opposing parties. The existence of conflict of This means that lawyers must represent their clients and
interest is determined by three (3) tests: serve their needs without interference or impairment from
(1) when, in representation of one client, a any conflicting interest. (Solatan v. Inocentes, et al., A.C. No.
lawyer is also duty-bound to oppose it for another client; 6504, August 9, 2005)
(2) when the acceptance of the new retainer will Attorneys guilty of representing conflicting interests
require an attorney to perform an act that may injuriously shall as rule be sanctioned with suspension from practice of
affect the first client or, when called upon in a new relation, law. (Northwestern University, Inc., et al., v. Arquillo, A.C. No.
to use against the first one any knowledge acquired through 6632, August 2, 2005) It is a hornbook doctrine grounded on
their professional connection; or public policy that a lawyer’s representation of both sides of
(3) when the acceptance of a new relation would an issue is highly improper. The proscription applies when
prevent the full discharge of an attorney’s duty to give the conflicting interests arise with respect to the same
undivided fidelity and loyalty to the client or would invite general matter, however slight such conflict may be. It
suspicion of unfaithfulness or double dealing in the applies even when the attorney acts from honest intentions
performance of that duty. (Northwestern University, Inc., et al. v. or in good faith. (Northwestern University, Inc., et al. v. Arquillo,
Arquillo, A.C. No. 6632, August 2, 2005 citing Santos v. Beltran, A.C. No. 6632, August 2, 2005 citing Nakpil v. Valdes, 350 Phil.
418 SCRA 220, 223, July 1, 2003; Hornilla v. Salunat, 405 SCRA 412; 286 SCRA 758, March 4, 1998)
220, 223, July 1, 2003. See Agpalo, The Code of Professional
Responsibility for Lawyers ) Meaning of conflict of interest. There is conflict
of interest when a lawyer represents inconsistent interests of
Thus, there is conflict of interest even where the two or more opposing parties. The existence of conflict of
actions are unrelated. The proscription against interest is determined by three (3) tests:
representation of conflicting interests applies to a situation (1) when, in representation of one client, a
lawyer is also duty-bound to oppose it for another client;
(2) when the acceptance of the new retainer will will require the attorney to do anything which will injuriously
require an attorney to perform an act that may injuriously affect his first client in any manner in which he represents
affect the first client or, when called upon in a new relation, him and also whether he will be called upon in his new
to use against the first one any knowledge acquired through relation, to use against the first one any knowledge acquired
their professional connection; or during their professional connection; or (3) when the
(3) when the acceptance of a new relation would acceptance of a new relation will prevent the full discharge
prevent the full discharge of an attorney’s duty to give of an attorney’s duty to give undivided fidelity and loyalty to
undivided fidelity and loyalty to the client or would invite the client or invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double
suspicion of unfaithfulness or double dealing in the dealing in the performance of that duty. (Northwestern
performance of that duty. (Northwestern University, Inc., et al. v. University, Inc. v. Arquillo, A.C. No. 6632, August 2, 2005)
Arquillo, A.C. No. 6632, August 2, 2005 citing Santos v. Beltran, A lawyer was suspended for one year with stern
418 SCRA 220, 223, July 1, 2003; Hornilla v. Salunat, 405 SCRA warning because he represented the complainants in a labor
220, 223, July 1, 2003. See Agpalo, The Code of Professional case which was consolidated with another labor case where
Responsibility for Lawyers ) he represented one of the respondent employers. It does
not matter that his client in one of the respondent employers
There is representation of conflicting was subsequently exonerated. Having agreed to represent
interests if the acceptance of the new retainer will require one of the opposing parties that, the lawyer should have
the attorney to do anything which will injuriously affect his known that there was an obvious conflict of interests,
first client in any manner in which he represents him and regardless of his alleged belief that they were all on the
also whether he will be called upon in his new relation, to same side. It cannot be denied that the dismissed
use against his first client any knowledge acquired during employees were the complainants in the same cases in
their connection. [Pormento, Sr. v. Pontevedra, A. C. No. 5128, which his client was one of the respondents. (Ibid.)
March 31, 2005; Frias v. Lozada, A.C. No. 6656, December 13, An attorney cannot represent adverse interests. It is
2005 (Formerly CBD – 98 – 591)] a hornbook doctrine grounded on public policy that a
Another test to determine if there is representation of lawyer’s representation of both sides of an issue is highly
conflicting interests is whether the acceptance of a new improper. The proscription applies when the conflicting
relation will prevent an attorney from the full discharge of his interests arise with respect to the same general matter,
duty of undivided fidelity and loyalty to his client or invite however slight such conflict may be. It applies even when
suspicion of unfaithfulness or double dealing in the the attorney acts from honest intention or good faith. (Ibid.)
performance thereof. [Pormento, Sr. v. Pontevedra, A. C. No.
5128, March 31, 2005; Frias v. Lozada, A.C. No. 6656,December Good faith not a defense in conflict of interest cases.
13, 2005 (Formerly CBD – 98 – 591)] The prohibition against representing conflicting interests is
absolute and the rule applies even if the lawyer has acted in
Alternative statement of conflict of interest. good faith and with no intention to represent conflicting
When a lawyer represents two or more opposing parties, interests. (Daging v. Davis, A.C No. 9395, November 12, 2014 citing
there is a conflict of interests, the existence of which is Orola v. Ramos, A.C. No. 9860, September 11, 2013, 705 SCRA 350,
determined by three separate tests: (1) when, in 358-359)
representation of one client, a lawyer is required to fight for
an issue or claim, but is also duty bound to oppose it for BAR: 2. Why is a lawyer prohibited from
another client; (2) when the acceptance of the new retainer representing conflicting interests ?
a. The relation between client and lawyer is Rationale for prohibiting representation of
founded on trust and confidence. The lawyer learns conflicting interests. The prohibition is founded on
the strong and weak points of the client’s cause. In principles of public policy and good taste as the nature of te
order to have the fullest confidence the client must be lawyer-client relations is is one of trust and confidence of the
highest degree. Lawyers are expected not only to keep
assured that his secrets would not be used against
inviolate the client’s confidence, but also to avoid the
him. (Maturan v. Gonzales, A.C. No. 2597, March 12, 1998) appearance of treachery and double-dealing for only then
b. Not only to prevent the dishonest practitioner can litigants be encouraged to entrust their secrets to their
from fraudulent conduct, but as well to protect an lawyers, which is of paramount importance in the
honest lawyer from unfounded suspicion of administration of justice. (Gonzales v. Cabucana, Jr., A. C. No.
unprofessional practice. (Hilado v. David, 84 Phil,. 571) 6836, January 23, 2006)
A lawyer shall preserve the confidence and secrets BAR: 3. Is there any exception to the
of his client even after the attorney-client relation is prohibition on representation of conflicting interest
terminated. (Canon 21, CPR) ?
An attorney owes his client undivided allegiance.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer shall not
because of the highly fiduciary nature of the attorney-client
relationship, sound public policy dictates that a lawyer be represent conflicting interests except by written consent
prohibited from representing conflicting interests or of all concerned given after a full disclosure of the
discharging inconsistent duties. he may not, without being facts.” (Rule 15.03, Code of Professional Responsibility)
guilty of professional misconduct, act as counsel for a
person whose interest conflicts with that of his present or Criminal Penalties. The protection to the client is
former client. Indeed good faith and honest intention on the such that, representation of conflicting interests is a felony
part of the erring lawyer does not make this rule inoperative. under the 2nd par., of Art. 209, of the Revised Penal Code
The lawyer is an officer of the court and his actions are which provides that In addition to the proper administrative
governed by the uncompromising rules of professional action, the penalty of prision correccional in its minimum
ethics. period, or a fine ranging from 200 to 1,000 pesos, or both
Inherently disadvantageous to his client’s cause, shall be imposed upon any attorney-at-law or solicitor
representation by the lawyer of conflicting interests requires (procurador judicial) who, having undertaken the defense of
disclosure of all facts and consent of all the parties involved. a client or having received confidential information from said
Artezuela v. Atty. Maderazo, A. C. No. 4354, April 22, 2002 client in a case, shall undertake the defense of the opposing
party in the same case, without the consent of the first client.
Test of conflict of interest. One of the test of
inconsistency of interests is whether the acceptance of a No conflict of interest. There is no conflict of
new relation would prevent the full discharge of the lawyer’s interest where the lawyer represented the complainant’s
duty of undivided fidelity and loyalty to the client or invite nephew and other members of his family in an ejectment
suspicion of unfaithfulness or double-dealing in the suit and the complainant in a criminal case filed by the
performance of that duty. (Gonzales v. Cabucana, Jr., A. C. No. complainant against his nephew and other members of his
6836, January 23, 2006)
family involving several parts of trucks owned by the
complainant. Reason: The two civil and criminal cases are A lawyer is forbidden from representing a
not in any way connected with each other. (Pormento, Sr. v. subsequent client against a former client when the
Pontevedra, A. C. No. 5128, March 31, 2005) subject matter of the present controversy is related, directly
There is no conflicting interest where no employment or indirectly, to the subject matter of the previous litigation in
relation was offered or accepted as a result of the advice which he appeared for the former client. A lawyer may
that was offered. (Solatan v. Inocentes, et al., A.C. No. 6504, properly act as counsel for a new client, with full
August 9, 2005) disclosure to the latter, against a former client in a matter
Unquestionably, an attorney giving legal advice to a wholly unrelated to that of the previous employment, there
party with an interest conflicting with that of his client being in that instance no conflict of interest. Where,
resulting in detriment to the latter may be held guilty of however, the subject matter of the present suit between the
disloyalty. However, far be it that every utterance of an lawyer’s new client and his former client is in some way
attorney may have afforded an individual some relief connected with that of the former client’s action, the lawyer
adverse to the former’s client may be labeled as a culpable may have to contend for his new client that which he
act of disloyalty. As in every case, the acts alleged to be previously opposed as counsel for the former client or to use
culpable mist be assessed in light of the surrounding against the latter information confided to him as his counsel.
circumstances. (Solatan v. Inocentes, et al., A.C. No. 6504, (Pormento, Sr. v. Pontevedra, A. C. No. 5128, March 31, 2005)
August 9, 2005) The proscription against representation of conflicting
interests finds application where the conflicting interests
There was no conflict of interest involved where the arise with respect to the same general matter and is
complainant was informed by the lawyer that he must prove applicable however slight such adverse interest may be. In
his ownership over certain personal properties after the essence, what a lawyer owes to his former client is to
latter has already sought police assistance relative to a maintain inviolate the client’s confidence or to refrain from
controversy involving his clients and the complainant. This doing anything which will injuriously affect him in any matter
is so because the statement given by the lawyer was in in which he previously represented him. (Ibid.)
response to the insistence of the complainant at the police
station that the property was his and not that of the Rationale for prohibiting representation of
judgment creditor against whom the lawyer’s clients had
conflicting interests. The reason for the prohibition is
levied. No employment relation was offered or accepted in
found in the relation of attorney and client, which is one of
the instant case. There was likewise no likewise no conflict
trust and confidence of the highest degree. A lawyer
of interest because the lawyer’s clients were not claiming
becomes familiar with the facts connected with his client's
ownership over the property. (Solatan v. Inocentes, et al., A.C.
case. He learns from his client the weak points of the action
No. 6504, August 9, 2005)
as well as the strong ones. Such knowledge must be
The lawyer having informed complainant that the
considered sacred and guarded with care. No opportunity
levied properties would be returned to him upon showing
must be given him to take advantage of the client's secrets.
proof of his ownership may not be considered as infidelity to
A lawyer must have the fullest confidence of his client, for if
the interest of his clients because under the circumstances,
the confidence is abused, the profession will suffer by the
it lacks the essence of double dealing and betrayal of the
loss thereof. (Maturan v. Gonzales, A.C. No. 2597, March 12,
latter’s confidence so as to deserve outright categorization
as infidelity or disloyalty to his client’s cause. (Ibid.)
An attorney owes his client undivided allegiance. The defense that there are only three practicing
because of the highly fiduciary nature of the attorney-client lawyers in the community where the complainant and the
relationship, sound public policy dictates that a lawyer be respondent lawyer were residing was not also given
prohibited from representing conflicting interests or credence. The lawyer alleged that one of the lawyers was
discharging inconsistent duties. he may not, without being already handling the case for the complainant, and the other
guilty of professional misconduct, act as counsel for a is a relative of the complainant while the third is the
person whose interest conflicts with that of his present or respondent. This is not an excuse because the respondent
former client. Indeed good faith and honest intention on the should have referred his clients to the Public Attorney’s
part of the erring lawyer does not make this rule inoperative. Office or to other practicing lawyers in the neighboring
The lawyer is an officer of the court and his actions are towns. (Ibid.)
governed by the uncompromising rules of professional
ethics. (iv) Candid and honest advice to
Inherently disadvantageous to his client’s cause, clients
representation by the lawyer of conflicting interests requires
disclosure of all facts and consent of all the parties involved. (v) Compliance with laws
The relation between lawyer and client is founded on
the basis of trust and confidence which is a matter of public (vi) Concurrent practice of another
policy and good taste. To breach the client’s confidence profession
would also create the appearance of treachery and double
dealing. This would in turn discourage litigants from c) Client’s moneys and properties
entrusting their secrets to their attorneys which is of
paramount importance n the administration of justice. (i) Fiduciary relationship
(Pormento, Sr. v. Pontevedra, A. C. No. 5128, March 31, 2005)
The stern rule is founded on the principles of public (ii) Commingling of funds
policy and good taste. It springs from the relation of
attorney and client which is one of trust and confidence.
[Frias v. Lozada, A.C. No. 6656, December 13, 2005 (Formerly (iii) Delivery of funds
CBD – 98 – 591)]
(iv) Borrowing or lending
Defense of good faith unavailing in conflict
of interests situation. The defense of representation of Illustrative case: Respondent’s receipt of the
conflicting interests (criminal case) for humanitarian reasons 2,500,000.00 loan from complainants is amply supported by
and with the honest belief that there exists no conflict of substantial evidence. As the records bear out, Blesilda, on
interests is not acceptable. The prohibition against March 23, 2006, issued three (3) East West Bank Checks, in
representation of conflicting interests applies although the amounts totalling to P2,500,000.00, with respondent as the
attorney’s intentions and motives were honest and he acted payee. Also, Annex “E” of the Verified Complaint shows
in good faith. Moreover, the fact that the conflict of interests that respondent acknowledged receipt of the checks and
is remote or merely probable does not make the prohibition agreed to pay the complainants the loan plus the pro-rated
inoperative. (Pormento, Sr. v. Pontevedra, A. C. No. 5128, interest of five percent (5%) per month within five (5) days.
March 31, 2005) The dorsal sides of the checks likewise show that
respondent personally encashed the checks on the day they interest of justice, he has to advance necessary expenses in
were issued. With respondent’s direct transactional a legal matter he is handling for the client.”
involvement and the actual benefit he derived therefrom, The Supreme Court has repeatedly emphasized that
absent too any credible indication to the contrary, the the relationship between a lawyer and his client is one
Supreme Court is thus convinced that respondent was imbued with trust and confidence. And as true as any
indeed the one who borrowed the amount of P2,500,000.00 natural tendency goes, this “trust and confidence” is prone
from complainants, which amount he had failed to return, to abuse. The rule against borrowing of money by a lawyer
despite their insistent pleas. Respondent’s theory that Nault from his client is intended to prevent the lawyer from taking
is the real debtor hardly inspires belief. While respondent advantage of his influence over his client. [Sps. Concepcion v.
submitted a document purporting to be Nault’s Atty. de la Rosa, A.C. No. 10681, Feb. 3, 2015 citing Junio v. Atty. Grupo,
acknowledgment of his debt to the complainants, Nault, in 423 Phil. 808, 816 (2001)]
his Answer to Third Party Complaint, categorically denied
knowing the complainants and incurring the same obligation. Reason for the prohibition for lawyers to borrow
Moreover, as correctly pointed out by complainants, it would from the client. The rule presumes that the client is
be illogical for them to extend a P2,500,000.00 loan without disadvantaged by the lawyer’s ability to use all the legal
any collateral or security to a person they do not even know. maneuverings to renege on his obligation. [Sps. Concepcion v.
Atty. de la Rosa, A.C. No. 10681, Feb. 3, 2015 citing Frias v. Atty.
On the other hand, complainants were able to submit Lozada, 513 Phil. 512, 521-522 (2005)]
documents showing respondent’s receipt of the checks and A lawyer’s act of asking a client for a loan, as what
their encashment, as well as his agreement to return the - respondent did, is very unethical. It comes within those acts
P2,500,000.00 plus interest. This is bolstered by the fact considered as abuse of client’s confidence. The canon
that the loan transaction was entered into during the presumes that the client is disadvantaged by the lawyer’s
existence of a lawyer-client relationship between him and ability to use all the legal maneuverings to renege on her
complainants, allowing the former to wield a greater obligation. (Ibid.)
influence over the latter in view of the trust and confidence
inherently imbued in such relationship. . [Sps. Concepcion v. Abuse of client’s trust and confidence. In unduly
Atty. de la Rosa, A.C. No. 10681, Feb. 3, 2015 citing Frias v. Atty.
Lozada, 513 Phil. 512, 521-522 (2005)]
borrowing money from the complainants and by blatantly
refusing to pay the same, respondent abused the trust and
Lawyer not to borrow from client. Under Rule confidence reposed in him by his clients, and, in so doing,
16.04, Canon 16 of the CPR, a lawyer is prohibited from failed to uphold the integrity and dignity of the legal
borrowing money from his client unless the client’s interests profession. The respondent not only violated the prohibition
are fully protected: to borrow money from the client, the also violated Canon 7
CANON 16 – A lawyer shall hold in trust all moneys of the CPR which reads: CANON 7 - A LAWYER SHALL AT
and properties of his clients that may come into his ALL TIMES UPHOLD THE INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY OF
Rule 16.04 – A lawyer shall not borrow money from ACTIVITIES OF THE INTEGRATED BAR.
his client unless the client’s interests are fully protected by Thus, he should be equally held administratively
the nature of the case or by independent advice. Neither liable on this score. [Sps. Concepcion v. Atty. de la Rosa, A.C. No.
10681, Feb. 3, 2015
shall lawyer lend money to a client except, when in the
Imposable penalty for borrowing money from the Soliman v. Atty. Lerios-Amboy, No.10568 [Formerly CBD Case No.
client. The appropriate penalty for an errant lawyer 102753, January 13, 2015
depends on the exercise of sound judicial discretion based
Duty of lawyer to owe fidelity to client’s cause.
on the surrounding facts. [Sps. Concepcion v. Atty. de la Rosa, A.C.
No. 10681, Feb. 3, 2015 citing Sps. Soriano v. Atty. Reyes, 523 Phil. 1, The Code of Professional Responsibility clearly states that a
16 (2006)] lawyer owes fidelity to the cause of his client and that he
a. In Frias, the Court suspended the lawyer from should be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed in
the practice of law for two (2) years after borrowing him. (Soliman v. Atty. Lerios-Amboy, No.10568 [Formerly
P900,000.00 from her client, refusing to pay the same CBD Case No. 102753, January 13, 2015 citing Code of
despite court order, and representing conflicting interests. Professional Responsibility, Canon 17) A lawyer is
b. Considering the greater amount involved in mandated to serve his client with competence and diligence;
this case (P2,500,000.00) and respondent's continuous to never neglect a legal matter entrusted to him; and to keep
refusal to pay his debt, the Court deems it apt to suspend his client informed of the status of his case and respond
him from the practice of law for three (3) years, instead of within a reasonable time to the client’s request for
the IBP's recommendation to suspend him indefinitely. (Sps. information. (Ibid, Canon 18, Rules 18.03 and 18.04)
Concepcion, supra)
Illustration of negligence, incompetence and act
Disciplinary penalty does not include of undermining the law and the penalty imposed. The
reimbursement of amount borrowed. The Court also circumstances of this case clearly show that respondent
deems it appropriate to modify the IBP's Resolution insofar lawyer, after receiving P25,000.00 as payment for her
as it orders respondent to return to the complainants the professional services, failed to submit material documents
amount of P2,500,000.00 and the legal interest thereon. It is relative to the issuance of separate certificates of title to the
settled that in disciplinary proceedings against lawyers, the individual owners of the property. It was her negligence
only issue is whether the officer of the court is still fit to be which caused the delay in the issuance of the certificates of
allowed to continue as a member of the Bar. [Sps. Concepcion title.
v. Atty. de la Rosa, A.C. No. 10681, Feb. 3, 2015 citing Roa v. Atty. To make matters worse, the respondent lawyer
Moreno, 633 Phil. 1, 8 (2010) See also Suzuki v. Atty. Tiamson, 508 Phil.
130, 142 (2005)]
abetted the commission of an illegal act when she asked
In such cases, the Court's only concern is the from the complainant the amount of P50,000.00 to be paid
determination of respondent's administrative liability; it to her “contact” inside the office of the RD in order to
should not involve his civil liability for money received from facilitate the release of the said certificates of title. Further,
his client in a transaction separate, distinct, and not notwithstanding the payment of P50,000.00, the respondent
intrinsically linked to his professional engagement. A turn of lawyer still failed to obtain issuance of the said certificates
the money borrowed is beyond the ambit of the of title. Instead of procuring the release of the certificates of
administrative case. (Sps. Concepcion, supra) title as she promised, the respondent asked for an additional
P10,000.00 from the complainant. Clearly, this is not a
simple case of negligence and incompetence by a counsel
d) Fidelity to client’s cause in dealing with a client. The respondent lawyer’s acts
undermined the legal processes, which she swore to uphold
e) Competence and diligence and defend. In swearing to the oath, the respondent lawyer
bound herself to respect the law and legal processes. The
Court further finds improper the refusal of the respondent
lawyer to return the amount of P50,000.00 which she paid in (ii) Negligence
order to facilitate the release of the certificates of title. To
reiterate, upon inquiry, the Deputy RD of Manila, denied (iii) Collaborating counsel
having received any amount from the respondent lawyer. In
not returning the money to the complainant after a demand
(iv) Duty to apprise client
therefor was made following her failure to procure the
issuance of the certificates of title, the respondent lawyer
violated Canon 16 of the Code of Professional f) Representation with zeal within legal
Responsibility, particularly Rule 16.03 thereof, which bounds
requires that a lawyer shall deliver the funds and property of
his client upon demand. It is settled that the unjustified Lack of zeal. Thee was an the improvident plea of
withholding of money belonging to a client warrants the guilty made by accused Juan Magalop, presumably upon
imposition of disciplinary action. [Soliman v. Atty. Lerios-Amboy, the advice of his counsel, the PAO lawyer. It would seem
No.10568 [Formerly CBD Case No. 102753, January 13, 2015 with a that this lawyer was less than conscientious when he
note to See Sencio v. Atty. Calvadores, 443 Phil. 490, 494 (2003)] advised his indigent client to admit a crime the man did no[t]
The respondent lawyer was suspended for a period commit. As the ponencia observed, “outside of his
of two (2) years from receipt of the Resolution. Furthermore, improvident plea of guilt, there is absolutely no evidence
she was ordered to return to the complainant the entire against him – presented or forthcoming. From the evidence
amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (PS0,000.00) she received of the prosecution, there is no way by which Magalop could
from the latter, plus legal interest thereon, reckoned from have been implicated.” The separate oion of Justice Isagani
finality of the Resolution imposing the penalty until fully paid. Cruz wen on further to say, “It seems to me that if any one is
The respondent was further directed to promptly submit to guilty in this case, it is the PAO lawyer who, through an
the Supreme Court written proof of her compliance within incredible lack of zeal in the discharge of his duties, was
thirty (30) days from notice of the Resolution imposing the apparently willing, without any moral compunctions at all,
penalty. (Soliman, supra) and without proof, to consign an innocent man to prison.
The PAO is supposed to defend the accused, not to
Presumption of misappropriation upon failure to condemn them without cause. The defense counsel in this
return client’s funds after demand. "A lawyer's failure to case did not seem to appreciate this responsibility when he
return upon demand the funds held by him on behalf of his prodded Magalop to plead guilty and waived the right to
client gives rise to the presumption that he has appropriated submit evidence in his behalf.” (Separate opinion of Justice
the same for his own use in violation of the trust reposed in Isagani Cruz in People v. Mendoza G.R. No. 80845, March 14, 1994, 231
him by his client. Such act is a gross violation of general SCRA 264, 271 cited in Villahermosa, Sr. v. Atty. Caracol, A.C. No. 7325,
January 21, 2015)
morality as well as of professional ethics. It impairs public
confidence in the legal profession and deserves
punishment." [Soliman v. Atty. Lerios-Amboy, No.10568 [Formerly
(i) Use of fair and honest means
CBD Case No. 102753, January 13, 2015 citing Adrimisin v. Atty. Javier,
532 Phil. 639, 645-646 (2006)] (ii) Client’s fraud

(i) Adequate protection (iii) Procedure in handling the case

compromise agreement remain unacted upon for four (4)
1. What is the duty of a lawyer relative to a years until the dismissal of the case for the parties’ non-
legal matter entrusted to him? compliance. (Agustin v. Empleo, A. C. No. 6986, March 6, 2006)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer shall not
neglect a legal matter entrusted to him, and his 2. What is the duty of the lawyer to inform
negligence in connection therewith shall render him his client?
liable. (Rule 18.02, CPR) SUGGESTED ANSWER: The lawyer should
A lawyer shall represent his client with zeal inform the client of the status of his
within the bounds of the law. (Canon 19, CPR) case and he shall respond within a reasonable time to
DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES: the client’s request for information.
a. Duty relative to motions for extension. Motions DOCTRINE AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASE:
for extension are not granted as a matter of right but in the a. The relationship of lawyer-client being one of
sound discretion of the court, and lawyers should never confidence, there is ever present the need for the client to
presume that their motions for extension or postponement be adequately and fully informed of the developments of the
will be granted or that they will be granted the length of time case and should not be left in the dark as to the mode and
they pray for. Due diligence requires that they should manner in which his interests are being defended. it is only
conduct a timely inquiry with the division clerks of court of thus that the trust and faith in the counsel may remain
the action on their motions and the lack of notice thereof will unimpaired. (Garcia v. Atty. Manuel, A.C. No. 5811, January
not make them any less accountable for their omission. 20, 2003)
(Ramos v. Atty. Dajoyag, Jr., A.C. No. 5174, February 28, 2002) b. Illustrative case:
b. Excusable negligence. Negligence is excusable A lawyer was penalized with six(6) months
where it is caused by failure to receive notice of the action or suspension and warning, for having among other violations,
the trial, by a genuine and excusable mistake or failed to inform or advised the client of the status of the
miscalculation, by reliance upon assurances given by those case. Garcia v. Atty. Manuel, A.C. No. 5811, January 20, 2003
upon whom the party had a right to depend, as the adverse
party or counsel retained in the case, or a competent BAR: 3. Why is a client bound by a
adviser, that it would not be necessary for him to take an lawyer’s negligence ?
active part in the case, or that the suit would not be SUGGESTED ANSWER:
prosecuted, by relying on another person to attend to the a. A lawyer is the client’s agent; and
case for him, when such person promised to do so, or was b. There would be no end to litigation if the
chargeable with that duty or by a well-founded belief that the
client is allowed to raise attorney’s negligence every
case would not be reached for trial as it was in fact reached,
or by other circumstances not involving fault of the moving
time he loses a case.
party. (Ramos v. Atty. Dajoyag, Jr., A.C. No. 5174, February 28, DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASE:
2002) Clients should suffer the consequences of the
negligence, mistake or lack of competence of the counsel
A lawyer was reprimanded with warning that a whom they themselves hired, and whom they had full
repetition of the same or similar act will be dealt with more authority to fire at any time and replace with another. ( Del
severely for letting the court order for the submission of a Mar v.Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 139008, March 13, 2002)
a. Client is bound by the counsel’s acts. The the progress and developments of his case; hence, to
general rule is that a client is bound by the counsel’s acts, merely rely on the bare reassurances of his lawyer that
including even mistakes in the realm of procedural everything is being taken care of is not enough. (Suliman v.
technique. (Suliman v. People, G. R. No. 190970, Nov. 24, 2014 citing People, G. R. No. 190970, Nov. 24, 2014 citing Bejarasco, Jr. v. People,
Bejarasco, Jr. v. People, G.R. No. 159781, February 2, 2011, 641 SCRA G.R. No. 159781, February 2, 2011, 641 SCRA 328, 330-331)
b. Rationale for holding client liable. The a. The general rule is that a client is bound by
rationale for the rule is that a counsel, once retained, holds the acts, even mistakes, of his counsel in the realm of
the implied authority to do all acts necessary or, at least, procedural technique. The exception to this rule is when the
incidental to the prosecution and management of the suit in negligence of counsel is so gross, reckless and inexcusable
behalf of his client, such that any act or omission by that the client is deprived of his day in court. In which case,
counsel within the scope of the authority is regarded, in the the remedy then is to reopen the case and allow the party
eyes of the law, as the act or omissi on of the client himself . who was denied his day in court to adduce his evidence. (
(Suliman v. People, G. R. No. 190970, Nov. 24, 2014 citing Bejarasco, Jr. Producers Bank of the Philippines v. Hon. Court of Appeals, et al.,
v. People, G.R. No. 159781, February 2, 2011, 641 SCRA 328) G.R. No. 126620, April 17, 2002)
b. Exceptions to the general rule that negligence
BAR: 4. Negligence of counsel does not of counsel binds the client:
bind the client where the reckless or gross negligence of 1) Such negligence is so gross, palpable, reckless
counsel and inexcusable that the client is deprived of due process of
a. deprives the client of due process of law or law; and
b. where its application results in the outright 2) The application of such due process results in the
deprivation of one’s property through a technicality; or outright deprivation of one’s property through a technicality.(
c. when the application of the general rule will result Del Mar v.Court of Appeals, et al., supra)
in serious injustice. c. Interesting is the resolution by the Supreme
Court of the motion for reconsideration in Legarda v. Court of
c. Exception to the rule that the client is Appeals, et al., 280 SCRA 642. In the original case, Legarda v.
liable for the counsel’s negligence. A recognized Court of Appeals, et al., 195 SCRA 418, the Supreme Court
exception to the rule is when the reckless or gross held that the lawyer committed, not just ordinary or simple
negligence of the counsel deprives the client of due negligence, but reckless, inexcusable and gross negligence,
process of law. For the exception to apply, however, the which deprived his client of her property without due process
gross negligence should not be accompanied by the client’s of law. Hence, the Court ruled that the client was not bound
own negligence or malice, considering that the client has the by the negligence of her counsel.
duty to be vigilant in respect of his interests by keeping In the motion for reconsideration, the Supreme Court
himself up-to-date on the status of the case. Failing in this reversed itself and held that the client was bound by the
duty, the client should suffer whatever adverse judgment is negligence of her counsel. The Court held that the
rendered against him. Truly, a litigant bears the respondents should not be made to suffer for the gross
responsibility to monitor the status of his case, for no negligence of Legarda’s counsel, “If she may be said to be
prudent party leaves the fate of his case entirely in the ‘innocent’ because she was ignorant of the acts of
hands of his lawyer. It is the client’s duty to be in contact negligence of her counsel, with more reason are
with his lawyer from time to time in order to be informed of respondents truly “innocent.” As between two parties who
may lose due to the negligence or incompetence of the (Spouses Regalado, et al., v. Regalado, et al., G. R. No. 134154,
counsel of one, the party who was responsible for making it February 28, 2006)
happen should suffer the consequences.” (Legarda v. Court of A lawyer should never neglect a legal matter entrusted to
Appeals, et al., 280 SCRA 642, 659) him, otherwise his negligence of fulfilling his duty subjects him to
disciplinary action. The practice of law is a special privilege
bestowed only upon those who are competent intellectually,
It is the duty of the lawyer to advise the client on academically and morally. The Supreme Court has been exacting
the merit or lack of merit of his case. Lawyers, as officers in its expectations for members of the Bar always to uphold the
of the court, must se to it that the orderly administration of justice integrity and dignity of the legal profession and refrain from any act
must not be unduly impeded. It is the duty of counsel to advise his or omission which lessen the trust and confidence of the public….
client, ordinarily a layman on the intricacies and vagaries of the ” [Anderson, Jr. v. Cardeno, A. C. No. 3523, January 17, 2005
law, on the merit or lack of merit of his case. If he finds that his citing De Guzman v. Atty. Emmanuel M. Basa, A.C. No. 5554,
client’s cause is defenseless, then it is his bounden duty to advise June 29, 2004, 433 SCRA 1, 9)
the latter to acquiesce and submit, rather than traverse he A lawyer must not neglect a legal matter entrusted to him.
incontrovertible. A lawyer must resist the whims and caprices of Like all professionals, he is expected to devise ways to follow the
his client, and temper his client’s propensity to litigate. A lawyer’s course of his cases and to keep his files updated. .(Spouses
oath to uphold the case of justice is superior to his duty to his Zarate v. Maybank Philippines, Inc., et al., G. R. No. 160976, June
client; its primacy is indisputable. (Spouses Aguilar v. The Manila 8, 2005 citing Zarate-Bustamante v. Libatique, A. C. No. 4990, 2
Banking Corporation, G. R. No. 157911, September 19, 2006) September 2001, 366 SCRA 8) As a member of the Bar, he is
expected to exercise due diligence in the practice of his
General rule: A client is bound by a lawyer’s profession. Thus, every case a lawyer accepts deserves his full
negligence. Ordinarily, until his dismissal or withdrawal is attention, diligence, skill and competence and diligence and he
made of record in court, any judicial notice sent to a counsel should never neglect a legal matter entrusted to him. (Ibid., In Re:
of record is binding upon his client even though as between Atty. David Briones, A. C. No. 5486, 15 August 2001, 363 SCRA
them the professional relationship may have been 1) Moreover, a counsel is required to inquire, from time to time,
and whenever necessary, about the status of handled cases, as
terminated. (Grand Placement and General Services
well as motions filed for a client. (Ibid., citing Oriental Assurance
Corporation v. Court of Appeals, et al., G. R. No. 142358, January
Corporation v, Solidbank Corporation, G.R. No. 139882, 16
31, 2006)
August 2000, 338 SCRA 305)
Lawyer’s mistakes and blunders not a General rule: A client is bound by a lawyer’s
ground for new trial. Blunders and mistakes made in the negligence. The doctrinal rule is that a client is bound by
conduct of the proceedings in the trial court as a result of the
the acts, even mistakes, of his counsel in the realm of
ignorance inexperience or incompetence of counsel do not
procedural technique. Reasons:
qualify as a ground for new trial.
a. A lawyer is the client’s agent. Clients
If such were to be admitted as valid reasons for
should suffer the consequences of the negligence,
reopening cases, there would never be an end to litigation
mistake or lack of competence of the counsel whom
so long as a new counsel could be employed to allege and
they themselves hired, and whom they had full
show that the prior counsel had not been sufficiently diligent,
authority to fire at any time and replace with another .
experienced, or learned. This will put a premium on the (Del Mar v. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 139008,
willful and intentional commission of errors by counsel, with March 13, 2002) and
a view to securing new trials in the event of conviction.
b. There would be no end to a suit so In the motion for reconsideration, the Supreme Court
long as a new counsel could be employed who reversed itself and held that the client was bound by the
would allege and show that the prior counsel had not negligence of her counsel. The Court held that the respondents
been sufficiently diligent, experienced, or learned. should not be made to suffer for the gross negligence of Legarda’s
(GCP Manny Transport Services, Inc. v. Principe, etc., et counsel, “If she may be said to be ‘innocent’ because she was
al., G. R. No. 141484, November 11, 2005; Friend, et al., ignorant of the acts of negligence of her counsel, with more reason
v. Union Bank of the Philippines, G. R. No. 165767, are respondents truly “innocent.” As between two parties who
November 29, 2005) may lose due to the negligence or incompetence of the counsel of
one, the party who was responsible for making it happen should
But a client who incurs loss on account of a lawyer’s
suffer the consequences.” (Legarda v. Court of Appeals, et al., 280
inexcusable negligence may recover damages from the SCRA 642, 659)
Failure of law firm to inform client of
Negligence of counsel does not bind the decision is inexcusable negligence which cannot be a
client when the negligence of counsel is so gross, palpable, ground for relief from judgment. This is in line with
reckless and inexcusable jurisprudence that neglect or failure of counsel to inform his
a. that the client is deprived of due process
client of an adverse judgment resulting in the loss of right to
of law or
b. where its application results in the outright appeal will not justify the setting aside of a judgment that is
deprivation of the client’s liberty property through a valid and regular on its face. (Trust International Paper v.
technicality (Del Mar v. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. Pelaez, G. R. No. 164871, August 22, 2006)
139008, March 13, 2002); or A notice to a lawyer who appears to have been
c. when the application of the general rule unconscionably irresponsible cannot ne considered as
will result in serious injustice In which case, the remedy notice to his client. (Grand Placement and General Services
then is to reopen the case and allow the party who was Corporation v. Court of Appeals, et al., G. R. No. 142358, January
denied his day in court to adduce his evidence (Producers 31, 2006)
Bank of the Philippines v. Hon. Court of Appeals, et al.,
G.R. No. 126620, April 17, 2002), or when the counsel’s Duty of lawyer to inquire about case status . A
actuations are gross or palpable resulting in serious
counsel is required to inquire about the status of the cases
injustice to client (GCP Manny Transport Services, Inc. v.
Principle, etc., et al., G. R. No. 141484, November 11, assigned to him and the motions he has filed for a client. He
2005), or where the interests of justice so requires. cannot pass this burden to his client and blame the latter for
(Friend, et al., v. Union Bank of the Philippines, G. R. No. every mishap. It is inexcusable negligence of counsel for a
165767, November 29, 2005) memorandum on appeal not to have been filed on time.
Interesting is the resolution by the Supreme Court of the (Banting, et al., vs. Sps. Manlapaz, G. R. No. 15867, August 22,
motion for reconsideration in Legarda v. Court of Appeals, et al., 2006)
280 SCRA 642. In the original case, Legarda v. Court of Appeals,
et al., 195 SCRA 418, the Supreme Court held that the lawyer Duty of clients. It must be stressed that clients are
committed, not just ordinary or simple negligence, but reckless, bound to prosecute their complaint with assiduousness.
inexcusable and gross negligence, which deprived his client of her They are obli9ged to give the necessary assistance to their
property without due process of law. Hence, the Court ruled that counsel, as their interest in the outcome of the case is at
the client was not bound by the negligence of her counsel.
stake. They are wrong to expect that all they needed was to
sit back, relax and await a favorable outcome. (Spouses
Zarate v. Maybank Philippines, Inc., et al., G. R. No. 160976, June
8, 2005 citing Greenhills Airconditioning and Services, Inc. v. The procedure for withdrawal of counsel must be
National Labor Relations Commission, G. R. No. 112850, 27 June observed. A lawyer may retire from a suit upon written consent
1995, 245 SCRA 384) of the client filed in court. He may also retire at anytime without
the consent of the client should the court on notice to the client
While a lawyer owes absolute fidelity to the cause of and attorney and on hearing determine that he ought to be allowed
his client, full devotion to his client’s genuine interest and to retire. In case of substitution, the new attorney’s name shall be
warm zeal in the maintenance and defense of his client’s entered on the docket in place of the former one and the written
rights, as well as the exertion of his utmost learning and notice of the change shall be given to the adverse party. (Sec. 26,
ability, he must do so only within the bounds of the law . (In Rule 138 of the Rules of Court)
Re: Letter dated 21 February 2005 of Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. Unless the procedure is complied with, the counsel of
No.0503-04-SC, July 22, 2005) record is regarded as the counsel who should be served with
copies of the judgments, orders and pleadings and who should be
A member of the legal profession owes his held responsible for the case. Without such formal withdrawal
filed in the case, notice of judgment rendered in the case served
client entire devotion. While a lawyer owes absolute
on the counsel of record, is, for all legal purposes, notice to the
fidelity to the cause of his client, full devotion to his client’s client, the date of receipt of which is considered the starting point
genuine interest and warm zeal in the maintenance and from which the period of appeal prescribed by law shall begin to
defense of his client’s rights, as well as the exertion of his run. (GCP – Manny Transportation Services, Inc. v. Principe, etc.,
utmost learning and ability, he must do so only within the et al., G. R. No. 141484, November 11, 2005)
bounds of the law. (In Re: Letter dated 21 February 2005 of
Atty. Noel S. Sorreda, A.M. No.0503-04-SC, July 22, 2005, 2. May government owned or controlled
disbarred through a resolution dated September 11, 2006)
corporations hire or retain private lawyers to
render legal services for them and/or to handle
BAR: 1. What are the requirements for their legal cases in consideration of fixed retainer
substitution of counsel ? fees ? Explain.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No substitution of counsel SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. No public funds will
of record is allowed unless the following essential requisites be disbursed for the payment of private lawyers unless prior
of a valid substitution of counsel occur: to the hiring of said lawyer, there is a written conformity and
a. There must be a written motion for substitution; acquiescence from the Solicitor General or the Government
b. It must be filed with the written consent of the Corporate Counsel. The purpose of the restriction is to
client; curtail unauthorized and unnecessary disbursement of
c. It must be with the written consent of the attorney public funds. (Polloso v. Hon. Gangan, etc., et al., G.R. No.
to be substituted, and 140563, July 14, 2000)
d. In case such written consent cannot be obtained,
then the written request for substitution must be
accompanied with proof of service of notice of such motion BAR: 3. “An attorney who appears de parte in a
in the manner required by the Rules of Court, on the case before a lower court shall be presumed to continue
attorney to be substituted. (Yu v. Court of Appeals, 135 SCRA representing his client on appeal, unless he files a formal
186; Santana-Cruz v. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 120176, petition withdrawing his appearance in the appellate court.”
July 20, 2001) (Sec. 22, Rule 138, Rules of Court)
investigate him. (Ong v. Atty.Unto, A.C.No. 2417, February 6,
BAR: 4. What should be the extent of a 2002)
2. A lawyer was suspended from the practice of law
lawyer’s zeal in representing his client? for one month with warning because this is the first time he
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer shall represent
was found guilty of neglect of his client’s case. He failed to
his client with zeal within the bounds of the law. (Canon
file his formal offer of exhibits which led to a dismissal of the
case. To compound his inefficiency, the respondent filed a
A lawyer shall employ only fair and honest means to motion for reconsideration outside of the reglementary
attain the lawful objectives of his client and shall not present, period. (Fernandez v. Atty. Novero, Jr., A.C.No. 5394, December
2, 2002)
participate in presenting or threaten to present, unfounded
3. Although the legal remedy taken by respondent
criminal charges to obtain an improper advantage in any
lawyers was later found to be erroneous does not constitute
case or proceeding. (Rule 19.01, CPR)
proof that they deliberately and knowingly intended to
DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES: forestall the hearing of the criminal case. There was no
a. Use of lawful means. While a lawyer owes showing that they have overstepped the norms of their
utmost zeal and devotion to the interest of his client, he also Lawyer’s oath in advocating the interest of their clients. In
has the responsibility of employing only fair and honest the judicial forum, their clients were entitled to the benefit of
means to attain the lawful objectives of his client and he any and every remedy and defense that is authorized by the
should not allow the latter to dictate the procedure in law of the land. They were exonerated. (Atty. de la Rosa
handling the case. v.Court of Appeals Justices Sabio,Jr., et al., A.M. No. CA-03-35,
A lawyer owes entire devotion in protecting the July 24, 2003)
interest of his client, warmth and zeal in the defense of his
rights. He must use all his learning and ability to the end that 25. What are included in the duty of the
nothing can be taken or withheld from his client except in
lawyer to be faithful to his client ?
accordance with the law. He must present every remedy or
defense within the authority of the law in support of his
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer owes fidelity
client’s cause, regardless of his own personal views. In the to the cause of his client and he shall be mindful of the
full discharge of his duties to his client, the lawyer should not trust and confidence reposed in him. (Canon 17, CPR)
be afraid of the possibility that he may displease the judge A lawyer shall serve his client with competence
or the general public. (Fernandez v. Atty. Novero, Jr., A.C.No. and diligence. (Canon 18, CPR)
5394, December 2, 2002) A lawyer shall not neglect a legal matter
b. Illustrative cases: entrusted to him, and his negligence in connection
1. A lawyer was found guilty of conduct unbecoming therewith shall render him liable. (Rule 18.03, CPR)
a lawyer and was suspended from the practice of law for five DOCTRINES AND ILLUSTRATIVE CASES:
(5) months because he instituted criminal and administrative a. Once a lawyer agrees to handle a case, he
complaints against his client’s opponent, which cases had should undertake the task with dedication and care, less
no bearing on the cause of his client for support of her son. than that, he is not true to his oath as a lawyer. ( Sencio v.
Furthermore, he did not participate in the proceedings Atty. Calvadores, A.C. No. 5841, January 20, 2003)
despite his motions for postponements. He has shown utter b. A counsel must constantly keep in mind that his
lack of respect towards the public officers assigned to actions or omissions, even malfeasance or nonfeasance,
would be binding on his client. Verily, a lawyer owes to the a. Lawyers who convert the funds entrusted to them
client the exercise of utmost prudence and capability in that are in gross violation of professional ethics and are guilty of
representation. Lawyers are expected to be acquainted with betrayal of public confidence in the legal profession. It may
the rudiments of law and legal procedure, and anyone who be true that they have a lien upon the client’s funds,
deals with them has the right to expect not just a good documents and other papers that have lawfully come into
amount of professional learning and competence but also a their possession; that they may retain them until their lawful
whole-hearted fealty to the client’s cause. ( Alcantara v. fees and disbursements have been paid; and that they may
Atty.Pefianco, A.C. No. 5398, December 3, 2002) apply such funds to the satisfaction of such fees and
c. Illustrative cases: disbursements. However, these considerations do not
1. A lawyer who deceived his client when he claimed relieve them of their duty to promptly account for the
that he has already filed the petition when in fact, it was filed moneys they receive. Their failure to do so constitutes
later. For his neglect in handling the case, he promised to professional misconduct. In any event, they must still exert
return half of the amount he was paid but he never did. all effort to protect their client’s interest within the bounds of
Such misconduct betrays the confidence reposed in him by law.
his client. The lawyer was suspended from the practice of b. If much is demanded from an attorney, it is
law with warning. He was also directed to restitute to because the entrusted privilege to practice law carries with it
complainant the sum of P10,000.00. (Reyes v. Atty. Javier, correlative duties not only to the client but also to the court,
A.C. No. 5574, February 1, 2002) to the bar, and to the public. (Burbe v. Atty. Magulta, A.C. No.
2. A lawyer received P12,000.00 as other fees to 99-634, June 10, 2002)
prosecute the civil aspect of reckless imprudence resulting c. Illustrative cases:
to homicide. He however, did not file the case and did not 1. A lawyer was suspended from the practice of law
return the money despite his promise to do so. He was for one year because he used the P25,000.00 intended for
suspended from the practice of law for six (6) months, filing fee for his personal use. ( Burbe v. Atty. Magulta, A.C. No.
ordered to return the P12,000.00, and warned that a 99-634, June 10, 2002)
commission of the same or similar act in the future shall be 2. A lawyer was penalized with six (6) months
dealt with more severely. (Sencio v. Atty. Calvadores, A.C. No. suspension, with warning, because he failed to account and
5841, January 20, 2003) return the P10,000.00 for filing fees despite repeated
demands. (Garcia v. Atty. Manuel, A.C. No. 5811, January 20,
26. What comprises the duties of the lawyer 2003)
as the trustee of his client’s money and Lawyers should return the filing fee they
properties ? received where the case was not filed. The ethics of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A lawyer shall hold in the profession demands that a lawyer should properly
trust all moneys and properties of his client that may account for all money or property collected from the client.
Money entrusted to a lawyer for a specific purpose, such for
come into his possession. (Canon 16, CPR)
filing fee, but not used for failure to file the case must
A lawyer shall account for all money or property immediately be returned to the client on demand. (Dalisay v.
collected or received for or from the client . (Rule 16.01, Mauricio, Jr., A. C. No. 5655, January 23, 2006 on the motion for
CPR) reconsideration)
Lawyer who receives money for a particular In its extraordinary concept, attorney’s fees are deemed
purpose should account for the same and if not indemnity for damages ordered by the court to be paid by the
losing party in a litigation. (PCL Shipping Philippines, Inc. ,et al.
spent for the purpose should return the same, ,v. National Labor Relations Commission, et al., G. R. No. 153031,
When a lawyer receives money from the client for a December 14, 2006)
particular purpose, the lawyer is bound to render an
accounting to the client showing that the money was spent Contingent fees are not per se prohibited by law.
for the intended purpose. Consequently, if the lawyer does They are sanctioned by Canon 13 of the Canons of Professional
not use the money for the intended purpose, the lawyer Ethics, vis: “13. Contingent Fees. – A contract for contingent fee,
must immediately return the money o the client. (Meneses v. where sanctioned by law, should be reasonable under all the
Macalino, A.C. No. 6651, February 27, 2006) circumstances of the case including the risk and uncertainty of the
compensation, but should always be subject to the supervision of
A lawyer was disciplined because she a court, as to its reasonableness, and Canon 20, Rule 20.01 of the
Code of Professional Responsibility. (Roxas, et al. v. De
borrowed money from her client. A lawyer’s act of Zuzuarregui, Jr., et al., G. R. No. 152072, January 31, 2006, and
asking a client for a loan is very unethical. It comes within companion case)
those acts considered as abuse of a client’s confidence.
The canon presumes that the client is disadvantages by the Written contract governs attorney’s fees unless
lawyer’s ability to use all the legal maneuverings to renege unconscionable, hence court may reduce the same if
on her obligation. [Frias v. Lozada, A.C. No. 6656,December 13, found to be unconscionable and unreasonable. A written
2005 (Formerly CBD – 98 – 591), motion for reconsideration contract for services shall control the amount to be paid therefore
denied on May 4, 2006] unless found by the court to be unconscionable, or reasonable.
In a motion for reconsideration which was denied by (Sec. 24, Rule 138 of the Rules of Court)
the Supreme Court with finality on May 4, 2006, it was held Indubitably intertwined with the lawyer’s duty to charge only
that an administrative complaint against a member of the reasonable fees is the power of the court to reduce the amount of
bar does not prescribe. Furthermore, it is not proper to raise attorney’s fees if the same is excessive and unconscionable.
new issues on a motion for reconsideration. (Roxas, et al. v. De Zuzuarregui, Jr., et al., G. R. No. 152072,
January 31, 2006, and companion case)

Attorney’s fees are unconscionable if they

affront one’s sense of justice, decency or reasonableness.
It becomes axiomatic, therefore, that power to determine the
reasonableness or the unconscionable character of
g) Attorney’s fees attorney’s fees stipulated by the paties is a matter falling
within the regulatory prerogative of the courts. (Roxas, et al.
Kinds of attorney’s fees. There are two commonly accepted v. De Zuzuarregui, Jr., et al., G. R. No. 152072, January 31, 2006,
concepts of attorney’s fees, the so-called ordinary and and companion case)
In its ordinary concept, an attorney’s fee is the reasonable Illustrative case: The lawyers received an amount
compensation paid to a lawyer by his client for the legal services equal to forty-four percent (44%) of the just compensation
he has rendered to the latter. The basis of the compensation is the paid in accordance with their written contract, or an amount
fact of his employment by and his agreement with the client. equivalent to P23,980,000.00 of the P54,500,000.00.
Considering that there was no full blown hearing in Lawyers could not charge clients a fee based on
the expropriation case, ending as it did in a Compromise percentage absent an express agreement to that effect.
Agreement, the 44% is, undeniably unconscionable and (Pineda v. De Jesus, et al., G. R. No. 155224, August 23, 2006)
excessive under the circumstances. The Supreme Court
ordered the return of the amount of P17,073,224.84 to the Quantum meruit is permitted where no express
clients. (Roxas, et al. v. De Zuzuarregui, Jr., et al., G. R. agreement to pay attorney’s fees. The professional
No. 152072, January 31, 2006, and companion case) agreement may be governed by the principle of quantum meruit
which means “as much as the lawyer deserves.” The recovery of
The practice of law is not a money-making trade. attorney’s fees on this basis is permitted where there is no express
Lawyers are members of an honorable profession, the primary agreement for the payment of attorney’s fees. Basically, it is a
vision of which is justice. The practice of law is a decent legal mechanism which prevents an unscrupulous client from
profession and not a money-making trade. Compensation should running away with the fruits of the legal services of counsel without
be but a mere incident. (Pineda v. De Jesus, et al., G. R. No. paying for it. In the same vein, it avoids unjust enrichment on the
155224, August 23, 2006) part of the lawyer himself. (Pineda v. De Jesus, et al., G. R. No.
155224, August 23, 2006)
Illustrative case: The wife filed an action for
declaration of nullity of marriage against the husband who Attorney’s fees must be established by the
was represented by the respondent lawyers. During the
circumstances of each case. The duty of the court is not only
pendency of the case, the wife proposed a settlement to the
to see that a lawyer acts in a proper and lawful manner but also to
husband regarding her visitation rights over their minor child
ensure that a lawyer is paid his just fee. No hard and fast rule may
and the separation of their properties, which was accepted
be set in the determination of what a reasonable fee is, it must be
by the husband. The respondent lawyers then sought to
established from the facts of each case. As the Court of Appeals
collect P50 million which was equivalent to 10% of the value
is the final adjudicator of facts, the Supreme Court is bound by its
of the properties awarded to the husband. The Court ruled
findings. (Santos Ventura Hocorma Foundation, Inc. v. Funk, G. R.
that since the respondents did not deny that payment to
No. 131260, December 6, 2006)
them in cash, checks, free products and services from the
petitioner’s business this more than sufficed for the work
Illustrative case: The respondent lawyer was
they did. The “full payment for settlement” should have
engaged to secure several properties which he
discharged the petitioner’s obligation to them.
subsequently transferred to the petitioner through a series
The Court went on to state that demanding P50
of donations for an attorney’s fee fo 10% of the market
million on top of the generous sums and perks already
value of the properties. Somehow or the other the
given to them was an act of unconscionable greed which is
respondent lawyer was not paid his attorney’s fees. As a
shocking to the Court. It is respondents’ despicable
consequence he filed suit where the lower court increased
behavior which gives lawyering a bad name in the minds of
his attorney’s fees for the transfer of the properties to
some people. The vernacular has a word for it:
P918,919.50. He was also declared co-owner of 10% of the
nagsasamantala. The award of the additional attorney’s
properties whose market values were not proven. On
fees in favor of the respondents was deleted. (Pineda v. De
appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the trial court’s
Jesus, et al., G. R. No. 155224, August 23, 2006)
resolution entitling the respondent lawyer to 10% of the
Considering the strong words of condemnation,
market value of the remaining properties but with the
the Supreme Court should have subjected the respondents
modification that there would be no right of co-ownership.
to disciplinary penalty or should referred the matter to the
The Supreme Court dismissed the petition for
IBP for appropriate action.
certiorari impugning the decision of the Court of Appeals.
(Santos Ventura Hocorma Foundation, Inc. v. Funk, G. R. BAR 6. In what instances may a court
No. 131260, December 6, 2006)
award attorney’s fees on a quantum meruit basis ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Courts may award
attorney’s fees on a quantum meruit basis:
a. Where the fees stipulated appear excessive,
(i) Acceptance fees unconscionable, unreasonable because a lawyer
being an officer of the court is subject to judicial control;
Nature of acceptance fee. An acceptance fee is not a b. Where a lawyer withdraws with justifiable
contingent fee, but is an absolute fee arrangement which cause;
entitles a lawyer to get paid for his efforts regardless of the
c. Where there is no express contract or the
outcome of litigation. That complainant was dissatisfied with
the outcome of cases does not render void a retainer recovery of attorney’s fees;
agreement. Litigants need to be reminded that lawyers are not d. Where the contract of employment is void
demi-gods or “magicians: who can always win their cases for their because of some irregularity in its execution or as to
clients no matter the utter lack of merit of the same or how purely formal matters;
passionate the litigants may feel about their cause. [Yu v. Bondal, e. there is an agreement to pay attorney’s fees
A. C. No. 5534, January 17, 2005 citing Curimatmat v. Gojar, 308
but the amount has not been agreed upon;
SCRA 123, 128 (1999)]
f. If the client prevents the successful
prosecution or defense of the action;
g. If the contingency fee arrangement is
invalidated, the legal service lawfully rendered and the
(ii) Contingency fee arrangements client derived some benefit from the suit.

4. If the contract between client and BAR 7. What factors may be used as
attorney has been reduced to writing and the dismissal factors in determining attorney’s fees ?
of the attorney was without justifiable cause, he shall SUGGESTED ANSWER:
be entitled to recover from the client the full a. The time spent an the extent of the services
compensation stipulated in the contract. (Sec. 26, Rule rendered or required;
138, Rules of Court)
b. The novelty and difficulty of the questions
BAR 5. What is the concept of attorney’s c. The importance of the subject matter;
fees on a quantum meruit basis ? d. the skill demanded;
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The fee which is as e. The probability of losing other employment as
much as the lawyer deserves considering the a result of acceptance of the proffered case;
reasonable value of the services he has rendered. f. The customary charges for similar services
(Teerthdass v. Pohoomol Brothers, 15 Phil. 607)
and the schedule of fees of the IBP Chapter to which
he belongs;
g. The amount involved in the controversy and Suits for attorney’s fees should be avoided. Suits
the benefits resulting to the client from the service; to collect attorney’s fees should be avoided and should be filed
only when circumstances force lawyers to resort to it. The
h. the contingency or certainty of compensation;
respondents motion for payment of their lawyer’s fees was not
i. The character of the employment, whether meant to collect what was justly due them; the fact was, they had
occasional or established; and already been adequately paid. (Pineda v. De Jesus, et al., G. R.
j. The professional standing of the lawyer. (Rule No. 155224, August 23, 2006)
20.01, Code of Professional Responsibility)
Where suit for attorney’s fees may be filed. A
lawyer may enforce his right to his fees by filing the necessary
BAR 8. What is a contingent fee ? Is it petition as an incident of the man action in which his services wee
allowed in this jurisdiction ? Why ? rendered or in an independent suit against is client. The former is
SUGGESTED ANSWER: An agreement laid preferable to avoid multiplicity of suits. (Pineda v. De Jesus, et al.,
down in an express contract between a lawyer and a G. R. No. 155224, August 23, 2006)
client in which the lawyer’s professional fee, usually a
fixed percentage of what may be recovered in the
action is made to depend upon the success of the
litigation. (Tagans v. NLRC, et al., 248 SCRA 133) 13. Discuss the propriety of a lawyer filing a
It is allowed because that is the only way by suit against his client concerning his fees.
which the poor and helpless can have their rights SUGGESTED ANSWER: “A lawyer shall avoid
vindicated and upheld. controversies with clients concerning his compensation
and shall resort to judicial action to prevent imposition,
injustice or fraud.” (Rule 20.04, Canon 20, Code of
Professional Responsibility)
Controversies with clients concerning
compensation are to be avoided by the lawyer so far as
shall be compatible with his self-respect and with his
(iii) Attorney’s liens right to receive reasonable compensation for his

(iv) Fees and controversies with BAR 14. Assumpsit is the action filed by a
clients lawyer against his client for collection of attorney’s
A lawyer shall avoid controversies with clients
concerning his compensation and shall resort to
judicial action only to prevent imposition, injustice, or
fraud. (CPR, Rule 20.04) (v) Concepts of attorney’s fees

(a) Ordinary concept

made nor received in payment of the services
contemplated; its payment has no relation to the
obligation of the client to pay his attorney for the
(b) Extraordinary concept
services which he has retained him to perform. (Polloso
v. Hon. Gangan, etc., et al., G.R. No. 140563, July 14, 2000)
BAR 1. What are the two concepts of attorney’s
fees ? Explain each briefly.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The two concepts h) Preservation of client’s confidences
a. Ordinary, which means the reasonable (i) Prohibited disclosures and use
compensation paid to a lawyer for his services. It is
due him and he could collect it. (Traders’ Royal Bank (ii) Disclosure, when allowed
Employees Union-Independent v. NLRC, et al., 269 SCRA 733)
b. Extraordinary. These are attorney’s fees
awarded as an indemnity to be paid by the losing party
to the wining party. These are not the entitlements of i) Withdrawal of services
the lawyer but of the winning party litigant (Ibid.),
unless the lawyer and the client agreed that the client
shall pay to the lawyer the awarded attorney’s fees.

BAR 3. Attorney’s fees awarded as an indemnity or

damages to be paid by the losing party to the wining
party are not the entitlements of the lawyer but of the
winning party litigant unless the lawyer and the client
have agreed that the client shall pay to the lawyer the
awarded attorney’s fees.

Extraordinary concept of attorney’s fees. In its

2. A retainer fee is a preliminary fee to an extraordinary concept, attorney’s fees are deemed indemnity for
attorney or counsel to insure and secure his future damages ordered by the court to be paid by the losing party in a
services, and induce him to act for the client. It is litigation. The instances where these may be awarded are those
intended to remunerate counsel for being deprived , by enumerated in Article 2208 of the Civil Code, specifically par. 7
thereof which pertains to actions for recovery of wages, and is
being retained by one party, of the opportunity of payable not to the lawyer but to the client, unless they have
rendering services to the other and of receiving pay agreed that the award shall pertain to the lawyer as additional
from him, and payment of such fee, in the absence of compensation or as part thereof.
an express understanding to the contrary, is neither
The extraordinary concept of attorney’s fees is the one determine who are entitled to such indemnity. (Spouses Vizarra,
contemplated in Article 111 of the Labor Code, which provides, ”In et al. ,v. Rodriguez, et al., G.R. No. 148014, December 5, 2006)
cases of unlawful withholding of wages, the culpable party ay be
assessed attorney’s fees equivalent to ten percent of the amount
of wages recovered.” (PCL Shipping Philippines, Inc. ,et al. ,v.
National Labor Relations Commission, et al., G. R. No. 153031,
December 14, 2006) BAR 9. What is a champertous contract ?
Is it allowed in this jurisdiction ? Why ?
General rule: No award of attorney’s fees. It is not SUGGESTED ANSWER: One whereby the
sound public policy to place a penalty on the right to litigate, nor attorney agrees to prosecute suits at his own expense
should attorney’s fees be awarded every time a party wins a
for the recovery of things or property belonging to or
lawsuit. (Ballesteros v. Abion, G. R. No. 143361, February 9,
2006; Buning, et al., v. Santos, G. R. No. 152544, September 19, claimed by the client, the latter agreeing to pay the
2006) former a portion of the thing or property recovered as
Exception: When attorney’s fees are awarded. It is not allowed being against public policy
Article 2208 (11) of the Civil Code allows the recovery of counsel’s because the lawyer becomes a party litigant instead of
fees, in the exercise of judicial discretion where the court deems it
just and equitable that attorney’s fees and expenses of litigation
an advocate for a client. “A lawyer may not properly
should be recovered. (Ballesteros v. Abion, G. R. No. 143361, agree with a client that the lawyer shall pay or bear the
February 9, 2006) expenses of litigation; he may in good faith advance
Award of attorney’s fees is in order where the plaintiff had to expenses as a matter of convenience, but subject to
incur expenses to protect its interest. If exorbitant, the same may reimbursement.” (Canon 42, Canons of Professional Ethics)
be reduced to an appropriate amount. (United Planters Sugar
Milling Company, Inc. (UPSUMCO) v. Court of Appeals, et al., G.
R. No. 126890, November 28, 2006)
Mere fact that a party is compelled to litigate, by
Award of attorney’s fees must be supported by itself standing alone, does not necessarily justify an
evidence. The conclusion awarding attorney’s fees must be award of attorney’s fees. Attorney’s fees must be
borne out by findings of facts and law. There must be factual, deleted where the award of moral and exemplary
legal or equitable justification for the award. Without such damages are eliminated. What Article 2208 (2) of the Civil
justification, the award is a conclusion without a premise, its basis Code provides, in order that attorney’s fees may be awarded, is
being improperly left to speculation and conjecture, (Ballesteros that “the defendant’s act or omission has compelled the plaintiff to
v. Abion, G. R. No. 143361, February 9, 2006) litigate with third persons or to incur expenses to protect his
In making an award of attorney’s fees, the court must state interest.” It is settled that the fact that the party was compelled to
in its decision the legal or factual absis for the award. (Buduhan litigate and incur expenses to protect and enforce their claim does
v . Pacurao, et al., G. R. No. 168237. February 22, 2006; Buning, not justify the award of attorney’s fees. The general rule is that
et al., v. Santos, G. R. No. 152544, September 19, 2006) attorney’s fees cannot be rcovered as part of damages because of
The power of courts to grant damages and attorney’s fees the public policy that no premium should be placed on the right to
demands factual, legal and equitable justifications, its basis cannot litigate. The award of attorney’s fees must be deleted where the
be left to speculation or conjecture. The rule is that evidence award of moral and exemplary damages are eliminated.
should be taken of the damages claimed and the court should (Francisco v. Co, etc., G. R. No. 151339, January 31, 2006)
Labor cases exception to strict construction in BAR 11. What are the different kinds of
granting attorney’s fees.. Article 111 of the Labor Code, attorney’s liens ? Explain each briefly.
which provides, ”In cases of unlawful withholding of wages, the
culpable party ay be assessed attorney’s fees equivalent to ten
percent of the amount of wages recovered,” is an exception to the a. Retaining, general or possessory lien. “An
declared policy of strict construction in awarding attorney’s fees. attorney shall have a lien upon funds, documents and
Although an express finding of facts and law is still necessary to papers of his client which have lawfully come into his
prove the merit of the award, there need not be any showing that possession and may retain the same until his lawful
the employer acted maliciously or in bad faith when it withheld the
wages. There need only a showing that the lawful wages were not
fees and disbursements have been paid, and may
paid accordingly. (PCL Shipping Philippines, Inc. ,et al. ,v. apply such funds to the satisfaction thereof.” (1st
National Labor Relations Commission, et al., G. R. No. 153031, sentence, Sec. 37, Rule 138, Rules of Court)
December 14, 2006) b. Charging, specific, particular or non-
possessory lien. The right of a lawyer to have any
The matter of attorney’s fees cannot be touched awards made to his client as a security for the payment
only in the fallo of the decision otherwise it should be thrown of his attorney’s fees.
out for being speculative and conjectural. (Villanueva, et al. v.
Spouses Salvador, G. R. No. 139436, January 25, 2006)
The matter of attorney’s fees cannot be dealt with only in BAR 12. An attorney shall also have a lien to
the dispositive portion of the decision. The text of the decision the same extent upon all judgments for the payment of
must state the reason behind the award of attorney’s fees. money, and executions issued in pursuance of such
Otherwise, its award is totally unjustified. (Ballesteros v. Abion, G.
R. No. 143361, February 9, 2006; Spouses Tamayo v. Heirs of
judgments, which he has secured in a litigation of his
Dominguez, G. R. No. 133429, August 10, 2006) client,
from and after the time when he shall have
caused a statement of his claim of such lien to be
BAR 10. Distinguish champertous entered upon the records of the court rendering such
contracts from contingent fee contracts. judgment, or issuing such execution, and shall have
SUGGESTED ANSWER: caused written notice thereof to be delivered to his
a. In champertous contracts, the attorney client and to the adverse party; and
undertakes to bear all expenses incident to the he shall have the same right and power over
litigation while this is not true in contingent fee such judgments and executions as his client would
contracts. have to enforce his lien and secure the payment of his
b. Champertous fees are payable only in kind, just fees and disbursements. (2nd sentence, Sec. 37, Rule
138, Rules of Court, arrangement supplied)
out of the properties recovered while contingent fees
The judgment must however be final and
may be paid in cash.
executory, otherwise there is nothing to be executed
c. Champertous contracts are void as against
public policy and the ethics of the profession while
contingent fee contracts are valid.
a. There is authority to the effect that a lawyer possession of marijuana and the complainant’s car was
could not retain files the client needs to pursue her case impounded. Since she did not have sufficient funds to
(People v. Altaver, 78 Misc. 2d 24) because the lawyer defray her defense the complainant authorized the
would be delaying man for money. After all, should the respondents, who in the meantime were able to release the
client prevails the lawyer’s fees could still be enforced car, to sell it by signing a computerized Deed of Sale the
through the charging lien. complete particulars of which were left in blank.
b. It is untenable for a lawyer to claim that since The Deed of Sale was then filled up with the name of
his client was already in arrears with his fees, it was proper one of the respondents and the price of P600,000.00. The
for him to apply the filing fees to his attorney’s fees. A respondents claim that they agreed to handle complainant’s
lawyer’s lien is not an excuse for a lawyer’s non-rendition of case for P20,000.00 as acceptance fee, and P1,000,000.00
accounting. success fee, but as complainant did not have money, she
And while a lawyer is allowed to apply so much of convinced them to accept a computerized Deed of Sale
the client’s funds as may be necessary to satisfy his lawful covering her car as a form of assurance that she would
fees and disbursements, the lawyer is however under the settle any outstanding account.
obligation to promptly thereafter notify his client. The Supreme Court did not give credence to the
Assuming that the lawyer’s services were defense and found the respondents to have breached their
terminated, the attorney would not, nonetheless, be relieved obligation to hold in trust properties of the client that may
of his duty to render the necessary accounting for all the come into their possession. The Supreme Court agreed with
moneys received by him from the client. (Garcia v. Atty. the IBP Investigator that if the facts were as the respondents
Manuel, A.C. No. 5811, January 20, 2003) claimed it to be then the computerized form should have
been completely filled up with the name of the respondent
Lawyer’s lien over client’s property is wife and the price before it was presented for signature to
recognized but not to be exercised haphazardly. the complainant. Furthermore, the complainant should have
Although a lawyer’s lien over a client’s property in been advised of the eventual sale of the car and account for
satisfaction of his lawful fees and disbursements is the proceeds thereof. The respondents were suspended
recognized by the Supreme Court, the same cannot be from the practice of law for a period of three(3) months with
exercised haphazardly. warning that a repetition of the same or similar acts will be
A fiduciary relationship requires a high degree of dealt with more severely. (Hsieh v. Quimpo, et al., A. C. No.
fidelity and good faith and is designed to remove all such 6128, December 19, 2006)
temptation and to present everything of that kind from being
done for the protection of the client. 15. “A lawyer shall withdraw his services
It is thus the Supreme Court’s duty to look into only for good cause and upon notice appropriate in
dealings between attorneys and their clients and guard the the circumstances.” (Canon 22, Code of Professional
latter from any undue consequences resulting from a Responsibility)
situation in which they may stand unequal. (Hsieh v. Quimpo,
et al., A. C. No. 6128, December 19, 2006 BAR 16. “A lawyer may withdraw his services
Illustrative case: Spouses respondents lawyers in any of the following cases:
were engaged by the complainant to represent her and her
companion. They were arrested for drug trafficking and
a. When the client pursues an illegal or immoral
course of conduct in connection with the matter he is
handling; BAR: 1. What redress may a party litigant
b. When the client insists that the lawyer who is aggrieved by the negligence of a lawyer
pursues conduct violative of these canons and rules; seek and before what body ? ?
c. When his inability to work with co-counsel will SUGGESTED ANSWER: He could seek
not promote the best interest of the client; administrative, civil or criminal redress against the
d. When the mental or physical condition of the lawyer erring lawyer, depending upon the nature of the
renders it difficult for him to carry out the employment negligence.
effectively; He may file a verified administrative complaint
e. When the client deliberately fails to pay the with either the Supreme Court, the IBP (directly with
fees for the services or fails to comply with the retainer the Board of Governors) or with the IBP Chapter to
agreement; which the lawyer belongs.
f. When the lawyer is elected or appointed to If he suffered pecuniary losses as a result of the
public office; or negligence he may file a civil suit for damages with
g. Other similar cases.” (Rule 22.01, Code of either the RTC or the MTC depending on the
Professional Responsibility) jurisdictional amount.
If the inexcusable negligence or ignorance of the
C. SUSPENSION, DISBARMENT AND lawyer prejudiced the client, a case for violation of Art.
DISCIPLINE OF LAWYERS (RULE 139-B, RULES OF 209 of the RPC may likewise be filed with the MTC.
2. What courts may impose disciplinary
1. Nature and characteristics of disciplinary penalties against lawyers ?
actions against lawyers a. The Supreme Court may impose the
penalties of warning, admonition, fine, suspension,
a) Sui generis disbarment, contempt but not impose imprisonment as
a penalty for the commission of a felony which is
b) Prescription considered as violative of ethical rules.
b. The Court of Appeals as well as the Regional
2. Grounds Trial Court could impose the penalties of warning,
admonition, fine, suspension and contempt but not
3. Proceedings disbarment or imprisonment as a penalty for the
commission of a felony which is considered as violative
4. Discipline of Filipino lawyers practicing of ethical rules.
abroad The penalty of suspension imposed by the Court
of Appeals or the Regional Trial Court shall be subject
to review by the Supreme Court and shall be Neither is acquittal in a criminal case considered
implemented only if so affirmed by the High Court. as a ground for dismissal of disciplinary action cases
c. The Sandiganbayan and the Court of Tax also based on the above grounds.
Appeals could impose the penalties of warning,
admonition, fine and contempt but not suspension, Quantum of evidence required in administrative
disbarment or imprisonment as a penalty for the cases against lawyers. In administrative cases against
commission of a felony which is considered as violative lawyers, the quantum of proof required is preponderance of
of ethical rules. evidence. (Sultan v. Atty. Macabanding, A.C. No. 7919, October 8,
d. the Municipal Trial Court, Municipal Circuit 2014)
Trial Court and the Metropolitan Trial Court could
impose the penalty of warning, admonition, fine and
imprisonment for violation of the provisions of the Preponderance of evidence defined.
Preponderance of evidence means that the evidence
Revised Penal Code on revelation of secrets and
adduced by one side is, as a whole, superior to or has
representation of conflicting interests, but not greater weight than that of the other. It means evidence
suspension or disbarment. which is more convincing to the court as worthy of belief
than that which is offered in opposition thereto. Under
BAR 3. Misconduct of a government official Section 1 of Rule 133, in determining whether or not there is
which would affect his qualification as a lawyer or preponderance of evidence, the court may consider the
shows moral delinquency subjects him to discipline following:
both as a government employee and as a member of (a) all the facts and circumstances of the case;
the Bar. (Canon 6, Code of Professional Responsibility) (b) the witnesses’ manner of testifying, their
intelligence, their means and opportunity of knowing the
The purpose of penalizing him as a government
facts to which they are testifying, the nature of the facts to
employee is different from the purpose of disciplinary which they testify, the probability or improbability of their
proceedings, hence there is no double jeopardy. testimony;
(c) the witnesses’ interest or want of interest, and
BAR 4. Pendency of a criminal action does also their personal credibility so far as the same may
not suspend disciplinary proceedings because a ultimately appear in the trial; and
criminal action has for the purpose of imposing the (d) the number of witnesses, although it does not
penal sanctions for violation of the law while mean that preponderance is necessarily with the greater
disciplinary proceedings are for the purpose of number. (Rodica v. Lazaro, A.C. No. 9259, August 23, 2012, 679
SCRA 1, 9-10 cited in Sultan v. Atty. Macabanding, A.C. No. 7919,
maintaining the purity of the profession by removing October 8, 2014)
those who have shown that they are unfit to continue in
their membership in the profession. Furthermore, the
quantum of evidence required for criminal cases is BAR 5. A lawyer may also be subject to acts
proof beyond reasonable doubt while that of committed outside of his profession if it affects his
disciplinary proceedings only substantial evidence.
moral character to continue in his membership in the BAR 8. A conditional pardon does not bar
Bar. disciplinary proceedings. (In re Gutierrez, Adm. Case No.
363, July 31, 1962)
BAR 6. Disciplinary proceedings are sui
generis, neither criminal nor civil, hence there are no BAR 9. Is absolute pardon a bar to
complainants nor prosecutors. Their main purpose is disciplinary action ?
to purge the profession of those who have show that SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Absolute pardon
they are not anymore fit to continue as members. generally is a bar to disciplinary action.
Withdrawal by the complainant is not However it is not a bar where the disbarment
ground for dismissal because such proceedings are proceedings are founded on professional misconduct
imbued with public interest. which has resulted in a conviction for a crime although
the pardon wipes out the penal consequences, it does
Disbarment case is sui generis for it is neither not operate as a bar to disbarment proceedings. (In re
purely civil nor purely criminal but is rather an investigation Lontok, 43 Phil. 293) This is especially true, if the crime for
by the court into the conduct of its officers. Thus, an which he was convicted is one that involves moral
acquittal of a lawyer in a criminal action is not determinative turpitude. The absolute pardon does not erase the blot
of an administrative case against him, nor an affidavit of on theconvict’s moral character.
withdrawal of a disbarment case affect its course. (St. Louis
University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty and Staff v.
Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006) a. Absolute pardon does not result to restoration
of offices forfeited such as that of a lawyer. A disbarred
lawyer is not automatically reinstated to the office of a
BAR 7. Reasons why disciplinary action lawyer because of an absolute pardon.
considered sui generis: His application to reinstatement is subject to the
a. It is neither a civil nor criminal proceeding discretion of the Supreme Court upon evidence that he is
because its purpose is to purify the profession; now a person of good moral character.a fit and proper
b. Double jeopardy cannot be availed of; person to practice law. (In re Lontok, 43 Phil. 293)
c. It can be initiated motu proprio by the
Supreme Court or by the IBP; BAR 10. Enumerate some grounds for the
d. It can proceed regardless of interest or lack suspension or disbarment of a lawyer after his
of interest by the private complainant; admission to the practice of law.
e. It is imprescriptible; SUGGESTED ANSWER:
f. It is confidential; a. Deceit;
g. The principle of res ipsa loquitur finds b. Malpractice or other gross misconduct in
application. such office;
c. Grossly immoral conduct;
d. By reason of his conviction of a crime error of judgment. (Philippine Amusement and Gaming
involving moral turpitude; or Corporation, etc., v. Carandang, A.C. 5700, January 30, 2006)
e. for any violation of the oath which he is required to Immoral conduct is “that conduct which is willful,
take before admission to practice; or flagrant, or shameless, and which shows a moral indifference to
f. For a willful disobedience of any lawful order the opinion of the good and respectable members of the
of a superior court, or community.” (St. Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-
g. For corruptly or willfully appearing as attorney LHS) Faculty and Staff v. Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28,
for a party to a case without authority to do so. ( Sec. 27,
Rule 138, Rules of Court)
Grossly immoral characterizes an act that “must be so
ILLUSTRATIVE CASES: corrupt and false as to constitute a criminal act or so unprincipled
1. The rape committed by a lawyer constitutes as to be reprehensible to a high degree.” (St. Louis University
serious moral depravity even if his guilt was not proved Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty and Staff v. Dela
beyond reasonable doubt in the criminal prosecution for Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006)
rape. He is not worthy to remain a member of the bar. The
privilege to practice law is bestowed upon individuals who Contracting a second marriage or engaging in
are competent intellectually, academically and, equally illicit relationship constitutes grossly immoral conduct.
important, morally. “Good moral character is not only a ((St. Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty
condition precedent to admission to the legal profession, but and Staff v. Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006;
it must also be possessed at all times in order to maintain Ferancullo v. Ferancullo, A. C. No. 7214, November 30, 2006)
one’s good standing in that exclusive and honored
fraternity.” (Calub v. Suller, A.C. No. 1474, January 28, 2000) The law profession does not prescribe a dichotomy of
2. The conversion by a lawyer of funds entrusted to standards among its members. There is no distinction as to
him is a gross violation of professional ethics and a betrayal whether the transgression is committed in the lawyer’s
professional capacity or in his private life. This is because a
of public confidence in the legal profession. Not only did he
lawyer may not divide his personality so as to be an attorney at
degraded himself as an unfaithful lawyer, he has one time and a mere citizen at another. Thus, not only his
besmirched the fair name of an honorable profession. (Nabor professional activities but even his private life, insofar as the latter
v. Baterina, A.C. No. 4073, June 28, 2001) may reflect unfavorably upon the good name and prestige of the
profession and the court, may at any time be the subject of inquiry
BAR 11. A lawyer may not be disciplined for on the part of the proper authorities. (St. Louis University
Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty and Staff v. Dela
failure to pay her loan obligation (Toledo v. Abalos, 315
Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006)
SCRA 419), but unwarranted obstinacy in evading the
payment of a debt has been considered as gross Gross misconduct ground for disciplinary action.
misconduct. (Constantino v. Saludares, 228 SCRA 233) Any gross misconduct of a lawyer in his profession or private
capacity is a ground for the imposition of the penalty of suspension
Gross misconduct. Misconduct has been defined as or disbarment because good moral character is an essential
“wrong or improper conduct,” and “gross had been held to mean qualification for the continuance of such privilege.
“flagrant, shameful” (Webster). The Supreme Court once held that Lawyers are instruments for the administration of justice.
the word misconduct implies a wrongful intention and not a mere As vanguards of our legal system, they are expected to maintain
not only legal proficiency but also a high standard of morality,
honesty, integrity and fair dealing. In so doing, the people’s faith d. by reason of his conviction of a crime involving
and confidence in the judicial system is ensured. Layers may be moral turpitude, xxx xxx.
disciplined – whether in their professional or in their private (ROC, Rule 138, Sec. 27, paraphrasing supplied)
capacity – for any conduct that is wanting in morality, honesty,
probity and good demeanor. (Tomlin, II, v. Moya, II, A. C. No. Rationale why conviction of a crime involving
6971, February 23, 2006) moral turpitude results to disbarment. By such conviction,
a lawyer is deemed to have become unfit to uphold the
Non-professional misconduct. Issuing bouncing administration of justice, and to be no longer possessed of good
checks constitutes serious misconduct, as a lawyer is deemed to moral character. (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25,
know the law, specially B.P. Blg. 22. (Philippine Amusement and 2006)
Gaming Corporation, etc., v. Carandang, A.C. 5700, January 30,
2006) Moral turpitude has been defined as “everything that is
done contrary to justice, honesty, modesty, or good morals, an act
Refusal to pay just debts and issuance of of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the private duties which a
worthless checks. A lawyer was suspended for two () years man owes his fellowmen, or to society in general, contrary to the
with a warning that any further infraction by him will be dealt with accepted and customary rule of right and duty between man and
more severely for having been found guilty of gross misconduct woman, or conduct contrary to justice, honesty modesty, or good
and violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility. morals. (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006)
Although he acknowledged his financial obligation to the
complainant the respondent lawyer never offered nor made The crime need not be related to the practice of
arrangements to pay his debt. On the contrary he refused to the profession. Conviction for a crime involving moral turpitude
recognize any wrongdoing nor shown remorse for issuing may relate, not to the exercise of the profession of lawyers, but
worthless checks, an act constituting gross misconduct. It is his certainly to their moral character. When their misconduct outside
duty as a lawyer to faithfully perform at all times his duties to of their professional dealings is so gross as to show them morally
society, to the bar, to the courts and to his clients. As part of his unfit for their office and unworthy of the privileges conferred upon
duties, he must promptly pay his financial obligations. (Tomlin, II, them by their license and the law, the Supreme Court may be
v. Moya, II, A. C. No. 6971, February 23, 2006) justified in suspending or removing them from their office.
(Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006)
Disrespect to fellow lawyers subjects a lawyer to
discipline. A lawyer was admonished to refrain from using Homicide may or may not involve moral turpitude
offensive and improper language in her pleadings. In a pleading depending on the degree of the crime. Moral turpitude is
filed before a court she said that a fellow lawyer, “wants to be paid not involved in every criminal act and is not shown by every known
an additional $75,000.00 for his services in providing coffee and and intentional violation of statute, but whether any particular
opening doors whenever there is a conference.” (Asa, et al. v. conviction involves moral turpitude may be a question of law and
Castillo, et al., A.C. No.6501, August 31, 2006 (CBD Case Nos. frequently depends on all the surrounding circumstances .
03-1076, 03-1108,03-1109,03-1126) (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006. citing various
Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude

A member of the Bar may be removed or Illustrative case: The respondent lawyer who was
suspended from his office as attorney by the Supreme driving his car under the influence of liquor, chased a taxi
Court xxx: which had overtaken him and held the taxi driver by the
shirt. When the latter opened the door, the respondent fell
to the ground. The taxi driver went out of the taxi to help was the one who initiated, through a vice-mayor, efforts to
the respondent who totally enraged stood up and was about settle his civil liability. He has shown lack of common
to hit the taxi driver with a fist blow when the latter boxed honesty when he claimed he was mauled by the
him on the chest. The respondent again fell to the ground complainant and his two companions when the medical
and got up once more and tried to box the taxi driver who records has shown that this was implausible considering the
caught his fist and turned is arm around. When he was nature of the injuries he suffered.
released the respondent went back to his car to get his In sum, when lawyers are convicted of frustrated
unlicensed firearm which he wrapped with a handkerchief. homicide, the attendant circumstances – not the mere fact
In the meantime the taxi driver saw the eyeglasses of the of their conviction – would demonstrate their fitness to
respondent on the ground so he picked it up to return it to remain in the legal profession. In the present case, the
the respondent. As he was handing the same to the appalling vindictiveness, treachery, and brazen dishonesty
respondent, the latter shot him on the neck. The taxi driver of respondent clearly show his unworthiness to continue as
fell on the thigh of the respondent who pushed him off and a member of the bar.
sped of. His claimed that he was ganged upon by the taxi
driver and his two companions. On the above basis the Not all convictions of homicide involve moral
lower court convicted him of frustrated homicide, with an turpitude. This is not to say that all convictions of the crime
award of damages to the taxi driver. The respondent of homicide do not involve moral turpitude. Homicide may or
applied for and was granted probation. may not involve moral turpitude depending on the degree of
Disbarment proceedings were then proffered by the
the crime
complainant-taxi driver against the respondent. He was
disbarred. Moral turpitude is not involved in every criminal act
The Supreme Court compared the instant case with and is not shown by every known and intentional violation of
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) v. NLRC, 221 statute, but whether any particular conviction involves moral
SCRA 760, 767, May 12, 1993, a labor case where it was turpitude may be a question of fact and frequently depends
held that homicide did not involve moral turpitude. The on all the surrounding circumstances. While x x x generally
appreciation in this case of the mitigating circumstances of but not always, crimes mala in se involve moral turpitude,
incomplete self-defense and voluntary surrender, plus the while crimes mala prohibita do not, it cannot always be
total absence of any aggravating circumstance clearly ascertained whether moral turpitude does or does not exist
demonstrate that the employee’s character and intention by classifying a crime as malum in se or as malum
were not inherently vile, immoral or unjust.
prohibitum, since there are crimes which are mala in se
It is different with the case of the respondent
lawyer, who was clearly the aggressor, as he pursued and and yet rarely involve moral turpitude and there are crimes
shot the complainant when the latter least expected it. The which involve moral turpitude and are mala prohibita only. It
act of aggression will not be mitigated by the act that the follows therefore, that moral turpitude is somewhat a vague
respondent was hit once and his arm twisted by the and indefinite term, the meaning of which must be left to the
complainant. There was likewise present the aggravating process of judicial inclusion or exclusion as the cases are
circumstance of treachery. To make matters worse, the reached (Garcia v. Sesbreño, A.C. 7973 and A.C. No. 19457, February
respondent in wrapping the handle of his unlicensed firearm 3, 2015 citing International Rice Research Institute v. NLRC, G.R. No.
with a handkerchief so as not to leave fingerprints betrayed 97239, 12 May 1993, 221 SCRA 760, 768)
his sly intention to escape punishment for his crime. He has
likewise failed to satisfy his civil liabilities attendant to the Illustration of homicide that was attended by
offense after efforts for a settlement failed. He further made moral turpitude. The respondent lawyer was previously
the claim that it was the complainant’ family who convicted of homicide and sentenced to suffer a prison term
approached him for settlement of the civil liability when he
of 9 years and 1 day of prisión mayor, as a minimum, to 16 6 months to 10 years imprisonment" the penalty imposed on
years and 4 months of reclusion temporal, as a maximum, the respondent lawyer. Commutation is a mere reduction of
with accessory penalties provided by law, to indemnify the penalty. [Garcia, supra citing Cabantag v. Wolfe, 6 Phil. 273 (1906)]
heirs of the deceased in the amount of P50,000.00 and to
pay the costs. Commutation only partially extinguished criminal
The circumstances show the presence of moral liability. (Garcia, supra citing Article 94, Revised Penal Code)
turpitude. The Decision showed that the deceased and his The penalty for the respondent lawyer’s crime was
companion were walking and just passed by the respondent never wiped out. He served the commuted or reduced
lawyer’s house when the latter, without any provocation from penalty, for which reason he was released from prison. More
the former, went out of his house, aimed his rifle, and importantly, the Final Release and Discharge stated that "[i]t
started firing at them. According to the surviving victim , they is understood that such x x x accessory penalties of the law
were about five meters, more or less, from the gate of the as have not been expressly remitted herein shall subsist."
respondent lawyer when they heard the screeching sound of Even if the respondent lawyer has been granted
the gate and when they turned around, they saw the pardon, there is nothing in the records that shows that it was
respondent lawyer aiming his rifle at them. The surviving a full and unconditional pardon. In addition, the practice of
victim and the deceased ran away but the deceased was law is not a right but a privilege. [Garcia, supra citing Overgaard v.
hit. An eyewitness, recalled that he heard shots and opened Atty. Valdez, 588 Phil. 422 (2008)]
the window of his house. He saw the surviving victim and It is granted only to those possessing good moral
the deceased running away while the respondent lawyer character. (Ibid.)
was firing his firearm rapidly, hitting the house of the witness A violation of the high moral standards of the legal
in the process. Another witness, saw the deceased fall down profession justifies the imposition of the appropriate penalty
after being shot, then saw the respondent lawyer in the against a lawyer, including the penalty of disbarment. (Ibid.)
middle of the street, carrying a long firearm, and walking
back towards the gate of his house. The victims were just at Contempt
the wrong place and time. They did not do anything that
justified the indiscriminate firing done by the respondent Indirect contempt. Addressing a letter to Chief Justice
Davide alleging corruption in the judiciary connotes bad faith and
lawyer that eventually led to the death of the deceased.
(Garcia v. Sesbreño, A.C. 7973 and A.C. No. 19457, February 3, 2015)
imputes a dishonest purpose or some moral oliguity and conscious
ding of a wring. It contemplates a state of mind affirmatively
operating with furtive design or some motive of self-interest or ill-
Respondent lawyer was disbarred for his will for ulterior purposes.
conviction of homicide that involved moral turpitude. The honor and integrity of the court from assaults of
There are four acts of executive clemency that the President disrespect must be preserved. One reason why respect of the
can extend: the President can grant reprieves, public for the Judiciary has diminished is because of unscrupulous
commutations, pardons, and remit fines and forfeitures, after lawyers who imply that judges and justices can be influenced or
conviction by final judgment. (Garcia v. Sesbreño, A.C. 7973 and bribed. Such conduct has no place in the legal profession.
A.C. No. 19457, February 3, 2015 citing Section 19, Article VII, 1987 Thus, a lawyer and his client who wrote the letter to Chief
Constitution and a note to See Garcia v. Chairman, Commission on Audit, Justice Davide were declared guilty of indirect contempt of court.
G.R. No. 75025, 14 September 1993, 226 SCRA 356) They were fined P50,000.00 each and warned that a repetition of
In this case, the executive clemency merely similar acts will warrant a more severe penalty. (Mercado, et al.,
"commuted to an indeterminate prison term of 7 years and
v. Security Bank Corporation, G. R. No. 160445, February 16, 20. A lawyer could not seek shelter in his duty
2006) to protect the interest of his client. Lawyers should be
reminded that their primary duty is to assist the courts
16. A veiled threat to file a petition for certiorari against
in the administration of justice. Any conduct which
the trial court is contrary to the provisions which
tends to delay, impede or obstruct the administration of
mandates that “a lawyer shall abstain from scandalous,
justice contravenes such lawyer’s duty. (Bugaring, et al.,
offensive or menacing language or behavior before the v. Hon. Espanol, etc., G.R. No. 133090, January 19, 2001)
Courts.” (Bugaring, et al., v. Hon. Espanol, etc., G.R. No.
133090, January 19, 2001) Disciplinary proceedings against a lawyer are private
and confidential until its final determination. The
17. A hurled uncalled for accusation that the confidential nature of the proceedings has a threefold purpose, to
judge was partial in favor of the other party is against wit:
the rule, which enjoins lawyers from attributing to a 1) to enable the court and the investigator to make
the investigation free from any extraneous influence or
judge, “motives not supported by the record or have no
materiality in the case.” (Bugaring, et al., v. Hon. Espanol, 2) to protect the personal and professional reputation
etc., G.R. No. 133090, January 19, 2001) of attorneys from baseless charges of disgruntled, vindictive and
irresponsible persons or clients by prohibiting the publication f
18. Behaving without regard to the trial court’s such charges pending their resolution; and
order to maintain order in the proceedings in utter 3) to deter the press from publishing the charges or
proceedings based thereon. (Tan, et al., v. IBP Commission on
disregard of the lawyer’s duty to “maintain towards the
Bar Discipline, et al., G. R. No. 173940, September 5,
court (1) respectful attitude” in order to maintain the its 2006(Formerly CBD Case No. 02-967)
importance in the administration of justice; and the duty
of lawyers to “observe and maintain the respect due to The disciplinary action under Section 27, Rule 138
the Courts and to judicial officers and should insist on of the Rules of Court is only from the practice of law
similar conduct by others.” (Bugaring, et al., v. Hon. Espanol, and not from the lawyer’s employment. (Maligaya v.
etc., G.R. No. 133090, January 19, 2001) Doronilla, Jr., A. C. No. 6198, September 15, 2006)

Illustrative case: The suspension meted upon a

19. Behaving without due regard or deference military lawyer only concerns his administrative liability as a
to his fellow counsel who at the time he was making member of the legal profession, and not his liability as a
representations in behalf of the other party, who was legal officer in the military service. Thus, the Supreme
rudely interrupted and was not allowed to further put a Court did not agree with the IBP in its recommendation for
word in edgewise in violation of the duty of a lawyer to the military lawyer to be also suspended from the
government military service. It would be improper to order
conduct himself with courtesy, fairness and candor as a penalty for breach of legal ethics and the lawyer’s oath,
toward his professional colleagues. (Bugaring, et al., v. also is suspension from employment in the Judge Advocate
Hon. Espanol, etc., G.R. No. 133090, January 19, 2001) General’s Office.
Of course, suspension from employment as a
military legal officer may well follow as a consequence of his
suspension from the practice of law but that should be
reason to impose as a penalty for professional misconduct. Disbarment shall not be imposed where a lesser
(Maligaya v. Doronilla, Jr., A. C. No. 6198, September 15, penalty could accomplish end desired. Disbarment should
2006) be imposed only in a clear case of misconduct that seriously
affects the standing and character of the lawyer as an office of the
Purpose of disbarment. The purpose of disbarment is Court and as a member of the bar. Disbarment should never be
to protect the administration of justice by requiring those who decreed where any lesser penalty could accomplish the end
exercise this important function be competent, honorable and desired. (Lim v. Montano, A. C. No. 5653, February 27, 2006) All
reliable – lawyers in whom courts and clients may repose the more so, should this rule be followed were the respondent has
confidence. (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006) committed an infraction for the first time. (Spouses Williams v.
It must be understood that the purpose of suspending or Enriquez, A. C. No. 6353, February 27, 2007)
disbarring an attorney is to remove from the profession a person
whose misconduct has proved him unfit to be entrusted with the Illustrative case: A respondent lawyer who was
duties nd responsibilities belonging to an office of attorney and found guilty violating Canon 12 of the Code of Professional
thus, to protect the public and those charged with the Responsibility for forum shopping was suspended from the
administration of justice, rather than to punish an attorney. practice of oaw for a period of six (6) months and sternly
The Bar should maintain a high standard of legal proficiency warned that any future violation of his duties as a lawyer will
as well as of honesty and fair dealing. A lawyer brings honor to be dealt with more severely. (Lim v. Montano, A. C. No.
the legal profession by faithfully performing his duties to society, to 5653, February 27, 2006)
the bar, to the courts and to his clients. A member of the legal
fraternity should refrain from doing any act which might lessen in Where a lesser penalty shall not be imposed. This
any degree the confidence and trust reposed by the public in the munificence, of imposing lesser penalty which would accomplice
fidelity, honesty and integrity of the legal profession. (St. Louis the end desired, should not be extended where the actions of a
University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty and Staff v. respondent are so despicably and wantonly disregards his duties
Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006) to society and his profession. Thus, meting out a lesser penalty
would be irreconcilable with the lofty aspiration for the legal
Power to disbar exercised with great caution. The profession – that every lawyer be a shining exemplar of truth and
power to disbar must be exercised with great caution and that justice.
disbarment should never be decreed when any lesser penalty Furthermore, whenever a clear case of degenerate and vile
would accomplish the end desired. (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. behavior disturbs that vital yet fragile confidence, the Supreme
6792, January 25, 2006) Court will not hesitate to rid our profession of odious members.
The power to disbar or suspend ought always to be (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006)
exercised on the preservative and not on the vindictive principle,
with great caution and only for the most weighty reasons. It must Illustrative case: A respondent lawyer who was
be exercised only in clear cases of misconduct that seriously affect convicted of frustrated homicide because he shot a taxi
the standing and character of the lawyer as an office of the court. driver as a result of a traffic altercation using an unlicensed
(Sampana v. Angara, et al., A.C. No. 5839, August 22, 2006) firearm which he wrapped in a handkerchief to avoid
fingerprints, subsequently insisting that it was the family of
Reasons for exercise of great caution. The power to the victim who initiated moves to compromise when he was
disbar or suspend a lawyer should be used with the utmost caution the one who did so, and who has not settled his civil liability
and only for serious reasons so as not to unjustly deprive him of which was a condition for his probation was disbarred.
his means of livelihood and distinct reputation in the society. (Soriano v. Dizon, A. C. No. 6792, January 25, 2006)
(Sampana v. Angara, et al., A.C. No. 5839, August 22, 2006)
Complainant in administrative case required to
prove charges by substantial evidence. Substantial Supreme Court may refer the matter to IBP for
evidence has been defined as such relevant evidence as a further investigation. The Supreme Court noticed that affidavit
reasonable mind might accept as adequate to support a of desistance alluded that the affidavit was notarized without the
conclusion. (Ferancullo v. Ferancullo, A. C. No. 7214, November affiant appearing before the notary public. Hence, the
30, 2006) Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the
Philippines was directed to investigate the allegation that the
Case against erring lawyer must be established by Sinumpaang Salaysay of the complainant was notarized without
clear, convincing and satisfactory proof, the burden of requiring the latter’s personal appearance. (Bautista v. Bernabe,
which rests upon the complainant. Only a clear case of A. C. No. 6963, February 9, 2006)
misconduct that seriously affects the standing and character of the
lawyer as an officer of the Court and as member of the bar will Withdrawal of complaint. Complainant’s desistance or
warrant disbarment. This so because the power to disbar must be withdrawal of the complaint does not exonerate respondent or put
exercised with great caution. (Santos v. Cacho-Calicdan, A. C. an end to the administrative proceedings.
No. 5395, September 19, 2006) 1. The Supreme Court is not bound by affidavits
The burden of proof rests on the complainant and the case of desistance in administrative cases, as they involve
against the respondent must be established by clear, convincing public interest. Indeed, the Supreme Court’s exercise of
and satisfactory proof. Thus, the adage that “he who asserts, not its power to take cognizance of administrative cases
who denies, must prove.” (Sampana v. Angara, et al., A.C. No. against lawyers is not for the purpose of enforcing civil
5839, August 22, 2006) remedies between parties, but to protect the court and the
For the Court to exercise its disciplinary powers, the case public against an attorney guilty of unworthy practice in his
against the respondent must be established by clear, convincing profession. (Gonzales v. Cabucano, Jr., A. C. No. 6836,
and satisfactory proof. Considering the serious consequence of January 23, 2006)
the disbarment or suspension of a member of the Bar, the 2. A case of suspension or disbarment may
Supreme Court has consistently held that clear preponderant proceed regardless of interest or lack of interest of the
evidence is necessary to justify the imposition of the administrative complainant what matters is whether, on the basis of the
penalty. (Ferancullo v. Ferancullo, A. C. No. 7214, November 30, facts borne out by the record, the charge of deceit and
2006) grossly immoral conduct had been proven.
This rule is premised on the nature of disciplinary
Illustrative case: An administrative case against proceedings A proceeding or suspension or disbarment is
a lawyer was dismissed for lack of merit. The complainant not a civil action where the complainant is a plaintiff and the
was not able to substantiate his charges. His bare respondent lawyer is a defendant, Disciplinary proceedings
allegations could not overcome the presumption of involve no private interest and afford no redress for private
regularity in the performance by the respondent of her grievance. They are undertaken and prosecuted solely for
official duty. Furthermore, it was previously ruled by the the public welfare. They are undertaken for the purpose of
Ombudsman that ad faith and malice attended the filing of preserving courts of justice from the official ministration of
the administrative complaint. In view of the complainant’s persons unfit to practice in them.
suspicion of bias on the part of the respondent she inhibited The attorney is called to answer to the court for
herself from further conducting hearings against the his conduct as an officer of the court. The complainant or
complainant. Despite this he still filed an administrative the person who called the attention of the court to the
case before the Civil Service Commission and the attorney’s alleged misconduct is in no sense a party, and
disbarment complaint before the Supreme Court. (Santos has generally no interest in the outcome except as all good
v. Cacho-Calicdan, A. C. No. 5395, September 19, 2006)
citizens may have in the proper administration of justice. Illustrative case: A lawyer was found guilty of
(Bautista v. Bernabe, A. C. No. 6963, February 9, 2006) “trifling with judicial processes by resorting to forum
3. A disbarment case is sui generic for it is shopping” for filing multifarious petitions, motions and
neither purely civil nor purely criminal but is rather an actions concerning the sale of a particular property and
investigation by the court into the conduct of its officers. suspended him from the practice of law for two (2) years.
(St. Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Seventeen (17) months had lapsed since he was
Faculty and Staff v. Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, ordered suspended the lawyer filed an “Ex Parte Plea for
2006) Clemency” pleading for compassion and praying that the
suspension meted against him be lifted immediately.
Dismissal of a criminal case on the ground of The Supreme Court granted his plea after it found
insufficiency of evidence not a ground for dismissing out that the 17 month period was more than enough time for
administrative charge. The long-settled rule is that the him to reflect and realize the gravity of his actuations. He is
dismissal of a criminal case on the ground of insufficiency of contrite and remorseful. He has humbly acknowledged his
evidence against an accused who is also a respondent in an transgression and offered his most sincere apology.
administrative case does not necessarily foreclose the In granting the plea, the Supreme Court sternly
administrative proceeding against him or carry with it the relief reminded the respondent that the practice of law is a
from administrative liability. privilege burdened with conditions. Adherence to the rigid
The quantum of evidence in a criminal case is different standards of mental fitness, maintenance of the highest
from that required in an administrative case. In the former, proof degree of morality and faithful compliance with the rules of
beyond reasonable doubt is needed while the latter, substantial the legal profession are the conditions required for
evidence defined as such relevant evidence as a reasonable mind remaining a member of good standing of the bar and for
might accept as adequate to support a conclusion, is enough. enjoying the privilege to practice law.
(Jimenez v. Jimenez, A. C. No. 6712, February 6, 2006) More importantly, while lawyers owe their entire
devotion to the interest of their clients and zeal in the
While dismissal of a criminal case for insufficient defense of their client’s right, they should not forget that
they are, first and foremost, officers of the court, bound to
evidence does not bar administrative proceedings the
exert every effort to assist in the speedy and efficient
complainant must prove his case. If the complainant fails to administration of justice. (Foronda v. Guerrero, A. C. No.
meet the required standard of substantial evidence, or to establish 5469, January 27, 2006)
his/her case by clear, convincing and satisfactory evidence, the
Supreme Court shall not hesitate to dismiss any disbarment
Supreme Court will not hesitate to dismiss charges
proceedings against any lawyer.
After all, the power to disbar must be exercised with great against lawyer. The “success of a lawyer in his profession
caution, and may be imposed only in a clear case of misconduct depends almost entirely on his reputation” and “everything which
that seriously affects the standing and character of the lawyer as will harm his good name is to be deplored.” ’ [Sarangani v.
an officer of the Court and as a member of the bar. (Jimenez v. Asdala, et al., Adm. Case No. 4929, January 26, 2005 citing
Jimenez, A. C. No. 6712, February 6, 2006) Radomes v. Fabrigas, 204 Phil. 1, 3; 118 SCRA 374, 376 [1982] in
turn citing Santiago v. Calvo, 48 Phil. 919, 923 (1926)]
And while courts will not hesitate to mete out proper
Supreme Court may reduce penalty and grant
disciplinary punishment upon lawyers who failed to live up to their
clemency. The Court is not only a court of law and justice, but sworn duties, “they will on the other hand, protect them from the
one with compassion; nor a Court of vengeance but of justice. unjust accusations of dissatisfied litigants.” [Ibid., citing Martin
(Foronda v. Guerrero, A.C. No. 5469, January 27, 2006) and Aquino v. Felix, 163 SCRA 111, 131 (1988)]
Withdrawal of complaint. The Supreme Court is not respondent fails to appear despite reasonable notice.
bound by any withdrawal of the complaint or desistance by the (Ingles v. dela Serna, A.C. No. 5763, December 2, 2002)
complainant. The letter of the complainant to the Chief Justice
imparting forgiveness upon respondent is inconsequential in
disbarment proceedings. (Mercado v. Vitriolo, Adm. Case No. BAR 24. A practicing lawyer and officer of the
5108, May 26, 2005) court facing contempt proceedings cannot just be
allowed to voluntarily retire from the practice of law
which would negate the inherent power of the court to
punish him for contempt. (Montecillo v. Gica, 60 SCRA 234)
21. What is the penalty for direct contempt ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The power to disbar must be exercised with
a. Regional Trial Court or a court of equivalent great caution, and may be imposed only in a clear case
or higher rank. fine not exceeding two thousand pesos of misconduct that seriously affects the standing and
(P2,000.00), or imprisonment not exceeding ten (10) the character of the lawyer as an officer of the Court
days, or both. (2nd sentence, Sec. 1, Rule 71, Rules of Court) and as a member of the Bar.
b. If lower court, fine not exceeding two hundred Disbarment should never be decreed where any
pesos (P200.00) or imprisonment not exceeding one lesser penalty could accomplish the desired end.
(1) day or both. (Ibid.) Without doubt, a violation of the high moral
standards of the legal profession justified the imposition
BAR 22. There is a difference between direct of the appropriate penalty, including suspension and
contempt which could be penalized summarily without disbarment. However, the said penalties are imposed
notice and hearing and indirect contempt which with great caution because they are the most severe
requires that it be docketed, heard and decided forms of disciplinary action and their consequences are
separately from the principal action, unless duly beyond repair. (Alitagtag v. Atty. Garcia, A.C. No. 4738, June
consolidated. (Fr. Guillen v. Judge Canon, A.M. No. MTJ-01- 10, 2003)
1381, January 14, 2002)
Statutory grounds not a limitation. The statutory
BAR 23. Complaints against lawyers for enumeration of the grounds for disbarment or suspension is not to
be taken as a limitation on the general power of courts to suspend
misconduct are normally addressed to the Supreme or disbar a lawyer. The inherent power of the court over its
Court. If, at the outset, the Supreme Court finds a officers cannot be restricted. (Velez v. De Vera, A. C, No. 6697,
complaint to be clearly wanting in merit, it outrightly July 25, 2006 and companion cases)
dismisses the case. If, however, the Court deems it An attorney may be disbarred or suspended for any
necessary that further inquiry should be made, such as violation of his oath or of his duties as an attorney and counselor,
which include statutory grounds enumerated in Section 27, Rule
when the matter could not be resolved by merely 138 of the Rules of Court, all of these being broad enough to cover
evaluating the pleadings submitted, a referral is made practically any misconduct of a lawyer in his professional or private
to the IBP for formal investigation. An ex-parte capacity. (St. Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS)
investigation may only be conducted when the Faculty and Staff v. Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006)
Transferring IBP membership to another chapter There are instances where trial-type hearing is
where the lawyer is not a resident of is not a ground for indispensable. “xxx since the CBD-IBP inexorably anchored its
his suspension or disbarment. While a legal act may not Report and Recommendation in complainant’s credibility, a trial-
necessarily be ethical, there is noting wrong in transferring to an type hearing becomes an indispensable requirement in this case.”
IBP Chapter that –based on the rotation rule – will produce the ’ [Boyboy v. Atty. Victorino Yabut, Jr., 401 SCRA 622, 631 (2003)
next IBP EVP who will automatically succeed to the National cited in Sarangani v. Asdala, et al., Adm. Case No. 4929, January
Presidency for the next term. The Code of Professional 26, 2005]
Responsibility as well as the Lawyer’s Oath do not prohibit nor
punish lawyers from aspiring to be IBP National President and IBP does not impose penalty but merely
from doing perfectly legal acts in accomplishing such goal. (Velez recommends. The IBP Board resolution on its findings setting
v. De Vera, A. C, No. 6697, July 25, 2006 and companion cases) forth its recommendations, together with the whole records of the
case shall be forthwith transmitted to the Supreme Court for final
Continued possession of good moral character is action.
an imperative. One of the conditions prior to admission to The “power to recommend” includes the power to give
admission to the bar is that an applicant must possess good moral ”advice, exhortation or indorsement, which is essentially
character. Possession of such moral character as requirement to persuasive I character, not binding upon the party to whom it is
the enjoyment of the privilege of law practice must be continuous. made.” (Cojuangco, Jr. v. Palma, A.C. No.2474, June 30,
Otherwise, “membership in the bar may be terminated when a 2005,citing Cuyegkeng v. Cruz, No.L-16263, July 26, 1960, 108
lawyer ceases to have good moral conduct.” (St. Louis University Phil. 1147) The term “noted” means that the Supreme Court has
Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty and Staff v. Dela merely taken cognizance of the existence of an act or declaration,
Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006) without exercising a judicious deliberation or rendering a decision
on the matter. It does not imply agreement or approval. The
Right to be due process. The essence of due process power to disbar belongs to the Court alone. (Cojuangco, Jr. v.
in administrative proceedings is the opportunity to explain one’s Palma, A.C. No.2474, June 30, 2005 citing In Re: Problem of
side or seek a reconsideration of the action or ruling complained Delays in Cases Before the Sandiganbayan, A.M. No.00-8-05-SC,
of. As long as the parties are given the opportunity to be heard January 31, 2002, 375 SCRA 339) The fact that the Supreme
before judgment is rendered, the demands of due process are Court “noted” the IBP’s recommendation does not mean that it has
sufficiently met. (Cojuangco, Jr. v. Palma, A.C. No.2474, June 30, approved the same. (Cojuangco, Jr. v. Palma, supra)
2005 citing Montemayor v. Bundalian, G. R. No. 149335, July 1,
2003, 405SCRA 264))
Disrespect for judicial authorities. Failure to comply with
In administrative cases, notice and hearing does the orders of the IBP (such as failure to file and answer to
not connote full adversarial proceedings. Trial-type administrative charges and verified position paper despite several
hearing is not always necessary in administrative proceedings. opportunities, filing several motions for extension of time, motion
“[t]here can be no quarrel that the act of the CBD-IBP (referring to to dismiss the complaint, motion for reconsideration, manifestation
the Commission on Bar Discipline of the Integrated bar of the with motion to terminate proceedings, and omnibus motion to
Philippines) in dispensing with the hearing is fairly within the recall the default order), without justifiable reason manifests
bounds of permissible legal procedure; for after all, as observed in disrespect of judicial authorities.
the poenencia, ‘a trial type hearing is not always de riguer in The IBP has disciplinary authority over lawyers by virtue of
administrative proceedings.’ [Boyboy v. Atty. Victorino Yabut, Jr., their membership therein. (Tomlin, II, v. Moya, II, A. C. No. 6971,
401 SCRA 622, 631 (2003) cited in Sarangani v. Asdala, et al., February 23, 2006)
Adm. Case No. 4929, January 26, 2005]
Disciplinary action in a foreign jurisdiction
respondent “might use the money for a few days,” was not
The disbarment or suspension of a member of the so much an acknowledgment of consent to the use by the
Philippine Bar by a competent court or other disciplinary respondent as it was an acceptance of the probability that
agency in a foreign jurisdiction where he has also been the respondent might, indeed, use his client’s funds, which
admitted as an attorney is a ground for his disbarment or by itself did not speak well of the respondent’s character or
suspension if the basis of such action includes any of the the way such character was perceived.
acts hereinabove enumerated. (Sec. 27, Rule 138, ROC It is clear that the acts of the respondent made him guilty
paraphrasing supplied supplied) of deceit, malpractice, gross misconduct and unethical behavior.
He caused dishonor, and not only himself but to the noble
Judgment of suspension in a foreign jurisdiction profession to which he belongs. For it cannot be denied that the
does not automatically result in suspension or respect of litigants to the profession is inexorably diminished
disbarment in this jurisdiction. The judgment may whenever a member of the profession betrays their trust and
transmute into a similar judgment of suspension in the Philippines confidence. Respondent violated his oath to conduct himself with
only if the basis of the foreign court’s action includes any of the all good fidelity to his client. . (Velez v. De Vera, A. C, No. 6697,
grounds for disbarment or suspension in this jurisdiction. The July 25, 2006 and companion cases)
judgment of the foreign court merely constitutes prima facie
evidence as unethical acts as lawyer. (Velez v. De Vera, A. C, No. Suspension is not primarily intended as punishment, but as
6697, July 25, 2006 and companion cases) a means to protect the public and the legal profession.2

Recommendation of a foreign bar standing alone Disbarment proceedings

is not proof of malpractice. The complainant must prove by
substantial evidence the facts upon which the recommendation Procedure. Complaints against lawyers for
was based. If he is successful in this, he must then prove that misconduct are normally addressed to the Supreme Court.
these acts are likewise unethical under Philippine law. . (Velez v. If, at the outset, the Supreme Court finds a complaint to be
De Vera, A. C, No. 6697, July 25, 2006 and companion cases) clearly wanting in merit, it outrightly dismisses the case. If,
however, the Court deems it necessary that further inquiry
Illustrative case: No final suspension or should be made, such as when the matter could not be
disbarment was meted against therespondent by the State
resolved by merely evaluating the pleadings submitted, a
Bar of California despite a recommendation of suspension
of three years as he surrendered his license to practice law referral is made to the IBP for a formal investigation if the
before his case could be taken up by the Supreme Court of case during which the parties are accorded an opportunity to
California. be heard. An ex prate investigation may only be conducted
He was suspended from the practice of law by the when the respondent fails to appear despite reasonable
Philippine Supreme Court for two years because his act of notice.
depositing a check intended for his client was deposited in The procedure outlined by the Rules of Court are
his personal account. He violated Rule 16.02 which meant to ensure that the innocents are spared from wrongful
provides that, “A lawyer shall keep the funds of each client condemnation and that only the guilty are meted their just
separate and apart from his own and those of others kept due. Obviously, these requirements cannot be taken lightly.
by him.” It was admitted by the respondent himself that he
Subject to such highly exceptional cases as it might
used his client’s money for personal use. Aside from his
statement there is no other evidence presented by the deem warranted, the Supreme Court reiterated the
respondent that he had the permission of his client to use indispensability for a formal investigation of complaints
the money. The testimony of his client that he expected the 2
against members of the Bar particularly, where the IBP A criminal prosecution will not constitute a
would recommend the serious penalty of suspension from prejudicial question even if the same facts and circumstances
the practice of law. (Ingles v. Dela Serna, A.C. No. 5763, are attendant to the administrative proceedings, (Tomlin, II, v.
December 2, 2002) Moya, II, A. C. No. 6971, February 23, 2006)

Right to be heard. A disbarred lawyer must have Illustrative case: A lawyer issued worthless
been given full opportunity upon reasonable notice to checks in payment of his financial obligations. He was
charged criminally for violation of B.P. Blg. 22 after which
answer the charges against him, produce witnesses in his
administrative charges were proferred against him for gross
own behalf, and to be heard by himself and counsel. (Re: misconduct for issuing the checks, He could not raise the
Adm. Case No.44 of the RTC Branch IV, Tagbilaran City, against defense of forum shopping, nor the issue of prejudicial
Atty. Occena, A. C. No. 2841, July 3, 2002) question.
The quintessence of due process is simply that a There is forum shopping whenever, as a result of an
party is afforded a reasonable opportunity to be heard, or as adverse opinion in one forum, a party seeks a favorable
applied to administrative proceedings, an opportunity to opinion (other than by appeal or certiorari) in another or
explain one’s side and to adduce any evidence he may have when he institutes two or more actions or proceedings
in support of his defense. Entrenched is the rule that due grounded on the same cause on the supposition that one or
process does not necessarily mean or require a hearing but the other court would make a favorable disposition. It
simply a reasonable opportunity or a right to be beard or, as applies only to judicial cases or proceedings, not to
applied to administrative proceedings, and opportunity to disbarment proceedings.
A criminal prosecution will not constitute a
explain one’s side. Where opportunity to be heard either
prejudicial question even if the same facts and
through oral arguments or pleadings is accorded, there is no circumstances are attendant in the administrative
denial of due process. (Rivera v. Atty. Corral, A.C.No. 3548, proceedings. Administrative cases against lawyers belong
July 4, 2002) to a class of their own. They are distinct from and they may
proceed independently of criminal cases. The burden of
In administrative cases, notice and hearing does proof in a criminal case is guilt beyond reasonable doubt
not connote full adversarial proceedings. Actual while in an administrative case, only preponderance of
adversarial proceedings become necessary only for evidence is required. Thus, a criminal prosecution will not
clarification or when there is a need to propound searching constitute a prejudicial question even if the same facts and
questions to witnesses who give vague testimonies. Due circumstances are attendant in the administrative
process is fulfilled when the parties were given reasonable proceedings. (Tomlin, II, v. Moya, II, A. C. No. 6971,
February 23, 2006)
opportunity to be heard and to submit evidence in support of
their arguments.
A lawyer could not raise the defense in an
administrative charge that the client refused to provide
DEFENSES him with vital documents and to proceed with the case
would be violative of the command that lawyers should
Forum shopping is not a defense. Forum shopping not handle a case without preparation,
applies only to judicial cases or proceedings, not to disbarment
proceedings. (Tomlin, II, v. Moya, II, A. C. No. 6971, February 23, Illustrative case. When charged administratively,
2006) the lawyer attempted to evade responsibility by passing the
blame to his client. He claims that the client-complainant
refused to provide him with documents vital to the case. He imposing the penalty the Supreme Court considered the fact that
further claims that he would be violating the Code of in the first case it was the respondent’s brother who signed under
Professional Responsibility by handling a case without the firm name, but in the second case it was the respondent who
adequate preparation. signed in his own name and not under the firm name, and that he
The Supreme Court labeled the defenses raised as accepted the second case on a pro bono basis.
“preposterous.” When a lawyer accepts a case, his Also considered as mitigating was the respondent’s lack
acceptance is an implied representation that he possesses of malice and bad faith in accepting the second case as shown by
the requisite academic learning skill and ability to handle the the move of the complainant to withdraw the case. (Gonzales v.
case. As a lawyer, respondent knew where to obtain copies Cabucano, Jr., A. C. No. 6836, January 23, 2006)
of the certificate of title. As a matter of fact, he admitted
that is Law Office, on its own, managed to verify the Change of theory in a motion for reconsideration
authenticity complainant’s title. (Dalisay v. Mauricio, Jr., A. not allowed as it is contrary to the rules of fair play,
C. No. 5655, January 23, 2006) justice and due process. Respondent lawyer’s version in his
motion for reconsideration is a flagrant departure from his previous
Defense of good faith unavailing in conflict of pleadings. This cannot be countenanced.
interests situation. The defense of good faith does not render A party should decide early what version he is going to
the prohibition as inoperative. (Gonzales v. Cabucano, Jr., A. C. advance. A change of theoy in the latter stage of the proceedings
No. 6836, January 23, 2006) is objectionable, not due to the strict application of procedural
rules, but because it is contrary to the rules of fair play, justice and
Illustrative case: The lawyer defended in the due process. (Dalisay v. Mauricio, Jr., A. C. No. 5655, January 23,
administrative case by claiming good faith. According to 2006 on motion for reconsideration)
him, it was his brother in representation of their law firm,
who represented the client in the first case, hence his Illustrative case. A lawyer was suspended. He
representation of the client’s opponent in another case, filed a motion for reconsideration in which he changed his
hence he should not be penalized. theory of defense. The administrative case was resolved
The Supreme Court disagreed. It was the by the IBP on the basis of respondent’s previous
respondent’s law firm that represented the client in the admission that complainant engaged his legal service in
civil case. Such being the case the rule against conflicting Civil Case No. 00-044. He cannot now, in his motion for
interests applies. The rule is not for the purpose reconsideration, unbind himself from such admission and
necessarily of preventing any injustice to the complainant its consequences. In fact, if anything at all has been
but to keep above reproach the honor and integrity of the achieved by respondent’s inconsistent assertions, it is his
courts and of the bar. Without condemning respondent’s dishonesty to the Supreme Court. (Dalisay v. Mauricio,
conduct as dishonest, corrupt or fraudulent, the Supreme Jr., A. C. No. 5655, January 23, 2006 on motion for
Court believed that upon the admitted facts it is highly reconsideration)
inexpedient. It had the tendency to bring the profession of
which the respondent is a member, “into public disrepute Failure to comply with the Rules of Court not a
and suspicion and undermine the integrity of justice.” The defense. In view of its nature, administrative proceedings
claim of having acted in good faith does not render the against lawyers are not strictly governed by the Rules of Court. A
prohibition as inoperative. (Gonzales v. Cabucano, Jr., A. disbarment case is sui generis for it is neither purely civil nor
C. No. 6836, January 23, 2006) purely criminal but is rather an investigation by the court into the
conduct of its officers.
While good faith may not be a valid defense it Hence, no defect in a complaint, notice, answer, or in the
may be considered as a mitigating circumstances. In proceeding or the Investigator’s Report shall be considered as
substantial unless the Board of Governors, upon considering the complainant’s cause of action was Atty. de Vera’s alleged
whole record, finds that such a defect has resulted or may result in violation or circumvention of the IBP By-Laws. In the
a miscarriage of justice. That the copy of the Manifestation and present administrative case, the primary cause of action is
Reply furnished to respondent was not signed by either Atty. de Vera’s alleged violation of lawyer’s oath and the
complainant or her counsel is merely an innocuous error. Code of Professional Responsibility.
In administrative proceedings, technical rules of procedure Finally, the two administrative cases do not seek
and evidence are not strictly applied; administrative due process the same relief. In the first case, the complainant sought
cannot be fully equated to due process in its strict judicial sense. to prevent Atty. de Vera from assuming his post as IBP
(Ferancullo v. Ferancullo, A. C. No. 7214, November 30, 2006) Governor for Eastern Mindanao. In the present case, as
clarified by complainant in his Memorandum, what is being
Requisites of res judicata. In order that the principle principally sought is Atty. de Vera’s suspension or
of res judicata may be made to apply, four essential conditions disbarment. . (Velez v. De Vera, A. C, No. 6697, July 25,
must concur, namely: 2006 and companion cases)
1) the judgment sought to bar the new action must
2) the decision must have been rendered by a court
having jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties; 1. Lawyers who have been suspended
3) the disposition of the case must be a judgment or
order on the merits, and
2. Lawyers who have been disbarred
4) there must be identity of subject matter, and
identity of causes of action.
In the absence of the above, there is no res judicata. 3. Lawyers who have been repatriated
(Velez v. De Vera, A. C, No. 6697, July 25, 2006 and companion
Illustrative case: Adm. Case No. 6052 entitled,
“In Re: Petition to Disqualify Atty. Leonard de Vera, on 1. Purpose
Legal and Moral Grounds, From Being Elected IBP
Governor for Eastern Mindanao in the May 31 IBP
Elections and promulgated on 11 December 2003 does BAR: a. What is the Mandatory Continuing Legal
not constitute a bar to the filing of the present Adm. Case Education (MCLE) Program, and what is its
No. 6697 entitled Velez v. De Vera. Although the parties purpose or objective ?
in the present administrative case and in Adm. Case No. SUGGESTED ANSWER. It is a program which
6052 are identical, their capacities in these cases and the requires lawyers to show proof of having undertaken
issues presented therein are not the same, thereby improvement in their legal knowledge as a precondition for
barring the application of res judicata.
renewing their license to practice.
The two administrative cases involve different
subject matters and causes of action. In Adm. Case No. Continuing legal education is required of members of
6052, the subject matter was the qualification of Atty. de the IBP to ensure that throughout their career, they keep
Vera to run as a candidate for the position of IBP abreast with law and jurisprudence, maintain the ethics of
Governor in Eastern Mindanao. In the present the profession and enhance the standards of the practice of
administrative complaint, the subject matter is his privilege law. [Bar Matter No. 850, Mandatory Continuing Legal Education
to practice law. In the first administrative case, (MCLE), Rule 1, Sec. 1]
1) Members in the National Capital
2. Requirements Region (NCR) or Metro Manila shall be permanently
assigned to Compliance Group 1. [Bar Matter No. 850,
Requirements for completion of MCLE. Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Rule 3, Sec. 2]
Members of the IBP who are not exempt shall complete 2) Members in Luzon outside NCR shall
every three (3) years at least thirty-six (36) hours of be permanently assigned to Compliance Group 2.
continuing legal education activities approved by the MCLE [Ibid.,, Rule 3, Sec. 3]
Committee. Of the 36 hours: 3) Members in Visayas and Mindanao
a. At least six (6) hours shall be devoted to legal shall be permanently assigned to Compliance Group
ethics. 3. [Ibid., Rule 3, Sec. 4]
b. At least four (4) hours shall be devoted to trial and
pretrial skills. 4. What is the compliance period for members
c. At least five (5) hours shall be devoted to admitted or readmitted after establishment of the
alternative dispute resolution. MCLE program ?
d. At least none (9) hours shall be devoted to update SUGGESTED ANSWER: Members admitted or
on substantive and procedural laws, and jurisprudence. readmitted to the Bar after the establishment of the program
e. At least four (4) hours shall be devoted to legal shall be permanently assigned to the appropriate
writing and oral advocacy. Compliance Group based on their Chapter membership on
f. At least two (2) hours shall be devoted to the date of admission or readmission.
international law and international conventions. The initial compliance period after admission or
g. The remaining six (6)( hours shall be devoted to readmission shall begin on the first day of the month of
such subjects as may be prescribed by the MCLE admission or readmission and shall end on the same day as
Committee. [Bar Matter No. 850, Mandatory Continuing Legal that of all other members in the same Compliance Group.
Education (MCLE), Rule 2, Sec. 2] (a) Where four (4) months or less remain
of the initial compliance period after admission or
3. Compliance readmission, the member is not required to comply
with the program requirement for the initial
a. What is the initial compliance period ? compliance.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The initial compliance (b) Where more than four (4) months
period shall begin not later than three (3) months from the remain of the initial compliance period after
constitution of the MCLE Committee. Except for the initial admission or readmission, the member shall be
compliance period for members admitted or readmitted after required to complete a number of hours of approved
the establishment of the program, all compliance periods continuing legal education activities equal to the
shall be for thirty-six (36) months and shall begin the day number of months remaining in the compliance
after the end of the previous compliance period. [Bar Matter period in which the member is admitted or
No. 850, Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Rule 3, Sec. 1] readmitted. Such member shall be required to
complete a number of hours of education in legal
b. What constitutes the various ethics in proportion to the number of months
compliance groups ? remaining in the compliance period. Fractions of
hours shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
[Bar Matter No. 850, Mandatory Continuing Legal Education m. Those who are not in law practice, private or
(MCLE), Rule 3, Sec. 5] public;
n. Those who have retired from law practice
4. Exemptions with the approval of the IBP Board of Governors. [Ibid., Rule 7
Sec. 2]
Who are the members of the Bar exempt
from the MCLE requirement ? 5. Sanctions
a. The President and the Vice-President of the
Philippines, and the Secretaries and Undersecretaries of a. What is the effect of non-compliance
Executive Departments; with MCLE ?
b. Senators and Members of the House of SUGGESTED ANSWER: Any IBP member who, for
Representatives; whatever reason, is in non-compliance at the end of the
c. The Chief Justice and Associate Justices of compliance period shall pay a non-compliance fee and shall
the Supreme Court, incumbent and retired members of the be listed as a delinquent IBP Member. [Bar Matter No. 850,
judiciary, incumbent members of the Judicial and Bar Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Rule 13]
Council and incumbent court lawyers covered by the As a consequence, he may not be allowed to
Philippine Judicial Academy program of continuing judicial practice law. (Ibid, in relation to ROC, Rule 139-B)
d. The Chief State Counsel, Chief State 6. Bar Matter 2012, Rule on Mandatory Legal
Prosecutor and Assistant Secretaries of the Department of Aid Service
e. The Solicitor General and the Assistant a. What is Mandatory Legal Aid Service ?
Solicitors General; SUGGESTED ANSWER: It is a mandatory
f. The Government Corporate Counsel, Deputy requirement for practicing lawyers to render free legal aid
and Assistant Government Corporate Counsel; services in all cases (whether, civil, criminal or
g. The Chairmen and Members of the administrative) involving indigent and pauper litigants where
Constitutional Commissions; the assistance of a lawyer is needed.
h. The Ombudsman, the Overall Deputy It is to implement the duty of other members of the
Ombudsman, the Deputy Ombudsmen and the Special legal profession to support the legal aid program of the
Prosecutor of the Office of the Ombudsman; Integrated Bar of the Philippines. (B.M. No. 2012, February 10,
i. Heads of government agencies exercising 2009, The Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service, Sec. 3)
quasi-judicial functions;
j. Incumbent deans, bar reviewers and b. Who are considered as practicing
professors of law who have teaching experience for at least lawyers mandated to comply with the Rule on
10 years in accredited law schools; Mandatory Legal Aid Service ?
k. The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and SUGGESTED ANSWER: Practicing lawyers are
members of the Corps of Professors and Professorial members of the Philippine Bar who appear for and in behalf
Lecturers of the Philippine Judicial Academy; and of parties in courts of law and quasi-judicial agencies,
l. Governors and Mayors. [Bar Matter No. 850, including but not limited to the National Labor Relations
Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE), Rule 7, Sec. 1] Commission, National Conciliation and Mediation Board,
Department of Labor and Employment Regional Offices, (a) whose gross income and that of their
Department of Agrarian Reform Adjudication Board and immediate family do not exceed an amount double the
National Commission for Indigenous Peoples. [B.M. No. 2012, monthly minimum wage of an employee and
February 10, 2009, The Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service, Sec. 4 (a), (b) who do not own real property with A FAIR
c. Who are excluded from the definition THOUSAND (P300,000.00) (ROC, Rule 141, Sec. 19, 1st par. in
of “practicing lawyers” for purposes of compliance relation to B. M. No. 2012, February 10, 2009, The Rule on Mandatory
with the Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service ? In Legal Aid Service, Sec. 4 (b)]
the alternative, who are the lawyers who are
exempted from complying with the requirement to e. What is meant by “free legal aid
render Mandatory Legal Aid Service ? services” for purposes of compliance with the Rule
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The term "practicing on Mandatory Legal Aid Service ?
lawyers" shall exclude: SUGGESTED ANSWER: Free legal aid services
(i) Government employees and refer to appearance in court or quasi-judicial body for and in
incumbent elective officials not allowed by law to behalf of an indigent or pauper litigant and the preparation of
practice; pleadings or motions. It shall also cover assistance by a
(ii) Lawyers who by law are not allowed practicing lawyer to indigent or poor litigants in court-
to appear in court; annexed mediation and in other modes of alternative dispute
(iii) Supervising lawyers of students resolution (ADR). Services rendered when a practicing
enrolled in law student practice in duly accredited lawyer is appointed counsel de oficio shall also be
legal clinics of law schools and lawyers of non- considered as free legal aid services and credited as
governmental organizations (NGOs) and peoples’ compliance under this Rule. [B. M. No. 2012, February 10, 2009,
The Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service, Sec. 4 (d)]
organizations (POs) like the Free Legal Assistance
Group who by the nature of their work already render
free legal aid to indigent and pauper litigants and
(iv) Lawyers not covered under as amended)
subparagraphs (i) to (iii) including those who are
employed in the private sector but do not appear for 1. Qualifications of notary public
and in behalf of parties in courts of law and quasi-
judicial agencies. [B.M. No. 2012, February 10, 2009, The a. What are the qualifications for a
Rule on Mandatory Legal Aid Service, Sec. 4 (a), 1 par.] person to be commissioned as a notary public ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: To be eligible for
d. Who is considered as an “indigent and commissioning as notary public, the petitioner:
pauper litigants” for purposes of the Rule on (1)  must be a citizen of the Philippines;
Mandatory Legal Aid Service ? (2)  must be over twenty-one (21) years of age;
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Indigent litigants (3)  must be a resident in the Philippines for at
least one (1) year and maintains a regular place of work or
business in the city or province where the commission is to
be issued;
(4) must be a member of the Philippine Bar in A notary public shall not perform a notarial act
good standing with clearances from the Office of the Bar outside his regular place of work or business; provided,
Confidant of the Supreme Court and the Integrated Bar of however, that on certain exceptional occasions or situations,
the Philippines; and a notarial act may be performed at the request of the parties
(5)  must not have been convicted in the first in the following sites located within his territorial jurisdiction:
instance of any crime involving moral turpitude. (A.M. No. 02-8- (1)  public offices, convention halls, and similar
13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice,, Rule III, Sec. 1, 2nd par.) places where oaths of office may be administered;
(2)  public function areas in hotels and similar
2. Term of office of notary public places for the signing of instruments or documents requiring
a. What is the term of office of a notary
(3)  hospitals and other medical institutions where
public ?
a party to an instrument or document is confined for
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The term of office of a
treatment; and
notary public is two (2) years commencing the first day of
January of the year in which the commissioning is made, (4)  any place where a party to an instrument or
unless earlier revoked or the notary public has resigned document requiring notarization is under detention. [A.M. No.
under these Rules and the Rules of Court. (A.M. No. 02-8-13- 02-8-13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, Rule IV, Sec. 2 (a)]
SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice,, Rule III, Sec. 11)) A person shall not perform a notarial act if the person
involved as signatory to the instrument or document
3. Powers and limitations
(1)  is not in the notary's presence personally at
What are the powers of a notary public ? the time of the notarization; and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A notary public is (2)  is not personally known to the notary public or
empowered to perform the following notarial acts: otherwise identified by the notary public through competent
(1) acknowledgments; evidence of identity as defined by these Rules. [Ibid., Rule IV,
(2) oaths and affirmations; Sec. 2 (b)]
(3) jurats; A notary public is disqualified from performing a
(4) signature witnessings; notarial act if he:
(5) copy certifications; and (a)  is a party to the instrument or document that
(6) any other act authorized by these Rules . [A.M. is to be notarized;
No. 02-8-13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice,, Rule IV, Sec. 1 (a)] (b)  will receive, as a direct or indirect result, any
commission, fee, advantage, right, title, interest, cash,
What are some of the limitations on the property, or other consideration, except as provided by
powers of a notary public ? these Rules and by law; or
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The limitations on the (c)  is a spouse, common-law partner, ancestor,
powers of a notary public are contained in the prohibitions descendant, or relative by affinity or consanguinity of the
and disqualifications to perform notarial acts. principal within the fourth civil degree. (Ibid., Rule IV, Sec. 3)
Some of the prohibitions in the performance of
notarial acts that are imposed upon a notary public are the Give some duties of a notary public.
a. To keep a notarial register. A notary public perform notarial acts only within the territorial boundaries of
shall keep, maintain, protect and provide for lawful the province or city where the Executive Judge sits.
inspection as provided in these Rules, a chronological The jurisdiction of a notary public in a province shall
official notarial register of notarial acts consisting of a be co-extensive with the province. The jurisdiction of a
permanently bound book with numbered pages. [A.M. No. 02- notary public in the City of Manila shall be co-extensive with
8-13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, Rule VI, Sec. 1 (a), 1st par.] said city. No notary shall possess authority to do any
b. To keep an official seal. Every person notarial act beyond the limits of his jurisdiction. (Old Rev. Adm.
commissioned as notary public shall have a seal of office, to Code, Sec. 240)
be procured at his own expense, which shall not be For example, the National Capital Judicial Region
possessed or owned by any other person. [Ibid., Rule VII, Sec. 1 have different branches located in the different cities of
(a), 1st par., 1st sentence] Metro Manila which have their own Executive Judge. Thus,
c. To charge only authorized fees. For a notary public commissioned in the City of Manila by the
performing a notarial act, a notary public may charge the Executive Judge could perform notarial acts only within the
maximum fee as prescribed by the Supreme Court unless territorial limits of the City of Manila, not in any place within
he waives the fee in whole or in part. (Ibid., Rule V, Sec. 1) the National Capital Judicial Region.
d. To issue receipts, keep a journal and posts Furthermore, notary public shall not perform a
attorney’s fees. A notary public who charges a fee for notarial act outside his regular place of work or business.
notarial services shall issue a receipt registered with the [A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice,, Rule IV, Sec. 2
Bureau of Internal Revenue and keep a journal of notarial (a), 1st sentence] The term “regular place of work or business”
fees. He shall enter in the journal all fees charged for refers to a stationary office in the city or province wherein
services rendered. the notary public renders legal and notarial services . (Ibid.,
A notary public shall post in a conspicuous place in Rule II, Sec. 6)

his office a complete schedule of chargeable notarial fees. Exceptions or certain exceptional occasions or
(Ibid., Rule V, Sec. 5) situations where a notarial act may be performed at the
request of the parties in the following sites located within his
4. Notarial register territorial jurisdiction:
(1)  public offices, convention halls, and similar
5. Jurisdiction of notary public and place of places where oaths of office may be administered;
notarization (2)  public function areas in hotels and similar
places for the signing of instruments or documents requiring
a. In what place could the notary public notarization;
exercise his powers and duties ? (3)  hospitals and other medical institutions where
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A person commissioned a party to an instrument or document is confined for
as notary public may perform notarial acts in any place treatment; and
within the territorial jurisdiction of the commissioning court.”
(A.M. No. 02-8-13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice, Rule III, Sec. 11,
(4)  any place where a party to an instrument or
paraphrasing supplied) document requiring notarization is under detention. [A.M. No.
Since the commissioning court is a Regional Trial 02-8-13-SC, 2004 Rules on Notarial Practice,, Rule IV, Sec. 2 (a)]
Court of a city or province then the notary public may
6. Revocation of commission
7. Competent evidence of identity assurance of his client that the document was executed by
complainant. (Ibid., citing Agbulos v. Viray, A.C. No. 7350, February
8. Sanctions 18, 2013, 691 SCRA 1, 7)
4) The respondent notarized a Special Power of
a. Penalty for notarizing outside of territorial Attorney (SPA) supposedly executed by the complainant. It
was proven by documentary evidence that the complainant
jurisdiction or without commission.
was in Germany at that time and therefore could not have
1) For notarizing without the requisite
appeared before the respondent to have the SPA notarized.
commission, barred from being commissioned as notary (Ibid., citing Isenhardt v. Real, A.C. No. 8254, February 15, 2012, 666
public permanently and suspended from the practice of law SCRA 20)
for a period of two (2) years. (Re: Violations of Rules on Notarial 5) The respondent notary public for notarized a
Practice, A.C. No.09-6-1-SC, January 21, 2015) deed of donation despite the latter’s knowledge that the
2) Three (3) years suspension for notarizing an purported donor had already passed away on an earlier
instrument without commission. [Ibid., citing Nunga v. Viray, 366 date. (Ibid., Linco v. Lacebal, A.C. No. 7241, October 17, 2011, 659
Phil. 155, 161 (1999)]
SCRA 130)
3) Suspension from the practice of law for a
period of two (2)years and permanently barred from being Duties of a notary public. The Notarial Law is
commissioned as a notary public for notarizing several explicit on the obligations and duties of a notary public. it
documents after the expiration of the commission. [Ibid., citing requires him to keep a notarial register where he shall
Zoreta v. Simpliciano, 485 Phil. 395 (2004)]
record all his official acts as notary, and specifies what
4) Suspension for six (6) months and
information with regard to the notarized document should be
disqualification from being commissioned as notary public
entered therein. Failure to perform this duty results in the
for a period of two (2) years for notarizing documents
revocation of his commission as notary public.
outside the area of commission, and with an expired
A notary public should not notarize a document
commission. (Ibid., citing Laquindanum v. Quintana, A.C. No. 7036,
June 29, 2009, 591 SCRA 204) unless the persons who signed are the very same persons
who executed and personally appeared before him to attest
b. Penalty of revocation of notarial commission, to the contents and truth of what are stated therein.
disqualification from being commissioned as notary for The notary public is enjoined to record in his notarial
two years and suspension from the practice of law for registry the necessary information regarding the document
one year for notarizing documents without the presence or instrument notarized and retain a copy of the document
of the party executing the same. presented to him for acknowledgment and certification
1) Notarizing a falsified affidavit of withdrawal of especially when it is a contract. The notarial registry is a
candidacy for municipal mayor without the presence of the record of the notary public’s acts. Considering the
supposed affiant. (Sultan v. Atty. Macabanding, A.C. No. 7919, evidentiary value given to notarized documents, the failure
October 8, 2014 citing various cases) of the notary public to record the document in his notarial
2) Notarizing an affidavit of loss without the registry is tantamount to falsely making it appear that the
presence of the party acknowledging the document. [Ibid., document was notarized when in fact it was not. vda.de
citing Ang v. Atty. Gupana, A.C. No. 4545, February 5, 2014 in turn citing Rosales v. Atty. Ramos, A. C. No. 5645, July 2, 2002
Flores v. Atty. Chua, 366 Phil. 132, 153 (1999)]
3) Preparing and notarizing the subject affidavit
without the affiant’s personal appearance merely upon the
Responsibility of a lawyer-notary public. Where
the notary public is a lawyer, a graver responsibility is d. A notary public signed as witness to a
placed upon his shoulder by reason of his solemn oath to deed of sale then notarized the same deed as a
obey the laws and to do no falsehood or consent to the notary public ex officio. Is the deed of sale valid ?
doing of any. In Maligsa v. Cabanting, it was held, thus: “As Explain.
a lawyer commissioned as notary public, respondent is
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Nothing in the law
mandated to subscribe to the sacred duties appreciating
prohibits a notary public from acting at the same time as
[sic] to his office, such duties being dictated by public policy
witness in the document he notarized. The only exception is
impressed with public interest. Faithful observance and
when the document to be notarized is a will. (Solarte v. Atty.
utmost respect of the legal solemnity of the oath in an Pugeda, A.C. Nos. 4751, July 31, 2000)
acknowledgment or jurat is sacrosanct. Simply put, such
responsibility is incumbent upon and failing therein, he must
e. What are the reasons why a notary public
now accept the commensurate consequences of his
professional indiscretion. By his effrontery of notarizing a must discharge his powers and duties with
fictitious or spurious document, he has made a mockery of accuracy and fidelity ?
the legal solemnity of the oath in an acknowledgment.” SUGGESTED ANSWER: A notarized document is
(Flores-Alitagtag v. Atty. Garcia, A.C. No. 4738, February 6, 2002) allowed to be given without further proof of their execution
A lawyer commissioned as a notary public is and delivery. Courts, administrative agencies and the public
mandated to subscribe to the sacred duties appertaining to at large must be able to rely upon the acknowledgment
his office, such duties being dictated by public policy and executed before a notary public and appended to a private
impressed with public interest. Faithful observance and instrument. (vda. De Bernardo v. Atty. Restauro, A. C. No. 3849,
utmost respect for the legal solemnity of an oath in an June 25, 2003)
acknowledgment or jurat is sacrosanct and failing therein,
he must bear the commensurate consequences. (Fulgencio f. Penalty for notarization of forgeries.
v. Atty. Martin, A.C. No.3223, May 29, 2003) Notarization of a falsified deed of donation (Alitagtag v.
Atty. Garcia, A.C. No. 4738, June 10, 2003), forged deeds of
d. May a notary public notarize a document sale (Maligsa v. Cabanting, 272 SCRA 408; Flores v.Chua, 306
which he signed ? Explain. SCRA 465; Roces v. Aportadera,243 SCRA 108), were
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. A signatory to a
penalized with suspension from the practice of law.
document cannot notarize the said document.
The function of a notary public is, among others, to
But note the caution for lawyers-notaries
public to be very careful and diligent in ascertaining the
guard against any illegal or immoral arrangement. That
true identities of the persons executing a document before
function would be defeated if the notary public were one of
the, especially when it involves disposition of a property, as
the signatories to the instrument. For then, he would be
the Supreme Court will deal with such cases more severely
interested in sustaining the validity thereof as it directly
involves himself and the validity of his own act. It would in the future. (vda. De Bernardo v. Atty. Restauro, A. C. No.
3849, June 25, 2003)
placed him in an inconsistent position, and the very purpose
of the acknowledgment, which is to minimize fraud, would
be thwarted. (Villarin, et al., v. Sabate, Jr., A.C. No. 3324, g. The Notarial Law requires a notary to keep a
February 9, 2000) notarial register where he shall record all his official
acts as notary and specifies what information with personally appear before the notary public for notarization of
regard to the notarized documents should be entered the said document. Simply put, the party or parties who
therein. Failure to perform this duty results to executed the instrument must be the ones to personally
revocation of the notarial commission. (vda. de Rosales v. appear before the notary public to acknowledge the
Atty. Ramos, A.C.No. 5645, July 2, 2002) document. (Bautista v. Bernabe, A. C. No, 6963, February 9,
h. The failure of a lawyer to record a document
k. Non-appearance of the parties before
in his notarial registry is tantamount to falsely making it
the notary public does not nullify the instrument.
appear that the document was notarized when in fact it Notarization converts a private document into a public
was not. (vda. de Rosales v. Atty. Ramos, A.C.No. 5645, July 2, document. However, the non-appearance of the parties
2002) He should be disciplined. before the notary public who notarized the document does
not necessarily nullify nor render the parties’ transaction
i. Where a notary public is a lawyer, a graver void ab initio.
responsibility is placed upon his shoulder by reason of Thus, Article 1358 of the Civil Code on the necessity
his solemn oath to obey the laws and to do no of a pubic document is only for convenience, not for validity
falsehood or consent to the doing of any. He is subject or enforceability. Failure to follow the proper form does not
to discipline if he notarizes a document without the invalidate a contract. Where a contract is not in the form
parties appearing before him. So also, if he notarizes a prescribed by law, the parties can merely compel each other
to observe that form, once he contract has been perfected.
fictitious, spurious or forged document. (Flores-Alitagtag v.
Atty. Garcia, A.C. No.4738, February 5, 2002) This is consistent with the basic principle that contracts are
obligatory in whatever form they may heave been entered
into, provided all essential requisites are present . (Mallari, et
j. A lawyer/notary public who notarizes a al., v. Asol, G. R. No. 150866, March 6, 2006)
document in the absence of the parties violates
Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of Professional l. Notarizing documents without the
Responsibility and the Notarial Law . A notary public requisite commission is punishable with two year
should not notarize a document unless the persons who suspension. Notarization is not an empty, meaningless,
signed the same are the very same persons who executed routinary act. In the contrary it is invested with substantive
and personally appeared before him to attest to the contents public interest, such that onl those ho re qualified or
and truth of what are stated therein. The presence of the authorized may act as notaries public.
parties to the deed will enable the notary public to verify the Notarization of a private document converts the
genuineness of the signature of the affiant. document into a public one making it admissible in court
The acts of the affiants cannot be delegated to anyone without further proof of its authenticity. A notarial document
for what are stated therein are facts of which they have is by law entitled to full faith and credit upon its face and, for
personal knowledge. They should swear to the document this reason notaries public must observe with utmost care
personally and not through any representative. Otherwise, the basic requirements in the performance of their duties.
their representative’s name should appear in the said Otherwise, the confidence of the pubic in the integrity of this
document as the one who executed the same. That is the form of conveyance would be undermined. The
only time the representative an affix his signature and
requirements for the issuance of a commission s notary 1. What are the reasons for the existence
public must not be treated as a mere casual formality. The of an honorable, competent and independent
Court has characterized a lawyer’s act of notarizing judiciary ?
documents without the requisite commission to do so as SUGGESTED ANSWER:
“reprehensible constituting as it does not only malpractice a. To administer justice, and
but also xxx the crime of falsification of public documents.” b. thus promote
(St. Louis University Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) Faculty 1) the unity of the country,
and Staff v. Dela Cruz, A. C. No. 6010, August 28, 2006) 2) the stability of government, and
3) the well-being of the people. (Preamble, Old
m. Lawyer should perform notarial work Code of Judicial Conduct, applicable in a suppletory
personally, otherwise considered negligen t. The
Supreme Court agreed with the findings of the IBP when it
found a respondent lawyer negligent in performing his
notarial functions, in the following manner. “xxx xxx
1. New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
Considering that the responsibility attached to a notary
public is sensitive respondent should have been more Philippine Judiciary (Bangalore Draft)
discreet and cautious in the execution of his duties as such
and should not have wholly entrusted anything to the 1. What is the New Code of Judicial Conduct
secretaries; otherwise he should not have been for the Philippine Judiciary ?
commissioned as notary public. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The New Code of Judicial
For having wholly entrusted the preparation and other Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary (the Bangalore Draft of
mechanics of the document for notarization to the secretary the Code of Judicial Conduct, as amended) was adopted by
there can be a possibility that even the respondent’s the Supreme Court to take effect on June 1, 2004.
signature which is the only one left for him to do cab be The New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine
done by the secretary or anybody for that matter as had Judiciary superseded the Canons of Judicial Ethics and the
been the case herein. Code of Judicial Conduct heretofore applied in the
As it is respondent had been negligent not only in the Philippines to the extent that the provisions or concepts
supposed notarization but foremost in having allowed the therein are embodied in this Code.
office secretaries to make the necessary entries in his
notarial registry which was supposed to be done and kept by 2. Of what use is the former Code of
him alone; and should not have relied on somebody else.” Judicial Conduct considering that it was already
[Spouses Santuyo v. Hidalgo, A.C. No. 5838 (Formerly CBD 01- superseded by the New Code of Conduct for the
887), January 17, 2005] Philippine Judiciary ?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: In case of deficiency or
G. CANONS OF PROFESSIONAL ETHICS absence of specific provisions in the New Code of Judicial
Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary, the Canons of Judicial
Ethics and the Code of Judicial Conduct shall be applicable
II. JUDICIAL ETHICS in a suppletory character.
3. What is the Bangalore Draft ? b. also to stress the Philippines’ solidarity with
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The Bangalore Draft, as the universal clamor for a universal code of judicial ethics.
amended, is intended to be the Universal Declaration of (4th Whereas, Adopting the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
Judicial Standards applicable in all Judiciaries. (2nd Philippine Judiciary, arrangement and numbering supplied)
Whereas, Adopting the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the
Philippine Judiciary, rephrasing supplied) 6. What are the canons of the New Code
The Bangalore Draft was adopted as the New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary ?
of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The canons of the
New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine
4. What is the foundation of the Judiciary:
Bangalore Draft which was adopted as the New Canon1. Independence
Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Canon2. Integrity
Judiciary ? Canon3. Impartiality
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The Bangalore Draft is Canon4. Propriety
founded upon a universal recognition:
Canon5. Equality
a. that a competent, independent and impartial
Judiciary is essential if the courts are to fulfill their role in
Canon6. Competence and Diligence
upholding constitutionalism and the Rule of Law;
b. that public confidence in the judicial system
and in the moral authority and integrity of the Judiciary is of BAR: 7. What are the obligations to be
utmost importance in a modern democratic society; and observed by a judge under the New Code of
c. that it is essential that judges, individually and Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary ?
collectively, respect and honor judicial office as a public SUGGESTED ANSWER: The summary of the
trust, and strive to enhance and maintain confidence in the obligations of a judge are:
judicial system. (3rd Whereas, Adopting the New Code of a. Independence. Uphold and exemplify
Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary, arrangement and judicial independence in both of its judicial and
numbering supplied) institutional aspects (Canon 1, New Code)
b. Integrity. The behavior and conduct of
5. What are the reasons for adopting the judges must reaffirm the people’s faith in the integrity of
Bangalore Draft as the New Code of Judicial the Judiciary. (Sec. 2, Canon 2, Ibid.)
Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary ? c. Impartiality. Judges shall ensure that his
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The adoption of the or her conduct, both in and out of court, maintains and
universal declaration of standards for ethical conduct of enhances the confidence of the public, the legal
judges embodied in the Bangalore Draft, as revised at the profession and litigants in the impartiality of judges and
Round Table Conference of Chief Justices at The Hague, of the Judiciary. (Sec. 2, Canon 3, Ibid.)
a. is imperative not only to update and correlate d. Propriety. Judges shall avoid impropriety
the Code of Judicial Conduct and the Code of Judicial Ethics and the appearance of impropriety in all of their
adopted for the Philippines, but activities. (Sec. 1, Canon 4, Ibid.)
e. Equality. Judges shall not, in the 2. Integrity
performance of judicial duties, by words or conduct,
manifest bias or prejudice towards any person or group a. Importance of integrity. Integrity is
on irrelevant grounds. (Sec. 2, Canon 5, Ibid.) essential not only to the proper discharge of the
f. Competence and diligence are judicial office, but also to the personal demeanor of
prerequisites to the due performance of judicial office. judges. (Canon 2, New Code)
(Canon 6, Ibid.)

2. Code of Judicial Conduct b. Duty of judge relative to integrity. The

behavior and conduct of judges must reaffirm the
B. QUALITIES people’s faith in the integrity of the Judiciary. (Rule
2, Canon 1, New Code)
1. Independence
c. Judges shall ensure that not only is
a. Importance of judicial independence. their conduct above reproach, but that it is
Judicial independence is a pre-requisite to the Rule perceived to be so in the view of a reasonable
of Law and a fundamental guarantee of a fair trial. observer. (Sec.1,Canon 2, New Code)
(1st sentence, Canon 1, New Code)

b. Duty of judge relative to judicial 3. Impartiality

independence. A judge shall, therefore, uphold
and exemplify judicial independence in both its a. Importance of impartiality. Impartiality is
individual and institutional aspects. (2nd sentence, essential to the proper discharge of the judicial
Canon 1, New Code) office. It applies not only to the decision itself, but
also to the process by which the decision is made.
c. A judge shall refrain from influencing (Canon 3, New Code)
in any manner the outcome of litigation or dispute
pending before another court or administrative b. Duty of judge relative to impartiality.
agency. (Rule 3, Canon 1, New Code) Judges shall ensure that his or her conduct, both
11.1 The slightest form of interference in and out of court, maintains and enhances the
cannot be countenanced. Once a judge uses his influence confidence of the public, the legal profession and
to derail or interfere in the regular course of a legal or litigants in the impartiality of judges and of the
judicial proceeding for the benefit of one or any of the Judiciary. (Sec. 2, Canon 3, New Code)
parties therein, public confidence in the judicial system is 4. Propriety
diminished, if not totally eroded. Thus, an appellate judge
was dismissed for interfering with investigation conducted by a. What is the importance of propriety to
an administrative body. (In re: Demetria, A.M. No. 00-09-CA, a judge ?
March 27, 2001)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Propriety and appearance b. It is improper for a judge to confiscate a driver’s
of propriety are essential to the performance of all the license for a traffic violation he has violated the law by
activities of a judge. (Canon 4, New Code) encroaching upon police functions. (1998)
c. A judge acted with impropriety when he received a
b. What rules should a judge observe in cash bond. It is not his duty to do, and the impropriety is
order to comply with his principal duty relative to compounded when he allegedly kept the money in his
propriety which is that, Judges shall avoid drawer, which he claimed to have been stolen. (1999)
impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in d. It is improper for a judge to accept a paid vacation
abroad from a friend who has a criminal case pending
all of their activities (Rule 1, Canon 4, New Code) ?
before another court, as this may be construed as
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A judge’s official
influencing the other court. There is thus an appearance of
conduct should be free from the appearance of
impropriety. (1999)
impropriety, and his personal behavior, not only on the
Recent doctrines and illustrative cases:
bench and in the performance of judicial duties, but
a. A judge should constantly keep away from
also in his everyday life should be beyond reproach.
(Canon 3, Code of Judicial Conduct cited in Marces, Sr. v. any act of impropriety, not only in the performance of his
Arcangel, 258 SCRA 503, applied in a suppletory character.) official duties but also his everyday actuations for no other
ALTERNATIVE SUGGESTED ANSWER: position exacts a greater demand on moral righteousness
a. A judge should so behave at all times as to and uprightness of an individual than perhaps a seat in the
promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of judiciary. A judge should always be a symbol of rectitude
the judiciary. (Rule 2.01, Old Code of Judicial Conduct, applied and propriety, comporting himself in a manner that will raise
in a suppletory character) no doubt whatsoever about his honest. (Yu v. Judge Leanda
b. A judge should not seek publicity for personal etc., A.M. No. RTJ-99-1463, January 16, 2001)
b. Any demeaning of a judge or court personnel
vainglory. (Rule 2.02, Ibid.)
demeans the institution he represents. This is so, because
c. A judge shall not allow family, social, or other
most often the public mind does not separate the judge from
relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. The
the Judiciary. (City Govt. of Tagbilaran, etc. v. Judge
prestige of judicial office shall not be used or lent to advance
Hontanosas, Jr., A.M. No. MT No. MTJ-98-1169, January 29,
the private interests of others, nor convey or permit others to 2002)
convey the impression that they are in a special position to c. A judge was imposed a fine and sternly warned for
influence the judge. (Rule 2.03, Ibid.) going to cockpits and placing bets. Mixing with the crowd of
d. A judge shall refrain from influencing in any cockfighting enthusiasts and bettors is unbecoming a judge
manner the outcome of litigation or dispute pending before and undoubtedly impairs the respect due him. Ultimately
another court or administrative agency. (Rule 2.04, Ibid.) the judiciary itself suffers therefrom because a judge is a
visible representation of the Judiciary.
Concepts tested in previous Bar Examinations: The Supreme Court prohibits judges and court
a. A judge acts improperly if he has lunch with a litigant personnel from both actual gambling and mere presence in
who has a pending case before his court. Neither is it gambling casinos. (City Govt. of Tagbilaran, etc. v. judge
ethical for a judge to be seen placing his bet on certain Hontanosas, Jr., A.M. No. MT No. MTJ-98-1169, January 29,
horses. Judges shall avoid impropriety and the appearance 2002)
of impropriety in all of their activities. (1990)
d. Judges must adhere to the highest tenets of judicial i. The absence of malice or the presence of
conduct. They must be the embodiment of competence, purity of motive is not a license to resort to inflammatory
integrity and independence. A judge’s conduct must be words to articulate grievances. All judges should always
above reproach. Like Caesar’s wife, a judge must not only observe courtesy and civility. They should be temperate,
be pure but above suspicion. a judge’s private as well as patient and courteous both in conduct and language.
official conduct must at all times be free from all (Judge Pineza, etc., v. Aruelo, etc., A.M. No. P-01-1522, July 30,
appearances of impropriety, and be beyond reproach. 2002)
(Magarang v. Judge Jardin, Sr.) i. A judge was admonished to exercise
e. The Supreme Court noted the impropriety, prudence and restraint in his language and sternly warned.
without imposing any disciplinary action, of a judge having During an administrative hearing he stated, among others,
a clerk who was neither a relative nor a court employee who “And it’s up to the Supreme Court to take action, as I am
was constantly present in the judge’s chambers, thus emphasizing, stressing and capitalizing that justice delayed
inviting doubts about His Honor’s propriety and moral is justice denied, xxx I am already demoralized and lost faith
integrity. (Office of the Court Administrator v. Judge Sayo, Jr., in the system xxx” (Judge Pineza, etc., v. Aruelo, etc., A.M. No.
A.M. No. RTJ-00-1587, May 7, 2002) P-01-1522, July 30, 2002)
f. The standard behavior expected of all those j. The people’s confidence in the judicial
who don the judicial robe is that of a “cerebral man who system is founded not only on the magnitude of legal
deliberately holds in check the tug and pull of purely knowledge and the diligence of the members of the bench,
personal preferences and prejudice which he shares with but also on the highest standard of integrity and moral
the rest of his fellow mortals. (Judge Pineza, etc., v. Aruelo, uprightness they are expected to possess. (Dawa v. De Asa)
etc., A.M. No. P-01-1522, July 30, 2002) k. A judge, even in the face of boorish behavior
g. The slightest form of interference cannot be from those he deals with, ought to conduct himself in a
countenanced. Once a judge uses his influence to derail or manner befitting a gentleman and a high officer of the court.
interfere in the regular course of a legal or judicial Patience is an essential part of dispensing justice; civility is
proceeding for the benefit of one or any of the parties never a sign of weakness and courtesy is a mark of cuture
therein, public confidence in the judicial system is and good breeding. Impatience and rudeness have no
diminished, if not totally eroded. Thus, an appellate judge place in the government service in which personnel are
was dismissed for interfering with investigation conducted by enjoined to act with self-restraint and civility at all times.
an administrative body. (In re: Demetria, A.M. No. 00-09-CA, Thus, a judge was reprimanded because he ordered
March 27, 2001) the arrest of a subordinate who was mimicking him even
h. A judge should be courteous both in his before the filing of the appropriate criminal action. This
conduct and in his language specially those appearing actuation was unbecoming of a judge who is expected to
before him. He can hold counsels to a proper appreciation exercise proper restraint and civility in dealing even with
of their duties to the court, their clients and the public insolent subordinates. (Bravo, v. Morales, etc., A. M. No. P-05-
1950, August 20, 2006, Formerly OCA I.P.I. No. 04-1898-P, and
without being petty, arbitrary, overbearing and tyrannical.
companion case)
Above all, he must conduct himself in such a manner that he
gives no reason for reproach. A judge should avoid
c. Misconduct, defined. Misconduct is
impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all his
defined as a transgression of some established and definite
activities. (Pros. Ruiz v. Judge Bringas, A.M. No. MTJ-00-1266,
rule of action, more particularly, unlawful behavior or gross
April 6, 2000)
negligence by a public officer. (Tormis v. Judge Paredes, RTJ-13-
2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No. 11-3740-RTJ], February 4, 2015) BAR: g. The subjudice rule. On subjudice
To constitute misconduct, the act or acts must have matters, Section 4, Canon 3 of the New Code of Judicial
a direct relation to and be connected with the performance Conduct provides:
of his official duties. (Ibid.) CANON 3. IMPARTIALITY
SEC. 4. Judges shall not knowingly, while a
d. Grave misconduct, defined. The proceeding is before or could come before them, make any
misconduct is grave if it involves any of the additional comment that might reasonably be expected to affect the
elements of corruption, willful intent to violate the law, or to outcome of such proceeding or impair the manifest fairness
disregard established rules, which must be established by of the process.
substantial evidence. As distinguished from simple Nor shall judges make any comment in public or
misconduct, the elements of corruption, clear intent to otherwise that might affect the fair trial of any person or
violate the law, or flagrant disregard of established rule, issue. (Tormis v. Judge Paredes, RTJ-13-2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No.
must be manifest in a charge of grave misconduct. (Tormis v. 11-3740-RTJ], February 4, 2015)
Judge Paredes, RTJ-13-2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No. 11-3740-RTJ], The subjudice rule restricts comments and
February 4, 2015)
disclosures pertaining to the judicial proceedings in order to
avoid prejudging the issue, influencing the court, or
e. Corruption as an element of grave obstructing the administration of justice. (Tormis, supra, citing
misconduct, defined. Corruption, as an element of Marantan v. Diokno, G.R. No. 205956, February 12, 2014, 716 SCRA
grave misconduct, consists in the act of an official or 164, 171.
fiduciary person who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his
station or character to procure some benefit for himself or h. Rationale for the subjudice rule. It is a
for another person, contrary to duty and the rights of others. traditional conviction of civilized society everywhere that
(Tormis v. Judge Paredes, RTJ-13-2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No. 11-3740- courts and juries, in the decision of issues of fact and law
RTJ], February 4, 2015 citing Judge Buenaventura v. Mabalot, A. M.
Nos. P-09-2726 & P-10-2884, August 28, 2013, 704 SCRA 1, 17, in turn
should be immune from every extraneous influence; that
citing Office of the Court Administrator v. Lopez, A.M. No. P-10-2788, facts should be decided upon evidence produced in court;
January 18, 2011, 639 SCRA 633, 638) and that the determination of such facts should be
uninfluenced by bias, prejudice or sympathies. [Nestle
Philippines, Inc. v. Sanchez, 238 Phil. 543 (1987) cited in Tormis v. Judge
BAR: f. Example where there is no Paredes, RTJ-13-2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No. 11-3740-RTJ], February 4,
misconduct. The act of a judge in discussing 2015]
administrative cases against a fellow judge (one of which
was pending final resolution) and criticising the actuations BAR: I. Illustration of violation of the
of her son, during class discussion cannot be considered as
subjudice rule. Notably, when Judge Paredes discussed
“misconduct.” They are simply not related to the discharge
the marriage scams involving Judge Tormis in 2010, the
of his official functions as a judge. He cannot be held liable
investigation relative to the said case had not yet been
for misconduct, much less for grave misconduct. (Tormis v.
Judge Paredes, RTJ-13-2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No. 11-3740-RTJ],
concluded. In fact, the decision on the case was
February 4, 2015) promulgated by the Court only on April 2, 2013.
He was disciplined for violating the subjudice rule. In 2010, he still could not make comments on the
(Ibid.) administrative case to prevent any undue influence in its
resolution. Commenting on the marriage scams, where words, snide remarks and sarcastic comments. He is
Judge Tormis was one of the judges involved, was in required to always be temperate, patient and courteous
contravention of the subjudice rule. Justice Diy was, ,both in conduct and in language. (Tormis v. Judge Paredes, RTJ-
therefore, correct in finding that Judge Paredes violated 13-2366 [Formerly OCA IPI No. 11-3740-RTJ], February 4, 2015 citing
Section 4, Canon 3 of the New Code of Judicial Conduct. Lorenzana v. Judge Austria, A.M. No. RTJ-09-2200, April 2, 2014)
The Court shares the view of Justice Diy that although the
reasons of Judge Paredes for discussing the marriage m. Mere suspicion that a judge is partial
scams in his classes seemed noble, his objectives were is not enough. [Ascano, Jr., et al., v. Judge Jacinto, Jr., etc., A.M.
carried out insensitively and in bad taste. The pendency of No. RTJ-15-2405, I.P.I. No. 12-3919-RTJ, January 12, 2015 citing De
Guzman v. Pamintuan, 452 Phil. 963 (2003); Sinnot v. Barte, 423 Phil.
the administrative case of Judge Tormis and the publicity of 522 (2001), Lu v. Siapno, 390 Phil. 489 (2000); People v. Court of
the marriage scams did not give Judge Paredes Appeals, 369 Phil. 150 (1999); Flores v. Court of Appeals, 328 Phil. 992
unrestrained license to criticize Judge Tormis in his class (1996)]
discussions. The publicity given to the investigation of the Clear and convincing evidence is necessary to prove
said scams and the fact that it was widely discussed in legal a charge of bias and partiality. [Ibid., citing Negros Grace
circles let people expressed critical opinions on the issue. Pharmacy v. Hilario, 461 Phil. 843 (2003) citing Te v. Court of Appeals,
400 Phil. 127 (2000); Gohu v. Court of Appeals, 397 Phil. 126 (2000)]
There was no need for Judge Paredes to “rub salt to the
The circumstances detailed by petitioners failed to
wound,”25as Justice Diy put it. Judge Paredes in using
prove that respondent exhibited “manifest partiality, evident
intemperate language and unnecessary comments tending
bad faith or gross inexcusable negligence” in the discharge
to project Judge Tormis as a corrupt and ignorant judge in
of his judicial functions, as required by Section 3(e) of R.A.
his class discussions, was correctly found guilty of conduct
3019, when he issued the Order lifting the TRO.
unbecoming of a judge by Justice Dy. Indeed, the NewCode
This Court cannot accept the contention that
of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary requires
respondent’s bias and partiality can be gleaned from the
judges to exemplify propriety at all times. Canon 4 instructs:
mere fact that he did not allow the “more than 500
CANON 4 PROPRIETY SEC. 1. Judges shall avoid
members” who accompanied petitioners during the hearing
impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of their
to enter the courtroom. As indicated in the report, due to the
standard sizes of our courtrooms, it is highly improbable th
xxx SEC. 2. As a subject of constant public scrutiny, judges
at this huge group could have been accommodated inside.
must accept personal restrictions that might be viewed as
With respect to the exclusion of the other witnesses
burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely
while Julieta Toledo was giving her testimony, this is
and willingly. In particular, judges shall conduct themselves
sanctioned by Section 15, Rule 132 of the Rules of Court.
in a way that is consistent with the dignity of the judicial
(Ibid. citing SECTION 15. Exclusion and separation of
office. A judge should always conduct himself in a manner
witnesses. — On any trial or hearing, the judge may exclude
that would preserve the dignity, independence and respect
from the court any witness not at the time under
for himself, the Court and the Judiciary as a whole. He must
examination, so that he may not hear the testimony of other
exhibit the hallmark judicial temperament of utmost sobriety
witnesses. The judge may also cause witnesses to be kept
and self-restraint. He should choose his words and exercise
separate and to be prevented from conversing with one
more caution and control in expressing himself. In other
another until all shall have been examined.
words, a judge should possess the virtue of gravitas.
We now go to the claim of petitioners that
Furthermore, a magistrate should not descend to the level of
respondent berated, scolded, confused and admonished
a sharp-tongued, ill-mannered petty tyrant by uttering harsh
their witnesses without basis or justification. According to capacity. Judges shall require similar conduct of legal
the investigating justice, respondent failed to submit the representatives, court staff and others subject to their
transcript of notes for the 3 July 2012 hearing without influence, direction or control.
plausible reason. A Judge should be considerate, courteous and civil
As regards what transpired in the 2 July 2012 to all persons who come to his court, [Ibid., citing De la Cruz v.
hearing, the Carretas, 559 Phil. 5 (2007) in turn citing Retuya v. Equipilag, 180 Phil.
investigating justice found that apart from raising his voice 335 (1979)]
when addressing Toledo and making “abrasive and It was the Mayor’s lawyer, and not respondent judge,
unnecessary statements to her ,”respondent also made the who had the duty of explaining why the mayor left the
following“ insulting, sometimes needlessly lengthy courtroom without asking for the court’s permission. The
statements” in open court: New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary
1. Respondent declared that he no longer mandates that judges must not only maintain their
wanted to go to the market, because he might be mistreated independence, integrity and impartiality; they must also
by petitioners. avoid any appearance of impropriety or partiality, which may
2. He told petitioners: “Mga taga-palengke na erode the people's faith in the Judiciary. [Ibid., Citing Re: Letter
of Presiding Justice Conrado M. Vasquez, Jr. on CA-G.R. SP No. 103692
nagkakaso sa akin xxx pero ‘di naman nila alam ang [Antonio Rosete v. Securities and Exchange Commission], 586 Phil. 321
kanilang ginagawa.” (2008)]
3. He told Toledo while the latter was testifying: Members of the Judiciary should be beyond
“[B]asta na lang kayo pirma pirma na gawa naman ng reproachand suspicion in their conduct, and should be free
abogado niyo.” from any appearance of impropriety in the discharge of their
4. He asked Toledo: “You mentioned about that official duties, as well as in their personal behavior and
‘walang pwesto na nakikipwesto sa inyo,’ is that not a everyday life. [Ibid., citing Ladignon v. Garong, 584 Phil. 352 (2008)]
violation to your lease contract that you are allowing In a previous case, Taran v. Jacinto, Jr., (Ibid., Citing
somebody to occupy your portion so that they can also Taran v. Jacinto, Jr., 448 Phil. 563 (2003) the Supreme
engage in business? Is this not an additional earning on Court has already found Respondent Judge Jacinto liable
your part and you are violating your lease contract? Is that for his failure to supervise his personnel closely and for
not depriving the coffer of the Municipal Government?” issuing orders relayed over the phone. Judge Jacinto was
The investigating justice found that the foregoing found guilty of violating Supreme Court Circular No. 26-97
statements “definitely imperiled the respect and deference” by failing to compel his Clerk of Court to issue official
rightly due to respondent’s position. receipts for all monies received by the latter. In the foregoing
As stated in the report, respondent raised his voice case, respondent judge was fined in the sum of Pll ,000 and
and uttered abrasive and unnecessary remarks to was warned that a repetition of the same or similar act will
petitioners’ witness. Respondent failed to conduct himself in be dealt with more severely.
accordance with the mandate of Section 6, Canon 6 of the Under Section 10 in relation to Section ll(C),
New Code of Judicial Conduct for the Philippine Judiciary, paragraph 1 of Rule 140 (Ibid., citing Amendment to Rule 140 of
which reads: Rules of Court Re Discipline of Justices and Judges, A.M. No. 01-8-10-
SECTION 6. Judges shall maintain order and SC [2001]) of the Rules of Court, as amended, "unbecoming
decorum in all proceedings before the court and be patient, conduct" is classified as a light charge, punishable by any of
dignified and courteous in relation to litigants, witnesses, the following sanctions: (1) a fine of not less than Pl,000, but
lawyers and others with whom the judge deals in an official not exceeding Pl 0,000; and/or (2) censure; (3) reprimand;
(4) admonition with warning. (Ibid., citing Anonymous v. Achas, b. Article 1491 (5) of the Civil Code prohibits
A.M. No. MTJ-11-1801, February 27, 2013, 692 SCRA 18) justices, judges, prosecuting attorneys, clerks of
Considering that this is respondent judge's second superior and inferior courts, and other officers and
infraction already, the Court finds that the penalties of a fine
employees connected with the administration of justice
in the amount of Pl 0,000 and admonition with warning, as
recommended by the investigating justice, are proper under to purchase even at public or judicial auction, either in
the circumstances. WHEREFORE, this Court finds person or through the mediation of another, the
respondent Judge Jose S. Jacinto, Jr. guilty of unbecoming property and rights in litigation or levied upon execution
conduct and is hereby FINED in the amount of TEN before the court within whose jurisdiction or territory
THOUSAND PESOS (Pl0,000) and REPRIMANDED with a they exercise their respective function. This prohibition
STERN WARNING that a repetition of the same or a similar also applies to lawyers with respect to the property and
act shall be dealt with more severely. (Ibid.) rights which may be the object of any litigation to which
they may take part by virtue of their profession.
What are the extra-judicial activities of a
judge which he must regulate in order to minimize BAR: c. The purchase of the property,
the risk of conflict with judicial duties ? subject of a litigation after the suit, at a substantial
discount may create the impression that the judge may
a. Avocational, civil and charitable activities;
b. Financial activities;
have favored the former owner of the property. Thus,
c. Fiduciary activities; the judge would have violated Canon 2 which
d. Practice of law and other profession; mandates that, “A judge should avoid impropriety and
e. Extra-judicial appointments; and appearance of impropriety.”
f. Political activities. While in such circumstance a judge may not
have violated the prohibition, the judge must have
a. Extrajudicial duties of a judge. Subject comported himself in such a manner that his conduct,
to the proper performance of judicial duties, judges official or otherwise, can bear the most searching
may: scrutiny of the public such that judges, like Caesar’s
1) Write, lecture, teach and participate in wife, should be above suspicion.
activities concerning the law, the legal system, the
administration of justice or related matters; BAR: d. “A judge shall refrain from
2) Appear at a public hearing before an official financial and business dealings that tend to reflect
body concerned with matters relating to the law, the legal
adversely on the court’s impartiality, interfere with
system, the administration of justice or related matters;
3) Engage in other activities if such activities do the proper performance of judicial activities, or
not detract from the dignity of the judicial office or otherwise increase involvement with lawyers and persons
interfere with the performance of judicial duties. (Sec. 10, likely to come before the court. A judge should so
Canon 4, New Code) manage investments and other financial interests
as to minimize the number of cases giving grounds
for disqualification.” (Rule 5.02. Old Code)
Recent doctrines and illustrative cases: BAR: g. When a judge may serve as an
a. The above Rule 5.02 supplies the void left by executor. A judge should not serve as the executor,
the abrogation of Art. 14 of the Spanish Code of Commerce administrator, trustee, guardian, or other fiduciary, except for
by the case of Macariola v. Asuncion, which held that Art. the estate, trust, or person of a member of the immediate
14, which prohibited justices from engaging in business, was family (spouse and relatives within the second degree of
in the nature of political law since it was extended to this consanguinity), and then only if such service will not
country by Spain. interfere with the proper performance of judicial duties.
A judge requested real estate dealers to look for sellers (Rule 5.06, Old Code)
of a lot which a religious group wanted to buy as a site for its
church. The sale pushed through, and the judge was found
guilty of engaging in business. (Berin, et al., v. Judge Barte, BAR: h. Judges shall not practice law
etc., A.M. No. MTJ-02-1443, July 31, 2002) whilst the holder of judicial office. (Sec. 11, Canon 4,
New Code)
e. “Subject to the provisions of the
preceding rule, a judge may hold and manage BAR: i. When a Municipal Trial Judge may
investments but should not serve as an officer, notarize documents.
director, manager, advisor, or employee of any MTC and MCTC judges may act as notaries
business except as director of a family business of public ex officio in the notarization of documents
the judge." (Rule 5.03, Old Code) connected only with the exercise of their official
functions and duties.
BAR: f. There are no legal or ethical prohibitions They may not, as notaries public ex officio,
for the judge to head family concerns engaged in being undertake the preparation and acknowledgment of
a bookstore/distributor or in a chain of restaurants so private documents, contracts and other acts of
long as such activities do not tend to reflect adversely conveyances which bear no direct relation to the
on his court’s impartiality; interfere with the proper performance of their functions as judges.
performance of judicial activities, or increase However, in municipalities where there are
involvement with lawyers or persons likely to come neither lawyers or notaries public, MTC and MCTC
before the court. (Rule 5.02, Canon 5, Code of Judicial judges assigned to municipalities or circuits may in
Conduct) their capacity as notaries public ex officio, perform any
A judge may not however involve himself in the act within the competency of a regular notary public,
family concern which is a surety company actively provided that:
engaged in posting bonds required in court cases a) all notarial fees charged be for the account of
because such would normally tend to arouse suspicion the Government and turned over to the municipal
that such relations would warp his judgment, or prevent treasurer; and
his impartial attitude of mind in the administration of his b) certification be made in the notarized
judicial duties. (1st par., Canon 25, Canons of Judicial Ethics) documents attesting to the lack of any lawyer or notary
public in such municipality or circuit. (Mendoza, Jr., et al.,
v. Navarro, etc., Am> No.P-05-2034,September 11, 2006,
Formerly OCA I.P.I. No.04-1930-P; Douglas v. Judge Lopez, Jr., 3) To take reasonable steps to maintain
etc., A.M. No. MTJ-96-1076, February 9, 2000 citing Supreme and enhance their knowledge, skills and personal
Court Circular No. 1-90; Ellert v. Judge Galapon, Jr., etc., A.M. No. qualities necessary for the proper performance of
MTJ-00-1294, July 31, 2000)
judicial duties. (Sec. 3, Ibid.)
Recent doctrines and illustrative case:
4) To keep informed about relevant
a. An MTC judge violated S.C. Circular No. 1-
developments in international law. (Sec. 4, Ibid.)
90, when he notarized a revocation of a General Power of
5) To perform all judicial duties
Attorney. His claim that he inadvertently notarized the
revocation betrays a deficiency of that degree of efficiently, fairly and with reasonable promptness .
(Sec. 5, Ibid.)
circumspection demanded of all those who don the judicial
6) To maintain order and decorum in all
robe. (Morales, Sr., v. Judge Dumlao, et al., A.M. No. MTJ-01-
1339, February 13, 2002) proceedings, be patient, dignified and courteous to
all with whom the judge deals in an official capacity.
(Sec. 6, Ibid.)
5. Equality
7) Not to engage in conduct incompatible
with diligent discharge of judicial duties. (Sec. 7, Ibid.)
a. Importance of equality. Ensuring equality
of treatment to all before the courts is essential to the due
performance of judicial office. (Canon 5, New Code)
c. Duty to be competent and maintain
competence. Judges shall take reasonable steps to
maintain and enhance their knowledge, skills and personal
b. Principal duty of judge relative to
qualities necessary for the proper performance of judicial
equality. Judges shall not, in the performance of judicial duties, taking advantage for this purpose the training and
duties, by words or conduct, manifest bias or prejudice
other facilities which should be made available, under
towards any person or group on irrelevant grounds . (Sec. 2, judicial control, to judges. (Sec. 3, Canon 6, New Code)
Canon 5, Ibid.)
Judges shall keep themselves informed about
relevant developments of international law, including
6. Competence and diligence international conventions and other instruments establishing
human rights norms.
Judges should keep abreast of the rulings and
a. Importance of competence and doctrines laid down by the Supreme Court and apply
diligence. Competence and diligence are prerequisites to them to appropriate cases regardless of their personal
the due performance of judicial office. (Canon 6, New Code) opinion.” (No. 2, General Guidelines, circular No. 13 of the
Office of the Chief Justice dated July 1, 1987)
Judges must maintain professional competence by
b. Summary of duties of judges relative
being knowledgeable and obedient to the rules and circulars
to competence and diligence: issued by the Supreme Court. (Sanchez v. Alaan, etc. A.M.
1) Judicial duties take precedence over No. MTJ-04-1570, September 5, 2006)
all other activities. (Sec. 1, Canon 6, New Code)
2) To devote professional activity to
BAR: d. Gross ignorance of the law is failure
judicial duties. (Sec. 2, Ibid.)
to follow basic legal commands embodied in the law
and the Rules of court from which no one is excused capital offense without conducting the required hearing is
surely not a judge. (Fr. Guillen v. Judge Canon, A.M. No. guilty of ignorance or incompetence.
MTJ-01-1381, January 14, 2002) d. A judge was fined for issuing unjust orders and gross
Recent doctrines and illustrative cases: ignorance of the law. He failed to realize the difference
a. When the law transgressed is elementary, the between direct contempt which could be penalized
failure to know or observe it constitutes gross ignorance of summarily without notice and hearing and indirect contempt
the law. (Heirs of the late Justice J.B.L. Reyes v. Justice which requires that it be docketed, heard and decided
Demetria, et al., A.M. No. CA-01-32, January 23, 2002) separately from the principal action, unless duly
b. When inefficiency springs from a failure to consolidated. He ordered the arrest of individuals who were
consider a basic and elemental rule, a law or principle in the not among the defendants who purportedly violated a writ of
discharge of his duties, a judge is either too incompetent preliminary mandatory injunction without giving notice . (Fr.
and undeserving of he position and the title or is too vicious Guillen v. Judge Canon, A.M. No. MTJ-01-1381, January 14,
that the oversight or omission was deliberate due to bad 2002)
faith and in grave abuse of judicial authority. (Spouses
Monterola v. Judge Caoibes, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-01-1620, March BAR: e. Duty to act expeditiously.
18, 2002) Judges shall perform all judicial duties, including the delivery
c. For liability to arise for gross ignorance of the of reserved decisions, efficiently, fairly and with reasonable
law, the assailed order, decision or actuation in the promptness. (Sec. 5, Canon 6, New Code)
performance of official duties must not only be found to be All cases or matters filed after the effectivity of the
erroneous but, most importantly, it must be established that Constitution must be decided or resolved within twenty-four
he was moved by bad faith, dishonesty, hatred or some months from date of submission to the Supreme Court, and
other like motive. (Araos v. Judge Luna-Pison, etc., A. M. No. unless reduced by the Supreme Court, twelvemonths for all
RTJ-02-2677, February 28, 2002; Chiong v. Hon. Cosico, etc., A.
lower collegiate courts, and three months for all other lower
M. No. CA-02-33, July 31, 2002)
courts. [Sec. 15 (1), Article VIII, 1987 Constitution)
NOTE: The author does not agree with this
conclusion. Gross ignorance is lack of knowledge, it is
independent of bad faith, dishonesty, hatred or some other f. Duty to maintain decorum. Judges shall
like motive. The better rule would be to consider the bad maintain order and decorum in all proceedings before the
faith, dishonesty, hatred or some other like motive as the court and be patient, dignified and courteous in relation to
offense, and ignoring the law (which is different from gross litigants, witnesses, lawyers and others with whom the judge
ignorance of the law), as the means for showing the bad deals in an official capacity. Judges shall require similar
faith, etc. conduct of legal representatives, court staff and others
Thus, the Supreme Court in Te v. Judge Perez, etc., A. subject to their influence, direction or control. (Sec. 6, Canon
M. No. MTJ-00-1286, January 21, 2002 while conceding that 6, New Code)
judges cannot be faulted for honest lapses in judgment, A judge should be patient, attentive, and courteous to
also said that this defense has become shopworn through lawyers, especially the inexperienced, to litigants, witnesses,
overuse. It puts its foot down in declaring that the failure to and others appearing before the court. A judge should
give notice to the prosecution before granting the application avoid unconsciously falling into the attitude of mind that the
for bail or the granting thereof to a person charged with a litigants are made for the courts, instead of the courts for
litigants. (Rule 3.04, Old Code of Judicial Conduct, applied in a but also on the highest standard of integrity and moral
suppletory character) uprightness they are expected to possess. (Dawa v. De Asa)
A judge shall dispose of the court’s business e. It is gross misconduct, even outright
promptly and decide cases within the required periods. (Rule disrespect for the Supreme Court for a judge to exhibit
3.05, Ibid.) indifference to the resolutions requiring him to comment on
While a judge may to promote justice, prevent waste the accusations in a complaint. After all, a resolution of the
of time or clear up some obscurity, properly intervene in the Supreme Court should not be construed as a mere request,
presentation of evidence during the trial, it should always be and should be complied with promptly and completely.
borne in mind that undue interference may prevent the Such failure to comply accordingly betrays not only a
proper presentation of the cause or the ascertainment of recalcitrant streak in character, but also disrespect for the
truth. (Rule 3.06, Ibid.) Court’s lawful order and directive.
Recent doctrines and illustrative cases: Deliberate and continuous failure and refusal to comply
a. A judge should be courteous both in his with the resolution of the Supreme Court is misconduct and
conduct and in his language specially those appearing insubordination. (Re: Audit Report on Attendance of Court
before him. He can hold counsels to a proper appreciation Personnel of Regional Trial Court, Branch 32, Manila, A.M. No. P-
of their duties to the court, their clients and the public 04-1838, August 31, 2006, Formerly A.M. No. 03-11-641-RTC)
without being petty, arbitrary, overbearing and tyrannical.
Above all, he must conduct himself in such a manner that he g. Judge intervention in presentation of
gives no reason for reproach. A judge should avoid evidence. While a judge may to promote justice, prevent
impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all his waste of time or clear up some obscurity, properly intervene
activities. (Pros. Ruiz v. Judge Bringas, A.M. No. MTJ-00-1266, in the presentation of evidence during the trial, it should
April 6, 2000) always be borne in mind that undue interference may
b. A judge was admonished to exercise prevent the proper presentation of the cause or the
prudence and restraint in his language and sternly warned. ascertainment of truth. (Rule 3.06, Old Code, applied in a
During an administrative hearing he stated, among others, suppletory character)
“And it’s up to the Supreme Court to take action, as I am
emphasizing, stressing and capitalizing that justice delayed BAR: h. A judge may not participate
is justice denied, xxx I am already demoralized and lost faith
intensively in the examination of witnesses.
in the system xxx.” (Judge Pineza, etc., v. Aruelo, etc., A.M. No.
P-01-1522, July 30, 2002) Reasons:
c. The absence of malice or the presence of 1) An intensive participation by a judge in the
purity of motive is not a license to resort to inflammatory examination of witnesses may tend to prevent the proper
words to articulate grievances. All judges should always presentation of the cause, or ascertainment of the truth in
observe courtesy and civility. They should be temperate, respect thereto. (Canon 3.06, Code of Judicial Conduct)
patient and courteous both in conduct and language. 2) A judge must bear in mind that witnesses
(Judge Pineza, etc., v. Aruelo, etc., A.M. No. P-01-1522, July 30, may be easily intimidated by an overly inquisitive judge
2002) considering the unusual circumstances which they find
d. The people’s confidence in the judicial themselves in.. (People v. Ibasan, Sr., et al., 129 SCRA 712)
system is founded not only on the magnitude of legal
knowledge and the diligence of the members of the bench,
i. Instances where a judge may properly calendared for consideration by the
intervene in the presentation of evidence during House within ten session days from
the trial: receipt thereof.
1) to promote justice, 3. A vote of at least one-third of all the
2) prevent waste of time, or Members of the House shall be
3) clear up some obscurity. (Rule 3.06, necessary either to affirm a favorable
Code of Judicial Conduct) resolution with the Articles of
Impeachment of the Committee, or
C. DISCIPLINE OF MEMBERS OF THE override its contrary resolution. The vote
JUDICIARY of each Member shall be recorded.

1. Members of the Supreme Court 4. In case the verified complaint or

resolution of impeachment is filed by at
a) Impeachment. The Members of the least one-third of all the Members of the
Supreme Court “may be removed from office, on House, the same shall constitute the
impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violation of the Articles of Impeachment, and trial by the
Constitution, treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other Senate shall forthwith proceed.
high crimes, or betrayal of public trust.” (1987 Philippine
Constitution, Article XI, Sec. 2, 1st sentence, paraphrasing supplied) 5. No impeachment proceedings shall be
initiated against the same official more
Rules on impeachment: than once within a period of one year.
1. The House of Representatives shall have 6. The Senate shall have the sole power to
the exclusive power to initiate all cases of try and decide all cases of impeachment.
impeachment. When sitting for that purpose, the
2. A verified complaint for impeachment may Senators shall be on oath or affirmation.
be filed by any Member of the House of When the President of the Philippines is
Representatives or by any citizen upon a on trial, the Chief Justice of the Supreme
resolution or endorsement by any Court shall preside, but shall not vote. No
Member thereof, which shall be included person shall be convicted without the
in the Order of Business within ten concurrence of two-thirds of all the
session days, and referred to the proper Members of the Senate.
Committee within three session days 7. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall
thereafter. The Committee, after hearing, not extend further than removal from
and by a majority vote of all its Members, office and disqualification to hold any
shall submit its report to the House within office under the Republic of the
sixty session days from such referral, Philippines, but the party convicted shall
together with the corresponding nevertheless be liable and subject to
resolution. The resolution shall be
prosecution, trial, and punishment, 4) The Supreme Court has provided for
according to law. the manner by which the SALNs of its members shall
be “disclosed to the public.”
8. The Congress shall promulgate its rules
on impeachment to effectively carry out 5) Ethical lessons learned. The author
the purpose of this section. (Rules on submits that members of the judiciary, specially
Impeachment, Sec. 3) members of the Supreme Court, should take to mind
the description given to “Caesar’s wife.” They should
b) Ethical Lessons from Former Chief be “onion-skinned” and should always be “ultra
Justice Corona’s Impeachment sensitive” to public perception. “Judges shall ensure
that not only is their conduct above reproach, but
1) Former Chief Justice Renato Corona that it is perceived to be so in the view of a
was convicted by the Senate on May 29, 2012 with reasonable observer. “ (New Code of Conduct for the
a vote of two-thirds of all the Members of the Senate Philippine Judiciary, Canon 2, Sec. 1) Once there is a
(20 voted guilty, 3 voted not guilty, with 1 vacant widespread public perception, whether justified or
seat) for betrayal of public trust and/or culpable not, the author suggests that the judge or justice
violation of the constitution when he failed to disclose should make a personal sacrifice and immediately
to the public his statement of assets, liabilities, and resign. This is to save the Judiciary from damage
net worth as required under the constitution. that may be wrought by the media, whether
warranted or not.
2) The 1987 Philippine Constitution Likewise, they should always bear in mind
provides among others that, “A public officer or that, “The behavior and conduct of judges must
employee shall upon assumption of office and as reaffirm the people’s faith in the integrity of the
often thereafter as may be required by law, submit a Judiciary. “ (Ibid., Canon 1, Rule 2)
declaration under oath of his assets, liabilities and “A judge’s official conduct should be free from
net worth.” (Article XI, Sec. 17, 1st sentence) the appearance of impropriety, and his personal
With regard to the Supreme Court Justices, behavior, not only on the bench and in the
“the declaration shall be disclosed to the public in the performance of judicial duties, but also in his
manner provided by law.” (Ibid., 2nd sentence, everyday life should be beyond reproach.” (Old Code
paraphrasing supplied) of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3, applied in a suppletory
3) Rep. Act No. 3019, the Anti-Graft and The above suggestions and observations are
Corrupt Practices Law, has provided the manner by particularly true for Supreme Court Justices. As
which the submission known as the Statement of shown by subsequent events after the removal
Assets and Liabilities and Net Worth (SALN) shall be through impeachment of the former Chief Justice
“disclosed to the public.” Corona, the impeachment process could be
subverted. The damage done to the person and the
institution could not be remedied any more.
Finally, the author suggests that there should
devised another method for removing Supreme
Court Justices. The impeachment process is a (3) and the Canons of
political exercise that should find application only to Professional Ethics,
elective officials. (4) or for such other forms
of breaches of conduct that have been
2. Lower court judges and justices of the Court traditionally recognized as grounds for
of Appeals and Sandiganbayan (Rule 140) the discipline of lawyers. (A.M. No. 02-
9-02-SC, 1st par.)
a. How proceedings against judges and 3) supported
justices of courts lower than the Supreme Court a) by affidavits of person who
have personal knowledge of the facts alleged
are instituted. Proceedings for the discipline of judges of
regular and special courts and Justices of the Court of
b) or by documents which may
Appeals and the Sandiganbayan may be instituted
substantiate said allegations. (ROC, Rule 140,
1) motu proprio by the Supreme Court Sec. 1, 1st sentence, as amended by A.M. NO. 01-8-10-
2) or upon a verified complaint. (ROC, SC,paraphrasing, arrangement and numbering
Rule 140, Sec. 1, 1st sentence, as amended by A.M. NO. 01-8- supplied)
10-SC, paraphrasing, arrangement and numbering supplied)
c. Action on the complaint. If the complaint
3) or upon an anonymous complaint
is sufficient in form and substance, a copy thereof shall be
supported by public records of indubitable integrity.
(Ibid., 2nd sentence, paraphrasing supplied)
served upon the respondent, and he shall be required to
comment within ten (10) days from the date of service.
b. Requisites for the verified complaint.
Otherwise, the same shall be dismissed. (Ibid., Sec. 2,
1) The complaint shall be in writing arrangement and numbering supplied)
2) and shall state clearly and concisely d. By whom complaint investigated. Upon
the acts and omissions the filing of the respondent’s comment, or upon the
a) constituting violations of expiration of the time for filing the same and unless other
standards of conduct pleadings or documents are required, the Court shall refer
b) prescribed for Judges the matter to the Office of the Court Administrator for
(1) by law, evaluation, report, and recommendation or assign the case
(2) the Rules of Court, for investigation, report, and recommendation to a retired
(3) or the Code of Judicial member of the Supreme Court, if the respondent is a Justice
Conduct. (ROC, Rule 140, Sec. 1, as of the Court of Appeals and the Sandiganbayan, or to a
amended by A.M. NO. 01-8-10-SC,
paraphrasing, arrangement and numbering Justice of the Court of Appeals, if the respondent is a Judge
supplied) of a Regional Trial Court or of a special court of equivalent
c) grounds which are likewise rank, or to a Judge of the Regional Trial Court if the
grounds for the disciplinary action of respondent is a Judge of an inferior court. (Ibid., Sec. 2,
members of the Bar for violation of arrangement and numbering supplied)
(1) the Lawyer's Oath, e. Hearing. the investigating Justice or Judge
(2) the Code of Profes- shall set a day of the hearing and send notice thereof to
sional Responsibility, both parties. At such hearing the parties may present oral
and documentary evidence. If, after due notice, the
respondent fails to appear, the investigation shall proceed 8) Immorality;
ex parte. 9) Gross ignorance of the law or
The Investigating Justice or Judge shall terminate procedure;
the investigation within ninety (90) days from the date of its 10) Partisan political activities; and
commencement or within such extension as the Supreme 11) Alcoholism and/or vicious habits. (ROC,
Court may grant. (Ibid., Sec. 4, arrangement and numbering supplied) Rule 140, Sec. 8)
f. Report. Within thirty (30) days from the b. Grounds for less serious charges:
termination of the investigation, the investigating Justice or 1) Undue delay in rendering a decision
Judge shall submit to the Supreme Court a report containing or order, or in transmitting the records of a case;
findings of fact and recommendation. The report shall be 2) Frequently and unjustified absences
accompanied by the record containing the evidence and the without leave or habitual tardiness;
pleadings filed by the parties. The report shall be 3) Unauthorized practice of law;
confidential and shall be for the exclusive use of the Court. 4) Violation of Supreme Court rules,
(Ibid., Sec. 5, arrangement and numbering supplied) directives, and circulars;
g. Action. The Court shall take such action on 5) Receiving additional or double
the report as the facts and the law may warrant. (Ibid., Sec. 6, compensation unless specifically authorized by law;
arrangement and numbering supplied) 6) Untruthful statements in the certificate
of service; and
3. Grounds. The grounds for disciplinary action 7) Simple Misconduct. (ROC, Rule 140, Sec.
against a Justice of the Court of Appeals, the 9)
Sandiganbayan, or the Court of Appeals, Court of Tax
Appeals, or a Judge of a Regional Trial Court or of a c. Grounds for light charges:
Municipal Trial Court, may be classified into grounds for 1) Vulgar and unbecoming conduct;
serious charges, less serious charges and light charges. 2) Gambling in public;
3) Fraternizing with lawyers and litigants
a. Grounds for serious charges: with pending case/cases in his court; and
1) Bribery, direct or indirect; 4) Undue delay in the submission of
2) Dishonesty and violations of the Anti- monthly reports. (ROC, Rule 140, Sec. 10)
Graft and Corrupt Practices Law (R.A. No. 3019);
3) Gross misconduct constituting 4. Impeachment (ethical aspects)
violations of the Code of Judicial Conduct;
4) Knowingly rendering an unjust
judgment or order as determined by a competent
5. Sanctions imposed by the Supreme Court on
court in an appropriate proceeding; erring members of the Judiciary
5) Conviction of a crime involving moral D. DISQUALIFICATION OF JUSTICES AND
turpitude; JUDGES (RULE 137)
6) Willful failure to pay a just debt;
7) Borrowing money or property from 1. Compulsory
lawyers and litigants in a case pending before the
court; 2. Voluntary
to act on a set of facts presented to him and determine
BAR: a. Judges shall disqualify whether or not there is probable cause to charge the
themselves from participating in any proceedings accused.
in which they are unable to decide the matter The prohibition is thus not limited to cases in which a
judge hears the evidence of the parties but includes as well
impartially or in which it may appear to a
cases where his acts be resolving motions, issuing orders
reasonable observer that they are unable to decide and the like. (Mayor Sales v. Judge Calvan, etc., A.M. No. MTJ-
the matter impartially. Such proceedings include, 00-1331, February 27, 2002)
but are not limited to, instances where:
a. The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning BAR: b. The authority for voluntary
a party or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts
inhibition is found in the 2nd par., of Rule 137 of the
concerning the proceeding;
b. The judge previously served as a lawyer or
Rules of Court, “A judge may, in the exercise of his sound
discretion, disqualify himself from sitting in a case, for just or
was a material witness in the matter in controversy;
valid reasons other than those mentioned above.”
c. The judge or a member of his or her family,
The authority for voluntary inhibition does not give
has an economic interest in the outcome of the matter in
the judge the unfettered discretion to decide whether or not
he will desist from hearing a case. The inhibition must be
d. The judge served as executor, administrator,
for just and valid causes. The mere imputation of bias or
guardian, trustee or lawyer in the case or matter in
partiality is not enough grounds for a judge to inhibit,
controversy, or a former associate of the judge served as
especially when the same is without any basis.
counsel during their association, or the judge or lawyer was
4.1 Voluntary inhibition or discretionary inhibition.
material witness therein;
Note that the grounds are not exclusive and a judge could
e. The judge’s ruling in a lower court is the subject
voluntarily inhibit himself when it is made of record that a
of review;
judge might be induced to act in favor of one party or with
f. The judge is related by consanguinity or affinity to
bias or prejudice against a litigant arising out of
a party litigant within the sixth civil degree or to counsel
circumstances reasonably capable of inciting such a state
within the fourth civil degree;
of mind. (Pimentel v. Salanga, 21 SCRA 160, 167-168)
g. The judge knows that his or her spouse or child
has a financial interest, as heir, legatee, creditor, fiduciary or
otherwise, in the subject matter in controversy or in a party BAR: c. What are the kinds of inhibition
to the proceeding, or any other interest that could be and disqualification of judges ?
substantially affected by the outcome of the proceedings. SUGGESTED ANSWER: There are two kinds of
(Sec. 5, Canon 3, New Code ; 1 st par., Sec. 1, Rule 137, Rule of inhibition: compulsory and voluntary.
Court) Compulsory disqualification conclusively assumes
The above are the instances of compulsory that a judge cannot actively or impartially sit on a case for
inhibition which conclusively presumes that a judge the reasons therein stated therein.
cannot actively or impartially sit on a case. Voluntary inhibition leaves to the judge’s discretion
whether he should desist from sitting in a case for other just
3.1 The disqualification of judges applies to the
and valid reasons with only his conscience to guide him.
preliminary investigation stage where the judge would have
(Amarillo, Jr. v. People, G. R. No. 153650, August 31, 2006)
Masadao and Elizaga, Re: Criminal Case No. 49540-M; 155
BAR: d. Judges shall disqualify SCRA 78-79) (1986)
Recent doctrines and illustrative cases:
themselves from participating in any proceeding
where The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning a a. Grant of bail by a judge does not establish
party or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts allegations of bias and partiality. Divergence of opinion as
concerning the proceeding. [Sec. 5 (a), Canon 3, New Code) to applicable laws and jurisprudence between counsel and
Concepts tested in previous Bar Examinations: the judge is not a proper ground for disqualification.
a. A judge should not try a case where he has Opinions framed in the course of judicial proceedings,
personally witnessed the accused stabbing the victim. although erroneous, as long as they are based on the
Reason: Judges should disqualify themselves where they evidence presented and conduct observed by the judge, do
have personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts not prove bias or prejudice. Repeated rulings against a
concerning the proceeding. [Sec. 5 (a), Canon 3, New litigant no matter how erroneous are not bases for
Code) Such personal knowledge may result to actual bias disqualification. In fact, the parties could have appealed the
and prejudice as well result to a resolution of the case on order granting bail if they doubted the legality thereof. Such
grounds that have not been presented in evidence. (2004) appeal constitutes adequate remedy in law. (People v. Kho, et
al., G.R. No. 139381, April 20, 2001)
b. The mere fact that a counsel who is
appearing before a judge was one of those who b. As held in Orola v. Alovera, G.R. No. 111074,
recommended him to the Bench is not a valid ground from July 14, 2000, when a judge exhibits actions that give rise,
voluntary inhibition. “Utang na loob”, per se, should not be a fairly or unfairly, to the perceptions of bias, such faith and
hindrance to the administration of justice. Nor should confidence are eroded, and he has no choice but to inhibit
recognition of such value prevent the performance of judicial himself voluntarily. A judge may not be legally prohibited
duties. However, where the judge admits that he may be from sitting in a litigation, but when circumstances appear
suspected of surrendering to the persuasions of utang na that will induce doubt on his honest actuation and probity in
loob, and he may even succumb to it considering that he favor of either party, or incite such state of mind, he should
“and members of his family, no less shall ever remain conduct a careful self-examination. He should exercise his
obliged in eternal gratitude to” the recommending counsel, discretion in a way that the people’s faith in the courts of
the judge should inhibit himself. (Query of Executive Judge justice is not impaired. The better course for the judge is to
Estrella T. Estrada, etc., Adm. Matter No. 87-9-3918-RTC, disqualify himself. (Latorre v. Ansaldo, A.M. No. RTJ-00-1563,
October 26, 1987; Masadao and Elizaga, Re: Criminal Case No. May 31, 2001)
49540-M; 155 SCRA 78-79) (1989)
c. A judge should not be disqualified because BAR: e. May a judge who, prior to
he was a classmate of one of the counsels if there is no his appointment as such, appeared as counsel de
proof that such relationship results to actual bias or oficio for the accused in a criminal cases only for
prejudice. Reason: To allow disqualification would purposes of arraignment, be compulsorily
unnecessarily burden other trial judges to whom the case disqualified from hearing the criminal case after
will be assigned. Confusion would result, because a judge
his appointment as a judge ? It appears that the
would then be barred from sitting in a case whenever one of
his former classmates (and he could have many) appeared.
appearance was made in the absence of the
(Vda. De Bonifacio v. B.L.T. Bus Co., Inc., 34 SCRA 618; counsel de parte.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: There is no ground for Judges shall disqualify themselves from
compulsory disqualification. The participation was limited participating in any proceedings in which they are
only to appraising the accused of the consequences of his unable to decide the matter impartially or in which
plea. Prior to and subsequent to the arraignment, the it may appear to a reasonable observer that they
accused had a counsel de parte. Accordingly, there is no are unable to decide the matter impartially. Such
basis for compulsory disqualification. (Amarillo, Jr. v. People,
G. R. No. 153650, August 31, 2006)
proceedings include, but are not limited to,
instances where:
BAR: f. It is not proper for a judge to xxx xxx
recuse himself because the defendant in a case xxx xxx
pending before the judge previously charged him c. The judge or a member of his or her
before the Office of the Ombudsman. Reasons. family, has an economic interest in the outcome of
The party litigants would be able to choose the judge the matter in controversy;
who would try their case. xxx xxx
The rationale behind the rule is that, “…if on xxx xxx
every occasion that the party apparently aggrieved f. The judge is related by consanguinity or
would be allowed to either stop the proceedings in affinity to a party litigant within the sixth civil
order to await the final decision on the desired degree or to counsel within the fourth civil degree;
disqualification, or demand the immediate inhibition of g. The judge knows that his or her spouse or
the judge on the basis alone of his being so charged, child has a financial interest, as heir, legatee,
may cases would have to be kept pending or perhaps creditor, fiduciary or otherwise, in the subject
there would not be enough judges to handle all the matter in controversy or in a party to the
cases pending in all courts.” (Cruz, Jr. v. Judge Joven, etc., proceeding, or any other interest that could be
A.M. No. MTJ-00-1270, January 23, 2001 citing People v. substantially affected by the outcome of the
Serrano, 203 SCRA 171) proceedings. (Sec. 5, Canon 3, New Code ; 1 st par., Sec. 1,
Rule 137, Rule of Court, rephrasing supplied)
g. A judge’s family includes a judge’s spouse, Concepts tested in previous Bar Examinations.
son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, and any 1. A judge could not participate in a case where his
other relative by consanguinity or affinity within the son is one of the counsels.
sixth civil degree, or any person who is a 2. Mere filing of an administrative case against
companion or employee of the judge and who lives a judge is not a ground for disqualifying him from
in the judge’s household. (3rd par., Definitions, New Code) hearing a case. (Sps. De Guzman v. Judge Pamintuan,
A.M.No. RTJ-02-1736)
Judges shall not participate in the
determination of a case in which any member of
their family represents a litigant or is associated in BAR: h. Remittal of disqualification. A
any manner with the case. (Sec. 4, Canon 4, New Code) situation where a judge, who is otherwise disqualified from
hearing a case may, instead of withdrawing from the
proceeding, disclose on the records the basis of
disqualification. If based on such disclosure, the parties
and lawyers independently of the judge' participation, all
agree in writing that the reason for the inhibition is
immaterial or unsubstantial, the judge may then participate
in the proceeding. The agreement signed by all the parties 1. An MTC judge convicted the client of
and the lawyers shall be incorporated in the record of the lawyer X. It is clear from the evidence that the
proceedings. (Rule 3.13, Canon 3, Code of Judicial Conduct) Honorable Judge’s decision was evidently
rendered in gross ignorance of the law. Should
E. POWERS AND DUTIES OF COURTS AND Atty. X file an administrative charge against the
JUDICIAL OFFICERS (RULE 135) judge on this basis?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, Atty. X should instead
F. COURT RECORDS AND GENERAL DUTIES appeal the case, and if it is found that the judge acted in
OF CLERKS AND STENOGRAPHERS (RULE 136) gross ignorance of the law, then administrative charges may
be proffered against him. Administrative disciplinary action
G. LEGAL FEES (RULE 141) against judge not available if there is a judicial remedy.
Administrative action is not the appropriate remedy for every
1. Manner of payment irregular or erroneous order or decision issued by a judge
where a judicial remedy is available, such as a motion for
reconsideration, an appeal, or a petition for certiorari.
2. Fees in lien REASONS:
a. Disciplinary proceedings against a judge are not
3. Persons authorized to collect legal fees complementary or suppletory of, nor a substitute for, the
judicial remedies, whether ordinary or extraordinary. If the
judge’s challenged act is found to be correct, there would be
no occasion to proceed against him administratively.
H. COSTS b. To hold a judge administratively accountable for
every erroneous ruling or decision he renders, assuming
1. Recovery of costs (Rule 142) that he has erred would be nothing short of harassment and
would make his position doubly unbearable. No one is
infallible in trying a case or interpreting the law in the
a) Prevailing party
process of administering justice. Sps. De Guzman v. Judge
Pamintuan, A.M.No. RTJ-02-1736)
b) Dismissed appeal or action
2. In the absence of fraud, dishonesty, or corruption,
c) Frivolous appeal the acts of a judge in his judicial capacity are generally not
subject to disciplinary action, even though such acts are
d) False allegations erroneous. For administrative liability to attach it must be
established that the respondent judge was moved by bad
e) Non-appearance of witness faith, dishonesty, hatred or some other motive. (Chiong v.
Hon. Cosico, etc., A. M. No. CA-02-33, July 31, 2002; Sps. De improper or unlawful conduct motivated by a premeditated,
Guzman v. Judge Pamintuan, A.M. No. RTJ-02-1736)) obstinate or intentional purpose. To justify the taking of
drastic disciplinary action, the law requires that the error or
3. Bad faith does not simply connote bad judgment or mistake must be gross or patent, malicious, deliberate or in
negligence; it imputes a dishonest purpose or some moral bad faith. (Araos v. Judge Luna-Pison, etc., A.M. No. RTJ-02-
obliquity and conscious doing of a wrong; a breach of a 2677, February 28, 2002)
sworn duty through some motive or intent or ill-will; it
partakes of the nature of fraud. It contemplates a state of 8. For serious misconduct to warrant a
mind affirmatively operating with furtive design or some dismissal from the service, there must be reliable
motive of self -interest or ill-will for ulterior purposes. (Ang v. evidence showing that the judicial acts complained of
Judge Asis, A.M. No. RTJ-00-1590, January 15, 2002; Mina v.
were corrupt or inspired by an intention to violate the
Judge Gatdula, A.M. No.MTJ-00-1264, February 4, 2002; Chiong
v. Hon. Cosico, etc., A.M. No. CA-02-33, July 31, 2002) law. it must
a. be serious, important, weighty, momentary, and
4. Evident bad faith connotes a manifest not trifling;
deliberate intent on the part of the respondent to do wrong b. imply wrongful intention and not mere error of
or cause damage. (Ang v. Judge Asis, A.M. No. RTJ-00-1590, judgment; and
January 15, 2002; Mina v. Judge Gatdula, A.M. No.MTJ-00-1264, c. have a direct relation to and be connected with
February 4, 2002; Chiong v. Hon. Cosico, etc., A.M. No. CA-02- the performance of his duties. (Re: Complaint of Dr. Virata
33, July 31, 2002) against Judge Supnet, A.M. No. 02-2-12-SC, November 27, 2002)

5. A judge will be held administratively liable for BAR: 9. State very briefly the remedy or
rendering an unjust judgment – one which is contrary to law remedies available under the 1987 Constitution and
or jurisprudence or is not supported by evidence – when he present laws and procedures for administratively
acts in bad faith, malice, revenge or some other similar
disciplining the following persons on grounds of
motive. It must be shown beyond reasonable doubt that the
judgment is and that it was made with a conscious and
gross immorality and serious misconduct in
deliberate intent to so an injustice. (Araos v. Judge Luna- relation to the functions of their respective offices:
Pison, etc., A.M. No. RTJ-02-2677, February 28, 2002) (b) A Judge of a Regional Trial Court.
(c) An Associate Justice of the Court of
6. The doctrine of res ipsa loquitur is applied Appeals.
where the actuations on their face show gross (d) An Associate of the Supreme Court. (Bar:
incompetence, gross ignorance of the law or gross 1986 adapted)
misconduct. [The Consolidated and Trust Corporation SUGGESTED ANSWER: Under the 1987
(Solidbank), v. Capistrano, 159 SCRA 47] Constitution the Supreme Court en banc shall have the
power to discipline judges of lower courts, or order their
7. Misconduct is defined as any unlawful conduct dismissal by a vote of a majority of the members who
on the part of the person concerned in the administration of actually took part in the deliberations on the issues in the
justice prejudicial to the rights of the parties or to the right case and voted. (Sec. 11, Article VIII, 1987 Constitution)
determination of the cause. it generally means wrongful,
Administrative complaints against Judges of a
Regional Trial Court and Associate Justices of the Court of
Appeals shall be filed with Supreme Court. The complaint
shall be in writing and shall set out, distinctly, clearly and
concisely the acts and omissions violative of standards of
conduct prescribed for Judges by law, Rules of Court, and
the Code of Judicial Conduct. The complaint shall be sworn AND SEE YOU AT P.I.C.C.
to and supported by affidavits of persons who have personal
knowledge of the acts therein alleged, and shall be
accompanied by copies of documents which may
substantive said facts. (Sec. 1, Rule 140, ROC)
Justices of the Supreme Court must first be
prosecuted under the regular courts and once convicted
may be removed from office, on impeachment for, and
conviction of, culpable violation of the Constitution, treason,
bribery, graft and corruption, other high crimes, or betrayal
of public trust. (Sec. 2, Art. XI, 1987 Constitution)
A verified complaint for impeachment is filed, and if
the Articles of Impeachment is affirmed, it is then transmitted
to the Senate which conducts the hearings.

10. Describe the nature of administrative

penalties. Do they take away the future of the
respondent judge and take away from him any
further opportunity for career advancement or
promotion ? Explain briefly.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Administrative penalties
do not play the final strains of the valkyrian chant to a public
career, judicial or otherwise. It is for the respondent judge,
by subsequently demonstrating his true worth through
observance of judicial standards, to vindicate himself from a
misjudgment which is the heritage of the heedless and to
rise to higher levels which is the destiny of the deserving.
(dela Cruz v. Judge Bersamira, etc., A.M. No. RTJ-00-1567,
January 19, 2001)

11. Administrative cases against erring

members of the judiciary are automatically treated as
disciplinary action cases as members of the bar. (2005)

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