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Quarter 1

My name is Peeraya Rujjanavet or you can call me Mini for short. My favorite hobbies is
listening to the music and now I read the book called “A Series of Unfortunate Events”. I’m
interested in Ceramics and Chemistry classes. My favorite food is dumpling either fried or
steamed dumpling. My favorite movie of all time is Harry Potter. I like the song called Rather Be
by Clean Bandit. Dog is my favorite animals. I have 6 dogs in my house. I like to work alone
because I can do the work all by my idea and don’t have to wait for other people to do the work.
My learning style is visual and logical. I’ll understand easily when I see the picture. The main
reason I chose accounting is that I want to apply to BBA. Accounting is one of the subjects I
have to study in university. I wanted to prepare for it. The thing I want to learn from this course
is the basic information of accounting because I don’t really know about accounting and it would
be nice to know the basic stuff before the university level. I really want to get in BBA, MUIC that
what I want to achieve this year. I would like you to know that I like to have the discussion and a
lot of activities in class. I would like to study in MUIC next year and in next ten years, I would like
to work in the big company.
Good profile Mini, thank you. This course will prepare you for MUIC.
Q1 Lesson 2.1 ; August 15,2018

In the past last week, I have learned about the 5 aspected to the ACCA formal, the
differences between accounting records and accounting report, the accounting information, and
the Net Worth Statement. The 5 aspected to the ACCA are planning, recording, analyzing,
interpreting and report. From those aspect, the definition of the accounting means the process
of planning, recording, analyzing, interpreting and report financial information. The differences
between accounting records and accounting report are that the accounting records is the soured
information and the accounting report is summarize and analyze information for a period of time.
The receipts for sales, the payroll, and the invoices are all accounting record. The accounting
information can be seen by shareholder, customer, business owner, supply, staff, bank
managers and etc. as they work for the business. The Net Worth Statement will show you the
asset, liability and the equity. Asset is anything of values that is owned. The liability is debt, an
amount owed. The equity also know as owners equity and stockholder equality is the difference
between the assets and liabilities in a business. The Net Worth can find by subtract liability from
asset. Two thing I would particular like to learn, the first one is the statement in any kind
because I want to know how to read it and the second one is about record transaction as
nowadays we pay thing in credit/debit card more than cash. I don’t have anything I’m not
interested to learn. I think all the thing you teach me can be adapt in the future.

RQ1; August 22,2018

The scenario in which I as a non-accounting might use the accounting is when I manage
my money. Managing the money for me, it’s kind of accounting because I have to know the
thing I spend and the money I have left. In my daily life when I wanted to buy something, I will
think first before I buy it. Also, I plan for my future. I got my money from my parents weekly. So, I
have to plan for all week that I will have enough money before the end of the week. This two
things is the scenario that I as a non-accounting involve with accounting.

Ethics in Business; August 24,2018

The Worldcom Scandal Company had the inflated assets to almost $11 billion. The
individuals involved in this losts, 30,000 people lost their jobs, the investors lost $180 billion in
the investion. It happened from they underreported the line costs and using fake accounting
entries. They got caught by having uncovered over $3.8 billion in fraud. The penalties for the
CEO, Bernie Ebbers, was fired and the company filed for bankruptcy and sentenced to 25 years
for fraud.

What advice would you give to a friend who wanted to save a large amount of money in a
Bank? ; August 28, 2018

My recommendation for my friend is to saving a larger amount of money, find the bank
that earn more interest and saving for a long period of time. Firstly, saving a larger amount of
money because the more money you put in, the more interest you get from the bank. Secountly,
find the bank that earn more interest because you will get more money back from the money
you saving. Lastly, saving for a long period of time because as you save the money in the bank,
you will get the interest back in each year.

Think of unethical situations you have seen in school. Tell me why you think these situations
were unethical?; August 31, 2018
The unethical situation in the school that I have seen is dye your hair, tardies and cut the
lines in cafeteria. Firstly dye the hair, some people in the school dried their hair and the dean of
student didn’t collect their names. Secountly tardies, when people come in late and teachers
didn’t notice. Lastly people are cutting the line in the cafeteria and people that are in the lines
didn’t see them.
What does the ACCA mean by integrity. How might applying the principle of integrity help you
as a student? My class expectations are based on integrity- what do I mean?; Sep 5, 2018
The meaning of the integrity by ACCA is “straightforward and honest in all
professional and business relationships”. As we study sometimes we have to work in group, we
should integrity to our friends because if we’re not honest and do something behind their back
that is not how we do the group work. The class expectations are based on integrity means that
we should be honest with the teacher and also to the classmate.

Why is accounting called the language of business?

Accounting is the language of business because in the business, people normally use
the accounting terms to communicate. When you work in business, you really need to know the
business term even reading the financial statement. If not you can’t control the business and
people because you don’t understand what are they talking.

For me, to remember the account that are increases debit and credit is to think in
physically. For example, when you spend the money, you use the money in an account. The
debit in the left side will definitely increased. Also, when you sell the stuff, you will gain the
income from it. The credit that in the right side will be increased. This probably be the easiest
way for me to remember the account that are increases the debit and credit.

How might you evaluate the financial health of a business based on the accounting equation?;
Sep 27, 2018
To evaluate the financial health of a business based on the accounting equation is to
look at the liability that are on the left side of the equation. ​Liabilities are on the right side, assets
are on the left.​ If the liabilities is more than the assets that are on the right, that means that the
business health of this business is not good. If the asset is more than liability, it means that the
financial health is good. But for the starter business, at first the liability might be more than the
asset but then later on, the asset might be increasing.

Can numbers tell you everything you need to know to make financial or business decisions?:
Sep 28, 2018
The numbers can’t tell everything I need to know to make financial or business decision
because there are also other factor that include to make the business decisions. The
background and the experience of the owners can be one of the big factor because if you trust
only the high income company but there is no experience about business before. The company
might not be trustworthy. So, the number can really tell you everything to make the business
decision. ​Good answer

Good answers Mini, some very helpful explanations. Score 100%

Quarter 2
Oct 17, 2018
What was your goal and what was your actual result?
The goals is to as best as I can. The actual results are 83% and 86%.
What did you do well?
I did well on the T account and on True or false
What didn’t you do so well
I didn’t do so well on determining the increase, decrease, and normal balance side for
Why do you think you did some things well and other things not so well?
Because I got confused during the exam about the credit and debit of each account.
What could you differently to help you prepare better for the next quiz or test?
Do more exercise to prepare for the test question.
Is there anything I might be able to do to help you prepare better?
having more class group review activity.

Oct 18, 2018

Student dorm source document
For the student dorm, they use Invoice and receipt for the student document. The invoice
will be use when they give the monthly payment and the receipt after we did the payment.
Nov 5, 2018
Auditing for Errors
The third T account analysis is incorrect because both credits of Supplies and Accounts
Payable - Northstar Supplies is increasing. I needed to use the source document to determined
the correct T account. Then to correct it, cross the third line of incorrect information and write the
correct information in the new line.
Good answer

Nov 8, 2018
Complete the critical thinking exercise itunes on page 57 of your textbook.
1) When itunes sells a song or movie, it must record the transaction in accounts. Which
accounts might iTunes use when it sells a song for cash?
- Sales % Cash
2) What accounts might iTunes use when it has shipping costs on account?
- Computer expense, Internet Expense & Electricity expense

How might identifying a target market help you improves sales?

Identifying a target market helps to create a product and design it to suit your major
customer, know where to sell it, can set the suitable price, and to choose the specific group to
advertise. As you create the product that suit for your specific group, there will be more
customer to gain attention with it.

Nov 29, 2018

1) List the actual of cash and equivalents and accounts receivable for ​Nike​ for 31st May
a) cash and equivalents: $1,955,000,000
b) accounts receivable: $ 3,138,000,000

2) List the Total Revenue and Gross Profit for Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc for 10th June
a) Total Revenue: $ 466,841,000
b) Gross Profit: $ 178,357,000

How will you decide the price for your product?

I will decide the price from cost of the product and add it with the profit to make the
reasonable price. Also, as my group made the surveys and see the trend of the price. It will
support that the price we set are reasonable.
Student Market Reflection
I and my friends (Chin, Volk, and Mew) sell ​shredded pork with sticky rice and ​Butterfly
Pea juice with lime to represent Thailand. I help the group since creating the poster, buying the
stuff, setting the booth, and selling it. All of us went to Makro together to get the plates, forks,
and glasses. Then, in the morning of the International Day, we printed the poster that I made to
put around the booth and start selling in the evening. The most important thing I’ve learned
about myself from taking part in the market is communication skills because I have to plan the
work with my group. As this is my first year of doing student market, I see that it’s very important
to talk with my group to have the same direction of the thing we are going to do and sell. After
we have the same direction, we barely have the argument about the idea because we all
already accept the plan. I think I gave the best effort with prepare and set up thing for student
market because I help the team to do anything as I can but I’m not doing really good during the
selling time because I have to help my another group from Marketing class selling too. So, I
have to go back and forth to help both of my team. I think I would do better to help them selling
if I can manage my time properly. The problems that I encounter while I was working is that it’s
hard to attract the customer with our product. So, I and my team solve this problem by making
many ​shredded pork with sticky rice in one of the time instead o​f making it per order. It makes
customer see the product and want to buy it.

Your Team
The most important thing I’ve learned from my team from taking part in the market
compromise skills because during the planning, it’s happened that we didn’t think the same way.
It’s ended by we listening to others point of view and think which idea is better from the group.
So, the solution will be the one that everyone is agreed and we have no concern after talking.
The things that my team do well are teamwork and good communication. As we listening to
others in the group, we have the same direction to do the work. So, we help each other on
everything that we can do. Moreover, during the sell, we plan that we will separate into two
groups. Chin and Folk sell ​shredded pork with sticky rice. I and Mew sell ​Butterfly Pea juice with
lime​. We also have good communication because we reach out to each other in order to know
what we have to deal with every situation which makes all of us be on the same page. My team
could do better if we prepare the stuff better than this time. It’s turn out that we still miss some of
the equipment such as the small measuring cup that will help us making the ​Butterfly Pea juice
with lime. It makes us take more time to make each cup of a drink.

Name: Mini
Role: Making poster and surveys, buy the stuff and, Sellers
Main contributions to the team: I helped on planning session and setup.
Somethings I could do better: If I manage the time during the sell properly than this time.
Performance Score: 9

Name: Mew
Role: buy the stuff and, Sellers
Main contributions to the team: She planned for the equipment we needed.
Somethings she could do better: She could help more with the booth setup.
Performance Score: 9

Name: Chin
Role: buy the stuff and, Sellers
Main contributions to the team: He also helped on planning session and setup.
Somethings he could do better: There is one time that he make decision by himself. It would be
better to listen to other people decision too.
Performance Score: 9

Name: Volk
Role: buy the stuff and, Sellers
Main contributions to the team: He prepared the stuff for selling.
Somethings he could do better: He could give more of his opinion during the discussion.
Performance Score: 9
Peeraya Rujjanavet
Supavit Luankosol
Nichaporn Rongkavilit
Chin Dejkajohnwud
1. Does the Stock Market ever close and how does it work?
2. What is the technique to invest in the good stock selection?
3. What is your policy to protect the information of the market?
1. How to manage the big amount of money in the Bank?
2. How are Thailand exchange rate set?
3. How do you think the Thai economy will perform after the election?

Jan 11, 2019

1. Are more potential customers viewing the advertisement?
No because according to the trendline, less customers are viewing the advertisement
The click through rate in chart one shows that it’s decreasing from 1.10% in January to 0.60% in
december of the next year.
2. Is the increasing money spent on advertising resulting in more potential customers
accessing the company’s ecommerce site?
No, as can be seen from the trendline, less customers visit the site irrespective of the spending
on advertising. Advertising expenses were increasing but the click through rate drops more than
3. Should the company continue to pay for online advertising? What other information
would u need?
The decision should be making from the sales revenue rather than site visit alone.
I would need the information about the sell from customer that follow from the advertisement.
These would help to make the decision that should they still pay for the advertisement. ​Good

Feb 7, 2019
How to make more effective Powerpoint Presentation
- The things I’ll do is ​useless text on the slide, ​speak clearly, move around, nice gesture,
and have the eye contact.
- The things I’ll not do is to put a lot of text in it, doesn't understand the presentation and
stand still during the presentation.

I’ll prepare the presentation the earliest as I can, so I don’t have to rush before the
presentation. But before doing that, I’ve to bullet the idea and make the script for it. In the
presentation, I’ll only use the keyword in it and a lot of picture to make it easier for the audience
to understand. After I finished doing the presentation, I will use the script I’ve made and
rehearse with the presentation I’ve made. During I’m doing that I can see my mistake on
presentation and my script. So, I can change it before doing the real presentation. I’ll practice
again and again so that my presentation will go smoothly.

Good points.

Feb 11, 2019

Do you think correcting entries are necessary when using excel Spreadsheets or
accounting Software?
The correcting Entries are still necessary when using the Excel because it’s the same
way as journal it on the paper. Thus, the Excel Spreadsheets make you notice the incorrect part
easily because there is the autosum that show the incorrect sum.

Feb 13, 2019

31-May-11 31-May-10

Total Assets 14,998 14,419

Total Liabilities 5,155 4,665

Total current liabilities 3958 3364

Long-Term debt 276 446

Deferred income taxes and other liabilities 921 855

Commitments and Contingencies - -

Redeemable preferred stock - -

Total Shareholder’s equity 9,843 9,754

Total Liabilities + Shareholder's equity 14,998 14,419

As can be seen from the table above, the total Assets for 2011 are $14,998, which is equal to the
sum of the Total Liablities ($ 5,155) and Shareholder's Equity ($ 4,665). The total Assets for 2010 are
$14,419, which is equal to the sum of the Total Liablities ($ 4,665) and Shareholder's Equity ($ 9,754) for
that year. The accounting equation is balanced.
Good clear answer table. You really should answer in words also, by explaining the table in
words, to get full marks at university.
Feb 22, 2019

This is a bar chart comparing between the revised definition rape rate and legacy rape
rate between the of 1997 to 2016.

This bar graph show the Violent crime rate in the U.S. from 1997 to 2016 and per 100
April 5, 2019
Now that it’s over, I already get in BE MUIC. So, I will spend my holiday before
the university start by traveling and watching Netflix all day. I think I will miss my friends
and wish to see them in the future. I’ll definitely come back to visit the school since I will
study in MUIC, I can easily come here.
Good answers throughout Mini. All the very best at MUIC. I am sure you will do well, you always
work hard. I hope you also enjoy it. Good luck, Kevin

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