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Soal malaria

1. Which of the following antimalarial drugs causes a dose-dependent toxic state that
includes flushed and sweaty skin, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, tinnitus, blurred
vision, and impaired hearing :
A. amodiaquine C. pyrimethamine E. sulfadoxin
B. primaquine D. quinine
Answer : D

2.4. A traveler in a geographical region where chloroquine-resistant P.falciparum is

endemic used a drug for prophylaxis but nevertheless developed a severe attack of
P.vivax malaria :

2. The drug taken for chemoprophylaxis was probably :

A. sulfadoxine C. metronidazol E. quinine
B. mefloquine D. primaquine
Answer : B

3. Which of the following drugs should be used for oral treatment of acute attack of
P.vivax ?
A. chloroquine C. primaquine E.
B. mefloquine D. pyrimethamine-sulfadoxine
Answer : A

4. Which of the following drugs should be given later to eradicate schizonts and
latent hypnozoites in the patient’s liver :
A. artemisinin C. primaquine E. sulfadoxine
B. dfoxycycline D. proguanil

5. A 35-year old man, who frequently back-packs, complains of severe fatigue,

nausea, vomiting, stomach cram and darken urine. His skin looked jaundice. Lab
results Hb 9.2 g%, Bilirubin indirect 4.3 and . His blood smear shows fragmented
erythrocyte and also indicate that he is infected with P.vivax. He had treated with
a drug. Which one of the following antimalarial drugs is most likely to have
caused his symptoms ?
A. pyrimethamine C. chloroquine E. primaquine
B. artemisinin D. quinine
Answer : E

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