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Title : Lines and Tube In Radiology

Writer : Lecturio Medical Education

Source : youtube

Post date : September, 26rd 2019

Summery :

There are many different lines and tubes that can be placed within a patient
for a variety of different reasons, let's review with some of these lines and tubes
can look like so that you're able to recognize them.

Lines and Tubes is a Endotracheal Tube(ETT), Tracheostomy, Nassogastric Tube

(NG Tube), Dobhoff Tube, Central Lines, Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter
(PICC Line), Swan-Ganz Catheter, and Chest Tube.

1. ETT (endotracheal tube) is installed for patiens who cannot breathe on

their own and this is used as a temporary measure for patients in the
 ETT tip should the 3-5 cm superior to the carina.
 Neck fleion/etension can move the tip 2 cm and down.
2. Tracheostomy
 The tip is abot 3 cm superior to carina.
 It is not affected by fleion/etension.
 Complications inclde tracheal perforation (acte) or stenosis (chronic).

3. Nassogastric Tube (NG Tube) is uses short term feeding or med

administration and decompression in patients with bowel obstruction.
Placement of NGTube installation in tip and side port in stomach, beyond
the GEJ.
4. Dobhoff Tube is uses longer term feeding. The Placement of the dobhoff
tube in tip duodenm or jejunum is ideal although often placed in stomach
and placement assisted gidewire to help positioning.

5. Central Lines is a type of catheter that is placed in a large vein that allows
multiple IV fluids to be given and blood to be drawn.

6. Peripheral Inserted Central Catheter (PICC). A PICC is a thin, flexible

tube that is inserted into a vein in the upper arm and guided (treaded) into
a large vein above that right side of the heart called the superior vena cava.
It used to give intravenous fluids, blood transfusions, chemotherapy, and
the other drugs.

7. Swan-ganz Catheter is a type of pulmonary artery catheterization

procedure. It’s a diagnostic test used to determine whether any
hemodynamic, or bllod flow-related, abnormalities exist in the heart and
lngs. It can be a usefl test for people who have recently had heart
problems, such as a heart attack.

8. Chest Tube (chest drain, thoraric catheter, tbe thoracostomy, or intercostal

drain) is a flexibel plastic tube that is inserted trogh the chest wall and into
the pleural space or mediastinum.

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