Tripsem Journal 1

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Lingao, Aira Shayne P.

V5A- Tripsem


Seminar Report

• Hosting Institution: None

• Seminar Date and Venue: February 19, 2019

• Seminar Title: Internet Of Things Youtube Talks

• Objectives of the Seminar:

➢ To identify the importance of Internet Of Things.

➢ To have knowledge on Internet of Things.

➢ To have knowledge about the advantages and disadvantages of

Internet of Things.

• The Speaker: Benson Hougland, Dr. Dennis Ong and Rose Barker for
TEDTalks and others from IoT Technical Talks.

• The Seminar:

The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical

devices around the world that are now connected to the internet, all

collecting and sharing data. Thanks to the arrival of super-cheap computer

chips and the ubiquity of wireless networks, it's possible to turn anything,

from something as small as a pill to something as big as an aeroplane, into

a part of the IoT. Connecting up all these different objects and adding

sensors to them adds a level of digital intelligence to devices that would be

otherwise dumb, enabling them to communicate real-time data without

involving a human being. The Internet of Things is making the fabric of the

world around us smarter and more responsive, merging the digital and

physical universes.
The speakers explained briefly about the Internet of Things, how it

can change the future. That it is not only helping but also harming. For the

IoT technical talks, there are several platforms briefly explained with

demonstrations about Phyton, IoT's MQTT protocol, REST Api, Raspberry

Pi and many other complete with demos and presentations.

• Evaluation:

From Benson Hougland, I learned that internet is a product of people

created by people for people about people wherein all data, images,

recordings, books are interconnected. Internet is the most important and

transformative technology ever invented. It is like a digital fabric woven in

the lives of all of us. Internet of things is about connecting things. From Dr.

Dennis, I learned that technology is in front of us and whether we are a

faculty, an alumni or anybody else we can change the future.

From Barker, IoT or Internet of Things is defined as devices that have

network connectivity that collect user data, process and analyze data and

then return it back to the user. IT Research says that there are eight billion

IoT devices in 2017 and that we're on track for 20 billion devices in 2020,

which is now. meaning as time passes this technology is transitioning from

being what was an optional luxury feature to being baseline default in every

device and we're forced to buy it and integrate it in our lives. Smart devices

can be both helping and harming. Though it helps us in many ways it is also

harming in a way of identity theft that can affect personal life. Since we are

a database society, everyday it is more likely to have our identity being

stolen. There are companies sharing and storing our own information. Weak

connections and passwords are often easy targets.

Therefore, to some, smart devices, technology, and the internet of

things is an exciting world with a promising future. Yet to others, it is scary

and invasive. One thing is for sure it is not going away and we need to know

how to navigate this growing field to embrace technology and still protect

our information, privacy, and our identity.

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