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Code No: RT32044 R13 SET - 1

III B. Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations, November -2019

(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: 1. Question Paper consists of two parts (Part-A and Part-B)
2. Answering the question in Part-A is compulsory
3. Answer any THREE Questions from Part-B

PART –A (22 Marks)

1 a) Define phase velocity and group velocity in rectangular waveguide? Write the [4M]
relation between them.
b) Determine the fc of the dominant mode of a circular waveguide having radius [4M]
c) Find the [S] of a matched isolator with 1 dB insertion loss and 30 dB isolation. [4M]
d) Classify the microwave tube devices. [4M]
e) Write the significance of Hull cut off voltage and magnetic field density in [3M]
f) Define negative resistance region in Gunn diode. [3M]
PART –B (48 Marks)
2 a) Explain the applications of Microwave Spectrum. [8M]
b) Discuss and derive the power handling capacity of a RWG. [8M]

3 a) With necessary equations, explain about cylindrical cavity resonator. [8M]

b) Explain dielectric constant and effective dielectric constant in a Micro strip Line. [8M]

4 a) Define a Circulator. Design a circulator with Tee Junctions and other necessary [8M]
components. Explain the Principle.
b) The 2 mW and 4 mW of microwave power are fed to the two ports of the Collinear [8M]
arms of a magic tee with all its ports match terminated. Using the S-matrix, calculate
the power output from all other ports.

5 a) Define re-entrant cavities. Why these are different from resonant Cavities? Explain [8M]
the function of anyone type of the reentrant cavity.
b) Discuss about Electronic admittance in Reflex Klystron. [8M]

6 a) With suitable diagram, explain the working principle of a Magnetron. Derive the [8M]
Hull cut–off condition equations.
b) Explain the suppression of oscillations in TWT. [8M]

7 Explain: i) TRAPATT diode ii) Impedance Measurement. [16M]



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