Lan Survey Part2

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Questions on The Theodolite & Theodolite Traversing

The section contains questions on transit theodolite, adjustment, measurement, traversing

methods and errors, readings reduction, stadia tacheometry, closing error and its limitation,
traverse area calculation and trigonometrical levelling.

Transit Theodolite
Stadia Tacheometry
Closing Error and its Limitation
Computation of Latitude and Departure
Traversing Methods
Calculation of Traverse Area
Trigonometrical Levelling
Reduction of Readings

7. Questions & Answers on Plane Table Surveying

The section contains questions and answers on accessories, plane tabling methods, graphic
triangulation, two and three point problems, plane tabling errors, resection method, errors and

Plane Table Surveying Accessories Two Point Problem

Methods of Plane Tabling Errors in Plane Tabling
Graphic Triangulation Resection Method
Three Point Problem Errors and Precaution

8. Questions on Calculation of Area, Measurement of Volume & Permanent

Adjustments of Levels

The section contains questions on area calculation by planimeter, coordinates and double
meridian distances, prismoidal formula and corrections, dumpy levels adjustment, trapezoidal
formula and curvature correction.

Area by Double Meridian Distances The Trapezoidal Formula

Area by Co-ordinates The Prismoidal Correction
Area by Planimeter The Curvature Correction
The Prismoidal Formula Adjustments of Dumpy Level

9. Questions & Answers on Area Computation & Tacheometric Surveying

The section contains questions and answers on ordinate rule, simpsons rule, stadia and
subtense method principles.

Ordinate Rule Principle of Stadia Method

Simpson’s Rule Principle of Subtense Method

10. Questions on EDM

The section contains questions on electromagnetic waves, edm instruments, modulation and
total station.
Electromagnetic Waves Types of EDM Instruments
Modulation Total Station

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