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Questions & Answers on Curve Surveying

The section contains questions and answers on curve designation, simple curves, long chord
ordinates, tangent offsets, successive bisection of arcs or chords, rankine’s method, reverse
curve elements, ideal transition curve, compound curve elements and settings.

Designation of Curve
Rankine’s Method of Tangential Angles
Setting out Simple Curves
Elements of a Compound Curve
By Ordinates of the Long Chord
Setting out Compound Curve
By Successive Bisection of Arcs or Chords
Elements of a Reverse Curve
By Offsets from the Tangent
The Ideal Transition Curve
By Deflection Distances

12. Questions on Triangulation

The section contains questions on triangulation system classification, reconnaissance, base

line measurement, satellite station, signals and towers.

Classification of Triangulation System

Base Line Measurement
Satellite Station: Reduction to Centre
Signals and Towers

13. Questions & Answers on Survey Adjustments and Theory of Errors

The section contains questions and answers on accidental errors, least square principles,
weight laws, normal equations, correlates method and values determination.

The Laws of Accidental Errors Normal Equations

General Principles of Least Squares Determination of the Most Probable Values
Laws of Weights Method of Correlates

14. Questions on Field Astronomy

The section contains questions on celestial body position, astronomical triangle, coordinates
relation, time conversions, sextant, astronomical corrections and zenith telescope.

Position of a Celestial Body

Astronomical Corrections
The Astronomical Triangle
Relation Between the Co-ordinates
Zenith Telescope
Conversion of Time

15. Questions & Answers on Photogrammetric Surveying

The section contains questions and answers on photo theodolite, terrestrial and aerial
photogrammetry, aerial camera, vertical and tilted photograph scale, stereoscopic vision,
aerial stereoscopic views, tilt distortion or displacement.

The Photo-Theodolite Scale of a Tilted Photograph

Terrestrial Photogrammetry Tilt Distortion or Tilt Displacement
Aerial Photogrammetry Flight Planning for Aerial Photography
Aerial Camera Stereoscopic Vision
Scale of a Vertical Photograph Parallax in Aerial Stereoscopic Views

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