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BOSH XDK110 - Quickstart & Tips

This is a quick, less formal guide to get started with Bosch XDK110.

 Setup is straight forward, we need to install the application the XDK Workbench form the
following link(Please note that you might have to create an account for downloading the
Workbench application)

Same steps can be found on the General Information Guide (pdf uploaded to the sharepoint
link) section 1.3 Getting Started.

 I suggest using a Windows machine: I faced (a lot of) driver related issues on Mac. Download
and install the latest version 3.5.0
 NOTE: The XDK Workbench is more like a customized IDE which installs all the required
libraries and drivers for the XDK110, no other installation(s) required****.

 Once you have the Workbench Installed, you could play around with some of the example
programs included in the XDK Workbench so that you could be familiar with the steps such as
building & flasing the executable on the XDK110.
 Note: I will provide you the source code for the actual data collection once it is ready,
but the steps for interacting/flashing the XDK110 is same. You could directly load an
example project from the welcome screen or follow the video tutorial below.

 XDK110: To understand the device, what the status LED colors mean and the
interacting/flashing process, you could refer to the General Information Guide
(sharepoint).The important points are highligted, but suggest you to not miss the following
 3.XDK Software Overview – The XDK Workbench (Just section 3, 3.1 etc. not required)
 1.3 Getting Started
 1.2.5 User Interface: LEDs & Buttons
 3.5 and 3.5.1 (First stanza only)
 3.5.2 Operation Modes (Optional, mostly not required)

 If videos are your thing, here is a nice video tutorial that walks you through the steps to follow
after insalling the XDK Workbench (there are a bunch of other related videos on their youtube

 Considering you have all the setup done, to flash a binary you have to do the following:
1. Build the project
2. plug-in the XDK110
3. turn it on(this puts the device in bootloaded mode and the device will appear in
the Workbench****)
4. Click the "Flash" button (no need to reboot, device would automatically reboot and
jump to the application)
5. Note: You would be able to see the logs on the workbench terminal for the various
stages of the process starting from plugging-in the device, flashing, reboot ,
executing the application etc.

**** Driver related issues:

Normally, the driver installation is would not be cause issues, but it has happened to me once where
the working setup stopped working all of a sudden & the device was not detected at all. This made me
spend a day trying to root cause the issue, so adding a heads-up so that you could save some time if
you run into a similar situation:

 Installing XDK Workbench installs the drivers and thus once you plug in the device & turn it on,
it should show up in the Workbench.
 If the device does not show up even when it is turned on, try refreshing/resetting the device
list on the Workbench.
 The device does not show up still, read & try steps from page 32 (XDK Windows Driver) stanza
from the  General Information Guide pdf.
  If none of these worked, the last possibility would be drivers related. Reboot the machine to
make sure the drivers work. If that does not help, manually install the drivers or follow this
forum post:

Cannot see XDK in the workbench - Community

Hello, Just installed the workbench and connect my XDK, but apparently
the device is not detected by the system (Win7). It does not appear in
the Workbench nor I can see it via the Windows device manager.

Additional Reference:

The Guide XDK_Guide_WB_First_Steps.pdf (uploaded to sharepoint) gives overview of the some of

the steps.  This document is more like an extension of the information in the General Information
Guide and please note  we don't need to understand all the steps, you could quicly skim through
section 1 or totally ignore this doc.   Please note that If you are familiar with Eclipse IDE, the
environment is very similar and you could right away  go the flashing part.

How to develop your first

application using the XDK from
You have a great idea for an IoT application and
want to quickly and professionally prototype it?
Show the world by using the XDK to realize your
first prototype ...

Windows - XDK
XDK Workbench 1.6.0 . XDK-Workbench is your tool to develop
software for XDK based on the Eclipse platform. By downloading
the XDK Workbench you acknowledge that you have read and
accepted the terms of the end user license agreement

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