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For data in row 1:

1. Head on the weir,

H  H1  H 0
H  0.1635  0.1233  0.0402m

2. Discharge,
Q  0.0003971

3. LogQ  Log 0.0003971  3.401

LogH  Log 0.0402  1.396


Graph Log Q versus Log H

-2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 -1.0 0.0 0.5
Log Q

y = 2.598x + 0.2398
Log H
From the graph of Log Q versus Log H above, we can obtain the equation :
Log Q = 2.598Log H + 0.2398

where the slope, n = 2.598

and c = log k = 0.2398
 k  anti log 0.2398  1.7370


1. Determine the percentage different between the experiment n value and theoretical
value (5/2) using equation below:
5/ 2  n
% Different  x100%
5/ 2
(5 / 2)  2.598
 % Different  x100%  3.92%
5/ 2

2. Determine the cd value using equation below. this cd is the experimental cd.
15 1
cd  k
8 2 g tan 
15 1
 cd  (1.737)  0.7353
8 2 x9.81 tan 45 0

3. Determine the percentage different between experimental cd and cd value for the
apparatus as specified by manufacturer (0.61) using equation below:
0.61  c d exp eriment
% Different  x100%
0.61  0.7353
 % Different  x100%  20.54%


1) Give your conclusions for this experiment.

The discharge coefficient, cd = 0.7353
From the calculation above, we get 20.54% error for the value of cd between the
experimental and the value given by the manufacturer.

2) State your suggestions to improve the experiment.

 The steps in experiment must be repeated at least 3 times to obtain the
average values. This important to reduce the parallax error.
 The water stopper must be checked before experiment so that in good
condition. If it does not function well, it will effect the time taken to
collection volume of water.
 Make sure that the water flow is stable before taking the reading of H 1 and

3) Compare your cd value and cd apparatus as specified by the manufacturer. What

are the factors that may contribute to the deviation of your cd value?
 The water flow from the pump is not stable during our experiment. It
always change that make us difficult to take reading of H1.
 Parallax error when taking the reading of H 1 and H0 may also affect the
accuracy of the results.
 The indicator is not properly touch the water surface and it may be a little
bit touch into the water. This will affect the reading of H1 and H0.
 The water stopper that not function well to stop the water also caused error
for our result as it already used for long times. As the results, the time to
collect 5 litres water is longer then actual time.
 The time to collect water is not accurate as it needs reflection time to press
the stopwatch’s button.
 The total volume of water collected may not reach the require volume as
the meniscus of water level inside tube is not stable.

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