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Analog communication system unit wise important questions


1. Need for modulation

2. Defination of modulation and types of modulation(2)
3. Derivation for single tone AM and power relations
4. Problems on modulation index power depth of modulation
5. Switching modulator, ring modulator and balanced modulator
6. Square law modulator
7. Time domain representation of ssb and frequency spectrum of SSB
8. Comparision all AM modulation techniques
1. Concept of instantaneous frequency
2. Expression for single tone FM both wide band and narrow band
3. Problems on modulation index, frequency deviation(2m)
4. Comparision of narrow and wide band FM
5. Generation of FM both direct and indirect methods
6. FDM
7. Superhetrodyne receiver
8. Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis (2m)
1. Time domain and qudrature representation of noise
2. Problem and definition and formulae of SNR ,noise temperature, noise figure,noise
equivalent band width(both 2 and 10m)
3. Performance analysis of AM,DSB-SC,SSB,FM,PM
1. Sampling definition and sampling therom( 2m and 10m )
2. Type of sampling
3. Generation of PAM ,PWM,PPM
4. Demodulation above schemes
5. Definition of Sensitivity, Selectivity, and fidelity and formulae
1.defination of information source ,entropy, types of channels
2. channel encoding theorm and source encoding theorem
3. channel capacity of theorem
4. definition of markoff source
5. problems on Huffman and Shannon –fano theorem
6. problems that we solved in class room

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