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Roma / Gypsies in Russian Empire.

Article · February 2013


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2 authors, including:

Vesselin Popov
University of St Andrews


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Roma Civic Emancipation between the two World Wars View project

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Empire Elena Marushiakova, Vesselin Popov

Roma in the Ukraine | Strategic Aims of State Policy towards Roma | The Practical Realization of State Policy
| Roma in the New Territories | The Crimea and Southern Russia | Bessarabia | Faraonovka and Kair |
Roma Serfs | Roma after the Reform of 1861

The Russian Empire, one of the great world empires, has exerted its influence over many peoples.
Contrary to other countries in Europe as a whole the state policy of the Russian Empire towards Roma
initially and permanently followed a treatment as equal subjects of the Empire with the respective
full civil rights, and the state administration efforts were directed towards pushing them to meet their
obligations as citizens. This policy was above all a “mainstream” policy; Roma were seen as an
inseparable part of society, and in this way were subject to general legislation. In cases when there was
a “special” policy towards them, the aim was to overcome separation from society, without exercising
efforts for their assimilation.

The Russian Empire grew from the so-
called Muscovite Russia, which from EMPIRE OF ALL RUSSIAS
the 15th century (and particularly after
proclaiming Ivan IV the Terrible Tzar
in 1547) began to develop rapidly and Kingdom of PRUSSIA
to expand, increasingly adding territo- SLOBOZHANSHCHINA
ries and their population to the Empire.
Although Russia formally is “Empire” KHARKOV
from 1721 (the reign of Peter I the Gre- LITTLE RUSSIA
at) this generalizing name can be used LVIV Dnieper COSSACKS
for earlier periods as well. Roma, who Dnester
had lived for centuries in the Russian AUSTRIAN Prut
Empire, were considerably influenced MONARCHY ARABIA
by the mainstream social and political Principality of GUBERNIYA
conditions, and this is reflected in their MOLDAVIA (Little Tatary) Kuban

contemporary ethnic and cultural cha- Crimea

racteristics. Danube Principality of

Ill. 2 (by the authors)

SUMMARY/INTRODUCTION solve all disputes among them”. Whether population of certain territories, including
these territories, which were added to the Roma. Soon later a new decree was ad-
A charter dated 1501 may be considered Russian Empire only later, could be called opted by the Senate of St. Petersburg in
the first evidence of the arrival of Roma a part of the Russian Empire is a subject answer to a petition of “Gypsies, born in
in the Russian Empire. In this document of dispute. these lands” to allow them to reside and
Alexander Kazimirovich, Prince of the For certain the Roma in the Rus- trade with horses in the area around the
Grand Duchy of Lithuania and King of sian Empire are mentioned in documents capital St. Petersburg, with the obligati-
Poland allowed the “Senior voyt Vassil for the first time in 1733 in the Decree of on to register “wherever they wish”. The
and his Gypsies” full freedom of travel the Empress Anna Ioanovna, giving the passus “born in these lands” points to an
in the lands of the duchy and gave their settlement of the annuity of three regi- earlier settlement of Roma in the Russian
leader the right to “judge Gypsies and re- ments through taxes, gathered from the Empire.
Roma in the Ukraine
Strategic Aims of State Policy towards Roma
The of itinerant
Practical Realization of Roma
State Policy


Today´s Country Borders


1378 ?


After 1654 the Ukraine joined a certain sum. Roma annual tax grew
ROMA IN THE UKRAINE the Russian Empire voluntarily, yet with the years, which is evidence of
kept a certain internal autonomy. Roma their growing well being – at the begin-
were included in separate tax registers, ning of the 18th century it amounted to
The first written sources mentioning divided in “regiments”, led by their 120 “karbovantsi“ (Ukraine currency)
Roma in present day territories of the “atamans” (chieftains), who were nomi- annually and in 1755 it reached 1.424
Ukraine come from the 15th century, for nated by the Roma themselves for these “karbovantsi“.
instance several marginal notes about positions prior to their appointment. The special Roma regiments
Roma in the registers at towns of Sanok This information should not be taken were closed down in 1765 and Roma re-
and Lvov for the 1427/28-1445 period. in the literal sense of the word, that gistered in the existing “sotni“ (Cossack
During the 16th-18th century the pres- the Roma in the Ukraine were actively squadrons) and regiments, thus they
ence of Roma has also been traced in serving in the army. In fact what is men- were given civil rights like the remai-
documents from the Ukrainian “Sloboz- tioned is the existing military and admi- ning population. Roma affairs passed
hanshchina“ (territories on the left bank nistrative organization of the day in the under the Kiev Civil-military Commis-
of the Dnieper) and the autonomous Ukraine. The main obligation of Roma sion, which directly linked their manda-
“Zaporozhskaya Sech” (of the so-called “atamans“ was to gather the annual tax tory registration with the requirements
Zaporozhian Cossacks). In the registers (“obrok“) together with appointed tax for permanent residence. These measu-
of the whole Zaporozhian Army we find collectors (who had bought the right res, however, did not make it impos-
names such as Vasko Tsigan, Stepan to gather taxes at an auction) and to sible for Roma to lead a semi-nomadic
Tsiganchuk, Dmitro Tsiganchuk (from present it to the General army office for (with a fix winter residence) or nomadic
“Tsigan“, Russian for “Gypsy“). Roma the maintenance of the army. The very way of life. Their basic occupations
were included in the army regiments appointment of Roma “atamans“ was were chiefly various types of ironwork,
chiefly as smiths and armourers. determined by the state by payment of horse-trading and music playing.

which however did not mean a ban for and received the respective civil rights
STRATEGIC AIMS OF STATE them to settle in the capital. In 1766 a through a Decree of Catharina II The
POLICY TOWARDS ROMA Decree of the Senate regulated the pa- Great of 1783. According to this Decree
yment of taxes by nomadic Roma in the all Roma, who had so far not been ente-
Comparatively soon after the settlement Russian Empire, largely living in the so red in the state registers of population,
of Roma in the Russian Empire special called Slobodska Ukraine and the areas together with those entered as the pro-
measure were taken towards them. In around Moscow and other chief cities of perty of separate land owners (i.e. serfs)
1759 the Empress Elisabeth issued a the Empire. fell in the category of the so-called state
decree banning travelling Roma in the Roma were included finally in the serfs and were obliged to pay the respec-
capital St.Petersburg and the vicinity, social structure of the Russian Empire tive taxes for this category.
2-3 / 8 EMPIRE

Catherine II’s Decree actually rep- to have a regular registration and keep the Empire the state peasants had a better
resents a new approach towards Roma – an requirements of the law. State peasants and status than serfs.
end of the “special” state policy towards serfs were entitled to travel freely, paying Serfdom on the other hand offered
them and their inclusion in the mainstream a certain annual tax (the “obrok”). the possibility to pay the annual “obrok“ to
legal norms. However this does not mean The category of “state peasants” the landed gentry, thus acquiring the right
it was an attempted forced sedentarizati- included above all the Slavic speaking to free movement. Roma, prior to being
on and binding to the soil of the Roma. Orthodox population of the newly ac- included in the category “state peasants”
The Decree deals with the status of state quired territories – Siberia, the Left Bank availed themselves of this possibility and
peasants as a whole and reflects the aim of Ukraine, Novorossiya, North Eastern Rus- continued their nomadic way of life, nomi-
the state to gather its taxes from them. The sia, etc, together with the various types of nally moving over from one land owner to
decree speaks of settling Roma in “suitab- Cossacks (Cossacks from the Don, Kuban, another (paying them for free travel) and
le places”, with the clarification “so that Ural, etc.). In the complex bureaucratized actually with her Decree Catharina the
they shall not be given to vagrancy”, i.e. social and estate structure of the Russian Great aimed at ending this practice.

tax registers as soon as possible. The De- can carry out the respective civil obliga-
THE PRACTICAL REALI- cree notes that in some “guberniyas” (dis- tions by 1812.
ZATION OF STATE POLICY tricts) Roma have settled in the villages In 1839 a new decree was issued
and are used to agriculture, and elsewhere obliging all nomadic Roma without sett-
Unlike in many other countries, Roma in they have settled in towns, have registered led abode to register as state peasants by
the Russian Empire have not been regar- as merchants and as “meshchane” (small January 1, 1841, thus falling under the
ded a “problem”, hence the outcome of holders and artisans), and that this is not jurisdiction of Ministry of State Affairs,
the state policy which encouraged (and considered a breach of the laws, provided which was entrusted with the reform of
not enforced) their sedentarization were they pay their taxes regularly. the situation of the state peasants.
insignificant. In fact this policy amounted The process of mandatory civil The new approach towards Roma,
to the obligation for Roma to register in and (above all) tax registration of the aiming at the total abolishing of the dif-
administrative registers and regularly pay Roma obviously was slow which is ferences in their social status with the re-
their taxes, which (at least nominally) re- evidenced by a number of Government maining population, is also found in the
quired a fixed abode, and it was desired documents from the early 19th century, decree of 1856 (the time of the Crimean
(but not made obligatory) to cease, (or at for example decrees of Alexander I of war), when Roma were obliged to serve
least limit) their nomadic way of life. 1803, and 1809. In 1811 Alexander I is- in the ranks “together with the remaining
This is the line of all state measu- sued a decree to complete the allocation members of the estates they belong to”.
res which followed the Decree of 1783. of Roma into separate estates, to confirm In fact this meant that so far Roma had
In 1800 a Decree of the Senate was issued their rights to register in an estate of their been privileged in that they had been free
promulgating the registering of Roma in choice, including towns, provided they of military service.
Roma in the New Territories
The Crimea and Southern Russia

CRAFTS AND TRADES Ill. x (prov. by the authors)

The trades and way of life of Roma-serfs are quite varied. fact that in the estate of Prince Kantakusin near the village of
Many who were nominally “ dvorovie” (i.e. domestic serfs) Markoutsi, near the town of Khotin 100 smiths, 185 chobotari
were effectively nomadic artisans. They paid their annual (makers of a kind of peasant’s shoes), 46 cauldron-makers, 7
“ obrok” and freely travelled not only in Bessarabia, but also silversmiths, 1 tailor, 1 barber, and 185 musicians lived with
beyond the borders of the region selling their wares and offe- their families.
ring their services. By this way of life could be explained the


Frequently an analogy is drawn between the creation of the two sequence of the main principle of state policy in colonization
Roma villages Faraonovka and Kair with the state policy of the of the steppe regions, when many new settlements were created,
18th and 19th century of Austria-Hungary and Spain towards settled along the ethnic principle. The transition towards a
Roma. Nevertheless there are essential differences, which make settled way of life was voluntary. No restrictive measures were
this analogy groundless. The main difference at Faraonovka taken against Roma, as it was the case in Austria-Hungary and
and Kair was the circumstance that Roma were no subject to Spain. In contemporary terminology, at Faraonovka and Kair
any special policy, rather they were seen in the context of the there was no enforced sedentarization and segregation, rather
Russian Empire policy in the region. The establishment of Roma positive discrimination.
villages was no act of enforcement, rather it was the direct con-

the steppes of Southern Russian and as Taurida Guberniya), the territories

ROMA IN THE NEW Southern Ukraine were sparsely inha- between the Bug and Dniester rivers,
TERRITORIES bited, but others (the Crimea and Bes- and the territories between the Dniester
sarabia) had their local Roma, whose and the Prut, then known as Bessara-
The overall resolution of the civil status status also had to be legally regulated bia (including the present day region
of Roma in the Russian Empire during according to the legislation of the Rus- of Bessarabia in the Ukraine and the
the second half of the 18th century and sian Empire. Moldova Republic). The newly ceded
the first half of the 19th century was In a series of wars against the territories became the basis of new
complicated by the circumstance that it Ottoman Empire, from 1774 to 1812 provinces (Novorussiya, Taurida, later
was also a period of active expansion the Russian Empire added several ter- on Bessarabia), and quickly began rec-
of the empire and the accession of new ritories, such as the Crimean Khaganate laiming and a new population settling of
territories. Some of these, for instance (annexed as a Russian territory known these lands.

the military register, were obliged to situation of Roma in the Crimea stem-
THE CRIMEA AND pay military taxation “alongside with med from the fact that most of them
SOUTHERN RUSSIA the remaining estates”. were Muslims, and that many of them
Specific for the Crimea was had lost their language, became Tatari-
Roma in the comparatively dense po- the fact that an enormous part of the an speaking and in fact could be ascri-
pulated Crimea peninsula were quickly Roma, in a status of state peasants, bed two civic statuses – as “Gypsies”
incorporated in the new social and were actually urban inhabitants. This and as Tartars. This is why in 1855 at
civil structure of the Russian Empire. is due to the circumstance that the the height of the Crimean war, when
In 1812 an annual tax of 2 roubles northern steppe part of the peninsu- there was a strong anti-Russian feeling
per capita was fixed for the Roma of la was sparsely inhabited and only among the Tatar population, the Roma
the province of Taurida (the Crimea) gradually being settled by colonists of the Taurida who fell in the estate of
as state peasants. Alongside with this of various ethnic origins. Part of the the state peasants, and were members
they were allowed to register in the Roma had settled in towns, but even of the Tatar community (i.e. were Ta-
tax register in the Cossack regiments travelling Roma spent the winter in tar speaking and Muslims), were relie-
of The Blacksea Cossacks army. In towns, and in the warm season spent ved of that status and were obliged to
1852 all Roma of the guberniya of shorter or longer periods travelling. execute the same obligations as Tatars.
Taurida, who had not yet registered in Another specific element of the
4-5 / 8 EMPIRE


During the first half of the 19 th century the process of Ill. x

granting Roma settling in the steppe regions around
the Kuban River and the Northern Caucasus with
additional privileges began. In 1832 54 Roma from BESSARABIA A
Pyatigorsk in the Northern Caucasus were freed
from the obligation of military service and taxes for
5 years, and the taxes they had already paid were re- A B B
funded, as they had been attacked by “brigands from RUMANIA UKRAINE
beyond the Kuban” (meaning by that various peop-
les of the Caucasus – Circasians, Chechens, etc.), TODAY´S MOLDAVIA B
were robbed and suffered damages to the amount of
13.659 rubbles and 50 kopeeks, a substantial sum for
the times, suffered 6 people killed and 22 kidnapped. Faraonovka (1829)
In 1838 another 27 families of Roma, living in the REGION OF BUDZHAK
Stavropol guberniya were freed for another 5 years
of obligations for military service (freed earlier in A
1832, when they were included in the local Cossack
Ill. x (provided by the authors) BLACK SEA

In 1818 a Provisional Statutes Moldova. The Office of Gypsies of the

BESSARABIA for Bessarabia was adopted, underlying Crown attempted to regulate the way of
the specific situation of Roma in the re- travelling of the Roma, differentiating
gion. They were divided into two main between several categories of nomadic
The situation of Roma in Bessarabia categories, one directly under the state Roma (Laeshi, Lingurari, Ursari). Re-
(the lands between the Dniester and (the former “slaves of the prince”, or gardless whether they were settled or
the Prut) was quite different from the “slaves of the crown”), while the others led a nomadic way of life, “the Gypsies
remaining parts of the Russian Em- belonged to monasteries and private of the Crown” had to pay per capita
pire. Most of them originally fell in persons (the former “slaves of monas- tax, which, paid by every Roma family,
the Principality of Moldova, where teries” and “slaves of the nobility”). was 10 roubles from the early 1830ties.
Roma lived with the status of slaves. For Roma who had formerly In Bessarabia the forms of auto-
The Budzhak region, inhabited by the been “slaves of the prince”, in 1818 a nomy for the Roma communities were
Nogay Tatars in the steppe is situa- separate institution was established at also preserved like it was in the Prin-
ted between the Danube estuary and the Bessarabian Regional Government, cipalities of Wallachia and Moldova.
the Dniester. After 1812 the Nogay namely the Office of Gypsies of the Directly under the Office of Gypsies of
Tatars from Budzhak were moved to Crown, which had to register them as the Crown were the so-called “buluk-
the Crimea and began to reclaim the “state peasants”, regardless of their bashi” and “judi”, nominated by the
steppes. The Roma of Bessarabia had way of life (nomadic or settled). The Roma themselves, responsible for the
the possibility to be integrated in the new Office also assumed responsibili- gathering of taxes. They enjoyed cer-
social structure of the Russian Empire ties for Roma who had fled from their tain tax privileges and could mediate
in various ways and to a great extent masters (noblemen or the monasteries) in disputes between Roma, i.e. there
they were free to choose how to inte- in Bessarabia or had migrated from was certain judicial autonomy of the
grate themselves. the principalities of Walachia and community.

of Roma in the higher civil status of state were allowed to choose which way of life
FARAONOVKA AND KAIR peasants was directly connected with the they desired to lead (nomadic or seden-
policy of reclaiming of steppe lands in tary), as well as their place of abode (in
the southern part of the Budzhak region. towns, in settlements of the state colo-
The desire of the administration in Bes- In the course of the realization of this po- nists, or whether they wished to establish
sarabia to ensure the quicker registration licy in 1826 the “Gypsies of the crown” settlements of their own in the south).
Faraonovka and Kair
Roma Serfs
Roma after the Reform of 1861


The beginning of the processes of settlement of “Gypsies” in self-government – they elected their own “burmistr” (mayor),
the big towns of the Russian Empire was closely related with the who was responsible before the municipal administration for
famous “Gypsy choirs”. The first such mixed (men and women) the gathering of taxes (Roma were registered as “meshchane”),
choir was created by Count Alexei Orlov in 1775, in his estate at maintained contact with the authorities, resolved petty conflicts
Pushkino, near to Moscow. Conductor was Ivan Sokolov (succee- within the community etc.
ded by his nephew Ilya Sokolov), and the members of the choir After several generations Roma musicians and actors in large
were serfs. At the beginning of the 19th century the choir members towns (chiefly Moscow and St. Petersburg) became special so-
were freed from serfdom and moved to live and work in Moscow. cial stratum (even cut off to a certain extent from other Roma),
In 1812, they made big donations for the needs of the army during created famous artistic dynasties, such the Sokolov, Shishkin,
the war against Napoleon, part of them were volunteers and took Panin, Khlebnikov, Dulkevich, Pankov families, with high social
part in army action (for instance at the battle of Borodino). position and standing. Roma musicians regularly met the highest
Count Orlov’s Gypsy choir was very successful amidst circles in the Russian Empire – the aristocracy, rich merchants,
the Russian aristocracy. Other similar choirs were created, many famous poets, writers, musicians etc. There ever were mixed mar-
generations of famous “Gypsy” musicians grew up. “Gypsy” riages in high society. Roma girls marrying Feodor Tolstoy, (a
musicians began to move to Moscow, and subsequently to St. close relative of the writer Lev Tolstoy), the brother of the writer
Petersburg and other larger towns. In Moscow from 1807 to the Sergei Tolstoy and his son Lev L. Tolstoy, Prince F.P.Masalskii,
middle of the 19th century “Gypsy” musicians enjoyed a kind of Prince Witgenstein, the millionaire from the Ural Nechaev, Anen-

The first settlements of Roma in ring in higher estate, the right to run their bian Cossack Army and the two Roma
the steppes of Budzhak began in 1829 own markets, the privilege to use certain villages became the respective Cossack
and in 1831 two new villages were foun- natural resources etc. The state invested “stanitsas” (Cossack’s settlement).
ded in the Akerman “uyesd” (administ- considerable funds for allowing new The development of the two Roma
rative unit), settled by Lingurari Roma settlers to begin their life at Budzhak, villages, Faraonovka and Kair, together
– Faraonovka (164 families) and Kair including the Roma in Faraonovka and with the further settlement of Roma in
(170 families). The names of the villages Kair. the steppe regions, also ran into various
were chosen by the authorities, based on However, matters with the co- problems. Roma from these villages until
the then prevailing opinion of the day lonists of various ethnicities ran into then had led a nomadic or semi-nomadic
that Roma originated from Egypt. The difficulties and fairly soon new changes way of life and had no agricultural skills.
Roma settled here were granted 9.902 of their status were required. In 1836 A number of objective difficulties emer-
“desetini” lands (1 desetina = 1,1 ha). the population of some villages with ged – a new system of steppe agriculture,
About 800 Roma families in Bessarabia state colonists was included in Danubian several years of drought, corruption of
however continued their nomadic way of Cossack Army. The new status meant the administration, which embezzled
life, in spite of the over 11.000 desetini new additional civil and above all eco- part of the state subsidies, etc. Frequent-
lands they were granted in south. nomic privileges, in exchange of certain ly there is speculation with the inability
At first Roma were settled as state military obligations. These changes af- of Roma settled at Faraonovka and Kair
peasants, who however, like the remai- fected Roma as well and with a special to support themselves through agricultu-
ning colonists, had additional privileges Supreme Decree of Nicolai I of May re; records from 1839 on the possessions
– freeing them from some military ob- 29, 1839, 1.538 Roma, men and women of Roma from the two villages, however,
ligations, granting of free lands, supply from Faraonovka and Kair, together show that there is no substantial diffe-
of agricultural inventory, state subsidies, with about 1.600 nomadic Roma from rence in their property in comparison
tax concessions, a possibility of registe- Bessarabia were enlisted in the Danu- with other settlers in the region.

onal Regulations for Bessarabia, adopted was settled in 1828 by the decree of Tzar
ROMA SERFS in 1818, the privileges of the Boyars from Nicolai I, through which Roma slaves,
the Principality of Moldavia (now referred who were private property so far, were
to as “pomeshchiki” – landowners as the freed, received civil rights and the status of
The situation of Roma in Bessarabia who estate) and the privileges of monasteries, serfs of private persons or monasteries.
had been slaves of the nobility and the including the private ownership over Gradually the status of Roma serfs
monasteries in past in the Moldova prin- Roma slaves were retained. The situation began to change. Some fled from their
cipality was quite different. In the Provisi- of Roma, belonging to the landowners, owners and registered as state peasants
6-7 / 8 EMPIRE

Ill. x (provided by the authors)

kov, the rich landowner, Ledwik, the

publisher of “Borsovie vedomosti”,
and others.
The first complete “Gypsy”
performances by “Gypsy” musicians
and actors were staged towards the
end of the 19th century. On March 20,
1888, the musical comedy “Chave
adro vesha” (Children in the forest)
was performed of the stage of the
Malyi Theater in St. Petersburg. The
music, chiefly “Gypsy” songs and
romances, was an arrangement by Ni-
kolai Shishkin. The performance was
periodically shown up to 1906. 1892
saw the premiere of N.Shishkin’s new Ill. x
operetta “Gypsy life”. Pre-revolutionary „Gypsy“-choir.

(most often nomadic Roma), which led session over Roma, which had fled from “meshchane”. According to the logic of
to a rather complicated situation, requiring them. A new Decree was issued in the these two decrees, serfs Roma were gran-
radical solutions. In 1847 Emperor Nicolai same year, according to which Roma from ted the complete legal possibility to leave
I signed a Decree banning landowners in Bessarabia and the region of Novorosiisk their owners and receive new registration,
Bessarabia to regain the rights of pos- with an unclear status, could register as moreover with a higher standing.

in Kair Roma then were only one third of idea was to limit their nomadic way of
ROMA AFTER THE the population. life. This restriction was not valid for
REFORM OF 1861 Contrary to other provinces in the Roma, registered in the merchant and
Russian Empire, in Bessarabia Roma- the “meshchane” estate, who could travel
In 1861, alongside with the Manifesto serfs, after receiving their freedom from free together with their families. Yet in
of Tzar Alexander II for the liberation serfdom, did not receive land. Moreover, practice these administrative measures
of the serfs and revoking of serfdom, a they were obliged to continue paying had the same result, as did the entire
commission was created which was ent- their obligations to their earlier owners earlier policies of the Russian Empire in
rusted to draw up a draft for activities in for two more years. After that Roma their attempt to limit the nomadic way of
regulating and improving the way of life serfs as well as Roma state peasants in life of Roma: they were a total failure.
of Roma, who in their majority became their majority registered in the towns of Actually the entire state policy of
part of peasantry. There was no result of Bessarabia as “meshchane”. Yet this did the Russian Empire towards Roma in the
the work of this commission and eventu- not mean a transition towards a sedentary course of more than one century can be
ally it was disbanded. way of life. seen as a constant repetition of measures,
The Danubian Cossacks Army With this the state policy towards which should lead them (however not by
were disbanded in 1868 and the Roma in Roma in the Russian Empire came to an force) to become “normal” subjects of
it were given land, free of charge. Roma end and up to the October Revolution in the Empire and taxpayers. Nevertheless
in Faraonovka continued living in the vil- 1917 they were not subject of any special these measures were never in the focus
lage, however most of Roma in Kair sold legislation or administrative acts. The of the overall state policy, rather at its
their lands (about 190 plots) and returned only exception in this respect was the periphery. Roma were an insignificant
to their old settlements (in the forests to mention of “Gypsies” in the Rules for percentage (less than one percent) of the
the north of Kishinev), to their traditional Passports of 1880. According to these ru- total population of the Empire, hence
trades (working wooden objects) and to les Roma, registered in the peasant estate, attention towards them was drawn much
the semi-nomadic way of life. In 1877 could be granted passports only with the more because of their exotic features, as
in Faraonovka were 1.039 Roma, 150 permission of the local authorities, and seen by the local population, than as an
Moldavians and 103 Ukrainians, while only for one member of the family. The important aim of state policy.


DEMOGRAPHY Ill. 10.x (source)

Although demographics usually lack accuracy in the case of the about 125,7 million inhabitants, and Roma officially were 44.584,
Roma, the relative share of Roma in the Russian Empire is best 38.031 of them rural inhabitants and 6.551 living in towns. The
seen in statistics. In 1834 out of 60 million inhabitants in the geographic distribution was uneven, 8.636 Roma lived in Bes-
Russian Empire, Roma accounted for 48.247, 8.000 of them living sarabia, 1.056 in Poland, 1.750 in Latvia and Estonia, 3.003 in
in towns and 18.738 in Bessarabia. The figures about a quarter of Lithuania and Belarus, 3.177 in Little Russia, 14.300 in Novo-
a century later are similar (1862), when the Roma in the Russian russia, 2.138 in Southern Volga, 1.080 in Northern Volga, 2.021
Empire were though to have been roughly 50.000, 17-18.000 of in Northern Russia, 2.784 in Central Russia, 3.223 in the Cen-
them in Bessarabia, and 7.500-8.000 in the Crimea. tral Chernozem region, 1.433 in the Crimea, 2.829 in Northern
The data from the census of 1897 appear to be comparatively Caucasus, 212 in Transcaucasus, 628 in Central Asia, 6.238 in
most precise, when the population of the Russian Empire was Siberia and 143 in the steppes to the east of the Volga.

CONCLUSION in the estates of merchants and “me- never been separate as a specific tribe,
shchane”, some of them quite wealthy, neither as a specific estate, nor are they
The general picture of Roma in the Rus- having become traders or owners of included into the category of ‚inorodtsi‘
sian Empire on the eve of the October establishments. Socially close to them (foreign born citizens).”
Revolution of 1917 is quite varied. Most were Roma musicians and actors. For that reason as a whole the
Roma continued to lead their traditional There is no doubt that the com- policy of the Russian Empire towards
way of life (semi-nomadic, renting hou- plete social integration of Roma in Roma was subordinated to the striving
sing for the winter, and most often with the conditions of the Russian Empire to make them fully fledged subjects of
a fictitious tax registration in the rural was much more successful than that of the Empire, enjoying full civil rights and
regions). A comparatively small part of their compatriots on the Balkans, not parallel to that carrying out their civil
them had settled in the villages in North- to mention Central and Western Europe obligations. Above all this was a main-
West Russia, as well as in the Ukraine, of the same period. In literature various stream policy (Roma were seen as an
without totally breaking with their semi- interpretations have been offered about inseparable part of society, thus falling
nomadic way of life and traditional this specific social position of Roma in under the common laws of the country).
crafts. The processes of sedentarization the Russian Empire, yet none so far has In the cases when there was a need of
continued to run actively in Bessarabia drawn attention to the brief and extre- a special policy towards Roma, the aim
as well. A third, comparatively small mely precise explanation given by N. was to overcome their separation from
part of the Roma has established them- Shchiber at the end of the 19th century: society, which did not mean that they
selves in the towns, registered chiefly “Under our legislation Gypsies have were to be assimilated.

Bibliography and Books for Further Reading

Barannikov, Aleksei P. (1931) Tsygany SSSR. Kratkii istoriko-etnograficheskii ocherk. Moscow. Besssonov, Nikolai / Demeter, Nadezhda G. /
Kutenkov, Vladimir (2000) Istoriya tsygan. Novyi vsglyad. Voronesh. German, Aleksander V. (1930) Bibliografiya o tsyganach. Ukasatel knig i statei
s 1780 do 1930 gg. Moscow. Kalinin, Valdemar (2003) Zagadki baltiiskikh tsygan (Rossiya, Estoniya, Lithuania, Latviya, Polsha). Vitebsk. Keppen, P.
(1861) Khronologicheskii ukasatel materialov dlia istorii inorodtsev Evropeiskoi Rosii. Sankt-Petersburg. Crowe, David (1994, 1996) A History of the
Gypsies of Eastern Europe and Russia. New York. Fraser, Angus (1992, 1995) The Gypsies. Oxford UK & Cambridge USA. Kenrick, Donald (1998)
Historical Dictionary of the Gypsies (Romanies). Lanham, Md., & London. Marushiakova, E. / Popov, V. (2003) Social Position of the Gypsies in
Contemporary Russia and the Countries of the former USSR (Historical Background and Contemporary situation). In: Mily Bore... Profesoru C. Necasovi
k jeho sedmdesatym narozeninam venuji pratele, kolegove a zaci. Brno, pp. 237-244. Marushiakova, E. / Mischek, U./ Popov, V. / Streck B. (2005)
Dienstleistungs-nomadismus am Schwarzen Meer. Zigeunergruppen zwischen Symbiose und Dissidenz. Halle-Wittenberg.

EDUCATION OF ROMA/GYPSY CHILDREN IN EUROPE ROMBASE - Didactically edited information on Roma

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