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By Rolling Sphere method, as per IEEE-std 998-1996

The method employed for design of the shielding system is Electrogeometric – Rolling Sphere Method.
The Rolling Sphere method is a simple technique for applying the EGM theory for shielding of substations
The technique involves rolling an imaginary sphere of prescribed radius over the surface of the substation.
The sphere rolls up and over (and is supported by) the lightning masts, intended for lightning shielding.
A piece of equipment is protected from a direct stroke of lightning if it remains below the curved surface of the
sphere by virtue of the sphere being elevated by shield wires or other devices. Equipment that touches
the sphere or penetrates its surface is not protected from direct stroke of lightning.


ACSR Conductor Zebra
Conductor per phase (n) = 1.000 nos.
Overall Diameter of ACSR conductor (d s) = 0.02862 met
Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E 0) = 1500.000 kV/met (Refer Annexure C-Page 121-IEEE-998)
height of equipment top to be protected(A) = 5.100 met.
Height of shield wire(H) = 11.000 met.

Object to be protected : equipment Bus(Single "zEBRA 'ACSR Conductor )
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= ds/2
0.014 met.
In case of a twin conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= sqrt(r x I) ( eqn. C.5, IEEE 998 - 1996)
r = radius of subconductors in m
l = spacing between adjacent conductor in m
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by
Rc x ln {(2xh)/Rc} - (Vc/E0) = 0 ( eqn. C.1, IEEE 998 - 1996)
h=is the average height of the conductor in meters h= 5.100
Vc = Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage Vc = BIL
650.000 kV
E0 = Limiting corona gradient Eo = 1500.000 kv/met.
By solving the equation for Rc, we have Rc = 0.092

Equivalent Radius of the bundle conductor under corona is R'c = R0 + Rc

R'c = 0.106 met
The surge impedence of conductors under corona is given as,
Zs = 60 xsqrt( ln ( 2xh / R'c ) x ln ( 2xh / R0 ) ( eqn. C.7, IEEE 998 - 1996)
R0 = 0.014 met.
where h = average height of the conductor h = 5.100 met.
Corona radius of the bundle conductor R'c = 0.106 met.
Equivalent radius of bundle conductor r= 0.014 met.
ZS = 328.511 ohms For ACSR conductor
The allowable stroke current is obtained by the equation(I s)
IS = 2.2 X BIL / ZS ( eqn. 5.2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
4.353 kA
The allowable stike Distance is obtained by the equation S = 8 x k x Is0.65 ( eqn. 5.1b, IEEE 998 - 1996)
S is the strike distance in meters
I is the return stroke current in kiloamperes
k is a coefÞcient to account for different striking distances to a mast, a shield wire, or the ground plane.
Value of k = 1 for strokes to wires or the ground plane and a value of k = 1.2 for lightning mast

where S = Strike distance in met. k= 1.000 for shielding wires

S= 20.811 met
Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment at equipment height 5 Met.
(Reference: Exhibit B.5-4 of IEEE 998-1996:)
Nomenclature used in the calculations when using shield wire protection:
S- Sphere radius
H- Shield wire height
A- Height of equipment o be protected
R- Horizontal distance from origin of sphere(OOS) to WIRE
C -Maximum separation from mast to bus for protection
Y -Minimum phase to steel clearance
L- Half the separation between two masts /wires
X- Maximum separation between two masts /wires
D- Elevation difference between mast/wire and bus
E- Elevation difference between mast /wire and OOS

S- Sphere radius 20.811 met

H- Shield wire height 11.000 met
A -Bus height 5.100 met
R= √ S2 - ( S- H)2
R= 18.353 met
T-Horizontal distance from origin of sphere to bus T= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
T= 13.648 met
C- Maximum horizontal separation of single shield wire & bus C= R-T
C= 4.706 met
Horizontal distance between shield wire & main bus conductor on the layout 3.000 met.
Hence conductor is protected
Maximum Distance between two shield wires for vertical stroke L= √ S2 - E2
(at EQUIPMENT height) D= H-A
D= 5.900
E= S-D
E= 14.911
Half the separation between two wires L= √ S2 - E2
14.518 met
Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment at equip X= 2L
X= 29.035 met
Maximum separation of wires between two wires measured on the drg D= 20 met < allowable distance calculated.

Radius of protection by single wire mast at protected equipment height of r= √ S2 - ( S- H)2-√ S2 - ( S- A)2
5.1 met. r= 4.706 met
Distance from the midpoint of adjacent masts (orshield wire supports) d= √S 2 − (D/2)2 − (S −H)2)
, perpendicular to the center of the unprotected area with radius r1 as d= 15.390 met
described in the diagrams
Radius of the curvature of the unprotected area originating a distance r1 = √ S2 - ( S- A)2
of 'd'from the midpoint of two structures, r1 = 13.648 met


Distance between shield wires on incoming gantry towers measured on drawing is 20 Met. which is less than maximum allowable distance 29.0
Met.Hence equipment at , 5.1 met.between two shield wires on incoming gantry towers is protected. Also, the equipment is below the curved
surface of the rolling sphere drawn at elevation of shield wire as seen in the section drg.
By Rolling Sphere method, as per IEEE-std 998-1996


ACSR Conductor Zebra
Conductor per phase (n) = 1.000 nos.
Overall Diameter of ACSR conductor (ds) = 0.02862 met
Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met (Refer Annexure C-Page 121-IEEE-998)

Height of transformer bushing(A) = 5.800 met.

Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) -transformer bushing = 550.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met

Height of lightning mast(H) = 21.000 met.

Object to be protected : Transformer
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= ds/2
0.014 met.
In case of a twin conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= sqrt(r x I) ( eqn. C.5, IEEE 998 - 1996)
r = radius of subconductors in m
l = spacing between adjacent conductor in m
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by
Rc x ln {(2xh)/Rc} - (Vc/E0) = 0 ( eqn. C.1, IEEE 998 - 1996)
h = average height of the equipment to be protected h = 5.800
Vc = Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage Vc = BIL
650.000 kV
E0 = Limiting corona gradient Eo = 1500.000 kv/met.
By solving the equation for Rc, we have Rc = 0.089

Equivalent Radius of the bundle conductor under corona is R'c = R0 + Rc

R'c = 0.103 met
The surge impedence of conductors under corona is given as,
Zs = 60 xsqrt( ln ( 2xh / R'c ) x ln ( 2xh / R0 ) ( eqn. C.7, IEEE 998 - 1996)

R0 = 0.014 met.
h = 5.800 met.
Corona radius of the bundle conductor R'c = 0.103 met.
Equivalent radius of bundle conductor r= 0.014 met.
ZS = 337.481 ohms For ACSR conductor
The allowable stroke current is obtained by the equation(I s)
for transformer IS = 1.1X BIL/Zs ( eqn. 5.2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
2.119 kA (divide by 2)
The allowable stike Distance is obtained by the equation S= 8 x k x Is0.65 ( eqn. 5.1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
where S = Strike distance in m k= 1.200 for strikes to Lightning mast
S= 15.639 met For ACSR conductor
Maximum horizontal separation of MAST
S- Strike distance 15.639
H- LM height 21.000
A -Equipment height 5.800

C= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
C= 12.156 met
T= S-C _
T= 3.483 met
W= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
Y= 3.000 (ASSUMED)
Z= W-Y
Z= 9.156
Maximum Distance between two masts for protection at equipment height L= √ S2 - Z2

Half the separation between two wires 12.678 met

Maximum Distance between two masts for protection at equipment height X= 2L

X= 25.357 met
Maximum separation between two wires measured on the drg 20 met < allowable distance calculated.

Radius of protection by single wire mast at protected equipment height of 5.8

met. T= 3.483 met

Distance from the midpoint of adjacent masts (orshield wire supports) d= √S 2 − (D/2)2 − (S −H)2)
, perpendicular to the center of the unprotected area with radius r1 as d= 10.763 met
described in the diagrams
Radius of the curvature of the unprotected area originating a distance r1 = √ S2 - ( S- A)2
of 'd'from the midpoint of two structures, r1 = 12.156 met
age 121-IEEE-998)
2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

s to Lightning mast
By Rolling Sphere method, as per IEEE-std 998-1996


ACSR Conductor Zebra
Conductor per phase (n) = 1.000 nos.
Overall Diameter of ACSR conductor (ds) = 0.02862 met
Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met (Refer Annexure C-Page 121-IEEE-998)

Height of transformer bushing(A) = 5.800 met.

Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) -transformer bushing = 550.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met

Height of lightning mast(H) = 18.000 met.

Object to be protected : Transformer
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= ds/2
0.014 met.
In case of a twin conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= sqrt(r x I) ( eqn. C.5, IEEE 998 - 1996)
r = radius of subconductors in m
l = spacing between adjacent conductor in m
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by
Rc x ln {(2xh)/Rc} - (Vc/E0) = 0 ( eqn. C.1, IEEE 998 - 1996)
h = average height of the equipment to be protected h = 5.800
Vc = Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage Vc = BIL
650.000 kV
E0 = Limiting corona gradient Eo = 1500.000 kv/met.
By solving the equation for Rc, we have Rc = 0.089

Equivalent Radius of the bundle conductor under corona is R'c = R0 + Rc

R'c = 0.103 met
The surge impedence of conductors under corona is given as,
Zs = 60 xsqrt( ln ( 2xh / R'c ) x ln ( 2xh / R0 ) ( eqn. C.7, IEEE 998 - 1996)

R0 = 0.014 met.
h = 5.800 met.
Corona radius of the bundle conductor R'c = 0.103 met.
Equivalent radius of bundle conductor r= 0.014 met.
ZS = 337.479 ohms For ACSR conductor
The allowable stroke current is obtained by the equation(I s)
for transformer IS = 1.1X BIL/Zs ( eqn. 5.2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
2.119 kA (divide by 2)
The allowable stike Distance is obtained by the equation S= 8 x k x Is0.65 ( eqn. 5.1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
where S = Strike distance in m k= 1.000 for strikes to Lightning mast
S= 13.033 met For ACSR conductor

Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment(bus) at bus height

Nomenclature used in the calculations when using shield wire protection:

S- Sphere radius
H- Shield wire height
A- Bus height
R- Horizontal distance from origin of sphere(OOS) to WIRE
C -Maximum separation from mast to bus for protection
Y -Minimum phase to steel clearance
L- Half the separation between two masts /wires
X- Maximum separation between two masts /wires
D- Elevation difference between mast/wire and bus
E- Elevation difference between mast /wire and OOS

S- Sphere radius 13.033 met

H- Shield wire height 18.000 met
A -Bus height 5.800 met
R= √ S2 - ( S- H)2
R= 12.049 met
T-Horizontal distance from origin of sphere to bus T= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
T= 10.841 met
C- Maximum horizontal separation of single shield wire & bus C= R-T
C= 1.207 met
Horizontal distance between shield wire & main bus conductor on the layout 3.000 met.
Hence conductor is protected
Maximum Distance between two wires for vertical stroke L= √ S2 - E2
(at EQUIPMENT height) D= H-A
D= 12.200
E= S-D
E= 0.833
Half the separation between two wires L= √ S2 - E2
13.006 met
Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment(bus) at bus X= 2L
X= 26.012 met
Maximum separation of wires between two wires measured on the drg 20 met < allowable distance calculated.

Radius of protection by single wire mast at protected equipment height of 5.8 r= √ S2 - ( S- H)2-√ S2 - ( S- A)2
met. r= 1.207 met

Distance from the midpoint of adjacent masts (orshield wire supports) d= √S 2 − (D/2)2 − (S −H)2)
, perpendicular to the center of the unprotected area with radius r1 as d= 6.721 met
described in the diagrams
Radius of the curvature of the unprotected area originating a distance r1 = √ S2 - ( S- A)2
of 'd'from the midpoint of two structures, r1 = 10.841 met


Distance between shield wires on gantry towers measured on drawing is 20 Met. which is less than maximum allowable distance 26.0 Met.Hence equipment at , 5.8
met.between two shield wires on towers is protected. Also, the equipment is below the curved surface of the rolling sphere drawn at elevation of shield wire as seen
in the section drg.
age 121-IEEE-998)
2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

s to Lightning mast
Hence equipment at , 5.8
ation of shield wire as seen
By Rolling Sphere method, as per IEEE-std 998-1996


ACSR Conductor Zebra
Conductor per phase (n) = 1.000 nos.
Overall Diameter of ACSR conductor (ds) = 0.02862 met
Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met (Refer Annexure C-Page 121-IEEE-998)

Height of transformer bushing(A) = 5.800 met.

Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) -transformer bushing = 550.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met

Height of lightning mast(H) = 11.000 met.

Object to be protected : Transformer
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= ds/2
0.014 met.
In case of a twin conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= sqrt(r x I) ( eqn. C.5, IEEE 998 - 1996)
r = radius of subconductors in m
l = spacing between adjacent conductor in m
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by
Rc x ln {(2xh)/Rc} - (Vc/E0) = 0 ( eqn. C.1, IEEE 998 - 1996)
h = average height of the equipment to be protected h = 5.800
Vc = Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage Vc = BIL
650.000 kV
E0 = Limiting corona gradient Eo = 1500.000 kv/met.
By solving the equation for Rc, we have Rc = 0.089

Equivalent Radius of the bundle conductor under corona is R'c = R0 + Rc

R'c = 0.103 met
The surge impedence of conductors under corona is given as,
Zs = 60 xsqrt( ln ( 2xh / R'c ) x ln ( 2xh / R0 ) ( eqn. C.7, IEEE 998 - 1996)

R0 = 0.014 met.
h = 5.800 met.
Corona radius of the bundle conductor R'c = 0.103 met.
Equivalent radius of bundle conductor r= 0.014 met.
ZS = 337.479 ohms For ACSR conductor
The allowable stroke current is obtained by the equation(I s)
for transformer IS = 1.1X BIL/Zs ( eqn. 5.2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
2.119 kA (divide by 2)
The allowable stike Distance is obtained by the equation S= 8 x k x Is0.65 ( eqn. 5.1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
where S = Strike distance in m k= 1.000 for strikes to Lightning mast
S= 13.033 met For ACSR conductor

Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment(bus) at bus height

Nomenclature used in the calculations when using shield wire protection:

S- Sphere radius
H- Shield wire height
A- Bus height
R- Horizontal distance from origin of sphere(OOS) to WIRE
C -Maximum separation from mast to bus for protection
Y -Minimum phase to steel clearance
L- Half the separation between two masts /wires
X- Maximum separation between two masts /wires
D- Elevation difference between mast/wire and bus
E- Elevation difference between mast /wire and OOS

S- Sphere radius 13.033 met

H- Shield wire height 11.000 met
A -Bus height 5.800 met
R= √ S2 - ( S- H)2
R= 12.873 met
T-Horizontal distance from origin of sphere to bus T= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
T= 10.841 met
C- Maximum horizontal separation of single shield wire & bus C= R-T
C= 2.032 met
Horizontal distance between shield wire & main bus conductor on the layout 3.000 met.
Hence conductor is protected
Maximum Distance between two wires for vertical stroke L= √ S2 - E2
(at EQUIPMENT height) D= H-A
D= 5.200
E= S-D
E= 7.833
Half the separation between two wires L= √ S2 - E2
10.416 met
Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment(bus) at bus X= 2L
X= 20.832 met
Maximum separation of wires between two wires measured on the drg 20 met < allowable distance calculated.

Radius of protection by single wire mast at protected equipment height of 5.8 r= √ S2 - ( S- H)2-√ S2 - ( S- A)2
met. r= 2.032 met

Distance from the midpoint of adjacent masts (orshield wire supports) d= √S 2 − (D/2)2 − (S −H)2)
, perpendicular to the center of the unprotected area with radius r1 as d= 8.107 met
described in the diagrams
Radius of the curvature of the unprotected area originating a distance r1 = √ S2 - ( S- A)2
of 'd'from the midpoint of two structures, r1 = 10.841 met


Distance between shield wires on gantry towers measured on drawing is 20 Met. which is less than maximum allowable distance 20.8 Met.Hence equipment at , 5.8
met.between two shield wires on towers is protected. Also, the equipment is below the curved surface of the rolling sphere drawn at elevation of shield wire as seen
in the section drg.
age 121-IEEE-998)
2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

s to Lightning mast
Hence equipment at , 5.8
ation of shield wire as seen
By Rolling Sphere method, as per IEEE-std 998-1996


ACSR Conductor Zebra
Conductor per phase (n) = 1.000 nos.
Overall Diameter of ACSR conductor (d s) = 0.02862 met
Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met (Refer Annexure C-Page 121-IEEE-998)
height of equipment top be protected = 5.100 met.
Height of shield wire(H) = 18.000 met.

Object to be protected : equipment Bus(Single "zEBRA 'ACSR Conductor )
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0 = ds/2
0.014 met.
In case of a twin conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0 = sqrt(r x I) ( eqn. C.5, IEEE 998 - 1996)
r = radius of subconductors in m
l = spacing between adjacent conductor in m
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by
Rc x ln {(2xh)/Rc} - (Vc/E0) = 0 ( eqn. C.1, IEEE 998 - 1996)
h=is the average height of the conductor in meters h= 5.100
Vc = Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage Vc = BIL
650.000 kV
E0 = Limiting corona gradient Eo = 1500.000 kv/met.
By solving the equation for Rc, we have Rc = 0.092

Equivalent Radius of the bundle conductor under corona is R'c = R0 + Rc

R'c = 0.106 met
The surge impedence of conductors under corona is given as,
Zs = 60 xsqrt( ln ( 2xh / R'c ) x ln ( 2xh / R0 ) ( eqn. C.7, IEEE 998 - 1996)
R0 = 0.014 met.
where h = average height of the conductor h = 5.100 met.
Corona radius of the bundle conductor R'c = 0.106 met.
Equivalent radius of bundle conductor r= 0.014 met.
ZS = 328.511 ohms For ACSR conductor
The allowable stroke current is obtained by the equation(I s)
IS = 2.2 X BIL / ZS ( eqn. 5.2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
4.353 kA
The allowable stike Distance is obtained by the equation S = 8 x k x Is0.65 ( eqn. 5.1b, IEEE 998 - 1996)
S is the strike distance in meters
I is the return stroke current in kiloamperes
k is a coefÞcient to account for different striking distances to a mast, a shield wire, or the ground plane.
Value of k = 1 for strokes to wires or the ground plane and a value of k = 1.2 for lightning mast

where S = Strike distance in met. k= 1.000 for shielding wires

S= 20.811 met
Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment(bus) at bus height

Nomenclature used in the calculations when using shield wire protection:

S- Sphere radius
H- Shield wire height
A- Bus height
R- Horizontal distance from origin of sphere(OOS) to WIRE
C -Maximum separation from mast to bus for protection
Y -Minimum phase to steel clearance
L- Half the separation between two masts /wires
X- Maximum separation between two masts /wires
D- Elevation difference between mast/wire and bus
E- Elevation difference between mast /wire and OOS

S- Sphere radius 20.811 met

H- Shield wire height 18.000 met
A -Bus height 5.100 met
R= √ S2 - ( S- H)2
R= 20.621 met
T-Horizontal distance from origin of sphere to bus T= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
T= 13.648 met
C- Maximum horizontal separation of single shield wire & bus C= R-T
C= 6.973 met
Horizontal distance between shield wire & main bus conductor on the layout 3.000 met.
Hence conductor is protected
Maximum Distance between two wires for vertical stroke L= √ S2 - E2
(at EQUIPMENT height) D= H-A
D= 12.900
E= S-D
E= 7.911
Half the separation between two wires L= √ S2 - E2
19.249 met
Maximum horizontal separation of shield wire from protected equipment(bus) at bus X= 2L
X= 38.498 met
Maximum separation of wires between two wires measured on the drg 20 met < allowable distance calculated.

Radius of protection by single wire mast at protected equipment height of 5.1 r= √ S2 - ( S- H)2-√ S2 - ( S- A)2
met. r= 6.973 met
Distance from the midpoint of adjacent masts (orshield wire supports) d= √S 2 − (D/2)2 − (S −H)2)
, perpendicular to the center of the unprotected area with radius r1 as d= 18.034 met
described in the diagrams
Radius of the curvature of the unprotected area originating a distance r1 = √ S2 - ( S- A)2
of 'd'from the midpoint of two structures, r1 = 13.648 met


Distance between shield wires on gantry towers measured on drawing is 20 Met. which is less than maximum allowable distance 38.5 Met.Hence equipment at , 5.1
met.between two shield wires on towers is protected. Also, the equipment is below the curved surface of the rolling sphere drawn at elevation of shield wire as seen
in the section drg.
By Rolling Sphere method, as per IEEE-std 998-1996


ACSR Conductor Zebra
Conductor per phase (n) = 1.000 nos.
Overall Diameter of ACSR conductor (ds) = 0.02862 met
Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met (Refer Annexure C-Page 121-IEEE-998)

Height of equipment = 5.100 met.

Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage(Vo) -transformer bushing = 650.000 kV
Limiting corona gradient(E0) = 1500.000 kV/met

Height of lightning mast(H) = 21.000 met.

Object to be protected : Transformer
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= ds/2
0.014 met.
In case of a twin conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by R0= sqrt(r x I) ( eqn. C.5, IEEE 998 - 1996)
r = radius of subconductors in m
l = spacing between adjacent conductor in m
In case of a single conductor bundle, the equivalent radius is given by
Rc x ln {(2xh)/Rc} - (Vc/E0) = 0 ( eqn. C.1, IEEE 998 - 1996)
h = average height of the equipment to be protected h = 5.100
Vc = Rated Lightning Impulse withstand voltage Vc = BIL
650.000 kV
E0 = Limiting corona gradient Eo = 1500.000 kv/met.
By solving the equation for Rc, we have Rc = 0.089

Equivalent Radius of the bundle conductor under corona is R'c = R0 + Rc

R'c = 0.103 met
The surge impedence of conductors under corona is given as,
Zs = 60 xsqrt( ln ( 2xh / R'c ) x ln ( 2xh / R0 ) ( eqn. C.7, IEEE 998 - 1996)

R0 = 0.014 met.
h = 5.100 met.
Corona radius of the bundle conductor R'c = 0.103 met.
Equivalent radius of bundle conductor r= 0.014 met.
ZS = 329.641 ohms For ACSR conductor
The allowable stroke current is obtained by the equation(I s)
for transformer IS = 2.2X BIL/Zs ( eqn. 5.2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
4.338 kA (divide by 2)
The allowable stike Distance is obtained by the equation S= 8 x k x Is0.65 ( eqn. 5.1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)
where S = Strike distance in m k= 1.200 for strikes to Lightning mast
S= 24.918 met For ACSR conductor
Maximum horizontal separation of MAST
S- Strike distance 24.918
H- LM height 21.000
A -Equipment height 5.100

C= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
C= 15.105 met
T= S-C _
T= 9.813 met
W= √ S2 - ( S- A)2
Y= 3.000 (ASSUMED)
Z= W-Y
Z= 12.105
Maximum Distance between two masts for protection at equipment height L= √ S2 - Z2

Half the separation between two masts 21.780 met

Maximum Distance between two masts for protection at equipment height X= 2L

X= 43.561 met
Maximum separation between two wires measured on the drg 20 met < allowable distance calculated.

Radius of protection by single wire mast at protected equipment height of 5.1

met. r= 9.81 met

Distance from the midpoint of adjacent masts (orshield wire supports) d= √S 2 − (D/2)2 − (S −H)2)
, perpendicular to the center of the unprotected area with radius r1 as d= 22.485 met
age 121-IEEE-998)
2A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

1A, IEEE 998 - 1996)

s to Lightning mast
h H S X r-single mar1
SW 5.1 11 20.81 29.04 4.71 13.65
5.1 18 20.81 38.50 6.97 13.65
5.8 11 13.03252 20.83 2.03 10.84

TRAFO 5.8 21 15.64 25.36 #NAME? 12.16
15.39 EQUP
18.03 EQUP
8.11 TRAFO


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