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Consider the following database for a banking enterprise:

BRANCH(branch-name:string, branch-city:string, assets:real)
ACCOUNT(accno:int, branch-name:string, balance:real)
DEPOSITOR(customer-name:string, accno:int)
CUSTOMER(customer-name:string, customer-street:string, customer-city:string)
LOAN(loan-number:int, branch-name:string, amount:real)
BORROWER(customer-name:string, loan-number:int)
(i) Create the above tables by properly specifying the primary keys and the for
eign keys
create table branch
bname varchar(10) primary key,
city varchar(10),
assets real
create table account
accno int primary key,
bname varchar(10) references branch(bname),
balance real,
create table cust
cname varchar(10) primary key,
cstreet varchar(10),
city varchar(10)
create table depositor
cname varchar(10) references cust(cname),
accno int references account(accno),
create table loan
lno int primary key,
bname varchar(10) references branch(bname),
amt real,
create table borrower
cname varchar(10) references cust(cname),
lno int references loan(lno),

(ii) Enter at least five tuples for each relation

insert into branch values('abc','bang',1200000);
insert into branch values('def','che',2000000);
insert into branch values('abn','mum',330000);
insert into branch values('xyz','hyd',555555);
insert into branch values('mno','bang',9999999);
insert into account values(1,'abc',25000);
insert into account values(2,'def',12000);
insert into account values(3,'def',1000);
insert into account values(4,'abn',10000);
insert into account values(5,'mno',600000);
insert into account values(6,'xyz',50000);
insert into cust values('mik','ab','bang');
insert into cust values('muj','cd','bang');
insert into cust values('maj','ef','che');
insert into cust values('waj','xy','del');
insert into cust values('prad','lm','mum');
insert into cust values('now','op','hyd');
insert into depositor values('mik',2);
insert into depositor values('muj',1);
insert into depositor values('muj',5);
insert into depositor values('prad',4);
insert into depositor values('maj',3);
insert into depositor values('waj',6);
insert into depositor values('mik',3);
insert into loan values(1,'abc',5000);
insert into loan values(2,'def',1500);
insert into loan values(3,'abn',10000);
insert into loan values(4,'xyz',3500);
insert into loan values(5,'mno',20000);
insert into borrower values('mik',2);
insert into borrower values('muj',1);
insert into borrower values('prad',3);
insert into borrower values('maj',4);
insert into borrower values('waj',5);
(iii) Find all the customers who have at least two accounts at the Main branch.
select cname from account a,depositor d where a.accno=d.accno and bname='d
ef' group by cname having count(*)>1;
(iv) Find all the customers who have an account at all the branches located in a
specific city.
select cname from cust c where not exists
(select bname from branch where city='bang' minus select bname from deposit
or d,account a
where d.accno=a.accno and d.cname=c.cname)
and exists(select bname from branch where city='bang');
(v) Demonstrate how you delete tuples in ACCOUNT relation at every branch locate
d in a specific city.
delete from account where bname in (select bname from branch where city='che

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