33 - X-IPS 3 - Nicholas Soesilo-Dikonversi PDF

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Exercise 2

1. Which words best describe the child in the song?

2. What does the writer think about the world?
3. Complete the writer suggestions to save the world!
a. No election
b. Stop hurt each other
c. Being a good person for the next generation
d. Make a live with love and peace
e. United world
4. “You must show the way to a better day” What does ‘you’ refer to?
The child
5. What us your opinion about the lyrics of the song?
For me, it is very interesting song to heart because the song contains many messages. For
example we must be united, stop hurt each other, and etc. All of messages are only to save the
world because the writer feels that the world is bad right now. So we must save the earth to be
a good and be united
6. What is the message of the song?
a. Each child has the right to live in a peaceful world (true)
b. The conflicts among the countries influence the happiness od children
c. It is impossible to create the peaceful world
d. The president destroys the happiness of children
e. We need to change the world into a better place for children (true)

Exercise 3

1. Why can’t the performer sleep well?

Because the performer knows that thing ain’t right. Many children are crying, soldiers are dying,
and some people don’t have a home
2. How is the writer’s reaction after seeing bad things in his life?
The writer’s reaction is concerned
3. Show the parts of the lyrics of the following ideas!
A better day for humankind → I close my eyes and I can see a better day
A new world → cause I know there’s good times beyond that pain
Home for the homeless → some people don’t have a home
4. What is the mood of the song?
5. What are the meanings of the following words
The papers → newspaper that contains some informations
Appetite → a natural desire to satisfy a bodily need, especially for food
Starve → suffer severely or die from hunger
Sinner → a person who transgresses against divine law by committing an immoral act or acts

Exercise 4

1. Is the topic of the two songs different or the same? What are they about?
Different, because When the Children Cry by White lion is about the world changes into the
worse which is many issues happen in the world and Pray is about the world become evil world
which Is many people start hurt each other
2. Can you find some similarities in the both songs?
The similarities in the both song is the world change into the worse one
3. What do the writer of the songs dream about for the world?
They want a world with love and peace like a heaven
4. Do you think the children in the first song have the same problem as the children in the second
No, I don’t, the first song the children are affected by politics and war in the world, the second
song the children starve and can’t eat well.
5. Is there any chance that the children will live in a peaceful world?
Yes there is, as long as we all be united and we always love each other
6. Is the writer of the first song a pessimistic or an optimistic person? How do you know?
Optimistic, because he believes in the children and it is seen in his lyrics, ‘you must show the
way’ he believes that the children will show a way to a better world, even though he thinks the
world is already destroyed he shows that he has hope for the children
7. Is the writer of the second song a pessimistic or optimistic person? How do you know?
Optimistic, it is also seen in his lyrics ‘I can see a brighter day’ he says that he knows that the bad
times will pass and that we will see a better world.
8. Who do you think have the responsibility to make a better world?
All of us, because we are the ones who are able to change the world. It is more of a
responsibility for the people with access to things that other people don’t have like the
government. But most of all it’s the responsibility of everyone that is living in this earth to make
a better place for the next generation to live in

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