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Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

Assignment 2
As a social media expert, and during the ongoing crises of Covid19
(Coronavirus) how would you evaluate the social media performance
in terms of the following:

1. Are all of the news which is circulated between users of

Facebook trusted? Explain your answer please? (3Marks)

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms of

the globe. Data and information is transferred between friends on
Facebook every second. These information and data aren’t always
true, and sometimes they could be bias and fake. From a personal
perspective I believe that not all the information and news circulated
between the users on Facebook trust worthy and that’s for many
reasons. First of all, Facebook isn’t an official news source since
anyone could share any news and it’s counted as a secondary source.
The secondary sources are always not the ones we should trust. But on
the other hand, some official news sources have public Facebook
pages that share their news and Facebook has made easier for the
users to notice who is an authenticated user/page and who is isn’t by
the blue checkmark on the profile. People/pages who have this blue
checkmark are trustworthy since they are going to be the main and
primary source of the news that is shared.

2. In the coronavirus crises, do you trust social media platforms

as E-commerce gates? Give explanation please. (2 Marks)

The corona virus has come through and panicked a whole globe.
In Jordan everything has been stopped functioning due to the virus
crisis and that’s a bad thing towards the normal daily life for the people
and citizens. Therefore the social media e-commerce gates have been
launched and working better now than before. Since people can’t leave
their homes, business owners are now delivering whatever the product
people need to their homes. From my own perspective, I trust the
social media platforms as e-commerce gate but only under one
condition which is paying on delivery where as I seriously don’t trust
them with the online payments. Also, when receiving the product I
must make sure to sanitize it due to the corona virus. You must never
Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

pay online on social media since it’s an easy hackable platform and
easy to steal personal information, therefore payments should only be
done through trusted companies such as PayPal and Visa.

3. What procedures do you follow or at least advise others to

follow? Explain your answer? (3 Marks)

Fake news, knowledge and information is shared easily among

the social media platforms and is hard to notice. Personally, after
reading a fact or news on a social media platform I make sure it’s true
and trustworthy and that is under different procedures. Firstly, I check
if the page or person I read the news from is official and authorized by
the social media platform I’m using, if they are then I would share the
news and be safe otherwise I would do the second procedure which is
to go and search for the news on the web and make sure from the
sources I find. To prevent myself from getting wrong information, I only
follow the official pages and prevent following any fake news pages
which are the ones managed by a person or two and not an official
authorized department. For example let’s say I open Facebook and
read an article shared by a friend about a new law in the ministry of
education. From my own point of view I wouldn’t take the article as an
official news to use and read but I would put effort in going on the
official social media platform pages and users for the ministry of
education or the official website to make sure from them since they
would be the primary source that I am looking for.

4. What would you suggest to the government in terms of using

social media in their strategies facing Corona  Pandemic? Explain
your answer? ( 2 Marks )

Social media has always been one of the best and powerful
platforms to send messages to the public in an easy and faster way.
Therefor it should be used by all the governments as a weapon to stop
against the corona virus. First of all, it should be used to send out
messages and these messages could be sent in different ways on
social media. News shared on the official governmental pages on social
media should be viral and seen on every platform and hardware.
Secondly, there are plenty of social media influencers who influences
Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

the citizens in their own way, therefore the governments should

host/use these influencers to share the awareness of how necessary it
is to stay home till the corona virus ends to stop the spread of it and
this is one of the best strategies to use.

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