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Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

Assignment 1
Explain the differences among data, information, and a database. And Define a DBMS
(Database Management System) and what are its advantages? What are its disadvantages?
And what is it used for? Please give an example to support your Answer

Data is considered as information or facts in other words, it is usually facts of numbers and it is
to be collected and examined where it could be helpful for the person gathering it to have a good
decision in the decision making stage. Data could also be information in an electronic binary way where
it can be used and stored by the computer.

Information comes in different forms, it may be a picture, analytics, data, words, and many
other. Information is basically facts that have been provided, learned or studied about something or
someone where it can be useful in some situations.

A database is a group of gathered information stored in one place and this place is called a
database, the information stored in the database could be organized and easily looked through and
analyzed and can be updated and changed over time.

Now the difference between data, information and a database comes under a couple of
criteria’s. Firstly data is considered to be a set of information and is used to describe something or a
person, whereas information is the useful data where it can be studied and could be used for useful
situations, and lastly a database is an organized and structured form of collected data or information
under one umbrella, for example a database of a school would have the data and information about its
students, employees, workers, and syllabus in one table where it will be organized to be analyzed easily
and updated.

Figure 1 Example of a Database

Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

A database management system (DBMS) is originally a software which is designed to define,

manipulate, retrieve and manage the data that is stored and gathered into a specific database. The
DBMS has many functions towards the data inside the databases that’s in it and these functions are to
manipulate the data, the data format, the field name, records and file structures in addition to its best
function where the administrator is able to define rules to validate and manipulate these data.

There are many different types of DBMS packages to interact with a database, some of these are
the MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, dBase and FoxPro. In addition the DBMS has four main types and they
are organized to be different from each other, they are the Relational Database, Flat Database, Object-
Oriented Database, and the Hierarchical Database.

Figure 2 Database Management System

A DBMS has its own unique advantages and they come in different shapes. The first advantage
to be considered for a DBMS is the “Improved Data Sharing” where the end users have better access to
better managed data. Secondly, the “Improved Data Security” where the DBMS systems have a higher
security protocol than any other system. Then we have the “Better Data Integration” and “Minimized
Data Inconsistency”. Another big advantage behind the DBMS systems is the “Improved Data Access”
and the “Improved Decision Making” this is a great advantage where the decision maker will have an
easier experience to find his facts and a better way to analyze data to get to a specific decision. Lastly,
the “Increased end-user Productivity”.

On the other hand for any system there is its disadvantages. The first disadvantage of
using/owning a DBMS is the “Increased Costs”. The DBMS is a really expensive system where the owner
should have many different type of costs throughout his/her experience. Secondly, the “Management
Complexity” where it is really difficult to manage a DBMS since you need to have constant security check
ups and maintenance to keep it running depending on the company’s culture and atmosphere. Thirdly,
“Maintaining Currency” and the “Frequent upgrade/replacement Cycles” where the owner of the DBMS
will have many high costs to make and needs to frequently upgrade the DBMS with components from
vendors, also keeping the DBMS working on a constant Pace.
Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

Figure 3 DBMS Components

There are many different uses for a DBMS. A DBMS can be an effective and efficient way to
manage the data collected. It can be used to do query processing and management. The DBMS can be
easy to understand and analyze and is a user friendly system. It can secure and integrate data to have a
better efficiency. One of its most common use and the most popular is the fact it helps to have a better
decision making decision. It helps to store and share the data in a friendly way. The DBMS is also a good
gateway to access more accurate data about something and the makes sure that the information you
receive is error free.

An example of a DBMS use could be in many different pictures in our day to day jobs. For
example in banking, airlines, universities, and manufacturing and selling companies or factories. Let’s
explain one of the above for example the Universities. In a university DBMS there would be many
different information and data gathered, these data would be about the courses, students’ information,
lecturer’s information, buildings and campus information, timings and student grade. In their DBMS they
would have all the data organized in separate databases and they would be gathered together under
one system called the DBMS and this system could filter and analyze the information for the university’s
dean and board. This information could help them to get to better decisions in hard situations.
Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028


Figure 1:

Anon (n.d.) “What is a Database Management System? - Definition from Database
management system, Relational database management system,” Pinterest, [online] Available
from: (Accessed 20 April 2020)

Figure 2:

Anon (n.d.) “Database Management System: What Is DBMS: Types Of DBMS,” Learn

Computer Science, [online] Available from: (Accessed 20 April

Figure 3:

Anon (2019) “Components of DBMS,” Tutorial And Example, [online] Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2020).

Anon (n.d.) “What is a Database Management System (DBMS)? - Definition from

Techopedia,”, [online] Available from: (Accessed
20 April 2020).


Anon (2015) “Database Management System (DBMS): Applications, Uses and Other
Details,” Your Article Library, [online] Available from:
system-dbms-applications-uses-and-other-details/63278 (Accessed 20 April 2020).

Anon (n.d.) “DATA: meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary,” Cambridge Dictionary,

[online] Available from: (Accessed 20
April 2020).
Mohammed Shalabi Student ID: 201810028

Anon (n.d.) “INFORMATION: meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary,” Cambridge

Dictionary, [online] Available from: (Accessed 20 April 2020).

Anon (n.d.) “DATABASE: meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary,” Cambridge

Dictionary, [online] Available from:
(Accessed 20 April 2020).

Thiru (n.d.) “Thiru,”, [online] Available from:
disadvantages-of-dbms.html (Accessed 20 April 2020).

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