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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
Estrella Road, Barangay XIV, Victorias City


Name: _____________________________________________________ Section:


1. What are the benefits of Aquatic and Mountaineering activities according to the
following aspects:
Activities Physical Emotional Mental Social Spiritual Environmental
It let us open
It releases our mind and
You can
your eyes about the
improve your
It enhances emotions effect we did
social being
endurance, It reduces It aids you to and energy
Aquatic through in the
muscle stress, boosts ease pent up for great
taking environment.
strength and brain health, tension and happiness
classes In this way,
cardiovascular releases allow you to and
together, we can
fitness. hormones that be free from fulfilment.
training display
Producing a increases depression Through
healthy body. positivity. and anxiety together, or that, it lifts awareness to
work with a up your the
coach in the
spiritual surroundings
aspect. and
Being in the
Mountaineerin It enhances It helps us to It help us Having an
g It i mprove s one's cope up build strong surrounding activity such as
the physical individual with our relationship of nature mountaineering
and problem- selves by among help us to help us
meditate and
cardiovasc- solving skills, being free fellow appreciate the
channel our
ular fitness and mental from hikers beauty of the
energy by its
of an concentration in problems through peace world we are
individual. mountaineering. Nature and sharing environment. living in,
And improve its elements experiences Creating a resulting to a
the emotional help our and helping good more aware
aspect. brain to heal each other. spiritual perspective.
and relax, aspect.
and makes
us more

2. As a student, why is it important to engage in outdoor activities from time to time? What
and how can it contribute to your development as an individual?
-Students are more enthusiastic to learn in outdoor learning activities as compared to
traditional indoor setting and also more motivated. They also develop a better attitude towards
the environment and more responsible behavior. It helps in building communication skills and
team building as students have to work in groups to solve problems. There will be more
discussions of ideas and feedbacks and helps students to resolve conflict among themselves
It also helps in boosting memory as there is more practical experience and the information
can be soaked up wholly by the brain in a more fresh and fascinating environment
It also helps in moral development as students get the opportunity to undertake leadership,
question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own behavior.
Enhances peer relationships and interpersonal skills. Students can also excel in areas other than
academics where they have an interest. Recreational activities can give a chance to discover
talents other than academic excellence which can later help one in the career and life as a whole.

3. Explain the importance of safety practices and risk management during outdoor activities.
Managing risk in play and learning environments is a complex task. It is
quite different to risk management in other contexts. In most workplaces,
risks rarely have any inherent benefits. Hence risk management focuses on
control measures that reduce the risk of harm to an acceptable level. Without it,
these may lead to accidents, especially in challenging, adventurous
situations.Therefore taking precaution is the key to have a better learning in
outdoor activies.

4. Why is it important to have a pre – trip plan, logistics and budgeting when organizing
an outdoor activities?
Every trip must establishes trip goals and objectives, everyone should be prepare
for the expedition by engaging in a formal trip planning process. As learned, a
proper trip plan ensures safe, quality and environmentally sound experiences. It is
recommended that an actual trip plan be compiled that addresses the following:
participants, resources, equipment and clothing, a plan, access, rationing and an
emergency plan. Addressing these issues will alleviate many potential problems
during the expedition.

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