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Amity School of
Amity University



PROJECT TITLE: Impact of sports activities on students mental health

NAME OF STUDENT: Ashutosh Kumar Singh
ENROLLMENT NO: A36106417029
BATCH: 2017-2020
DURATION: 33 days
NAME OF GUIDE: Prof. Julie Vardhan

Internal Guide Student


I hereby declare that the matter in the project report entitled “Impact of sports activities on students mental
health” submitted to Prof. Julie Vardhan , Professor, Amity University, Ranchi is a bonafide and genuine research
project under the guidance of Professor Julie Vardhan . The work done in the report is original and has not been
submitted earlier for the award of any degree, diploma, or fellowship of any other university or institution.

Name: Ashutosh Kumar Singh
Enrollment no: A36106417029


This is to certify that the report entitled “Impact of sports activities on students’ mental health” is
a bonafide research work carried out by Ashutosh Kumar Singh, which is submitted in partial
fulfilment for the award of the degree of BBA in the Amity University, Ranchi.

Date: Prof. Julie Vardhan

Place: Ranchi, Jharkhand


I would like to thank Prof. Julie Vardhan for giving me such interesting and challenging topic to
carry out my experimental research project.
I would also like to thank ma’am for helping me, guiding me by providing relevant and important
concepts and other important data regarding my experimental work.



1. Abstract 7

2. Introduction 8

3. Research Methodology 13

4. Data Analysis , Result & Questionnaire 14

5. Conclusion 28

6. References 29

7 Appendix 30


Sport is frequently regarded as an effectual mechanism for promoting positive youth

development (PYD). However, this connection is not inherent, and depends upon a variety of
programmatic and contextual factors. To help elucidate these linkages, scholars have
called for more process-based approaches to programme evaluation and research. This paper
contributes to that agenda by presenting the results of a systematic integrative review of the
empirical sport based PYD literature. Using a theory of change to guide coding and
analysis, these findings demonstrate how various aspects of the change process (i.e.
resources/inputs, outcomes, impacts) have been integrated into empirical research. In addition
to identifying trends and gaps in the literature, the authors use this information to provide
informed recommendations for future research in the area of sport based PYD.


Sports require physical exercise, which results in better blood circulation and an overall
improved physical stamina. It opens up one’s nerves and makes the body more flexible, agile
and responsive. Despite all the physical advantages, participating in a sport also works
wonders to your brain and overall personality.

Sport is a competition where you compete with the opponents. You need to judge their moves
and make instant decisions, consequently improving your mental ability. Thinking quickly
and responding accordingly has positive impact on a sportsman’s brain.

Sports also develop your social skills as you interact with your opponents as well as the
teammates. It improves one’s ability to work in a team giving him/her an exposure to the
team culture, which is beneficial in professional life as well. Even the mere spectators of a
sport interact with each other and support their respective teams by shouting and cheering;
resulting in overall happiness and a good social behavior.

Sports play a great in everyone’s busy life especially for students. Everyone should involve
themselves in the sports activity even for a small time all through the day. Sports are
necessary because it brings physical and mental fitness to the person involved in this on
regular basis. People who have busy schedule in their life get tired very easily. As we all
know that, living a relaxed and comfort life we need a sound mind and a sound body.
Education is very necessary to get name, fame and money. In the same way, getting a sound
mind and body, everyone must involve in some type of physical activities for which sports is
the best way.

Being involved in sports activities benefits a person in many ways. It does not provide only
physical strength however it increases mental power too. Outdoor sports such as football,
cricket, volleyball, hockey, running, etc helps in improving physical health and mental
fitness. However, some indoor games and sports like brain games, chess, Sudoku, etc
improves mental power and concentration level.

Sports are a crucial part of a student’s growth and development. They help in the
development of mental health and physical fitness of the body. Through participation in
sports and games, a student gains various skills, experience and confidence that are helpful
for developing their personality.

At Jain Heritage School, the best CBSE School in Bangalore, sports is an important part of
the curriculum. The school is well equipped with multi-sporting facilities that include cricket,
tennis, basketball, volleyball and other indoor games. The school not only aims to improve a
student's physical abilities but also instill a sense of good sportsmanship in them.

Given below are the reasons why sports and games are essential in a student’s life:

Improves physical and mental health - One of the main benefits of sports and games is to
boost the physical and mental health of a student. Sports is played between teams in a healthy
competitive environment which ensures that the student remains active and fit. Outdoor
sports like football, cricket, tennis, swimming, running, etc, keeps the body and mind active
and engaged. Indoor games like chess, badminton, and table tennis enhance the concentration
level of the student. It also strengthens the immunity system of the body and energizes them.

Empower students with life skills - While sports not only help in developing physical and
mental health, it also develops the life skills of a student’s personality. It enhances their
capabilities and helps them to have a better understanding of themselves. Sports also help in
developing social skills and getting along with people. They learn to interact not only with
children of their age but also with adults like their coaches and seniors. Additionally, children
acquire decision-making skills through various team activities.

Learn time management and discipline - Constructive use of time and discipline is a major
characteristic of any sportsperson. If a student plays a sport, he/she needs to show the
commitment of time to be in a particular place at a particular time everyday as a part of their
routine. He/she must be patient, disciplined which will enable the student to cope with
criticism and setbacks. Each sport has a set of rules and regulations to be followed which
helps the students to stay fit and disciplined.

Improved leadership and team building qualities - Sports is all about teamwork. Jain
Heritage School encourages team sports such as football, cricket, basketball etc. which gives
an individual a sense of identity and belonging to a group. Such sports encourage children to
showcase their talent and communicate with their team members. It also helps to identify and
hone their leadership skills which add values to their personality.

Winning and losing is all part of the game - Sports is not always about winning. It is about
fair play and believing in equality and justice. Losing is a part and parcel of any game and
accepting defeat in a positive competitive spirit distinguishes a true sportsperson which
propels him/her to strive harder the next time to achieve what he/she missed out on the
previous game.

Boost self-confidence - Scoring a goal, hitting a six or winning a race not only makes a
student happy but also it boosts their confidence. Performing in front of a crowd which is
constantly noticing your each and every move can be quite unnerving. But a sportsperson is
one with focus, patience, the right amount of confidence having a never-say-die attitude.

.An exclusive academic program with flexible timings is designed to meet the needs of
students. Training programs are designed by international/national coaches who visit the
school regularly and monitor the progress of the students. Our students enjoy their round of
sports at the state-of-the-art sports complex known as "KREEDA". All the above reasons
show how sport and games are an integral part of the education system and must be
incorporated in every college.


 To know about the importance of sports .

 To know the facilities they get from colleges.
 To know about how sports helps in growing mental health.
 To know about how sports help in relieving mental health and stability.
 To know that sports helps you all to overcome from obstacles in academics.



This chapter will provide discussion and examples of some of the positive effects in youth
development based on participating in extracurricular activities. In addition, this chapter will
also highlight some of the negative effects that may also take place in adolescent
development due to injury, limited opportunity or over-scheduled participation. Furthermore,
this chapter will include what schools can do to encourage students to participate in
extracurricular activities in hopes of reducing absenteeism, bullying, and high drop out rates.
Lastly, this chapter will describe how extracurricular activities can effect personal, social and
academic development in a positive manner.

Benefits of Participation :-
When looking at the variety of out-of-school options students may choose, it is important to
consider how connecting with an activity might benefit them. It has been suggested by Eccles
(2003), that participation in voluntary, school-based, extracurricular activities increase school
participation and achievement (cited in Mahoney et aI., inpress). This happens because it
a) The acquisition of interpersonal skills and positive social norms
b) Membership in pro-social peer groups
c) Stronger emotional and social connections .
It then stands to reason that participation may contribute to an increase of wellness in mental
health, improved students' engagement in school and achievement, strengthen their long-term
educational outcomes and find that participation may decrease problem behaviors.
One study in particular discussed how being involved in physical extracurricular activities
that may actually improve self-perceptions. It is important to understand that participation in
extracurricular physical activities may influence the mental well-being of young people by
reducing stress, keeping fit and feeling overall better about their appearances (Daley &
Leahy, 2003). Those who were involved in these activities reported significantly higher self-
perceptions compared to those who did not participate.

It might also be suggested that participation can give adolescents confidence about their
physical and perhaps social selves. Another important part of an adolescent's identity is social
competence, and many report that socialization and friendships are important in their lives.
When adolescents are in extracurricular activities, they often have greater opportunity to
interact with others, develop friendships, and to develop social confidence. Also, participation
might be interpreted as a sign of maturity and as a self-affirming behavior. The research
showed that those who participated seemed to have a developed sense of commitment and
obligation. In conclusion, it was shown that those who participated in extracurricular physical
activities had a higher self-perception than those who were not participants.
Youth who participate in activities can learn important skills, such as teamwork or leadership
skills, and these skills may help them in other parts of their lives. When furthering their
education, those who participated in activities are more likely to make friends easily, adjust to
a new environment, and show leadership based on prior experience in extracurricular
activities. By being involved, students decrease the likelihood that they will be involved with
problem behaviors.

Social Skills and Social Networks :-

Participation in structured extracurricular activities promotes not only academic achievement
but also personal/social development. Students have unique opportunities to develop their
social skills and their social identities. Participation in sports may also provide students with
unique development opportunities that positively impact the student's social self-concept.
This may lead to a higher academic expectations and therefore better academic outcomes for
student athletes (Smith, 2008). Adolescent students who do not have opportunities to identify
with a particular group or who are affiliated with delinquent social groups are more likely to
suffer negative repercussions including: dropout, suicide, substance abuse, or discipline
problems (Smith, 2008).

Academic Achievement :-
There has always been debate whether participation in extracurricular activities has a positive
correlation with academic success. According to Reeves (2008), students who took part in
three or four extracurricular activities during the academic year had dramatically better grades

than those who participated in no extracurricular activities at all. Darling, Caldwell, and
Smith (2005) suggested that participation in athletics is related to the following positive
academic related outcomes including higher grade point average, fewer disciplinary referrals,
lower absentee rates, decrease in dropout rates, stronger commitment to the school, liking
school better, being in the academic tract in coursework, taking more demanding coursework,
more likely to attend college full time and graduate, holding higher aspirations for attending
college, applying to more universities and colleges .
These positive effects are not just from participating in athletics but also from joining other
activities as well. Olson (2008) found that students enrolled in fine arts activities had
significantly lower absentee rates than those students who did not participate at all. Also, it
was determined that dropouts were involved in fewer extracurricular activities than were
those who stayed in school (cited in Olson at el., Bowman & Matthews, 2008). Involvement
in extracurricular activities is consistently and positively correlated with good school
attendance, and good attendance is often correlated with a higher grade point average.

Role Models :-
Another positive impact of participation in extracurricular activities is the possibility of a
student acquiring some type of supportive relationship, mentor or role model with an adult.
When children identify with a helpful coach or talented director, the children get to know
them better by being involved. Students have the opportunity to have genuine interaction,
constructive feedback and support from an adult role model while developing positive
relationships outside of their immediate families. This type of participation may help to
develop mutual trust, respect and commitment in relationships. Most students benefit from
supporting and caring relationships with teachers and other adults. The presence of "other
adult relationships" is recognized as a developmental asset linked to facilitating academic and
life success.



The main source of data for the study is Primary data. The type of study is quantitative study
which is descriptive in nature. This whole study is done by primary data analysis through
survey by making questionnaire.

3.1.1DATA COLLECTION METHODS :- Data collection is a process of

collecting information from all the relevant sources to find answers to the research problem,
test the hypothesis and evaluate the outcomes. Data collection methods can be divided into
two categories: secondary methods of data collection and primary methods of data collection.

 SECONDARY METHODS :- Secondary data is a type of data that has already

been published in books, newspapers, magazines, journals, online portals etc. There is
an abundance of data available in these sources about your research area in business
studies, almost regardless of the nature of the research area. Therefore, application of
appropriate set of criteria to select secondary data to be used in the study plays an
important role in terms of increasing the levels of research validity and reliability.

These criteria include, but not limited to date of publication, credential of the author,
reliability of the source, quality of discussions, depth of analyses, the extent of
contribution of the text to the development of the research area etc.

 PRIMARY METHODS :- Primary data collection methods can be divided into

two groups: quantitative and qualitative.


Quantitative data collection methods are based in mathematical calculations in various
formats. Methods of quantitative data collection and analysis include questionnaires with
closed-ended questions, methods of correlation and regression, mean, mode and median and
Quantitative methods are cheaper to apply and they can be applied within shorter duration of

time compared to qualitative methods. Moreover, due to a high level of standardization of
quantitative methods, it is easy to make comparisons of findings.

Qualitative research methods, on the contrary, do not involve numbers or mathematical

calculations. Qualitative research is closely associated with words, sounds, feeling, emotions,
colours and other elements that are non-quantifiable.
Qualitative studies aim to ensure greater level of depth of understanding and qualitative data
collection methods include interviews, questionnaires with open-ended questions, focus
groups, observation, game or role-playing, case studies etc.
Your choice between quantitative or qualitative methods of data collection depends on the
area of your research and the nature of research aims and objectives.



Data analysis was carried out with the help of Microsoft packaging tools software program.
The results were presented as descriptive statistics. Regarding the correct tool, there is in
front of each item estimate balance consists of one degree, where the "No" give (2) , "Yes" to
give (1) , “Maybe” to give (3).






 Q7&Q10:- Attitude towards academics & planning for pursuing sports as a
professional career ?
Here , Correlation is highest i.e. 0.349 therefore we see that in this survey that attitude
towards academics is high and planning sports as a professional career is very low as
the risk is to become a successful as a sports athlete is very less and hard working as
well .

 Q4&Q8:- College provide extra credits for engaging in sports & college provide
adequate sports facilities ?
Here , Correlation is the second highest i.e. 0.3245 therefore we see that in this survey
that college students are engaging in sports as college provide adequate sports
facilities .

 Q8&Q9:- College provide adequate sports facilities & sports gives you a overall
growth and development ?
Here , Correlation is third highest i.e. 0.3069 therefore we see that in this survey that
college provide adequate sports facilities and by doing such things the development of
a student is good.



Here we calculate the sum (mean) , average and variance from the collected data and we
conclude that that actually sports activities affect the mental health of students in overall
development and by playing any sports helps them to make decisions at faster rate and help
them to be fit mentally and physically as well.


This figure shows the calculation different statistical tools used for each questions of a
sample. Here in this every question has mean , median , mode , SD , range , minimum ,
maximum , sum and total count of a sample used in a survey.


Question 1 :

JUSTIFICATION :- The above pie- chart shows that 82% of the respondents are engaged in
sports while 18% of them are not engaged in sports. This represents that most of them are
likely to be concerned about their physical health , fitness ,etc.


JUSTIFICATION :- The above pie chart shows that 76% of respondents spend 1-2 hours in a
day in sports activities , 20% of them spend 2-3 hours in a day in sports activities , 4% of
respondents spend 3 or more hours in a day in sports activities.


JUSTIFICATION :- The above pie chart shows that 90% of respondents helps to relieve
everyday stress levels , 10% of them helps to relieve everyday stress levels .


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 48% of the student get extra credits for
engaging in sports , 52% of the student didn’t get extra credits for engaging in sports .


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 56% of the college students are generally
good at sports , 44% of the college are not generally good at sports .


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 58% of the students involvement in sports
as an impediment to the academics is being done , 42% of the students involvement in sports
as an impediment to the academics is being not done .


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 74% of the students attitude towards
academics is to above or beyond and 26% of the students attitude towards academics is to just


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 18% of the students has a plan on
pursuing sports as a professional career , 56% of the students has dropped the plan pursuing
sports as a professional career , 26% of the students is still not have a plan on pursuing sports
as a professional career.


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 52% of students college provide adequate
sports facilities , 48% of the students college does not provide adequate sports facilities .


JUSTIFICATION : The above pie chart shows that 92% of the students consider sports as an
important element for overall growth and development , 8% of the students doesn’t consider
sports as an important element for your overall growth and development .

Based on the analysis, I can conclude that everyone among students are always wanted to
engaged in sports activities. Here I also conclude that mostly the students engage 1-2 hours &
2-3 hours for mental health . Favorite sports helps the students to relieve everyday problem
and tension. It also conclude that college / university helps students for extra credit in
engaging in sports. Students also give good attitude towards sports which help them in
gaining good habits like physical health , mental health , etc . But it also conclude that mostly
students don’t want sports as a professional career as it has a risk to become successful in
there sports they like. Here it also conclude that most of the students think that while playing
sports help them to become more stronger in mental as well as physical fit and also helps
them to become good in there game.

Finally, there is high level of mental health among university students and there are
significant differences between students-athletes and students-non athletes. Thus, sports have
potential to be of benefit for mental health of university students and emphasize importance
of the mental health of university students through its integration in the various recreational
and competitive activities.

 Ahmadi J, Samavat F, Sayyad M, & Ghanizadeh A. on “The Beck Depression
Inventory. Psychological Reports”, 2002; 90(3): 821–822.

 Ahmadi J. “College students’ mental health is a growing concern, survey finds”.

Monitor on psychology, 2013;44(6): 13-20.

 Biddle SJH, & Mutrie N. “ Psychology of physical activity: Determinants, well-being

and interventions.” London: Routledge; 2001.

 Carless D, & Sparkes A. “Narrative, identity and mental health: How men with
serious mental illness restory their lives through sport and exercise.” Psychology of
Sport and Exercise, 2008; 9(5): 576–594.

 Craft LL. “Exercise and clinical depression: Examining two psychological

mechanisms.” Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 2005;6(2): 151–171.

 Craft LL, & Perna FM. “The benefits of exercise for the clinically depressed”.
Primary Care Companion, Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 2004; 6: 104–111.


1. Do you engage in sports ?

 Yes
 No

2. How many hours in a day do you engage in sports activities ?

 1-2 hours
 2-3 hours
 3 or more hours

3. Does your favorite sports helps to relieve your everyday stress levels ?
 Yes
 No

4. Does your college / university provide extra credits for engaging in sports ?
 Yes
 No

5. Are top college performers also generally good at sports ?

 Yes
 No

6. Do you consider your involvement in sports as an impediment to your academics ?

 Yes
 No

7. What is your attitude towards academics?

 To just pass
 To go above or beyond

8. Do you plan on pursuing sports as a professional career ?

 Yes
 No
 Maybe

9. Does your college / university provide adequate sports facilities ?

 Yes
 No

10. Do you consider sports an important element for your overall growth and
development ?
 Yes
 No

Enrol No: A36106417029

Program: BBA, Sem-IV, Batch: 2017-2020


NTCC Weekly Progress Report (Major Project); Wk. No: 1 Duration: 33 days

DAYS / Date Summary



TUE / 26-03-19 Surfed on the web about MENTAL HEALTH

WED / 27-03-19 Watched videos on YouTube and discussed with my group

THU / 28-03-19 Gone through the different sites to increase the concept & knowledge on

FRI / 29-03-19 Thinking about what increases the potential

SAT / 30-03-19 Searching for relevant pictures

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)

NTCC Weekly Progress Report (Major Project); Wk. No: 2 Duration: 33 days

DAYS / Date
Searched about role of MENTAL HEALTH in STUDENTS’
MON / 31-03-19

TUE/ 01-04-19 Got to know about importance of MENTAL HEALTH

WED / 02-04-19 Learnt about how to be happy and positive during failure

THU / 03-04-19 Got to know about importance of MENTAL HEALTH

FRI / 04-04-19 Started working on my NTCC project file

SAT / 05-04-19 Discussed with my faculty

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)

NTCC Weekly Progress Report (Major Project); Wk. No: 3 Duration: 33 days

DAYS / Date Summary

MON / 06-04-19 Reading books relevant to my MENTAL HEALTH.
TUE/ 07-04-19 Researching about MENTAL HEALTH and its types.
WED / 08-04-19 Noting the points as well as the information related to Event
THU / 09-04-19 Surfed the web about the Risks and challenges of Event
FRI / 10-04-19 Getting the examples of optimist people.
SAT / 11-04-19 Surfed the web about the MENTAL HEALTH.

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)

NTCC Weekly Progress Report (Major Project); Wk. No: 4 Duration: 33 days

DAYS / Date Summary

Got the information about the MENTAL HEALTH and its
MON / 12-04-19

TUE/ 13-04-19 Note down the MENTAL HEALTH effects.

WED / 14-04-19 Risks and Challenges of MENTAL HEALTH

THU /15-04-19 Role of MENTAL HEALTH in our life.

FRI / 16-04-19 Finished the topic about MENTAL HEALTH

SAT / 17-04-19 Getting the extra information about MENTAL HEALTH.

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)

NTCC Weekly Progress Report (Major Project); Wk. No: 5 Duration: 33 days

DAYS / Date Summary

MON / 18-04-19 Noting the points relevant to happiness in life.

TUE/ 19-04-19 Getting the pictures relevant to the topic.

WED / 20-04-19 Surfed the about the MENTAL HEALTH and its importance.

THU /21-04-19 Studies from web about the people being happy and its effect.

FRI / 22-04-19 Putting in the sequence about MENTAL HEALTH.

SAT / 23-04-19 Writing about the MENTAL HEALTH and concluding the topic.

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)

NTCC Weekly Progress Report (Major Project); Wk. No: 5 Duration: 33 days

DAYS / Date Summary

WED / 24-04-19 Re-checking the project and rectifying the errors.
THU/ 25-04-19 Project is finally completed and ready for the submission.
FRI / 26-04-19 Project is submitted successfully

(Student Signature with Date) (Faculty Guide Signature with Date)


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