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Section Five Quiz

1. Monitoring and controlling the project happens at the same time as what other project
management process group?
A. Initiating
B. Planning
C. Executing
D. Closing

2. Monitoring and controlling compares actual project experiences against what?

A. Plans
B. Variance
C. Expectations
D. Industry standards

3. Beth’s project has a reward for the project team member of the month. This is an example of
A. Motivation
B. Team performance contest
C. Zero-sum reward
D. Attitudinal survey

4. You have bad news to share with your project sponsors. What’s the preferred method for sharing
bad news?
A. Face-to-face
B. Quickly
C. Variance report
D. Email

5. A power/interest grid maps out stakeholders’ power and interest in a project. All of the follow
advice modules are offered except for which one?
A. Monitor
B. Manage
C. Manage closely
D. Keep satisfied

Answer key on next page.

©, LLC updated 9/3/2016 1

Section Five Quiz Answer Key

1. Monitoring and controlling the project happens at the same time as what other project
management process group?
A. Initiating
B. Planning
C. Executing
D. Closing

C. Monitoring and controlling the project happens at the same time as executing. Choices A, B, and D are
incorrect choices for this question.

2. Monitoring and controlling compares actual project experiences against what?

A. Plans
B. Variance
C. Expectations
D. Industry standards

A. Monitoring and controlling will compare the actual project experiences to the planned project
experiences. The difference between what was planned and experienced is a project variance. Choices
B, C, and D are incorrect choices for this question.

3. Beth’s project has a reward for the project team member of the month. This is an example of
A. Motivation
B. Team performance contest
C. Zero-sum reward
D. Attitudinal survey

C. This is a zero-sum reward where only one person can win the reward at a time. Choices A, B, and D
are incorrect choices for this question.

4. You have bad news to share with your project sponsors. What’s the preferred method for sharing
bad news?
A. Face-to-face
B. Quickly
C. Variance report
D. Email

A. Of all the items presented, a face-to-face meeting is often the best approach for sharing bad news.
Choices B, C, and D all have merits, but are not the best choices for this question.

5. A power/interest grid maps out stakeholders’ power and interest in a project. All of the follow
advice modules are offered except for which one?
A. Monitor
B. Manage
C. Manage closely
D. Keep satisfied

©, LLC updated 9/3/2016 2

B. Manage is not one of the advice modules offered. The power/interest grid includes monitor, keep
informed, keep satisfied, and manage closely.

©, LLC updated 9/3/2016 3

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