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Section Two Quiz

1. Most business projects focus on just one of two goals. These goals are which one?
A. Laws and regulations
B. Customer retention and satisfaction
C. Cut costs or increase revenue
D. Marketplace and market gain

2. What business role studies the potential change a project may bring into the organization?
A. Project manager
B. Functional manager
C. Coordinator
D. Business analyst

3. What one word best describes the purpose of the project charter?
A. Authority
B. Constraint
C. Division
D. Official

4. Which one of the following items is not part of a typical project charter?
A. Requirements for satisfaction
B. Name of the project manager
C. Stakeholder influence
D. Selected vendors

5. You are the project manager of the BHW Project. Marcy, a stakeholder, tells you that she hopes
your project fails as she doesn’t want the new technology implemented. What type of stakeholder
is Marcy?
A. Forward
B. Negative
C. Challenging
D. Skull

Answer key on next page.

©, LLC updated 9/3/2016 1

Section Two Quiz Answer Key

1. Most business projects focus on just one of two goals. These goals are which one?
A. Laws and regulations
B. Customer retention and satisfaction
C. Cut costs or increase revenue
D. Marketplace and market gain

C. Projects almost always focus on cutting costs or increasing revenue. Choices A, B, and D aren’t the
best choice for this question.

2. What business role studies the potential change a project may bring into the organization?
A. Project manager
B. Functional manager
C. Coordinator
D. Business analyst

D. Business analysts are business roles that study the change a project could bring about. They define
the opportunity, risks, costs, schedule, and feasibility of a proposed project. Choices A, B, and C are
incorrect as the project manager, functional manager, and coordinator don’t do the study – it’s the
business analyst.

3. What one word best describes the purpose of the project charter?
A. Authority
B. Constraint
C. Division
D. Official

A. The purpose of the project charter is to authorize the project to exist and to authorize the project
manager to act on behalf of the project sponsor. Choices B, C, and D are all incorrect choices for this

4. Which one of the following items is not part of a typical project charter?
A. Requirements for satisfaction
B. Name of the project manager
C. Stakeholder influence
D. Selected vendors

D. The project charter doesn’t include the names of vendors. The project charter includes requirements
for satisfaction, project manager name, project sponsor name, purpose of the project, milestone
schedule, stakeholder influence, and risks.

5. You are the project manager of the BHW Project. Marcy, a stakeholder, tells you that she hopes
your project fails as she doesn’t want the new technology implemented. What type of stakeholder
is Marcy?
A. Forward
B. Negative
C. Challenging

©, LLC updated 9/3/2016 2

D. Skull

B. Marcy is a negative stakeholder as she is opposed to your project. The other terms in the list aren’t
applicable to the question.

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