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Bidsketch Proposal Template

Date: 01/01/20XX

Proposal for: Client Name

Proposal by: Your Name
Identifying Your Needs

{Client_name} needs to gain greater exposure and customer recognition for its brand. In
addition, {client_name} needs to fine-tune its marketing approach to further differentiate
itself from competitors and allow its brand to better support {client-name}’s position as a
leader in the {client’s industry} industry. However, a lack of consistency and disjointed
marketing efforts have slowed progress in achieving these goals.

{Client_name} wants to update its branding program to:

• Build recognition and reputation with new customers, improving conversion rate.
• Coordinate marketing, communications and public relations efforts for better consistency
in branding.
• Differentiate {client name}’s brand from that of competitors to establish a fiercely loyal
customer base.

Without consistent use of a branding strategy, {client_name} risks loss of customers—and

potential sales—to competitors with more defined marketing approaches. Building a strong
brand is fundamental to {client_name}’s long-term growth and viability.

Creating a Solution

Here’s what {my_company}’s team will deliver to help {client_name} manage its brand in
a way that builds and strengthens long-term customer loyalty:

● An analysis of your current brand performance — Without a benchmark to

understand how well your brand is performing, creating an improved branding
strategy takes a lot of guesswork. We’ll get to the heart of the matter by gathering
information from you about your current marketing and PR approaches, and how
you’ve incorporated your brand. Then, we’ll conduct research with your exiting
customer base to get a clear handle on how your brand is being perceived, as
well as its rank within your industry and its standing among competitors.
● Development of a custom branding strategy to build loyalty and improve
competitiveness – A company’s branding strategy plays an important role since
a brand often has more value and longevity than any single product. However,
that branding strategy has to be consistent across marketing, PR and
communications channels. Based on the research and analysis results above,
we’ll develop a strategy to target weak spots, strengthen loyalty with existing
customers and expand brand reach to new prospects. We will show you how to
keep the use and promotion of your brand consistent across all marketing and
sales efforts, and why this is important in building customer recognition and
● Implementation of a new branding campaign – The most important part of any
branding campaign is putting it into action. This includes everything from your
website and logo, to more minor details like style guides, social media avatars,
business cards, and other stationary. Your presentation needs to be consistent
across the board, and your new brand should be implemented efficiently and
systematically so that you will be visible to your customers and new prospects
without losing any recognition.

Delivering Results

Working with {my_company} will help {client_name} to analyze brand performance,

capitalize on the positive aspects and strengthen weak spots through a coordinated
marketing approach. If hired, we’ll break the project down into the following phases:

1. Research and Analysis

We’ll start by gathering information about your current marketing efforts and how you’ve
presented your brand to customers. From there, we’ll go through a series of research
steps to gauge brand performance, particularly with current customers. This will be done
through a combination of online surveys and focus groups.

The next step will be a competitor analysis, to determine position in the marketplace.
Finally, we will wrap up with a full audit of your current brand, analyzing the perceived
promise and personality, value and history. This brand audit will also include a complete
SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis that will guide us in
creating a custom brand strategy to be incorporated into your company’s marketing,
communications and public relations efforts in a consistent way.

The advantage of taking these steps before developing a branding program is that it
provides a benchmark to measure improved conversions and customer loyalty as the
new strategy is implemented over time. Research allows you to measure results using
tangible metrics.

2. Development of a Custom Branding Strategy

Based on results of the research and analysis phase, we’ll create a long-term branding
strategy that uniquely defines your brand’s desired promise, personality, and position,
addressing any weaknesses and capitalizing on existing strengths.

This strategy will be incorporated into {client_name}’s overall marketing plan to

coordinate branding goals with your other marketing objectives.

3. Systematic Implementation of Branding

Once we have a Branding Strategy in place, we will create guidelines for branding your website,
blog, social media, email campaigns, presentations, logo animations and other activities and
materials utilizing your brand.

In addition, we’ll incorporate the new strategy into printed stationery and ephemera, as well as
office templates and business cards. We will create guidelines for showcasing your brand at
events, through advertising, event materials and signage.

The goal will be a consistent brand approach across all interactions with existing customers and
prospects. Results will be multi-fold: 1) broader recognition of your brand and its positive
attributes; 2) improved differentiation of your brand as a leading force in the marketplace; and 3)
increased conversions as prospects more readily recognize your products and approach, and
associate them positively.
Your Investment

Service Item Cost


• Research and analysis – We’ll start by analyzing the impacts of

your current branding strategies and wrap up with a complete
branding audit.

• Development of a custom branding strategy – Using the data

gathered from our research, we’ll develop guidelines for consistent
use of your brand.

• Implementation of branding – We’ll implement the custom

branding strategy across platforms, covering everything from digital
presence to office templates.


The above pricing is valid until {date} with written acceptance of this proposal.

Why Choose {my_company}?

{client_name} needs to differentiate its brand in the marketplace to build customer

loyalty, engage new prospects and generate steady revenue, referrals and repeat
business. {my_company}’s branding expertise can provide the necessary analysis and
strategy development to do just that. Here’s why we can help {client-name}, better than
any other marketing agency:

● {my_company}’s branding experts work methodically – Many marketing

professionals think of branding as a glitzy proposition. They want to dazzle
clients with all the bells and whistles before they’ve even done their homework to
determine exactly where the client’s brand currently stands with customers.
{my_company}’s team knows the importance of research and analysis to provide
a benchmark before formulating a new strategy.
● {my_company} employs an experienced team with a wide range of
knowledge, experiences, and creativity – Our branding strategy team
represents a broad cross-section of marketing specialties. That means we can
identify essential tools to use with a fresh branding strategy, to be incorporated
into an existing marketing plan. Perhaps more importantly, we know how to
coordinate all those efforts into a consistent, long-term approach that gets
● {my_company} provides ample opportunity for client input throughout the
process – We’re all about communications and you’ll find plenty of opportunities
for input and feedback throughout the process. At any time if you believe the
strategy needs to take a different approach, we will work with you to develop a
course of action that better fits your needs and business culture. No branding
strategy can be effective if the client does not feel comfortable implementing it.

Project Timeline

If {client_name} hires {my_company} to create the branding strategy it needs to build

long-term relationships with its customers and improve conversion rate, our timeline
would proceed as follows:

Phase Activities Completion

Complete Brand {my_company} will analyze {client_name}’s current 03/15/XX

Analysis brand status, conduct customer research, and
complete a competitive brand analysis before
moving on to a comprehensive brand audit.
Development of {my_company} will develop a fresh brand strategy, 06/01/XX
Custom Brand including guidelines for use of your brand, covering
Strategy everything from marketing campaigns to office

Implementation of {my_company} will put into action the strategy 08/10/XX

Custom Brand developed, including making all necessary aesthetic,
Strategy digital, and marketing changes according to the

Next Steps

As outlined in the Investment section, our pricing is valid until [DATE]. To take
advantage of this proposal and proceed with the project as outlined, {client_name}’s next
steps must be to:

● Accept the proposal as-is; or

● Discuss desired changes with {my_company}.
● Finalize and sign the contract.
● Submit an initial payment of 50 percent of total project fee.

Once completed, {my_company} will contact {client_name} to schedule a project launch

meeting to make introductions and gather information before beginning the work.

We’re happy to make changes to project scope at {client_name}’s request at any time,
but some changes may be subject to additional billing.

Terms and Conditions

Once the project fee is paid in full to {my_company}, any elements of text, graphics,
photos, trademarks, or other content furnished to {client_name} for inclusion in projects
or activities related to branding are owned by {client_name}.

{my_company} assumes {client_name} has permission from the rightful owner to

use any code, scripts, data, reports or other content provided by {client_name} for
in its website or other activities in conjunction with this branding project, and any related
materials, and will hold harmless, protect, and defend {my_company} from any claim or
suit arising from the use of such work.

{my_company} retains the right to display graphics and other creative content elements
related to this branding project as examples of its work in its services portfolio.

This agreement becomes effective only when signed by agents of {client_name}

and {my_company}. Regardless of the place of signing of this agreement, {client_name}
agrees that for purposes of venue, this contract was entered into in [STATE] and any
dispute will be litigated or arbitrated in [STATE].

The agreement contained in this contract constitutes the sole agreement between
{client_name} and the {my_company} regarding all items included in this agreement.

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