Marketing Retainer Proposal Template

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Bidsketch Proposal Template

Date: 01/01/20XX

Proposal for: Client Name

Proposal by: Your Name
Meeting Your Needs
{client_name} needs to make ongoing, incremental changes in order to separate itself from its
competitors and enjoy sustained success in the [INDUSTRY] market. The right marketing
solution will:

● Identify and eliminate inefficiencies within {client_name}'s business

● Establish {client_name} as an authority in the [INDUSTRY] niche
● Reach {client_name}’s target customers in a more cost-effective manner

If {client_name} doesn’t invest in online marketing services designed to suit its unique needs,
inefficiencies and inconsistent messaging will cost it leads and customers. This could hurt
{client_name}’s market share and slow its long-term growth.

Delivering Results
{my_company}’s online marketing services will create the following results for {client_name}:

● Delivered actionable advice to improve day-to-day business operations – Having

the benefit of an outside perspective is instrumental in taking your business to the next
level. We’ll share our observations about your performance and offer strategic advice
you can use to get more customers, spend less money, and build your reputation in the
[INDUSTRY] niche.
● Used our ongoing relationship to help {client_name} systematically achieve its
business goals – Working with us on an ongoing basis offers advantages you can’t get
from a one-off project. We’ll spend time with you to identify your most important goals
and develop an action plan to help you reach them. Then we’ll track your performance
along the way, offering advice to help you reach your goals faster in regular reporting
and quarterly audits.
● Developed a cohesive image that reflects {client_name}’s personality and engages
with target customers – People want to work with people they like and trust, not boring,
anonymous companies. We’ll consciously craft your image in a way that showcases your
brand’s unique personality and encourages people to do business with you.
● Generated highly targeted leads to {client_name}’s website – Not all leads are
created equal; the time and money it takes to acquire and nurture them adds up,
especially if most of them don’t become paying customers. We’ll help you generate more
qualified leads and weed out the rest, saving you time and increasing conversions.

Recommended Marketing Services

To meet {client_name}’s needs, as outlined above, we recommend the following services as
part of this project:

Strategic Consulting Sessions

{my_company} will engage in weekly strategy sessions with {client_name}'s team. Relying on its
firsthand observations and outside perspective, {my_company} will identify potential areas
where {client_name} could improve day-to-day operations and offer actionable advice to
optimize {client_name}’s performance. {my_company} will also make itself available for two
special sessions at {client_name}’s discretion to give input and offer advice on topics of
{client_name}’s choosing.

Social Media Platform Management

{my_company} will manage {client_name}’s Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn platforms.

{my_company} will keep these platforms updated with content tailored to appeal to
{client_name}’s ideal customers. {my_company} will operate all social media platforms in a
unified voice that reflects {client_name}’s unique brand, and will deliver a weekly performance
report to {client_name} at the beginning of each consulting session.

Pay Per Click Campaign Management

{my_company} will work with {client_name} to develop a pay per click advertising strategy to fit
{client_name}’s budget. {my_company} will handle keyword research, bid management,
campaign launches, performance tracking, and ongoing optimization. {my_company} will deliver
a weekly performance report to {client_name} and recommend new strategies to increase ROI
at the beginning of each consulting session.

Your Investment
Online Marketing and Business Growth Solution $4,550/month

Strategic consulting – We’ll see what’s working well for your business now, analyze your
current processes for areas that have the potential for improvement, and deliver practical,
strategic advice to gradually improve your business from week to week.

Social media management and reporting – We'll handle all of your social media platforms so
you don’t have to. Our team will keep your platforms full of fresh content designed to engage
your target customers, connect with industry influencers, and promote your unique brand.

Paid advertising management and reporting – We’ll execute a paid traffic strategy that fits
your budget. Our team will take care of keyword research, managing bids, and optimizing
campaigns to deliver as many qualified leads to your website as possible.
Project Total $4,550/month

Why Choose {my_company}?

The best use of {client_name}’s time is dedicated to aspects of its business it does best: giving
customers what they want and delivering top-notch customer service. Hiring a company like
{my_company} lets you focus on the big picture of running and expanding your business
because we worry about the details and gradual improvements. Our expertise, resources, and
deep commitment to our craft make us the ideal choice to meet {client_name}’s needs. We’ll
bring the following strengths in our work for {client_name}:

● {my_company}’s lean size allows it to adapt as your goals evolve – Our team is
small, experienced, and well-funded; that’s an intentional decision. We keep our size
small because it makes it easy for us to adapt and serve you as your business goals
change. We deliver advice that keeps pace with your expanding organization without
having to work through red tape.
● {my_company} only works with a handful of clients – We’re selective about how
many clients we agree to work with. Having partnerships with a few long-term clients
allows us to serve you better. We can devote more time and attention to understanding
the inner workings of your company, niche, and business vision.
● {my_company} obsesses over the details so you don’t have to – We leave the big
picture to you and don’t mind getting our hands dirty in the day to day operations of your
business. This approach lets us spot subtle opportunities for improvement. Gradual
improvements in execution compound over time, creating an edge over your

Statement of Work
Should {client_name} choose {my_company} to execute this solution as proposed, our timeline
for this project is as follows:

Phase Activities Completion

Strategic Consulting Weekly telephone sessions with {client_name}’s 03/31/XX
Sessions team to discuss observations and recommend (Renewable each
strategies for improvement; two additional consulting month)
sessions available at {client_name}’s discretion.
Social Media and Paid Ongoing management of {client_name}’s social 03/31/XX
Traffic Management media and paid traffic campaigns in order to build
{client_name}’s brand, connect with target
customers, and generate highly qualified leads.
Social Media and Paid Weekly reporting to {client_name}’s team to discuss 03/31/XX
Traffic Reporting social media and paid traffic performance and
answer any questions, as well as recommendations
to improve performance.

Next Steps
As outlined in the Investment section, our pricing is valid until [DATE]. To take advantage of this
proposal and proceed with the project as outlined, {client_name}’s next steps must be to

● Accept the proposal as-is

● Discuss desired changes with {my_company}
● Finalize and sign contract
● Submit initial payment of 50 percent of total project fee

Once completed, {my_company} will contact {client_name} to schedule a project launch meeting
to make introductions and gather information before beginning the work.

We’re happy to make changes to project scope on {client_name}’s request at any time, but may
be subject to additional billing.

Terms and Conditions

Once project fee is paid in full to {my_company}, any elements of text, graphics, photos,
contents, trademarks, or other artwork furnished to {client_name} for inclusion in website are
owned by {client_name}.

{my_company} assumes {client_name} has permission from the rightful owner to use any code,
scripts, data, and reports are provided by {client_name} for inclusion in its materials, and will
hold harmless, protect, and defend {my_company} from any claim or suit arising from the use of
such work.

{my_company} retains the right to display graphics and other web content elements as
examples of their work in their portfolio and as content features in other projects.

This agreement becomes effective only when signed by agents of {client_name} and
{my_company}. Regardless of the place of signing of this agreement, {client_name} agrees that
for purposes of venue, this contract was entered into in [STATE] and any dispute will be litigated
or arbitrated in [STATE].
The agreement contained in this contract constitutes the sole agreement between {client_name}
and the {my_company} regarding all items included in this agreement.

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