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___________1. The way of introducing a product or services in the market

that build awareness and attraction to the customers.

___________2. A promotional tool where businesses use people to sell the

product after meeting face to face with the customer.

___________3. A promotional tool wherein the communication establishes

through a direct channel without using any intermediaries?

___________4. An advertising technique used by companies used by

companies to promote products subtly through a nontraditional advertising
technique, e.g. appearances on film.

___________5. Creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization’s

various publics through publicity and other nonpaid forms of communication.


___________1. The way of introducing a product or services in the market

that build awareness and attraction to the customers.

___________2. A promotional tool where businesses use people to sell the

product after meeting face to face with the customer.

___________3. A promotional tool wherein the communication establishes

through a direct channel without using any intermediaries?

___________4. An advertising technique used by companies used by

companies to promote products subtly through a nontraditional advertising
technique, e.g. appearances on film.

___________5. Creating and maintaining goodwill of an organization’s

various publics through publicity and other nonpaid forms of communication.

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