Branding Pottery 101

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Tips to Help You Succeed

Branding is the process of researching,

developing, and applying a distinctive
feature or set of features to your
organization so that consumers can begin to
associate your brand with your products or
The Brand 

It gives your organization an identity, makes

your business memorable, encourages
consumers to buy from you, supports your
marketing and advertising, and brings your
employees pride
How to
1- Determine the Target audience

2-Establish the mission statement

3-Define the values, features, and benefits

4-Create the visual assets

5-Find the brand voice

6-Put the branding to work

Target Audience

If the brand doesn’t resonate

with your audience, it won’t lead
to that awareness, recognition,
trust, and revenue.

CTA :Set the buyer Persona

Brand Manifesto

Your mission statement encompasses

why your organization exists and why
people should care about our brand.

CTA : Build the Brand Manifesto

Define the values, features, and benefits

What’s one thing that the business has that no one else
can mimic?
The brand.
Because of that, we must ensure that our brand is
comprised of and inspired by elements that are solely
ours: the values, benefits, and qualities that make the
company unique.

CTA: Market Positioning

Create the visual
Build a set of brand guidelines  to
govern the composition and use of the
visual assets.

CTA: Build the Brand Book

Find the brand voice
How we communicate with the target
market is also considered part of our
branding. we want to define a brand voice
that connects and resonates with our
audience — otherwise, they probably
won’t pay attention. Because of that, we
need to be sure before the advertising
that we are talking to the right people in
the right way.

CTA: Write a Brand Story

Put the branding to work

Once the brand is designed and

finished we need to ensure it’s
displayed anywhere the business
touches customers. (Social media,
website, Packaging...)
Tips for branding a
small business
-Treat your brand as a person
-Prioritize consistency
-Follow a brand strategy
-Don’t let inspiration turn into
-Use branding to hire
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