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°C Degree Celsius
°F Degree Fahrenheit
ℓ  Liter
μm  Micrometer
Ω  Ohm
A Ampere
A/I Anti-Ice
ABC Auxiliary Power Unit Start Bus Contactor
AC Alternating Current
ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System
ACC Active Clearance Control
ACFT Aircraft
ACM Air Cycle Machine
ACMF Aircraft Condition Monitoring Function
ACMP Alternating-Current Motor Pump
ACOC Air-Cooled Oil Cooler
ADC Air Data Computer
ADF Automatic Direction Finder
ADI Attitude Director Indicator
ADS Air Data System
ADSP Air Data Smart Probe
ADTS Air Data Test Set
AETC Alternating Current Essential Transfer Contactor
AFCS Automatic Flight Control System
AFM Airplane Flight Manual
AGB Angle Gearbox
AGCU Auxiliary Generator Control Unit
AGM Advanced Graphics Module
AHRS Attitude and Heading Reference System
AHRU Attitude Heading Reference Unit
AICC Auxiliary Integrated Control Center
AIPC Aircraft Illustrated Parts Catalog
ALC Auxiliary Line Contactor
ALI Airworthiness Limitation Items
ALT Altitude
AM Amplitude Modulation
AMI Airline Modifiable Information
AMM Aircraft Maintenance Manual
AMS Air Management System
AMSC Air Management System Controller
AMTOSS Aircraft Maintenance Task Oriented Support System
ANT Antenna
AOA Angle of Attack
AODV Active Oil Damper Valve
AOM Airplane Operations Manual
AP Autopilot
APM Airport Planning Manual
APS Air Preparation System
APU Auxiliary Power Unit

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APUBV APU Bleed Valve
APUCV APU Bleed Check-Valve
ARINC Aeronautical Radio Incorporated
ARM Aircraft Recovery Manual
ASC Auxiliary Power-Unit Start-Contactor
ASCB Avionic Standard Communication Bus
ASM Air Separation Module
ASSY Assembly
ASTM American Society of Testing Material
ATA Air Transport Association of America
ATC Air Traffic Control
ATS Air Turbine Starter
ATTCS Automatic Takeoff Thrust Control System
ATTND Attendant
AUTO Automatic
AVAIL Available
AVNX Avionics
AWG American Wire Gauge
BARO Barometric Setting
BATT Battery
BC Battery Contactor
BCKV Bulkhead Check Valve
BCM Brake Control Module
BCV Brake Control Valve
BEW Basic Empty Weight
BFO Beat Frequency Oscillator
BIT Built In Test
BITE Built-in Test Equipment
BLS Bifurcation Latch System
BMPS Bleed Monitoring Pressure Sensor
BOID Breakout Increase Device
BP Burner Pressure
BPS Bleed Pressure Sensor
BRG Bearing
BRK Brake
BSG Brushless Starter Generator
BSPS Bleed Switch Pressure Sensor
BTC Bus Tie Contactor
BTMS Brake Temperature Monitoring System
BTS Bleed Temperature Sensor
CAS Crew Alerting System
CB Circuit Breaker
CBIT Continuous Built In Test
CBP Circuit Breaker Panel
CBV Cross Bleed Valve
CCD Cursor Control Device
CCMR Candidate-Certification Maintenance Requirement
CCW Counterclockwise
CD Compact Disc
CDCCL Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations
CDL Configuration Deviation List

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CDTS Compressor Discharge-Temperature-Sensor
CF Center Fuselage
CG Center of Gravity
CHR Chronometer
CIC Corrosion-Inhibiting Compound
CKPT Cockpit
CLR Clear
CLSD Closed
cm Centimeter
cm² square centimeter
cm³ Cubic Centimeter
CMC Central Maintenance Computer
CMCAGM Central Maintenance Computer Advanced Graphics Module
CMD Command
CMF Communication Management Function
CMM Component Maintenance Manual
CMP Configuration Maintenance and Procedures
CMR Certification Maintenance Requirement
CMS Cabin Management System
COC Customer Originated Changes
COMM Communications
CON/REH Condenser/Reheater
CPC Consumable Products Catalog
CPM Corrosion Prevention Manual
CRGO Cargo
CSS Cabin Surveillance System
CTR Center
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
CW Clockwise
DAP Digital Audio Panel
dB Decibel
dBm Decibel-Milliwatt
DC Direct Current
DCTC Direct Current Tie-Contactor
DCU Directional Control Unit
DDPM Dispatch Deviation Procedures Manual
deg Degree
DET Detailed Inspection
DHX Dual Heat Exchanger
DISC Disconnect
DLMU-W Wireless Data Lan Management Unit
DME Distance Measuring Equipment
DMM Data Memory Module
DOS Door Opening System
DPI Differential Pressure Indicator
DPS Differential Pressure Sensor
DSU Data Storage Unit
DTS Duct Temperature Sensor
DU Display Unit
DVDR Digital Voice-Data Recorder
E East

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E-POB Electrical Power-Off Brake
EAI Engine Anti-Ice
EAIS Engine Anti-Icing System
EBAY Electronic Bay
EC Essential Contactor
ECL Electronic Checklist
ECP Electric Control Panel
ECS Environmental Control System
ECU Environmental Control Unit
EDP Engine Driven Pump
EEC Electronic Engine Control
EESS Emergency Evacuation Slide-System
EFB Electronic Flight Bag
EGPWS Enhanced Ground-Proximity Warning-System
EGT Exhaust Gas Temperature
EICAS Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System
EICC Emergency Integrated Control Center
ELEC Electrical
ELPU Emergency-Light Power Unit
ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ENG Engine
EOS Emergency Opening System
EPAC External Power AC Contactor
EPDC External-Power Direct-Current Contactor
EPGDS Electrical-Power Generation-and-Distribution System
EPM External Power Module
ERACKV Emergency Ram-Air Check Valve
ERAV Emergency Ram-Air Valve
ESC Electronic Starter Controller
ESD Electrostatic Discharge
ESDS Eletrostatic Discharge Susceptible
ESS Essential
ETC Essential Tie Contactor
ETOPS Extended Operations
EWIS Electrical Wiring Interconnection System
FADEC Full-Authority Digital Electronic-Control
FAP Flight Attendant Panel
FAV Fan Air Valve
FC Flight Cycles
FCC Flight Control Computer
FCS Flight Control System
FCV Flow-Control Valve
FD Flight Director
FDE Flight Deck Effect
FDR Flight Data Recorder
FH Flight Hours
FHDB Fault History Data Base
FIM Fault Isolation Manual
FIREX Fire Extinguisher

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FLV Flow Limiter Valve
FMS Flight Management System
FOD Foreign Object Damage
FOHE Fuel Oil Heat Exchanger
FOM Fuel/ Oil Manifold
FQGCS Fuel Quantity Gauging and Control System
FQMC Fuel Quantity-Management Computer
FR Frame
FRA Flap Rotary Actuator
FREQ Frequency
FSCS Flap/Slat Control System
FSCU Flap/Slat Control Unit
FSDS Flap Skew Detection Sensor
FSL Flap/Slat Lever
FSLI Fuel System Limitation Items
FSMU Flap/Slat Motor Unit
FSPDU Flap/Slat Power-Drive Unit
FSPS Flap/Slat Position-Sensor
FSTB Flap/Slat Transmission Brake
ft Foot
ft/min Foot per Minute
ft² Square Foot
FTCS Fuel Temperature and Characteristic Sensor
FTG Flap Transmission Gearbox
FTIC Fuel Tank Inerting Controller
FTIS Fuel Tank Inerting System
FTP File Transfer Protocol
FTS Fuel Temperature Sensor
FWD Forward
FWSOV Firewall Shutoff Valve
g Gravity
G/S Glide Slope
gal Gallon
gal/min Gallon per Minute
GCU Generator Control Unit
GEN Generator
GHPCV Ground High Pressure Check-Valve
GHz Gigahertz
GIO Generic Input/Output
GLC Generator Line Contactor
GMT Greenwich Mean Time
GND Ground
GP Guidance Panel
GPS Global Positioning System
GPU Ground Power Unit
GSCM Ground-Spoiler Control Module
GSE Ground Support Equipment
GSTC Ground Service Transfer-Contactor
GVI General Visual Inspection
GWIV Gray Water Interface Valve
h hour

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HDPH Headphone
HDST Headset
HEPA High-Efficiency Particulate Air
HF High Frequency
HGS Head-up Guidance System
HI High
HIRF High Intensity Electromagnetic Radiation Fields
HLS High Level Sensor
HOR Hold Open Rod
HP High Pressure
hPa hectopascal
HPC High Pressure Compressor
HPSOV High Pressure Shutoff Valve
HPT High Pressure Turbine
HRD High Rate Discharge
HSCS Horizontal Stabilizer Control System
HSCU Horizontal-Stabilizer Control Unit
HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator
HSTA Horizontal-Stabilizer Trim Actuator
HTS Hydraulic Test Stand
HYD Hydraulic
Hz Hertz
I/O Input/Output
IAS Indicated Airspeed
IBIT Initiated Built In Test
ICA Instructions for Continued Airworthiness
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
ICC Integrated Control Center
ICU Isolation Control Unit
IDG Integrated Drive Generator
IES Integrated Electronic Standby
IESS Integrated Electronic Standby System
IFE In Flight Entertainment
IFPC Integrated-Fuel-Pump and Control
IFS Inner Fixed Structure
IGN Ignition
ILS Instrument Landing System
in Inch
in² square inch
in³ Cubic Inch
INBD Inboard
inHg Inch of Mercury
INHIB Inhibition
INOP Inoperative
INPH Interphone
IODN Input-Output Distribution Node
IRS Inertial Reference System
IRU Inertial Reference Unit
ISPC In-Seat Power Converter
ITEM Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual
ITT Interturbine Temperature

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KCAS Calibrated Air Speed - Knots
kg Kilogram
kg/min Kilogram per Minute
kgf Kilogram-force
KIAS Knots, Indicated Airspeed
km/h Kilometer per Hour
kPa Kilopascal
kpag Kilopascal Gauge
Kt Knot
l/min Liter per Minute
LAN Local Area Network
LAV Lavatory
lb Pound
lb/min Pound per Minute
lb.ft pound-force foot pound-force inch
lbf pounds-force
LCD Liquid-Crystal Display
LDI Loadable Diagnostic Information
LDL Leak Detection Loop
LED Light-Emitting Diode
LEL Lower Explosive Limit
LFE Landing Field Elevation
LG Landing Gear
LH Left-Hand
LICC Left Integrated Control Center
LO Low
LOC Localizer
LP Low Pressure
LPC Low Pressure Compressor
LPCV Low Pressure Check Valve
LPGCCV Low-Pressure Ground-Connection Check Valve
LPT Low Pressure Turbine
LPU Low Pressure Unit
LRD Low Rate Discharge
LRM Line Replaceable Module
LRU Line Replaceable Unit
LSK Line Select Key
LVDT Linear Variable Differential-Transducer
M Mach
mΩ  Miliohm
m² Square Meter
MAINT Maintenance
MAN Manual
MAU Modular Avionics Unit
MAX Maximum
MB Marker Beacon
mbar Millibar
MCDU Multifunction Control Display Unit
MCU Master Control Unit
MDU Manual Drive Unit

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MFD Multi-Function Display
MFS Multi-Function Spoiler
mg Milligram
MGB Main Gearbox
MHz Megahertz
MIC Microphone
MID Middle
MIL Military
min Minute
MIXTS Mixer Manifold Temperature-Sensor
mL milliliter
MLG Main Landing Gear
MLW Maximum Landing Weight
mm Millimeter
mm² Square Millimeter
MMEL Master Minimum Equipment List
MMO Maximum Operating Mach
MMRC Mini-Modular Radio-Cabinet
MPa MegaPascal
MPD Maintenance Planning Document
mph miles per hour
MPP Maintenance Practices and Procedures
MRB Maintenance Review Board
MRBR Maintenance Review Board Report
MRC Modular Radio Cabinet
mV Milivolt
N Newton
N/A Not Applicable
N.m Newton Meter
N1 Low Pressure Rotor Speed
N2 High Pressure Rotor Speed
NACA National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
NAS National Airspace System
NAV Navigation
NDI Nondestructive Inspection
NDT Nondestructive Test
NEA Nitrogen Enriched Air
NEADS Nitrogen Enriched Air Distribution System
NF Fan Speed
NIC Network Interface Controller
NLG Nose Landing Gear
nm Nautical Mile
NRV Negative Relief Valve
NVM Non-Volatile Memory
NWS Nose Wheel Steering
OAT Outside Air Temperature
OBIGGS On-Board Inerting Gas Generation System
OCM Oil Control Module
ODM Oil Debris Monitoring
ODS Overheat Detection System

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OFV Outflow Valve
OMS Onboard Maintenance System
OSM Offwing Slide Mechanism
OUTBD Outboard
OVRD Override
OVSPD Overspeed
OWE Overwing Emergency Exit
OXY Oxygen
oz Ounce
OZC Ozone Converter
P2/T2 Pressure and Temperature at Engine Station 2
P2.5/T2.5 Pressure and Temperature at Engine Station 2.5
PA Passenger Address
PACIC Passenger Address and Cabin Interphone Controller
PACIS Passenger Address and Cabin Interphone System
PAX Passenger
PBIT Power Up Built in Test
PC Personal Computer
PCE Precooler
PCU Power Control Unit
PDPS Pack Discharge Pressure-Sensor
PDTS Pack Discharge Temperature-Sensor
PED Portable Electronic Device
PEL Permissible Exposure Level
PFD Primary Flight Display
PHMU Prognostic and Health Management Unit
PIFS Pack-Inlet Flow Sensor
PIPS Pack-Inlet Pressure-Sensor
PITS Pack-Inlet Temperature Sensor
PMA Permanent Magnet Alternator
PMP Prototype Maintenance Plan
PN Part Number
ppm parts per million
PPUI Power In-Use Indication Light
PQM Power Quality Monitor
PRD Pressure Relief Door
PROC Processor
PRSOV Pressure-regulating Shutoff Valve
Ps Static Pressure
PSEM Proximity Sensor Electronic Module
PSFCS Primary and Spoiler Flight Control System
psi pound per square inch
psid Pound per Square Inch Differential
psig Pound per Square Inch Gauge
PSU Passenger Service Unit
Pt Total Pressure
PTS Pack Temperature Sensor
PTT Push To Talk
PTU Power Transfer Unit
PUV Pump Unloader Valve
PW Pratt & Whitney

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PWR Power
QAD Quick Attach / Detach
QDISC Quick Disconnect
qt Quart Gallon
RA Resolution Advisory
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
Rad Alt Radar Altimeter
RARV Ram-Air Regulating Valve
RAT Ram Air Turbine
RD Regulatory Data
RDPI Refuel Defuel Panel Indicator
RECIRC Recirculation
REV Reverse
RF Radio Frequency
RFAN Recirculation Fan
RH Right-Hand
RICC Right Integrated Control Center
RIPS Recorder Independent Power Supply
RLC RAT Line Contactor
RPA Rudder Pedal Assembly
rpm Revolutions per Minute
RTA Receiver Transmitter Antenna
RTO Rejected Takeoff
RVDT Rotary Variable Differential-Transducer
RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum
s Seconds
SAT Static Air Temperature
SAV Starter Air Valve
SB Service Bulletin
SBAS Satellite-Based Augmentation System
SCV Starter Control Valve
SDS System Description Section
SEL Selector
SELCAL Selective Call
SFV Safety Valve
SM Standard Manual
SOV Shutoff Valve
SPDA Secondary Power Distribution Assembly
SPKR Speaker
SPLR Spoiler
SRA Slat Rotary Actuator
SRM Structural Repair Manual
SSDS Slat Skew Detection Sensor
SSM System Schematic Manual
SSPC Solid State Power Controller
STA Station
STBY Standby
STD Standard
STGR Stringer
SVA Stator Vane Actuator
SWPM Standard Wiring Practices Manual

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SWPS Stall Warning and Protection System
SYS System
T/O Takeoff
T/R Thrust Reverser
T3 Temperature at Engine Station 3
T5 Temperature at Engine Station 5
TA Traffic Advisory
TAI Thermal Anti-Ice
TAPRV Trim Air Pressure Regulating Valve
TAS True Airspeed
TAT Total Air Temperature
TAV Trim Air Valve
TBD To Be Defined
TCA Turbine Cooling Air
TCAS Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System
TCQ Thrust Control Quadrant
TCS Touch Control Steering
TCV Temperature Control Valve
TDM Trim Duct Muffler
TDS Takeoff Data Set
TEC Turbine Exhaust Case
TEMP Temperature
TIC Turbine Intermediate Case
TL Thrust Lever
TLA Thrust Lever Angle
TO/GA Takeoff/Go Around
TRAS Thrust Reverser Actuation System
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
TRU1C Transformer Rectifier Unit 1 Contactor
TRU2C Transformer Rectifier Unit 2 Contactor
TRUEC Transformer Rectifier Unit Essential Contactor
ULB Underwater Locator Beacon
USB Universal Serial Bus
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
UV Ultraviolet
V Volt
VAC Volt, Alternating Current
VCU Video Control Unit
VDC Volt, Direct Current
VDR VHF Data Radio
VFE Maximum Flap Extended Airspeed
VHF Very High Frequency
VLV Valve
VMO Maximum Operating Airspeed
VOR VHF Omnidirectional Range
VORV Variable Oil Reduction Valve
VSI Vertical Speed Indicator
VSV Variable Stator Vane
VWS Vacuum Waste System
W Watt
WAI Wing Anti-Ice

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WAICPS Wing Anti-Ice Control-Pressure Sensor
WAIDPS Wing Anti-Ice Differential Pressure-Sensor
WAIMPS Wing Anti-Ice Monitoring Pressure-Sensor
WAIPPS Wing Anti-Ice Piccolo-Pressure Sensor
WAIS Wing Anti-Icing System
WAIV Wing Anti-Ice Valve
WFF Wing-to-Fuselage Fairing
WHCU Windshield Heating Control Unit
WHS Windshield Heating System
WM Wiring Manual
WOFFW Weight-Off-Wheels
WOW Weight-on-Wheels
WPT Waypoint
WS Water Sprayer
WST Wheel Speed Transducer
WSU Wireless Server Unit
WTAIS Wing Thermal Anti-Icing System
WWMC Windshield Wiper Motor/Converter
WWS Windshield Wiper System
WWSC Water & Waste System Controller
WXR Weather Radar
XBLEED Cross Bleed
XFEED Cross Feed
XPDR Transponder
ZTS Zonal Temperature Sensor

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