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Management of Disorders of the

Posterior Pelvic Floor

Loren Berman,a John Aversa,b Farshad Abir,a and

Walter E. Longoa*
Departments of Surgery, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

and bSt. Raphael's Hospital and Medical Center, New Haven, Connecticut

Introduction: Constipation is a relatively common problem affecting 15 percent of adults in

the Western world, and over half of these cases are related to pelvic floor disorders. This
article reviews the clinical presentation and diagnostic approach to posterior pelvic floor
disorders, including how to image and treat them. Methods: A PubMed search using key-
words “rectal prolapse,” “rectocele,” “perineal hernia,” and “anismus” was conducted, and
bibiliographies of the revealed articles were cross-referenced to obtain a representative
cross-section of the literature, both investigational studies and reviews, that are currently
available on posterior pelvic floor disorders. Discussion: Pelvic floor disorders can occur
with or without concomitant physical anatomical defects, and there are a number of imag-
ing modalities available to detect such abnormalities in order to decide on the appropriate
course of treatment. Depending on the nature of the disorder, operative or non-operative
therapy may be indicated. Conclusion: Correctly diagnosing pelvic floor disorders can be
complex and challenging, and the various imaging modalities as well as clinical history and
exam must be considered together in order to arrive at a diagnosis.

doctor visits per year in the United States
Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor [1]. The chief complaint of constipation
include rectal prolapse, rectocele, and per- can signify a disease process that can be
ineal hernia. All of these are associated colonic or extracolonic in etiology. Pelvic
with disturbances in the integrity of the floor dysfunction is a more likely explana-
pelvic floor musculature and disordered tion in patients with certain specific com-
defecation. These disorders will be plaints. These include the following:
addressed individually, and various imag- inability to completely evacuate the rec-
ing modalities and therapeutic interven- tum, feeling of persistent rectal fullness,
tions will be discussed. rectal pain, a description of pelvic floor
Patients with pelvic floor disorders descent, and prolonged straining. When
usually present with constipation. patients describe a tendency to digitally
Constipation occurs in 18 percent of the evacuate stool, apply pressure on the pos-
population and accounts for 1.2 million terior wall of the vagina to aid defecation,

To whom all correspondence should be addressed: Walter E. Longo, M.D., Yale University
School of Medicine, LH 118, New Haven, CT 06510. Tel.: 203-785-2616; Fax: 203-785-
2615; E-mail: walter.longo@yale.edu.

Abbreviations: EAS, external anal sphincter; IAS, internal anal sphincter.
210 Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor

or manually support the perineum during the contents of the rectum to come into
straining, this is highly suggestive of contact with the more sensitive anal canal
pelvic floor dysfunction. lining by relaxing the internal anal sphinc-
Constipation in the setting of pelvic ter (the recto-anal inhibitory reflex).
floor dysfunction is called functional con- Continence at this time is preserved
stipation. Diagnostic criteria for functional because there is simultaneous contraction
constipation are: at least 12 weeks (which of the EAS. If defecation is not convenient,
need not be consecutive) in the preceding contraction of the EAS and puborectalis
12 months of two or more of (1) straining propels the stool proximally into the sig-
in more than one-quarter of defecations; (2) moid colon, the internal anal sphincter
lumpy or hard stools in one-quarter of defe- regains its resting tone, and defecation is
cations; (3) sensation of incomplete evacu- deferred. In order to defecate, rectal pres-
ation in one-quarter of defecations; (4) sen- sure must exceed the pressure in the anal
sation of anorectal obstruction/ blockage in canal, which can be accomplished by a
one-quarter of defecations; (5) manual Valsalva maneuver. Then there is simulta-
maneuvers to facilitate in one-quarter of neous relaxation of internal and external
defecations (e.g., digital evacuation, sup- anal sphincters, and stool is passed.
port of the pelvic floor); and/or (6) less than Defecation is completed by a closing
three defecations in a week. Loose stools reflex, which involves contraction of EAS.
are not present, and there is insufficient evi- In disorders of the posterior pelvic
dence for irritable bowel syndrome [2]. floor, anatomical defects of the rectum and
pelvic floor musculature interfere with
normal defecation as described above.
The pelvic floor is composed of striat- RECTAL PROLAPSE
ed muscle referred to as the levator ani. Rectal prolapse occurs when the full
The levator ani muscle is divided into four thickness of the rectal wall protrudes through
parts. Three of these are named for the the anal canal.
component of pubic bone from which they
Clinical presentation
originate: pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus,
and ischiococcygeus. The fourth, the pub- It is most common in elderly females
orectalis, arises from the posterior symph- (80 to 90 percent of rectal prolapse
ysis pubis and loops around the recto-anal patients) [4], but it can occur at any age.
flexure, intermingling its fibers with the Patients are immediately aware of a pro-
external anal sphincter (EAS)† [3]. Both lapse event when it occurs, except of
the puborectalis and the EAS are activated course in infants or the senile elderly. It
together during voluntary contractions of may present with constipation or inconti-
the pelvic floor and during Valsalva nence, and patients also may have bleed-
maneuvers of any type such as coughing or ing, tenesmus, or mucus discharge. Early
straining. During normal defection, stool in the disease process, prolapse happens
enters the rectum from the sigmoid colon only during bowel movements or while
and is detected by stretch receptors in the straining but may progress as tissues
pelvic floor or rectal wall. In this way the become more lax over time. Patients with
urge to defecate is produced. At first it is rectal prolapse have an impaired ability to
an intermittent sensation that gradually adapt to rectal distention and maintain
intensifies and becomes more permanent. EAS and puborectalis contraction during
The anal sampling reflex detects the differ- distention. This can contribute to inconti-
ence between stool and flatus by allowing nence, which occurs in over half of all rec-
Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor 211

tal prolapse patients [5]. Constipation has characteristic and the onset of prolapse in
been shown to be associated with prolapse order to distinguish whether the low tone is
in 15 to 65 percent of patients [6]. Patients etiological or a reaction to the chronic
may experience prolapse when they sim- stretching of the rectum and pelvic floor
ply stand up or with very mild straining. that occurs in this disease. Some argue that
Occasionally the prolapsed rectum can the initial event is increased internal anal
become incarcerated. In this situation, sphincter tone that causes a cycle of outlet
hypertonic sugar can be applied to the rec- obstruction, constipation, and straining.
tum to shrink it and enable reduction. Chronic straining can initiate a midrectal
intussusception, which eventually leads to
Physical exam
prolapse. It is also possible to have internal
The anus may appear patulous. A intussusception without prolapse beyond
definitive diagnosis can be made when the anal orifice or mucosal prolapse.
bowel is visualized protruding from the Mucosal prolapse occurs when just the lin-
anus. It may be difficult to elicit the pro- ing of the bowel lumen protrudes from the
lapse with the patient in a lateral decubitus rectum. It can be repaired with simple exci-
position. In this case, it may be appropri- sion or rubber band ligation [7].
ate to examine the patient while straining
in a squatting position. Small prolapses Treatment
may be difficult to distinguish from hem- Rectal prolapse can be repaired by an
orrhoids. It is possible to make this dis- abdominal or perineal approach.
tinction by using the index finger to dis- Abdominal approaches tend to have fewer
play the layers of prolapsed bowel. If lay- recurrences but are more invasive and less
ers of prolapsed bowel can be identified, ideal for patients with comorbid disease.
this clarifies the diagnosis as prolapse Abdominal repairs involve fixation of the
rather than hemorrhoids. rectum to the sacral promontory. This can
be performed laparoscopically with simi-
larly low rates of recurrence. Perineal
This is usually a simple diagnosis to resections can be performed under con-
make, as the patient gives a specific histo- scious sedation using local or spinal anes-
ry describing the prolapse occurring dur- thesia. These include the Altmeier and the
ing bowel movements. The differential Delorme perineal rectosigmoidectomy. In
diagnosis should include hemorrhoids, the Altmeier, the prolapsing segment is
prolapsing polyps, and anorectal neopla- removed, and the subsequent fibrosis fixes
sia. The presence of prolapse is confirmed the rectum in position in the pelvis. The
on physical exam. Delorme is less invasive, involving strip-
ping of the rectal mucosa starting 1 cm
above the dentate line and continuing to
Patients with rectal prolapse have been above the prolapsing segment, then anas-
observed to have low internal anal sphinc- tomosing the proximal mucosa to the dis-
ter resting pressures. This can be seen as an tal cuff of mucosa that was left above the
etiological factor that predisposes patients dentate line. Although these approaches
to the development of prolapse or as result may have higher recurrence rates in some
of chronic prolapse. When prolapse occurs, series, they cause less morbidity in the
a sensation of rectal distention is created, post-operative period [8, 9].
which sets off the recto-anal inhibitory If patients are experiencing constipa-
reflex, leading to decreased internal anal tion preoperatively, sigmoidectomy is
sphincter tone. It is difficult to establish a favored in addition to prolapse repair.
time-frame for the development of this Constipated patients often have a redun-
212 Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor

dant loop of sigmoid colon that flops over women. An interesting phenomenon is the
the sacral promontory and is responsible development of phantom sensations in
for their symptoms. This problem can be patients with perineal hernias and the sense
prevented by performing sigmoidectomy of the need to defecate or pass flatus may
at the time of prolapse repair. Overall, continue in the absence of a rectum.
surgery for rectal prolapse can prevent Rarely, these perineal hernias may be asso-
recurrence, and improve bowel function ciated with intractable perineal pain.
and continence [10].
When prolapse does recur after surgi- Treatment
cal repair, repeat repair can lead to In deciding who is an operative candi-
improvement in the prolapse itself but date for repair of a perineal hernia, the
often not in incontinence or constipation. severity of symptoms must be weighed
Any factors predisposing towards recur- against the risk of operative repair.
rence should be thoroughly investigated Recurrence of tumors must also be exclud-
and if possible, intervened upon, before a ed by imaging the patient with CT or ultra-
repeat repair is attempted. When it comes sound and/or performing endoscopy.
to the repair itself, some advocate a per- Small bowel follow-through studies may
ineal approach for a failed abdominal reveal loops of small bowel herniating into
repair and an abdominal approach for a the pelvis.
failed perineal repair [11]. Operative repair involves exploration
of the pelvis through a low midline inci-
sion to rule out recurrence of tumor and
dissect the loops of small bowel free from
Perineal hernias develop in patients after the hernia sac by lysing adhesions. The
undergoing abdominal perineal resection and pelvic floor is then reconstructed with syn-
pelvic exenteration for advanced rectal can- thetic mesh. An abdominal approach is
cer. A large portion of the pelvic floor is favored over a perineal approach because
removed during these procedures, creating a of the relative ease of freeing the small
defect that allows the small bowel to descend bowel from the hernia sac and discovering
through the pelvis into the perineum. cancer recurrence and the lower risk of
recurrence of the hernia after abdominal
Clinical presentation
repair. Recurrence is possible, however,
Perineal hernias occur commonly in and may necessitate more urgent repair
the post-operative period but usually are because the defect around the mesh is
not symptomatic. When they are sympto- small and more prone to incarceration and
matic, they may present with pain, partial strangulation than a pre-operative perineal
small bowel obstruction, urinary retention hernia. Pelvic infection is a serious com-
or recurrent urinary tract infections, or per- plication and may occur if there are
ineal skin breakdown. On physical exam, enterotomies during the dissection leading
there is a bulge in the perineal region. to contamination of the mesh and necessi-
Although there is a significant incidence of tating its removal [13].
perineal hernia after the pelvic operations
mentioned above, most of these probably
go unnoticed without becoming sympto- RECTOCELE
matic. The incidence of patients requiring A rectocele occurs when there is thin-
repair of perineal hernia is about 1 percent ning of the anterior rectal wall and posterior
after abdominal perineal resections and 3 vaginal wall, resulting in herniation of the
to 10 percent after pelvic exenterations rectovaginal septum anteriorly into the
[12]. The condition is more common in lumen of the vagina. This is an acquired con-
Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor 213

dition, and risk factors include vaginal deliv- ed diagnoses. Conservative management
ery and constipation with chronic straining. is almost always attempted before surgical
repair. If there are associated hemorrhoids
Clinical presentation
that could be contributing to symptoms,
Patients with rectocele complain of rubber band ligation may be helpful. If
constipation like many other patients, but there is paradoxical contraction of the pub-
eliciting certain characteristics of this con- orectalis muscle or EAS as determined by
stipation can help to make the diagnosis. defecography or anal manometry, biofeed-
Patients often describe a sensation of per- back therapy may improve symptoms
ineal or vaginal fullness and an inability to without surgical intervention. Increasing
empty the rectum during defecation. They bulk and frequency of stool passage with
may even notice a protrusion of tissue fiber and laxatives can also improve symp-
through the vagina during straining to toms. If conservative management fails,
have a bowel movement. Sometimes surgery can have up to a 90 percent suc-
patients describe a history of needing to cess rate [15].
push upward on the perineal body or apply The surgical approach can be trans-
backward pressure on the posterior wall of vaginal or transanal. The transvaginal
the vagina to enable defecation. Chronic approach is traditionally used by gynecol-
straining may lead to bleeding from hem- ogists and the transanal by colorectal sur-
orrhoids or rectal prolapse. Patients may geons. In the transrectal approach, a verti-
also experience fecal incontinence related cal incision is made from the dentate line
to incomplete emptying or pruritis. to the apex of the palpable septal defect.
The mucosa and submucosa of the rectum
Physical exam
are dissected off the rectovaginal septum,
A palpable defect in the anterior wall of and then the fascial defect is vertically
the rectum can be identified on digital rectal imbricated and closed. Excess mucosa is
exam. Pelvic exam may reveal tissue excised, and the mucosal defect is closed,
bulging into the posterior wall of the vagina. completing the repair. The transrectal
approach has been shown to improve rec-
tal emptying and decrease constipation
The above features on physical exam [16, 17], but there are few prospective
are convincing for the diagnosis, but other studies documenting outcomes in the
causes of defecation difficulty such as transvaginal approach.
occult intussusception or nonrelaxing pub- A recent randomized controlled trial
orectalis syndrome should be ruled out. compared transvaginal and transanal
These may occur along with the rectocele approaches, enrolling 30 patients and
and would alter the approach to repair. assessing them by clinical interview and
Videodefecography is a useful imaging examination, defecography, colon transit
modality since it can detect the presence of study, and anorectal manometry before
a rectocele and quantify its size and the randomization and 12 months postopera-
degree of rectal emptying as well as identi- tively. This study showed that symptoms
fy associated prolapse or non-relaxing pub- were significantly alleviated by both oper-
orectalis muscle [14]. Dynamic MRI can ative techniques. The transanal technique
also aid in the diagnosis, and this will be was associated with more clinically diag-
discussed later in greater detail. nosed recurrences of rectocele and/or ente-
rocele, and adverse effects on sexual life
were avoided by use of both techniques
Approach to treatment depends on the [18]. This was a pilot study, however, and
severity of symptomatology and associat- results of transanal repair have previously
214 Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor

been well-validated. Either transvaginal or mon finding in patients with fecal inconti-
transanal approach is acceptable in this nence or chronic constipation, but it is also
patient population. quite prevalent in healthy controls during
Associated problems such as internal ambulatory manometry. Furthermore,
hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse, and cystocele, ambulatory manometry has shown that
enterocele, or sigmoidocele can help to nearly 80 percent of patients with suspect-
determine surgical approach. Transvaginal ed anismus have appropriate EAS relax-
repair would be favored to concurrently ation during straining [21]. Therefore,
repair a cystocele whereas a transabdomi- relying too heavily on one laboratory test
nal approach is necessary for enterocele or can lead to overdiagnosis or misdiagnosis.
sigmoidocele. Because of the difficulty in relying on the
result of any single test alone, a set of diag-
nostic criteria for pelvic floor dyssynergia
have been developed. Diagnostic criteria
In normal defecation, the puborectalis are as follows: fulfillment of criteria for
and EAS relax in response to the stimulus functional constipation, manometric and/or
of a distended rectum when it is an appro- EMG and/or radiological evidence (two
priate time to defecate. These muscles are out of these three should be positive), evi-
under voluntary control. In pelvic floor dence of adequate expulsion force during
dyssynergia, there is a paradoxical con- attempted evacuation (this can be con-
traction of these muscles, which interferes firmed by seeing adequate pelvic floor
with the ability to defecate. descent with substantial elevation in intra-
abdominal pressure [22]), and evidence of
Clinical Presentation
incomplete evacuation [23]. By obtaining a
Patients present with complaints of combination of physiologic tests and syn-
difficult defecation, a sensation of incom- thesizing the results all together, one is
plete evacuation, and often a history of dig- more likely to arrive at a valid diagnosis.
ital emptying of the rectal vault. Patients
with anxiety and psychological stress have Treatment
a predisposition towards pelvic floor Biofeedback training leads to success
dyssynergia. It is also more common in in learning to relax the anal sphincter and
women with a history of sexual abuse [19]. puborectalis muscle in at least two-thirds of
patients [24]. This suggests that there is no
Physical exam
neurological defect in this disorder.
Examination has been shown to be Historically, these patients were treated sur-
accurate in ruling out the diagnosis of gically with division of the puborectalis
pelvic floor dyssynergia [20], but physio- muscle. Surgeons who performed this pro-
logical testing is required in order to make cedure had a poor understanding of the
a positive diagnosis. pathophysiology behind the disease. The
surgery was often unsuccessful and led to a
high rate of incontinence [25]. Today it has
Laboratory tests that can be helpful in been abandoned as a therapy for pelvic
making the diagnosis include manometry, floor dyssynergia and biofeedback is the
balloon expulsion test, and evacuation mainstay of treatment.
proctography. Recently, MRI defecogra-
phy has replaced proctography when avail-
able. These tests can be misleading, how- IMAGING OF THE PELVIC FLOOR
ever. For example, paradoxical sphincter Diagnostic imaging of the pelvis and
contraction has been shown to be a com- pelvic floor has been the most single
Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor 215

advancement in the management of pelvic discontinuation of anal sphincters and dis-

floor disorders. This, along with anal tinguish this from diffuse atony.
manometry, should be employed prior to Submucosa, internal anal sphincter, and
“labeling” any patient with a specific external anal sphincter can be easily iden-
pelvic floor disorder. Furthermore, prior to tified. It is a relatively cheap and non-
definitive treatment, imaging should be invasive study. A significant limitation is
paired with the clinical presentation. that the placement of the endoanal probe
props up the anal canal and distorts anato-
my. Also, the field of view is limited to a
Defecography is a useful instrument few centimeters from the probe, so little
in diagnosing disorders of the pelvic floor. information is offered about surrounding
It documents the process of rectal evacua- support structures in the pelvis that could
tion and can elucidate whether rectocele, be contributing to disordered defecation.
rectal prolapse, or another pathology is The role of endoanal ultrasound is limited
causing dysfunctional defecation. and has been replaced by many clinicians
During defecography, the rectum is with pelvic MRI.
filled with thick barium paste, a
radioopaque substance which approximates
the consistency of fecal material. The Endoanal MRI
patient sits on a radiolucent toilet chair and To perform endoanal MRI, an
has video footage and plain films taken dur- endoanal surface coil is inserted with the
ing defecation, straining, relaxation, volun- patient rotated to the left, and then the
tary external anal sphincter and pelvic mus- patient is rolled supine for completion of
cle contraction, and at rest. The vagina can the study. An anti-peristaltic agent is
also be opacified to aid in the diagnosis of applied topically or given systemically to
rectoceles and enteroceles. Oral contrast is reduce bowel movement, and images are
also given 30 minutes prior to defecogra- taken in axial, coronal, and sagittal planes.
phy so that enteroceles can be seen. It can characterize the internal and exter-
In incontinent patients with concomi- nal sphincters similar to endoanal ultra-
tant pelvic outlet obstruction, defecography sound, and can distinguish among mus-
is especially useful as it can demonstrate cles, scars and fat tissue to be able to
non-emptying rectoceles, spastic pelvic detect local thinning of the external
floor muscles, and the intussusception that sphincter. It offers a high sensitivity and
occurs with rectal prolapse. Leakage of specificity for the detection of external
contrast at rest can be an indication of sphincter atrophy [26]; however, it has the
sphincter weakness if the rectum is not same disadvantage of endoanal ultrasound
filled to maximum capacity. This is seen in that there is no evaluation of dynamic
only in patients with overt incontinence. function and there can also be anatomical
Filling the rectum to maximum capacity distortion from the endoanal coil.
simulates rectal distention and the rectoanal
inhibitory reflex. The healthy response to Dynamic MRI
this is to increase EAS tone, and this is MRI can also be used as a dynamic
often impaired in incontinent patients so imaging medium. In MRI defecography,
they will demonstrate leakage of contrast the rectum is filled with gadolinium-
when the rectum is maximally distended. enriched ultrasound gel and images are
obtained at rest, during defecation, and
Endorectal ultrasound
after defecation. The frequency at which
This is a good study for imaging of images are recorded is about one per sec-
the anal canal and can identify muscular ond. This kind of imaging can be especial-
216 Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor

ly useful in complex pelvic floor disorders required to elicit the rectoanal inhibitory
that would normally require multiple reflex. Sometimes simultaneous EMG
imaging studies to fully establish a diag- recordings are obtained to ensure that
nosis. It provides a detailed anatomical increased or decreased pressures recorded
view of the entire pelvic floor at rest and are in fact caused by sphincter contraction
during rectal emptying. A recent study or relaxation.
included 20 patients, most with multiple Manometry is clinically used in the
pelvic floor disorders. MRI defecography diagnostic evaluation of both constipation
revealed diagnoses consistent with clinical and incontinence, but there is really no
results in 77.3 percent and defects in addi- evidence to support the use of manometry
tion to clinical diagnoses in combined in constipation. In constipated patients,
pelvic floor disorders in 34 percent [27]. manometry can detect the presence or
absence of the recto-anal inhibitory reflex,
and EAS pressure changes during efforts
Anorectal manometry can be used in to expel the manometer or balloon. It can
the evaluation of constipation and inconti- be especially useful in patients with pelvic
nence. Anal canal and anal sphincter pres- floor dyssynergia. With regards to the
sures can be measured with water-per- work-up of fecal incontinence, there are
fused catheters, microtransducers, or air-or two relatively large case-control studies
water-filled balloons of various shapes and that have validated the presence of low
sizes. Large balloons can be used to assess maximum squeeze pressures in inconti-
the response to rectal distention. Men tend nent patients. The sensitivity and specifici-
to have longer anal canals than women and ty of these studies ranged from 60 percent
higher resting pressures. and 78 percent [29] to 92 percent and 97
When anal manometry is performed, percent [30], respectively. The maximum
it can be done in the office as a snapshot squeeze pressure can be difficult to inter-
assessment of ongoing sphincter function. pret because there is such a wide range of
Continuous ambulatory monitoring can be normal pressures. Additionally, other fac-
done, but there is little evidence for its tors can cause incontinence in the absence
clinical utility and it is used more as an of low pressures. Overall, manometry is a
investigational technique [28]. Resting diagnostic tool that should be interpreted
pressures are obtained by transducing at within the context of the clinical situation
various points throughout the anal canal to as well as other imaging modalities.
reflect IAS and EAS pressures, and then
averaging the pressures obtained during Biofeedback
multiple trials from each transducer. If the Surgical interventions for the various
patient is not completely relaxed, the EAS categories of posterior pelvic floor disor-
tone will be elevated and higher pressures ders have already been described. When
will be recorded. Squeeze pressures are symptoms persist after surgical repair or
obtained by asking the patient to contract when surgery is not an option, biofeed-
the EAS during sequential positioning of back is a viable alternative.
the probe through the anal canal. Again, Biofeedback has been described as a
multiple trials are performed and averages useful therapeutic intervention in patients
recorded. The recto-anal inhibitory reflex with pelvic floor disorders, whether they
can be elicited by asking the patient to present with incontinence or constipation.
expel the manometer or by distending a The concept of biofeedback is that patients
rectal balloon with different volumes of with disordered defecation are unable to
air. If the rectum is relatively distended to appropriately respond to the stimulus of
begin with, greater volumes of air will be rectal distention. With incontinence, con-
Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor 217

traction of the EAS is impaired, and with Overall, biofeedback is more effective
obstructive defecation, relaxation of the in patients who have disordered defecation
EAS is impaired. In order to defecate prop- related to pelvic floor dysfunction.
erly patients must relearn the sensation of Improvement of symptoms after biofeed-
rectal distention and how to respond appro- back training can be sustained for several
priately. During biofeedback therapy, a rec- years, and can be effective regardless of
tal balloon is used to mimic the sensation the patient’s age [34]. In elderly patients
of rectal filling. Electrodes on an anal plug with limited mobility, home training has
record the motor units of the EAS contrac- been shown to be an effective alternative
tion and convey this information to the option [35].
patient in the form of visual or auditory
feedback. The balloon is expanded, and
the patient is trained to achieve maximal CONCLUSIONS
EAS contraction in response to the balloon Disorders of the pelvic floor are a rela-
stimulus in the case of incontinence or to tively common entity plaguing mainly older
relax the EAS in the case of constipation. women but possible in patients of any age
In order for biofeedback to be successful, and either gender. They may occur more in
there must be some degree of rectal sensa- patients with a history of pelvic trauma relat-
tion and ability to voluntarily contract the ed to childbirth, and patients with psychiatric
EAS [31]. Patients can be taught to use the diagnoses also have a predisposition. Patients
machine independently and perform ses- can present with constipation, incontinence,
sions at home. With time, rectal sensation or a combination of both. These symptoms
is heightened, external anal sphincter can be etiologic factors in the development of
strength increased, and the coordination pelvic floor disorders and/or manifestations
between rectal distention and EAS contrac- of the disorder itself. There are a number of
tion improved. With obstructive defeca- imaging modalities that can be useful in
tion, the goal is to improve sensory percep- working up these patients, which may pro-
tion and coordination between rectal dis- vide anatomical and functional information
tention and contraction, but to relax the to be interpreted in light of the clinical picture
external anal sphincter. Success rates in as whole in order to make a diagnosis. Both
patients with incontinence can be as high conventional snapshot imaging and dynamic
as 70 percent [32]. imaging have an important role in defining
Success is more likely in patients with the disease process. In terms of therapy,
pelvic floor disorders or with incontinence surgery may be an option if there is an
after rectal prolapse or anal sphincter anatomical defect to be repaired, such as in
surgery and less likely with idiopathic rectal prolapse, rectocele, and perineal her-
incontinence. With regard to constipation, nia. Biofeedback alone can be very success-
there are a number of etiologies for which ful in facilitating the process of relearning
biofeedback therapy would not be at all defecation in patients with pelvic floor
helpful. If patients have obstructive defe- dyssynergia and may be used as an adjunct to
cation related to anismus, biofeedback is surgery in rectal prolapse. A combined
very likely to improve their symptoms (77 approach, utilizing multiple diagnostic tests
percent). However, if the problem is more and approaches to therapy, is most appropri-
related to slow colonic transit time, ate in managing this complex and often cryp-
biofeedback is unlikely to be helpful. tic set of disorders.
Some success has been reported in patients
with combined pelvic floor disorders and
slow transit time (50 percent improve- 1. Drossman DA, Li Z, Andruzi E, et al. United
ment) [33]. States householder survey of functional gastroin-
218 Berman et al: Disorders of the posterior pelvic floor

testinal disorders. Prevalence, sociodemography 19. Leroi AM, Berkelsman J, Denis P, et al.
and health impact. Dig Dis Sci 1993;38:1569-80. Anismus as a marker of sexual abuse. Dig
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Functional disorders of the anus and rec- Determination of total and segmental
tum. Gut 1999;45:1155-9. colonic transit time in constipated patients.
Dig Dis Sci 1989;34:1168-72.
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