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Level 2 Technical Certificate in Beauty Therapy

Assessment Sheet

Candidate Mischa Assessment 22.01.20

name date

Consultation summary

The client has come in today for an eyelash lift and tint. There are no
changes on their record card and no contra-indications present so the
treatment can be carried out. They have had an eyelash lift and tint before a
couple of months ago and the results have gone. Their patch test for the
lifting and tinting products is up to date. They were happy with the result and
there was nothing about the treatment they did not like.

They had a blue/black tint and would like this again today. Their eyelashes
are naturally brown and so is their hair. Their eyes are blue and the eyelid
area is a medium size and not hooded. The client does not have sensitive
skin. Their skin is more on the fairer side.

They find their eyelashes to be fine and medium in length but straight so
they like to get them lifted to create a curl. Before they got their first eyelash
lift they sometimes curled their eyelashes with an eyelash curler. They never
wear false eyelashes. They prefer the more permanent result that an
eyelash lift gives and likes not having to apply mascara every day if they
have had an eyelash tint.

Their expectations from today are to look like they have mascara on and for
the eyes to look bigger, more open. They do not notice how quickly their
eyelashes grow, just at a normal rate.

They normally just wear mascara most days and no other makeup. They are
not wearing any mascara today and are not wearing glasses or contact
lenses to remove. They are okay with me using an oil free makeup remover
on their eye area today to remove any makeup that might be left on the
eyes. They do dancing as exercise and they never go swimming.

The client does not have any questions before we start the treatment.
Make-up plan and skin analysis

I plan to use a medium eye shield on

Make-up plan: Annotate the diagram showing
where make-up is to be applied
the eyelid but will check it on the client’s
eye first.

I will use a blue/black colour tint as the

client asked.

The eyes and eye area is medium sized

Skin analysis: Annotate the diagram showing all and the eyes are blue.
the characteristics that are visible on the clients
The eyelashes are fine and a medium

They have been tinted and lifted before

but they are in a healthy condition.
Full treatment plan including justification

For this treatment I will start by washing my hands when the client arrives and then
applying disposable gloves I will wear them throughout the treatment to keep the client
safe and for hygiene reasons because I will be working around their eyes. They will also
stop tint getting onto my hands. I will wear a disposable apron to protect my uniform from
the products. I will have a clock where I can see the time so I am able to time how long I
am leaving the products on for and do not over process the eyelashes.

I will keep my work area clean and organised and make sure all of the products and
equipment I am going to use to set up ready before the treatment starts, so that I do not
need to leave the client and to save time so I keep to good timing. The treatment bed will
have fresh bed roll and clean towels over it and be positioned at a level that is comfortable
for me to sit behind the client without leaning over them and hurting my back.

The room will be a comfortable temperature for the client and it will be well lit so I can
properly see what I am doing. I will use a mag lamp to see better and there will be no
trailing wires that can be tripped on.

I will greet the client and take their coat. I will ask them to lay on the treatment bed, check
they are comfortable and then apply a headband to them to keep their hair out of their
face. I will carry out a heat and tactile test on the client and they can let me know if they
can sense the difference between heat and cold and sharp and soft, that way I will find out
if they can respond to these senses and they can tell me if they are in any discomfort
during the treatment. If they have any contra-actions during the treatment I can take
remedial action to stop the treatment and remove the product if necessary.

I will begin with the eyelash lift. First I will cleanse the eye area using an oil free makeup
remover on new cotton pads. This will ensure the lifting and tinting products will work
properly as the area is cleansed properly and removed of any oils that can act as a barrier
between the product and the eyelashes.

I will dry the eye area and apply gel pads under each eye to keep the bottom eyelashes
down and protect them. With a disposable super fine micro brush, I will dip in primer and
cover the eyelashes, further removing any excess oils or makeup remaining. Then I will
select an appropriate size shield for the client’s eye area, trimming it to size if necessary.

I will apply bonding glue to the back of the shield and to the client’s eyelids and wait a few
seconds for it to go tacky. I will ask the client to close their eyes and then place the shield
over the eyelid, getting as close to the lash line as possible. I will wait for this to adhere
and repeat on the other eye.
Full treatment plan including justification

Then I will apply bonder to the surface of the shield, a little bit at a time so it doesn’t dry
out, and use the sterile lash lifting tool to carefully pull back the eyelashes on to the shield.

I will check that all of the eyelashes are isolated and straight and flat against the shield,
then I will repeat it to the other eye. Using a clean micro brush, I will apply a small amount
of the lifting solution to the root of the eyelashes, avoiding the wet line and the tip of the
eyelashes (approximately half way up the eyelashes), so they do not ‘fry’ at the tips. Once
I have applied this to the eyelashes on both eyes, I will begin timing for 10 minutes, for
fine, tinted eyelashes.

Using a clean micro brush I will remove the lifting solution after 10 minutes, ensuring the
product does not touch the tips of the lashes. I then will apply setting solution in the same
area and leave this on for half the time the lifting solution was on for; 5 minutes.

During this time I will carry out a hand and arm massage to pass the time and aid
relaxation for the client. I will remove the setting solution with a clean micro brush after this

I will then go on to tinting the eyelashes. I will mix the blue and black tint with three drops
of 3% hydrogen peroxide and use this straight away as the oxidisation process starts as
soon as these products are mixed, if it is not used straight away the tint will not work. I will
coat the eyelashes from root to tip and leave it on for 10 minutes as the client would like a
very dark result and this is the maximum time I can leave it on for.

Then I will remove it with a clean micro brush and a damp cotton pad. I will then apply
nourishing solution to the eyelashes, coating them from root to tip, which will gently
release the eyelashes from the shield. I will also apply some nourishing solution to
underneath the shield to gently pull away the eyelid from the shield, bit by bit, as it softens
the skin. Using a midi comb I will comb the nourishing solution through the eyelashes. I will
then gently remove the under eye gel pads and remove any residue with a damp cotton

I will finish by asking the client to open their eyes and invite them to sit up. I will pass them
a mirror so they can see the result and confirm them are happy. Then we will both take a
seat and discuss aftercare and recommendations.
Recommendations and aftercare

For the first 24 hours after the treatment I have advised that the client avoids
direct contact with water on the eye area as it can cause the eyelash lift to

They should avoid direct sunlight as this can cause the tint to fade faster.
They should not apply makeup to the eyes for the next 24 to 48 hours as it
can cause the tint to fade and affect the lift.

They should also avoid swimming and exercise which could cause
perspiration. For the first 24 hours they should try not to cover or sleep on
the eyelashes as this will cause the lashes distort by pushing them in a
different direction while they are still setting.

They should not apply eyelash extensions or strip eyelashes and not perm
the eyelashes or use eyelash curlers. Depending on their rate of hair growth,
they can return for another eyelash lift and tint after 4 weeks to 8 weeks or
when they start to see the results disappear.

I have advised that in the case of an allergic reaction to the treatment, they
should apply a cold compress and seek medical advice if it worsens. They
should inform the salon so that the reaction can be recorded in their record
Client feedback

Did the therapist consult with you on your requirements? Yes No

Were you satisfied with your treatments? Yes No

Client comments:

Very relaxing treatment! Mischa was very clear about what she was going to do and explained time
periods where the product had to be left. She offered a hand and arm massage whilst the product
was left to work which was very relaxing and a lovely thing to offer. Well done!

Assessor feedback
Mischa performed this treatment to a high level. She demonstrated an understanding of the treatment and was considerate
of the client. Good consultation and aftercare. Very well done.

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:

Self-reflection / Evaluation

Personal performance and technical skill:

I am very pleased with how the eyelashes looked afterwards. I think it is what the
client wanted. I was able to offer a hand and arm massage while the setting
solution was on which passed the time quicker and made the client feel more
relaxed. I will always offer this in the future. My performance was efficient because
I knew the steps without looking at notes. My skill has improved since my first
eyelash treatment because there were no eyelashes that were not included. I
separated the eyelashes well because there were no eyelashes that were clumped
together or go in different directions.

Timekeeping and organisation:

I kept to a good time throughout the treatment because I was making sure I looked
at the clock once I put each product on. This meant I left the product on for the
correct amount of time which made the result come out how the client wanted. I
had everything I was going to use ready and set out in the order I was going to use
it which showed I was organised and saved time. It allowed me to stay with the
client instead of getting up to get products.

Communication skills:

I used my communication skills to talk the client through what I was doing which
reassured them. I was asking the client when to close and open their eyes and
checked to see if they were comfortable throughout, to make the experience more
enjoyable for them.

Areas I can improve on:

Next time I will try to get the eyelash shield closer to the lash line, but the
eyelashes still lifted nicely as they were long enough for this not to matter.

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