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Articulo – ingles

Towards a new preventive medicine Towards a new preventive medicine

Currently the diseases that attract the most public attention are infectious diseases such as
HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria or dengue; however, according to the report of the
World Health Organization (WHO), Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (CNCD) are the
main cause of death worldwide, causing around 36 of the 57 million deaths from
cardiovascular disease, cancer, illness chronic lung and diabetes (1). And the warning
issued by the WHO is that more than 80% of deaths from CNCD occur in middle-income
countries (such as Peru) and low-income countries; In Latin America and the Caribbean
alone, there are more than 200 million subjects diagnosed with ENCT (2) and if there are
no actions to control or prevent these chronic diseases,

Ruiz Mori 2 C

Communicable or infectious-contagious diseases in developed countries have been

controlled thanks to prevention measures and patient control through specific treatments
that include new drugs, vaccination programs, among others (4). A fundamental tool in
prevention is the "education" that must be carried out individually as well as in a group, but
patient control is not only successful because of new drugs, but also because they have
sensitized patients to the usefulness of treatment to through an educational process.

mother can continue to be educated on how to raise her child in a healthy way, with
appropriate lifestyles; Frank Lizaraso Caparó 1, a, b Enrique
The development of medicine has gone through several stages, from palliative medicine
that sought to mitigate pain to curative medicine; practically the western doctor is trained to
cure diseases, forgetting the principle that medicine "is the art and science of preventing
and curing diseases." Modern and sophisticated technology seeks to diagnose ailments
early and complement the latest pharmacological advances to treat the conditions of our
patients is the common task of today's doctor. Prevention was not part of the health
professional's lexicon for many years.

However, CNCDs, the leading cause of death worldwide, generate a high cost in treatment,
cover the costs of treatment of a cancer patient are many times, if not in most cases,
impossible to achieve. The management of ischemic coronary disease and its complications
have had a rapid technological and pharmacological advance in recent years, achieving
significant reductions in mortality; However, the greatest scientific evidence shows that the
reduction in mortality in the United States or Europe in the period 1980-2000 is a
consequence of controlling coronary risk factors by 45%, which strengthens and supports
that preventive behavior in the management of this disease it is a necessity in countries like
ours with limited economic resources in health (5).

Since 1998, the WHO defines prevention as “Measures aimed not only at preventing the
appearance of disease such as for reduction of risk factors, but also at stopping its
progression and mitigating its consequences once established", constituting three levels of
prevention, the primary one that includes "measures aimed at avoiding the appearance of a
disease by controlling causal factors and predisposing or conditioning factors"; the
secondary one that includes the early diagnosis, the opportune uptake and the adequate
treatment; and the tertiary that are the actions related to the recovery “ad integrum” of the
clinically manifest disease, through a correct diagnosis and treatment and physical,
psychological and social rehabilitation (6).

In the different cities of the country, prevention can be carried out more effectively thanks
to the fact that there are different ways of

Horiz Med 2016; 16 (1): 4-5 4

Frank Lizaraso Caparó, Enrique Ruiz Mori

later the child goes to initial education sites, kindergartens and then attends schools where
they and their parents are permanently accessible; youth can then be accessed at
universities or technical centers or sports clubs in order to continue and strengthen healthy
lifestyles; Subsequently, when accessing a job, occupational health doctors now have a
greater role and prevention must be exercised, and finally, when retiring, the worker can go
to the centers for the elderly or the elderly, managing to maintain continuity. and provide
them with the health care they require. In such a way that since the child is conceived and
throughout his life, now he can have access to educate and carry out prevention.

This forces a new approach in the medical study plan, seeking to permanently apply a
comprehensive approach to preventive medicine from the first training cycles, where health
is promoted and protected, seeking to create a new perspective in which the objective The
doctor's main duty should be to prevent the population from becoming ill. Introduce the
medical student in the perception and analysis of a continuous state of health in the
community, promote that the student look for preventive strategies with a critical and
reflective attitude. In this way, a new approach would be given from undergraduate to the
medicine of the future, where the main thing will be that the population does not get sick.

A lo largo del tiempo se ha demostrado las falencias que tiene el sistema de salud, ya que
mueren más personas por enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) que por
enfermedades infecciosas según lo dice la OMS. Sus caros tratamientos hacen
prácticamente imposible una recuperación, pero lo grave de esto es que estas enfermedades
han estado por años por con nosotros y nadie muestra una solución posible a estos
problemas ¿por qué? ¿Falta de educación o interés público?...

Considero que la medicina preventiva muestra que su funcionamiento se ve ineficaz

respecto a las ECNT ya que con el pasar del tiempo se presentan los mismos problemas que
teníamos años atrás. Sin embargo en este artículo expone que el plan de estudio en
medicina busca un nuevo planteamiento permanente que aplique un enfoque integral de la
medicina preventiva desde los primeros ciclos de formación del ser humano donde se
proporcione y se proteja la salud

one. Global Report on Noncommunicable Diseases 2010 Guidance Summary. Geneva 2011

2. Pan American Health Organization-WHO Regional Health Oce, Strategy for the Prevention and
Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (Washington, DC: PAHO, 2012).

3. Population reference bureau. noncommunicable diseases and youth: A critical opportunity for
Latin America and the Caribbean. June 2013.

4. OPS. Control of communicable diseases. Washington DC, 2001.

5. Ruiz-Mori, E. Cardiovascular Risk and Prevention. 1st Edition Lima, 2014.

6. Julio V, Vacarezza M, Alvarez C, Sosa A. Levels of care, prevention and primary health care. Arch
Med Interna 2011; XXXIII (1): 11-14

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