MNM2604 Ass 1 MCQs

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Part1of3~Study unit 01 8.0 Points Question 1 of 20 1.0Points ‘schoo! (an organizational customer) buying office supe could be classified as a(n). customer: A. commercial 2. public sector @lnstitutionr % D. intermediary Question 2 of 20 LOPoints Which one ofthe folowing statements about28 prSduG}s tue? A, B28 products cannot be used by final consumers Beranove) B, 828 products are larger in bulk that consumer products . C. 828 products cannot be final products, but are “in-process” products & 'B2B products include products like laptops - - - Wo Cosgndesh A nece Senay aueston 30120 offcoritrethetare dint ca buldngetaage manfocue are oun fan Djoudatenpeotuc. x2 6 eran pout Flat rat, D. Entering product. 7. Question 4 of 20, LOPoints Which one of the following Is true regarding the marketing strategy of business-to business ‘organisations ( marketers}? i Cs fy 2 (B® Business-to-business marketers often sell directly to their client organisations. g B, When competitive bidding is used to select a supplier firm the price of the product is of lesser portance. Television advertising is used as a primary communication medium by business marketers. D. Business marketers alm their marketing effort at one person in the client firm. Question 5 of 20, LOPoints Which one of the following reflects on a market characteristic of business-to-business marketing (and not on the buying behaviour or marketing strategies)? Asan consumes bw inporanterattesbyiingaiyngcenne Su} @kusomesaremore heterogeneous inbuiness matets + Sveaernees f € Rens beeen basins rerio re mere common yee D. Personal selling isan important communication element in 828 marketing ~ Question 6 of 20 LO Points ‘A market characteristic in business-to-business marketing is that demand is derived. Derived demand refers to .. A. the demand that a manufacturer has for raw material such asiron ore. 8, the demand that a retailer has for a manufacturer's product . the demand that a government buyer has for the product of a commercial enterprise {(D)the demand of an industrial products based on the demand of the final consumer | Question 7 of 20 1.0 Points A mupieipality buyjpg dustbins from a Durban supplier is classified as an). Quovermerter (244 8. commercial buyer intermediary buyer D. institutional buyer Question 8 of 20 1.0 Points Which one of the following notla characteristic of a business-to-business market? A. Relatively few competitors 8, Relatively few buyers (customers) Wore indirect astrbution channels D. Buyers are geographically concentrated Part2of3-SU2 7.0 Points Question 9 of 20 1.0 Points The technical specifications of a product are considered in which stage of the buying process a customer firm follows? A Stage 1 @siger bee C.Stoge 3 D. Stage 4 Question 10 of 20 1.0 Points. ‘The individual or department responsible for buying a product from the chosen supplier is known as the. A. decision-maker @®uying agent V2 .influencer D. gatekeeper ‘Question 11 of 20 1.0Points ‘There are three types of buying decisions. The complex buying decision is also known as a Brown ouinaseeson 2A Brute buying dion €.svatege buying decion D. centralised Qyestion 12 of 20 1.0 Points Which one of the followings at erterion that a client frm uses to evaluate the product of suppliers? A.quality 8, delivery reliability ( C. styling and design \ @rimary sechncosy Question 13 of 20, 1.0 Points ‘The price plus transportation, ordering cost, maintenance costs and operating cost of a specific, supplier's product is considered in which stage of the buying process a customer firm follows? A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 C. Stage 3 (Dstage s Question 14 of 20, 1.0 Points The most routine buying situation that an industrial buyer could perform is. 4 Petraight rebuy 5 8, modified rebuy .newetask buy D. homogeneous buy ‘Question 15 of 20 1.0 Points ‘The person or department responsible for ensuring that the members of the buying centre are provided with the information they need to contribute to the final buying decision is known as the .. AA. buying agent Drvieterser Fy C.influencer D. initiator Part 30f3-SU3 5.0 Points Question 16 of 20 LO Points According to the prescribed material /farmulatinalstrategic objectives is... of the Strategic ‘management process. Asepi = Ween e Maite Ger YI Question 17 of 20, 1.0 Points, --can be defined as the decision-making ArOcEEE fa business's management team to determine the long-term direction the business|should take based on\jnternal {o-set milestones in the quest to get there and t6 develop long-term planito get to these milestones. A Strategic marketing B. The corporate strategy C. Marketing management (@srrategic management (We Question 18 of 20 1.0 Points ‘Which one of the following statements isincorrect?. (A)strategic markettng management is analytical in nature and marketing management is intuitive. fy ey B, Strategic marketing focuses on searching for new market opportunities and marketing ‘management on the analysis of these opportunities. Strategic marketing looks for marketing synergy between business units and marketing, ‘management focuses on an individual business unit. D, Strategie marketing has a longer term orientation than marketing management. ‘Question 19 of 20 1.0 Points Acompany that ensures that it enters a market/early with a riew product technology, and a competitive advantage In the pracess, follows a .. A. differentiation strategy. (®reenotvestratesy. SS C business unit strategy. b. stment strategy. ‘Question 20 of 20 1.0 Points The strategy pursued by a company aimed at gaining the most value for the corporation or business tunit by, Inter alia, sharing fesources, technologies, manufacturing processes, functional programms ‘and knowledge Is called the A. Innovation strategy B, First-mover strategy p COSmergystrategy |) D. Facus strategy Bebee ‘st attempt 1 Assignment Online MCQs Retum to Assessment List Part 1 of 3- Study unit 01 8.0 Points Question 1 of 20 1.0 Points Toyota buys the tyres of the Fortuner series motor vehicles from Dunlop. These tyres are regarded as ‘A. Foundation products B. Facilitating products ©. Capital products (©) Entering products (© Question 2 of 20 1.0 Points Which one of the following is not a characteristic of a business-to-business market? A. Group buying decision-making B. Fewer competitors 7 © More indirect distribution channels 2 D. Buyers are geographically concentrated Question 3 of 20 4.0 Points Which one of the following is true regarding the characteristics of business-to-business products? ‘Rd The raw material of a manufacturer's product is classified as Entering products. {°} 12 B. Office supplies are classified as Foundation products. C. The manufacturing plant of a business is regarded as a Facilitating-product. D. Services that a B2B firm buys are classified as Maintenance products. Question 4 of 20 1.0 Points \Wihich one of the following reflects on a market characteristic of business-to-business marketing (and not on the buying behaviour or marketing strategies)? [A. B28 consumers buy important products by using a buying centre @) Customers are more heterogeneous in business markets) C. Relationships between business organisations are more common D. Personal selling is an important communication element in B2B marketing Question 5 of 20 41.0 Points. Which one of the following statements is incorrect regarding the marketing strategy of @ business to business marketer? ‘A, B2B firms are more prone to standardising their products to keep prices low. {B) Different segmentation criteria are used for B2B markets than in the case offinal- "| consumer markets, “SOR Fe eet C. Relationships with business customers are more important than for firms selling to final consumers. 1D. Industrial products are more complex than products aimed at final consumers. Question 6 of 20 41.0 Points A municipalty buying dustbins from a Durban supplier is classified as a(n) ‘government buyer iy B. commercial buyer . intermediary buyer D. institutional buyer Question 7 of 20 1.0 Points ‘Which one of the following statements is incorrect? A demand characteristic of B2B markets Is that itis A. derived B. elastic C. volatile D. concentrated Pq ic Question 8 of 20 41.0 Points Which one ofthe following statements is Incorrect regarding the marketing strategy of a business to business marketer? A. Products are more frequently tailor-made for client firms. B, Fewer intermediaries are used ©. Advertsing Is less important than personal selling. 1D) Branding is more important in business markets Part20f3-SU2 7.0 Points Question 9 of 20 1.0 Points Professional buyers in the buying centre play an important role. Which one of the following is, not a role that they play? A, They ensure that the minimum requirement in terms of quality is met forall products to ’be bought by the customer firm. S B, They perform the price/cost analysis for all products bought by the firm. fe ©. They draw up the terms and conditions as the minimum standards for suppliers to meet They serve as the primary negotiators about quality levels when buying strategic products. Question 10 of 20 4.0 Points The most routine buying situation that an industrial buyer could perform is, (A) straight rebuy ey B. modified rebuy C. new-task buy D, homogeneous buy Question 11 of 20 1.0 Points ‘The individual or department responsible for buying @ product from the chosen supplier is known as the ‘A. decision-maker 'B) buying agent . Influencer D. gatekeeper Question 12 of 20 1.0 Points A supplier's marketing effort to end consumers is considered in which stage of the buying process a customer firm follows? A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 G Stages op, (D) stage 4 : Question 13 of 20 4.0 Points The person or department responsible for ensuring that the members of the buying centre are provided with the information they need to contribute to the final buying decision Is. known as the A. buying agent

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