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Take Test: MBCM771D-Marketing Management-Jan 20-Assignment1 &...

11/05/20, 8:04 PM

Hemant Bhatnagar

My Institution Courses Community Services

H My Assignments. Take Test: MBCM771D-Marketing Management-Jan 20-Assignment1 ?


Take Test: MBCM771D-Marketing Management-Jan 20-


Test Information
Description MBCM771D-Marketing Management-Assignment-1

Instructions Center for Continuing Education - UPES

MBCM771D-Marketing Management
Assignment 1

Total Questions: 63
Total Marks: 100

Assignment Information :

The examination will consist of only Objective type (multiple choice) questions requiring candidates to
Mouse-click their correct choice of alternatives against the related question number. The questions would
carry 1 to 5 marks each depending on the difficulty level of the question as indicated in the table below:

Difficulty Level of Questions:

1 Mark - Direct, Memory based

2 Marks - Memory & Conceptual
3 Marks - Conceptual & Analytical
4 Marks - Analytical based on understanding of concepts
5 Marks - Application based on understanding of concepts

The question paper will be for 100 marks and considering marks allotted to each question, the
total number of questions would be around 63.
There will not be negative marking for wrong answers.
In case candidate does not want to attempt the question he I she should not mouse-click any
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"Save and Submit" the assignment. However, if the Due Date has expired, then the assignment will
not be accessible and will be marked as zero. In such cases, the student can re-attempt the
assignment allocated after enrolling in the subsequent Semester.
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The students are normally allowed 3 chances to attempt and submit the assignment. The number
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The Highest Grade of the 3 attempts shall be considered for grading.
The assignments are auto evaluated, and hence no chance of re-evaluation/re-totalling is allowed
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Question Completion Status:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

QUESTION 1 4 points Saved

A marketer focuses on several commonalities among all consumers. This marketer appears
to be engaging in ________.
differentiated marketing
Click Save and Submitmarketing
to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers.
segmented marketing
concentrated marketing
mass customization Save All Answers Save and Su

QUESTION 2 4 points Saved

Which of the following marketing management orientations focuses primarily on improving

efficiencies along the supply chain?
production concept
product concept
selling concept
marketing concept
social marketing concept

QUESTION 3 4 points Saved

The advantages of standardizing an international product include all of the following

the development of a consistent image
lower product design costs
the adaptation of products to different markets
decreased manufacturing costs
lower marketing costs

QUESTION 4 4 points Saved

Modern marketing departments are arranged in the following ways, EXCEPT which one?
functional organization
geographic organization
product management organization
market management organization…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 2 of 14
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strategic management organization

QUESTION 5 4 points Saved

Using customer profitability analysis to weed out unprofitable customers and target winning
ones for pampering is referred to as ________.
customer relationship management
database marketing
selective relationship management
marketing myopia

QUESTION 6 3 points Saved

Which of the following most likely explains why companies are adopting the team selling
approach to service large, complex accounts?
Products have become too complicated for one salesperson to support.
Customers prefer dealing with many salespeople rather than one sales representative
Salespeople prefer working in groups because of the opportunity for flex hours and job
A group of salespeople assigned to one account is cost effective for corporations.
Fewer skilled salespeople are working in the high-tech industry.

QUESTION 7 3 points Saved

your firm is attempting to divide up the total market to determine the best segments it can
serve. Which is the correct order of doing so?
market segmentation, target marketing, market positioning
target marketing, market positioning, market segmentation
market positioning, market segmentation, target marketing
market segmentation, market positioning, target marketing
mass marketing, demographic segmentation, psychographic segmentation

QUESTION 8 3 points Saved

Which of the following is the lowest level on which marketers can position their brands in
target customers' minds?
interactive marketing
internal marketing
product attributes
strong beliefs and values
added service

QUESTION 9 3 points Saved

The major influences on the buying process at General Aeronautics include company
policies and systems, technological change, and economic developments. The types of
influences on the buying process in this scenario are most accurately categorized as
________ and ________.
individual; environmental
organizational; interpersonal
individual; organizational
environmental; interpersonal
organizational; environmental…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 3 of 14
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QUESTION 10 2 points Saved

Of the following, which is the most important concept of modern marketing?

customer relationship management
societal marketing
consumer-generated marketing
properly trained salespeople
low prices

QUESTION 11 2 points Saved

Which of the following is NOT a major category in a company's promotion mix?

sales promotion
strategic positioning
direct marketing
public relations

QUESTION 12 2 points Saved

If demand hardly changes with a small change in price, we say the demand is
at break-even pricing
market penetrating

QUESTION 13 2 points Saved

Why do stores cluster together?

to decrease competition
to increase their customer pulling power
to take advantage of tax breaks
to create retailer cooperatives
to standardize the service mix

QUESTION 14 2 points Saved

Integrated marketing communications require a company's mass-market advertisements,

Web site, e-mail, and personal selling communications to all have
equal portions of the advertising budget
independent communications directors
separate marketing objectives
the same target audience
the same message, look, and feel

QUESTION 15 2 points Saved

Which of the following types of retailers is most likely to practice everyday low pricing
discount stores…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 4 of 14
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convenience stores
category killers
limited-service retailers
department stores

QUESTION 16 2 points Saved

Mail-order, phone, and online shopping are all examples of

the wheel-of-retailing concept
nonstore retailing
off-price retailing
full-service retailing

QUESTION 17 2 points Saved

SRAC is the acronym for which concept related to costs at different levels of production?
strategic reasoning and costs
short-run accounting costs
short-run average cost
strategic rights and company
strategic revenues and costs

QUESTION 18 2 points Saved

Federal legislation on price-fixing requires that sellers set their prices

based on their fixed and variable costs
without communication from competitors
to achieve a specific profit margin
without the intention of cutting into competitors' profits
consistently throughout a region

QUESTION 19 2 points Saved

Secondary data are ________.

collected mostly via surveys
expensive to obtain
never purchased from outside suppliers
always necessary to support primary data
not always very usable

QUESTION 20 2 points Saved

Moral appeals are directed to the audience's sense of what is right and
emotional…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 5 of 14
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QUESTION 21 2 points Saved

What is the term used to describe the idea that will be communicated to consumers
through an advertisement?
advertising appeal
message strategy
consumer-generated message
creative concept
message execution

QUESTION 22 2 points Saved

In industrial markets, ________ typically has the final say in setting the pricing objectives
and policies of a company.
the sales manager
top management
the production manager
the finance manager
the pricing department

QUESTION 23 2 points Saved

Despite the data glut that marketing managers receive, they frequently complain that they
lack ________.
enough information of the right kind
timely information
accurate information
reliable information
valid information

QUESTION 24 1 points Saved

Because of ________, a company cannot make its product illegally similar to a competitor's
already established product.
anti-monopoly laws
patent laws
the Consumer Product Safety Act
product warranties
product liability

QUESTION 25 1 points Saved

________ is defined as the use of commercial marketing concepts and tools in programs
designed to influence individuals' behavior to improve their well being and that of society.
Unsought product marketing
Internal marketing
Social marketing
Product line
Interactive marketing

QUESTION 26 1 points Saved

Which group determines a product's position relative to competing products?…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 6 of 14
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QUESTION 27 1 points Saved

Some consumers worry that they will be affected by marketing messages without even
knowing it. They are concerned about ________ advertising.
alternative evaluation

QUESTION 28 1 points Saved

Which type of research would be best suited for identifying which demographic groups
prefer diet soft drinks and why they have this preference?

QUESTION 29 1 points Saved

The demand for many business goods and services tends to change more, and more
quickly, than the demand for consumer goods and services does. This is referred to as
________ demand.

QUESTION 30 1 points Saved

It is common for international marketers to ________ their channel strategies for each
seek approval for

QUESTION 31 1 points Saved

A(n) ________ brings buyers and sellers together and assists in negotiations.
retailer…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 7 of 14
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retail convergence

QUESTION 32 1 points Saved

________ refers to the unique psychological characteristics that lead to relatively consistent
and lasting responses to one's own environment. It is usually described in traits such as
self-confidence, dominance, sociability, autonomy, defensiveness, adaptability, and
Alternative evaluation

QUESTION 33 1 points Saved

These are sometimes several stores grouped together. These stores offer prices as low as
40 percent below retail on a wide range of mostly surplus, discounted, or irregular items.
Category killers
Factory outlets
Specialty stores
Power centers

QUESTION 34 1 points Saved

Which of the following involves evaluating each market segment's attractiveness and
selecting one or more segments to enter?
market segmentation
market targeting
the market mix

QUESTION 35 1 points Saved

With product bundle pricing, sellers can combine several products and offer the bundle
as a working unit
at a reduced price
as a complete self-service package
as a reward to loyal customers
as segmented pricing

QUESTION 36 1 points Saved

A ________ involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified
products in a new category.
line extension
product line
brand extension
private brand
brand symbol…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 8 of 14
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QUESTION 37 1 points Saved

After the purchase of a product, consumers will be either satisfied or dissatisfied and
engage in ________.
need recognition
alternative evaluation
postpurchase behavior
product expectations
information searches

QUESTION 38 1 points Saved

________ are society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share
similar values, interests, and behaviors.
Social classes
Reference groups

QUESTION 39 1 points Saved

A(n) ________ is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product.


QUESTION 40 1 points Saved

In the internationalization process, most firms work with an independent agent and enter a
nearby or similar country.

QUESTION 41 1 points Saved

Which of the following is the process of the buying center deciding on the best product
value analysis
general need description
marketing myopia
purchase order
product specification

QUESTION 42 1 points Saved

The final step in the marketing process is ________.

capturing value from customers
creating customer loyalty…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 9 of 14
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creating customer lifetime value

understanding the marketplace
designing a customer-driven marketing strategy

QUESTION 43 1 points Saved

What calls for testing new-product concepts with groups of target consumers?
Concept development
Concept testing
Idea generation
Idea screening
Test marketing

QUESTION 44 1 points Saved

________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.
Product line

QUESTION 45 1 points Saved

When a company charges the same rate to ship a product anywhere in the United States, it
is using which form of geographic pricing?
F.O.B. delivered
F.O.B. factory
F.O.B. origin
uniform delivered

QUESTION 46 1 points Saved

Salespeople should be trained to recognize ________ signals from the buyer, which can
include physical actions such as leaning forward and nodding or asking questions about
prices and credit terms.

QUESTION 47 1 points Saved

A company can increase its business in four ways. Which is NOT one of these ways?
It can add new product lines, thus widening its product mix.
It can lengthen its existing product lines.
It can add more versions of each product and thus deepen its product mix.
It can discontinue some of its lines.
It can increase the consistency of its product mix.…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 10 of 14
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QUESTION 48 1 points Saved

Most large companies research ________ buying decisions to find out what they buy, where
they buy, how and how much they buy, when they buy, and why they buy.

QUESTION 49 1 points Saved

A product is a key element in the ________. At one extreme, it may consist of pure tangible
goods or at the other extreme, pure services.
market offering
brand equity
brand extension
value chain

QUESTION 50 1 points Saved

Workers, managers, and members of the board are all part of a company's ________ public.

QUESTION 51 1 points Saved

Members of a company's ________ conduct business from their offices using telephones,
e-mails, or visits from prospective buyers to generate sales.
outside sales force
inside sales force
complex sales force
customer sales force
product sales force

QUESTION 52 1 points Saved

Advertising ________ define the task that advertising must accomplish with a specific target
audience during a specific period of time.

QUESTION 53 1 points Saved

In routine buying situations, which members of the buying center have formal or informal
power to select or approve the final suppliers?…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 11 of 14
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QUESTION 54 1 points Saved

A ________ consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale.
product mix
brand line
consumer mix
packaging mix
line extension

QUESTION 55 1 points Saved

If demand changes greatly with a small change in price, we say the demand is

QUESTION 56 1 points Saved

A ________ is defined as any group that has an actual or potential interest in, or impact on,
an organization's ability to achieve its objectives.

QUESTION 57 1 points Saved

Which of the following is the set of benefits a company promises to deliver the customer to
satisfy their needs?
a money-back guarantee
low pricing
customer service
a value proposition
an attribute

QUESTION 58 1 points Saved

Manufacturers must comply with specific laws regarding

price structures
product quality and safety
product placement
distribution channels
product life cycles…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 12 of 14
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QUESTION 59 1 points Saved

________ is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in
A value proposition
Value creation

QUESTION 60 1 points Saved

At the very least, the ________ identifies the product or brand. It might also describe
several things about the product and promote the brand.
line extension
social marketing
specialty product

QUESTION 61 1 points Saved

When Pacific Fisheries groups its customers as countries by regions such as Asia,
Australia, or New Zealand, it is using which segmenting base?
economic factors
political and legal factors
geographic location
benefits sought

QUESTION 62 1 points Saved

New product development starts with

idea generation
idea screening
concept development
concept testing
test marketing

QUESTION 63 1 points Saved

Which of the following capital items is NOT considered accessory equipment?

hand tools
lift trucks
chairs…nt_id=_52486_1&course_id=_7524_1&content_id=_1301865_1&step=null Page 13 of 14
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