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International Journal of Civil Engineering (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789().
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Effect of Recycled PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)

on the Electrochemical Properties of Rebar in Concrete
Yohandry Dı́az Blanco1 • Elsa Carmina Menchaca Campos1 • Carolin Ivette Rocabruno Valdés1 •

Jorge Uruchurtu Chavarı́n1

Received: 20 November 2018 / Revised: 22 September 2019 / Accepted: 30 October 2019

Ó Iran University of Science and Technology 2019

This research is focused on the use of recycled PET (Polyethylene terephthalate) as an aggregate to improve the elec-
trochemical properties of reinforcing steel in concrete. Samples were made with different PET geometries such as: fibers
(F), rectangles (R), and mixture of fiber and rectangle (F–R). The PET was added as a substitute for sand with a PET/sand
ratio by volume percent of 3%/97%, 5%/95%, and 8%/92%. Specimens were exposed to an aggressive solution of sodium
chloride at 3%, simulating a marine environment, and were evaluated for 300 days through various electrochemical
techniques such as: open-circuit potential, electrochemical noise, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and linear
polarization resistance. Samples with PET reached more noble values of potential compared to the control sample. The
highest values of noise resistance (Rn) and polarization resistance (Rp) were reached for the reinforcing steel in concrete
samples prepared with particle of rectangles and fiber–rectangle mix. Likewise, these samples maintained a diffusive
behavior for a longer time. At the end of the test period, the favorable effect of the rectangles and the mixture of fibers and
rectangles in the concrete samples are evident, since they remain in the negligible range of corrosion rate, with values
below 1 9 10-1 lA/cm2. This behavior was not noticeable for samples with only PET fibers, due to the fact that they reach
the moderate range of corrosion rate, with values between 2 9 10-1 and 5 9 10-1 lA/cm2, similar to the control sample.

Keywords Reinforcing concrete  Recycled PET  Electrochemical techniques  Localized corrosion

1 Introduction this field. The reinforcement corrosion process in concrete

is influenced by several factors such as: the design of the
Corrosion of reinforcing steel is the main cause of deteri- mixture, the chemical composition of the solution inside
oration of reinforced concrete structures [1–3]. In the last the pores, the characteristics of the concrete cover, the
decades, numerous investigations have been carried out in curing process, among others [2]. The causes that most
affect steel corrosion are (1) depassivation of reinforcing
steel due to localized attack of chloride ions, which enter
& Jorge Uruchurtu Chavarı́n through to the concrete pore network [4–6] and (2) gen- eralized corrosion of steel due to a process of carbonation
Yohandry Dı́az Blanco in concrete, as a consequence of reactions of the cement matrix and carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere [5–7].
Elsa Carmina Menchaca Campos The concrete offers a double protection to the rein- forcing steel. First, the concrete acts as a physical barrier,
Carolin Ivette Rocabruno Valdés isolating the reinforcing steel from the surrounding envi- ronment, which hinders the entry of aggressive agents. In
1 addition, the high alkalinity of the concrete provides a pH
Centro de Investigación en Ingenierı́a y Ciencias Aplicadas
(CIICAP), Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y between 12 and 13, and at this pH, the steel forms a
Aplicadas (IICBA), Universidad Autónoma del Estado de compact and passive film [6, 8]. Currently, many concrete
Morelos, Av. Universidad No. 1001, Col. Chamilpa, structures lose these characteristics at an early age. Due to
C.P. 62209 Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico

International Journal of Civil Engineering

the growing relevance of life-cycle cost analysis, the the PET and concrete, especially for embossed fibers,
durability issues are of paramount importance within the whereas adhesion was lower for corrugated and straight
aim of evaluating the suitability of a concrete mix or fibers. Nepomuceno and Andrade [18] analyzed the pro-
constituent. Most of the concrete deterioration mechanisms tection capacity of modified Portland cement mortar with
require the access of aggressive agents from the environ- polymers: styrene butadiene, acrylic latex with reinforced
ment. Thus, concrete transport properties are one of the plastic fibers, and acrylic latex with silica fume. The
governing factors in concrete durability. Afterwards, analysis was carried out in different exposure environments
chemical reactions between aggressive agents and concrete with CO2 and chlorides. Results show an improved for the
constituents also play an important role [9]. combination of silica fume and acrylic latex, as well as a
With the aims of extending the useful life of the struc- high resistance to the penetration of chlorides for the
tures, as well as reducing the economic losses caused by mixture of acrylic latex with reinforced plastic fibers.
the corrosion of reinforcing steel in particular, in recent Kobayashi et al. [19] investigated the effect of poly-
years, there have been numerous investigations involving ethylene and polyvinyl alcohol fibers and mortar compo-
concrete with the addition of other materials such as: jute, sition of strain-hardening cement composite (SHCC) on the
bamboo, coconut, husk rice, cane bagasse, and sawdust rebar corrosion performance to clarify the properties of
[10], as well as synthetic materials such as poly (vinyl cracked SHCC. The amount and unit volume of chloride on
alcohol), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene, and poly- the surface of the fracture varied according to the types of
amides [10–12]. fiber at an early age of testing. However, these differences
Nowadays, plastics have become an important and were less evident after 6 months. There is a good corre-
inseparable part of society. The production and consump- lation between the corrosion area of the reinforcing steel
tion of plastics have been growing annually, fundamentally and the number of cracks. The corrosion area was lower in
for its incredible characteristics, such as low density, light SHCC with a lower water–cement ratio when both mix-
weight, low cost, resistance, easy to use design, long tures had a similar number of cracks.
duration, manufacturing capabilities, among others [13]. Other geometries of recycled PET have been used in
PET (polyethylene terephthalate) is one of the most widely many studies to analyze different concrete properties such
used polymers worldwide, especially for the manufacture as: form of shredded particles to analyzed fresh and hard-
of beverage containers. However, an important part of PET ened concrete properties, permeability, impact, and abra-
containers is discarded after their individual use, and ends sion resistances [20]; circular fibers to investigate the
up in landfills causing serious environmental problems behavior of tensile strength, among others [14]. Albano
[11]. Many researchers are focused on this problem in the et al. [21] investigated the mechanical behavior of concrete
search for new original and innovative solutions for the with PET particles with an average size of 26 mm and
reuse of waste. Increasingly, the planet has less space for 114 mm approximately. Results show a decrease in the
landfills; special attention is given to the reuse of solid compressive strength with the increase in volume propor-
waste as an alternative to disposal. Research is always tion and size of PET particles. Frigione [22] incorporated
more interested in the use of such products in the concrete the waste-recycled PET to substitute in the concrete the 5%
mix. This makes the concrete more economical and, at the by weight of fine aggregate. Small percentages of recycled
same time, there is a reduction of the waste problem [14]. PET do not affect the water absorption of concrete. In
Regarding to shape and dimensions of PET, many addition, no segregation was observed in any mix and the
studies deal with the use of PET as fiber reinforcement for variations of shrinkage values were acceptable for several
concrete, with various kinds of fibers, different in shape, use of structural concrete.
dimension, and slenderness. Most of these studies involve Some characteristics of PET, such as high resistance to
small fibers, generally with a width of a few millimeters chemicals, water and impact, and stability to the weather,
and a length of some centimeters, uniformly distributed in addition to its behavior as a physical barrier [13]; they
into the concrete matrix [15]. The effectiveness of the could help to decrease the problems associated with the
action of the fibers and the resulting mechanical properties corrosion of reinforcing steel and the durability of concrete
of the material are determined by a combination of several effectively [15].
factors, such as: the adhesion between fibers and concrete The main objective of this work is to analyze the elec-
matrix, the fiber properties, the shape and dimensions of trochemical behavior of Portland cement mixtures with
the fibers, and the concentration of fibers in the material fiber aggregates and PET rectangles. This paper presents
composite [16]. research directed to the study of the recycling of a waste
Kim et al. [17] investigated the effect of the surface of material and its use in concrete. For this work, the PET was
PET fibers in terms of adhesion with a concrete matrix. The processed in a simple way without the use of any machine.
results show a favorable behavior in terms of bond between Two different sizes of PET geometries were designed to

International Journal of Civil Engineering

evaluate their effect on the electrochemical response of the Table 1 Design of the concrete mixture for 1 m3
concrete. Various electrochemical techniques were used, Materials Quantity
such as: open-circuit potential, electrochemical noise, lin-
ear polarization resistance, and electrochemical impedance Cement 330 kg
spectroscopy. Sand 645 kg
Gravel 1015 kg
Water 150 l
2 Experimental Description

2.1 Recycled PET

aggregate. Each specimen contained three corrugated steel
For this work, PET bottles were collected from different bars grade 42 of 3/8 inch. Samples of reinforced concrete
plastic recycling disposal deposits. The bottles were were designed with the following dimensions:
washed with water to eliminate residual liquids and dust. 7 9 10 9 10 cm, as shown in Fig. 2. Rebar were placed
PET recycling was done manually by cutting the bottles into the specimens to obtain a concrete cover of 30 mm and
into sheets, to later take them to their final geometry. there were capillarity effects restricted by tightly wrapping
Recycled polymer was used as aggregate in concrete in in the mortar/air interface with adhesive tape. Materials
three different ways, such as: fibers 0.5–1 mm wide and were mixed correctly to ensure a fresh concrete as homo-
25 mm long, rectangles 3 mm wide and 4 mm long, and a geneous as possible, and then, the mixture was poured into
50%/50% mixture of fibers and rectangles, as shown in wood containers pre-coated with burned oil, as seen in
Fig. 1. Fig. 3.
To determine the shape and dimensions of the PET, it The compressive strength of concrete tested (control
was taken into account that other investigations focused on samples) was 248.9 kg/cm2 ± 4.4 kg/cm2, with respect to
studying the behavior of different properties of concrete the design strength of 250 kg/cm2 [26]. The samples were
with aggregates of PET, both in the fresh and hardened cured for 28 days in the laboratory, 24 h after fabrication.
state [11, 15–17, 20–25]. The fibers were designed as After that, they were placed in a 3% sodium chloride
elements capable to restrain the shrinkage of micro-cracks solution simulating a marine environment. The specimens
and control the width of the cracks, as well as delay the were evaluated for 300 days, using different electrochem-
propagation of these cracks within the concrete [15]. Fur- ical techniques such as: open-circuit potential, electro-
thermore, the rectangles are designed with the aim of chemical noise, linear polarization resistance, and
creating a barrier within the concrete matrix, which pre- electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.
vented access of aggressive agents through the pore On the other hand, the recycling polymer was added to
network. the mix as a substitute for the fine aggregate (river sand)
with a PET/sand ratio by volume percent as shown in
2.2 Concrete Mix and Samples Table 2. Three concentrations of polymer were used for
each design of the recycled PET (3%, 5%, and 8%), with a
The proportions for concrete mixtures are shown in PET/sand ratio by volume percent of 3/97%, 5/95%, and
Table 1. Portland cement CPC 30R (Type II ASTM-C- 8/92%. The nomenclature of each sample is described in
150) and a water/cement ratio of 0.45 were used for all Table 3.
samples. Coarse aggregate from crushed stone with a
maximum size of 20 mm was used and river sand as fine 2.3 Electrochemical Techniques

2.3.1 Open-Circuit Potential Technique (OCP)

The electrochemical behavior of reinforcing steel in con-

crete can be evaluated through different electrochemical
techniques. The open-circuit potential (OCP) is one of the
electrochemical techniques mostly used for the inspection
of concrete structures [6, 27]. The potential measurement
for all reinforcing bars was performed against a saturated
calomel electrode (SCE) and the sampling rate was two
readings per week. Furthermore, the average potential
Fig. 1 a Fibers of PET and b PET particles in rectangle forms
value of each sample was determined. Table 4 shows the

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Fig. 2 Dimensions of the concrete samples containing three electrodes

Fig. 3 a Steel bars of 12 cm long, b steel bars with adhesive tape, and c sample of concrete containing three electrodes

Table 2 Relation PET/sand ratio by volume percent range of potential values for reinforcing steel in concrete
and its corrosion probability criteria, in accordance with
PET/sand ratio PET volume Sand volume
ASTM C876 [2, 28].
PET (%) Sand (%) m ml m3 ml

3 97 0.0129 12,900 0.4171 417,100 2.3.2 Electrochemical Noise Technique (EN)

5 95 0.0215 21,500 0.4085 408,500
8 92 0.0344 34,400 0.3956 395,600 The electrochemical noise technique (EN) is a versatile
tool and has been widely used in corrosion studies for
different materials [29], including reinforcing steel in
concrete [27]. This technique provides information on the
Table 3 Nomenclature of each samples corrosion mechanism from the spontaneous fluctuations of
potential and current. Furthermore, one of the most
Number of Percentage of Geometry of Nomenclature
samples PET (%) PET important advantages offered by this electrochemical
technique is that the system is not disturbed by any external
1 0 – CO voltage or current signal during test time [30]. An Auto
2 3 Fibers CO ? F.3% ZRA potentiostat of ACM Instruments was used to obtain
3 5 Fibers CO ? F.5% the spontaneous current and potential time series, gathering
4 8 Fibers CO ? F.8% 1024 points with a sampling rate of one data per second.
5 3 Rectangles CO ? R.3% Besides, the measurements were done every week.
6 5 Rectangles CO ? R.5% For this work, three nominally ‘identical’ electrodes
7 8 Rectangles CO ? R.8% were used as steel reinforcement in concrete [31]. With this
8 3 Fibers–rectangles CO ? F–R.3% configuration, the current noise measurement is made
9 5 Fibers–rectangles CO ? F–R.5% between working electrodes W1 and W2, and the potential
10 8 Fibers–rectangles CO ? F–R.8% noise between working electrodes W1 or W2, monitored
with respect to the electrode W3 (used as reference

International Journal of Civil Engineering

Table 4 Corrosion probability criteria for steel in concrete related well as mass transport diffusion phenomena through to the
with open-circuit potential measurements pore network and corrosion mechanisms [6].
Open-circuit potential (OCP) Corrosion probability criteria A GillAC potentiostat from ACM Instruments was used
values (mV vs. SCE) and the EIS measurements were carried out under the
following parameters: frequency sweep from 10,000 to
[ - 125 10% risk of corrosion
0.01 Hz with ten points per decade and a small amplitude
- 126 to - 275 Intermediate corrosion risk
value of 20 mV was applied. Ribeiro and Abrantes suggest
\ - 276 [ 90% risk of corrosion
that the values of the amplitude signal should be between 5
and 20 mV [33]. Furthermore, the tests were carried out
once per week.
electrode). According to Cottis, this configuration is one of
the mostly used standard methods to measure EN [32]. 2.3.4 Linear Polarization Resistance Technique (LPR)
The electrochemical noise data were analyzed statisti-
cally from the standard deviation of the current and Polarization measurements are an important measurement
potential oscillations. From Ohḿs law, a relation between tool in the investigations of a variety of electrochemical
the current and the voltage is established, resulting in the phenomena. Such measurements permit studies of the
electrochemical noise resistance Rn following the expres- reaction mechanism and the kinetics of corrosion phe-
sion [29]: nomena [34, 35]. A GillAC potentiostat from ACM
Instruments was used and the established parameters were
Rn ¼ rv =ri ; ð1Þ
as follows: low-field voltage signal from (± 30 mV) and a
where Rn is the electrochemical noise resistance, rv is the sweep rate of 10 mV/min. According to Andrade et al.
voltage standard deviation, and ri is the current standard [36], the electrode should be slightly polarized (approxi-
deviation. mately 20–50 mV) of its free corrosion potential, Ecorr. In
The type of corrosion of the reinforcement steel in addition, the sampling rate was one reading per week.
concrete was determined from a parameter called Local- The Polarization Resistance (Rp), of a reinforcement
ization Index (LI) by the following expression: embedded in concrete is defined as the slope of polarization
LI ¼ ri =Irms ; ð2Þ curve around the corrosion potential, Ecorr [36–38]:
Rp ¼ ðDE=DI ÞDE  0 : ð3Þ
where ri is the current standard deviation and Irms is the
current root-mean-square value. Table 5 shows the types of The polarization resistance is inversely proportional to
corrosion according to the range of LI values [31]. the corrosion rate (Icorr), and are related through a constant
B, according to Stern–Geary by the following equation
2.3.3 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Technique [2, 37–40]:
Icorr ¼ B=Rp : ð4Þ
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy is one of the The proportionality factor (constant B) varies from 13 to
most widely used techniques, capable of measuring the 52 mV. In the case of reinforcing steel in concrete, a value
resistance of metals in different aggressive environments, of B = 26 mV was determined [36, 41]. The ranges of
from the response of an alternating signal of potential or corrosion rate (CR) values for steel in concrete are shown
current of very small amplitude. The EIS provides a large in Table 6 [37].
amount of quantitative information such as: the corrosion
rate of steel in concrete, electrical resistivity of concrete,
properties of the passive film of steel and concrete cover, as

Table 6 Intervals of corrosion current values related to the degree of

Table 5 Intervals of LI values to indicate the type of corrosion
corrosion of steel and in terms of the useful life of reinforcement
Type of corrosion LI values
Corrosion current CR (mm/y) Condition of the rebar
Max Min Icorr (lA/cm2)

Localized 1 0.1 Icorr \ 0.1 \ 0.001 Negligible

Mixed 0.1 0.01 Icorr 0.1–0.5 0.001–0.005 Low-to-moderate corrosion
Generalized or passive 0.01 0.001 Icorr 0.5–1.0 0.005–0.010 Moderate-to-high corrosion
Icorr [ 1.0 [ 0.010 High corrosion rate

International Journal of Civil Engineering

3 Results and Discussion conditions. When the concrete is saturated with water,
sometimes, the concentrations of oxygen on the surface of
3.1 Open-Circuit Potential Measurement the reinforcement are low and this reduction in oxygen
availability will significantly change the corrosion potential
The values of corrosion potential measured in all samples of the steel to less noble potential values [42]. In case of
during a period of 300 days can be seen in Fig. 4. samples with PET rectangles, very noble potential values
At the beginning of the test time, it can be seen that were observed throughout the testing period, with a cor-
potentials of all samples quickly reached very noble values, rosion probability of 10%. The significant effect of PET
between - 100 and 0 mV, maintaining this behavior in the geometry on the electrochemical behavior of reinforcing
range of 10% probability of corrosion. Different investi- steel can be appreciated.
gations in reinforced concrete have shown good quality The concrete itself is a physical barrier that keeps the
concretes rebars, with a pH between 12 and 13 in the steel isolated of aggressive agents for a certain time;
solution of concrete pore network and without other however, by adding the PET particles (rectangles) to the
external factors, the steel forming oxide protective films concrete, probably another barrier is physically generated
(Fe3O4 and Fe2O3), of very small thickness, waterproof, that prevents access of these ions, considerably delaying
and compact [40]. the corrosion of the reinforcing steel. Under these condi-
Between 150 and 180 days of immersion, the control tions, the initiation of corrosion in reinforcing steel is
sample shows a fall in the potential values, to around retarded and will depend on the relationship between Cl-
- 450 mV, with a corrosion probability of 90%. This and OH-. Chloride and oxygen ions compete to reach the
change was possibly related to an increase in concentration surface of reinforcing steel through a diffusion phe-
of chloride ions on the reinforcing steel surface, which can nomenon [30, 37].
reduce the concentration of ferrous ions in a steel anode, Also, it can be seen that samples with both geometries
thus decreasing the corrosion potential [42]. The chloride (fibers and rectangles) have a very favorable behavior, with
ions in contact with the steel can cause pitting corrosion by very noble potential values, between - 125 and 50 mV. In
promoting breakdown on the passive layer. After a certain these samples, there is a double influence that improves the
chloride threshold value, the breakdown starts to develop, electrochemical behavior of steel in concrete, a physical
and the oxygen concentration availability contributes to the barrier due to the rectangle, and fiber particles that act as
corrosion process [3, 27, 40]. Another explanation about elements that stop the propagation of micro-cracks inside
the potential change may be given to the exposure


EOCP (mV) vs SCE.





0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (days).
CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%
CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 4 Variation of the behavior of the corrosion potential with time

International Journal of Civil Engineering

the concrete, preventing or retarding the access of the end of the study, values close to 1 9 10-6 mA/cm2 can
aggressive agents due to this phenomenon [15]. be observed in the control sample and the samples with
fibers, showing a higher corrosion activity of the rein-
3.2 Electrochemical Noise Measurement forcement. In contrast, the rest of the samples maintain
values between 1 9 10-7 mA/cm2 and 3 9 10-8 mA/cm2.
The corrosion potential and corrosion current sponta- Another way to analyze the EN data is through the
neously generated by corrosion reactions are known as electrochemical noise resistance; the values obtained are
electrochemical noise [30]. According to Cottis [32] and shown in Fig. 6. During the first days of tests, a gradual
Katwan et al. [43], from the calculation of the current increase of the electrochemical noise resistance values was
standard deviation (ri), an analysis of the corrosion observed. Progressively, all samples reached high Rn val-
behavior of steel in concrete can be made. This approach is ues close to 1 9 106 X*cm2, indicating that the corrosion
based on the relationship between the current standard of steel bars caused by chlorides is negligible [27, 30].
deviation with the increase in corrosion rate and the These values have a relationship with values of the current
affected area of electrodes. The magnitude of the sponta- standard deviation, as shown in Fig. 5, where it was
neous current fluctuations is determined from the ri and observed that the electrochemical noise resistance (Rn) is
these values can be used to estimate the corrosion activity inversely proportional to rI [29].
on the reinforcement [27]. Hence, its graphic representa- After 150 days of immersion, a fall in Rn values for the
tion also allows analysis on the behavior of the corrosive control sample and the samples with fibers showed this
process as a function of time, as shown in Fig. 5. behavior. Progressively, these values oscillate with signif-
At the beginning of the test time, very high rI values are icant peaks, indicating that the process of corrosion initi-
observed, whereas during the concrete curing process, the ation is not a steady one, but consists of a sequence of
rI values decreased considerably. These results are in several events [30]. After some months of exposure to the
correspondence with the standard deviation values of the chloride solution, the corrosion becomes more severe with
current shown by Zhao et al. [27]. Progressively, values of increase chloride-ion concentration on the steel surface
rI become lower for all samples, about 5 9 10-8 mA/cm2, [27]. On the other hand, the three samples with fiber–
that suggest the decrease and low corrosion activity of the rectangle mix, present the highest values of Rn reaching up
reinforcing steel in concrete. to 2 9 106 X*cm2. Possibly, in these samples, the suit-
On the other hand, from around 120 days of immersion, able conditions were maintained for a longer period of time
the values of some samples start to increase as expected. At where the moisture, high pH, the availability of oxygen,


σi (mA/cm ).


0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (days).
CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%
CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 5 Variation of behavior of the current standard deviation with time

International Journal of Civil Engineering



Rn (Ω*cm )



0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (days)
CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%
CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 6 Variation of noise resistance values (Rn) over time

and the low concentration of chloride on the surface of the samples show a similar behavior, with LI values in the
steel created the optimal combination to keep the steel in a mixed corrosion range in general, between 1 9 10-2 and
passive state [40]. Another possibility is the obstacle pre- 1 9 10-1. At the beginning, on the steel, a film of pro-
senting these particles in the pore network, for the tective oxides is being developed, this passive layer
aggressive ions diffusing and reaching the steel surface. evolves with time and with internal conditions of the
Through the EN technique, it is possible to determine concrete (high pH, presence of oxygen and humidity)
the type of corrosion of steel in concrete. The LI values are became stable, and, therefore, some transient periods
shown in Fig. 7. During the first months of the test, all




0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (days).
CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%
CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 7 Behavior of LI values versus time to determine the type of corrosion

International Journal of Civil Engineering

between 1 9 10-1 and 1 9 100 of the LI values were analyzed the relationship between the Rn and the Rp, and
observed in this period of time without chloride ions [40]. some claim to have proved that both are equivalent for
After 150 days of immersion, the control sample shows certain systems [27, 32, 44].
a fall in LI values towards the generalized corrosion range The favorable effect of the rectangle particles added to
between 1 9 10-3 and 1 9 10-2 [31]. At this time, values the concrete can be seen in the values of Rp, which remain
of Rn for the control sample show a sharp drop due to the above 3 9 105 X*cm2 during the last months of the test.
presence of chloride ions that produce a continuous Similar to the results obtained by the electrochemical noise
breakdown of the passive layer and possible corrosion. technique, the highest values of Rp are reached by the
Gradually, these small active areas of corrosion increase in samples with the mixture of fibers and rectangles. It is
quantity and size, so that a more generalized corrosion is evident that these PET geometries and concentrations
evidenced at the end of the test period. Samples with fibers protect the reinforcing steel as opposed to the fibers alone.
during the last months of exposure show a decrease of LI
values lower than 1 9 10-2. This result and the low values 3.3.1 Corrosion Rate
of Rn shown in Fig. 6 indicate an advanced corrosion
process on the steel and depassivation of the film due to the The corrosion rate is a parameter, which depends on the
chloride-ion concentration in the steel surface [30]. ratio of the anodic and cathodic processes. It may occur an
The samples with fiber–rectangle mix and the samples anodic control when the changes in the anodic process, the
with rectangles were maintained in the range of mixed dissolution of the metal, determine the changes in the
corrosion for a longer period, possibly because the pro- electrochemical parameters; a cathodic control when a
tective oxide layer remained stable. limiting flux of oxygen exists or a combination when both
processes are involved [45]. Figure 9 shows the Icorr values
3.3 Linear Polarization Resistance Measurement obtained from the Rp values.
At the start of immersion, all samples have very high
The values of polarization resistance (Rp) are shown in Icorr values, higher than 1 lA/cm2 giving a very high cor-
Fig. 8. During the 28 days of concrete curing, a rapid rosion rate. Although conditions such as wetness and cer-
increase of the Rp values can be observed in all the sam- tain oxygen availability are present, a high pH in the pores
ples. Comparing the values of noise resistance and polar- of the concrete may not yet available at this time. After-
ization resistance, it can be observed the same trend in the wards, a quick decrease of two orders of magnitude in Icorr
behavior of both parameters. Several workers have

L.P.R. (Ω *cm ).




0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (days).
CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%
CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 8 Behavior of linear polarization resistance values (L.P.R.) over time

International Journal of Civil Engineering


Icorr (μ A/cm ). 1x10



0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300
Time (days).
CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%
CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 9 Variation of the corrosion rate (Icorr) as an indicator of the degree of corrosion of reinforcement

values to less than 1 9 10-1 lA/cm2 can be seen in this low frequencies. According to Ribeiro and Abrantes [33], if
range, the corrosion rate is negligible [4]. the semicircle formed at low frequencies is significantly
Between 150 and 200 days of immersion, the activation reduced, then there is a corrosion process of the steel, as
of the steel bars is observed in the control sample and the seen in the Nyquist diagram. Therefore, the lower the
samples with fibers. Icorr values higher than 3 9 10-1 lA/ charge transfer resistance values, more advanced the cor-
cm2 are reached, which indicate the time for initiation of rosion activity will be.
active corrosion and a low-to-moderate corrosion rate [1]. In Fig. 10b, it can be seen that the low-frequency arc of
On the contrary, samples with rectangles maintain low Icorr all the samples enlarged significantly, increasing the value
values throughout the immersion test period of of Z00 similar to Z0 value, associated with another charac-
1 9 10-1 lA/cm2, significantly delaying the initiation of teristic phenomenon of steel in concrete. According to
corrosion. A similar behavior is observed for the samples González et al. [46], in a Nyquist diagram, the diffusion
with fiber–rectangle mix, with very low values of Icorr. control is shown by a straight line with 45° angle. Other
Progressively, a slight increase in the Icorr was observed author explains that in low frequencies when the real and
close to 1 9 10-1 lA/cm2, for samples CO ? F–R.3% imaginary impedances are almost inversely proportional to
and CO ? F–R.8% indicating a low corrosion rate [4]. the square root of the frequency, a diffusion phenomenon is
attributed [1]. This means that the corrosion rate of the
3.4 Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy steel is controlled by diffusion. This phenomenon is very
Measurement slow, suggesting a high polarization resistance and a lower
corrosion current density.
One way to interpret the results obtained by the EIS After 168 days of immersion, the Nyquist diagram
technique is through the Nyquist diagram, the real impe- shows an important change for the control sample, a
dance (Z0 ) is represented on the X axis, and the imaginary reduction of the arc at low frequencies is observed asso-
impedance (Z00 ) on the Y axis [37]. These diagrams are ciated with a corrosive activity on the steel surface, in
shown in Fig. 10. correspondence with the OCP values which are very neg-
At the start of the electrochemical measurement, the ative indicating the active corrosion of the reinforcing
corrosion behavior was controlled by diffusion as pre- steel. In contrast, samples CO ? F.8% and CO ? R.5%
sented, with an incomplete and depressed capacitive maintain a behavior controlled by diffusion.
semicircle at higher frequencies which is observed attrib- The Warburg diffusion process is the result of oxygen
uted to this phenomenon and a mass transfer straight line at diffusion through the concrete pores to the steel–concrete

International Journal of Civil Engineering

(a) 4x10 (b) 1x10

4 8x10

Z" (Ω * cm )

Z" (Ω * cm )



0 0
4 4 4 4
0 1x10 2x10 3x10 4x10 0 2x10
4 4
8x10 1x10

2 2
Z´(Ω *cm ) Z´(Ω *cm )
5 5
(c) 1x10 (d) 2,5x10

4 5
8x10 2,0x10
Z" (Ω * cm )

Z" (Ω * cm )

4 5
6x10 1,5x10

4 5
4x10 1,0x10

4 4
2x10 5,0x10

0 0,0
4 4 4 4 5 4 5 5 5 5
0 2x10 4x10 6x10 8x10 1x10 0,0 5,0x10 1,0x10 1,5x10 2,0x10 2,5x10
2 2
Z´ (Ω *cm ) Z´ (Ω *cm )
(f) 1,5x10 (e) 1,5x10

5 5
1,0x10 1,0x10
Z" (Ω * cm )
Z" (Ω * cm )


4 4
5,0x10 5,0x10

0,0 0,0
4 5 5 4 5 5
0,0 5,0x10 1,0x10 1,5x10 0,0 5,0x10 1,0x10 1,5x10
2 2
Z´ (Ω *cm ) Z´ (Ω *cm )

CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%

CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 10 Nyquist diagrams for days a 1, b 28, c 84, d 168, e 245, and f 300

interface. Under these conditions, the system is under the However, the values of Z0 are high, indicating that steel
restricted oxygen access of the diffusion process [27]. The remains in a passive state and the initiation of significant
rest of the samples present an incomplete semicircle at low corrosion has not yet started at this period [6].
frequencies and a reduction of the diameter of semicircles Between 245 and 300 days of immersion, the control
is noticeable, indicating a control by charge transfer. sample maintains the same behavior, evidencing a

International Journal of Civil Engineering

corrosive process due to the localized attack of the chloride with the corrosion activity [6]. In the Bode diagrams
ions that cause the continuous depassivation of the passive throughout the period of exposure, an increase in high
layer of the steel. The samples with fibers at this time frequencies of the solution resistance in the concrete pore
began to exhibit a similar behavior, indicating that some of network (Rps) can be observed.
the passive film has been destroyed by the presence of At the beginning, the Rps values are around
chlorides [27]. In general, the samples with rectangle par- 1 9 103 X*cm2; however, at the end of the immersion test
ticles and with the mixture of fibers–rectangles, maintain time, the control sample reached a value of
for a longer period a behavior controlled by diffusion 2.2 9 104 X*cm2 and the samples with rectangles and
attributed to the effect of the geometry of the polymer and fiber–rectangle mix presented higher values between
the concentration thereof. The barrier effect of the polymer 2.5 9 104 and 3 9 104 X*cm2. This behavior is associated
and the influence which it has on the diffusion phenomenon with the barrier effect of the different geometries of PET
of concrete are evidenced. immersed in the concrete matrix and with the continuous
Another way to analyze the impedance results is to process of hydration of cement or internal change of con-
graph the impedance module and the phase angle as a crete. Silva y Liborio [8] studied the steel corrosion in
function of frequency. These types of graph are known as high-performance concrete with silica fume and silica from
Bode diagrams [37] and are shown in Fig. 11. The behavior rice husk, evidencing a more significant increase of Rps
at high-frequency values can be attributed to the electrolyte values in samples with silica aggregates compared to the
present in the pores of concrete. The medium frequency samples without silica.
and low frequency are associated with characteristic pro- During the first 150 days of immersion, an increase in
cesses of the steel–concrete interface and can be correlated the |Z| values is observed for all the samples and an

5 5
(a) 4x10 -100 (b) 2x10 -120
5 -80 -100
Phase angle ( ).

IZI (Ω*cm )

Phase angle ( ).
IZI (Ω*cm )


-60 1x10
4 -40
3 -40
-20 -20
3 2
1x10 0 1x10 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(c) 2x10 -120 (d) 5
4x10 -100
5 -80
Phase angle ( ).

Phase angle ( ).
IZI (Ω*cm )

IZI (Ω*cm ).


4 -40
3 -40

-20 -20
1x10 0 1x10
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10
Frecuency (Hz). Frequency (Hz)
(e) 4x10
5 -100 (f) 4x10 -100

5 -80 1x10
5 -80
IZI (Ω*cm )

Phase angle ( ).

Phase angle ( ).

IZI (Ω*cm )


-60 -60

4 -40 1x10
4 -40

-20 -20

3 3
1x10 0 1x10 0
-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10 1x10

Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)

CO CO+F.3% CO+F.5% CO+F.8% CO+R.3%

CO+R.5% CO+R.8% CO+F-R.3% CO+F-R.5% CO+F-R.8%

Fig. 11 Bode diagrams for days: a 1, b 28, c 84, d 168, e 245, and f 300

International Journal of Civil Engineering

increase in values of phase angle up to - 40° indicating a of the composite material for use in reinforced concrete
capacitive behavior of the double layer capacitance. During structures would be established. In addition, although PET
the last months of exposure, it can be observed for the is one of the main solid wastes worldwide, there are pos-
samples CO, CO ? F.3%, CO ? F.5%, and CO ? F.8%, a sibly other waste materials that can be incorporated into
change in the slope of |Z| versus frequency and a decrease concrete mixtures, in the search for alternative materials
in the values of phase angle at low frequencies, related to that are friendlier to the environment and respond to the
the capacitive effect of double layer capacitance. This needs of the society.
behavior indicates the start of corrosion on the surface of
reinforcing steel [8]. The rest of the samples did not exhibit
this behavior; on the contrary, the high values of |Z| up to
2 9 105 X*cm2 are maintained at the end of the test References
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