Kim Narrative Report

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Liat, Kim Rafael R.

Grade 12 HUMSS- St. Margaret of Antioch


Immersing in a workplace isn’t just about knowing your role as a student worker but also
doing your best to set those into action. In my one week stay in Cataggaman
Elementary School as a student teacher, I experienced a lot and learned numerous
things which I can use in the future; be it in my training days in college and even in my
career someday. With just a week, I was able to adapt the workplace environment and
did my part not as a student but a professional worker. Below are the tasks which were
given to me of which I’ve done with the best service I was able to provide and offer.

Day 1

( ) was a different and extraordinary day for us, Louisian gems for it was the
start of our immersion- training as workers and I was assigned in Cataggaman
Elementary School, one of the known schools in Tuguegarao.

Together with my batch mates, we went to Cataggaman Elementary School not as mere
students but as responsible and dedicated workers. Upon entering, we immediately
went to the Principal’s office to introduce ourselves and in there, we had a short
orientation about the Memorandum of Agreement between the agency and our
University, the principal reminded us of the Dos and Don’ts, the proper ethics, and
everything we must do within our one week stay in the school. After that, we were
already assigned to our own respective classrooms which became our home for a
week- the place where we rendered our service and exerted our effort.

I was assigned to the Kindergarten particularly in the room of Ma’am Janet Tajores,
Master Teacher II. Upon entering, I was given a warm welcome and after that I
immediately began with my first task which was to observe my environment- the way
the teacher teaches the students, and the way the students behave. That’s what I did
until the day ended.

It might be just an observation but it mattered to me because it became the bridge for
me to understand the environment and easily adapt with my surroundings.
Day 2

For the second day ( ), I entered the classroom with excitement, knowing that it
would be another day of productivity and progress.

Upon entering, the smiles of the children greeted me which gave me the energy to do
my tasks for the whole day. I led them the morning prayer, and immediately guided
them in performing their action songs to brighten up the day and start their day with
positive energy. After that, I guided them in familiarizing the alphabets; both in reading
and writing, then corrected their papers. I led them in their activities and joined them in
their snack time. I even became a “temporary caregiver” who opened their biscuits and
drinks. After snack time, once again I was back to being a “teacher kuya” who was
always there to offer help and guidance. I enjoyed being with them, teaching them, and
being their “teacher kuya” whom they always asked for assistance.

Day 3

Third day ( ), another day of fruitfulness came and upon entering the
classroom, as usual as the previous days, I continued guiding the students in their
activities. Once again, I led them action songs, made them practice reading the
alphabets, and played games which helped them in developing their physical and metal
capabilities but of course, I assisted them in playing games just like a real teacher does-
took care of the weaklings, cheered for them, and helped them fight until the end of the
game. After that, as usual, I became a caregiver once more who took care of the
children while they had their snack. Then later, I was back to being a teacher who
helped and taught them their lessons.

My life cycle as a student teacher might be boring for others because it was just simply
a “teach- guide- care” process but I enjoyed it and instead of getting tired, I gave my
best shot as a caring brother, a loving teacher, and a responsible worker.

Day 4

The fourth day ( ) was a different day for me because it was only half-day and
it was their scheduled weekly recreational activity where they were required to play
outside their classrooms and have fun. I accompanied them and gave them the
guidance they needed until they were done. I helped the kids, cheered on them, and
most specially, I watched them with a happy and contented heart, bearing in mind that
they already special for me and that they already occupied a space in my heart not just
as students but sibling whom I should take care of.
Day 5

Day 5 ( ) came and it was the most bittersweet day; bitter in a way that it was
my last day to see the faces of the children, witness their clumsiness and cuteness, and
enjoy watching them, and sweet in a way that I already finished or completed my task
as a student worker. I entered the classroom to work for the last time. I did my best as
their “teacher kuya” in guiding them and gave the best shot I’ve got not to coat my name
with sugar but to leave a good impression as a Louisian gem. Then when time came
that I already had to say goodbye to my dear students and to my teacher/ mentor, I just
gave them souvenirs as tokens and as a sign of gratitude for taking me in, for accepting
my flaws, for correcting me when I am wronged, and for making me a better person.

I ended my one week immersion well, bearing in my heart and mind the lessons I
learned and the experiences which were worth remembering.

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