Newsletter 238

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Citizen Newsletter #238 Fri, December 31, 2010 9:01:37 AM

From: Henry Citizen <hccitizen@hccitizen.n... View Contact


The Citizen Newsletter

Issue # 238 January 1, 2011

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Contact The Citizen at Your comments and submissions are always welcome!

In This Issue
• News & Commentary
• Lee Stuart on Fox & Friends
• HMC Receives Toys
• If It Ain’t Broke…
• At
• Rep. Boehner Responds to Mandate
• Your Voice
• The State of America 2010 May you have as much fun as you can
• Wake Up America before someone makes you stop.
• Parent University Missed Connection

Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting

January 04, 2011 - 9:00 AM

> Presentation by Tax Commissioner David Curry

Expect to hear the status of collection efforts, fine waivers and policies to improve

Editorial / Publication Policy > Board and Authority Appointments

Available in HTML (original) or PDF format
Send email to More Government Intrusion:

The Citizen newsletter is available online > Resolution requesting approval of a fee schedule for the Building Department
at View online at and discussion regarding accessory structures and recreational vehicles on RA lots

From The Henry Times
Hey Henry, is anything going to be done about the crime in City
Square Subdivision? There have been two separate shootings in my
neighborhood in the last two months. These shootings apparently
Your Support is Appreciated don't make the news, and as a homeowner I am appalled. If it is
happening here, it won’t be long till it spreads over the county. I paid
$115,000 to live in McDonough, and the city should be doing
The Conservative Voice of Henry County has
something about this. And trust me, if we could sell our house, we
opened a venue for news, comment and opinion that
would be out of here as quick as possible!
exists nowhere else. It is because of you; a steady
list of people who read and submit articles sharing
Ed. Note: City Square is one example of so-called affordable housing,
ideas and principles. a buzz-word for super high density development. At ten dwellings per
acre, we must repeat, “Build it and they will come.”

Or visit Lee Stuart on Fox & Friends

Thought I'd give you a heads up if you are back
from the gym and 5 mile run by 0645 hrs tomorrow morning, I will be
interviewed on the Fox News Network show "Fox and Friends". They
are going to interview me about my recently released book; Boomer-
One of the Unwanted. This all caught me by surprised and I'm
overwhelmed with emails, phone calls etc in response to the book. I
believe this is just another way Boomer's spirit lives on because his
book will generate the funds we need to get our "Warrior Family
Program" going that helps service members and their family members
deal with PTSD.

Send me your comments after the interview-I hope I can do Boomer

justice with this interview-please keep me in your prayers!

The Ole Soldier has Returned!

Lee Stuart
Cell 678-988-8189

Thank you for your support and participation

Henry Medical receives toys from Union Grove High School FFA

Thanks to Henry County Times

Henry Medical Center recently received donations of stuffed animals to be given to children who come to the hospital’s
Surgery or Emergency Departments.

Pictured (l. to r.): Kayla Hasselbach, UGHS FFA Historian, Arden Foster, UGHS FFA President, Carolyn
Moore, RN, BS, Chr. Ed, HMC Manager of PACU, ACU & Direct Admissions, and Christian Frederick, UGHS FFA Vice President.

Union Grove High School’s Future Farmers of America (FFA) club donated 329 stuffed animals the organization had collected
during a drive held at the high school. Arden Foster, president of Union Grove High School’s FFA said, “A lot of the high
school students wanted to pass on their stuffed animals to children who want them.”

If it ain’t broke …….

Managers of a tri-county park that is partially located in Henry County, are working to alleviate the potential for patrons to
get lost in the great outdoors.

Panola Mountain State Park, at 2600 Ga. Highway 155 S.W., in Stockbridge, will host a free Lost Person Prevention
program, on the second Saturday of each month in 2011, at 10 a.m. The first installment of the endeavor is scheduled for
Jan 8.

The park, which has been open since 1974, is composed of 1,635-acres, situated in Henry, DeKalb and Rockdale counties.
Assistant Park Manager Ross Turnmire said the Lost Person Prevention program is part of the park’s mission to educate the
public. It is
designed mainly as a precautionary tool, to ensure visitors’ safety, according to Turnmire.

“I’ve been at the park for a year, and we haven’t really had a problem with it at all,” he said. “This was just a program
we wanted to implement to help people be more prepared with their time outdoors.”

A search-and-rescue dog team will be on hand for the Lost Person Prevention course, which will be held at the park’s nature
center. Advance registration is required, and parking costs $5.


John Stossel recently took up the unintended consequences caused by 10 promises made by politicians that allowed
government to intervene in different aspects of society. Some of the targets are Cash for Clunkers, the minimum wage,
publicly-funded sports stadiums, ObamaCare and ethanol subsidies.

The exchanges with supporters of these policies are great, especially when Stossel calls Wesley Clark, who lobbies for
ethanol subsidies, a parasite.

Here is the full episode:



The Agenda with Ray McBerry hosting interviews and current issues:

Davis Ryan - Henry County School Board

Healthcare in America with Dr. Joe Esposito
Residential Maternity Home

And more to view online!

Rep. Boehner's Response to Citizen Mandate

Submit Your "Citizen Mandate":

Rep Boehner’s Letter:


Re comments made by Ken Voss about property values.€ You may think we will have
Biscuits & Brunch "serious problems in 2011" but as for me and my house who serve the Lord, He will
provide for us as He has our entire lives.€ I have faith in my God, not the economy not
149 Burke Street this world's system.€ The Bible says we are to "call those things that be€not as tho
Stockbridge, GA 30281 they were."€ I'm calling for a 2011 that's just like heaven.€ What are you calling for?€
(770) 507-6800
Happy New Year and love to all of y'all.€

Ms Bunny

Cemetery Research
Group Henry County Republican Party

Meeting Notice
Signature Broadcasting
Network – SBN TV January 4, 2011
7:00 P.M.
We’re all about you! Henry County Government Annex
Community Room
116 South Zack Hinton Pkwy.
McDonough, GA 30253

Upcoming Events:
February 12, 2011 - Precincts' Mass Meeting
March 12, 2011 - Henry County GOP Convention
April 16, 2011 - Congressional Districts 3 & 13 Conventions
94-A Woolsey Road May 13-14, 2011 - State GOP Convention
Hampton, Georgia 30228

The Henry Players Fundraiser

We are trying to collect recipes from people who support The Henry Players or would
like to support us and the arts. We will be selling Cookbooks but we need recipes!!!
Our deadline is set up for Jan. 11, 2011 so we will have time to get everything put
together so we can have these books available at our show “The Producers”.

Thank you for your assistance.

›Teresa Owens Moore

We have such great cooks in Henry County and now we are

sharing their favorite recipes in the


Please help with our fundraiser and submit your recipes at:
Enter your name under “contributer”
Group Login: players
Password: players

This will be a fundraiser for The Henry Players and we would love to have as many
recipes in this cookbook from people that support us and support the Arts. Please go to
this website and enter your recipes and help us out.

If you are interested in helping us with the cookbook by purchasing an ad or putting

your name in as a supporter, please contact: Teresa Moore at 770-366-0098

The State of America December 2010

By Alfred Britt

As I write the article the state of America is very bad indeed, it is just a matter of time.

America is turning into a Nation that would look like home to a Nazi. Think about this, in the past few weeks we have
been hearing about the TSA groping people at the check points putting their hands down people’s underwear. Now at
least the Nazi’s had the courtesy to take you to a basement or someplace where they would not be seen. But no not in
the new America you get fondled right out in the open for all to see including children.

We have learned also from the TSA that 9,000 flat screen TVs are being installed at Wal-mart and other stores so the
director of Home Land Security can tell you to watch and if you see something strange to tell a store employee or the
police. In other words they want you to spy on your fellow Americans for them. It is interesting that the Nazi’s called
their Nation the Fatherland and look what they are calling the new security force in America, Home Land Security. With
all this said this is not the worst of it folks, oh no it is coming and you will not like it at all.

This looming crisis is related to the financial crisis of 2008… but it is infinitely more dangerous. The next phase in this
crisis will threaten our very way of life.

The savings of millions will be wiped out. This disaster will change your business and your work. It will dramatically
affect your savings accounts, investments, and retirement.

It will change everything about your normal way of life: where you vacation... where you send your kids or grandkids to
school… how and where you shop... the way you protect your family and home. Most Americans will not know what to
do when commodity prices – things like milk, bread and gasoline soar. They won't know what to do when banks close...
and their credit cards stop working. Or when they're not allowed to buy gold or foreign currencies. Or when food stamps

Basically, for many years now, our government has been borrowing so much money (very often using short-term
loans), that very soon, we will no longer be able to afford even the interest on these loans. You may not think things
are THAT BAD in the U.S. economy, but consider this simple fact from the National Inflation Association.
Even if all U.S. citizens were taxed 100% of their income... it would still not be enough to balance the Federal budget!
We'd still have to borrow money, just to maintain the status quo. According to even my most conservative calculations
(using numbers provided by the Congressional Budget Office) a debt default by the U.S. government would be
inevitable – were it not for one simple anomaly... the one thing that has saved the United States so far.

I'm talking about our country's unique ability to simply print more money.

You see, the U.S. government has one very important weapon to use in this crisis: It is the only debtor in the world who
can legally print U.S. dollars. And the U.S. dollar is what's known as "the world's reserve currency."

Continue Reading….,166846

Wake up, America

By Tony Cain,166839

The very idea that politicians have the right to pass what amount to confiscatory tax laws against their fellow citizens is
absurd. The very idea that politicians can use force to seize the money and property of those who worked for it and
earned it is even more absurd. That politicians will then wisely redistribute this loot in ways that will stimulate the
economy and turn the nation around is the most absurd idea of all.

It didn't work in Russia; why on earth would anyone believe it could work in America?

How foolish to imagine that an artificial society created entirely through the machinations of a central planning authority
can work! And how ridiculous to imagine that the redistribution of appropriated wealth by politicians will somehow prop
up the economy, avert a catastrophe, save the nation and spread happiness through all the land.

This nonsense is based on an erroneous premise. It is assumed that presidents and vice presidents, senators and
congressmen, governors, commissioners, mayors and city councils, school boards, sheriffs, chiefs of police, chambers of
commerce, a host of local dignitaries and an army of unelected bureaucrats will always act from the highest ideals and
most noble motives.

The purveyors of this particular brand of snake oil want you to believe that politicians and other self-important
opportunists who have virtually no public support have graciously descended from some great Olympian height to help
the little people who cannot help themselves. These superior god-men and women, filled with wisdom, prophecy and
altruism, mysteriously and inexplicably know better than we what is best for us - and all are grateful for their
omniscient decrees.

Is it so? Is this an accurate account of reality? Is this a true picture of the world?

Of course not. We are ruled without our consent. We are abused as a matter of policy. We are under the thumb of the
small, the petty and the incompetent. You will find that those who desire to control others usually have little control of
themselves, and those who wish to lead are unworthy of the honor.

We have been sold a false bill of goods. We have been sold out. Ignorance, ill will, favoritism, nepotism, privilege, back
room deals and sheer, brazen piracy define the state of government today, just as these same evils have so often
defined it in the past. It is a familiar tale and an age old story.

There is no pot of gold at the end of the government rainbow. There will be no paradise regained by the manipulations
of politicians. Politicians have no hidden ace up their sleeve, nor can they magically pull a rabbit out of a hat and save
the day.

Politicians made the rules, enacted the laws, created the mess and now, God help us, here we are. They caused the
lion's share of the problems, and now the problems rest squarely on their shoulders. But they are incapable of fixing
anything. They will not even admit their utter failure.

Only you and I can work our way out of this pit, if government will get off our backs, get out of the way and leave us
alone... and if there is still time enough left.

Wake up, America. Get your mind right, get your life straight and quit expecting the monster that is government to be
your Santa Claus or Saviour.

Parent University Training a Missed Connection!

By Bruce Kendall

If you were not one of the eight parents attending the “Peace, Love, Harmony, and The Individual Family Service Plan
(IFSP) / Individual Education Plan (IEP),” then don’t worry, the truant officer will not come knocking on your door.

However, you may have been one of the nine thousand nine hundred ninety two parents who failed to report to class.

The Class was a free seminar on how to organize and plan for school meetings, learn effective communication and good
listening skills, and tips to defuse conflict.”

Why was this class important?

This summer when approximately fifty percent of Henry county schools do not make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP),
school principles have already lined up, and are on the record placing the blame on student sub-groups who need an

Over a two month period, school principals grouped as clusters, briefed the Board of Education (BoE) on their plans for
making AYP this year. One consistent message point that each cluster made, students with IEP’s need additional focus
to help the schools make AYP.

In my words, “They are a weak link that needs strengthening.” Approximately one out of eight Henry County Students
need an IEP.

This class would have strengthened that link. It has become a lost opportunity.

Did any of the fifty Schools inform their parents so they could attend?

One elementary school did advertise it in their web site, but buried it.

I was digging through their web site looking for School Council information, about meeting times and dates when I
learned about the class.

If one out of eight students is a major concern for making AYP, why wasn’t an announcement placed on some of the 50
system schools home page?

I used the word “some” because I checked 47 out of 50 schools web sites.

While one class alone will not make the difference in who makes AYP, it would have changed the current disconnect of
placing blame on the backs of students with IEP’s, to doing something responsible in changing possible outcomes.

However, here is a list of what the 47 schools found important enough to place on the home web page:

8th grade trip around Georgia, All Pro Dads (I support this program), Atlanta Magazine, Beta Induction, Book Fair (one
of my favorite events), Box tops for education (I collect them for a school my child no longer attends), Breast Cancer
awareness (found on an elementary school web site), Bruster’s Spirit Night, Bullying Survey (new this year), Calendar
Girl Pageant, Canine Patrol Program (looking for Drugs), Canned food drive (I support this as well), Career Awareness
Day, Career Day, Check writing information, Chick-fil-A Chicken Biscuits, CiCi’s Spirit Night, Class meetings, Coke
Rewards, Continuous Improvement plan, Cookie Dough Pick-up, Donor forms?, Donuts with Dads (Yummy), Dress for
Success (Way to go Patrick Henry High), Events that happened earlier this month or last month, Events that happened
last school year, Family Movie Night, Finance Workshop, Georgia Natural Gas, Grandparents Day, H1N1 update from
last year, Headlines announcing that the school has a anti-bullying program now (you did not see this much last year,
makes one wonder), Holiday Expo, Ingles Tools for Schools, Jeans Week, Join us on Facebook (you can find most of my
friends there), Kindness week (Something we could use all year), Links to Henry Herald, Math and Science Night (Go
Einstein go), Math Calendars, Math Night, More PTO Stuff, Moye’s Pharmacy Charity Program, Native American History
Month (Who would they consider illegal aliens?), No Parents allowed in the hallways without prior approval from the
child’s teacher, Notice that the school calendar has changed, Parent Learning day, Parent Rubrics for elementary school
parents so that they can decode the new report card. (Decoder rings from Cracker-Jack boxes are easier to use), Parent
training just for their school, Peaceful School Bus (more anti-bullying stuff), Picture retakes, Powder-puff Football, PTO
Domino's Spirit Night, PTO Newsletter, PTO/2nd Grade Bring-a-Vet-to School Night, Recycling printer cartridge and cell
phones, Red Ribbon Week (way past), Report cards, Request for Parent involvement (allot more of these as well this
year. Is a good thing if given something meaningful to do), SAGE Class’s blog (elementary kids on the internet), Santa
will be here announcement (I still believe in the spirit of Santa), School Council information (only 7 of 47 schools put
this type of information on their web site), School Holiday Shop, School Menu, School Store, Shane’s Spirit Night, Skate
Night, Spirit Wear for sale, State of the school 2010-2011 (which links to a non-working slide show) (yes I did a lot of
looking around beyond the home page as well), State of the School Address (to be given by the principle at some future
date), Student Council, Take-a-Vet-to-School Day ( did not say if it was veterans or veterinarians), Teacher awards
(which I support - Just a reminder - No productive learning occurs without teachers, and I make no apologies for
supporting teachers), Thanksgiving Break (if you have read this far you need it), The Weather (happens daily), Title 1
plans, Toy Drive (Santa did not bring me a mini-laptop this year), Truck Day, Truett’s Spirit Night, T-shirt contests (no
comment), T-Shirts for sale, Veteran’s Day programs, Wickless Candles for sale, Year Book sales, and Youth Summit.

Nevertheless, no parent class announcement for the parents of over 5,000 students.

Don’t get me wrong, no parents in the hall, T-shirt contests, and Wickless Candles are important.

But what about making AYP?

The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government

Larry Stanley, Editor
899 East Lake Road, McDonough, GA 30252
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