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Program Budgetary Needs Assessment 1

Part I:

I chose to focus my budget assessment towards the supplemental programs within a

school. Things such as cultural awareness programs, bullying initiatives, extra-curricular

sports/activities, and technology are all things that are implemented to enhance an academic

program. It is so important that we ensure that funding is available for these programs because

they are the ones that make for an all-inclusive well-rounded education. I designed a needs

assessment survey to see where the importance was placed on these programs and what we could

do to help increase funding available. It is so important when budgeting for these supplemental

programs to take into consideration things such as new equipment or supplies, student fees,

rollover from previous years, travel, publicity and fundraising. Some of these components bring

money in and some take money out and finding that balance between each of those is the tricky

part of the budget. We must also remember to take into consideration any unplanned expenses

that may be encountered throughout the school year. “It is the integration of vision within the

school budgeting process that transforms school budgeting from merely number crunching to

purpose-driven expenditures supporting academic success for all students” (Miller and Sorenson,

2018). When developing a budget, we must keep this in mind and create a budget that is

beneficial and supportive and meets the specific needs of the group that we are addressing.

Looking at the sample small budget, I see many of these components factored into the

budget. The budget for the band includes all of the finances that the band has coming in and

going out. It is crucial to include both of these to have a well-balanced budget that results in a

surplus at the end of the year. The budget totals up all the of revenue coming in from boosters,

fundraising, student fees, profits etc. It then takes all of the anticipated funds such as equipment,

maintenance, publicity and a contingency for any unexpected expenses. The band has a high
Program Budgetary Needs Assessment 2

need for fundraising and booster support to increase funding to use for the budget. Fundraising

is a very large piece of any of these extra-curricular activities. The total amount of revenue

coming in totaled 12,360, the anticipated expenses totaled 11,802, leaving $558 in surplus to be

rolled over to the next year. This surplus adds onto the funds for the next year creating even

more of a surplus for year 2. The goal of this budget is to fundraise and bring in enough revenue

to cover all expenses that the band has or may encounter. “School budgeting and vision must be

considered simultaneously in the planning process in order for schools to increase their

likelihood of achieving the PSEL’s Utopian goal of promoting each student’s academic success

and well-being” (Miller and Sorenson, 2018). It is so important to keep the school vision in

mine when preparing a budget.

Part II:

Budgetary Needs Assessment Survey

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