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Human Resources

Activity Guide
n l y
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December 2004 I n
c l e
Copyright © 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may
copy and print this document solely for your own use in an Oracle training course. The document may not be modified or
altered in any way. Except where your use constitutes "fair use" under copyright law, you may not use, share, download,
upload, copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, post, transmit, or distribute this document in whole or in part
without the express authorization of Oracle.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the document,
please report them in writing to: Oracle University, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California 94065 USA. This
document is not warranted to be error-free.

If this documentation is delivered to the United States Government or anyone using the documentation on behalf of the United
States Government, the following notice is applicable:


The U.S. Government’s rights to use, modify, reproduce, release, perform, display, or disclose these training materials are
restricted by the terms of the applicable Oracle license agreement and/or the applicable U.S. Government contract.

Oracle, JD Edwards, and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.

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Preface Human Resources..............................................................................................................v

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues .....................................................................v
Related Documentation and Resources ........................................................................... viii

Lesson 1 Course Overview ...............................................................................................................1

Lesson 2 Business Process Overview ...............................................................................................3

Lesson 3 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings

and Companies ..................................................................................................................5
Activity 1: Creating a Company ......................................................................................6

Lesson 4 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and

TableSet Sharing .............................................................................................................17
Activity 2: Defining SetIDs, Business Units, and TableSet Sharing .............................18
Activity 3: Establishing User and Business Unit Defaults ............................................23
n l y
e O
Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and

U s

Activity 4: Defining Establishment and Location Codes ..............................................28
Activity 5: Setting Up Departments...............................................................................41

Lesson 6
l &
Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation ..................................45

n a
Activity 6: Creating Compensation Rate Codes ............................................................46
Activity 7: Setting Up a Salary Plan..............................................................................50

te r
Lesson 7
I n
(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation .......55

c l e
Activity 8: Creating Compensation Rate Codes in Japan ..............................................56
Activity 9: Creating a Rules-Driven Compensation Package for a Japanese Location .59

r a Activity 10: Setting Up a Japanese Salary Plan ..........................................................62

Lesson 8O Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups.......................71
Activity 11: Setting Up Job Codes ..............................................................................72
Activity 12: Defining a Pay Group..............................................................................76

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential iii

Human Resources Contents

Lesson 9 Administering Security ...................................................................................................79

Activity 13: Defining Data Permission by Department Trees.....................................80
Activity 14: Refreshing Security Join Tables..............................................................84

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System .......................................................................87

Activity 15: Adding People with Employment Instances ...........................................88
Activity 16: Adding Job Instances for Unique Situations .........................................120

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data ...............................................................................141

Activity 17: Analyzing Action and Row Types ........................................................142
Activity 18: Analyzing Row Maintenance Needs .....................................................143
Activity 19: Updating Person and Job Data Information ..........................................145
Activity 20: Modifying Job Data for your Workers ..................................................166

Lesson 12 (JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers ...............................179

Activity 21: Creating an Organization Plan and Viewing Department Headcount...180
Activity 22: Transferring Entry by Departments and Trees ......................................183
Activity 23:
Defining Tamatsuki ...............................................................................188

n l
Lesson 13
Tracking Additional Human Resources Business Process Data ...............................191

Lesson 14
U s
Course Review ...............................................................................................................193

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iv PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential


Human Resources

Typographical Conventions and Visual Cues

This section discusses:

• Typographical conventions.

• Visual cues.

• Country, region, and industry identifiers.

• Currency codes.

Typographical Conventions
This table contains the typographical conventions that are used in this guide:

Typographical Convention

n l y
Indicates PeopleCode function names, method names, language

literally in the function call.

e O
constructs, and PeopleCode reserved words that must be included

Indicates field values, emphasis, and PeopleSoft or other book-

length publication titles. In PeopleCode syntax, italic items are

placeholders for arguments that your program must supply.
We also use italics when we refer to words as words or letters as

letters, as in the following: Enter the letter O.
Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign (+)

l & between keys means that you must hold down the first key while
you press the second key. For ALT+W, hold down the ALT key

n a while you press the W key.

Monospace font

“ ” (quotation marks)
r Indicates a PeopleCode program or other code example.
Indicate lesson and chapter titles in cross-references and words that

I n are used differently from their intended meanings.

c l e
. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.

r a { } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.

Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).

O [ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential v

Human Resources Preface

Typographical Convention Description

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax, an
ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already instantiated
Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

Visual Cues
Training courses contain the following visual cues.

Notes indicate information that you should pay particular attention to as you work with
the PeopleSoft system.

Note. Example of a note.

If the note is preceded by Important!, the note is crucial and includes information that
concerns what you must do for the system to function properly.

Important! Example of an important note.


n l
Warnings indicate crucial configuration considerations. Pay close attention to warning
Warning! Example of a warning.
e O
U s
Training guides provide cross-references either under the heading “See Also” or on a
separate line preceded by the word See. Cross-references lead to other documents, such
as PeopleBooks, that are pertinent to the immediately preceding documentation.

l &
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Example of cross-reference to a PeopleBook

I n
c le
Country, Region, and Industry Identifiers

r a Information that applies only to a specific country or region is preceded by a standard

identifier in parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a section

O heading, but it may also appear at the beginning of a note or other text.

Example of a country-specific heading: “(FRA) Adding a Person”

Example of a region-specific heading: “(Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation”

vi PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Preface Human Resources

Country Identifiers
Countries are identified with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
country code. The following country identifiers appear in this guide:

• AUS (Australia)

• BRA (Brazil)

• CAN (Canada)

• CHE (Switzerland)

• DEU (Germany)

• FRA (France)

• GBR (Great Britain)

• IND (India)

• ITA (Italy)

• JPN (Japan)

• MEX (Mexico)

• MYS (Malaysia)

• NLD (Netherlands)
n l y
• NZL (New Zealand)

e O

SGP (Singapore)

USA (United States)

U s
Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The North America region identifiers appear
in this guide.

Industry Identifiers
l &
n a
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The
following industry identifiers appear in this guide:


I nUSF (U.S. Federal)

c l e
• E&G (Education and Government)

Currency Codes
r a
O Monetary amounts are identified by the ISO currency code. The following currency
codes appear in this guide:

• CAD (Canadian dollar)

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential vii

Human Resources Preface

• EUR (Euro)

• JPY (Japanese yen)

• USD (U.S. dollar)

Related Documentation and Resources

PeopleSoft applications are documented in PeopleBooks, which are delivered on the
PeopleBooks CD-ROM. You can also order printed, bound versions of PeopleBooks
through the Documentation section of the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website. You
can find updates and additional documentation for each release on the PeopleSoft
Customer Connection website.

See PeopleSoft Customer Connection,

The following resources are located on the PeopleSoft Customer Connection website:

Resource Navigation
Application maintenance information Updates + Fixes
Business process diagrams Support, Documentation, Business Process Maps
Hardware and software requirements Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Implementation
Guide, Implementation Documentation and
Software, Hardware and Software Requirements
Installation guides

n l y
Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Implementation
Guide, Implementation Documentation and
Software, Installation Guides and Notes
Interactive Services Repository
PeopleBook documentation updates
e O
Interactive Services Repository
Support, Documentation, Documentation Updates
PeopleSoft support policy
U s
Support, Support Policy
Product release roadmap
Release notes
Support, Roadmaps + Schedules
Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Upgrade Guide,

O Upgrade Documentation and Software, Release

Troubleshooting information
l& Support, Troubleshooting

Upgrade documentation Implement, Optimize + Upgrade, Upgrade Guide

e r
I nt
Note. For data models, please contact the Global Support Center.

c le
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viii PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 1

Course Overview
This lesson has no activities.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 1

Course Overview Lesson 1










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O ______________________________________________________________________


2 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 2

Business Process Overview

This lesson has no activities.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 3

Business Process Overview Lesson 2










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4 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3

Setting Up Core Foundation

Tables Related to Installation
Settings and Companies

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 5

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies Lesson 3

Activity 1: Creating a Company

In this activity, you will create a company in one of these countries:

• France.

• Japan.

• United States.

Slide 43 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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6 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies

(FRA) Creating a Company

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a French company.

• Enter phone information.

• Define the FTE decimal amount.

Activity Overview

In 2004, your organization acquired a new company, Computer Testing Research, which
has locations around the world.

In preparation for adding people to the system and maintaining job records, it is your job
to set up the PeopleSoft Human Resources tables. These tables are the foundation of your
organization’s Human Resources system.

Your first task is to add the new company, Computer Testing Research (C<student id>),
effective January 1, 2004. Accept the company default setID value, but use the
appropriate country code FRA.

You will not indicate an address at this time, but will later associate a location with this
company. The business telephone number for this new company is 33-1-45645678.

You will also indicate an FTE and paid FTE decimal precision amounts of 2.
n l y
Important! You are completing this course in a shared database; therefore, your
instructor will assign you a two-digit student identifier number to be used throughout this
course. Whenever you see <student id>, you should use your student identifier to ensure
that you are entering unique data. Do not work on any activities in your activity guide
unless told to do so by your instructor.
Note. Use PS for the user name and password in this activity.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 7

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies Lesson 3

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating a French Company

To create a new company code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter C<student id> as the company code, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Computer Testing Research
Short Descr (short description) C<student id>
Country FRA

Entering Phone Information n l y

To enter phone information:
e O
1. Access the Phones page, and enter the following information:

U s
Page Element
Phone Type
Value or Status
O 33-1-45645678

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Defining the FTE Decimal Amount

To define the FTE decimal amount:

1. Access the Rules Definition page, and enter the following information:
c l e Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004

r a Status Active

O FTE Decimal Precision 2

8 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies

2. Expand the France flag section on the Rules Definition page, and enter 2 in the PAID
FTE Decimal Precision field.

3. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 9

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies Lesson 3

(JPN) Creating a Company

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a Japanese company.

• Add an alternate character description and representative information.

• Enter phone information.

Activity Overview

In 2004, your organization acquired a new company, Computer Testing Research, which
has locations around the world.

In preparation for adding people to the system and maintaining job records, it is your job
to set up the PeopleSoft Human Resources tables. These tables are the foundation of your
organization’s Human Resources system.

Your first task is to add the new company, Computer Testing Research (C<student id>),
effective January 1, 2004. Accept the company default setID value, but use the
appropriate country code.

You will not indicate an address at this time, but will later associate a location with this
company. The main telephone number for this company is 03-5432-7800, company code

n l
Enter Kabushiki Gaisha Kyarotto Sofuto for the alternate character description. Also
effective January 1, 2004, enter the CEO, Tadashi Niwa as the representative.

U s
Important! You are completing this course in a shared database; therefore, your
instructor will assign you a two-digit student identifier number to be used throughout this

course. Whenever you see <student id>, you should use your student identifier to ensure
that you are entering unique data. Do not work on any activities in your activity guide
unless told to do so by your instructor.
l &
Note. Use PS for the user name and password in this activity.

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10 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating a Japanese Company

To create a new company code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter C<student id> as the company code, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Computer Testing Research
Short Descr (short description) C<student id>
Country JPN

Adding an Alternate Character Description and Representative Information n l y

To add an alternate character description:
e O
Gaisha Kyarotto Sofuto in the AC Company Description field.
U s
1. Click the AC Descr Button icon after the Description field, and enter Kabushiki

2. Click OK.
3. To add representative information, expand the JPN flag section on the Company
Location page, and enter the following information:

l &
Page Element
a Value or Status

Effective Date January 01, 2004

t e
Representative Title CEO

Representative Name Tadashi Niwa

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 11

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies Lesson 3

Entering Phone Information

To enter phone information:

1. Access the Phones page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Phone Type Main
Telephone 03-5432-7800
Country Code 081

2. Save:

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

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12 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies

(USA) Creating a Company

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a United States company.

• Enter an FEIN for a company.

• Enter phone information.

• Define the FTE decimal amount.

Activity Overview

In 2004, your organization acquired a new company, Computer Testing Research, which
has locations around the world.

In preparation for adding people to the system and maintaining job records, it is your job
to set up the PeopleSoft Human Resources tables. These tables are the foundation of your
organization’s Human Resources system.

Your first task is to add the new company, Computer Testing Research (C<student id>),
effective January 1, 2004. Accept the company default setID value, but use the
appropriate country code.

location with this company. The business telephone number for this new company is
415/555-1234. n y
The FEIN is 12345. You will not indicate an address at this time, but will later associate a
You will also indicate an FTE decimal precision amount of 2.
e O
U s
Important! You are completing this course in a shared database; therefore, your

instructor will assign you a two-digit student identifier number to be used throughout this
course. Whenever you see <student id>, you should use your student identifier to ensure

that you are entering unique data. Do not work on any activities in your activity guide
unless told to do so by your instructor.

l &
Note. Use PS for the user name and password in this activity.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 13

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies Lesson 3

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating a United States Company

To create a new company code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter C<student id> as the company code, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Computer Testing Research
Short Descr (short description) C<student id>
Country USA

Entering an FEIN for a Company n l y

To enter an FEIN:
e O
1. Access the Default Settings page.

U s
Employer ID Number field.
2. Expand the USA flag section on the Default Settings page, and enter 12345 in the

Entering Phone Information O

To enter phone information:
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1. Access the Phones page, and enter the following information:

Page Element r Value or Status

e In
Phone Type

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14 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 3 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies

Defining the FTE Decimal Amount

To define the FTE decimal amount:

1. Access the Rules Definition page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
FTE Decimal Precision 2

2. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 15

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Installation Settings and Companies Lesson 3











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16 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4

Setting Up Core Foundation

Tables Related to Business Units
and TableSet Sharing

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 17

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing Lesson 4

Activity 2: Defining SetIDs, Business Units, and TableSet Sharing

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Establish setIDs.

2. Create business units.

3. Administer tableset sharing.

Slide 66 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
You need to enter setIDs and business units for the Computer Testing Research
organization. These values will be used throughout the implementation process.

The organization has determined that they will start by setting up two business units:
Business Unit A (BUA<student id>) and Business Unit B (BUB<student id>). You will
use the following setIDs in your implementation:

Setting Up SetIDs For: SetID

Business Unit A (default setID)
Business Unit B (default setID)
SBA<student id>
SBB<student id>
n l y
Shared data
Shared data
e O
U s
The third and fourth setIDs, SHARE and JGENL, have already been created.
Once you have established your setIDs and created your business units, you will need to
adjust your business unit record groups for greater effectiveness. The default setIDs that

l &
you associate with your business units should assign the appropriate setID to the HR
record groups. However, you will need to redirect the following record groups, for both
business units, to point to tablesets with a different setID:
Record Group

te r SetID

I n
HR_02 Job Code
HR_16 Supervisor LVL

c l e
r a Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

O environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

18 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Establishing SetIDs

To establish setIDs:

• Establish the first SetID, SBA<student id>.

• Establish the second SetID, SBB<student id>.

Establishing the First SetID, SBA<student id>.

To establish the first SetID:

1. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, TableSet IDs.

2. Click Add a New Value

3. Enter SBA<student id>, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Short Description
SetID for Business Unit A
SBA<student id>
n l y
e O
5. Save.
U s
Establishing the Second SetID, SBB<student id>
To establish the second SetID:
1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.
2. Enter the new value SBB<student id>, and click Add.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status
Description SetID for Business Unit B

c l e Short Description SBB<student id>

r a
O 4. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 19

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing Lesson 4

Creating Business Units

To create business units:

• Create the first business unit, BUA<student id>.

• Create the second business unit, BUB<student id>.

Creating the First Business Unit, BUA<student id>

To create the first business unit:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Business Unit.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter BUA<student id>, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Status Active
Description Business Unit A
Short Description BUA<student id>
SetID SBA<student id>

n l y
5. Save.

e O
Creating the Second Business Unit, BUB<student id>
To create the second business unit:
U s
1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.
2. Enter the business unit value BUB<student id>, and click Add.

l &
3. Enter the following information:

Page Element
n a Value or Status

te r Active

I n
Short Description
Business Unit B
BUB<student id>

c l e SetID SBB<student id>

r a
O 4. Save.

20 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing

Administering TableSet Sharing

To administer tableset sharing:

• Administer tableset sharing for the first set control value.

• Administer tableset sharing for the second set control value.

Administering TableSet Sharing for the First Set Control Value

To administer tableset sharing:

1. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, TableSet Control.

2. Enter BUA<student id> in the Set Control Value field, and click Search.

3. In the Record Group Control scroll header, click the View All link and scroll down to

4. Validate or enter the following information, accepting the default values for all other
fields that are not listed here:

Page Element Value or Status

HR_01 Departments SBA<student id>
HR_02 Job Codes SHARE
HR_03 Locations SBA<student id>
HR_04 Job Tasks
HR_05 Plan Salaries
SBA<student id>
SBA<student id>
n l y
HR_06 BU Defaults SBA<student id>

e O
HR_16 Supervisor LVL (level) JGENL

U s
5. Save.
Administering TableSet Sharing for the Second Set Control Value

To administer tableset sharing:

te r
1. Click Return to Search at the bottom of the page.

2. Enter BUB<student id> in the Set Control Value field, and click Search.

I n
3. In the Record Group Control scroll header, click the View All link and scroll down to

c l e HR_01.

r a 4. Validate or enter the following information, accepting the default values for all other
fields that are not listed here:

O Page Element
HR_01 Departments
Value or Status
SBB<student id>
HR_02 Job Codes SHARE

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 21

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing Lesson 4

Page Element Value or Status

HR_03 Locations SBB<student id>
HR_04 Job Tasks SBB<student id>
HR_05 Plan Salaries SBB<student id>
HR_06 BU Defaults SBB<student id>
HR_16 Supervisor LVL (level) JGENL

5. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

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22 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing

Activity 3: Establishing User and Business Unit Defaults

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Set up user defaults.

• Establish business unit defaults.

Slide 72 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
You are now ready to update your user defaults. Update the HCPPALL permission list
defaults by entering information, such as a default business unit and any country specific
data that you want to use to set up your control table data.

Next, you will need to establish the defaults for each of your business units. You will
need to set up business unit defaults based upon the setID you assigned to the business
unit defaults record group (HR_06), on the TableSet Control component. This is how
your HR_06 BU Defaults Value row should be set up for your business units:

Business Unit (Set Control Value) HR_06 BU Defaults Value

BUA<student id>
BUB<student id>
SBA<student id>
SBB<student id>
n l y
e O
U s
exact values that you will need to enter.
Note. Some values in this activity depend on country. Your instructor will provide the

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

l &
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 23

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing Lesson 4

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up User Defaults

To set up user defaults:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Org Defaults by Permission


2. Enter the Primary Permission List value HCPPALL, and click Search.

3. On the Defaults page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Alternate Character Enabled Selected
Business Unit BUA<student id>
SetID SBA<student id>
Company C<student id>
Country <country code provided by the instructor>
Regulatory Region <regulatory region provided by the instructor>
To Currency
Currency Rate Type l y
<currency code provided by the instructor>
e O
4. Access the Settings page, and enter the following information:

Page Element
Payroll System
Value or Status
Default Standard Hours
O 40

Standard Work Period W

n a
Minimum Standard Hours 10

t e r
Maximum Standard Hours 40

e In
5. Do not save the page. Please wait for further directions from your instructor.

c l
Establishing Business Unit Defaults
O To establish business unit defaults:

• Define defaults for a business unit.

• Define defaults for a second business unit.

24 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 4 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing

Defining Defaults for a Business Unit

To define defaults for a business unit:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Business Unit Options


2. Enter SBA<student id> as the setID value, and click Search.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Company C<student id>
Country <country code provided by the instructor>
To Currency <currency code provided by the instructor>
Default Standard Hours 40
Work Period W
Minimum Standard Hours 10
Maximum Standard Hours 40

4. Save.

Defining Defaults for a Second Business Unit

To define defaults for a business unit:
n l y
1. Click Return to Search at the bottom of the page.
e O
2. Enter SBB<student id> as the setID value, and click Search.

U s
Page Element A I
3. Validate or add values for a Business Unit in the following fields:

Value or Status
Company O C<student id>
l& <country provided by your instructor>

To Currency <currency provided by your instructor>

e r
Default Standard Hours 40

Work Period W

e I Minimum Standard Hours

Maximum Standard Hours

c l
r a
O 4. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 25

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Business Units and TableSet Sharing Lesson 4











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O ______________________________________________________________________


26 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5

Setting Up Core Foundation

Tables Related to Establishments,
Locations, and Departments

n l y
e O
U s
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 27

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Activity 4: Defining Establishment and Location Codes

In this activity, you will set up an establishment and location for one of these countries:

• France.

• Japan.

• United States.

Slide 80 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

n l y
e O
U s
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28 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

(FRA) Setting Up an Establishment and Location

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Set up a French establishment code.

2. Set up a French location code.

3. Associate a location code with a company.

Activity Overview

Computer Testing Research needs to set up establishment and location codes. Enter the
following information:

• Add the following establishment:

Western Region establishment (EST<student id>)

1, rue des Tulipes, Paris, 75000

• Add the following location:

Headquarters (L1<student id>)

125 rue Sebastien Mercier, Paris, France 75015

• After you complete this task, associate your headquarters location code with
company C<student id> in the Company table.
n l y
e O
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

U s
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

l &
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 29

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up an French Establishment Code

To setup an establishment code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Establishment.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter EST<student id>, and click Add.

4. On the Establishment Address page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Western Region
Short Description EST<student id>
Headquarters Unit Cleared
Reg Region FRA
C<student id>
n l y
e O
5. Click the Edit Address link, and enter the following information:

U s
Page Element
Address 1
A I Value or Status
1, rue des Tulipes
O 75000

City Paris

n a 75 (Paris)

t e r
6. Click OK.

7. Access the Phone Numbers page, and enter the following:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Phone Type Main

O Phone

8. Save.

30 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

Setting Up a French Location Code

To set up a location code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Location.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Location Code L1<student id>

4. Click Add.

5. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Headquarters
Short Desc L1<student id>
Floor #
n l y
Language Code French

e O
Country FRA

U s
6. Click the Edit Address link, and enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status

Address 1
l& 125 rue Sebastien Mercier

Postal 75015

e r Paris

Department 75 (Paris)

e I
a cl 7. Click OK.

O r 8. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 31

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Associating a Location Code with a Company

To associate a location code with a company:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

2. Enter company C<student id>, select the Correct History check box, and click

3. Enter the following information.

Page Element Value or Status

Location SetID SBA<student id>
Location L1<student id>

4. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
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32 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

(JPN) Setting Up an Establishment and Location

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Set up a Japanese establishment code.

2. Set up Japanese location code.

3. Associate a location code with a company.

Activity Overview

Computer Testing Research needs to set up establishment and location codes. Enter the
following information:

• Add the following establishment:

Headquarters establishment (EST<student id>)

3-5 Hatagaya 1-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo-to 151-0072

• Add the following location:

Headquarters (L1<student id>)

151-0072, Tokyo, Shibuya-ku, 3-5 Hatagaya 1-chome

• After you complete this task, associate your headquarters location code with
company C<student id> in the Company table.
n l y
e O
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

U s
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

l &
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 33

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up a Japanese Establishment Code

To setup an establishment code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Establishment.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter EST<student id>, and click Add.

4. On the Establishment Address page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Headquarters
Short Description EST<student id>
Headquarters Unit Selected
Reg Region JPN
C<student id>
n l y
e O
Honsha in the AC Establishment Description field.
U s
5. Click the Alt Char Descr Pushbutton icon after the Description field and enter

6. Click OK.
7. Click the Edit Address link, and enter 151-0072 in the Postal field.

8. Click the Address Search link.
9. Enter the following information:
Page Element r Value or Status

I n
13 (Tokyo-to)

cl e Address 1 3-5 Hatagaya 1-chome

r a
O 10. Click OK.

34 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

11. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon after the Address field and enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

AC City Shibuya-ku
AC Address 1 Hatagaya 1-3-5

12. Click OK.

13. Access the Phone Numbers page, and enter the following:

Page Element Value or Status

Phone Type Main
Phone 03-5432-7800

14. Save.

Setting Up a Japanese Location Code

To set up a location code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Location.

2. Click Add a New Value.

n l y
3. Enter the following information:
e O
Page Element
U s
Value or Status
SBA<student id>
Location Code
A I L1<student id>

4. Click Add.
l &
5. Enter the following information:

Page Element
r Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004

e I Status Active

c l Description Headquarters

r a Short Desc
L1<student id>

O Floor #
Language Code
Country JPN

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 35

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

6. Click the Alt Char Descr Pushbutton icon after the Description field and enter
Honsha in the AC Location Description field.

7. Click OK.

8. Click the Edit Address link, and enter 151-0072 in the Postal field.

9. Click the Address Search link.

10. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Prefecture 13 (Tokyo-to)
City Shibuya-ku
Address 1 3-5 Hatagaya 1-chome

11. Click OK.

12. Save.

Associating a Location Code with a Company

To associate a location code with a company:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

n l y
2. Enter company C<student id>, select the Correct History check box, and click
e O
3. Enter the following information.
U s
Page Element
A I Value or Status
Location SetID
Location O SBA<student id>
L1<student id>

l &
n a
te r
4. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon after the Address field and enter the
following information:

e In
Page Element
AC City
Value or Status

c l AC Address 1 Hatagaya 1-3-5

r a
O 5. Click OK.

6. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

36 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

(USA) Setting Up an Establishment and Location

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Set up a U.S. establishment code.

2. Set up a U.S. location code.

3. Associate a location code with a company.

Activity Overview

Computer Testing Research needs to set up establishment and location codes. Enter the
following information:

• Add the following establishment:

Western Region establishment (EST<student id>)

801 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94133

The controlling establishment ID is KU001. You also need to specify that for EEO-1
there will be a minimum of 100 employees.

• Add the following location:

Headquarters (L1<student id>)

450 Market Street, Suite #450, San Francisco, CA 94133
n l y
• O
After you complete this task, associate your headquarters location code with
company C<student id> in the Company table.
U s
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 37

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up a U.S. Establishment Code

To setup an establishment code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Establishment.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter EST<student id>, and click Add.

4. On the Establishment Address page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Western Region
Short Description EST<student id>
Headquarters Unit Cleared
Reg Region USA
C<student id>
n l y
e O
5. Click the Edit Address link, and enter the following information:

U s
Page Element
Address 1
A I Value or Status
801 Market Street
O San Francisco

State CA

n a 94133

t e r
6. Click OK.

7. Expand the USA flag section, and enter the following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Section B

O Controlling Establishment ID
Section C

EEO-1 Minimum 100 Employees Selected

38 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

8. Access the Phone Numbers page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Phone Type Business
Phone 415/555-0001

9. Save.

Setting Up a U. S. Location Code

To set up a location code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Location.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Location Code L1<student id>

n l y
4. Click Add.

e O
5. Enter the following information:

Page Element
U s
Value or Status
Effective Date

A I January 1, 2004
Description O Active
Short Desc
l& L1<student id>

Building Blank
Floor #

Language Code
e r Blank

I nCountry USA

c l e
r a 6. Click the Edit Address link, and enter the following information:

O Page Element
Address 1
Value or Status
450 Market Street
Address 2 Suite #450

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 39

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Page Element Value or Status

City San Francisco
State CA
Postal 94133

7. Click OK.

8. Access the Location Profile page, expand the USA flag section, and enter
EST<student id> in the Establishment ID field.

9. Save.

Associating a Location Code with a Company

To associate a location code with a company:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

2. Enter company C<student id>, select the Correct History check box, and click

3. Enter the following information.

Page Element
Location SetID
Value or Status
SBA<student id>

n l y
Location L1<student id>

e O
4. Save.
U s
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.
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40 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

Activity 5: Setting Up Departments

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and set up departments.

Slide 82 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Computer Testing Research will have various departments. Your job is to create the sales
(50200) and customer services (50300) departments for business unit A effective January
1, 2004. Since only business unit A workers should be assigned to these departments,
create the departments under the appropriate setID.

Company Computer Testing Research should be associated with these departments, as

well as the headquarters location (L1<student id>). Each should have a department level
budget. For now associate manager ID KU0004 with the sales department and manager
ID KU0003 with the customer service department.

n l y
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 41

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up Departments

To set up departments:

• Set up a Sales department.

• Set up a Customers Services department.

Set Up a Sales Department

To set up a Sales department:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Departments.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Department ID 50200

n l y
4. Click Add.
e O
5. Enter the following information:
U s
Page Element
Effective Date
A I Value or Status
January 1, 2004
O Active
Short Desc
a l& Bus. Unit A Sales
BU A Sales
Location SetID
r n SBA<student id>


n e L1<student id>

e I Company
Manager Type
C<student id>

cl Manager ID KU0004

O ra Budget Level Department

6. Save.

42 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 5 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments

Set Up a Customer Service Department

To set up a Customer Service department:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Department ID 50300

3. Click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Bus. Unit A Customer Service
Short Desc BU A CS
Location SetID SBA<student id>
L1<student id>
C<student id>
n l y
Manager Type
Manager ID
e O
Budget Level

5. Save.
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n a
te r
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c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 43

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Establishments, Locations, and Departments Lesson 5











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O ______________________________________________________________________


44 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6

Setting Up Core Foundation

Tables Related to Compensation

n l y
e O
U s
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c l e
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 45

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation Lesson 6

Activity 6: Creating Compensation Rate Codes

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and create compensation rate codes.

Slide 92 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Computer Testing Research needs to establish several rate codes, which will be used to
define base salary for its workers. Use the appropriate currency code based upon the
country you are setting up (use the currency code provided by your instructor).

You need to set up the following rate codes:

• An hourly rate code (H<student id>).

• A flat monthly pay rate code (FM<student id>).

• A 2 percent-based cost of living rate code (2COL<student id>) for workers who
should have a cost of living adjustment.

You have decided not to default any amounts at this time.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

n l y
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

l &
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46 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating Compensation Rate Codes

To create compensation rate codes:

• Create an hourly-based rate code.

• Create a flat amount-based rate code.

• Create a percentage-based rate code.

Creating an Hourly Based Rate Code

To create an hourly based rate code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Compensation Rules, Comp Rate Code

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter H<student id>, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Effective Date January 1, 2004

e O

U s
Hourly Base Pay
Short Description
Base Pay
A I Hrly Pay<student id>
Rate Code Type
O Hourly Rate

Rate Code Class Blank
Calculated By

n a None
Compensation Rate

t e r 0.00
<currency code provided by your instructor>

I n
Frequency H

c l e
r a 5. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 47

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation Lesson 6

Creating a Flat Amount-Based Rate Code

To create a flat amount-based rate code

1. Click Add at the bottom of the Comp Rate Code Table page.

2. Enter FM<student id>, and click Add.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Flat Monthly Pay
Short Description FltMthly<student id>
Base Pay Selected
Rate Code Type Flat Amount
Rate Code Class Blank
Calculated By None
Compensation Rate 0.00
Currency <currency code provided by your instructor>
Frequency M

n l y
4. Save.

e O
Creating a Percentage-Based Rate Code
To create a percentage pay rate code:
U s
1. Click Add at the bottom of the Comp Rate Code Table page.

2. Enter 2COL<student id>, and click Add.

3. Enter the following information:
Page Element

n a Value or Status
Effective Date
te r January 1, 2004

I n
Description 2% Cost of Living Adjustment

c l e Short Description
Base Pay
2COL<student id>

r a Rate Code Type Percent

O Rate Code Class

Calculated By
Comp Percent 2

48 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation

Page Element Value or Status

Frequency Blank

4. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 49

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation Lesson 6

Activity 7: Setting Up a Salary Plan

In this activity, you will review the activity overview, and:

1. Set up a salary plan.

2. Set up a salary grade with steps.

3. Set up a salary grade without steps.

Slide 99 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
In this activity, you will set up a salary plan for Computer Testing Research. The salary
plan you will create will be Business Unit A Salary Plan (BASP) defined under the setID
SBA<student id> and will be effective January 1, 2004. This salary plan is based on a 40
hour per week work period. Accept the frequency defaults of hourly, daily, and monthly.
The instructor will provide the currency code.

You will create two grades for this salary plan: grade 001 and grade 002.

add three steps for this grade with the following information:
n l y
The first grade annual range amounts will be between 31,200 and 47,840. You will also

Rate Code
H<student id>
e O
Comp Rate
15.00 per hour
2 H<student id>

U s 16.00 per hour

3 H<student id>

A I 17.00 per hour

The second grade annual range amounts will be between 37,440 and 58,240. You will not
add steps for this grade.
l &
n a
te r
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

I n
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

c l e
r a

50 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up a Salary Plan

To set up a salary plan:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, Base Compensation, Salary


2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Salary Administration Plan BASP

4. Click Add.

5. On the Salary Plan Table page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004 n l y
Status Active

e O
Short Description
U s
Business Unit A Salary Plan
BASP<student id>
Standard Hours
Work Period A I 40.00
Currency Code O <currency code provided by your instructor>
Default Salary Matrix Code`
l& Blank

Company C<student id>

e r H

Daily D

e I Monthly M

c l
r a 6. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 51

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation Lesson 6

Setting Up a Salary Grade with Steps

To set up a salary grade with steps:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, Base Compensation, Salary


2. Select Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Salary Administration Plan BASP
Salary Grade 001

4. Click Add.

5. On the Salary Grade Table page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Short Description
BU A Salary Plan Grade 001
n l y
Additional Description Blank

e O
Job Profile ID
Salary Matrix Code
U s
Currency Code
Annual Minimum
A I <currency code provided by your instructor>
Annual Maximum
O 47,840

l &
n a
6. Access the Salary Step Components page, and enter the following information:

Page Element r Value or Status

e In
Increment Type
Date Based

c l Step Description Step 1

O ra Currency
Rate Code
<currency code provided by your instructor>
H<student id>
Comp Rate 15.00
Currency <currency code provided by your instructor>

52 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 6 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation

Page Element Value or Status

Frequency H

7. Insert a row in the Salary Step scroll area, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Step 2
Step Description Step 2
Currency <currency code provided by your instructor>
Rate Code H<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate 16.00
Currency <currency code provided by your instructor>
Frequency H

8. Insert a row in the Salary Step scroll area, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Step Description
Step 3
n l y
Rate Code H<student id>
e O
<currency code provided by your instructor>

Seq 0

U s
Comp Rate
A I 17.00
<currency code provided by your instructor>

l &
9. Save and click OK to any warning messages about grade advance you might receive.
Setting Up a Salary Grade Without Steps
te r
I n
To set up a salary grade without steps:

c l e
1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

r a 2. Enter the following information:

O Page Element
Value or Status
SBA<student id>
Salary Administration Plan BASP

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 53

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Compensation Lesson 6

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Grade 002

3. Click Add.

4. On the Salary Grade Table page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description BU A Salary Plan Grade 002
Short Description 002
Additional Description Blank
Job Profile ID Blank
Salary Matrix Code Blank
Currency Code <currency code provided by your instructor>
Annual Minimum 37,440
Annual Maximum 58,240

n l y
5. Save and click OK to any warning messages about grade advance you might receive.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

e O
U s
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I n
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54 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation

Tables Related to Japanese

n l y
e O
U s
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I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 55

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

Activity 8: Creating Compensation Rate Codes in Japan

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Create a flat amount capability pay rate code in Japan.

• Create a flat monthly-defined range rate code.

• Create a percentage-base rate code in Japan.

Slide 114 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Computer Testing Research needs to establish several rate codes, which will be used to
define base salary for its workers. All rate codes will be used as base pay. Use the
appropriate currency (JPY). You need to set up the following rate codes:

• A flat amount-capability pay rate code (FC<student id>) associated with the
BASSAL rate code class.

• A flat monthly-defined range pay rate code (FM<student id>) associated with the

DFRPAY rate code class.

A 2 percent-based cost of living rate code (2COL<student id>) for workers who
l y
should have a cost of living adjustment.

e O
You have decided not to default any amounts at this time.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

56 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating a Flat Amount Capability Pay Rate Code in Japan

To create a flat amount capability pay rate code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Compensation Rules, Comp Rate Code

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter FC<student id>, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Flat Amount Capability Pay
Short Description FC<student id>
Base Pay Selected
Rate Code Type
Rate Code Class
Flat Amount
n l y
Calculated By None

e O
Compensation Rate
U s


5. Save.

l &
Creating a Flat Monthly-Defined Range Rate Code
n a
te r
To create a flat monthly-defined range rate code:

I n
1. At the bottom of the Comp Rate Code Table page, click Add.

cl e
2. Enter FM<student id>, and click Add.

O ra 3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 57

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

Page Element Value or Status

Description Flat Monthly-Defined Range Pay
Short Description FM<student id>
Base Pay Selected
Rate Code Type Flat Amount
Rate Code Class DFRPAY

Calculated By None
Compensation Rate 0.00
Currency JPY
Frequency M

4. Save.

Creating a Percentage-Based Rate Code

To create a percentage-based pay rate code:

1. At the bottom of the Comp Rate Code Table page, click Add.

2. Enter 2COL<student id>, and click Add.

3. Enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004
e O
Status Active

U s
Short Description
A I2 % Cost of Living Adjustment
2COL<student id>
Base Pay
O Selected
Rate Code Type
Rate Code Class
l & Percent
Calculated By
n a None

Comp Percent
r 2

I n
Frequency Blank

c l e
4. Save.

r a This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.


58 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

Activity 9: Creating a Rules-Driven Compensation Package for a

Japanese Location
In this activity, you will review the activity overview and create a rules-driven
compensation default for a Japanese location.

Slide 125 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Workers that are assigned to location code L1<student id> should all receive a
compensation package that includes a cost-of-living rate code of 2 percent
(2COL<student id>). To do this, create a compensation default rule for workers
associated with this location to receive the cost-of-living rate code as part of their

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n l y
e O
U s
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n a
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I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 59

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating a Rules-Driven Compensation Default for a Japanese Location

To create a rules-driven compensation default:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Compensation Rules, Rate Code

Defaulting Rules.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter 2%COL_L1<student id>, and click Add.

4. On the Definition page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description 2% Cost of Living Adjustment for location 1
Short Description 2%COL_L1<student id>
Rate Code Source Combination Rule

n l y
5. Access the Criteria page, and enter the following information:

e O
Page Element
Record JOB
U s
Value or Status

Field Name
SQL Operator O Equals

l &
n a
Page Element
6. Access the Values page, and enter the following information:

Value or Status

I n
Sequence 1

c l e SetID
SBA<student id>
L1<student id>

r a

60 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

7. Access the Rate Codes page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code 2COL<student id>
Currency JPY
Freq Blank
Percent 2

8. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 61

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

Activity 10: Setting Up a Japanese Salary Plan

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Set up a salary plan for Japan.

2. Set up a salary grade with steps.

3. Set up salary grades without steps.

Slide 135 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
In this activity, you will set up a salary plan for Computer Testing Research. The salary
plan you will create will be Business Unit A Salary Plan (BASP) defined under the setID
SBA<student id> and will be effective January 1, 2004. This salary plan is based on a 40
hour per week work period. Accept the frequency defaults of hourly, daily, and monthly.
Use the appropriate currency code for the yen.

You will create three grades for this salary plan: grade 001, grade 002, and grade 003.

The first grade annual range amounts will be between 2,400,000 and 4,200,000 JPY. You
will also add three steps for this grade with the following information:
n l y
Rate Code
FC<student id>
e O
Comp Rate
200,000 per month
2 FC<student id>

U s 250,000 per month

3 FC<student id>

A I 300,000 per month

In order to be eligible for grade advance, the worker should be in this grade for a

l &
minimum of three years, but no more than 10. The minimum age of the worker should be

eligible for an increase. a
22. The worker will also need at least two reviews rating averaging a score of 80 to be

te r
The second grade annual range amounts will be between 3,300,000 and 5,500,000. You
will not add steps for this grade. In order to be eligible for grade advance, the worker

I n
should be in this grade for a minimum of three years, but no more than five. The
minimum age of the worker should be 25. The worker will also need at least two reviews

c l e
rating averaging a score of 80 to be eligible for an increase.

r a The third grade annual range amounts will be between 4,700,000 and 6,800,000. You will
not add steps for this grade. In order to be eligible for grade advance, the worker should
O be in this grade for a minimum of three years. The minimum age of the worker should be
28. The worker will also need at least two reviews rating averaging a score of 80 to be
eligible for an increase.

62 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n l y
e O
U s
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n a
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I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 63

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Setting Up a Salary Plan

To set up a salary plan:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, Base Compensation, Salary


2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Salary Administration Plan BASP

4. Click Add.

5. On the Salary Plan Table page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004 n l y
Status Active

e O
Short Description
U s
Business Unit A Salary Plan
BASP <student id>
Standard Hours
Work Period A I40.00
Currency Code O JPY
Default Salary Matrix Code`
l& Blank

Company C<student id>

e r H

Daily D

e I Monthly M

c l
r a 6. Save.

64 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

Setting Up a Salary Grade with Steps

To set up a salary grade with steps:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Compensation, Base Compensation, Salary


2. Select Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>
Salary Administration Plan BASP
Salary Grade 001

4. Click Add.

5. On the Salary Grade Table page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Short Description
BU A Salary Plan Grade 001
n l y
Additional Description Employee

e O
Job Profile ID
Salary Matrix Code
U s
Currency Code
Annual Minimum
Annual Maximum
O 4,200,000

l &
n a
6. Expand the Japanese flag section, and enter the following information:

Page Elementr Value or Status

e In
Salary Grade Explanation A person with enough knowledge to perform his
duty and the ability to complete his duty under

c l instructions of his supervisor of the department to

which the person belongs.

r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 65

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

7. Access the Salary Step Components page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Increment Type Date Based
Step 1
Step Description Step 1
Currency JPY
Rate Code FC<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate 200,000
Currency JPY
Frequency M

8. In the Salary Step scroll area insert a row, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Step 2
Step Description Step 2
Currency JPY
Rate Code
FC<student id>
n l y
Comp Rate
e O
Frequency M

U s
9. In the Salary Step scroll area insert a row, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n a 3
Step Description

t e r Step 3

I Seq
Rate Code FC<student id>

cl e Comp Rate 300,000

Currency JPY
Frequency M

66 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

10. Access the Grade Advance Criteria page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Required Yrs in Current Grade 3
Max Yrs in Current Grade 10
Minimum Age 22
Number of Reviews 2
Required Eligibility Points 80

11. Save.

Setting Up Salary Grades Without Steps

To set up a salary grades without steps:

• Set up a salary grade without steps.

• Set up a second salary grade without steps.

Setting Up a Salary Grade Without Steps

To set up a salary grade without steps:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

n l y
2. Enter the following information:

e O
Page Element
U s
Value or Status
SBA<student id>
Salary Administration Plan


Salary Grade 002

l &
3. Click Add.

n a
4. On the Salary Grade Table page, enter the following information:

I nPage Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004

cl e Status Active

r a Description
Short Description
BU A Salary Plan Grade 002

O Additional Description
Job Profile ID
Salary Matrix Code Blank

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 67

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7

Page Element Value or Status

Currency Code JPY
Annual Minimum 3,300,000
Annual Maximum 5,500,000

5. Expand the Japanese flag section, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Grade Explanation A person with practical knowledge and experience
required for performing tasks and with ability to
make an appropriate judgment and execute tasks
whenever it’s necessary under limited instruction
of his supervisor.

6. Access the Grade Advance Criteria page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Required Yrs in Current Grade 3
Max Yrs in Current Grade 5
Minimum Age
Number of Reviews
n l y
Required Eligibility Points 80

e O
7. Save.
U s
Setting Up a Second Salary Grade Without Steps A I
To set up a salary grade without steps: O
l &
1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

n a
2. Enter the following information:

Page Element r Value or Status

e In
Salary Administration Plan
SBA<student id>

c l Salary Grade 003

r a
O 3. Click Add.

68 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 7 (JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation

4. On the Salary Grade Table page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description BU A Salary Plan Grade 003
Short Description 003
Additional Description Senior Counselor
Job Profile ID Blank
Salary Matrix Code Blank
Currency Code JPY
Annual Minimum 4,700,000
Annual Maximum 6,800,000

5. Expand the Japanese flag section, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Grade Explanation A person with technical knowledge, experience
and skills who offers help and advise to his
department and related departments and has an

l y
ability to process complicated and difficult tasks
with his own judgment.
e O
6. Access the Grade Advance Criteria page, and enter the following information:

Page Element
Required Yrs in Current Grade
A I Value or Status
Max Yrs in Current Grade
Minimum Age
Number of Reviews
l & 28

n a
Required Eligibility Points 80

te r
I n
7. Save.

cl e
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 69

(JPN) Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Japanese Compensation Lesson 7











n l y




l &

n a

te r

I n
c l e______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________


70 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8

Setting Up Core Foundation

Tables Related to Jobs and Pay

n l y
e O
U s
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te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 71

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups Lesson 8

Activity 11: Setting Up Job Codes

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and set up job codes.

Slide 146 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
In this activity, you will set up several job codes for Computer Testing Research.

You need to add a Customer Service Representative (CSRP<student id>), Sales Support
(SSUP<student id>), and Manager (MGR<student id>) job code under the setID SHARE.
All these jobs are based on a 40-hour per week work period and a monthly compensation
frequency. They are all regular positions.

You will also want to set up salary default information for these jobs according to the
table below:

Job Manager Level Salary Information Comp Amount

Customer Service Other This job should be
Representative associated with the

BASP salary plan, grade

Sales Support Other

001, step 1.
This job should be
n l
associated with the

e O
BASP salary plan, grade

Manager 1st line manager


U s
This job should be

A Iassociated with the flat

monthly rate code
(FM<student id>) in the

O amount provided by

l & your instructor.

n a
te r
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

I n
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

c l e
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

r a

72 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

• Create a customer service representative job.

• Create a sales support job.

• Create a manager job.

Creating a Customer Service Representative Job

To create a customer service representative job:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Job Attributes, Job Code Table.

2. Select Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Job Code CSRP<student id>

4. Click Add:
n l y
5. On the Job Code Profile page, enter the following information.
e O
Page Element
Value or Status

Effective Date
A I January 1, 2004
Job Title
O Customer Service Rep
Short Job Title
Manager Level
l & CS Rep<student id>
Standard Hours

n a 40.00

te r
Standard Work Period
Comp Freq (compensation frequency)

I nRegular/Temporary Regular

c l e
r a 6. Access the Default Compensation page, and enter the following information:

O Page Element
Salary SetID
Value or Status
SBA<student id>
Sal Plan/Grade/Step BASP / 001 / 1

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 73

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups Lesson 8

7. Save.

Creating a Sales Support Job

To create a sales support job:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Job Code SSUP<student ID>

3. Click Add.

4. On the Job Code Profile page, enter the following information.

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Job Title Sales Support

n l y
Short Job Title
Manager Level Other

e O
SalesSup<student id>

Standard Hours
Standard Work Period
U s
Comp Freq
Regular/Temporary A I M

l &
5. Access the Default Compensation page, and enter the following information:

Page Element
Salary SetID
te r Value or Status
SBA<student id>

I n
Sal Plan/Grade/Step BASP / 002

c l e
r a 6. Save.

74 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups

Creating a Manager Job

To create a manager job:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Job Code MGR<student id>

3. Click Add.

4. On the Job Code Profile page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Job Title Manager
Short Job Title MGR<student id>
Manager Level 1st Ln Mgr
Standard Hours
Standard Work Period
n l y
Comp Freq M

e O
Regular/Temporary Regular

U s
5. Access the Default Compensation page, and enter the following:

Page Element O Value or Status

Rate Code

l& FM<student id>

Comp Rate <comp rate provided by the instructor>

e r <currency code provided by the instructor>

Frequency M

e I
a cl 6. Save.

O r This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 75

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups Lesson 8

Activity 12: Defining a Pay Group

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Define a pay group.

2. Associate a pay group with a company.

Slide 152 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
In this activity, you will define a payroll interface biweekly pay group (BWK) for
Computer Research Testing, which is effective January 1, 2004. You will need the
following information to complete the pay group setup:

• This group contains salaried, hourly and exception hourly workers

• The default employee type is salaried.

• For the frequencies, pay is B, daily is D, and monthly is M.

The earnings program is B01.

The holiday schedule is EC2.

n l y
• The default benefits program is B01.
e O
After setting up the pay group, associate the pay group with company C<student id>.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

76 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 8 Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Defining a Pay Group

To define a pay group:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Payroll Interface, Payroll, Pay Group Table.

2. Select Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Company C<student id>
Pay Group BWK

4. Click Add.

5. Enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004
n l y
e O
Retiree Pay Group Cleared

U s
Description Biweekly Pay Group
PI Configuration
Short Description
O A Blank
l & <country code provided by the instructor>
<currency code provided by the instructor>

Employee Type Default
a Salaried
te r B

I nMonthly M

c l e
r a 6. Access the Process Control page, and enter the following information in the

O Employee Types(s) for Pay Groups scroll area:

Page Element Value or Status

Employee Type Excep Hrly

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 77

Setting Up Core Foundation Tables Related to Jobs and Pay Groups Lesson 8

7. Insert a row in the Employee Types(s) for Pay Groups scroll area, and enter the
following information:

Employee Type Hourly

8. Insert a row in the Employee Types(s) for Pay Groups scroll area, and enter the
following information:

Employee Type Salaried

9. Access the Calc Parameters page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Earning Program ID B01
Holiday Schedule EC2
Default Benefit Program B01

10. Save.

n l y
Associating a Pay Group with a Company

e O
To associate a pay group with a company:

U s
1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Organization, Company.

2. Enter C<student id> for the company code, select the Correct History check box, and
click Search.
3. Access the Default Settings page, and enter the following information:

Page Element
a Value or Status
Pay Group

t e rn BWK

e In
4. Save.

c l This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

r a

78 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9

Administering Security

n l y
e O
U s
l &
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 79

Administering Security Lesson 9

Activity 13: Defining Data Permission by Department Trees

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Create a department security tree.

2. Grant department by security tree access.

Slide 178 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Even though you can add people and workers into the PeopleSoft system, this does not
mean that you necessarily have security access to view or retrieve a person’s information.
In this activity, you will create a new department security tree so that you can view the
workers that you assign to your new departments.

In the security tree, you will need to add two levels, Corporate and Division. At the
parent or corporate level you will create a new department, Office of the President
(50100). Next, add the departments 50200 and 50300 to the second level.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
n y
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

80 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9 Administering Security

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating a Department Security Tree

To create a department security tree:

• Create a tree definition for a security tree.

• Create a department through the department tree.

• Enter existing departments on the department tree.

Creating a Tree Definition for a Security Tree

To define the tree structure and definitions:

1. Select Tree Manager, Tree Manager.

2. Click Create New Tree.

3. Enter DEPT_SECURITY in the Tree Name field, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Effective Date
January 1, 2004 e
HR Security Tree
Use of Levels O A HR
Strictly Enforced

a l& SBA<student id>

r n
5. Click OK.
e In
6. Click the Add Level button.

c l 7. Enter the following information:

O ra Page Element
Level Name
All Values
Value or Status

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 81

Administering Security Lesson 9

8. Click Save.

9. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Status Active
Description Corporate
Short Description Corporate

10. Click OK.

11. Click the Add Level button.

12. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

All Values Cleared

13. Click Save.

14. Enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Effective Date
Status Active
U s
January 1, 2004

Short Description
A I Division

l &
15. Click OK.

n a
te r
Creating a Department Through the Department Tree

To create a department through the department tree:
c l e
1. Enter 50100 in the Root Node field, and click OK.

2. To create the new department, enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Effective Date
January 1, 2004
Description Office of the President

82 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9 Administering Security

Page Element Value or Status

Short Desc President
Location SetID SBA<student id>
Location L1<student id>
Company C<student id>
Manager Type EmplID
Manager ID KU0001
Budget Level Department

3. Click OK.

Entering Existing Departments on the Department Tree

To enter existing departments on a department tree:

1. Click the Insert Child Node icon after the parent node 50100.

2. Enter the department 50200 you created earlier.

3. Click Add.

4. Click node 50200 to display the tree icons.

5. Click the Insert Sibling Node icon after node 50200.

6. Enter the second department 50300 you created earlier in class. n l y

7. Click Add.
e O
8. Click the Save link in the middle of the page.
U s
Granting Department by Security Tree Access
To grant security access: O
l &
1. Select Set Up HRMS, Security, Core Row Level Security, Security by Dept Tree.

n a
2. Enter HCDPALL as the row permission security list, and click Search.

te r
3. Insert a new row anywhere in the table and enter the following information:

e In
Page Element Value or Status

SetID SBA<student id>

c DeptID 50100

O ra Access Code Read/Write

4. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 83

Administering Security Lesson 9

Activity 14: Refreshing Security Join Tables

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and refresh the SJT_CLASS_ALL

Slide 182 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Run the Refresh SJT_CLASS_ALL process for all rows to have the system pick up the
changes you made by add a security tree.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n l y
e O
U s
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n a
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I n
c l e
r a

84 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 9 Administering Security

Activity Detail Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Refresh the SJT_CLASS_ALL Table

To refresh the SJT_CLASS_ALL table:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Security, Core Row Level Security, Refresh


2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter run<student id> as run control ID, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Refresh All Rows? Selected
As of Date January 1, 2004

5. Click Run.

6. Enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element
Server Name
Value or Status
e O
Refresh SJT_CLASS_ALL Selected

U s
7. Wait for further directions from your instructor.

status of the process.

l &
8. After the process has been submitted, select the Process Monitor link to view the

n a
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 85

Administering Security Lesson 9










l y





l &

n a

te r

I n
c l e ______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________


86 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10

Adding People in the PeopleSoft


n l y
e O
U s
l &
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 87

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Activity 15: Adding People with Employment Instances

In this activity, you will add people and employment instances in one of the following

• France

• Japan

• United States

Slide 205 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

88 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

(FRA) Adding People and Employment Instances in France

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Add a person with an employment instance of 20 hours per week in France.

• Add a person with an employment instance of 40 hours per week in France.

Activity Overview

To verify your defaulting options, you will add several people into the PeopleSoft
system. Add the following two people with the organizational relationship of Employee:

Ann Tyler (1<student id>) Joseph Martin (2<student id>)

Personal Birthday: May 18, 1968 in Loiret, France Birthday: June 01, 1961 in Cantal, France
Status: single female Status: married male
FRA National ID: FRA National ID:<student id><student id>
Address: 26 Rue Marcel Miquel, 75013 Address: 80 rue d'Espagne, 33000,
Paris, Loiret Nanterre, Hauts de Seine
Home phone: 33-6-80282100 Home phone: 33-6-80282222
Job Ann is being hired as a customer service Joseph is being hired as a manager of the
Information representative in business unit A in the
Customer Service department at
headquarters. She should be tied to
Sales department in business unit A at

headquarters. He should be tied to

establishment EST<student id>.
establishment EST<student id>.
She is a regular employee, but only
e O
He is a regular employee, working full-
time at 40 hours per week in this job.
working 20 hours per week in this position.
This will give her a full-time equivalent of
U s
Joseph will receive a flat monthly pay of
5,300 EUR.

Customer service representatives are hired
in the business unit A salary plan, grade
Since Joseph will be located at
headquarters, he is eligible for a 2 percent

001, step 1. Accept the salary plan default
cost of living increase. Specify this in his
compensation package.

l &
compensation values.
Since Ann will be located at headquarters,

she is eligible for a 2 percent cost of living

te r
increase. Specify this in her compensation

I n Specify your payroll system as Other and put your workers in the biweekly pay group.

c l e
r a Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
O changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 89

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Add a Person with an Employment Instance of 20 Hours Per Week in

To add a person with an employment instance of 20 hours per week:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Add a Person.

2. Enter a person ID of 1<student id>, and click the Add the Person link.

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Format Type French

4. Click the Add Name link.

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
First Name
Last Name
e O
U s
6. Click OK.
7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status
Date of Birth
Birth Country
n a May 18, 1968


t r 45 (Loiret)

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Gender Female

c l e Marital Status Single

Country FRA
National ID Type Social Security Number

O National ID
SSN Key<student id>
Primary ID Selected

90 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

8. Access the Contact Information page.

9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Country FRA
Status A

11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Address 1 26 Rue Marcel Miquel
Postal 75013
City Paris
Department 75

n l y
13. Click OK on each sub page.

e O
Page Element
U s
14. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:

Value or Status
Phone Type
A I Home
O 33-6-80282100

l &
15. Access the Organizational Relationships page.
16. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

17. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:
c l e Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004

r a Action / Reason Hire

O Regulatory Region
C<student id>
Business Unit BUA<student ID>
Department 50300

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 91

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Location L1<student ID>
Establishment ID EST<student ID>

18. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Job Code CSRP<student id>
Supervisor ID KU0003
Regular/Temporary Regular
Officer Code None
Regular Shift N/A
Standard Hours 20
Work Period W
FTE .5

19. Expand the France flag section, and enter the following information:

Page Element
Paid Hours
Value or Status
n l y
Paid Work Period
Paid FTE
e O
U s
Page Element A I
20. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

Value or Status
Payroll System O Other
Pay Group
l& BWK

Holiday Schedule EC2

e r
Employee Type H (Hourly)

I nt
21. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter or verify the following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Salary Administration Plan BASP

O Grade

92 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

22. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay
Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

23. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code H<student id>
Sequence 0
Comp Rate 15.00
Currency EUR
Frequency H

24. Insert a new row in the Pay Components group box, and enter the following

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code 2COL<student id>
Seq 0
Currency EUR
n l y
e O
U s
25. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element
A I Value or Status
Compensation Rate
O 1,326.00 EUR

l & M (Monthly)

n a
26. Click OK to save your work and to any warnings about contracts for Global Payroll.

I n
Add a Person with an Employment Instance of 40 Hours Per Week in

c l e
To add a person with an employment instance of 40 hours per week:

r a 1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

O 2. Enter a person ID of 2<student id>, and click the Add the Person link:

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 93

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Format Type French

4. Click the Add Name link.

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

First Name Joseph
Last Name Martin

6. Click OK.

7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Date of Birth June 01, 1961
Birth Country FRA

n l y
Effective Date
15 (Cantal)
January 1, 2004

e O
Marital Status
U s
National ID Type A I FRA

Social Security Number
National ID<student id>
l& 00

Primary ID Selected

e r
I nt
8. Access the Contact Information page.

c l e
9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

r a 10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

O Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004
Status A

94 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Address 1 80 rue d'Espagne
Postal 33000
City Nanterre
Department 92 (Hauts de Seine)

13. Click OK on each sub page.

14. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Phone Type Home
Telephone 33-6-80282222

15. Access the Organizational Relationships page.

16. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

n l y
17. Access the Work Location page, and enter the following information:
Page Element
Effective Date
U s
Value or Status
January 1, 2004
A I Hire
Regulatory Region
Company O FRA
C<student id>
Business Unit
l & BUA<student id>

n a 50200

r L1<student id>
EST<student id>

I n
c l e
18. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Job Code
Supervisor ID
MGR<student id>
Regular/Temporary Regular

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 95

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Full/Part Full-Time
Officer Code None
Regular Shift N/A
Standard Hours 40
Work Period W

19. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System Other
Pay Group BWK<student ID>
Employee Type S (Salaried)

20. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay
Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

21. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Rate Code
Seq 0
U s
FM<student id>

Comp Rate
A I 5,300

l &
n a
22. Insert a new row in the Pay Components group box, and enter the following

te r
Page Element Value or Status
Rate Code 2COL<student id>

c l e Seq 0

Currency EUR
Frequency M

O Percent 2

96 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

23. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 5,406.00 EUR
Frequency M (Monthly)

24. Select the Controls tab, and note the sources of the rate codes.

25. Click OK to save your work and to any warnings about contracts for Global Payroll.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 97

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

(JPN) Adding People and Employment Instances in Japan

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Add a person an employment instance in Japan.

• Add a second person with an employment instance in Japan.

• Add a third person with an employment instance in Japan.

Activity Overview

To verify your defaulting options, you will add several people into the PeopleSoft
system. Add the following four people with the organizational relationship of Employee:

Yamaguchi Mao Tsuyoshi Kato (2<student id>) Inoue Emiko (3<student id>)
(1<student id>)
Personal Birthday: May 18, 1977 Birthday: June 01, 1963 Birthday: September 23, 1968
Education status: 2 year college Education status: university Education status: university
Status: married male Status: married female
Status: single female
Address: 194-0021, Tokyo-to, Address: 105-0023, Tokyo-to,
Address: 158-0083, Tokyo-to, Machida, 3-4, Nakamachi 3-chome Minato-ku, 3-4-3 Shibaura
Setagaya-ku, 1-6, Okusawa 4-
Home phone: 03-3732-5963 Home phone: 03-3732-3343
Home phone: 03-5424-3434
Honseki prefecture: Aichi

n l y
Honseki prefecture: Gunma
Yamaguchi-san is being hired as a Tsuyoshi-san is being hired as a
e O
Inoue-san is being hired as a
Information customer service representative in
business unit A in the Customer
Service department at headquarters.
manager of the Sales department in
business unit A at headquarters. He
should be tied to establishment
U s manager of the Customer Service
department in business unit A at
headquarters. She should be tied to
She should be tied to establishment
EST<student id>.
EST<student id>.

He is a regular employee, working
establishment EST<student id>.
She is a regular employee, working
She is a regular, salaried employee,
full-time at 40 hours per week in full-time at 40 hours per week in
working 40 hours per week in this
l &
this job.
He is a salaried employee receiving
this job.
She should be associated with salary
Customer service representatives
a flat monthly pay of 530,000 JPY. plan BASP, grade 003.

are hired in the business unit A
Since he will be located at She is a salaried employee receiving
salary plan, grade 001, step 1.

t e
Accept the salary plan default
headquarters, he is eligible for a 2
percent cost of living increase.
a flat monthly pay of 530,000 JPY.

compensation values. Since she will be located at
Specify this in his compensation
headquarters, she is eligible for a 2
Since she will be located at package.

c l e
headquarters, she is eligible for a 2
percent cost of living increase.
percent cost of living increase.
Specify this in her compensation

r a Specify this in her compensation


Payroll Specify your payroll system as Other and put your workers in the biweekly pay group.

98 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 99

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Adding a Person with an Employment Instance in Japan

To add a person with an employment instance:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Add a Person.

2. Enter a person ID of 1<student id>, and click the Add the Person link.

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Format Type Japanese

4. Click the Add Name link.

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Last Name
Value or Status
n l y
First Name
Alternate Character Name
Yamaguchi Mao
e O
U s
6. Click OK.
7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element

l& Value or Status

Date of Birth May 18, 1977

e r
Birth Country JPN

Effective Date January 1, 2004

e I Gender
Highest Education Level
F-2-Year College Degree

cl Marital Status Single

O ra Country JPN

8. Access the Contact Information page.

9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

100 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Country JPN
Status A

11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter 158-0083 in the Postal field, and click the Address Search link.

13. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Postal 158-0083
Prefecture 13 (Tokyo-to)
City Setagaya-ku
Address 1 2-6, Okusawa 4-chome

14. Click OK.

15. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon.

n l y
16. Enter the following information:

e O
Page Element
AC City
U s
Value or Status
AC Address 1

A I Okusawa 4-2-6

17. Click OK on each sub page.
18. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:
Page Element
r Value or Status

I nPhone Type

c l e
r a 19. Access the Regional page and in the Japan flag section, enter the following

O information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 101

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Honseki Prefecture 10 (Gunma-Ken)

20. Access the Organizational Relationships page.

21. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

22. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Action / Reason Hire
Regulatory Region JPN
Company C<student id>
Business Unit BUA<student ID>
Department 50300
Location L1<student ID>
Establishment ID EST<student ID>

23. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element
Job Code
Value or Status
CSRP<student id>

e O
Supervisor Level
Supervisor ID
U s
Full/Part A I Regular
Officer Code O None
Regular Shift
l& N/A

Standard Hours 40
Work Period
t e r W

I n
c l e
24. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Payroll System
Pay Group
Holiday Schedule EC2

102 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Page Element Value or Status

Employee Type S (Salaried)

25. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Administration Plan BASP
Grade 001
Step 1

26. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay
Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

27. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code 2COL<student id>
Seq 0
n l y
Percent 2

e O
Rate Code
Sequence 0
U s
FC<student id>

Comp Rate
A I 200,000

l &
n a
28. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status
Compensation Rate 204,000 JPY

c l e Frequency M

r a
O 29. Click OK to save your information.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 103

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Adding a Second Person with an Employment Instance in Japan

To add a person with an employment instance:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

2. Enter a person ID of 2<student id>, and click the Add the Person link.

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Format Type Japanese

4. Click the Add Name link.

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Last Name Tsuyoshi
First Name Kato
Alternate Character Name Tsuyoshi Kato

n l y
6. Click OK.

e O
7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element
U s
Value or Status
Date of Birth
Birth Country A I June 01, 1963
Effective Date O January 1, 2004
l& Male

Highest Education Level G-Bachelor’s Level Degree

e r
Marital Status Married

Country JPN

e I
a cl 8. Access the Contact Information page.

O r 9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004

104 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Country JPN
Status A

11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter 158-0083 in the Postal field, and click the Address Search link.

13. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Postal 194-0021
Prefecture 13 (Tokyo-to)
City Machida-shi
Address 1 3-4, Nakamachi 34-chome

14. Click OK.

15. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon.

16. Enter the following information:

Page Element
AC City
Value or Status
n l y
AC Address 1 Nakamachi 34-3-4

e O
U s
17. Click OK on each sub page.

18. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status

Phone Type
l & Home

n a 03-3732-5963

te r
I n
19. Access the Regional page. In the Japan flag section, enter the following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Effective Date
Honseki Prefecture
January 1, 2004
23 (Aichi-Ken)

20. Access the Organizational Relationships page.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 105

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

21. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

22. Access the Work Location page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Action/Reason Hire
Regulatory Region JPN
Company C<student id>
Business Unit BUA<student id>
Department 50200
Location L1<student id>
Establishment EST<student id>

23. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Job Code MGR<student id>
Supervisor Level J090 (Manager)
Supervisor ID KU0004
n l y
Officer Code None

e O
Regular Shift
Standard Hours
U s
Work Period

l &
24. Access the Payroll page, and enter or verify the following information:

Page Element

Payroll System
r Value or Status

e In
Pay Group
Employee Type
S (Salaried)

c l
r a
O 25. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay
Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

106 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

26. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code 2COL<student id>
Seq 0
Currency JPY
Frequency M
Percent 2
Rate Code FM<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate 530,000
Currency JPY
Frequency M

27. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 540,600 JPY
Frequency Monthly

n l y
e O
28. Select the Controls tab, and note the sources of the rate codes.

29. Click OK to save your information.

U s
Adding a Third Person with an Employment Instance in Japan

To add a person with an employment instance:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

2. Enter a person ID of 3<student id>, and click the Add the Person link.

te r
3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

I nPage Element Value or Status

c l e Effective Date
Format Type
January 1, 2004

r a
O 4. Click the Add Name link.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 107

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Last Name Inoue
First Name Emiko
Alternate Character Name Inoue Emiko

6. Click OK.

7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Date of Birth September 23, 1968
Birth Country JPN
Effective Date January 1, 2004
Gender Female
Highest Education Level G-Bachelor’s Level Degree
Marital Status Married
Country JPN

8. Access the Contact Information page.

n l y
9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.
e O
10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
A I Value or Status
January 1, 2004

Status A

n a
e r
11. Click the Add Address link.

e In
12. Enter 105-0023 in the Postal field, and click the Address Search link.

13. Enter the following information:

c l
r a Page Element
Value or Status

O Prefecture
13 (Tokyo-to)
Address 1 3-4-3 Shibaura

108 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

14. Click OK.

15. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon.

16. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

AC City Minato-ku
AC Address 1 Shibaura 3-4-3

17. Click OK on each sub page.

18. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Phone Type Home
Telephone 03-3732-3343

19. Access the Organizational Relationships page.

20. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

n l y
Page Element Value or Status
e O
21. Access the Work Location page, and enter the following information:

Effective Date s
January 1, 2004

Regulatory Region
A I Hire
O C<student id>
Business Unit
l & BUA<student id>
n a L1<student id>

Establishment r EST<student id>

I n
c l e
22. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

r a Page Element
Job Code
Value or Status
MGR<student id>

O Supervisor Level
Supervisor ID
J090 (Manager)
Regular/Temporary Regular

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 109

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Full/Part Full-Time
Officer Code None
Regular Shift N/A
Standard Hours 40
Work Period W

23. Access the Payroll page, and enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System Other
Pay Group BWK
Employee Type S (Salaried)

24. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Administration Plan
n l y
Step Blank

e O
U s
25. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay

Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

26. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element
a Value or Status
Rate Code
t e rn 2COL<student id>

e In

c l Percent 2

O ra Rate Code
FM<student id>
Comp Rate 530,000
Currency JPY
Frequency M

110 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

27. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 540,600 JPY
Frequency Monthly

28. Select the Controls tab, and note the sources of the rate codes.

29. Click OK to save your information.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 111

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

(USA) Adding People and Employment Instances in the United States

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Add a person with an employment instance of 20 hours per week in the United

• Add a person with an employment instance of 40 hours per week in the United

Activity Overview

To verify your defaulting options, you will add several people into the PeopleSoft
system. Add the following two people with the organizational relationship of Employee:

Ann Tyler (1<student id>) Joseph Martin (2<student id>)

Personal Birthday: May 18, 1968 Birthday: June 01, 1961
Status: single female Status: married male
USA National ID: 444-55-01<student id> USA National ID: 444-55-02<student id>
Address: 455 Elm Street, San Francisco, Address: 1661 Commonwealth Avenue,
CA 94101 Oakland, CA 94612
Home phone: 415/555-2020 Home phone: 510/555-1212
Ann is being hired as a customer service
representative in business unit A in the
Customer Service department at
n l y
Joseph is being hired as a manager of the
Sales department in business unit A at
headquarters. This location should be tied
headquarters. This location should be tied
to establishment EST<student id>.

e O
to establishment EST<student id>.
He is a regular employee, working full-
She is a regular employee, but only
working 20 hours per week in this position.
U s
time at 40 hours per week in this job.
Joseph will receive a flat monthly pay of


This will give her a full-time equivalent of
5,300 USD.
Since Joseph will be located at

Customer service representatives are hired
in the business unit A salary plan, grade
headquarters, he is eligible for a 2 percent
cost of living increase. Specify this in his

l &
001, step 1. Accept the salary plan default
compensation values.
compensation package.

Since Ann will be located at headquarters,

te r
she is eligible for a 2 percent cost of living
increase. Specify this in her compensation

I n
Payroll Specify your payroll system as Other and put your workers in the biweekly pay group.

c l e
r a Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
O environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

112 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Add a Person with an Employment Instance of 20 Hours Per Week in the

United States
To add a person with an employment instance of 20 hours per week:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Add a Person.

2. Enter a person ID of 1<student id>, and click the Add the Person link.

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Format Type English

4. Click the Add Name link.

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
First Name
Last Name
e O
U s
6. Click OK.
7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status
Date of Birth
Birth Country
n a May 18, 1968

Effective Date

t r January 1, 2004

Gender Female
Marital Status Single

c l e Country USA

National ID Type Social Security Number
National ID 444-55-01<student id>

O Primary ID Selected

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 113

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

8. Access the Contact Information page.

9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Country USA
Status A

11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Address 1 455 Elm Street
City San Francisco
State CA
Postal 94101

13. Click OK on each sub page.

n l y
14. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Phone Type Home
U s
Value or Status


A I 415/555-2020

15. Access the Organizational Relationships page.
16. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.
17. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status
Effective Date January 1, 2004

c l e Action / Reason Hire

Regulatory Region USA
Company C<student id>

O Business Unit
BUA<student ID>
Location L1<student ID>

114 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Page Element Value or Status

Establishment ID EST<student ID>

18. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Job Code CSRP<student id>
Supervisor ID KU0003
Regular/Temporary Regular
Officer Code None
Regular Shift N/A
Standard Hours 20
Work Period W
FTE .5

19. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System
Pay Group
n l y
Holiday Schedule
Employee Type

e O
E (Exception Hourly)

U s
20. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter or verify the following information:

Page Element
O Value or Status

Salary Administration Plan BASP

n a 001

Step 1

t e
e In
21. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

c l The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay

r a Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

O 22. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code H<student id>
Sequence 0

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 115

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Comp Rate 15.00
Currency USD
Frequency H

23. Insert a new row in the Pay Components group box, and enter the following

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code 2COL<student id>
Seq 0
Currency USD
Frequency M
Percent 2

24. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate
1,326.00 USD
M (Monthly) n l y
e O
25. Click OK to save your information.
U s
Add a Person with an Employment Instance of 40 Hours Per Week in the
United States
To add a person with an employment instance of 40 hours per week:

1. Click Add at the bottom of the page.

te r
2. Enter a person ID of 2<student id>, and click the Add the Person link:

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the

I n
following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004

O r Format Type English

4. Click the Add Name link.

116 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

First Name Joseph
Last Name Martin

6. Click OK.

7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Date of Birth June 01, 1961
Birth Country USA
Effective Date January 1, 2004
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Country USA
National ID Type Social Security Number
National ID 444-55-02<student id>
Primary ID Selected

n l y
8. Access the Contact Information page.

e O
U s
9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element
A I Value or Status
Effective Date
O January 1, 2004

Country USA

n a A

t e r
11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter the following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Address 1 1661 Commonwealth Avenue

O City
Postal 94612

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 117

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

13. Click OK on each sub page.

14. On the Contact Information page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Phone Type Home
Telephone 510/555-1212

15. Access the Organizational Relationships page.

16. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

17. Access the Work Location page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Action/Reason Hire
Regulatory Region USA
Company C<student id>
Business Unit BUA<student id>
L1<student id>
n l y
Establishment EST<student id>

e O
U s
Page Element
18. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

Value or Status
Job Code O MGR<student id>
Supervisor ID

l& KU0004

Regular/Temporary Regular

e r Full-Time

Officer Code None

e I Regular Shift
Standard Hours

c l Work Period W

r a FTE 1

118 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

19. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System Other
Pay Group BWK
Employee Type Salaried

20. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay
Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

21. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code FM<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate 5,300
Currency USD
Frequency M

22. Insert a new row in the Pay Components group box, and enter the following
n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Rate Code
Seq 0
U s
2COL<student id>


Percent O M

l &
n a
23. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status
Compensation Rate 5,406.00 USD

c l e Frequency M (Monthly)

r a
O 24. Select the Controls tab, and note the sources of the rate codes.

25. Click OK to save your information.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 119

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Activity 16: Adding Job Instances for Unique Situations

In this activity, you will add a job instance for unique situations in one of the following

• France

• Japan

• United States

Slide 220 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

n l y
e O
U s
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n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

120 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

(FRA) Adding Job Instances for Unique Situations

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and add multiple jobs for a worker
in France.

Activity Overview

Employee 1<student id> will also be holding a position in the sales department for
business unit A as a sales support representative. She will work 20 hours per week in this
job, with an FTE of .5. She should be assigned the business unit A salary plan, grade 002.
Her hourly rate amount is 18.00 EUR. Remember that since she is located at
headquarters, she is eligible for the 2 percent cost of living pay increase.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 121

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Adding Multiple Jobs for a Worker in France

To assign multiple jobs:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Add Employment Instance.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 1

The system will automatically increment to the next sequential Empl Rcd Nbr when
you click Add if you do not manually enter the value.

3. Click Add.

4. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004
n l y
Regulatory Region
e O
C<student id>

Business Unit
A I BUA<student id>
O L1<student id>
Establishment ID

l & EST<student id>

n a
5. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

I nPage Element
Job Code
Value or Status
SSUP<student id>

cl e Supervisor ID KU0004

Regular/Temporary Regular
Standard Hours 20

O FTE .5

122 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

6. Expand the France flag section, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Paid Hours 20.00
Paid Work Period W
Paid FTE .5

7. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System Other
Pay Group BWK
Holiday Schedule EC2
Employee Type E (Exception Hourly)

8. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Administration Plan/Grade/Step BASP
n l y
e O
U s
9. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button to see
if there are any default pay components that should be associated with this person.

10. Enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status
Rate Code
l& H<student id>

Seq 0
Comp Rate

e r 18.00

Currency EUR

e I Frequency H

c l
r a 11. Insert a new row in the Pay Components group box, and enter the following

O Page Element
Rate Code
Value or Status
2COL<student id>
Seq 0

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 123

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Currency EUR
Frequency M
Percent 2

12. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 1,591.20 EUR
Frequency M (Monthly)

13. Save.

14. Click OK to any messages about contracts for Global Payroll.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

124 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

(JPN) Adding Job Instances for Unique Situations

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Record an additional appointment for a worker in Japan.

• Enter cost rate information for an additional appointment worker.

• Host a temporary intercompany transfer.

• Process a permanent intercompany transfer.

Activity Overview

You have been asked to record an additional appointment for a worker in company J1.
Using your assigned <student id> and the information in this table, enter an additional
appointment for your worker in the Additional Appointment JPN component effective
January 1, 2004. The start date will be January 1, 2004 and the expected end date is
September 30, 2004.

Business Location Supervisor

<student id> EmplID Unit Department Code Level
01 J0031 JCS02 J1110 J201 J090
02 J0032 JCS02 J1120 J201 J090
n l yJ060
05 J0005 JCS01 J100

U s J001
A I J110
10 J0010 JCS01
O J210 J001 J070

11 J0011 JCS01 J500 J001 J070

n a
J0012 JCS01 J600 J001 J070

t e r J0013

I n
c l e
After you record the additional assignment, enter the cost rate for your assigned worker.
The cost rate for the initial job is 75, with the additional assignment should reflect a cost

r a rate of 25.

O You will also add a person into the PeopleSoft system with an intercompany transfer.
Add the following person with the organizational relationship of Employee:

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 125

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Nakatani Yusuke (4<student id>)

Personal Birthday: June 25, 1973
Education status: university
Status: single male
Address: 157-0072, Tokyo-to, Setagay-ku, 1-2 Soshigaya
Honseki prefecture: Gifu-ken
Job Nakatani, is on a temporary transfer to Computer Testing Research, as an assistant
Information manager (170030) in the Customer Service department in business unit A at headquarters.
His supervisor level is assistant manager. Make sure you enter his intercompany transfer
information. His home company information is company J2, business unit JCS02, and
department J1200.
His employee class is host intercompany transfer and is working full-time at 40 hours per
week in this job.
He should be associated with salary plan BASP, grade 003.
He is a salaried employee receiving a flat monthly-defined pay of 500,000 JPY.
Since he will be located at headquarters, he is eligible for a 2 percent cost of living
increase. Specify this in his compensation package.
Payroll Specify your payroll system as Other and put your worker in the biweekly pay group

Next, you need to process a permanent intercompany transfer for employee J31<student
id>. Terminate this employee’s current position with a reason of permanent intercompany
transfer effective January 1, 2004, and place this person in department J999. The host
information you should record is company C<student id>, business unit BUA<student n l y
id>, department 50200. You need to change the FTE to 0 for this job record.

e O
U s
Now, add a new employment instance for this employee January 1, 2004. Hire this
person into company C<student id>, business unit BUA<student id>, department 50200,

working from the headquarters location. Enter the home company J1, business unit
JCS01, and department J820. This person should be assigned the SSUP<student id> job
code, BWK pay group, and salary plan BASP, grade 002. The compensation should
consist of rate code FM<student id> at 400,000 JPY per month, plus the 2 percent cost of
living adjustment.

l &
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
te r
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in

the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

c l e
r a

126 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity

Recording an Additional Appointment for a Worker in Japan

To record an additional appointment:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Additional Appointment JPN.

2. Enter the appropriate EmplID according to your <student id>:

<student id> EmplID

01 J0031
02 J0032
03 J0003
04 J0004
05 J0005
06 J0006
07 J0007
08 J0008
09 J0009
J0011 n l y
12 J0012

e O
U s
3. Click Search.
l &
4. On the Additional Appointment Information page, click Add.

n a
5. On the Edit Additional Appointment Information page, enter the following

te r
I nPage Element
Empl Rcd Nbr
Value or Status

c l e Effective Date January 1, 2004

r a Start Date
Expected End Date
January 1, 2004
September 30, 2004

O Company J1

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 127

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

6. Based on your <student id>, enter the following information for the remaining fields:

<student id> Business Unit Department Location Code Level
01 JCS02 J1110 J201 J090
02 JCS02 J1120 J201 J090
03 JCS01 J200 J001 J060
04 JCS01 J300 J001 J060
05 JCS01 J100 J001 J060
06 JCS01 J120 J001 J070
07 JCS01 J130 J001 J070
08 JCS01 J110 J001 J070
09 JCS01 J220 J001 J070
10 JCS01 J210 J001 J070
11 JCS01 J500 J001 J070
12 JCS01 J600 J001 J070
13 JCS01 J400 J001 J070
14 JCS01 J112 J001 J090

7. Click OK.

8. Save. n l y
e O
To enter cost rate information:
U s
Entering Cost Rate Information for an Additional Appointment Worker

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Cost Rate JPN.

2. For the EmplID you were just assigned above, enter the following information:

Page Element
l& Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Emp Rcd Nbr

e r 0

Cost Rate 75

e I
a cl 3. In the Main and Additional Appointment Cost Rates scroll area, insert a new row,
and enter the following information:

O r Page Element
Emp Rcd Nbr
Value or Status
Cost Rate 25

128 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

4. Save.

Hosting a Temporary Intercompany Transfer

To host a temporary intercompany transfer:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Add a Person.

2. Enter a person ID of 4<student id>, and click the Add the Person link.

3. On the Biographical Details page, in the Primary Name group box, enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Format Type Japanese

4. Click the Add Name link.

5. On the Edit Name page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Last Name
First Name
n l y
Alternate Character Name Nakatani Yusuke

e O
U s
6. Click OK.

7. On the Biographical Details page, enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status

Date of Birth
l& June 25, 1973

Birth Country JPN
Effective Date
t e r January 1, 2004

I nHighest Education Level G-Bachelor’s Level Degree

c l e Marital Status

r a
O 8. Access the Contact Information page.

9. For the address type Home, click the Add Address Detail link.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 129

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

10. On the Address History page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Country JPN
Status A

11. Click the Add Address link.

12. Enter 157-0072 in the Postal field, and click the Address Search link.

13. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Postal 157-0072
Prefecture 13 (Tokyo-to)
City Setagaya-ku
Address 1 2, Soshigaya 1-chome

14. Click OK.

n l y
15. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon.

e O
16. Enter the following information:

Page Element
U s
Value or Status
AC City
A I Setagaya-ku
AC Address 1
O Soshigaya 1-2

l &
17. Click OK on each sub page.
18. Access the Regional page and in the Japan flag section, enter the following

I nPage Element Value or Status

c l e Effective Date January 1, 2004

r a Honseki Prefecture 21 (Gifu-Ken)

O 19. Access the Organizational Relationships page.

20. Select Employee, and click Add the Relationship.

130 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

21. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Action / Reason Hire / Temporary Int Cpny Transfer
Regulatory Region JPN
Company C<student id>
Business Unit BUA<student id>
Department 50300
Location L1<student id>
Establishment ID EST<student id>

22. On the Work Location page, expand the Japanese flag section, and enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Intercompany Transfer Flag Home Company Information
Company J2
Business Unit
n l y
Supervisor Level
Intercompany transfer Start Dt
January 1, 2004
e O
Intercompany Transfer End Date s
December 31, 2004

23. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status
Job Code

n a 170030
Supervisor ID

Empl Class
e r J100
Host ICT

I n
Standard Hours

cl e Work Period W

FTE 1.000000

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 131

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

24. Access the Payroll page, and enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System Other
Pay Group BWK
Employee Type S (Salaried)

25. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Administration Plan BASP
Grade 003
Step Blank

26. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

The system populates the Compensation Rate field after you click the Default Pay
Component or Calculate Compensation buttons.

27. On the Compensation page, enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Rate Code
2COL<student id>

e O
U s
Rate Code A I 2

FM<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate
l& 500,000

Currency JPY

t e r M

I n
c l e
28. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Compensation Rate
510,000 JPY
M (Monthly)

132 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

29. Click OK to save your information.

Processing a Permanent Intercompany Transfer

To process a permanent intercompany transfer:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter EmplID J31<student id>, and click Search.

3. On the Work Location page, insert a new row, and enter the following information,
clicking OK to any warning messages you might receive:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
Job Indicator Secondary Job
Action / Reason Termination / Permanent Int Cpny Transfer
Department J999

4. On the Work Location page, expand the Japanese flag section, and enter the enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Intercompany Transfer Flag
Host Company
Host Company Information
C<student id>
n l y
Business Unit BUA<student id>

e O
Department 50200

U s
5. Access the Job Information page, and enter 0 in the FTE field.

6. Save your data and select OK to the warning that says there is no primary job.

l &
7. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Add Employment Instance.

n a
8. Enter EmplID J31<student id>, and click Add.

te r
The system should automatically populate the Emp Rcd Rcd field with 1.

I n
9. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:

cl e Page Element Value or Status

r a Effective Date
Action / Reason
January 1, 2004
Hire / Permanent Int Cpny Transfer

O Regulatory Region
C<student id>
Business Unit BUA<student id>

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 133

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

Page Element Value or Status

Department 50200
Location L1<student id>
Establishment ID EST<student id>

10. On the Work Location page, expand the Japanese flag, and enter the enter the
following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Intercompany Transfer Flag Home Company Information
Host Company J1
Business Unit JCS01
Department J820

11. Access the Job Information page, and enter SSUP<student id> in the Job Code field.

12. Access the Payroll page, and enter or verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System
Pay Group
n l y
Employee Type S (Salaried)

e O
U s
13. Access the Salary Plan page, and verify the following information:

Page Element
A I Value or Status
Salary Plan

Grade 002

n a
e r
14. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Salary Component button.
e In
15. Enter or verify the following information:

c l Page Element
Rate Code
Value or Status
2COL<student id>

r a Sequence 0

O Currency
Rate Code FM<student id>
Sequence 0

134 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 400,000
Currency JPY
Frequency M

16. Click the Calculate Compensation button and verify the following information at the
top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 408,000 JPY
Frequency M (Monthly)

17. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
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n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 135

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

(USA) Adding Job Instances for Unique Situations

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and add multiple jobs for a worker
in the United States.

Activity Overview

Employee 1<student id> will also be holding a position in the sales department for
business unit A as a sales support representative. She will work 20 hours per week in this
job, with an FTE of .5. She should be assigned the business unit A salary plan, grade 002.
Her hourly rate amount is 18.00 USD. Remember that since she is located at
headquarters, she is eligible for the 2 percent cost of living pay increase.

Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business

environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

n l y
e O
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r a

136 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Adding Multiple Jobs for a Worker in the United States

To assign multiple jobs:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Add Employment Instance.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 1

The system will automatically increment to the next sequential Empl Rcd Nbr when
you click Add if you do not manually enter the value.

3. Click Add.

4. On the Work Location page, enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
January 1, 2004
n l y
Regulatory Region
e O
C<student id>

Business Unit
A I BUA<student id>
O L1<student id>
Establishment ID

l & EST<student id>

n a
5. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information:

Job Code SSUP<student id>
Supervisor ID KU0004

c l e Regular/Temporary Regular

Standard Hours 20
FTE .5

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 137

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10

6. Access the Payroll page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Payroll System Other
Pay Group BWK
Holiday Schedule EC2
Employee Type E (Exception Hourly)

7. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Salary Administration Plan/Grade/Step BASP
Grade 002
Step Blank

8. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button to see
if there are any default pay components that should be associated with this job.

9. Enter the following information:

Page Element
Rate Code
Value or Status
H<student id>
n l y
Seq 0

e O
Comp Rate
U s


l &
10. Insert a new row in the Pay Components group box, and enter the following

Page Element

t e
Rate Code rn Value or Status
2COL<student id>

Seq 0
Currency USD

c l e Frequency M

Percent 2

138 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 10 Adding People in the PeopleSoft System

11. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify that the following displays in
the Compensation Rate field located near the top of the Compensation page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 1,591.20 USD
Frequency M (Monthly)

12. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 139

Adding People in the PeopleSoft System Lesson 10










l y





l &

n a

te r

I n
c l e______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________


140 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11

Maintaining Person and Job Data

n l y
e O
U s
l &
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 141

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Activity 17: Analyzing Action and Row Types

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and determine row types and their
relationship to action types:

Slide 227 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
The action type that you select dictates the rows of data you can access and what you can
do with each row. Using the chart provided, enter the following types of information:

• Row types and their relationship to the system date (today’s date).

• The number of rows the system allows per row type.

• Indicate Yes or No as to whether you can view or change data for the designated row
for the action type defined at the top of each column.

Determining Row Types and their Relationship to Action Types

Number Update/Display Include History

l y
Use the following diagram to summarizes how action types are related to rows of data:

Correct History
Row Type
Rows View Correct View

e O
Correct View Correct

U s
l &
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

142 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Activity 18: Analyzing Row Maintenance Needs

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and analyze row maintenance

Slide 228 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Using the scenarios presented below for workers A and B, answer the questions.

Defining Row Maintenance

Assume today’s date is January 3, 2005. Answer the following questions.

1. Given that worker A has the following effective-dated personnel actions, how would
the system classify these rows of data (Current, Future, or History)?

Effective Date Action Row Classification

January 4, 2005 Pay Rate Change
January 9, 2004
January 6, 2003
n l y
e O
U s
2. Worker B is an employee that was hired into the company effective January 6, 2003.
This person will work in department 100 with an annual compensation of 30,000

Which component would you use to add this person’s job record?
Enter the job data values below:

Effective Date
a Action Department Compensation

te r
I n
c l e
3. After six months, worker B is transferred from department 100 to department 200
with no change in pay.

r a Which component would you use to update this person’s job record and what action

O would you use to access the page? _______

What do you need to do to record this department transfer?

Enter the job data values below:

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 143

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Effective Date Action Department Compensation Classification

4. Effective January 6, 2004, worker B receives a merit increase. The new

compensation is 35,000 USD.

What action would you use to record this change? ___________

What do you need to do to record this salary increase?

Enter the job data values below:

Effective Date Action Department Compensation Classification

5. You just discovered that worker B was hired on probation.

Company policy states that if the worker successfully completes the probationary

period, the worker receives a pay increase. In this particular case, as of September 1,
2003, the worker should have received a pay increase with a new compensation of
32,500 USD.
What action would you use?
e O
What do you need to do to record the salary increase?

U s
Enter the job data values below:
O Row
Effective Date

l &
Action Department Compensation Classification

n a
te r
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.
c l e
r a

144 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Activity 19: Updating Person and Job Data Information

In this activity, you will update person and job data in one of the following countries:

• France.

• Japan.

• United States.

Slide 241 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 145

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

(FRA) Updating Person and Job Data

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Update personal information for a worker in France.

• Complete a job transfer and adjust pay to reflect the FTE.

• Enter a pay rate change using the Job Data component.

• Enter a pay rate change using the Pay Rate Change component.

Activity Overview

There have been some personnel changes in your organization.

• In May, Ann Tyler (1<student id>), one of your workers, got married and changed
her name and address information. You need to update her personal data to reflect the
data below, effective May 27, 2004:

Ann Delange
1 rue deMadrid
Paris, France 75001

In June, Ann Delange (1<student id>), received a promotion in her second job in

sales. Effective June 1, 2004 Ann will move from the job of sales support to a
production consultant (710005). Normally this job pays a flat monthly amount of
e O
4,300 EUR per month based off of a 40 hour workweek and 1 FTE status but her pay
should reflect her part-time status. Her final compensation rate should equal 2,193.00

U s

Also on June 1, 2004, Joseph Martin (2<student id>) received a merit increase of 1.5
percent, which means he should now be making 5,487.09 EUR monthly.

In July, you are notified that Ann Delange (1<student id>) is now eligible to advance
to salary step 3 in her first job in customer service. Use the Pay Rate Change

l &
component to reflect this change. Her final compensation for this job should be
1,502.80 EUR.

n a
te r
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

I n
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

c l e
r a

146 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Updating Personal Information for a Person in France

To update personal information for a person:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Modify a Person.

2. Enter 1<student id> for the person ID and click Search.

3. On the Biographical Details page, Primary Name scroll area, insert a new effective
dated row for May 27, 2004.

4. Click the Edit Name link, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

First Name Ann
Last Name Delange

5. In the Biographical History scroll area insert a new row.

6. Enter in following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Effective Date May 27, 2004

e O
Marital Status Married

U s
7. Access the Contact Information page and click the View Address Detail link.

8. Insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element
l & Value or Status
Effective Date

n a May 27, 2004


te r FRA

I n
c l e
9. Click the Add Address link and enter the following information:

r a Page Element
Address 1
Value or Status
1 rue de Madrid

O Postal
Department Paris

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 147

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

10. Select OK twice.

11. Save.

Completing a Job Promotion and Adjusting Pay to Reflect the FTE

To complete a job promotion and adjust pay to reflect the FTE:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 1

3. Click Search.

4. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date June 1, 2004
Action / Reason Promotion

n l y
e O
5. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information but click
Cancel at the message to update standard hours and work week:
Page Element
Job Code
A I Value or Status
710005 (Product Consultant-Sales)

l &
6. Access the Compensation page.

te r
7. Click the Default Pay Components button to see if there are any default rate code
values for this person.

I n
8. In the Pay Components Scroll area, update the H<student id> rate code row with the
following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Rate Code FM<student id>

O Seq
Comp Rate
Currency EUR
Frequency M

148 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

9. Click the Calculate Compensation button and view the pay rate values in the Pay
Rates section of the page.

10. In the Pay Components scroll area, select the Conversion tab and select the Apply
FTE check box for the FM<student id> comp rate code on the row you just modified.

11. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 2,193.00 EUR
Frequency M (Monthly)

12. Save and click OK to the warning messages.

Entering a Pay Rate Change Using the Job Data Component

To perform a pay rate change:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Empl Rcd Nbr
2<student id>

e O
U s
3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:
Page Element
O Value or Status
Effective Date
l & June 1, 2004
Pay Rate Change
n a Merit

te r
I n
4. Access the Compensation page.

cl e
5. In the Pay Components scroll area, select the Changes tab, and update the
FM<student id> rate code row with the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Rate Code
FM<student id>
Change Percent 1.5

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 149

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

6. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 5,487.09 EUR
Compensation Frequency M (Monthly)

7. Save and click OK to the warning messages for contracts.

Entering a Pay Rate Change Using the Pay Rate Change Component
To perform a pay rate change:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Pay Rate Change.

2. If the system brought you to the Employee Profile page for person 2<student id>,
click the Return to Search button at the bottom of the page.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Empl Rcd Nbr
1<student id>

n l y
e O
4. On the Employee Profile page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
A I Value or Status
July 1, 2004

l &
5. Access the Salary Plan page, and for salary plan BASP, grade 001, enter the
Page Element
following information:

Value or Status

I nStep 3

c l e
r a 6. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

O 7. For the H<student id> rate code row, verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code H<student id>

150 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Seq 0
Comp Rate 17.00
Currency EUR
Frequency H
Percent Blank

8. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Pay Components field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 1,502.80 EUR
Frequency M (Monthly)

9. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
e O
U s
l &
n a
te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 151

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

(JPN) Updating Person and Job Data

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Update personal information for a person in Japan.

• Enter a pay rate change using the Job Data component.

• Enter a pay rate change using the Pay Rate Change component.

• Analyze an age-related pay increase using a SENPAY rate code.

Activity Overview

There have been some personnel changes in your organization.

• In May, Yamaguchi Mao (1<student id>), one of your workers, got married and
changed her name and address information. You need to update her personal data to
reflect the data below effective May 27, 2004:

Tanaka Mao
Tokyo-to, Minato-ku
Shiroganedai 2-40-1

n l
In June 1, 2004, Tsuyoshi Kato (2<student id>) received a merit increase of 1.5
percent, which means he should now be making 548,709 JPY monthly.

e O
In July, you are notified that Tanaka Mao (1<student id>) is now eligible to advance

U s
to salary step 3 in her job in customer service. Use the Pay Rate Change component
to reflect this change. Her final compensation for this job should be 306,000 JPY.

• I
You have been asked to create a group (GRP<student id>) that includes workers in
new departments, 50200 and 50300. After you create the group and grant security

access to the group, associate this group to the J05 rate code. Run the Update
Security application engine process (HR_CMP013) to load the tables and then run

l &
the SQR report (CMP013) to view the education seniority levels and pay amounts for
your workers.

n a
te r
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

I n
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

c l e
r a

152 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Updating Personal Information for a Person in Japan

To update personal information for a person:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Modify a Person.

2. Enter 1<student id> for the person ID and click Search.

3. On the Biographical Details page, Primary Name scroll area, insert a new effective
dated row for May 27, 2004.

4. Click the Edit Name link, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Last Name Tanaka
First Name Mao
Alternate Character Name Tanaka Mao

5. In the Biographical History scroll area insert a new row.

6. Enter in following information:

n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Effective Date
Marital Status
Married s
May 27, 2004

7. Access the Contact Information page, and click the View Address Detail link.

8. Insert a row, and enter the following information:
Page Element

n a Value or Status

te r
Effective Date May 27, 2004

I n
c l e
9. Click the Add Address link, and enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Postal
13 (Tokyo-to)
City Minato-ku

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 153

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Address 1 Shiroganedai 2-40-1

10. Click OK on each sub page.

11. Click the Alt Char Address Pushbutton icon.

12. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

AC City Minato-ku
AC Address 1 Shiroganedai 2-40-1

13. Click OK.

14. Save.

Entering a Pay Rate Change Using the Job Data Component

To perform a pay rate change:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status n l y

EmplID 2<student id>

e O
Empl Rcd Nbr 0

U s
3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status

Effective Date
l& June 1, 2004

Action Pay Rate Change

t e r Merit

I n
c l e
4. Access the Compensation page.

5. In the Pay Components scroll area, select the Changes tab, and update the

r a FM<student id> rate code row with the following information:

O Page Element
Rate Code
Value or Status
FM<student id>
Seq 0

154 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Change Percent 1.5

6. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 548,709 JPY
Compensation Frequency M (Monthly)

7. Save.

Entering a Pay Rate Change Using the Pay Rate Change Component
To perform a pay rate change:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Pay Rate Change.

2. If the system brought you to the Employee Profile page for person 2<student id>,
click the Return to Search button at the bottom of the page.

3. On the Pay Rate Change search page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
EmplID 1<student id>

e O
Empl Rcd Nbr 0

U s
4. On the Employee Profile page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status

Effective Date

l& July 1, 2004

Reason SPG

e r
I nt
5. Access the Salary Plan page, and for salary plan BASP, grade 001, enter the
following information:

cl e Page Element Value or Status

O ra Step 3

6. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 155

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

7. For the FC<student id> rate code row, verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code FC<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate 300,000
Currency JPY
Frequency M
Percent Blank

8. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Pay Components field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 306,00 JPY
Frequency M (Monthly)

9. Save and click OK if you receive a warning message.

Analyzing an Age-Related Pay Increase Using a SENPAY Rate Code

To performing a pay increase by age: n l y
1. Create a group.
e O
2. Define group security.
U s
3. Update an age-related pay rate code.
4. Run the Update Seniority Pay processes.

l &
Creating a Group

n a
To create a group:

te r
1. Select Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Group Build, Group Build - Group

I n

c l e
2. Click Add a New Value.

r a 3. Enter GRP<student id>, and click Add.

O 4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004

156 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Status Active
Description Age-Based Group by Department
Short Description DeptAge <student id>

5. Access the Group Definition page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Record JOB
Field Name DEPTID
Operator In List
SetID SBA<student id>
Value 50200

6. Insert a new Values row, and enter the following information:

Student id Value
SetID SBA<student id>
Value 50300

n l y
e O
7. Insert a new Where Clause row, and make sure it uses the AND clause.

8. Enter the following information:

U s
Page Element
Record A I Value or Status
Field Name O EFFDT

a l& Current

r n
9. Save.
t e
e In
10. Click the Launch Count icon at the top of the page.

c l 11. Click the Group Visual icon at the top of the page.

12. On the Group Result page, view your group members.

O 13. Click OK.

14. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 157

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Defining Group Security

To define group security:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Common Definitions, Group Build, Security by Group.

2. Enter GRP<student id>, and click Search.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date January 1, 2004
User ID PS
Status Active

4. Click the Default button.

5. Save.

Updating a Seniority Pay Age-Related Pat Rate Code

To update a seniority pay age-related pay rate code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Foundation Tables, Compensation Rules, Comp Rate Code
n l y
2. Enter J05, select the Correct History check box, and click Search.

3. Access the Seniority Pay page.

U s
box is selected.
4. Expand the Japanese flag section, and verify the Educ Lvl-Adjsted Birth Date check

5. In the Group ID field, enter GRP<student id>.

6. Save.
l &
n a
Running the Update Seniority Pay Processes

To run the Update Seniority Pay Processes:
c l e
1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Seniority Processing, Update
Seniority Pay.

r a 2. Enter or create the run control run<student id>, and click Search or Add.

O 3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

As Of Date January 1, 2005

158 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Update Future Rows Selected
Process By
Group ID Selected
Group ID GRP<student id>

4. Click Run.

5. Select the Update Seniority Pay (HR_CMP013) Application Engine process.

6. Click OK.

7. Note the process instance under the Run button. _____

8. Click the Process Monitor link to view the status of your process instance.

9. When your process has posted successfully, click the Go back to Update Security Pay
link at the bottom of the page.

10. On the Seniority Pay page, click the Run button.

11. Select the Update Seniority Pay (CMP013) SQR Report process.

12. Click OK.

13. Note the process instance under the Run button. _____
n l y
14. Click the Process Monitor link to view the status of your process instance.

15. After the SQR report process for your instance has run successfully with a
Distribution Status of Posted, click the Details link for your instance.
16. Click the View Log/Trace link.

17. Click the CMP_013_XXX.PDF link (where XXX is your process instance number)
to view the report.

l &
You will not run the load process at this time.

n a
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

te r
I n
c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 159

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

(USA) Updating Person and Job Data

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Update personal information for a person in the United States.

• Complete a job transfer and adjust pay to reflect the FTE.

• Enter a pay rate change using the Job Data component.

• Enter a pay rate change using the Pay Rate Change component.

Activity Overview

There have been some personnel changes in your organization.

• In May, Ann Tyler (1<student id>), one of your workers, got married and changed
her name and address information. You need to update her personal data to reflect the
data below effective May 27, 2004:

Ann Delange
337 Rose Drive
Pleasanton, CA 94588

In June, Ann Delange (1<student id>), received a promotion in her second job in

n y
sales. Effective June 1, 2004 Ann will move from the position of sales support to a
production consultant (710005). Normally this job pays a flat monthly amount of

e O
4,300 USD per month based off of a 40 hour workweek and 1 FTE status but her pay
should reflect her part-time status. Her final compensation rate should equal 2,193.00

U s

Also on June 1, 2004, Joseph Martin (2<student id>) received a merit increase of 1.5
percent, which means he should now be making 5,487.09 USD monthly.

In July, you are notified that Ann Delange (1<student id>) is now eligible to advance
to salary step 3 in her first job in customer service. Use the Pay Rate Change

l &
component to reflect this change. Her final compensation for this job should be
1,502.80 USD.

n a
te r
Important! The classroom workstations are set up to replicate a real business
environment. Therefore, everyone is completing this course in a shared database; any

I n
changes that you make could affect the entire class. Please do not make any changes in
the database unless instructed to do so in an activity or by the instructor.

c l e
r a

160 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Updating Personal Information for a Person in the United States

To update personal information for a person:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Personal Information, Modify a Person.

2. Enter 1<student id> for the person ID and click Search.

3. On the Biographical Details page, Primary Name scroll area, insert a new effective
dated row for May 27, 2004.

4. Click the Edit Name link, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

First Name Ann
Last Name Delange

5. In the Biographical History scroll area insert a new row.

6. Enter in following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Effective Date May 27, 2004

e O
Marital Status Married

U s
7. Access the Contact Information page and click the View Address Details link.

8. Insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element
l & Value or Status
Effective Date

n a May 27, 2004


te r USA

I n
c l e
9. Click the Add Address link and enter the following information:

r a Page Element
Address 1
Value or Status
337 Rose Drive

O City
Postal Code 94588

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 161

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

10. Select OK twice.

11. Save.

Completing a Job Promotion and Adjusting Pay to Reflect the FTE

To complete a job promotion and adjust pay to reflect the FTE:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 1

3. Click Search.

4. On the Work Location page, insert a row, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date June 1, 2004
Action / Reason Promotion

n l y
e O
5. Access the Job Information page, and enter the following information but click
Cancel at the message to update standard hours and work week:
Page Element
Job Code
A I Value or Status
710005 (Product Consultant-Sales)

l &
6. Access the Compensation page.

te r
7. Click the Default Pay Components button to see if there are any default rate code
values for this person.

I n
8. In the Pay Components Scroll area, update the H<student id> rate code row with the
following information:

c l e Page Element Value or Status

r a Rate Code FM<student id>

O Seq
Comp Rate
Currency USD
Frequency M

162 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

9. Click the Calculate Compensation button and view the pay rate values in the Pay
Rates section of the page.

10. In the Pay Components scroll area, select the Conversion tab and select the Apply
FTE check box for the FM<student id> comp rate code on the row you just modified.

11. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 2,193.00 USD
Frequency M (Monthly)

12. Save and click OK to the warning message.

Entering a Pay Rate Change Using the Job Data Component

To perform a pay rate change:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Empl Rcd Nbr
2<student id>

e O
U s
3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:
Page Element
O Value or Status
Effective Date
l & June 1, 2004
Pay Rate Change
n a Merit

te r
I n
4. Access the Compensation page.

cl e
5. In the Pay Components scroll area, select the Changes tab, and update the
FM<student id> rate code row with the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Rate Code
FM<student id>
Change Percent 1.5

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 163

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

6. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 5,487.09 USD
Compensation Frequency M (Monthly)

7. Save.

Entering a Pay Rate Change Using the Pay Rate Change Component
To perform a pay rate change:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Pay Rate Change.

2. If the system brought you to the Employee Profile page for person 2<student id>,
click the Return to Search button at the bottom of the page.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Empl Rcd Nbr
1<student id>

n l y
e O
4. On the Employee Profile page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
A I Value or Status
July 1, 2004

l &
5. Access the Salary Plan page, and for salary plan BASP, grade 001, enter the
Page Element
following information:

Value or Status

I nStep 3

c l e
r a 6. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

O 7. For the H<student id> rate code row, verify the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Rate Code H<student id>

164 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Seq 0
Comp Rate 17.00
Currency USD
Frequency H
Percent Blank

8. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Pay Components field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 1,502.80 USD
Frequency M (Monthly)

9. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
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r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 165

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Activity 20: Modifying Job Data for your Workers

In this activity, you will modify job data for your workers in one of the following

• France.

• Japan.

• United States.

Slide 245 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

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166 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

(FRA) Modifying Job Data for your Workers

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Perform a step increase using Correct History for a worker in France.

• Add an action reason code.

• Enter a leave of absence for a worker.

• Process a termination.

Activity Overview

You realized that one of your workers, Ann (1<student id>), was eligible to move to step
2 in her customer service job on April 1, 2004. You need to correct her job record to
reflect the pay change for the correct date.

You decide you want to add a leave of absence action reason code for job related stress
(J<student id>). Create this code effective January 1, 2004.

On September 3, 2004 you were notified that Joseph Martin (2<student id>) was taking a
leave of absence due to job related stress. His last day worked was September 2, 2004.

A month later you are notified that Joseph Martin (2<student id>) will not be returning to

official day with Computer Testing Research.

n l y
work due to personal reasons. Record his termination so September 30, 2004 is his last

e O
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n a
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r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 167

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Performing a Step Increase Using Correct History for a Worker in France

To perform a step increase using correct history:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 0
Correct History (check box) Selected

3. Click Search.

4. On the Work Location page, scroll to the January 1, 2004 row.

5. Insert a row, and enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
April 1, 2004
n l y
Action Pay Rate Change

e O
Reason Salary Increase(By Step)

Page Element
6. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Value or Status
Salary Plan


Grade 001

e r 2

I nt
7. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

c l e
8. For the H<student id> rate code row, verify or enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Rate Code
H<student id>
Comp Rate 16.00

168 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Currency EUR
Frequency H
Percent Blank

9. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 1,414.40 EUR
Compensation Frequency M (Monthly)

10. Save.

Adding an Action Reason Code

To add an action reason code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Action Reasons.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Reason Code

U s
J<student id>

4. Click Add. O
l &
5. Enter the following information:

Page Element
n a Value or Status

Effective Date
r January 1, 2004

I nStatus
Job Related Stress <student id>

cl e Short Description Job Stress

r a
O 6. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 169

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Entering a Leave of Absence for a Worker

To enter a leave of absence for a worker:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter 2<student id>, and click Search.

3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date September 3, 2004
Action Leave of Absence
Reason Job Related Stress <student id>

Note: The Last Date Worked field is set to September 2 2004. You may also enter an
expected return date of one month.

4. Save and click OK to the warning message about contracts.

Processing a Termination
To process a termination:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

n l y
2. Enter 2<student id>, and click Search.

e O
3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter values in the following fields:

Page Element
Effective Date
A I Value or Status
October 1, 2004
O Termination

l & Personal Reasons

n a
te r
4. Notice that the date last worked appears as September 2, 2004 and the termination
date as September 30, 2004.

I n
5. Save and click OK to the warning message about contracts.

cl e
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

r a

170 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

(JPN) Modifying Job Data for your Workers

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Perform a step increase using Correct History for a worker in Japan.

• Add an action reason code.

• Enter a leave of absence for a worker.

Activity Overview

You realized that one of your workers, employee 1<student id>, was eligible to move to
step 2 in her customer service job on April 1, 2004. You need to correct her job record to
reflect the pay change for the correct date.

You decide you want to add a leave of absence action reason code for job related stress
(J<student id>). Create this code effective January 1, 2004.

On September 3, 2004 you were notified that employee 2<student id> was taking a leave
of absence due to job related stress. His last day worked was September 2, 2004.

n l y
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r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 171

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Performing a Step Increase Using Correct History for a Worker in Japan

To perform a step increase using correct history:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 0
Correct History (check box) Selected

3. Click Search.

4. On the Work Location page, scroll to the January 1, 2004 row.

5. Insert a row, and enter the following information:

Page Element
Effective Date
Value or Status
April 1, 2004
n l y
Action Pay Rate Change

e O
Reason Salary Increase(By Step)

Page Element
6. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Value or Status
Salary Plan


Grade 001

e r 2

I nt
7. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

c l e
8. For the FC<student id> rate code row, verify or enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Rate Code
FC<student id>
Comp Rate 250,000

172 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Currency JPY
Frequency M
Percent Blank

9. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 255,00 JPY
Compensation Frequency M (Monthly)

10. Save.

Adding an Action Reason Code

To add an action reason code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Action Reasons.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Reason Code

U s
J<student id>

4. Click Add. O
l &
5. Enter the following information:

Page Element
n a Value or Status

Effective Date
r January 1, 2004

I nStatus
Job Related Stress <student id>

cl e Short Description Job Stress

r a
O 6. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 173

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Entering a Leave of Absence for a Worker

To enter a leave of absence for a worker:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter 2<student id>, and click Search.

3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date September 3, 2004
Action Leave of Absence
Reason Job Related Stress <student id>

Note: The Last Date Worked field is set to September 2, 2004. You may also enter an
expected return date of one month.

4. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
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174 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

(USA) Modifying Job Data for your Workers

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

• Perform a step increase using Correct History for a Worker in the United States.

• Add an action reason code.

• Enter a leave of absence for a worker.

• Process a termination.

Activity Overview

You realized that one of your workers, Ann Delange (1<student id>), was eligible to
move to step 2 in her customer service job on April 1, 2004. You need to correct her job
record to reflect the pay change for the correct date.

After some analysis, you decide you want to add a leave of absence action reason code
for job related stress (J<student id>). Create this code effective January 1, 2004.

On September 3, 2004 you were notified that Joseph Martin (2<student id>) was taking a
leave of absence due to job related stress. His last day worked was September 2, 2004.

A month later you are notified that Joseph Martin (2<student id>) will not be returning to

official day with Computer Testing Research.

n l y
work due to personal reasons. Record his termination so September 30, 2004 is his last

e O
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c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 175

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Performing a Step Increase Using Correct History for a Worker in the

United States
To perform a step increase using correct history:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 1<student id>
Empl Rcd Nbr 0
Correct History (check box) Selected

3. Click Search.

4. On the Work Location page, scroll to the January 1, 2004 row.

5. Insert a row, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

n l y
Effective Date
April 1, 2004
Pay Rate Change
e O
Salary Increase(By Step)

6. Access the Salary Plan page, and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status
Salary Plan
n a BASP

t e r 2

e In
c l 7. Access the Compensation page, and click the Default Pay Components button.

8. For the H<student id> rate code row, verify or enter the following information:

O Page Element
Rate Code
Value or Status
H<student id>
Seq 0
Comp Rate 16.00

176 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 11 Maintaining Person and Job Data

Page Element Value or Status

Currency USD
Frequency H
Percent Blank

9. Click the Calculate Compensation button, and verify the following information in the
Compensation Rate field located near the top of the page:

Page Element Value or Status

Compensation Rate 1,414.40 USD
Compensation Frequency M (Monthly)

10. Save.

Adding an Action Reason Code

To add an action reason code:

1. Select Set Up HRMS, Product Related, Workforce Administration, Action Reasons.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter the following information:

n l y
Page Element Value or Status

e O
Reason Code

U s
J<student id>

4. Click Add. O
l &
5. Enter the following information:

Page Element
n a Value or Status

Effective Date
r January 1, 2004

I nStatus
Job Related Stress <student id>

cl e Short Description Job Stress

r a
O 6. Save.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 177

Maintaining Person and Job Data Lesson 11

Entering a Leave of Absence for a Worker

To enter a leave of absence for a worker:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

2. Enter 2<student id>, and click Search.

3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date September 3, 2004
Action Leave of Absence
Reason Job Related Stress <student id>

Note: The Last Date Worked field is set to September 2 2004. You may also enter an
expected return date of one month.

4. Save.

Processing a Termination
To process a termination:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Job Information, Job Data.

n l y
2. Enter 2<student id>, and click Search.

e O
3. On the Work Location page, insert a row and enter values in the following fields:

Page Element
Effective Date
A I Value or Status
October 1, 2004
O Termination

l & Personal Reasons

n a
te r
4. Notice that the date last worked appears as September 2, 2004 and the termination
date as September 30, 2004.

I n
5. Save.

cl e
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

r a

178 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12

(JPN) Managing Organization

Change and Worker Transfers

n l y
e O
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 179

(JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers Lesson 12

Activity 21: Creating an Organization Plan and Viewing Department

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Create an organization plan.

2. View department headcounts for a business unit.

Slide 254 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
Create a new organization plan by supervisor level (P<student id>) that will record
changes to your worker’s job records effective January 1, 2005.

Next, view the department headcount for Business Unit A (BUA<student id>) using your
new organization plan. Add a supervisor level J080 headcount for department 50100.

n l y
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r a

180 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 (JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Creating an Organization Plan

To create an organization plan:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Organization Plan.

2. Click Add a New Value.

3. Enter P<student id> for the organization plan, and click Add.

4. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Description Plan by Supervisor Level
Short Description P<student id> Supvr
Organization Date January 1, 2005
Headcount Type Supervisor Level

5. Save.

Viewing Department Headcounts for a Business Unit n l y

To view department headcounts for a business unit:
e O
JPN, Headcount Plan by Department.
U s
1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

2. Enter the following information:

Page Element O Value or Status
Organization Plan

l& P<student id>

Business Unit BUA<student id>

e r
3. Click Search.
c l e
4. Click the Default by Active Departments button.

5. Insert a row and enter the following information:

r a Page Element Value or Status

O Department
Supervisor Level
Headcount 1

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 181

(JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers Lesson 12

6. Save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

n l y
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182 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 (JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers

Activity 22: Transferring Entry by Departments and Trees

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. View department staff through the Transfer Entry by Dept component.

2. Perform a transfer by department trees.

3. View transfer candidates.

4. Remove transfer candidates.

Slide 258 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
You will first perform a transfer by department by selecting business unit A, department
50300 for your new organization plan (P<student id>). You will transfer employee
3<student id> to department 50100 for reasons of a reorganization effective January 1,

You have been asked to perform a mass reorganization for business unit JCS01. This
time you will transfer workers using a tree. Using your new organization plan, pull up the
existing department security tree structure for this business unit and transfer your workers
according to the information provided in this table:

<student id> Workers From Department

n l y
Transfer To Department
01 J112

U s J500
A I J430
06 J500
O J400

07 J510 J520

n a J520 J530

t e r J530

n J720

cl e13 J820 J830

14 J830 J810

O Now view the workers on the Transfer Data Maintenance page to confirm your transfers.
After reviewing the transfers, you realize that employee 3<student id> should not have
been included in this transfer process. Delete her row from the table.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 183

(JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers Lesson 12

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Viewing Department Staff through the Transfer Entry by Dept Component

To view department staff through the Transfer Entry by Department component:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Transfer Entry by Dept.

2. Enter P<student id> as your organization plan and click Search.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Effective Date December 31, 2004
Business Unit BUA<student id>
Department 50300

4. Click the Load button.

5. Select the Details tabs to view additional information about your workers.

6. For the EmplID 3<student id> row, select the Proc check boxes.

n l y
7. Clear all the Proc check boxes for your other rows.

8. Enter the following information:

e O
Page Element
U s
Value or Status
A I Transfer
ROR (Reorganization)
Effective Date
O January 1, 2005

Business Unit BUA<student id>

n a 50100

t e r
9. Save.

c l e10. On the Future Row column, you should now see the value Exists appear for your
EmplID 3<student id>.

r a
Performing a Transfer by Department Trees

O To perform a transfer by department trees:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Transfer Entry with Trees.

184 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 (JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers

2. Enter P<student id> as your organization plan and click Search.

3. In the Selection Criteria to Load Source Structure group box, enter the following

Page Element Value or Status

Business Unit JCS01
Effective Date January 1, 1990
Tree Node Blank

4. Click the Load button.

5. According to your assigned <student id>, use this table to locate the department from
which you will transfer workers (use the navigation on the right to drill down to your
assigned department):

Note. This table provides the navigation path to the workers in your assigned
department. Click the folder icons to expand the departments and view sub-
departments. Do not click the department links.

<student id> Transfer Workers From Department Navigation Path

J001, J100, J110, J112
J001, J300, J400
n y
03 J410
J001, J300, J400, J410

U s J001, J300, J400, J420
J001, J300, J400, J430
A I J001, J300, J500
J001, J300, J500, J510
08 J520
O J001, J300, J500, J520

09 J530 J001, J300, J500, J530
10 J710

n a J001, J700, J710

t e r
J001, J700, J720
J001, J800, J810

I 13
n J820 J001, J800, J820

14 J830 J001, J800, J830

c l
r a 6. Click the department link for your assigned department to load the workers.
O 7. The EmplIDs should appear in the group box directly below the trees display.

8. Select the Details tabs to view additional information about your workers.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 185

(JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers Lesson 12

9. In the Change the Following Fields group box on the right-hand side of the top of the
page, enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Action Transfer
Reason ROR (Reorganization)

10. In the Selection Criteria to Load Target Structure group box, enter the following

Page Element Value or Status

Business Unit JCS01
Effective Date January 1, 1990
Tree Node Blank

11. Click the Load button.

12. According to your assigned student id, use this table to locate the department to
which you will transfer your workers (use the navigation on the right to drill down to
your assigned department):

n l y
Note. This table provides the navigation path to the workers in your assigned transfer
to department. Click the folder icons to expand the departments and view sub-
departments. Do not click the department links.
U s
Student id
01 J111
Transfer Workers To Department Navigation Path
J001, J100, J110, J111
02 J500
O J001, J300, J500
l & J001, J300, J400, J420
J001, J300, J400, J430
n J410 a J001, J300, J400, J410

te r J400 J001, J300, J400

I n
J001, J300, J500, J520
J001, J300, J500, J530

c l e 09 J510 J001, J300, J500, J510

r a 10
J001, J700, J720
J001, J700, J710

O 12
J001, J800, J820
J001, J800, J830
14 J810 J001, J800, J810

186 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 (JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers

13. Click the department link to which you have been assigned to transfer your workers

The workers should now appear under the tree node you just clicked.

14. Save.

Viewing Transfer Candidates

To view transfer candidates:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Transfer Data Maintenance.

2. View the worker candidates for organization plan P<student id>.

3. You should see employee 3<student id> and your other workers you transferred
through the Transfer Entry with Trees component.

Removing Transfer Candidates

To remove transfer candidates:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Transfer Data Maintenance.

2. View the worker candidates for organization plan P<student id>.

3. Delete the row for employee 3<student id>. n l y

4. Save.
e O
This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.
U s
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c l e
r a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 187

(JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers Lesson 12

Activity 23: Defining Tamatsuki

In this activity, you will review the activity overview and:

1. Identify tamatsuki transfer candidates.

2. Perform a tamatsuki transfer.

3. Run the Tamatsuki to Transfer Record process.

4. View transfer candidates.

Slide 264 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

Activity Overview
You know that employees 2<student id> and 3<student id> are candidates for tamatsuki
transfer. Enter them in the system as such.

After you have identified your candidates, create a new post in department 50100 for
business unit A. The new post will be for a supervisor level of J080. Employee 3<student
id>should be put in this new post, while employee 2<student id> should fill the position
in department 50300 for the newly vacated post. For now you will close the post in
department 50200.

l y
Now that the posts have been filled, you need to load this tamatsuki information to the
transfer record. Check to make sure your process has run successfully and there were
now errors in the load.

e O
Verify theses two new people have been loaded into the Transfer Maintenance Data
U s
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n a
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I n
c l e
r a

188 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 12 (JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers

Activity Detailed Steps

Perform the detailed steps to complete the activity.

Identifying Tamatsuki Transfer Candidates

To perform a transfer by department trees:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Tamatsuki Transfer Candidates.

2. Access the organization plan P<student id>.

3. Enter the following information, inserting a row for the second candidate:

Page Element Value or Status

EmplID 2<student id>
EmplID 3<student id>

4. Save.

Performing a Tamatsuki Transfer

To perform a transfer by department trees:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change
JPN, Tamatsuki Transfer Entry.
n y
Your tamatsuki candidates should appear below.

e O
3. Highlight Dept and select the Hidden check box.
U s
2. On the Post List scroll area header, click the Customize link to customize the page.

4. Highlight Name under the Incumbent EmplID and select the Hidden check box.

5. Click OK.
l &
The Post List scroll area group box should now reflect the changes.

n a
6. In the Post List scroll area group box, enter the following information:

Page Elementr Value or Status

Business Unit BUA<student id>
DeptID 50100

c l e Supervisor Level J080

r a
O 7. In the Unassigned Candidates group box, click the Select button for EmplID
3<student id>.

8. Click the Assign button for the new post you just created.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 189

(JPN) Managing Organization Change and Worker Transfers Lesson 12

9. In the Unassigned Candidates group box, click the Select button for EmplID
2<student id>.

10. Click the Assign button for the post in department 50300, which was just vacated by
worker 3<student id>.

11. Change the recently evacuated post for sales (50200) to Close Post.

12. Save.

Running the Tamatsuki to Transfer Record Process

To perform a transfer by department trees:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

JPN, Tamatsuki to Transfer Record.

2. Enter the run control run<student id>, and click Search.

3. Enter the following information:

Page Element Value or Status

Organization Plan P<student id>
Action Transfer
Reason ROR

4. Click Run.
n l y
5. On the Process Scheduler Request page, click OK.

e O
U s
6. Note the Process Instance number under the Run button ______.

7. Select the Process Monitor link to view the status of your process.

8. When it has run successfully, click the Details link for your instance.

9. On the Process Details page, click the Message Log link to check if there are any
error messages.

l &
Viewing Transfer Candidates

n a
te r
To view transfer candidates:

1. Select Workforce Administration, Collective Processes, Mass Organization Change

I n
JPN, Transfer Data Maintenance.

cl e
2. View the worker candidates for organization plan P<student id>.

3. You should see employees 3<student id> and 2<student id> that were loaded from
the Tamatsuki to Transfer Record process and your other workers you transferred

O through the Transfer Entry with Trees component.

4. Make sure you delete any blank rows and save.

This concludes the activity. Please do not continue.

190 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 13

Tracking Additional Human

Resources Business Process Data
This lesson has no activities.

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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 191

Tracking Additional Human Resources Business Process Data Lesson 13










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c l e______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________


192 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Lesson 14

Course Review
This lesson has no activities.

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c l e
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PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 193

Course Review Lesson 14











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n a

I n

cle ______________________________________________________________________

r a ______________________________________________________________________

O ______________________________________________________________________

194 PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

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